TIDAL TRAINING DIRECT LTD When was the company founded? April 2017 Where is the company based? Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
How many staff does the company have? A team of 10 paramedics and first responders What does the company do? Teaches workplace first aid to support HSE requirements and to give staff the confidence, skills and knowledge to assist in the event of a workplace accident, injury or emergency. What is your company specialism? High quality Ofqual regulated safe and socially distanced face to face First Aid training, focussing on practical skills such as CPR how to use a defibrillator, choking and seizures. We teach all subjects first aid related from anaphylaxis to wound care management.
Do you support a charity, if so who and how do you support the charity? We actively support several charities and local appeals. Our key partner is GWAAC. Director Clare is the Co-Founder of Public Hearts Cheltenham - raising awareness and numbers of lifesaving defibrillators in Cheltenham. Learn more here: eltenham-24-hr-public-access-defibrillator/
Why is the company a great company to work for? With over 120 5-star reviews and a reputation for outstanding training, what our clients reflect about us is much more impactful than anything we could say about ourselves! Nothing is more important than helping some-one when they need it most and that’s what we take the greatest pride in teaching.
Give our readers an insight to what you do: Here’s a poignant story of how vital learning first aid is, read here: 563753680485288
What is the company vision? To teach first aid and life saving skills to the best of our ability to help someone when they need it most Where are your customers based? (local, national, international)
England and Wales How does the company attract new customers? Referrals, recommendations and renewals