9/2016 | GICOM - Image and Communication Office of IPBeja
BEJA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Beja Polytechnic Institute was established in 1979 and locate in Beja, 147 km from Faro, 177 from Lisbon and 217 from Seville. IPBeja is composed of four Schools - Agriculture, Education, Technology and Management and Health - and offers over 30 courses including Technical and Professional Courses (TeSP), Bachelor’s, Master’s and Post-Graduate Degreed and others. It serves society through training professionals in a wide variety of areas and plays an active part in producing and sharing knowledge, creating, transmitting and sharing culture and professional know-how, targeted research and experimental development.
IPBEJA CAMPUS All buildings on IPBeja Campus are located in a single area near the district hospital with easy access by public transport and are perfectly integrated in the town’s urban framework. This Campus is distinguished for the quality of its well-cared for gardens and sports facilities and contains buildings from four different schools; modern residences for students, permanent and visiting teachers, with capacity for 203 users; two “public service” buildings containing the library, dining-hall, an auditorium and a series of other services providing support to the academic community. In addition to the facilities located on the campus, IPBeja has a farm on hundreds of hectares where students are given the chance to come into contact with production and agricultural experiences.
Presidency Building
MASTER’S DEGREES (2nd CYCLE) Attending a Master’s Degree course is an option for students terminating a Bachelor’s Degree (1st Cycle) and wanting to improve their academic curriculum before entering the labour market. It is also an option for those who have completed their training some time previously and want to improve their curriculum on one of the training courses offered by IPBeja.
WHO CAN APPLY? Anyone fulfilling one of the following conditions can apply to Master’s Degree courses (2nd cycle) at the IPBeja Polytechnic Institute: - Have a Bachelor’s Degree or legal equivalent. - Have a foreign university degree granted after a 1st study cycle organised in accordance with the principles underlying the Bologna Process by a state adhering to it. - Have a foreign university degree recognised by the statutorily competent scientific body of the higher institute where they wish to be admitted in aimed at satisfying the objectives of the Bachelor’s Degree. - Have an academic, scientific or professional curriculum, recognised by the statutorily competent scientific body of IPBeja, that grants students the capacity to attend this study cycle. Specific rules for entering any course, more specifically academic and curricular conditions required, as well as selection criteria and serialisation of candidates, are disclosed in the annual tendering process for each study cycle.
HOW CAN WE APPLY? The application for IPBeja Master’s degree courses will be completed online on the Academic Services site, Sector II, of the IPBeja Polytechnic Institute, at https://portal. ipbeja.pt/cssnet/page, followed by payment of the application fee.
FEES The amount of fess is specified on an annual basis and indicated on the IPBeja site at www.ipbeja.pt
CONTACTS AND FURTHER INFORMATION The information given in this document does not dispense consultation of the IPBeja site at www.ipbeja.pt. Please call the Academic Services, Sector II on (+351) 284 314 400 or send an e-mail to sasector2@ipbeja.pt
SOCIAL ACTION From the wide variety of services that support the IPBeja academic community, Social Action stands out for its close relationship with students, satisfying individual needs relating to accommodation, food and scholarships, and for its encouragement of healthy living habits through a Sports Activity Support Office or the close attention it pays to personal psycho-pedagogical needs through technicians qualified to supply adequate support. Due to the importance of these services for attending Higher Education courses, we recommend you to visit the site to see the support provided by IPBeja. https://www.ipbeja.pt/sas/Paginas/default.aspx
INTERNATIONALISATION The presence of international students gives Beja a cosmopolitan atmosphere and a chance for all students from the Institute to come into contact with other cultural realities and international mobility of students from IPBeja is a priority for the institution that has dozens of international partners within the scope of different international student and teacher mobility programmes. This includes the well-known Erasmus programme but also the Bartolomeu de GusmĂŁo programme, with students travelling to Brazil, or the Erasmus AlSud programme (apprenticeships in Companies in most European countries), among others that leas students to destinations as far off as Macau. More recently, applications under the International Student Statute paved the way for students from most parts of the world to study in Portugal, for whom we have special conditions that can be consulted on the site https://www.ipbeja.pt/alunos/EstudInternacional/Paginas/default.aspx
PRESENTATION In a society that is more and more competitive, professionals from different areas must have advanced knowledge and be up-to-date with the latest techniques. At this point, it is relevant to mention accounting and finance areas that play an extremely important role in the operation of all companies, either public or private. This is where the Master’s Degree Course in Accounting and Finance fits in, which covers a series of subjects that complete and provide further information on Bachelor’s Degree programmes in Management, Finance, Accounting, Auditing and similar areas, in an attempt to improve professionals interested in these areas. The course has 120 credits distributed over two academic years and ends in the attribution of a Master’s Degree in Accounting and Finance. However, students deciding against completing the dissertation but who pass the first two terms will receive a certificate indicating specialisation in the Course’s scientific area.
OBJECTIVES To complete the training given on Bachelor’s Degree Courses in Management, Finance, Accounting, Auditing and similar areas, providing graduates with the chance to strengthen and update their knowledge in important areas such as accounting and finance, whose constant evolution warrants the need for regular knowledge refreshment. It is also important to mention the fact that this course can help to strengthen the knowledge of current and future Certified Accountants.
Coordinator Pires dos Reis | pires.reis@ipbeja.pt
SERIALISATION CRITERIA Contained in the annual public notice, available on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt QR Code acesso ao site do Curso
STRUCTURE Master’s Degree in Accounting and Finance
1st Year | 1st Semester
Financial Accounting Ons
Ons Corporate Finance
Taxation Supplements I
Advanced Management Accounting
Management of Business Processes and Information
Markets and Financial Instruments
1st Year | 2nd Semester
Sectoral Applications Accounting
Ons Taxation II
Business Groups Accounting
Accounting and Public Finance
Finance International
Option - Auditing and Control or Analysis and Risk Management
2nd Year | 1st Semester
Statistics and Data Analysis
Research Seminars in Accouting and Finance
2nd Year | Annual Dissertation / Project Work or Internship
ECTS 50,0
PRESENTATION The study programme leading to a master’s degree in Agronomy starting in the 2011/12 academic year was approved on May 20, 2011 (Order Nº 7522/2011). Agriculture in the region is an important phase change due to the increase in irrigated areas, resulting from the Multi-Purpose Alqueva Venture (EFMA), especially in crops such as vegetables, fruit, vineyards and olive groves. As such, there is an increased demand for technicians with training in these areas, hence the Master’s Degree in Agronomy. The study areas of Horticulture, Fruit Growing, Viticulture and Olive Growing are contemplated in the Master Study Plan. This course is extremely important, in that it aims at training technicians in agricultural areas with great potential for the region and in which there is a growing need for knowledge.
OBJECTIVES The Master’s Degree in Agronomy has the following objectives: Ensure sustainable agricultural production, based on technical itineraries adjusted to different crops, including precision agriculture, in order to obtain quality products with good organoleptic characteristics and high profitability for the farmer; Preserve and promote soil fertility in the long term and avoid pollution of water, soil and air; Promote the rationalization of irrigation water through its efficient management and use of good quality water; raise awareness towards protecting the health of farmers and consumers, through the supply of agricultural products obtained with reduced use of chemical synthesis products; Recognize that harvest and post-harvest treatments are very important for the preservation of product quality, with regard to the harvest season or the preservation and processing methods used; Knowledge of laws on product control, certification, labelling and marketing.
Coordinator Mariana Regato | mare@ipbeja.pt
SERIALISATION CRITERIA Contained in the annual public notice, available on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt QR Code for accessing the course website
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STRUCTURE Master’s Degree in Agronomy
1st Year | 1st Semester Olive Growing and Olive Oil and Table Olive Technology
ECTS 5,0
Pest and Disease Management
Agriculture impacts on soil and water
Winemaking Technologies
Experimental Design in Agriculture
1st Year | 2nd Semester Fruticulture
ECTS 4,5
Irrigation Technologies
Environmental Economics and Natural Resources
Weed Management
Training I
Precision Agriculture and Equipments
Crop protection
Viticulture Functional
2nd Year | 1st Semester Training II
ECTS 30,0
PRESENTATION The Master’s Degree in Community Development and Entrepreneurship aims to combine knowledge, techniques and practices used in these areas in a context that promotes development and well-being of populations and their environment in terms of sustainability and entrepreneurship. Training on this course is based on code CNAF 319 - Social Sciences and Behaviour, as it combines and conciliates several areas of know-how and is open to other areas that promote innovation and that can contribute to professional and proactive initiatives in different fields of science. Therefore, the Master’s Degree in question is primarily directed towards professionals in the field of social sciences and behaviour, community development, management, social economics and entrepreneurship, with special emphasis on local development associations and regional governments, organisations and companies. A chance is also given to other professionals interested in training in the subject proposed.
OBJECTIVES Promote implementation of teaching and learning practices for implementation of the entrepreneurial culture. Develop professional skills to promote the sustainable development of a community, town or region’s well-being and reduce risk behaviour. Grant authorisation for decision-making within the framework of political, social and economic innovation policies and creation of new opportunities. Include the entrepreneurship impact in economic and social development. Include ways in which innovation can be stimulated in organisations through an entrepreneurial process. Know how to outline a business plan, respecting the diagnosis, opportunity, implementation strategy and construction phases of an investment project. Help to create environments promoting equal opportunities in terms of access to development.
Coordinator Maria Cristina Faria | mcfaria@ipbeja.pt
SERIALISATION CRITERIA Contained in the annual public notice, available on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt QR Code for accessing the course website
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STRUCTURE Master’s Degree in Community Development and Entrepreneurship
1st Year | 1st Semester
Communication, Innovation and Negotiation
Local and Community Development
Sources of Business and Company Creation
Collaborative Research and Assessment
Community Change and Empowerment
Community Psychology
1st Year | 2nd Semester Deontology and Professional and Social Responsibility
ECTS 5,0
Community Organization and Education for Entrepreneurship
Seminars for Supporting the Intervention Project
2nd Year | 2nd Semester Intervention Project
ECTS 30,0
PRESENTATION The Master’s Degree in Communitary Psychogerontology combines Psychology with Gerontology in the Community. Register in code CNAF 311-Psychology. This is specialised training in ageing designed in a psychological perspective, which also has a multidisciplinary and more active approach to tackle individual, social and community ageing problems in health and illness. Its aim is to qualify professionals to support the older members of society, at present or in the future, to have knowledge of psychogerontology, good practices and know-how for organising initiatives and community and social projects that create awareness and solve problems in a professional environment, focusing on innovation, development and sustainability. It is directed towards professionals from the areas of psychology, social sciences, education, health, nursing, social services, sociocultural entertainment, occupational therapy and physiotherapy and is open to other professionals with interest in these areas.
OBJECTIVES Update knowledge and techniques regarding psychological, physical, mental and social development of the ageing process. Organise and implement personal, social and educational training courses and activities to promote health and risk prevention of this age group and the well-being of the elderly. Acquire competences to intervene in solving problems that may arise regarding the mental health of the elderly in a responsible way. Implement the means to assess and diagnose human capacities. Develop intervention and training programmes in institutions for the senior population that promote productive ageing. Implement the basic means to supply healthcare to the elderly and help with their rehabilitation. Play and active part in the fight against poverty in order to satisfy the basic needs of the elderly, directing resources towards sustainability.
Coordinator Maria Cristina Faria | mcfaria@ipbeja.pt
SERIALISATION CRITERIA Contained in the annual public notice, available on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt QR Code for accessing the course website
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STRUCTURE Master’s Degree in Communitary Psychogerontology
1st Year | 1st Semester
Educational and Social Gerontology
Advanced Research Methods
Nutrition, Rehabilitation and Development of Physical Activities
Interpersonal Relationships and Health Psychology
Psychology of Ageing Mental Health Across the Life Span
1st Year | 2nd Semester Communication and Technologies for Supporting the Elderly
5,0 5,0
ECTS 5,0
Health, Development and Aging in Community
Seminars for Supporting the Intervention Project
2nd Year | 2nd Semester Intervention Project
ECTS 30,0
PRESENTATION The Master’s Degree in Computer Security Engineering has a strong practical Offensive Security facet. Techniques for attacking computer systems are taught in practical classes to train professionals with a “de facto” awareness of security measures required. The Master’s Degree allows for professionals to be trained with the following main competences: (i) Performance of computer system penetration tests; (ii) Search, selection, reuse and development of computer system exploits; (iii) Performance of forensic tests on computer systems; (iv) Development of computer systems and secure software; (v) Specification of biometric identification equipment and its integration in security systems.
OBJECTIVES The current era is characterised by the electronic processing of information, from Internet-based software like e-commerce or the whole variety of cloud computing systems to common smartphones or Internet devices. The diversity and ubiquity of equipment pose significant challenges in terms of computer security. The Master’s degree in Computer Security Engineering has a professional character with a strong practical facet and is aimed at creating specialists with in-depth knowledge in the area of computer security, namely: (i) In-depth knowledge of offensive security, in particular penetration tests; (ii) Competences in the configuration of networks and systems resistant to cyber-attacks; (iii) capable of specifying biometric identification equipment and introducing it into security systems; (iv) Knowledge of secure information system analysis, design, implementation and validation methods, tools and techniques.
Coordinator Rui Miguel Silva | ruisilva@acm.org
SERIALISATION CRITERIA Contained in the annual public notice, available on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt QR Code for accessing the course website
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STRUCTURE Master’s Degree in Computer Security Engineering
1st Year | 1st Quarter Network Communications Analysis
ECTS 5,0
Computer Science Security Law
Software Security
Security in Distributed Systems
1st Year | 2nd Quarter
Computer Science Forensics
Dynamic Programming Languages
Security and Usability
Computer Science Systems Penetration Tests
1st Year | 3rd Quarter
Applied Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
Advanced Exploits Development
Security in Information Systems
Biometric Technologies
2nd Year | 1st Quarter
Cybersecurity Centers
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
2nd Year | Annual Dissertation
ECTS 50,0
PRESENTATION Course recognised by the Order of Engineers and submitted to FEANI (European Federation of National Engineering Associations) for granting the title of EUR ENG (European Engineer). Its new study plan was published in the Official Gazette, series 2 - No. 54 - 17 March 2016, Order No. 3912/2016. The curricular organisation is based on an ECTS credit system and contains compulsory and optional curricular units. A minimum of 120 credits is required to obtain the degree (4 terms), 82 of which belong to the Scientific Area of Environmental Protection Technologies. Conclusion of the curricular part qualifies the student with a Specialist diploma in Environmental Engineering and to submit a dissertation for obtaining a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineerinzg (MEE). The MEE offers students the possibility of participating in Mobility Programmes and research projects or to prepare their dissertation in an occupational environment.
OBJECTIVES The aim of the MEE is to adapt its training profile to important scientific market requirements through the following objectives: Provide advanced professional training in the Area of Environmental Technologies (CNAEF 851); Provide higher level preparation to technicians capable of implementing environmental management strategies an d techniques, including the capacity to create self-employment in CNAEF 851; Train high level technicians with capacity to coordinate projects in order to prevent degradation of aquatic systems; Manage water, liquid waste, gas and solid waste treatment plants; design and plan industrial processes to minimise pollution at its source; coordinate environmental impact analysis and assessment and environmental auditing teams; Coordinate and integrate R&D+i programmes; determine, characterise and diagnose complex technical problems; Automatically develop applied research.
Coordinator Fátima Carvalho | mfcarvalho@ipbeja.pt
SERIALISATION CRITERIA Contained in the annual public notice, available on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt QR Code for accessing the course website
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STRUCTURE Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering
1st Year | 1st Semester
Environmental Technology Fundamentals
Management Assessment and Air Treatment
Option - choose 1 CU from the following: a) Integrated Water Resources b) Climate Changes
5,0 5,0
Soil Protection and Rehabilitation
Water Treatment Technologies
Solid Waste Treatment Technologies
1st Year | 2nd Semester
Environment and Energy
Environmental monitoring
Option - choose 3 CU from the following 4: a) Energy Waste Valorization b) Air quality in Confined Space c) Assessment and Analysis of Environmental Impact d) Eco Innovation
Option - choose 1 CU from the followingz:
5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0
a) Geographic Information Systems b) Environmental Modelling
5,0 5,0
2nd Year | 1st Quarter
Environmental Hygiene and Safety
Option - choose 1 CU from the following: a) Entrepreneurship b) Analysis and Project Management
2nd Year | Annual Internship
5,0 5,0
ECTS 45,0
PRESENTATION The Master’s Degree Course in Food Engineering has 120 credits and a duration of 4 academic terms. It is aimed at training technicians in the areas of science and engineering with competences for assessing raw materials and interpreting biochemical, physical/ chemical and microbiological phenomena occurring in food, and for innovating and improving food production processes and technologies. Preparation of qualified technicians can lead to important progress being made in natural resources management, product assessment and guaranteed quality; control of contaminating factors, appraisal and defence of biological products or those with their original names and development of new products. These professionals can make substantial contributions to the field of consultancy and projects and to the rationalisation of existing resources. High market competition implies highly demanding food production, commercialisation and preparation processes, with special emphasis on food control, in order to guarantee that foods are safe for consumers. The course is accredited by A3ES (Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency) for a period of 6 years.
OBJECTIVES Providing advanced vocational training on (ISCED-F 2013 -0721). Higher technical training in technologies applied in the first and second transformation. Preparing top level industrial laboratory technicians. Preparing superior technicians for research centres. Training superior skilled technicians specialized in monitoring distribution. Providing advanced training in food safety and traceability. Graduating superior technicians with coordination and project development skills.
Coordinator Silvina Ferro Palma | sfpalma@ipbeja.pt
SERIALISATION CRITERIA Contained in the annual public notice, available on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt QR Code for accessing the course website
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STRUCTURE Master´s Degree in Food Engineering
1st Year | 1st Semester
Bromatology and Toxicology
Energy and Environment
Production of Raw Materials Food
Refrigeration and Industrial Automation
Food Security
1st Year | 2nd Semester
Meat Science and Technology
Product Development
Dairy Products
Food Quality Systems
Plant-Based Food Products
Option a) Safety and Hygiene at Work b) Innovation and Entrepreneurship
2nd Year | 1st Semester Seminar
2nd Year | Annual Internship/Project Work/Dissertation
ECTS 2,0
ECTS 58,0
PRESENTATION The study cycle prepares graduates with specific knowledge in the areas of occupational safety, industrial hygiene and ergonomics and applied psychosociology, and provides them with the capacity to prepare and implement occupational safety and health programmes in organisations as well as the possibility of obtaining the professional certificate of Advanced Technician of Safety and Health at Work, in accordance with portuguese Law 42/2012, of 28 August. The partnership established with Extremadura University (Spain) enables our graduates to pursue their studies and obtain the professional certificate of “Advanced Technician of Prevention of Occupational Risks, Specialising in Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics and Applied Psycociology”, in compliance with spanish law (Royal Decree 39/1997, of 17 January, and Royal Decree 337/2010, of 19 March).
OBJECTIVES Give a general view of professional risk prevention, their role and importance in work; Encourage understanding and use of safety, hygiene, ergonomics and psychosociology principles and techniques; Explore methods to eliminate danger and reduce occupational risks; Give information on the labour law; Encourage entrepreneurship; Deal with basic concepts of occupational medicine and epidemiology; Enable the implementation of prevention systems at the company; Implement auditing methods; Encourage the capacity to innovate, initiatives, creativity and critical judgement, analysis of situations, summary of solutions and information from different sources; Stimulate the capacity to communicate fluently and accurately, orally and in writing, transmit and analyse information, ideas, concepts and procedures for specialised and non-specialised audiences; Stimulate the capacity and initiative to make decisions, assess alternative solutions or innovations to demonstrate flexibility, precision and professionalism.
Coordinator Rui Martins Isidoro | rui.isidoro@ipbeja.pt
SERIALISATION CRITERIA Contained in the annual public notice, available on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt QR Code for accessing the course website
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STRUCTURE Master’s Degree in Health and Safety at Work
1st Year | 1st Semester Design and Management of Professional Training
ECTS 3,0
Fundamentals of Workplace Safety
Management of Organizations
Occupational Hygiene I
Legislation, Regulations and Standards on Health and Safety at Work
Introductory Statistics and Reability
1st Year | 2nd Semester
Evaluation of Occupational Risks
Supplementary Security at Work
Control of Occupational Risks
Prevention Management
Occupational Hygiene II
Social Psychology at Work
Fire and Explosion Risk and Emergency Organisation
Technical Information and Negotiation
2nd Year | 1st Semester
Medical Work and Epidemiology
Statistical Methods and Sampling Strategies
Prevention, Environment and Quality in the Company Project 1
2nd Year | 2nd Semester Project 2
6,0 12,0
ECTS 30,0
PRESENTATION MASTER’S DEGREE IN ASSOCIATION| Beja, Castelo Branco, Portalegre and Setúbal Polytechnic Institute Schools of Health and Évora University S. João de Deus School of Nursing. GENERAL OBJECTIVES| 1. DEVELOP knowledge and competences for specialised intervention in nursing, demonstrated by high levels of clinical judgement and decisionmaking, taking into account people’s response to life processes and health problems; 2. PROMOTE improved healthcare quality through research, evidence-based practice and ethical and deontological references; 3. QUALIFY team and project leadership for clinical governance, supervision and healthcare management in different clinical environments; 4. HELP to develop the subject and specialised training.
DESCRIPTION This training course, with its professional master’s degree characteristics, is combined with research and community extension services. The idea of training masters in specialised in nursing areas is to qualify professionals to supply people with special and higher quality healthcare services. By giving priority to high level training and qualification, the objectives defined for this master’s degree are included in the framework of the educational, scientific and cultural project developed by Higher Education Institutions involved. Dimensions of community extension services, cooperation and cultural, scientific and technological exchange are associated with regional, national and international entities from a reciprocal appreciation perspective that encourages development of know-how and promotes social intervention.
INFORMATION IPBeja - sasector2@ipbeja.pt | 284 314 400 U.Évora - geral.denf@uevora.pt | 266 730 300 ou gae@uevora.pt | 266 760 220
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QR Code for accessing the course website
SEVEN AREAS OF EXPERTISE Nursing in infant and paediatric health* Community and Public Health Nursing* Medical-Surgical Nursing - People in Critical Situations* Nursing in Mental Health and Psychiatric * Nursing in Rehabilitation* Medical-Surgical Nursing - People in Chronic and Palliative Situations* Nursing in Family Health
CALENDAR The calendar can be consulted on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt
ONLINE APPLICATIONS Deadlines for submitting applications must be consulted on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt * Areas approved by the Nursing order for grating the title of Specialist Nurse
PRESENTATION In accordance with Eurobarometer and the HBSC study, young people residing in the Alentejo region present the lowest levels of physical activity and the highest levels of energy consumption and unhealthy eating habits in Europe. This is currently a serious problem with a severe impact on the future of communities in particular whose expenses are related to treatments and healthcare. It is therefore important to offer licensed professionals working with children, young people and the general population a chance to improve and specialise, promoting their capacity for multi-disciplinary work based on improving their individual and community competences towards healthier lifestyles. The aim of this Course is to contribute to specialised training and development of scientific knowledge in the areas of physical activity, nutrition and health to promote healthy lifestyles.
OBJECTIVES Our aim is for the master’s degree to include the content necessary to look upon physical exercise as a healthcare tool and to master skills, techniques and methods for prescribing physical exercise; master physical activity and balanced diet programmes and have the know-how to develop a research project in areas related to physical activity and healthcare; master competences that allow for the assessment of programmes promoting physical activity and healthcare; work alongside professionals from other areas or the same sector and with society in general to promote physical activity as a health priority for the general population; promote development of healthy habits related to physical activity and healthcare in professional and academic environments.
Coordinator João Alberto Mendes Leal | jleal@ipbeja.pt
SERIALISATION CRITERIA Contained in the annual public notice, available on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt QR Code for accessing the course website
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STRUCTURE Master’s Degree in Physical Activity and School Health
1st Year | 1st Semester
Physical Activity and Body Composition
Evaluation of Physical Fitness and Energy Expenditure
Pedagogical Intervention in Physical Activity and Sport
Applied Research Methods
Health Psychology
Technical Texts (English)
1st Year | 2nd Semester
Adapted Motor Activity the Special Populations
Motor Development of Children and Adolescents
Promotion Strategies for Active Lifestyles
Nutrition and Health
Health in Educational Context
Epidemiological Studies in the Area of Physical Activity and Health School (Optional)
Assessment and Community Intervention Projects (Optional)
2nd Year | Annual Dissertation
ECTS 60,0
PRESENTATION This 2nd study cycle that leads to the degree in Basic Education, which, when completed, provides students with a joint degree in Pre-School and Primary School Education, enabling them to start their professional lives on these two educational levels. With a basic philosophy formed by the acquisition of professional and personal competences, through a curricular structure rich in theoretical/practical training and supervised teaching, very oriented towards the real working context, the aim is for students to develop a critical, creative and competent profile in their professional lives. The course has a duration of 4 terms and a total of 120 credits and the apprenticeship starts straight after the 1st year. The study plan, approved by the Accreditation Agency - A3ES, includes the apprenticeship in pre-school (3-5 years of age) and primary school (6-10 years of age) and kindergarten (0-3 years of age).
OBJECTIVES General objectives defined for the study cycle: Develop professional and personal skills that meet the different levels of performance of kindergarten and primary school teachers; Develop the capacity to prepare and perform pedagogical and research projects; Develop the capacity to integrate community know-how, practices and cultural resources in educational activities.
Coordinator JosĂŠ Pedro Ribeiro de Matos Fernandes | jpfernandes@ipbeja.pt
SERIALISATION CRITERIA Contained in the annual public notice, available on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt QR Code for accessing the course website
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STRUCTURE Master’s Degree in Pre-School Education and Basic Primary Education
1st Year | 1st Semester Artistic Expressions
ECTS 4,5
Real Life Mathematics
Technology Workshop in an Educational Environment
Options: Artistic and Scientific Literacy, Ethics and Professional Deontology
Heritage and Local History
Subjects related to the Area of World Knowledge/Physical and Social Environment
1st Year | 2nd Semester Kindergarten and Primary School Teaching Professional Practice I - Kindergarten
2nd Year | 1st Semester
ECTS 26,0 4,0
Inclusive Education
Educational Research and Assessment
Professional Practice II - Pre-School Education Pre-School Integrated Teaching Seminar
2nd Year | 2nd Semester Professional Practice III - Primary School Education Primary School Teaching Seminar
21,0 5,0
ECTS 25,0 5,0
PRESENTATION One of the main guidelines that impregnates and justifies this study cycle, has to do with the values adopted in the field of Special Educational Needs and Special Education. The same are based on an humanistic approach, which reflects a recent historical position and refuses exclusionary practices and segregation of people in the most vulnerable situations, among which are those with disabilities. The educational system must contribute to the democratization of society, in various dimensions, being one of the most relevant: the guarantee of the right to equal opportunities for all.
OBJECTIVES The objectives derive from the specialized training profile in Special Education defined by the Joint Order 198/99, of 15 February, which points to the development of skills in four dimensions: critical analysis; intervention; training, supervision and evaluation; consulting. It prepares to: • Understand the field of Special Education and the educational and social inclusion of children/young people with cognitive and/or motor impairments; • Apply practical and theoretical knowledge in identifying, planning, assessment and intervention processes of these children/young people; • Promote educational and social inclusion of these children/ young people, through collaborative work with family, other educators and community; • Develop a reflective and research attitude in professional practice.
Coordinator Maria Teresa Pereira dos Santos | msantos@ipbeja.pt
SERIALISATION CRITERIA Contained in the annual public notice, available on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt QR Code for accessing the course website
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STRUCTURE Master’s Degree in Special Education - Specialising in Cognitive and Motor Development
1st Year | 1st Semester
Psychological Themes on Development and Learning
Educational Research Methodologies
Foundation Themes of the Intervention in Special Education
Technologies in Special Education
Curriculum and Intervention Methodologies in Special Education
1st Year | 2nd Semester Cognitive and Motor Problems Augmentative and Alternative Communication
ECTS 10,0 8,0
Empowerment and Transition Processes
Practices in Special Education
2nd Year | 1st Semester Seminars
2nd Year | Annual Project or Thesis
ECTS 6,0
ECTS 54,0
PRESENTATION Industrial Tourism is a form of cultural tourism whose main objective is to promote industrial assets (both old and new), which includes travelling due to interest in industrial and logistics companies, fishing, food and agriculture, office and artisanal activities, museums and others. This post-graduation is also a way for employees from companies already or in the process of being integrated in Industrial Tourism circuits or in public and private organisations involved in the “productisation� process to acquire skills, qualifying entrepreneurs wishing to maximise business opportunities arising from the development of this tourist product. The Post-Graduation in Industrial Tourism was also designed with a b-learning component in addition to classroom sessions in order to cover an area of influence in Portugal.
OBJECTIVES The following are the main objectives of the Post-Graduation course: Understand the concept of Industrial Tourism as a sub-product of Cultural Tourism; Understand and discuss the notion of tourist entertainment and its importance for tourism in general and implement methods and techniques for the construction and management of Industrial Tourism entertainment programmes; Understand the budgeting process as a key element for determining the feasibility of any Industrial Tourism venture; Design and plan a project to promote museums and/or tourist entertainment as well as live cultural heritage in an Industrial Tourism context.
Coordinator Marta Amaral | marta.amaral@ipbeja.pt
SERIALISATION CRITERIA Contained in the annual public notice, available on the IPBeja site www.ipbeja.pt QR Code for accessing the course website
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STRUCTURE Post-Graduate Education in Industrial Tourism
1st Year | 1st Semester Sustainable Development and Territorial Animation
ECTS 7,5
Entrepreneurship in Tourism Industry
Viva industry, Heritage and Museology
1st Year | 2nd Semester
Animation Industrial Tourism
Financial Project Management
Image and Tourism Promotion
Project II
IPBEJA TRAINING OFFER LICENCIATURAS Agronomy Arts and Multimedia Attorneyship Computer Science Education and Multimedia Communication Elementary and Early Education Environmental Engineering Food Science and Technology Management Nursing Occupational Therapy Social Work Sport Tourism
Instituto Politécnico de Beja Rua Pedro Soares, Campus do IPBeja Apartado 6155, 7800-295 Beja E-mail: geral@ipbeja.pt Phone: +351 284 314 400 | Fax +351 284 314 401 GPS coordinates: 38° 00’ 46.87’’N 7° 52’ 22.19’’W www.ipbeja.pt Please consult the IPBeja website for information concerning the academic year in progress. Translation: EUROLOGOS - Portugal