Newsletter IPAM 193

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Índice Mensagem do Diretor ..........................................................................................................3 Destaque – Programa de Especialização ...............................................................................5 Outros .................................................................................................................................6 PITCH POINT .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Campanha do Mês .................................................................................................................................... 7 Boletim Mensal Fevereiro ......................................................................................................................... 8 Obras Expostas .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Ofertas de Emprego ........................................................................................................... 11 Marketing Intern (IEFP) | Lisboa .............................................................................................................11 Ofertas Internacionais .............................................................................................................................13 Noruega – Professor in Logistics .........................................................................................................13 Grécia ..................................................................................................................................................18 Áustria .................................................................................................................................................21 Zaragoza | Espanha .............................................................................................................................24 Marketing Manager | Cataluña...........................................................................................................26 Eslováquia | Economics.......................................................................................................................30 Eslováquia | Human Sciences .............................................................................................................33 Polonia.................................................................................................................................................37 Recortes de Imprensa ........................................................................................................ 39


Mensagem do Diretor A Atitude de Marketing

No IPAM a atitude de marketing faz parte do dia-a-dia dos nossos alunos, docentes e restante staff.

Mas afinal, o que é esta atitude de marketing?

A atitude de marketing é um conjunto de atitudes que qualquer profissional bem-sucedido na área de marketing terá de ter:

1. Paixão pelo produto ou serviço que representa 

Esta é a pedra basilar. A paixão por cada aspeto do produto e serviço, bem como do seu mercado é essencial. A paixão é o motor do sucesso.

Acima de tudo, a moldura humana das organizações precisa compreender que o seu negócio chegou para corrigir uma falha no mercado. Sim, este é o mindset que deverá estar instalado nas empresas.

2. Conhecer o negócio 

Conhecer todo o negócio é a chave para o sucesso. Um conhecimento profundo do negócio, das suas condicionantes, das suas forças e fraquezas é essencial.

É importante que antes de se partir para a venda de um produto ou serviço assumamos o papel de cliente dos nossos próprios produtos/serviços, e independentemente do departamento em que trabalhemos devemos envolver-nos em todas as etapas do negócio.


3. Skills comunicacionais e relacionais 

Enquanto profissionais de marketing devemos conseguir perceber as reais necessidades e expectativas quanto a produtos, prazos de entrega, preços, fiabilidade, etc., dos nossos clientes. Com isso, devemos fazer com que as expectativas dos nossos clientes sejam atendidas para que o nível de satisfação seja sempre elevado, caso contrário abrimos uma janela de oportunidade à concorrência para que esta entre no nosso mercado.

A comunicação assume um papel chave neste âmbito. Os benefícios têm de ser facilmente reconhecidos pelo nosso público-alvo e a nossa verdadeira vantagem competitiva face à concorrência tem de se evidenciar de forma clara.

4. Capacidade de liderança 

Sermos capazes de liderar, mobilizar, mediar conflitos e sermos carismáticos para quem depende de nós é imprescindível para que a engrenagem das empresas funcione. Acima de tudo um líder inspira os outros a sonhar mais, a aprender mais a fazer mais, tornando-se … melhores.

5. Criatividade

 Fomentar a criatividade e não colocar entraves às novas ideias. As grandes ideias começaram sempre por ser consideradas inexequíveis. Não deixem que a realidade vos condicione o espirito criativo. O presente impõe formas… sair dessa esfera e produzir outras formas constitui a verdadeira criatividade.

José Machado Diretor do IPAM Aveiro


Destaque – Programa de Especialização



Neste espaço todos vão poder partilhar! Sejam alunos, antigos alunos, colaboradores ou a comunidade local qualquer um pode divulgar o que pretender! Pode ser um texto, uma opinião sobre determinado assunto, uma citação ou até mesmo uma fotografia! Envie o que pretende partilhar neste espaço para José Machado até às quintasfeiras de cada semana.

Partilha o que te vai na alma!


Campanha do Mês Para acederes à página, clica sobre a imagem.


Boletim Mensal Fevereiro


Obras Expostas



Ofertas de Emprego Marketing Intern (IEFP) | Lisboa Company: StarEdition, is an International group, leader in mobile monetization technologies. Our talented team made of engineers, online marketing and advertising experts, designers and business developers is spread in 4 European offices and 3 delegated European and Latin American representations. We daily analyze, optimize, create and develop digital strategies to provide our customers the best and the most updated users conversion services. We are hard-worker, innovating, flexible, friendly and successful.

You like digital challenges and you are looking for a strong company to integrate you in its best projects?

Location: We are looking forward to meet you in our Lisbon office, located in Amoreiras. Skills:        

You must be eligible for the IEFP Internship program; Degree in Management, Marketing or Advertising; Special interest for Digital area and mobile technologies; Excellent analysis, performance metrics, problem-solving and communication skills; Ability to work in an international team; Fast and responsive; Organized and methodical, focused and results oriented; English is our official working language (full efficiency mandatory).


Offer:  We are looking for a serious person to take part in the growth of our mobile projects.  Support the daily activities of our mobile projects (assessments, briefings, translations, tests, etc.)  Results and Performance reports;  Support the launch and ongoing management of new digital campaigns/services.

Candidatures trough this link:

Aconselhamos que ao fazerem a candidatura, o façam com o conhecimento da Professora Sílvia Bandeira.


Ofertas Internacionais Noruega – Professor in Logistics

Høgskolen i Molde 6410 MOLDE Molde University College, Specialized University in Logistics, offers a PhD programme in logistics and Master programmes within all its areas of education. Molde University College has190 employees and 2 050 students, and offers programs within business administration, transport economics, logistics, informatics, political science, public administration, sport management, nursing, social work, and psychiatric health care. Molde is a small and compact town with 25 000 inhabitants. The town is located on the western coast of Norway, with good communication networks to the major cities in Norway, including 6 daily (45 minutes) flights to Oslo. Overlooking a famous mountain panorama along the Romsdalsfjord, the town offers outstanding opportunities for sport and outdoor recreation, family life, and participation in cultural activities. High quality of life is notable for the modern Norwegian society and Norway consistently features at the top of the United Nations quality of life index Professor in Logistics ( 2013/607)

The professorship is within the area of quantitative logistics. The successful candidate should be able to demonstrate expertise in logistics with an academic focus on at least one of: operations research, operations management, informatics, mathematics, or a related area. The candidate is expected to have an international focus on research, community outreach, teaching, and other related activities. The appointee will have particular responsibility to initiate, participate in, and sustain research activities in logistics. It is expected that the candidate will take special responsibility for HiM's study programmes at the bachelor level education and the masters and doctoral (PhD) levels, and also with life-long and continuing education programmes. The position description is given underneath.


The position as Professor is remunerated according to State salary levels 75-76, with a gross salary in the range: NOK 662400-679700. For the specially qualified candidate a higher initial pay can be given. Two percent of the salary will be deducted at source as an obligatory premium to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund. The appointment is to be made in accordance to current regulations concerning state employees and civil servants. Molde University College is an equal opportunity employer regarding background characteristics. For further information about the position or preliminary enquiries, please contact: Rector Hallgeir Gammelsæter, e-mail: Dean Ottar Ohren, e-mail: Associate Professor Arild Hoff, e-mail: Applicants are asked to apply via the website, but applications stating "Logistics" may also be sent by mail to the following address:

Molde University College P.O. Box 2110 NO-6402 Molde NORWAY

Applicants should submit four copies of:  A full curriculum vitae,  A complete list of professional publications along with bibliographical references,  A review and description of the most important scientific work as it relates to the position, and  A selection of up to 15 documents of their academic work, (stating whether each is published or unpublished) of relevance to the position, and, in the case of joint work, enclosing a short descriptive summary of their own personal contributions.  The application deadline is 1st March 2014.  According to the Freedom of Information Act section 25, 2nd part, the list of applicants can be made public. Exception from anonymity has to be specifically justified.  Position Description for a Professorship in Logistics at Molde University College – Specialized University in Logistics General 14

Molde University College (HiM) is searching for a professor in logistics. The Professorship is within the area of quantitative logistics, encompassing topics such as operation research, operations management, informatics, mathematics, or other quantitative approaches related to logistics. We are searching for an active researcher in his or her field, and with a strong publication record. Possible application areas may include:  Rich vehicle routing problems. This implies using VRP methodology to solve realworld problems.  Production planning and inventory control models.  Models for profit maximization and price controlled demand.  Game-theoretic approaches to supply chain co-operation  Stochastic problems - how to include uncertainties in the problem formulations  Parallel processing implementation - to obtain increased computing speed by utilizing multiple kernels and/or a large number of CPU's. The professor is expected to have an international focus. The person filling the position will have particular responsibility to initiate, participate in, and sustain research activities in logistics.

Teaching The education programs within logistics include study programs at bachelor, master, and PhD level. HiM values a multidisciplinary approach to logistics, and this is reflected in the variety of academic personnel that are represented in these studies. HiM provides a wide study offering in logistics and supply chain management, with between 500 and 600 students. We provide a bachelor study program in logistics in Molde, and in petroleum logistics in Kristiansund. At the master's level we have a MSc program in logistics, as well as an experience based master program in logistics. From the academic year 2014-2015 we launch a MSc in Engineering Logistics. The Faculty comprises more than 1000 students at different undergraduate programs and 150 students at the master- and doctoral level programs. A more complete description of the study programs is available at the College's web pages at Research HiM has broad research, development, and community outreach activities in the areas of logistics, transport economics, organizational economics, purchasing, and business economics. 15

The research activities are demonstrated through national and international publications in research journals and at conferences. In many of these areas the contributions of research are at a high international level. Development and community outreach activities are mainly organized around projects directed by HiM itself, by the research organization Molde Research Institute (MFM), or cooperation with businesses in the private sector and in public government administration. HiM promotes research-based education through an active research environment and highly qualified working associates. The academic group for logistics, transport economics and informatics has eight professors and a majority of faculty with doctoral or associate professor qualifications. In addition, HiM has several international adjunct professors. The faculty in logistics, transport economics and informatics is comprised of:      

Professors - 8 Associate Professors -16 Assistant Professors or Lecturers - 2 PhD-Candidates - 15 Researchers (with MFM - 4 Adjunct Professors – 8

Total 53 within logistics, HiM has some of its current activities related to the management and operations of the supply base serving platforms in the Norwegian Sea (in cooperation with Statoil) and other companies). Here, vehicle routing and planning and network service design under uncertainty are of special interest. Furthermore, there are several activities that involve solving large, complex vehicle routing models using different search methods and ongoing work with various models in route planning in general. In service network design, the focus is on understanding how stochastic affect the optimal design. Much of the work is in co-operation with reaearchers at the University of Montreal. In addition, we have many smaller projects with international partner institutions. The university college aims to link each master and doctoral students' theses to ongoing research projects. At present, nineteen doctoral candidates work with thesis projects in the areas described above.

Competence The professor appointed should have an outstanding international publication record that extends well beyond the normal requirements of a completed Ph.D. Much weight will be given to experience in research leadership and research supervision within industry.


Documented skill to acquire external (research) funding will be given additional weight. Skills in work collaboration and organization and administration will be taken into account. Weight will also be placed on teaching experience and other forms of communicational abilities. Candidates for the position may be invited for an interview, lecture, or other demonstrations of research and pedagogic ability that HiM require. HiM retains the right to require the successful candidate to meet additional requirements that it is necessary as conditions of employment. Such requirements may include the mastery of a Scandinavian language within three years of appointment.


Møre og Romsdal

Job type


Working hours


Working day


Application deadline

1st March 2014



Reference Number


Home page

Dean Ottar Ohren Telephone: +47 71214221 Contacts Professor Hallgeir Gammelsæter Telephone: +47 71214201 Stillingsnummer: 1502-2014-01-42 (Oppgis ved kontakt med NAV)Kilde: NAV Servicesenter Ottar Ohren Aconselhamos que ao fazerem a candidatura, o façam com o conhecimento da Professora Sílvia Bandeira.





Aconselhamos que ao fazerem a candidatura, o façam com o conhecimento da Professora Sílvia Bandeira.





Aconselhamos que ao fazerem a candidatura, o façam com o conhecimento da Professora Sílvia Bandeira.


Zaragoza | Espanha


Aconselhamos que ao fazerem a candidatura, o façam com o conhecimento da Professora Sílvia Bandeira.


Marketing Manager | CataluĂąa

1 – Request speak Italian



2 – Request speak French



Eslovรกquia | Economics



Aconselhamos que ao fazerem a candidatura, o façam com o conhecimento da Professora Sílvia Bandeira.


Eslovรกquia | Human Sciences




Aconselhamos que ao fazerem a candidatura, o façam com o conhecimento da Professora Sílvia Bandeira.




Aconselhamos que ao fazerem a candidatura, o façam com o conhecimento da Professora Sílvia Bandeira.


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