To test tools and approaches able to ensure the success of information campaigns aimed at supporting unifying topics and the population's resilience in the times of war
Not serving Russian speaking Your Ukrainian is awesome! Let me help you make it even better
We are getting ready for a marathon requiring consolidation and mutual support, celebration of life and diversity. It is a story of everyone's resilience and capacities, of being a part of something bigger than us.
Cross media communication aimed at the maximal reach of the message, taking into account small communities
Maximizing the reach of the message online to different target groups, taking into account small communities
Native advertising through the launch of a flash mob by opinion leaders and support in social networks, aimed at spreading gratitude
Placing a series of creatives aimed at different age segments for the purpose of transmitting complex message
Digital (Instagram, Facebook, web banners) Outdoor, radio
Digital (Instagram, Facebook, web banners)
Digital, bloggers (Instagram, Facebook, web banners, Telegram, Tik Tok)
Digital (Instagram, Facebook, web banners)
«Trust cements the country» «[Literally] The country buzzes, thus, the country withstands»
«History says thank you»
«One can't smuggle to Russia what truly matters»
«Different branches of the same country»
We've designed a specific creative concept and a set of materials for each of the narratives
Informational goal
Massive and quality reach
channels with high-reach potential and contact frequency: Digital, outdoor, Radio
Directed targeting of various sections of the population
Digital - social media and Google banners, Telegram, as they allow targeting and analytics
and interaction with the narrative TikTok challenge and song creation, Telegram stickers and their promotion in Telegram and social networks
% reach 18-54
% reach of various target and interest groups, % ER
% ER, content creation, spread of narrative
Size of the audience 1,765,863 2,517,472 5,532,592 5,841,907 5,044,578
Digital coverage is coverage shown by systems (ad cabinets).
Narrative Media 13-17 y.o. 18-24 y.o. 25-34 y.o. 35-44 y.o. 45-54 y.o.
Personal responsibility Digital 604,668 34% 879,806 35% 1,379,528 25% 2,021,749 35% 1,626,103 32% Trust Digital, outdoor, Radio 1,404,910 80% 2,496,399 99% 4,845,280 88% 4,761,120 81% 3,682,425 73%
Coverage by outdoor and radio is based on retrodata. For outdoor, we've used Doors Consulting data on the number of contacts with each of the boards from the address program. It was added up to the total number of contacts and reach for the audience. For radio, we've used data from KANTAR, i.e., the number of broadcasts and the radio stations coverage of different groups of the target audience.
Gratitude Digital 997,482 56% 1,272,116
2,373,430 43% 916,461 16% 783,344 16%
The assessment was made on the basis of data from Ukrainian State Statistic Service, since a natural age distribution is considered for such channels with a high reach of the population. That is, we cover everyone evenly according to how many people of each age there are in the country
European values Digital 484,852 27% 2,236,479
3,756,454 64% 3,063,196 61%
This approach works on large numbers. For this, it is not necessary to know how many young people were walking on the street in a specific period of time
According to KANTAR's external ad data, 90% of each population group answered the question "How often do you go out" " every day".
Pluralistic identity Digital 416,758 24% 2,194,061
Also, we took into account migration abroad
Within the work with complex topics of social cohesion and resilience during the active phase of the war, it is vital to build decentralized information campaigns, both in terms of tools and content. The architecture and direction of the platforms determine the content. Instagram resists political and complex social topics. Facebook is a traditionally politicized platform. TikTok started becoming politicized.
New times and conditions require room for test and error for example, don't be afraid to enter new platforms
Regional targeting and types of residential location no longer play a significant part under current circumstances. Age and well adjusted interests allow tracking and getting a basis for analysis
Recognition and familiarity belong to the ingredients of success. The information noise makes people have questions about what kind of institution it us and who hosts it. People were reluctant to tag an unfamiliar organization in their posts.
Telegram is becoming an increasingly important platform for work. Combined cooperation with national and regional public channels allows reaching high coverage and winning the audience's trust
The threshold for getting attention was much higher due to a decrease in commercial advertising and the oversaturation of advertising space with prosocial campaigns.
TikTok is a must for working with young people. Considering the specifics of the platform and its audience, it is crucial to opt for emotional and "simple" messages. They will get the attention of the audience with the help of unique content (soundtrack) and through a correctly chosen entry point
Time constraints narrowed creativity and made it difficult to convey the message. Such campaigns require a longer period for preparation and creative development. Static images and 6s animations significantly limit the options of clarifying complex messages and affect their perception.
The level of influence on the content, the emphasis made in it get significantly reduced when external creative contractors are involved. This applies not only to the peculiarities of negotiations but also to the number of iterations for corrections.
High dynamics of events and uncertainty, as a constant factor of the campaign. The events in Ukraine significantly affected the campaign course and the results of communication. This is a separate task for monitoring and considering alternatives. A standard risk management system is not enough at such pace and intensity.
A dynamic and multi layered campaign needs a constantly functioning expert group, market analysts and creative people who, upon receiving data, can adapt and modify the content. It is especially vital when the campaign is based not on a single message but on the layering of different narratives and is stretched over time.
Different goals can lead to different destinations You can steal a piece of art but not our heritage You can't smuggle true values to Russia
Due to the information noise, it is vital to stand out by form and content (acid colors, dialogues instead of radio appeals, not working with the blatant mainstream). It is crucial to provide background contextual monitoring. It is appropriate to formulate messages of social campaigns so that they meet the current (psychological) needs and demands of the society.
Well recognized historical figures, their quotes are a great tool for conveying key messages, especially when offering a choice of characters/phrases with different target audiences in mind. At the same time, visually recognizable images that can identified with another layer of social advertising can disorient.
Stories of an actress, TV host, top-star in Ukraine with 800K+ Instagram audience – a reaction to our outdoor campaign
If external creative specialists are involved to create certain content, it is essential to ensure that their product is finalized before the campaign start. It is necessary to minimize the risks of delays due to individual creative features and processes, and the option to get exactly the product needed for the campaign
It is a viral effect as we didn't have commercial partnership with Kseniia
For social campaigns aiming at strengthening certain positive phenomena in the society, it is essential to have a detailed target audience and carefully select the platforms and channels for conveying messages. Consider behavioral and content perception patterns of the target audience and the selected channel / platform.
#6Outdoor social advertising works better in regions with lower "information noise", i.e. there and then, where and when there is less competition of similar content for the attention of target audiences. Therefore, it is essential to concentrate the outdoor ad efforts to place them in large cities, where it is possible to monitor the activity of categories (analyzing the general cluster of messages). There is more commercial advertising, which provides a more diverse field and, accordingly, lower competition for the consumer attention and better data to analyze.
It is vital to synchronize the work on the TA portrait with the targeting in social networks to correlate them.
It is important to consider the structural features of the digital platforms involved, the risks related to placement issues that the team cannot influence directly.
Monthly reach of the app
Growth of active users base
Time spent in Telegram, Apr'22 vs Feb'22
Growth of interest towards Telegram since 24 Feb according to Google trends
Source: KANTAR Ukraine (April 2022), CMeter Mobile January vs April 2022, Use time in minutes, mobile users of Android
cities 50K+, n=1500, Similar Web Pro 2021 2022, t.me data: Desktop+Mobile Web; Google Trends Ukraine 2021 2022
It is worth the time to create video content of various duration and think of suitable platforms for its placement
Be sure to leave a segmented approach to creatives and launch a campaign with 3 5 different messages for each narrative. Both basic and alternative ones can be immediately introduced into the campaign based on monitoring the reaction of consumers. Mind that it doesn't work for calls to action, but to support existing topics.
It is imperative to work with TikTok separately when working with a youth audience, considering it a mini campaign. This approach has proven its effectiveness. In addition, it is critical to ensure the option of trend monitoring there and adapting placement to the platform features.
800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000
If you need to learn more about the campaign's social effects and influence, capacity of the platform cabinets are not enough. It is not worth saving, so invest into market analysis and monitoring.
To set up geo targeting, it is important to look not only at content, but also at delivery channels and contextual moments. For example, the Telegram channel about "European values" had a significantly better result in Kharkiv and the liberated/front-line territories.
It is possible to specially plant content that works directly with trigger topics and red lines to track reactions and assess campaign impact.
Considering the significant transformation, the continued demographic dynamics in the population of Ukraine under the influence of the full scale attack of the Russian Federation, it is not worth using geo and community based targeting for digital platforms for now.
You can steal land, not homeland
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