Review ipas2…ipas2..What is it?
Hello Friends my name is Terrence Pennington There’s a lot of buzz out there today about the ipas2 system. It’s a system that was developed over the past 8 years by my friends Chris Jones and Chris Campbell. Lots of people have been asking what is ipas2? How much does it cost, what does it do? Ipas2 is an acronym for Internet Prospect Acceleration Systems, it’s the second generation. It’s my mission to wet your appetite enough, so that if you are serious about building your business and are not just a web surfing tire kicker, you will be motivated to watch this short video to the end, and then learn more about the ipas2 marketing system to determine how it can help you become completely self-sufficient on the internet in a short period of time, no matter what you are marketing currently, whether on or off line. Before I go on, I’d like to share a little bit of my story with you, which lets you know where I am with this internet marketing, home based business thing. Several years ago I found myself in a new city, looking for an opportunity, after a relatively successful career in the corporate community. My background had been in corporate Human Resources. I did what anyone in my position would do. I registered with an executive placement firm. They tested me both vocationally and psychologically to determine the type of corporate culture I would thrive best in. They helped me develop a killer resume, and a networking strategy. I contacted employment agencies, who specialized in placing people in my field in good fast track positions. I interviewed with executive search firms, who promised relatively quick placement. I scoured the newspapers employment sections, and I went online to register with the online job marts, which were relatively new back in 1998. After all, the job market in Dallas at the time was 3%. Anyone who was breathing could get a job, if they wanted to work. I wanted to work! No problem! I was doing all the things necessary to get hooked up quick. 3-4 months at my salary level in this hot market. Well my friend several months, and several hundred resumes later, I had had one interview. It’s interesting how they screened you out. The employers wanted you to list the dates of employment, chronologically with salary progression and no gaps or you were apt not to get your resume even considered. I wasn’t having any success even after my $4000.00 Executive placement firm grooming. As a matter of fact the things they had me preparing for weren’t even close to the reality of the marketplace. For example, they had me preparing resumes topically, outlining job skills, without salary information, and the marketplace wanted chronological, job history, with dates, titles, and salary progression. I soon realized that in the late 90s the corporations were divesting themselves of experienced people over 50 and replacing them with younger people. Yes friend there was an age thing going on.
Well to get to the bottom line, I had to make a transition from Corporate Man to Entrepreneur. I tried a lot of stuff over the years working for myself. It was difficult, but I finally found a group of people in the home-based business industry who offered me a solution to the problems that I was facing. The problems that I was facing were huge in my mind. 1. I was facing going into my retirement years without a retirement program…my fault...but a problem nonetheless 2. I was looking at developing a second career where I had to compete with younger people for fewer jobs 3. I knew that as I got older my ability to take care of my family financially, would be in jeopardy. 4. I was really concerned…fearful is a better word. The solution to my problem came in the form of finding some really cool people in the home-based business industry that were interested in helping their teams succeed. I have found a solution….but let me be clear…ipas2 is not a get rich quick program. It does not offer instant success. You have to be of the mind to build your own business, with blood, sweat and tears. What ipas2 does offer solutions to your financial worries, and provides time freedom as you get older and build your business. So my friend, if you are someone who is looking to start a business of your own, and are over the age of 50, and have limited technical ability, but are determined to find solutions…I invite you to click on the link below and take a serious look at ipas2. Yes click on the link in the 2nd line of the description, type in your email address. And I’ll see you on the other side. Also leave me comments below. I would like to answer your questions or start a dialog with you about my experience or more importantly…YOURS!!!!