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in t H is issu E…
4 KomAtsu’s K100 Boom CHAnGE sYstEm For pC490HrD-11
6 tHE rEALitY oF sAnY truCKs EnVironmEntAL rEsponsiBiLitY AmonG BrAZiL's LArGEst mininG CompAniEs
8 LiEBHErr AnD GmVYKon BrinG tHE First mK 88-4.1 to mEXiCo
10 miLton roY EXpAnDs HELisEm® miXEr LinE For inCrEAsED AppLiCAtion CoVErAGE
11 LiEBHErr-AErospACE BootH At AEro inDiA 2023
12 itALiAn rEntAL GiAnt mAssuCCo t, BuYs tHrEE GroVE Grt655L rouGHtErrAin CrAnEs
14 CAtErpiLLAr's LAtEst EquipmEnt innoVAtions on DispLAY At ConEXpoCon/AGG 2023
17 VoLVo CE FLoAts L260H ACross sWiss LAKE to CustomEr quArrY
18 sWitCH to JCB ELECtriC sHrEDs Emissions
19 Cummins FuEL-AGnostiC EnGinE pLAtForm CApABiLitY ComEs to ConEXpo
20 Fpt inDustriAL’s nEW XC13 HYDroGEn ComBustion EnGinE mAKEs its FiELD DEBut At FLACHAu sKi WorLD Cup toGEtHEr WitH prinotH
22 tHE Fpt inDustriAL n67 nAturAL GAs EnGinE poWErs tHE WorLD’s First LnG prototYpE trACtor, DEsiGnED BY nEW HoLLAnD AGriCuLturE
BrADKEn inVEsts in pHotoVoLtAiCs spECiAList EnErpArC Group piLot proJECt: inDustriALiZED ECo-DEsiGn oF A ControL ArmrEst
30 DriVE soLutions For tHE CrAnE inDustrY trAVELLinG AnD LiFt DriVEs From A sinGLE sourCE
32 CAsE ConstruCtion EquipmEnt to LAunCH WHEELED EXCAVAtor rAnGE
34 CEA: tHE pLAntWorX ConstruCtion trADE sHoW GAins trACtion As morE EXHiBitors BooK For tHE 2023 EVEnt
36 KomAtsu EuropE HD785-8 riGiD Dump truCK At BAumA 2022
38 A stronG FiLtrAtion soLutions pArtnEr For ConstruCtion mACHinErY
40 BoBCAt sHoWCAsEs EquipmEnt oF tHE FuturE At BAumA 2022
43 stArt oF opErAtions At nEW mAnuFACturinG FACiLitY in tHE unitED stAtEs For CompACt ConstruCtion mACHinErY
44 nEW FEAturEs For tHE proViu 360 surrounD ViEW sYstEm: ContinEntAL improVEs sAFEtY on ConstruCtion sitEs
46 tHE CAsE pLAnt in LECCE CELEBrAtEs 50 YEArs in BusinEss
48 ContinEntAL LAunCHEs innoVAtiVE LD-mAstEr L5 trACtion ConstruCtion tirE
50 tHE sEAson 7 XCmG ApprEntiCE ComEs up rosEs
52 JoHn DEErE EXpAnDs its AttACHmEnts FAmiLY WitH nEW muLCHErs AnD BrusH CuttErs For EXCAVAtors send your press releases to: editor@ipmediaonline.com
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The K100 boom change system allows you to reconfigure the machine within minutes, without leaving the operator cab.
With the display of its K100 boom change system for the p C490H r D-11 high reach demolition machine, Komatsu Europe demonstrates a new level of demolition projects efficiency for customers.
“Listening to demolition contractors showed us that the industry is looking for a significant improvement in efficiency,” says s imon s aunders, Working Gear product marketing manager at Komatsu Europe. “At Komatsu, we took up this challenge, asking ourselves how to translate our own capabilities into the best business benefits for our customers.” He adds: “With the introduction of the patented K100 boom change system, we believe that our customers can fully benefit from the versatility built into every Komatsu H r D machine, enhance site safety, and reduce project time.” t he K100 boom change system makes these wide-ranging capabilities significantly more accessible. t here is no need to manually handle any heavy hydraulic hoses or to carry out any manual work at height when changing the machine’s configuration. used to its maximum effect, the K100 system could even allow the pC490HrD-11 to carry out both primary demolition as well as site clearance, perhaps even removing an extra machine from the site.
Komatsu’s K100 boom change system the operator cab of a machine with the K100 system looks very similar to that of the conventional boom change machine. All the controls of the K100 system are incorporated within the Human/machine interface (Hmi) panel, which doubles up as the working range indicator system in normal use. t he H mi panel offers instructional animations as well as a built-in view from the alignment camera so that the operator is fully aware of the machine’s condition at all times. no additional monitors are needed, ensuring the view from the operator cab remains uninterrupted. the machine is able to handle a range of demolition attachments, from 2500 kg in the maximum 32 m extended high reach arrangement, up to 3350 kg in the common 28 m high reach arrangement, up to 5000 kg for the digging or medium height arrangements, giving a huge range of available power/reach. t he standard safety and fleet management equipment fitted to the p C490H r D-11 are retained with the K100 boom change system, with the n eutral Detection s ystem, Komatsu Care, KomVision and Komatsu’s telematic system Komtrax all featuring in the standard specification.
With relatively few changes to the structure of the well-known p C490H r D-11, the K100 builds on proven durability and adds new in-house Komatsu Group technology with highly visual graphical controls, operating in compliance with iso safety regulations.
Equipped with the K100 boom change system, the machine’s operating weight ranges from 62,105 kg up to 75830 kg, depending on the working configuration.
Hydraulic performance of the K100 system is similar to the machine with the conventional boom change system, ensuring you can make full use of the various working configurations available.
PC490HRD-11 K100 system – Features and benefits
NEW – Maximum convenience n o need for external help for boom change process. no need for access ladder or platform. n o need to remove additional counterweight.
NEW – Unrivalled versatility
Change boom configuration in minutes, without getting out of the cab. u se one machine for all tasks on a demolition site.
2500 kg attachment capacity with 32 m extended high reach configuration.
NEW – operating costs s ave costs of extra machines and operators for site clearance & support work. Change machine configuration without working at height – no need to return to the depot for configuration change. reduce machine into smaller sections for transport
NEW – Simple-to-use control software
Attractive graphical touch screen operator interface.
step by step guidance on screen. Built-in camera view for equipment alignment.
Combined monitor panel to maximise view from window.
see the video on Youtube at: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=FY3PiSc3vVE www.komatsu.eu
The mining market in Brazil is considered one of the most important in the world, with emphasis on the iron-mining sector. Other important minerals include manganese, bauxite, nickel and gold.
The country is also one of the largest producers of high-tech minerals such as niobium and tantalite. However, mining in Brazil faces regulatory, social and environmental challenges.
the environmental challenge has become more evident in recent years, generating a more rigid posture by mining companies, which still have a lot of work to do in terms of decommissioning dams raised upstream. i n addition to profound changes in the regulatory field related to this management and operation, the EsG (Environmental, s ocial and Corporate Governance) has made environmental, social and governance responsibility a priority.
there is a very strong trend in the market to reduce the emission of pollutants. sA n Y, always attentive to trends and innovations, has been investing heavily in research and development of electrical equipment. the company currently have a vast variety of electrical equipment under development, homologation and even in operation, says thiago Brion, Commercial manager at sAnY do Brasil.
the sAnY sKt90E off-Highway trucks, for example, use state-of-the-art lithium iron phosphate (LF p ) batteries. t hese vehicles transport 60 tonnes of payload, and their autonomy varies according to the type of application: when the load is transported from the highest level to the lowest, the energy regeneration system contributes a lot to an even longer autonomy, reaching to situations where the vehicle is capable of operating for days without needing to recharge the battery, explains Fabiano rezende, Engineer responsible for the brand's electrical equipment in Brazil.
Last year, one of the biggest mining companies in Brazil, which has one of the largest open-pit mining complexes, is developing a new and extremely important project for the continuity and evolution of the Brazilian mining market started the project with electric trucks from sAnY, sKt90E.
We started operating the first sKt90E in Brazil in the second half of 2022. Despite being a technical analysis still under development, we can already see a considerable reduction in operating costs, given the best efficiency of the electrical system compared to internal combustion engines, boosted by the cost of electricity compared to the cost of diesel. in addition, there is a potential increase in productivity, as the electric vehicle has proven to be faster than its diesel counterpart, reducing load displacement time - Fabiano rezende, Engineering team. in an interview for rotA DiGitAL nEWs, Csn's director of sustainability, Helena Brennand Guerra said, “We are very happy with this partnership, which demonstrates yet another important action aligned with innovation and sustainability. C sn m ineração already stands out for all its pioneering movement, having been the first in the country to implement technology for filtering and stacking tailings, operating independently of the use of dams, which are currently in the process of being decharacterised.
We spare no effort to rely on ever more state-of-the-art technology in our operations, including initiatives already mastered abroad by companies and their partners to contribute to the decarbonization process and digital transformation in our operations,” celebrates Helena.
a doubt, it is a path of no return.
All major companies in the mining sector are engaged in EsG-related actions. the carbon emission reduction policy is a reality and the use of electrical equipment only has to contribute. t he existing obstacles are completely circumvented able, especially when dealing with controlled and restricted environments such as those of a mining company.
they concern the infrastructure needed to receive the equipment, such as tools and professionals with specific knowledge to perform maintenance on them, installation and operation of battery chargers which, as they provide fast charging, involve more robust electrical installations.
Liebherr has delivered its first MK 88-4.1 to Mexico. The four-axle crane is a perfect match for crane company GMVykon’s upcoming projects.
Mexican crane company GMVykon is won over by the tried-and-tested mobile construction crane concept
Comprehensive after-sales service provided by Liebherr service technicians and local spare parts warehouse
Future-oriented hybrid power concept for environmentally responsible operation the agile mK 88-4.1 for GmVykon, which has a maximum lifting capacity of eight tonnes, is also the first of its kind to be put into operation on the American continent. the crane is particularly useful for short jobs in several locations. pull up, unfold the crane at the push of a button, complete the lifts and move on to the next site after dismantling: the taxi crane concept makes this mobile construction crane extremely flexible.
“ We’re impressed by the great mK series concept and want to introduce it to the mexican market,” enthused managing Director José Victor Cortez at the crane’s official handover at Liebherr's m onterrey site. Liebherr will ensure reliable local service for the new machine.
Extensive reach, minimal space requirements
What's more, only one person is needed for travel, assembly and operation. Additional transport vehicles and tools are not necessary; another factor that contributes to its efficient use. the crane offers a maximum hook height of approx. 59 meter (45-degree luffed position) and a maximum radius of 45 meter. it also delivers a jib head load capacity of up to 2,200 kilograms. o wing to its vertical tower, the crane can be erected directly at the building in question. this saves space and ensures that obstructions for road users are as minimal as possible.
successful handover of the new mK 884.1 (from left): Christian tableros (Liebherr m éxico s . de r .L. de C.V.), José Victor Cortez (managing Director GmVykon) and Hector Garza (CFo GmVykon).
the crane's future-oriented hybrid power concept is another advantage when working in built-up areas. i t enables all-electric operation, with the use of site power, for example. t his means that the crane is also especially quiet when working and doesn't produce any C o 2 emissions. i f an external power source isn’t available, an efficient diesel generator ensures self-sufficient operation. Both the superstructure and undercarriage drives can be powered by HVo (Hydrogenated Vegetable oils).
Comprehensive customer service
By adding the m K 88-4.1 to its fleet, GmVykon has gained a versatile piece of equipment. “Liebherr has impressed us for years with its excellent customer service, top quality and outstanding technology,” said José Victor Cortez. the company fleet includes around 100 Liebherr machines ranging from 30 to 800 tonnes in lifting capacity. At present, its most powerful crane is a Liebherr Ltm 1750-9.1 mobile crane. the close collaboration between G m Vykon and Liebherr was evident when the mK 88-4.1 was presented in monterrey. Customers of the m exican crane company and Liebherr méxico were invited to experience the latest addition to the GmVykon fleet.
“We have provided our service technicians with extensive training specifically for this series so we can offer our customers a reliable and fast service for mobile construction cranes in m exico,” said Christian tableros, Divisional Director Liebherr méxico s . de r .L. de C.V. t his means that Liebherr is able to ensure efficient after-sales service, “As well as that, we are also in the process of setting up a spare parts warehouse for short response times, and we're working hard to further increase awareness of the mKs in mexico.” As well as the mK 88-4.1, the series also includes the mK 73-3.1 and the mK 140-5.1.
Ingersoll Rand’s Milton Roy Mixing, a leading global provider of mixing and agitation solutions for numerous industries, has launched its redesigned and extended HELISEM® line of top-entry mixers that can now be used in a much broader range of applications. The new models, which became available to order on January 18, 2023, meet customers’ expectations for flexible flow rate capabilities, achieving low, medium, and high mixing levels in a large variety of tanks.
“ We are convinced that this newly launched extended range of mixers matches even better customer needs and will demonstrate its superior efficiency compared to what is currently available on the market,” said Gaël poulleau, Global technical Leader, mixing, at milton roy.
the new HELisEm® line comprises five distinct mixer series – VDA, Vrp, VrH, F r H and the new V r G series – and features a total of 133 models. suitable for applications with fluid viscosities of up to 1,000 c p, these models provide high mixing levels in up to 8m diameter tanks and medium and low mixing levels in up to 11m diameter tanks. they can support dilution, dissolution, flocculation, homogenization, solid suspension, and other processes in sectors such as chemical, water treatment and general industries.
A premium motor and optimised proprietary propellers deliver industryleading mixing efficiency, which translates into significant energy savings during mixer lifetime. the new mixers are easier, safer and less expensive to install and use, with numerous models requiring no maintenance under normal operating conditions. standard HELisEm® mixer models offer stainless steel construction for wetted parts and are equipped with one or two propellers, 50 or 60 Hz power supply, and an upward or downward flow option. Among custom features are alternative mounting options, including a square baseplate and a circular baseplate for AsmE tank flanges, and optional ABCitE® high-strength powder coating (now available on 67 models) that provides outstanding corrosion protection and best-in-class salt spray resistance. https://www.miltonroy.com/
A long-standing partner of the Indian aviation industry, LiebherrAerospace is eager to host guests at its booth F6.6 in hall F during Aero India (Feb 13th-17th) at Yelahanka Air Force Station in Bangalore.
The company’s intention is to enlarge its footprint in india, encompassing engineering support as well as customer service. in addition, Liebherr is continuing to intensify the relationship with its indian supply base.
the company offers highly integrated and engineered products in the fields of air management, flight control and actuation, gears, gearboxes as well as landing gear systems and electronics including full life cycle support.
At Aero i ndia, the Liebherr team will explain to potential customers what hightech solutions are possible.
For more information please visit https://aeroindia.gov.in/ www.liebherr.com
Efficiency improvements enabled by the state-of-the-art yet intuitive technologies on the Grove GRT655L were a key factor in Massucco T, ordering three GRT655L rough-terrain cranes.
The compact and portable GRT655L features Manitowoc’s CCS (Crane Control System), enabling operations to be easily adjusted to suit individual preferences, making it the perfect rental crane.
The 60 t capacity crane has a 43 m boom, tilting cab, and a removable counterweight – all features usually only found on larger rough-terrain cranes.
The cranes were presented to the italian rental giant at a handover event at manitowoc’s niella tanaro factory, just 30 minutes from massucco t.’s headquarters in Cuneo, piedmont.
“there were many reasons behind our choice to invest in Grove again. o ur previous experience with the brand, and our awareness of the reliability and excellent technical support were relevant. But perhaps the main attraction was the advanced technologies on the crane. these are not gadgets, but digital tools that impact crane management and maintenance. For example, the diagnostics feature is an extremely important way to keep on top of operating and maintenance costs. i t allows us to precisely schedule service based on working hours,” said roberto Borgogno, sales manager at massucco t representing a major leap forward in quality and total Cost of ownership, the onboard diagnostics enable the actual hours of many machine functions (winch, boom, slewing, engines, hydraulics, etc.) to be recorded, ensuring maintenance is performed exactly when needed. t he frequency of maintenance is also significantly reduced thanks to a design focused on increased components service life. t he crane’s CC s consists of two antiglare, tilting graphic displays, plus a jog dial selector and ergonomic joysticks, which allow response curves and function speeds to be easily customized to operator preferences and skill levels. the 60 t capacity Grt655L also offers the sort of reach more typically found in the 70-80 t class, with a 43 m five sections, full-power boom. When working with a jib, operators can reach more than 56 m and nearly 60 m at maximum tip height. For easier operation when working with longer booms, there’s a hydraulically tilt able, full-vision cab.
For example, by mounting the outrigger jack cylinders upside down, the chrome part of the cylinder and the seals are protected against damage, sand, dust, and other contaminants. And by using hydraulic disc brakes with double calipers, instead of the more common, less-efficient pneumatic design, there is no need for a separate maintenance schedule.
You can take them anywhere Another factor that makes the Grt655L a perfect rental crane is its compactness and portability. “the Grt655L is just 3 m wide and has a removable counterweight, so it’s easy to transport on a trailer,” added Borgogno.
As the most compact model in its class, the narrow dimensions of the Grt655L enable it to be easily shipped in one complete load. t he maneuverability is enhanced too, with its four-wheel coordinated steering producing a turning radius of just 6.4 m, allowing it to access even the most congested sites.
“the Grt655L’s impressive load charts and performance are a big selling point, but even more importantly, it’s a crane with features that are perfect for the i talian and European market – and that’s a major advantage in the rental business. With these purchases, our fleet is more versatile, allowing us to further extend our offering and cover a wider range of applications, from assembling prefabricated buildings to maintenance and process work in industrial plants,” said Borgogno. www.manitowoc.com
Caterpillar’s largest exhibit to date at CONEXPO-CON/ AGG 2023 where the company will highlight its latest products, services and technologies while paying tribute to those who build the world’s infrastructure.
The company’s 70,000 ft2 (6,500 m2) outdoor demonstration arena will anchor the massive display known as o perator s tadium located in the expo’s Festival Lot.
new Caterpillar technology, services and sustainability hubs provide visitors the opportunity to look beyond the iron for ways to increase operating efficiency and improve machine uptime. Visitors will find new and current models and batteryelectric machine prototypes during the expo from m arch 14-18 in Las Vegas, nevada.
The Latest Equipment
the extensive Cat® equipment display in the Festival Lot includes more than 30 machines, including model unveiling and battery-electric model prototypes with charging stations. Visitors will see two main equipment demonstrations each day; one focused on the latest Cat technology, and one that will spotlight the company’s full equipment line up. Additionally, Caterpillar will be providing unique daily spotlight demonstrations that will take a deep dive into key industry topics including improving fuel efficiency and jobsite efficiency, the evolution of technology, and convenient, scalable solutions for all customers.
the new Cat 950 medium wheel loader on display offers premium performance and simple-to-use technologies to help boost operator efficiency and increase productivity, while extended service intervals help lower maintenance costs. Visitors will be treated to a preview of the next Generation Cat 926, 930 and 938 small wheel loaders – slated for production in late 2023 – which feature new technologies designed to make work more easily, a reimagined operator environment and extended service intervals.
For paving contractors, the halflane Cat pm 822 cold planer features integrated Cat Grade technology and the latest system K rotor options that deliver performance, productivity and cutting precision. With its compact size, exceptional mobility and easy transport, the Cat A p 455 m obil-trac™ asphalt paver offers great features for both large and small contactors when paving urban streets, parking lots and rural roads. Furthermore, an exciting new market disrupting three-dimensional screed plate with modular fastening system improves mat density and smoothness, while reducing screed plate change time up to 80 percent. the booth will also showcase Caterpillar’s technical services and market expertise leveraged by the global Cat dealer network to maximise the efficiency and extend the life cycles of off-highway equipment, including Cat remanufactured and service replacement engines.
The Latest Power Caterpillar i ndustrial p ower s ystems Division will exhibit in booth s 84329 in the s outh Hall a wide and rapidly growing portfolio of high-efficiency Cat industrial power solutions. t he exhibit includes the unveiling of a new high power internal combustion engine, as well as the leading-edge lithium-ion battery technologies under development. Engines on display, such as the C3.6 ipu, C7.1 and C9.3B, meet Eu stage V, u s EpA tier 4 Final emission standards and are compatible with biodiesel up to B20 and hydro treated vegetable oil (HVo) to E n 15940, to help customers power a better, more sustainable world.
The Services Hub: Easy and on-the-go Caterpillar offers a range of service options that are easy, convenient, flexible and sustainable. the new Cat Central app is the latest tool for convenient access to genuine Cat parts and support. this on-the-go experience makes it easy for customers to find and order Cat parts, scan and shop a specific asset instantly and find answers to maintenance and support questions. Another new servicerelated solution is the new Cat sis2Go app which takes the guesswork out of maintaining, troubleshooting and repairing Cat equipment. Both apps are available on Windows, ios and Android platforms. the services Hub is located in the Festival Lot, and the hub will include Caterpillar subject matter experts (smE) who will help guide attendees through several maintenance options for Cat equipment. Customer Value Agreement (CVA) options offer easy ownership plans customized to fit a customer’s business needs to extend equipment life and maximise the investment. Cat Certified r ebuild programs return end-of-life machines, systems and components to like new condition. Cat reman products bring new life to assets with like-new performance at a fraction of the cost of buying new. Cat self-service options deliver convenient, simple parts ordering and machine repair support for those who prefer to do their own service. team members from Cat Financial will be available to discuss the latest leasing and financing programs, including Cat Card, as well as extended protection packages to help secure customers’ investments. Whether they are looking for new or used Cat machines or for repair/rebuild options to keep their current machines operational, Cat Financial experts will help customers make the right decision to support their business – no matter how large or small.
The Technology Hub: Solutions for Any Operation
t he Caterpillar technology Hub in the Festival Lot will offer attendees the ability to experience a range of new and existing Cat technologies – VisionLink, Cat Command, VisionLink productivity, Cat Detect, Cat Grade and Cat payload. Caterpillar smEs will be on hand to assist each customer in finding a scalable solution designed to fit the business’s needs and budget.
i ts centerpiece exhibit, the “Looking Glass” cube, displays and interactively showcases the five key capabilities of the new Cat VisionLink® application –Geofence & Location, Fuel theft Alerts, Diagnostics, idle t ime/Fuel Burn, and maintenance. An interactive wall invites visitors to explore the full suite of VisionLink capabilities for both Cat and non-Cat equipment and non-machine assets.
the hub’s multiple Cat Command stations allow attendees to remotely operate Cat machines located more than 400 miles away at the tinaja Hills Demonstration and Learning Center. they are positioned to allow attendees to better experience and learn more about the Command for Dozing, Excavating and Loading technologies. o ne of the Command stations allows visitors to try the “strike pay Dirt Challenge,” where participants remotely control an excavator to win a prize.
The Sustainability Hub: Choose Your Machine. Choose Your Power t he Caterpillar s ustainability Hub in the Festival Lot will spotlight fuel efficiency and alternative power sources; technologies to fit every operation and budget; and parts and service designed to make uptime fast and easy. p lus, customers will learn about sustainability benefits they can choose today and plan for tomorrow.
outside the sustainability Hub, exhibit attendees can view components of Caterpillar’s total site solution for the energy transition, including four batteryelectric machine prototypes – the Cat 301.9 mini excavator, 320 medium excavator, 950 GC medium wheel loader and 906 compact wheel loader – in addition to AC and DC charging solutions. t he Caterpillar-designed batteries powering these battery-electric machines are built on lithium-ion Cat technology with a modular design that offers flexible configurations across multiple applications.
Celebrating the Operator
With the quest to prove they are the best, more than 10,000 operators representing more than 32 countries around the world registered to compete in the 2022-2023 Global o perator Challenge. From 3,500 participants in the first round of local competitions to 84 advancing to the regional semifinals, nine of the world’s best equipment operators will demonstrate their advanced skill, precision and stamina in hopes of being named the Global o perator Challenge Champion. the nine finalists competing in operator stadium at ConExpo are:
• pontus Eriksson, representing Zeppelin sweden
• sebastian Behr, representing Zeppelin Germany
• Łukasz Mokrzyński, representing Bergerat monnoyeur poland
• John schiedeck, representing Holt Cat (texas, usA)
• m att Ferris, representing Empire Cat (Arizona, usA)
• Fernando do nascimento, representing pEsA (Brazil)
• m asato i mai, representing n ippon Caterpillar (Japan)
• patrick Doheny, representing William Adams (Australia)
• nick thompson, representing Cavpower (Australia) the finals kick off on tuesday morning, m arch 14, immediately following the expo’s grand opening ceremonies. throughout the competition, the skills of the finalists will be put to the test in three identical challenges – excavating, loading, and hauling/maneuvering the equipment through a variety of obstacles. the champion is set to be crowned on the afternoon of march 14. more information on the finalists can be found at www.cat.com/operatorchallenge and for more details about the Cat C on EX po -C on /AGG experience, visit https://www.cat.com/en_US/ campaigns/event/conexpo-2023.html www.cat.com
All ConEXpo-Con/AGG attendees are encouraged to attend the Global operator Challenge Finals to see first-hand the new equipment, technologies and services on display in Festival Lot exhibit, F9127.