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Cyclones find a way to win on the road against the Huskies

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Dance Marathon

MON SEPT. 19, 2011 @iowastatedaily facebook.com/ iowastatedaily




Riding for a cause

Photo: Emily Harmon/ Iowa State Daily Ben Hammes defeats Blake Bruene, junior in bio-chemistry, at the tricycle race during the Iowa State Dance Marathon bicycle race event Teal Wheels. Iowa State Dance Marathon gathers emotional and financial support for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.

Bike ride raises funds, awareness for DM NEXT PRESIDENT NEEDS TO PRESERVE ATHLETICS page 6


Ames might soon get a taste of Texas Texas Roadhouse, one of America’s popular chain restaurants, has been rumored to be spreading its franchise to Ames. Although construction may not be seen on South Duff Avenue for some time, the project is in the planning stages. City planner Sam Perry discussed the progress of the restaurant. Perry explained that an engineer from Grimes, Iowa, made the claim for the plans back in July, as the Ames Tribune reported. The city reviewed the plans, made the changes they saw fit and gave it back for approving. As of now they are still waiting to hear back about the changes they made. Once an agreement is settled, the company can begin building. However, this back-and-forth process may continue for some time before an agreement is reached. Perry did say, however, that the restaurant is in the works. The proposed site was formerly the home of Twentieth Century Bowling. Texas Roadhouse is known for its signature steaks, all-you-caneat peanuts with shells strewn about the floor, and bottomless baskets of fresh buttered biscuits accompanied with homemade cinnamon butter. These food creations combined with a fun and rowdy atmosphere make Texas Roadhouse an appealing restaurant. Mackenzie Nading Daily staff writer

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By Ben.Theobald @iowastatedaily.com


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Dance Marathon hosted its kick-off event for the year with Teal Wheels on Saturday. Participants took an eight-mile bike ride through the Ames community, starting and ending at Hilton Coliseum. “We decided to branch out and create a new event with Dance Marathon to expand their efforts besides just the Dance Marathon, which will be Jan. 21,” said Emily Culp, senior in marketing and advertising and the director of public relations for Dance Marathon at Iowa State. Registration for the event was $20 and those who registered got a Dance Marathon T-shirt. An estimated 80 people registered for the event. Teal Wheels was not just a fundraising event but also a way to help increase awareness about Dance Marathon.

See more photos from Dance Marathon’s kickoff event at iowastatedaily.com

“It gets the families involved with the students that are participating in Dance Marathon,” said Lindsay Hoffman, junior in pre-diet and exercise. Hoffman is member of the special projects committee for Dance Marathon that helps create events like Teal Wheels — the first event of its kind for Dance Marathon. Nate Dobbels, senior in agricultural and life sciences education, signed up to be one of the route coordinators for Teal Wheels. “I helped direct traffic to make sure people stayed on the track,” Dobbels said.

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Photos: Huiling Wu and Emily Harmon/Iowa State Daily Top: Members of Dance Marathon cheer up Nick Bassett before he starts Marathons’s Teal Wheels in the Hilton Coliseum parking lot.

Mexican heritage

A different independence


By Kaleb.Warnock @iowastatedaily.com The Ames Mexican community celebrated Mexican Independence Day on Friday at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames. More than 200 people gathered to partake in traditional Mexican food, dances and music to celebrate the Mexican national day. The event was disseminated almost completely through Facebook and other social media and was celebrated by ISU students and Ames community members of all nationalities and ethnic backgrounds. Many families worked together to cook traditional Mexican food from rice pudding to tacos, evidence of an active Mexican community in the city of Ames. The event culminated with a playing of the re-en-

Photo: Nick Nelson/Iowa State Daily Grant Imahara from Discovery Channels “MythBusters” speaks as the opening event for E-Week 2011.

Photo: Andrus Nesbitt/Iowa State Daily Members from the Ames community enjoy food and fellowship as they celebrate Mexican Independence Day.

actment of the first Mexican Independence Day that was performed last year to celebrate the bicentennial of independence from Spain. Partygoers danced to bumping Mexican music and several live performances of traditional Mexican dances and songs.


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Find more from Mexican Independence Day at iowastatedaily.com

New event kicks off E-Week 2011 By Abra Mach Daily correspondent Engineers’ Week, popularly known as E-Week, has been a long-standing tradition at Iowa State. Every year there are a large variety of activities planned for E-Week, rang-

ing from the kick-off lunch on Tuesday to lectures and classes throughout the week to help students prepare for the final event: the engineering career fair. This year, the kick-off is a brand new event to try to

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Volume 207 | Number 20 | 40 cents | An independent student newspaper serving Iowa State since 1890. | www.iowastatedaily.com

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