2 minute read
How to make the perfect vegetable garden
Have you seen some great potential in your garden? Are you looking to turn it into a successful vegetable plot? If the answer is yes, then look no further. This is the article for you!
The first hurdle is planning where to place your patch. If you have a choice, try and position your plot in some good sunlight with ample shelter from the wind. This can be achieved through placement or fencing. These will give your more delicate plants a better chance of survival from wind burn.
If the space available to you is limited, consider growing your vegetables in window spaces or dotted amongst your existing plants.
Once you’ve picked the ideal plot for your vegetable garden, it’s time to decide which fruits or vegetables you want to be growing. If you are just beginning your vegetable growing journey, consider starting out with some hardier veggies such as carrots, potatoes and courgettes.
It is also important to not grow more than you need – it’s easier than you think to become overwhelmed by too many plants in your plot!
Now that the plan for your garden is in place, it’s time to get to work.
Choose between growing our plants from seeds or seedlings and order accordingly. It is also time to order any equipment you may need including fertiliser, mulch and pest deterrents. Once you’ve gathered everything you need, the soil needs to be prepared. Mark the corners of the garden area with rocks. Clear the area within the borders free of roots, rocks, sticks, weeds, and other large debris. Use the soil tiller, hoe or rake to break up the soil into small pieces, working it to a depth of about 12 inches (30.5 cm), depending on how deep your vegetables need to be planted.
Finally, its time to plant your vegetables and begin caring for them. While the seeds are taking root, you need to keep the topsoil moist. The misting option on many garden hoses is a great tool here to lightly spray your vegetable patch every day. Try to avoid watering at night to reduce chance of fungus growth.
As your veggies start to grow, you may notice weeds growing alongside them. Take the time to remove these weeds as they are taking advantage of the perfect growing environment that you have created.
Gently grab as close to the root as possible, being careful not to pull out any of your sprouted vegetables.
As they start to grow bigger, make sure to care for each type of vegetable in the way that is best for them. It may be wise to keep note of how often each plant is watered, pruned or fertilised.
Also remember to note your harvests for future reference.