Distributing the Leadership Recruiting and Appointing Assistant Principal I Assistant Principal II
Revised June 2022
Table of Contents 1
SEQUENCE OF ACTIVITY FOR AP RECRUITMENT & APPOINTMENT ..........................................................1
SECTION 1 - DISTRIBUTED LEADERSHIP – IN-SCHOOL MANAGEMENT TEAM (ISM) ..................................3 2.1 INTRODUCTION – LEADING THE SCHOOL, SETTING THE TONE, CREATING THE ETHOS ............................................. 3 2.1.1 Leadership Team ......................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Core Values, Vision, Ethos ............................................................................................................ 3 2.1.3 In-School Management Team ...................................................................................................... 3 2.1.4 APs role in the ISM ....................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.5 Allocation of API and APII posts to a school .................................................................................. 4 2.2 POSTS OF RESPONSIBILITY (PORS) & THE QUALITY FRAMEWORK FOR SCHOOLS ................................................... 4 2.2.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.2 Leadership and Management ...................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 2 – PREPARING FOR THE PROCESS ............................................................................................5 3.1 CONFIRMING THE NEED FOR A POST OF RESPONSIBILITY (POR) INTERVIEW PROCESS ............................................. 5 3.2 AP POSTS – SOME CAVEATS ................................................................................................................... 5 3.3 PROCEDURE & TIMING .......................................................................................................................... 5 3.3.1 Plan the Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 5 3.3.2 Getting the Timing right............................................................................................................... 6 3.4 STAFF PREPARATION ............................................................................................................................. 6 3.5 IDENTIFYING THE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT NEEDS AND PRIORITIES OF THE SCHOOL ....................................... 7
SECTION 3 – RECRUITMENT AND APPOINTMENT PROCESS .....................................................................9 4.1 ADVERTISING THE POST OF RESPONSIBILITY ................................................................................................. 9 4.2 INTERVIEWS ........................................................................................................................................ 9 4.2.1 Interview Board ........................................................................................................................... 9 4.2.2 The Interview............................................................................................................................... 9 4.2.3 Marking Sheet ........................................................................................................................... 10 4.2.4 Determining the Successful Candidate........................................................................................ 11 4.2.5 Retention of Documents ............................................................................................................ 11 4.2.6 Offer, Contract & Form PoR1...................................................................................................... 12 4.3 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PORS ..................................................................................................... 12 4.3.1 Assignment and re-assignment .................................................................................................. 12 4.3.2 Annual Report ........................................................................................................................... 13 4.3.3 Review....................................................................................................................................... 13
THE APPEALS PROCESS .......................................................................................................................... 14 5.1 THE APPEALS PROCESS ........................................................................................................................ 14 5.2 MAKING AN APPEAL............................................................................................................................ 14 5.3 GROUNDS FOR APPEAL ........................................................................................................................ 14 5.4 BOM RESPONSE ................................................................................................................................ 15 5.5 ARBITRATION BOARD .......................................................................................................................... 15 5.6 ARBITRATION BOARD HEARING .............................................................................................................. 16 5.7 ARBITRATION BOARD FINDINGS ............................................................................................................. 16 5.7.1 Where the AB rejects the Appeal ................................................................................................ 16 5.7.2 Where the AB upholds the Appeal .............................................................................................. 17 5.8 SECOND APPEAL ................................................................................................................................ 17 DISTRIBUTING LEADERSHIP: RECRUITMENT & APPOINTMENT OF DP (INTERNAL) API AND APII
ACTING POST HOLDERS ......................................................................................................................... 18 6.1 ACTING PRINCIPAL .............................................................................................................................. 18 6.1.1 3 or more Teacher Schools ......................................................................................................... 18 6.1.2 2 Teacher Schools ...................................................................................................................... 18 6.1.3 1 Teacher Schools ...................................................................................................................... 18 6.2 ACTING DP ....................................................................................................................................... 18 6.3 ACTING API ...................................................................................................................................... 18 6.4 ACTING APII ..................................................................................................................................... 19 6.5 LONG TERM ACTING APPOINTMENTS ...................................................................................................... 19
MISCELAENOUS PROVISIONS OF CIRCULAR 44/2019 IN RELATIO TO PORS............................................ 20 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6
PAYMENT OF ACTING POR ALLOWANCES ................................................................................................. 20 ALLOWANCE FOR MAINSTREAM CLASS TEACHER IN A 2 TEACHER SCHOOL ........................................................ 20 EFFECT OF STAFFING SCHEDULES ON PRINCIPAL AND DP ALLOWANCES ............................................................ 20 RETENTION OF POR ALLOWANCES ON A PERSONAL BASIS ............................................................................. 20 IMPLICATIONS OF PERSONAL BASIS PORS AND PRIVILEGED ASSISTANTS ON THE FILLING OF PORS ........................... 20 AMALGAMATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 20
USEFUL RESOURCES............................................................................................................................... 21 8.1 8.2
IPPN RESOURCES – APPENDICES IN THIS RESOURCE BUNDLE ........................................................................ 21 DES RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................ 21
1. BoM Preparation Confirm the need for Interview Process Construct a Timeframe – ending on a suitable date 2. Staff Preparation Inform Staff of PoR Recruitment Process Assist Staff to reflect on the nature and purpose of the ISM Assist each Staff member to consider their own application for the PoR o Their suitability and willingness to take on the responsibilities o Their ability to cope with the disappointment of their application not being successful o Their ability to work with a colleague who is appointed to the PoR 3. Identify the L&M Needs of the School Assist Staff to reflect on the Mission, Vision and Ethos of the School Consult with BoM and Staff to reach a consensus on o The L&M Needs and Priorities of the school o The Roles and Responsibilities required to effectively manage the L&M Needs and Priorities o The equitable distribution of the Roles and Responsibilities among the PoR holders o If no consensus is reached, the BoM decides 4. Advertise the PoR Advert to be in a prominent location in the Staff Room All eligible Teaching Staff – including those on approved leave - must be notified 5. Interview Process BoM appoints Independent Assessor with Chairperson and Principal to form Interview Board Interview Board meets to open Applications and will interview all candidates Interview Board is briefed on the Marking Scheme Interview Board sets a date for interviews and invites candidates to interview Interview Board conducts interview and marks candidates 6. Selection Process Chairperson of Interview Board submits a Report to the BoM The Report contains the name of the nominated candidate The BoM will appoint this person to the POR, subject to appeal 7. Appointment Process The BoM posts its intention to appoint the successful candidate to the POR, subject to appeal o On the Staff Room Notice Board o To all interviewed candidates The BoM will confirm the appointment to the teacher and issue a Letter of Offer will include the Roles and Responsibilities, subject to appeal The BoM allows 10 school days from publication of this notice for any candidate to appeal If there is no appeal, the BoM will enter into a Contract with the successful candidate The Contract will include ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL – DISTRIBUTING LEADERSHIP: RECRUITMENT & APPOINTMENT
The Reporting and Review process The fact that the duties may require working outside the standard school day The school will authorize the DES to pay the relevant allowance to the post holder The BoM will submit a revised Form POR1 to the DES to ensure payment of the POR allowance Click here to access Appendix 1 Sequence of Activity for API and APII Recruitment & Appointment
2.1 INTRODUCTION – LEADING THE SCHOOL, SETTING THE TONE, CREATING THE ETHOS 2.1.1 Leadership Team “It is generally accepted that the quality of school leadership is second only to effective classroom teaching, in having a crucial impact on pupil learning” (Circular 70/2018). The In-school Management Team (ISM) is the beating heart of the school. The standard of leadership it provides will define the quality of pupil care, teaching and learning and will ultimately determine the standard of educational outcomes for pupils. Members of this team will, consciously or unconsciously set the tone of the school and define the limits of achievement of pupils and staff.
2.1.2 Core Values, Vision, Ethos ISM Team: guides the school in line with its Vision and Mission Statements defines and implements the values underpinning the school’s Mission Statement gives practical expression to the Vision and Core Values to create a characteristic spirit or ethos throughout the school. It is this tangible expression of the Vision and Core Values – more commonly referred to as the ethos – which defines the “feel” or atmosphere which pervades a school and which distinguishes one school from another Members of the ISM Team, with the exception of the Principal, have their own defined areas of responsibility. However, their collective contribution to the school ethos is more important than the individual areas of responsibility. It is critically important that the ISM Team carries out its tasks in a manner which enhances the school ethos.
2.1.3 In-School Management Team The ISM consists of the Principal, Deputy Principal and as many Assistant Principals (I and II) as are assigned to the school in accordance with Circular 44/2019.
2.1.4 APs role in the ISM Assistant Principals occupy positions of strategic importance in the leadership, management and administration of the school. In line with the principles of distributed leadership, Assistant Principals work in teams in collaboration with the Principal and/ or DP and have shared responsibility, commensurate with the level of the post, for areas such as: learning and teaching leading school development (including curriculum development) pupil support including wellbeing school improvement leadership/management and development of individuals and staff teams special education and inclusion supporting teachers during the induction phase of their career
2.1.5 Allocation of API and APII posts to a school The allocation of AP posts to schools is determined by circular, from time to time. The current allocation is outlined in Table 2.1.1 in Chapter 3 of Circular 44/2019.
2.2 POSTS OF RESPONSIBILITY (PORS) & THE QUALITY FRAMEWORK FOR SCHOOLS 2.2.1 Overview In Looking at ‘Our School 2016 – A Quality Framework for Primary Schools’, the DES sets out the standards to be attained in schools and is designed to assist schools identify their strengths and weaknesses in the dimensions of: Teaching and Learning Leadership and Management The framework provides a set of domains and standards for each of these dimensions. Each standard has statements of effective practice and highly effective practice to guide school leaders and school staffs towards identifying the areas of greatest need and sufficiency.
2.2.2 Leadership and Management ISM Team is tasked with the practical implementation of this dimension in the school. The particular tasks assigned to members of the ISM Team will contribute towards the effective administration and management of the school but will also be integral to the leadership functions of the school. Leadership and Management will go hand in hand and will have but one common purpose – to provide the best possible facilities, organisation and environment to support and promote Teaching and Learning, which is the core function of the school. The Domains in this Dimension are: Leading Teaching and Learning Managing the Organisation Leading School Development Developing Leadership Capacity Ideally, all Teaching Staff would be familiar with the Quality Framework and its implications for their school before embarking on a process of identifying the leadership and management needs of the school.
3.1 CONFIRMING THE NEED FOR A POST OF RESPONSIBILITY (POR) INTERVIEW PROCESS Table 2.1.1 of Circular 44/2019 outlines the distribution of PoRs to schools. However, if the school has a Privileged Assistants or a Personal Basis Allowance Holder on the Staff, it may mean that the vacant PoR must be assigned to this person without a competition (Para 3.5 of Circular 44/2019).
Information Note TTC – 002 / 2020 on Circular 44/2019 for the duration of the COVID-19 period: Please note any school that falls below the threshold of appointment for an API or APII post by deferring the filling of the post until the 2020/2021 school year, will not be penalised for this deferral. In the case of such deferral the threshold for the allocation of posts (as per the 2019/2020 school year) will be retained for school year 2020/2021 in respect of those schools.
3.2 AP POSTS – SOME CAVEATS All API and APII vacancies will be filled by internal competition. The competition will be open to all permanent and temporary teachers in the school. However, a temporary teacher who is assigned to a PoR will have to relinquish it when his/her temporary contract comes to an end. A BoM must be satisfied, before assigning a teacher to a SEN post, shared or otherwise, that the AP can competently and effectively discharge the duties of the AP post in addition to the requirements of the SEN post. Where a BoM decides that it is not possible for an AP working in a shared SEN post to also perform the duties assigned to the AP post, the teacher working in the shared role will temporarily relinquish the post to an acting AP while the AP works in the shared SEN post. The Acting AP will not establish personal title to the post and will relinquish it when the teacher working in the shared role resumes the full-time role
3.3 PROCEDURE & TIMING 3.3.1 Plan the Procedure The process of Recruiting and Appointing candidates to a PoR is organised in a logical step by step sequence. Before beginning the process, it is critically important that the Principal and Chairperson of the BoM, on behalf of the BoM, thoroughly familiarise themselves with the process and plan its implementation. This is critical because unless procedure is followed meticulously, one of the candidates may choose to appeal the final decision, citing a breach in procedure. Such a breach of procedure will inevitably mean beginning the process again from the beginning.
3.3.2 Getting the Timing right It is especially important that enough time is allowed for the process. This should take account of: discussing the process with the Staff with the objective of ensuring that everyone is aware of the upcoming vacancy and are fully informed of the process involved providing an opportunity for each member of the staff to consider their own possible application and to reflect on the possibly of not being appointed and, in that case, how they can respect and support their colleague who has been appointed having the Staff review and reflect on the mission, vision and ethos of the school in the context of the new post preparing the Staff to identify the Leadership and Management needs and priorities of the school by ensuring that they understand and appreciate the Quality Framework for Schools, and in particular the L&M Dimension the length of time required by the more formal aspects of the process: o Staff consideration of mission, vision, ethos of the school o Staff consideration of their overall and individual attitudes to the post and how they will support the appointed person, regardless of who is properly appointed o Identification of the L&M needs and priorities of the school o advertising the position o time for candidates to make their applications (10 school days) o time to process the applications and shortlist candidates for interview (up to 5 days) o “a reasonable amount of time” is to be allowed as notice of interview – normally one week o the interview and BoM meeting to ratify the Interview Board’s recommendation o time to notify the appointed candidate and the other candidates, pending appeal o time for appeal, should any candidate wish to do so o appointment administration It would be advised that the BoM aim to conclude the process at an opportune time – the eve of a holiday or short break period. This gives the school community time and space to reflect and to prepare to support the appointed candidate. The Principal and Chairperson should therefore select the time when they wish the process to conclude and work backwards to give themselves sufficient time to work through the process in an orderly manner.
3.4 STAFF PREPARATION Openness and transparency should be experienced by every staff member in relation to PoR appointments – they should be fully informed of upcoming PoR vacancies and of the procedures involved in filling them. It is also important that time be given to allow for reflection among Teachers in relation to their aspirations to a PoR. Not all teachers can be part of the ISM. Experience has shown PoR interviews have caused friction and upset in Staffrooms in the past. All applicants must be treated with respect and given a full and fair opportunity to make their case to the Interview Board. Teachers should have confidence in the Interview Board to fairly adjudicate the candidates. All Staff Members should then respect the result and give their full support to the person appointed. A discussion at a Staff Meeting or “Croke Park Hour” may be helpful in preparing staff members to consider their feelings in relation to a vacant PoR: Are they going to apply for the PoR? Do they have an expectation of being appointed? Do they consider that their colleagues would be equally successful in the PoR? How will they react if they are not successful at interview? ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL – DISTRIBUTING LEADERSHIP: RECRUITMENT & APPOINTMENT
At such a meeting, the Principal might address the following: Assure everyone that you are thoroughly familiar with the procedures and that the BoM has made preparations to conduct the process in accordance with the procedures Encourage all eligible teachers – all teachers who are appropriately qualified and on a fixed term or permanent contract - on the staff to consider applying for the PoR and assure them that it is not a sign of failure if they are not appointed Make the point that not everyone who applies can be appointed and that everyone needs to consider how they would react if not successful Make the point that not everyone is necessarily suited to school leadership whereas all teachers are leaders of teaching and learning in their own roles within the school community Ask the staff to consider the futility and waste of becoming disaffected because of not being appointed to a PoR (assuming that the procedures were properly and fairly carried out) Consider announcing the results of the appointment on a Friday evening or immediately preceding a break or holidays. This gives all candidates an opportunity for reflection, if needed
3.5 IDENTIFYING THE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT NEEDS AND PRIORITIES OF THE SCHOOL The BoM is responsible for identifying the changing needs and priorities of the school and the necessary leadership, management and support requirements. In doing so, it will have regard to the views of staff in the school. When a vacancy occurs for a post of responsibility, a consultation process, such as discussions at a staff meeting, between the Principal, Deputy Principal and teaching staff and thereafter, the BoM will determine: the identified leadership and management needs and priorities of the school the roles and responsibilities which need to be performed for the effective leadership and management of the school taking into account the identified needs and priorities of the school the distribution of these roles and responsibilities between the available in-school leadership and management posts by reference to the school’s own priorities It is important that this consultation process includes consideration of the leadership aspects of the ISM rather than viewing the process as merely producing a “list of jobs”. The Staff should consider The school’s unique character, i.e. o the core values and vision of the school are and how the PoR can assist in translating these into practice – how they will impact on the ethos or “feel” of the school o the needs of the school in relation to issues raised through analysis of the school’s strengths and weaknesses using the Quality Framework o The alignment of the school’s Mission Statement, Vision and School Plan and how these are serving the current pupil and curricular profiles The school plan The requirements of the DES and its agencies The actual roles and responsibilities which need to be assigned in order to improve educational outcomes by creating a positive school climate and environment as well as motivating and empowering educators and learners within their school community The distribution of the above roles and responsibilities among the available PoRs. All staff should fully comprehend that the Principal will have to assume those roles and responsibilities not distributed to other members of the ISM It is expected that a consensus on the requirements for the vacant PoR(s) will be reached between the BoM and Staff. If not, the BoM will decide.
Information Note TTC – 002 / 2020 on Circular 44/2019 for the duration of the COVID-19 period: 1. Contact teachers, including those on leave, through whatever process the school is using for communicating with staff as a whole during the Covid-19 closures, and advise that the procedure for the filling of the vacant post, under the provisions of Chapter 3 is now commencing, but with the following adjustments to ensure that current Government direction and HSE social distancing protocols are observed during the process 2. Advise the staff of the current roles and responsibilities attached to existing posts, and explain that the purpose of this exercise is to identify emerging additional needs and priorities 3. Refer teaching staff to “Looking at our Schools 2016 – a quality framework for Primary Schools”, for guidance in identifying curricular and organisational priorities, in the context of the four Leadership and Management domains 4. Invite submissions by a specified date. Collate the responses and include the collated responses for discussion through whatever medium the school is currently using for communicating with the staff as a whole. Note any further comments, and advise that the Board of Management will consider the outcome of the consultation process before deciding on the specification of the post 5. The specification of the post should be agreed by the Board of Management/ETB before it is advertised
4.1 ADVERTISING THE POST OF RESPONSIBILITY On completion of the consultation process, the vacant leadership and management position should be notified to all teachers on leave and currently serving in the school. The advertisement should be placed in a prominent position in the Staff Room. The notice should specify the following The level of the PoR – AP I or AP II The fact that the appointee will become a member of the school’s leadership and management team The roles and responsibilities of the post based on the L&M needs and priorities of the school as identified by the BoM and that these roles and responsibilities are subject to change The closing date for receipt of applications – at least 15 days (10 days in Community National Schools) from the date of publishing of the notice (including that day) That applications should specify to whom and the address to which the application should be sent and whether or not a CV or letter of application is required The notice must be displayed on the staff notice board in the school until after the closing date
Information Note TTC – 002 / 2020 on Circular 44/2019 for the duration of the COVID-19 period: The provisions of this section remain the same, with the exception of the requirement to post the notice of the leadership and management vacancy in a prominent position within the school. The notice of the vacancy should be communicated to all teaching staff through whatever process the school is using for communicating with staff as a whole during the Covid-19 closures, and the timeframes set out in Chapter 3, Section 5 should be adhered to. The advertisement notice should specify to whom and also the email address to which the application is to be sent and whether a C.V. or letter of application is required.
4.2 INTERVIEWS 4.2.1 Interview Board The Interview Board will consist of: Chairperson of the BoM Principal of the School Independent Assessor (from appropriate Panel)
4.2.2 The Interview The Interview Board will meet as soon as possible after the closing date and consider all applications. They will arrange to interview all candidates and will conduct an interview even if only one candidate applies.
Invitations to interview should be issued in writing or by e-mail within a reasonable time of the closing date for receipt of applications and will include: a. Details of the date, time and venue for the interviews b. details of the established criteria for the post c. a request for the applicant to notify the Interview Board if s/he requires any additional assistance in relation to a special need. The interview venue should be fully accessible and in compliance with all Disability and Health and Safety legislation. All questions at interview shall relate to the requirements of the particular post. No question will be asked nor information sought in any form from an applicant which might be construed as being discriminatory. In the selection of staff for boys only and girls only schools, special care should be taken to ensure that both male and female applicants are given equal opportunity to present themselves as suitable. Questions should not give the impression that the Interview Board has a preconceived view of the suitability of either a man or a woman for a particular post.
4.2.3 Marking Sheet The following is the Marking Scheme to be used for Assistant Principal Interviews: API / APII Marking Sheet Demonstrated capacity (with relevant examples of professional, educational or life experience) in relation to: Leading Learning and Teaching 25 Marks Managing the Organisation 25 Marks Leading School Development 25 Marks Developing Leadership Capacity 25 Marks Each member of the Interview Board is required to complete his or her own individual marking sheet for each applicant and give it to the Chairperson of the Interview Board on completion of the interviews. The individual marks will be added and the final mark for each applicant will be used to produce a ranking of applicants who are deemed suitable for appointment. Following completion of the interview process, the Interview Board Chairperson will, on behalf of the BoM, conduct reference checks of the highest ranked applicant. This should include seeking and following up on references and ensuring that any unexplained gaps in employment records/curriculum vitae are satisfactorily accounted for. The Interview Board at its sole discretion will determine the suitability of any reference. The Interview Board further reserves the right to seek from an applicant the names of additional referees. Appropriate records of these checks should be retained on the proposed appointee’s personnel file. An applicant’s own marking sheets should be made available on request after the recruitment process is complete. Click here to access Appendix 2 - IPPN Guide to API and APII Interviews Appendix 3 - Sample API and APII Interview Questions Appendix 4 – Sample Marking Sheet: API and APII Interview ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL – DISTRIBUTING LEADERSHIP: RECRUITMENT & APPOINTMENT
A candidate may request from the Chairperson, in writing, their individual marking sheets from each assessor, their aggregate overall marks and any formal notes written by the assessors during their particular interview. The assessors are identified by a number or letter and not by name. The names and marks of other candidates are redacted on marking sheets thus supplied. 1. All records relating to the successful applicant should be retained by the school for the duration of employment plus 7 years 2. Documentation should be kept for a period of 18 months for unsuccessful applicant(s), including applicants not shortlisted for interview, in accordance with Data Protection procedures
4.2.4 Determining the Successful Candidate On completion of the interview process, each member of the Interview Board is required to give the Chairperson of the Board their own individual marking sheet for candidates. These will establish each applicant’s final mark and produce a ranking of applicants The Chairperson of the Interview Board, on behalf of the BoM, will check the references of that highest ranked applicant prior to producing a report for the BoM The Chairperson will produce a written report for the BoM, indicating: o that selection procedures have been followed o if there has been a disclosure of interest/integrity to the Interview Board and the outcome of the disclosure o the ranked order of candidates – in accordance with their marks received o the name of the nominated candidate for appointment The BoM meets to approve the appointment of the nominated candidate, subject to the outcome of an appeal, if any The BoM will post a notice in a prominent area of the Staff Room and send it to any candidates who are on leave, as follows: "The Board of Management of (name of school)..... proposes to offer the post of....... (specify post) to...... (name of teacher), provided that an appeal in writing by an unsuccessful candidate against the proposal has not been lodged with the Chairperson of the Board of Management within ten school days* of the publication of this notice." (Date of publication and signature of Chairperson to be included with notice) * the ten school days include the day of posting of the notice
If there is no appeal within the time specified, the BoM will issue an offer to the successful candidate
4.2.5 Retention of Documents All documents, including contracts, in relation to the successful candidate will be retained for the duration of employment plus 7 years. Documentation in relation to unsuccessful applicants should be kept in the school for a period of 18 months, in accordance with Data Protection procedures
4.2.6 Offer, Contract & Form PoR1 The letter of offer will include the following: Confirmation of the appointment, subject to the provisions of Circular 44/2019, particularly that the candidate cannot be appointed until after the expiry of the appeal period, or the resolution of an appeal if there is one Statement that the role is subject to regular review Statement that the responsibilities of the PoR may require the teacher to participate in the leadership role outside of the standard school day Statement that the post holder must enter a contract to undertake the role of the PoR Requirement to enter into a contract with the BoM before taking up the appointment The BoM will then ensure that a contract is entered into between it and the successful candidate. This contract will include the following: Statement that the BoM will authorise the DES to pay the appropriate allowance for the PoR, in addition to the teacher’s salary Statement that, in the event of a dispute between the Principal and teacher in relation to any aspect of the PoR which cannot be resolved through discussion between them, the teacher may refer the matter to the BoM The contract will take the format of a written agreement, signed by both parties. The BoM will furnish the teacher with a copy of the contract and will retain a copy in the teacher’s file. The contract will include the following: the roles and responsibilities agreed between the BoM and the successful candidate an acknowledgement that the roles/responsibilities of the leadership and management positions are subject to review and may change according to the needs and priorities of the school an acknowledgement that fulfilling the roles/responsibilities may require him/her to participate outside of the standard school day the BoM will authorise the DES to pay the post-holder the relevant allowance agreed from time to time for undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned to the post-holder The BoM will inform the DES of the appointment and authorise payment of the appropriate allowance by completing and returning Form PoR1 Click here to access Appendix 6 - Form PoR1 Amend
4.3 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PORS 4.3.1 Assignment and re-assignment All Post-holders, including those holding posts on a personal basis, must undertake roles and responsibilities assigned or re-assigned to them Assignment and re-assignment of roles and responsibilities to APs may be delegated by the BoM to the Principal The Principal (or BoM) will assign roles and responsibilities to Post Holders, taking account of: The level of the PoR – API, APII or DP (Internal Competition) The needs and priorities identified by the BoM in consultation with the Staff.
Best practice would recommend a meeting between the Principal, Deputy Principal and Post Holder to outline objectives for the PoR. These may be linked to school self-evaluation strategies. The Principal may, following consultation with the Post Holder, reassign the Post Holder to alternative roles and responsibilities in accordance with the above. The roles and responsibilities for each Post Holder will be set out in a APII and Responsibilities. Click here to access Appendix 7 - Sample API Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Appendix 8 - Sample APII Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Appendix 9 - Template Statement of Roles and Responsibilities
4.3.2 Annual Report All post holders with leadership and management responsibilities are accountable to the Board of Management/ETB for the fulfilment of their roles and responsibilities and how their work contributes to the pedagogic and organisational advancement of the school. They will be required to make an annual report to the Principal/Deputy Principal in relation to the objectives set for their PoR. These reports will form part of the Principal’s annual Leadership and Management report to the BoM. Click here to access Appendix 5 - Sample Interview Board Report
4.3.3 Review All Post Holders will be required to regularly (at least every 2 years) review their PoRs with the Principal /Deputy Principal. The review will include: The review will consider: the Post Holder’s current role is meeting the changing needs of the school the professional development of the Post Holder progress on the objectives and areas of responsibility agreed with the Post Holder AS the needs of the school evolve, the review may result in a re-assignment of the Post Holder’s Objectives, Roles and Responsibilities within the ISM In the event of the teacher having a dispute with the Principal in relation to any aspect of the roles and responsibilities attached to the post and, if the matter cannot be resolved through discussions between the Principal and the teacher, the teacher may raise the issue with the Board of Management/ETB Click here to access Appendix 10 - Report to inform review of PoR
5.1 THE APPEALS PROCESS The Appeals Procedure provides for an Arbitration Board to adjudicate on an Appeal in a fair and reasonable manner. Its remit is to examine and decide if proper procedures were followed. It is not intended to replace the Interview Board and it is not intended that there would be legal representation. The Arbitration Board shall be considered a domestic forum and accordingly, neither Management nor the INTO intends that there would be legal representation at any hearings arranged by the Arbitration Board.
5.2 MAKING AN APPEAL An unsuccessful candidate who wishes to appeal the decision of a BoM to appoint another candidate must do so within 10 school days of the date of publication of the notice of appointment. S/he must do so by submitting a completed Notice of Appeal Form to the Chairperson of the BoM, setting out the grounds for Appeal Click here to access Appendix 11 - Notice of Appeal Form
5.3 GROUNDS FOR APPEAL It is a matter for the unsuccessful applicant to identify the grounds for an appeal and he/she may only appeal on one or more of the following ground(s) in relation to an alleged breach of procedure: Pre-interview: lack of consultation on the roles and responsibilities breach of the advertising rules non-notification about the post to teachers on leave of absence Interview process: composition of the Interview Board non-disclosure of a family or a material relationship non gender-balanced Interview Board a computational error in the Interview Board marking sheet of the Appellant which makes a material difference to the outcome a departure from the agreed selection criteria or marking scheme. Supporting evidence must be supplied in respect of the grounds of appeal identified and relied upon by the unsuccessful applicant A candidate who believes he/she has been discriminated against contrary to the Employment Equality Act may process a claim in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
5.4 BOM RESPONSE The Chairperson of the BoM will Inform the successful candidate that an appeal has been lodged Respond to the Appellant within 10 school days, by registered letter or e-mail, addressing only the appeal grounds set out in the Notice of Appeal form and within the appeal period. Supporting evidence submitted after this time will not be processed, OR Decide whether or not to collapse the Appeal by advising the Appellant and all other candidates that the process will be recommenced at either The initial consultation / allocation of role stage The advertisement stage Interview stage
5.5 ARBITRATION BOARD Where the Appellant notifies the Chairperson of the BoM that s/he wishes to proceed with the Appeal the BoM will, within 5 school days contact the Patron’s representative and the INTO District CEC representative to appoint by agreement a Board of Arbitration to hear the appeal The Board of Arbitration will comprise 3 persons, as follows: a representative of Management, on behalf of the Patron/CE a representative of the INTO an agreed independent Chairperson Once the Chairperson of the Arbitration Board has been appointed, the Chairperson of the BoM will forward to him/her, within 5 school days: Three copies of the Notice of Appeal and supporting documentation received from the Appellant Three copies of the Management Response on a confidential basis, the marking sheets/records of the Interview Board Only documents specifically referenced in the Notice of Appeal or Management Response to the appeal are admissible. Any additional and/or unsolicited documentation will not be considered by the Arbitration Board and will be returned to the sender. The Arbitration Board may seek copies of certain documents relevant to its consideration of the appeal from either party to the appeal The Appellant is required to substantiate each appeal ground selected on the Notice of Appeal form with supporting rationale/defence. The supporting rationale must be relevant to the specific appeal ground selected.
5.6 ARBITRATION BOARD HEARING The Arbitration Board will arrange a hearing without delay, to which it will invite the Appellant, Respondent (BoM) and witnesses, if any. The following rules of due process and fair procedure will apply: All documentation, except the Marking Sheets, but including any additional documents sought by the Arbitration Board (AB), will be copied and made available to both parties in advance of the hearing. The Marking Sheets will be available to the AB on a confidential basis only. The Chair of the AB will clarify these procedures to each party and will also clarify that the AB will only consider those grounds set out in the Appellants Notice of Appeal The parties will be given reasonable notice of the hearing The Appellant may be accompanied and assisted by a person of his / her choice Each party will be given an opportunity to present its case to the AB Each party will be present to hear, at first hand, what each party and any witnesses have to say Each party will have an opportunity to question or respond to the other party through the Chair The AB itself will be entitled to question each party or seek further clarification The AB may, where appropriate, allow the parties to provide further information on the clear understanding that the other party may respond to it The AB may, if necessary, agree to adjournments
5.7 ARBITRATION BOARD FINDINGS The AB will withdraw to make its decision. This decision will be conveyed in writing to the Chairperson of the BoM and to the Appellant will be final and binding on both parties. In the case where the AB decides to reject the Appeal, it will simply record that fact. In the case where the AB decides to uphold the Appeal, it will record its advice to the BoM to recommence the appointment process at The initial consultation stage The advertisement stage The interview stage No other written records or minutes of the proceedings of the AB will be kept
5.7.1 Where the AB rejects the Appeal Where the AB rejects the Appeal, the BoM will confirm the appointment of the successful candidate and notify the DES of that fact
5.7.2 Where the AB upholds the Appeal Where the AB upholds the Appeal and a second interview is required, the following will apply: Primary Schools
The Chairperson of the Board of Management The Principal Teacher 2 Independent Assessors, (to be drawn from a panel agreed with the union, neither of whom were involved in the original selection) shall comprise the second Interview Board In the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote
Community National Schools
1 Nominee of the CE of the ETB School Principal 2 Independent Assessors, to be drawn from a panel agreed with the union, neither of whom were involved in the original selection In the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote. Note: Chairperson can be drawn from either the ETB representative or the independent members
5.8 SECOND APPEAL Where an appeal is made against the decision of the second Interview Board, the BoM or ETB will forward details (Notice of Appeal and BoM Response) to the Management Body / ETBI and INTO for adjudication
6.1 ACTING PRINCIPAL 6.1.1 3 or more Teacher Schools The DP will be promoted to the role of Principal in the absence of the Principal. The Acting Principal will be paid the Principal’s allowance where the acting-up period lasts for a period of one month or more. Where the DP refuses to undertake the Acting Principal post, his /her DP allowance will not be paid for the duration of the acting post. The BoM may then advertise the post of Acting Principal through external open competition. If no suitable applicant applies the BoM will appoint an acting DP who will be promoted to Acting Principal
6.1.2 2 Teacher Schools In two teacher schools, the mainstream class teacher must undertake the role of the Principal teacher during any period that he/she is absent from the school. In the event that the mainstream class teacher is not prepared to undertake the role of the Principal teacher his/her allowance shall be withdrawn.
6.1.3 1 Teacher Schools In one teacher schools the replacement teacher will be paid an acting allowance subject to the provisions of this circular For Long Term Acting Appointments – a minimum period of one school year – the BoM may alternatively appoint an Acting Principal or DP through internal competition as outlined in Section 3 of this Resource Bundle
6.2 ACTING DP The most senior suitable Assistant Principal I should be promoted to fill an acting Deputy Principal's post. In schools without an Assistant Principal I, the most senior suitable Assistant Principal II may be appointed as acting Deputy Principal. The Acting Deputy Principal will be paid the Deputy Principal’s allowance where the acting-up period lasts for a period of one month or more.
6.3 ACTING API The most senior suitable Assistant Principal II should be promoted to fill an acting Assistant Principal I post. The Acting API will be paid the API allowance where the acting-up period lasts for a period of 84 days or more.
6.4 ACTING APII A vacancy for acting Assistant Principal II should be filled by the promotion of the most senior suitable un-promoted teacher within the staff of a school. The Acting APII will be paid the APII allowance where the acting-up period lasts for a period of 84 days or more.
6.5 LONG TERM ACTING APPOINTMENTS Long Term Acting Appointments are Acting Appointments for a minimum of one school year. Short Term Acting Appointments are Acting Appointments for a maximum of one school year Long-term acting positions may be filled by promoting the most senior suitable person at the lower grade of post. Where the most junior post holder is promoted to a more senior long term acting post, the resultant vacancy must be filled by internal competition, as outlined in Section 3 of this Resource Bundle BoMs may alternatively fill a long-term acting post by internal competition from within the staff in accordance with Section 3 of this Resource Bundle Short term acting appointments should be filled, where possible, by the same person for the duration of the absence. Long term acting appointments which are warranted and are set to continue into a second school year or longer may continue uninterrupted or where deemed appropriate by the Board of Management/ETB may be re-advertised within the school. Notification of continuation of appointment must be submitted to the Department.
7.1 PAYMENT OF ACTING POR ALLOWANCES See Circular 44/2019 – Chapter 3, Section 13
7.2 ALLOWANCE FOR MAINSTREAM CLASS TEACHER IN A 2 TEACHER SCHOOL See Circular 44/2019 – Chapter 3, Section 14
7.4 RETENTION OF POR ALLOWANCES ON A PERSONAL BASIS See Circular 44/2019 – Chapter 3, Section 16
7.6 AMALGAMATIONS See Circular 44/2019 – Chapter 3, Section 18
8.1 IPPN RESOURCES – APPENDICES IN THIS RESOURCE BUNDLE Appendix 1 - Sequence of Activity for AP and DP(Internal) Recruitment and Appointment Appendix 2 - IPPN Guide to API and APII Interviews Appendix 3 - Sample API and APII Interview Questions Appendix 4 – Sample Marking Sheet: API and APII Interview Appendix 5 - Sample Interview Board Report Appendix 6 - Form PoR1 Amend Appendix 7 - Sample API Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Appendix 8 - Sample APII Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Appendix 9 - Template Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Appendix 10 - Report to inform review of PoR Appendix 11 - Notice of Appeal Form
8.2 DES RESOURCES Circular 70/2018 Circular 44/2019 Our School 2016 – A Quality Framework for Primary Schools