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International Play Association: Promoting the Child’s Right to Play (IPA) Access to Play in Crisis project
IPA is an international non-governmental organisation founded in 1961. It provides a forum for exchange and action across disciplines and across sectors. IPA’s purpose is to protect, preserve and promote children’s right to play as a fundamental human right, as enshrined in article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
IPA is concerned about the play rights of children experiencing difficult circumstances or challenging environments. Too many of the world’s children face huge barriers in their everyday environments which mean that they must take their chances to play whenever and wherever they can – and sometimes in considerable danger. In situations of crisis, stress, weakened physical and emotional development, feelings of lack of control and loss of trust steadily multiply if children lack everyday opportunities for play.
Every aspect of children’s lives is influenced by their need and desire to play; providing self-directed and self-determined opportunities to play can increase children’s opportunities to build their own resilience.
Points of reference to ensure protection, participation and provision of play in situations of crisis. • Play is a fundamental part of childhood • Children’s play is essential for healthy development and wellbeing • It is a legitimate behaviour and a human right of all children • In situations of conflict or disaster, opportunities for play have a significant therapeutic and rehabilitative role in helping children recover a sense of normality and joy after their experience of loss, dislocation and trauma • Children’s play spaces are important environments that should be protected and cared for • We need to understand that children’s idea of a desirable place to play may differ from that of an adult • Adults should listen to what children say about playing and genuinely value their contributions • We should protect children’s time to play freely • Agencies can support children by recognising the value playing brings to children’s life experience and sharing that knowledge with others.