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Providing support to staff
Managers Tool 1 Providing support to staff
We do our jobs well when we feel valued, know what we are meant to be doing, can learn from any mistakes and receive praise when we do things well.
Staff induction, supervision and support and mentoring allow a focus on staff wellbeing, as well as providing professional and personal development.
While supervision deals with the work, support looks after the member of staff.
A good support session or system provides staff with:
•a safe setting to talk about their feelings about work • the opportunity to explore professional development • the opportunity to consider how outside influences are affecting work.
A thorough induction process welcomes new people quickly and efficiently and provides a positive and supportive environment. Many settings use a written induction checklist, record and a timetable to ensure that all areas are covered.
Normally, induction checklists comprise:
•a welcome and introduction by line manager • an introduction to colleagues, children and families • a list of staff, their job titles and roles • a brief history of the organisation • essential policies/staff handbook • the completion of necessary personnel paperwork • a basic health and safety introduction.