In Mary, we learn how to travel as a synodal Church. We learn to be at home in the world and to make a home for all those who are seeking home, a place of welcome and refuge, healing and salvation, a place of reconciliation, peace and the assurance of eternal life. This is a Church for which we long and need. At some point, we all become refugees seeking a homeland. With Mary, Mother of the Church, we learn how to make the Church, the Body of Christ, such a place, a people of living communion, participation and mission.
With her, we learn to say our “fiat” in all the circumstances of our lives and to join in the great chorus of faith that echoes through the centuries, “Magnificat anima mea dominum”— “My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my saviour.” So long as that chorus never fades, the world has a sure hope; if it follows the great song, it will find its way to the inestimable gift of life who is Jesus Christ.
Questions for reflection
1. Has your experience with the synod and the synodal process changed how you experience the body of Christ? How so?
2. What does it mean to you to “travel as a synodal church”?
3. What people or models help you more deeply understand what it means to be a synodal church?
4. What does a synodal church look like to you?
5. As your understanding of a synodal church has deepened, do you feel called to do anything differently in either your faith communities or own personal spirituality? How so?
Northwest Ignatian Advocacy Summit in February 2024
A beautiful, powerful, and multigenerational gathering culminated in the Sacred Salmon Town Hall public action! Representatives from Jesuits West-sponsored works in the Northwest gathered to learn and take action to restore salmon and honor tribal treaties.
(photo top right: participants engaging in a workshop activity)
“I Will Live Until I Die”
Over 650 community members attended two community-centered musical shows featuring local Seattle choirs and actors, all led by the creative vision, direction, and acting of ValLimar Jansen. Both evenings were a cultural celebration highlighting the gifts and struggles of Black Catholics as told through the prophetic life and ministry of Sister Thea Bowman.
(photo middle right)
Peace In Israel & Palestine
IPJC’s Youth Action Team interns, along with a coalition of their peers, hosted an educational evening at Our Lady of the Lake featuring Jim Thomas, Deacon Denny Duffell, and a student panel. A few weeks later, they gathered people on Good Friday to walk “The Way of Sorrow,” drawing parallels between Hamas’ acts of terrorism on October 7, the Israeli government’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians, and the passion of Jesus.
(photo lower right)