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EFQM CERTIFIED ASSESSOR TRAINING COURSE IN UAE International Performance Excellence (IPE) is an international company aspiring to world reach, employing staff of diversiďŹ ed background, using world-class and international standards in practices. At IPE our aim is to assist our clients to reach and sustain excellence in key outcomes, daily process and interaction with their stakeholders. IPE is proud to organize the EFQM CertiďŹ ed Assessor Training Course in UAE.


EFQM is the abbreviation of European Foundation of Quality Management. It is a global non-for-profit membership foundation based in Brussels, Belgium. With more than 500 members covering more than 55 countries and 50 industries, EFQM provides a unique platform for organisations to learn from each other and improve performance.


Being a member of EFQM makes you part of a pan-European Network of leading organisations, managers and business leaders. You will have access to more than 500 corporate connections, comprising private and public organisations of every size and sector.

WHY BECOME A CERTIFIED EFQM ASSESSOR? EFQM offers you the unique and distinctive opportunity to become an internationally recognised EFQM Excellence Assessor. As an EFQM Excellence Assessor you: • Understand the EFQM Excellence Model and its linkages to the Fundamental Concepts • Effectively apply the RADAR scoring to produce value adding performance analyses • Will benefit from individual coaching • Assimilate the culture of an organisation • Will be able to act as an EFQM Award Assessor •

WHEN AND WHERE? The EFQM Assessor Training Course will be held in Dubai, with EFQM Trainers from Brussels conducting the course. Date: 22, 23, & 24 April 2012 Venue: Middlesex University, Dubai, UAE

INVESTMENT EFQM Assessor Training Course in the UAE is a unique opportunity and will be available at a rate of 11,500 AED per delegate. Fee Covers: • 1 day EFQM Awareness session prior to the commencement of the course EFQM Certification • Approved training materials from EFQM • EFQM Certification • Lunch & Refreshments First Come, First Serve EFQM Assessor Training is a highly demanded course, and to maintain the high standards set by EFQM, only 12 seats are available. As such, registration will be accepted on a first come, first served basis with full payment required to book your seat. The deadline for the registration is 24th March 2012. How To Register Please visit our website www.ipefoundation.com and click to the Register.

Trainers Mike Gallagher Mike Gallagher has B.Sc and Ph.D degrees and, prior to joining EFQM, worked for 26 years in a variety of business roles including Operational Research, Strategic Planning, Marketing, Logistics and, latterly, Quality Management. Mike joined EFQM in 1991, as manager assessment operations, in the period prior to the launch of the European Quality Award. He played a key role in many initiatives including the development of the EFQM Excellence Model, the method of scoring Award applications and the course for training the Award assessors. He trained all the Award assessors in 1992 – the first year in which the European Quality Award was run and has assisted each year since then. He was the author of the first Model and Self- Assessment brochures. From January 1993 until September 2000, he managed the European Quality Award in all its aspects and participated in many of the developments that have taken place. He was responsible for the scheme for licensing training courses and liased successfully with the European Commission on project funding to support the Awards for the Public Sector and Small and Medium Enterprises. Over the years Mike has run countless model related training courses, lectured widely across Europe and taken the chair at many seminars and conferences. Mike was appointed Honorary Professor of Management Science at Stirling University, Scotland for the period 1994 – 1997. Mike Gallagher retired from EFQM in Autumn 2000 and has a continuing role in Excellence Model based training courses – he is currently a member of EFQM’s training Faculty and trains regularly for Perfex (a training organisation owned jointly by The British Quality Foundation and TQM International). He has been regularly involved in Excellence model based assessments in the public and private sectors and related consulting activities. As a member of the Faculty he made inputs into the summer 2009 revision of the EFQM Model, Fundamental concepts and RADAR. He has been involved in up-grading EFQM assessors in the various changes and already run several training courses based on the revised model.

Norman Hughes Norman graduated from the University of Surrey with a First Class Honours Degree in Physical Sciences many years ago and went on to complete a Diploma in Management Studies with Distinction Norman worked for over 20 years in the Telecommunications Industry with responsibilities for customer service, network management and latterly business improvement. He have spent the last 15+ years in business improvement consultancy, working with a wide range of clients on business excellence, self-assessment, process improvement, benchmarking and change management. His specialist area is use and application of the EFQM Excellence Model to drive improvement. He have acted as a senior assessor for the British Quality Foundation (BQF) on five occasions and as an assessor for the EFQM Excellence Award and the EFQM Levels of Excellence scheme. Norman also carried out a large number of consultancy assignments with EFQM Award and Prize winning organisations in Europe in preparation for their successful Award applications and has acted as consultant to the Turkish and Dubai Quality Award processes. Norman is an EFQM licensed trainer. For the BQF he have trained Award Assessors for the UK Quality Award for the past 10 years and provided support to the Dubai Quality Award process for the past 5 years.

FEEDBACK FROM THE PREVIOUS COURSES “It was a great pleasure to be a member of the team trained by you. I learnt a lot not only on assessment but also on the behavioral aspects of an assessor by observing the trainer.” - Dr. Rajesh Cheerla, Etisalat “It really changes my way of thinking and viewing things in life.” - Tarek Wahdan, Egypt Council “Very informative and gives great insight for a new way of thinking.” - Dr. Abeer Shata, Al-khabeer “Brain massage of the trainers regarding EFQM model, challenge and team work help me to improve my knowledge and abilities in quality to reach excellence.” - Ayman Ibrahim, Mafraq Hospital -

EFQM Certified Assessor Training

Day 1 (22nd April) 2012 Time

Module/ Topic

10:00 -10:30

Introduction and Overview

10:30 -11:00

The Assessment Process

11:00 -11:30

Assessor Core Competencies and Training Performance Review Process

11:30 - 12:45

Fundamental Concepts of Excellence, the EFQM Excellence Model, and RADAR (with exercise)

12:45 - 13:30


13:30 - 14:45

Understanding and using Key Information (with case based exercise)

14:45 -16:00

Identifying and Using Key Themes Part 1 (with case based exercise)

16:00 - 17:30

Assessment Basics (with case based exercise)

Day 2 (23rd April) 2012 Time

Module/ Topic

08:45 – 09:00

Review of Day 1; Preview of Day 2

09:00 – 09:30

Assessment Basics (with case based exercise) continued

09:30 – 12:00

Team Working (with case based exercise)

12:00 – 12:45

Site Visits (with case based exercise)

12:45 – 13:30

Lunch + Initial One-to-Ones + Networking

13:30 – 16:45

Site Visits (with case based exercise) continued

16:45 – 17:15

Preparing and Delivering Feedback

17:15 – 17:30

Evening Test Exercise briefing

Day 3 (24th April) 2012 Time

Module/ Topic

08:45 – 09:00

Review of Day 2; Preview of Day 3

09:00 – 11:45

Preparing and Delivering Feedback (with case based exercise) continued

11:45 – 12:45

Identifying and Using Key Themes Part 2 (with case based exercise)

12:45 – 13:30

Lunch + EFQM Products & Services Presentation

13:30 – 14:45

Final One-to-Ones and Final Team Exercise

14:45 – 15:00

Course Close

Quality is not a destination, it is a way of life

For Further Information please do not hesitate to contact us: Amani Zeidan - Human Resourses Consultant Heba El Kafrawy - Client Relations & Marketing Coordinator Tel: +971 2 639 80 03 Fax: +971 2 639 80 06 zeidan@ipefoundation.com elkafrawy@ipefoundation.com www.ipefoundation.com P.O. Box 107289 Abu Dhabi, UAE

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