1 minute read
• Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy
Submission to the Joint Oireachtas Committee re. Review of STEM in Primary and Post-Primary Education.
See page 18 for an overview of these submissions. See www.ippn.ie – Advocacy/ Submissions for all submission documents.
Social Media
Our ‘reach’ has improved significantly year on year with 1,100+ new Twitter followers (up 13%), bringing us close to the 10,000 follower milestone. There has also been a significant increase on LinkedIn (up 48%) with a total of almost 1,100 followers.
The most traction is on links to IPPN radio interviews, ‘letters to the minister/ editor’ from our president and links to the Sustainable Leadership report and Leadership+.
See www.ippn.ie Advocacy/On Your Behalf for up-to-date information about IPPN’s advocacy and communication on behalf of members, including media interviews.
During summer 2023 there will be opportunities for temporary work in special schools running this year’s Summer Programme. This will provide opportunities locally for all students in relevant courses and areas of study such as therapeutic/medical/social care courses, and other similar courses.
About the Summer Programme
The Summer Programme allows all primary and post-primary schools to offer a summer programme for students with complex special educational needs and those at greatest risk of educational disadvantage.
Further information is available at gov.ie/summerprogramme
Find vacancies in your area
To help identify Summer Programme vacancies in schools, the IPPN has created a Summer Programme Portal for students to apply.
An application portal will be available on Educationposts.ie.