This is the season of Advent, when we get ready to celebrate the mystery of Christmas and Jesus birth, the time we are all on the way to Bethlehem. The word Advent comes from a Latin word •• and means coming or arrival. When we expect guests at our home we turn on the lights and prepare to welcome them with joy. In the same way, Advent is a time we anticipate and prepare to celebrate the arrival and birth of Jesus. Many Christian traditions light candles each week to mark this time in worship spaces and in homes. Your household can choose to light candles once a week or each day and then take a few minutes to • mark, remember, listen, reflect, pray and bless.
Invitation for Creative Art Practice
Any art form can be a way to pray and cultivate a relationship with God. I describe myself as a prayerful person who is artistically inclined, and art has become an important way in which I engage in prayer. The practice allows me to calm the mind and focus on the art and the time spent with God, the Creator. Note that one doesn't have to be trained to engage in this practice. There is no real plan or direction other than resting in the presence of God and making art.
This Advent season, you are invited to gather your supplies and explore art as a form of prayer. Whether it is with crayons, paint, clay, or yarn, bask in those precious moments of calm, remembering that prayers come as they come and the process of creating is what's truly important. Whichever art medium you choose to create, enjoy this quality time creating with God. jAdelante!
Vilmarie Cintron-Olivieri is an Artist, Educator, Presbyterian Ruling Elder, andRegionalLiaisonfortheCaribbean, WorldMission of the PC(USA).
Advent 1 - Hope
Mark Gather together + Light one candle + Read together
Reader: We light the candle of Hope to show us the way. All: Andto remind us thatGod iswith ustoday.
ThepeopleofGodwaitedand hopedfora longtimeforJesus. InthisPsalmweareremindedof God'spresence as wewait.
"I waited and hoped for God, who bent toward me and heard my cry.
God lifted me from the noisy pit, out of the muddy mire.
God set my feet on a firm rock and gave me a new song. Many will see with awe and put their trust in God."
Based on Psalm 40 (pg. 33PsalmsofWonder) Pray
Note fromthe Artist
"En la tormenta, aun hay luz" (While in the storm, there's still light) is a color pencil prayer created during Tropical Storm Ernesto. Without electric power, drawing and painting, praying, under the candlelight, we trusted God would see us through.
We wonder...
What do you observe in the art?
How do you wait?
• What do you hope for?
Create your own art as you wonder and pray!
God of Hope, thank you for listening and being present with us as we wait for Jesus. Amen
Give thanks to God, for God is good, Because God's love lasts forever!
Advent 2 - Peace
Mark Gather together♦ Light two candles♦ Read together
As we wait for Jesus we are reminded in this Psalm that peace comes from God to whom we give thanks.
"Singthanks to the Lord, whocoversheaven with clouds, makes rain for theearth and grass on themountains! God feeds young ravens when they cry, and all the other beasts, blesses your children, gives you peace andthe best things toeat."
Based on Psalm 147 (pg. 40 Psalms of Wonder) Pray
Note fromtheArtist
"Aqui encuentro paz..." (Here, I find peace) on these mountains. Travel high enough, and one can see the Atlantic Ocean. Watching the view, magnificent, vast, and emerald green, take a deep breath. Yes, here, on the mountains of my island, I find peace.
�We wonder... CJ
• What doyouobservein theart?
Wheredoyou find peace? What are you thankful for today?
Create your own art as you wonderand pray!
Godof Peace, may we bethankful and shareyour peace. Amen.
Givethanks to God, for Godis good, Because God's lovelasts forever!
Psalm 136
Advent 3 -Joy
Mark Gather together +Light three candles + Read together
As wewaitforthebabyJesusweare remindedinthisPsalmtobejoyful.
"Sing a new song to the Lord! Play well, and shout with joy! For everything God does is good. God's kind love fills the world. God's word made the heavens, and God's breath made the stars. God gather the seas up in heaps and stores the deep in jars. Let everyone who lives on earth stand in awe of God, for God spoke, and there it was: at God's command, it stood."
Based on Psalm 33 (pg.36PsalmsofWonder)
Note fromthe Artist
"Su palabra hizo los cielos" (God'sword made the heavens) Born and raised in the city, I rarely got to see a sky full of stars because of light pollution. The few times I have, it is pure joy, a reminder that God made everything good. A starry night is joy.
We wonder...
What do you observe in the art?
When do you feel joy?
Where do you see God's joy around you?
Create your own art as you wonder and pray!
God of Joy, help us remember to share joy as we wait for Jesus. Amen.
Give thanks to God, for God is good, Because God's love lasts forever! Psalm136
Advent 4 - Love
Mark Gather together+Light four candles+ Read together
As the birth ofJesus draws near and the waiting is almost over, in this Psalm we are reminded of the wideness of God's love.
"Your love is high as the heavens, Lord!
Your faithfulness tall as the sky! Yourjustice is endless mountains. Yourjudgement is deep and wide. You rescue both people and beasts. Your kindness is a treasure."
Based on Psalm 36 (pg. 54 Psalms of Wonder)
Note fromthe Artist
"En Tu luz, vemos luz" (In your light, we see light) Inspired by verse 10, this is the light of love that illumines our path and casts a multicolored glow along the way.
We wonder...
• What do you observe in the art?
Where do you see God's love?
• How do you share God's love?
Create your own art as you wonder and pray!
Loving God, help us remember your love surrounds us. Amen.
Give thanks to God, for God is good, Because God's love lasts forever!
Mark Gather together ♦ Light all five candles ♦ Read together
Reader: We light the candles of hope, peace, joy, and love. l/__ Today we also light the Christ candle.
All: As a reminderthatbabyJesuswasbornthis dayand modeledloveandwelcomefor all.
The shepherds show us the wayto Bethlehem.
"On the same night Jesus was born, shepherds in a field near Bethlehem saw an amazing sight. They were watching their sheep, as they did every night. Suddenly, an angel stood in front of them. A bright light surrounded them. The shepherds were frightened. The angel said, "Don't be afraid! I have good news for you! A baby was born in Bethlehem. This baby will be your Savior. He is Christ the Lord! Look for him wrapped in clothes and sleeping in a manager. Then many angels appeared and said, "Glory to God and peace to all people!"
Text based on Luke 2:8-20 (Surprise Visitors, Pg.192
Growing in God's Love: A Story Bible)
I •
"Mi coraz6n, en Belen" (My heart,inBethlehem).Apieceof my heart has stayed in Bethlehem... This painted prayerisliftedinthespiritofthe wordsofthechoirofangels: "GlorytoGodandpeacetoall people!"Maythisbeso,now morethanever.Amen.
We wonder... CJ
What do you observe in the art?
How can we extend welcome to those in need of a place to stay?
How can we share the good news of Jesus' love and peace?
Create your own art as you wonder and pray!
God, we are joyful this day as we remember your love through the birth of the baby Jesus. Amen.
Give thanks to God, for God is good, Because God's love lasts forever!
Psalm 136
Markand Remember
Reader: Epiphany is celebrated on January 6 and marks the day we remember the arrival of the magi to visit baby Jesus.
The Magishare their gifts andremind us ofGod's giftofJesus Christ.
- "In a land east of Bethlehem lived some Magi. These people studied the stars in night skies. They looked for new stars, too. One night they saw a new star, a bright star. They believed that this star was a sign that a new king was born. They packed their camels for a long trip to follow the new star.... In Bethlehem, it led them to a house where they found Mary and the child Jesus. The magi knelt before the child. They gave him presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh."
Text based on Matthew 2:1-12 (Visitors from the East, Pg. 196 Growing in God's Love:A StoryBible)
Note from the Artist "Los tres Magos" (The Three Magi) is the third version of this painted prayer honoring faith legacy of an important tradition in my homeland and highlighting the story of the Magi, the revelation of Jesus to all nations.
We wonder... CJ What do you observe in the art?
What gifts do you have to share with others?
• How can you share Jesus love beyond this season?
Create your own art as you wonder and pray!
God, let us show your love and light to others today and in the days ahead. Amen.
Give thanks to God, for God is good, BecauseGod's love lasts forever! Psalm 136
For more resources on how to support faith formation at home learn more about the Around the Table initiative at
This resource was designed as part of the Around the Table initiative of the PCUSA.
Art created by Vilmarie Cintron-Olivieri an Artist, Educator, Presbyterian Ruling Elder, and Regional Liaison for the Caribbean, World Mission of the PC(USA). When sharing tl1e art, please be sure to credit Vilmarie Cintron-Olivieri as the artist