2 minute read
Declutter your life
Decluttering a room is often thought of as a gruelling process that will inevitably take up hours of your time and effort.
It definitely will involve both of these things but removing possessions that are taking up valuable space in your home is such a rewarding experience that will make it all worth it.
It has been debated whether or not task cleaning is more effective than zone cleaning, however, it is important to note that they are both deemed very useful depending on differing objectives. Task cleaning seems at its most effective when you need your entire house cleaned but doesn’t involve much decluttering. Zone cleaning is targeted specifically to one room at a time and delivers, what I believe to be, the most rewarding cleaning results in one go.
Once you’ve finished and your room looks beautiful, you’ll be more motivated to keep it that way and not get cluttered again so quickly.
It is absolutely vital that before beginning you equip yourself with the right mindset to get rid of everything you don’t need! If it no longer serves any purpose to you – there is no point keeping it. This goes for both possessions and clothing items. Many also find that selling things that are too good to just be thrown away is a good incentive to clear out a room and earn a little bit of money from doing so.
Allow yourself enough time to completely finish in one go. When starting a complete decluttering process, it is so important to allot yourself plenty of time to complete the entire room. If you don’t have enough time to finish it in one sitting, it is more likely to be forgotten about and continue to gain mess, making your next attempt even more difficult.
Additionally, when you start the project knowing you’ll finish the same day, you will be more motivated throughout the process to really get stuck in.
Anything that’s on the floor that shouldn’t be needs picking up and putting into its rightful space - this includes all clothes and washing. If it doesn’t have a rightful space, ask yourself if you absolutely need it, if not, throw it away and move on.
Clearing the floor space will remind you of the rooms size and potential, prompting you to make the most of your space.
Sorting through for things that bring you positivity and removing anything that doesn’t. this is especially important for your bedroom space! The space where you sleep should always be relaxing and clean for you to destress effectively.
Finally, try practicing gratitude for the space you occupy! Any space, regardless of size or shape, can be transformed into a beautiful living area with a little bit of effort.