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Policy Makers Tool 1 Play policy
Policy Maker Tool 1 Play Policy
Developing and adopting a play policy can make a significant contribution to providing sufficient play opportunities for children. A play policy states the value that the organisation places on children’s play. It sets out how the organisation will support children’s play opportunities. The policy can be shared with the children, staff and parents and be included in the information about the wider support service offered.
Play Policy Statement Template
[This setting/organisation] recognises the importance of all the children having time and good spaces to play every day.
To children, playing is one of the most important aspects of their lives. Playing contributes to children’s health, wellbeing and happiness as well as to their learning and their ability to learn. Most importantly playing contributes to children’s ability to thrive and survive.
We believe that we can make a positive contribution to children’s lives by valuing their wish and need to play and providing for a broad range of play opportunities as part of the services we provide to children and families.
We believe that adults’ attitude towards, and understanding of, children’s play behaviour has a significant effect on the quality of the play opportunities offered.
[This setting/organisation] commits to working towards children having sufficient every day play opportunities as described in the UN Convention on the Right of the Child.
In the short-term we commit to: • • •
In the medium-term we commit to: • • •
In long-term planning, we commit to: • • •