IPR Rights Magazine Issue 2

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IPR RIghts MagazIne

February 2014 Issue 2

new Delhi book Fair

WheRe books go gL obaL!

• hottest new Works to License • global Market Focus: Publishing and Licensing snapshot of India • Publisher and author Profiles • exciting new Partnership announcements

25% off IPR License Membership Receive 25% off the annual Publisher, Literary Agent or Author Membership fee for IPR License. Simply email info@iprlicense.com and quote ‘NEW DELHI 25’ to redeem this special offer.

New Delhi World Book Fair 2014

Welcome to the latest IPR Rights Magazine

A question we hear day in, day out from authors is how can we get our work in front of the right people? Of course this is nothing new, pardon the pun but the publishing industry can sometimes appear to be a closed book, especially when it comes to events such as book fairs. Despite being arguably the most important marketplace for books, media, rights and licences worldwide, authors have long been under-represented at such high profile events. This has become increasingly clear from the overwhelming response we’ve had since launching the IPR Rights Magazine. It’s also abundantly clear that more and more authors are treating their writing as a small business in its own right. And it’s crystal clear that rights and licensing continue to play a huge role in this.

Rights may not be a physical product, but they can hold within them a huge and renewable revenue stream. The fact is that many authors don’t just own a potentially valuable book, they own the rights to their work and these can be licensed to produce the same book, in English, into different territories around the world – whether US, Australia or India. And rights can also be licensed for the book to be published and translated into different languages – French, Spanish, German and, back to India – Hindi, Marathi, and many more besides. Speaking of India and we’re delighted to represent our members at The New Delhi World Book Fair. The Indian market is huge and our members were certainly quick on the uptake in snapping up places to be discovered in this colourful and vibrant publishing arena. And if any authors, publishers or potential advertisers would like to reserve their spots for future IPR Rights Magazines then please contact us at info@iprlicense.com for further information. - Tom Chalmers (Managing Director) Here at IPR License, we have been looking forward to introducing some of our exceptional authors to the New Delhi World Book Fair 2014 and showcasing their work to an international audience. As such, we have featured 48 titles - across a large range of genres - to highlight some of the new talent that IPR License has to offer. With hundreds of author members signed up in recent months, these unpublished and self-published books with rights available represent the plethora of undiscovered literary gems currently listed on the site. It’s been a pleasure compiling this edition of the IPR Rights Magazine and I am excited to see just how much rights business will be generated from it. - Libby Whitehouse (Partnerships Manager)


In this issue... What’s New?

Latest news, exciting new announcements and discover ‘what’s really in it for publishers’. Page 6-7

Market focus: India’s book licensing market

As part of Publishing Perspective’s Global Book Licensing Snapshots, written by IPR License’s MD Tom Chalmers. Page 8-9

Author profile: Carol Larratt

Larratt describes her experiences writing about the Kayayo Girls African women who choose to live without men. Page 10

Publisher profile: Good Adventures Publishing CEO




his thoughts on global market strategies regarding his niche publishing company. Page 11

Highlighted titles

An exciting range of titles with rights available to purchase from a selection of IPR License authors. Fiction Page 12-21 Biography Page 22-23 Non-Fiction Page 24-25 Children’s Page 26-27


Announcement: Exciting New Partnerships! Ingram Content Group IPR License is launching a pilot program with Ingram Content Group, the first in a series of planned actions from the company aimed at expanding and streamlining global rights transactions for customers. Through the program, publishers can use Ingram’s CoreSource digital asset management system to feed their content directly into the IPR License

global rights platform. The partnership is intended to substantially increase the volume of rights sales in an array of territories, languages and formats worldwide. “This represents a significant step forward in cementing IPR License’s status as the industry-standard tool for anyone looking to license creative content,” said Tom Chalmers, managing director at IPR License. “We also have a host of further announcements, affiliations and partnerships in the pipeline all with the common aim of simplifying, maximising and monetising the vast potential offered by the ever-growing rights and licensing marketplace. Licensing is really beginning to take centre stage in the industry and we are delighted to be leading the way in helping publishers and authors reap the rewards from this important and lucrative sector.” The IPR License platform is currently in the process of rolling out its latest transactional functionality which will allow all interested parties to make offers on titles and complete full transactions


therefore increasing existing, creating new, revenue streams.


IPR License’s partnership with Ingram, the world’s largest distributor of book content, comes three months after Ingram announced an expansion of its VitalSource E-Textbook store in the U.K. Ingram’s pilot program with IPR License is a continuation of the company’s efforts at developing its digital content distribution channels internationally. “Selling rights is a natural extension of a publisher’s everyday business, and the connectivity between our CoreSource platform and IPR License will make it easier for publishers to manage their business from one place,” said Marcus Woodburn, vice president of digital products at Ingram Content Group.

Copyright Clearance Center IPR License has entered into a strategic alliance with Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) to bolster its range of global rights, licensing and content solutions. The alliance will see the two companies work closely together and share resources to help publishers and authors maximise every opportunity throughout the content life cycle, protect their intellectual property and generate new revenue. Founded in 1978 as a not-for-profit organization, CCC provides smart


News solutions that simplify the access and licensing of content. These solutions let businesses and academic institutions quickly get permission to share copyright-protected materials, while compensating publishers and creators for the use of their works. Tom Chalmers, Managing Director at IPR License, commented: “This alliance represents an exciting opportunity for IPR License to work closely with CCC to boost our already extensive global rights, licensing and permissions offerings and help support even more publishers and authors all over the globe. We’re delighted to be working with such a well-respected and established cornerstone of the publishing industry, not to mention market-leader in the licensing of content, and look forward to utilising this alliance to help take IPR License to the next level. “We’re really hitting the ground running in 2014 and have a number of exciting plans in place to grow expand the business and add even more value to publishers and authors looking to license creative content.” Tracey Armstrong, CEO at Copyright Clearance Centre, added: “CCC is excited to be working with IPR License and we look forward to learning more about this interesting space in global rights licensing.” For the latest announcements and press coverage, visit our Media Page at http://iprlicense.com/Home/MediaCentre


Some of the publishers, agencies and film companies who have joined IPR License since its launch last year. Full members list can be found on the site.



For full list visit http://iprlicense.com/Home/Members




About us

For more information, email us at info@iprlicense.com

What’s really in it for publishers? Let’s be clear, as the first digital and global marketplace on which to list and license rights, IPR License is committed to innovating and embracing technology to continue putting publishers in an optimum position to buy and sell books rights, licensing agreements and permissions. And now we are in the midst of rolling out the first fully transactional aspects of the platform to make life even simpler and more efficient for our members. Gone are the days when entering a new territory would mean setting up an office and staff there. When it comes to selling book rights on an international scale, it is those publishers - and authors for that matter - maximising technology who are fast emerging from the pack. The internet continues to break down many barriers for businesses. Pioneering solutions such as the IPR License platform have now made it possible for publishers to operate on a global scale to grab a piece of the burgeoning international rights, licensing and permissions marketplaces. And all from the comfort of your own desktop.

What’s new at IPR License?

Since our launch in April 2012, it’s been busy times at IPR License. Aimed initially at publishers and agents looking to list and license book rights, we then launched an author service in September 2012 for unpublished and self-published work to be listed and showcased on the platform. Since relocating to larger offices near Old Street, the creative hub of London, things have got even more hectic. With over 100 new publisher members joining and hundreds of new authors. Before that though - in early 2013 - film companies such as 20th Century Fox joined as members to look for the best new work for adaptation. Now a full film service will be rolled out

this year and we are currently in talks with a prestigious LAbased film agency about representing IPR License in the US. At the end of August 2013, the Permissions Service was launched, which is a fully transactional service on the platform, allowing rights-holders to sell directly to quote works from books. Over the next 12 months, there will be a fully transational option for all other rights transactions and a live auction service. IPR License is now in the final discussions with a variety of high profile companies within the publishing and film industry, with agreements in principle for several partnerships. We are always looking to work with the best companies and bring mutual benefits through our partnerships to all our members across the board.



Why IPR License?

So, what’s in it for self-

Are you a publisher looking to publishers? We are already buy rights? working in partnership with a number • view which titles are receiving the most interest, have been recently added and recently licensed • find out who is the rightsholder for a title and what rights are available to acquire • contact the rights-holder directly to make enquiries and offers • find previously unpublished works tailored to your targets using our comprehensive search system

Are you a publisher looking to sell rights?

• create a full company profile with multiple users and full title and rights information – creating a comprehensive marketplace for the rights being sold • promote your rights via our Global Bulletins which are tailored to over 50,000 publishers (not just our members) in over 90 countries • contact and be contacted directly by multiple interested parties for enquiries and to make offers

How does it work?

With 13m records already on the system, rights-holders assign records to their account and add new records – whether already published or not – as well as adding additional information to their records. Those looking to purchase rights can use the search facility to locate work of specific interest to them which is available to license in their territory and then contact the rights-holder directly through the messaging system. Simplicity is the key to our offering but if you don’t believe us please take a look for yourself around via these brief demo videos. http://www.youtube.com/user/ IPRLicenseVideos?feature=watch So why not join IPR License today? Here at IPR we firmly believe that the answer is obvious but if you’d like to find out more then please take a look at www.iprlicense.com and/or email us at info@iprlicense.com and we’d be happy to talk through any queries or questions that you may have.


of self-publishing companies such as Troubador, New Generation Publishing, Silverwood Books, PublishNation and Writersworld, with more to be announced shortly.

About us Our Partnerships

Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) As a self-publishing company, you can feature your authors via a company profile run by you. Your authors will be featured on worldwide promotions such as the monthly Andrew Lownie Agent’s Pick competition and the Global Bulletin.

Most importantly, their books and available rights will be included on our comprehensive search system to be found by potential rights-buyers. IPR License authors can also contribute to the IPR guest blog as part of our weekly Meet The Author blogspot. With a new topic and author each week, we have created a creative online community, great for inspiring, sharing tips and self-promotion.

The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi)

Book Industry Communication (BIC) Ingram Content Group

Highlighted Rights Deal It’s with great delight that we can offer our heartfelt congratulations to Mary Wood for securing a massive seven book deal with Pan MacMillan, one of the largest general book publishers in the UK. Mary commented: “IPR License is an innovative concept for authors to be seen by the people that matter, whilst also offering a great platform to sell publishing rights. Coming runner up in IPR monthly Agents Pick competition kick started everything for me as an agent contacted me on the back of that which opened up a host of opportunities resulting in a fantastic seven book deal with Pan MacMillan. I will be forever grateful to IPR License for the part they played in my journey.”



Linked Content Coalition (LCC)

Independent Publishers Guild (IPG) Noveltunity

Association of Independent Authors (AiA)


Global Market Focus:

As part of a series of articles for Publishing Perspectives, IPR License’s MD Tom Chalmers has been writing Global Book Licensing Snapshots to look at what’s happening in key publishing territories. In light of the New Delhi World Book Fair, this focus is on the Indian book market. The article, on the Indian Express website, posed the question of whether there was a trend emerging of writers from Europe and America going to India to get their books published and earn recognition? “The new publishing stop for foreign authors” Historically, Indian the internet there is no lack of available information – whether writers have tended to go to relevant or irrelevant. And the West to get their books scouring the internet in recent published, but with e-books an ever-increasing weeks uncovered a headline that posing certainly peaked our interest challenge to publications there, ‘India a new publishing stop for industry experts indicate a reverse flow may have just begun. foreign authors’. As a global platform, it’s important to keep track of various marketplaces to see what’s hot and what’s not, whilst trying to pick up on general market themes/trends. Thankfully, since the advent of


Indeed, there are murmurs that the big and burgeoning Indian book publishing market and the country’s effervescent literary culture have begun to attract both established and new writers from the either side of the Atlantic seeking a bigger audience and accolade. And this was brought further to the fore by the recent launch of Canadian writer Merlaine Hemstraat’s new novel Peacocks among the Tamarind

India. Trees, a love story involving two doctors from Canada and India. This is an interesting development which is certainly one to keep an eye on and if the title and story of Hemstraat’s book are anything to go by, India’s influence will continue to loom large over the literary landscape. India remains one of the few major markets still experiencing growth in both print and digital publishing and is home to over 19,000

“India’s influence will continue to loom large over the literary landscape”


Global number of publishers and writers from Poland. The Polish presentation will be aimed at facilitating people of India and Poland in gaining understanding of each other’s cultures through the exchange of literature. This fair has evolved with time and now it is no longer just a massive book event. NBT India has added a number of other exciting features to NDWBF. First introduced in 2013, Authors’ Corner has been equally popular among general public, authors and publishers. In these exclusive spaces, authors come and give talks about their work and experiences. In the midst of book stalls, general public can directly interact with their favorite writers in Authors’ Corner. Recognizing the need of bringing Indian and international publishers together, a B2B event called New Delhi Rights Table is also organized as part of NDWBF. Participating publishers hold one-to-one talks and explore the possibilities of publishing/rights exchange.

NEW DELHI WORLD BOOK FAIR 2014 publishers with around 90,000 titles published annually. It is also said to be the third largest market for English books consumption after the US and UK markets, with the children’s book sector alone reported to represent a 25% share of its licensing trade. And a recent study by the Frankfurt Book Fair, revealed that the Indian publishing industry is already registering an annual growth of 15% which is estimated at nearly $2 billion. Despite threats from other forms of digital media the Indian publishing arena appears to be coping pretty well with event-based promotion of the

“The third largest market for English books” reading culture and a sudden spurt in the national and regional literary festivals said to have bolstered the growth of the industry. With a proliferation of top-quality international publishing houses continuing to perform well, the industry in general appears to be in rude health. Let’s hope that this upward trend continues as more and more international authors and publishers continue to reap the rewards of India’s colourful and vibrant marketplace.

New Delhi World Book Fair (NDWBF) is a major calendar event in the publishing world. Organized by National Book Trust India (NBT India), it is the largest book fair in the Afro-Asian region. The first NDWBF was organized in the year 1972 and since then NBT India has successfully organized 21 editions of this mega event. Beginning from 2013, the fair has been organized on annual basis. This edition of NDWBF is held in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 15 to 23 February 2014. The fair will be inaugurated by the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee. During the fair, nearly 1700 stalls will be setup where hundreds of publishers will display their publications. The Guest of Honour Country for NDBWF 2014 is Poland. The Polish delegation will include a

(Report compiled by Pradip Chhabra, Deputy Director of NDWBF, NBT India).

For more information about the New Delhi World Book Fair go to www.newdelhiworldbookfair.gov.in

Written by IPR License Managing Director Tom Chalmers. Follow him on twitter at @Tom_Chalmers or look out for regular Global Marketing Snapshots articles via Publishing Perspectives www.publishingperspectives.com @pubperspectives.


On the sidelines of NDWBF, NBT India play host to the CEOs and other executives from the top management of publishing companies. Over the breakfast hosted by the Chairman of NBT India, these decision makers interact and learn from each other. At NDWBF, the digital age of e-books and e-publishing also gets highlighted. In the fair arena, NBT India creates dedicated e-book pavilion where e-book publishers showcase their products. The 2014 edition on NDWBF will also witness an E-Zone, a place where hot topics related with electronic publication will be discussed by the experts in this field.


Author Your book Human Mules: The Kayayo Girls is a non-fictional account of Kayayo girls in Africa – how did you first become interested in these young women and girls? I lived in Ghana for over a decade and often came across groups of these girls hiding behind bushes, or sitting huddled under large trucks for shade - in fact all over the capital city. As the years went by I realized there were literally tens of thousands of them. All of them were very young, most between 11-16, many of them carried infants, but most importantly they were always in completely female groups. No men were ever with them. I wondered how they survived, where they lived, who the

Author Profile:

Carol Larratt

Following her years spent in Ghana, author Carol Larratt describes her experiences with the thousands of young women in Africa who have chosen to live in an exclusively female world devoid of men and boys. fathers of their babies were. I decided I had to find out about these enigmatic young women. It ended up becoming a mission for me, but no one seemed to know anything about them, their lives or where they came from. I had to. Much of the content has been gathered through extensive interviews in often dangerous circumstances, can you briefly describe some of the conditions that you had to endure?

men did not want their exploitation of the girls to be revealed. How has this story inspired you in your writing career? When writing the book I always felt transported to another ‘sphere’. I became so engrossed I had no notion of time passing when working on the book. I realized that I had - in this late stage of my life - discovered my ‘mission’ in life, something I was meant to do; finding out and writing about unusual groups of people of which little is known. I now feel inspired to find out more about the hidden and secret lives of people on the margins of society and those we may not notice, just like the incredible kayayo girls.

The Kayayo girls belong to two main tribal groups and generally inhabit distinct zones of the capital, Accra. The shanty-towns where they live are very dangerous areas, full of criminals, drug dealers and violence. Most of my research had to Why did you choose to self-publish? And be carried out in these areas, almost what do you see as the benefits/drawbacks? always at night in either badly lit or pitch black areas with no light at all, At first I did approach a number of except that from my mobile phone. traditional mainstream publishers. I I often even had to never even received an write my notes with acknowledgement from most “Your success is only the light from my dependent on the of them. After this experience mobile phone screen. I started to look into selfwork you put in” During the day the publishing. I realized authors girls trudged the streets as human could have just as much success in selfmules carrying goods for others. It publishing as in the more traditional routes. was only at night they had the free As a self-publishing author your marketing time to talk to me. A few times I was is very much in your hands and your success threatened by groups of men who is dependent on the work you put in. Also, didn’t want me to talk to the girls, you are more in control of your own work, so as a result most of my research traditional publishers can ask for changes to was done in very dangerous and your book which you may or may not want. threatening situations. Many of the For more information about Carol, her book Human Mules: the Kayayo Girls, and the rights available to purchase, visit her IPR License profile: http://iprlicense.com/Books/Details/Human%20Mules-13509113 London-born author Carol Larratt has spent most of her time living in the UK’s capital city, excluding the 15 years spent in Ghana, Africa. Carol greatly enjoys travelling and, having travelled all over the world, hopes to further extend her horizons. Despite her globe-trotting lifestyle, she still considers herself a Londoner at heart and has a great love for the city that she calls home. After studying Developmental Studies at the University of East Anglia, situated just outside of London, Carol then went on to do a Masters degree in

Social Policy at the London School of Economics. She now has two sons who are currently both at university themselves. Before writing Human Mules, Carol had not attempted writing as an author. She tells us enthusiastically that “writing this book has spurred me on, and I plan to write much more in the future”. Carol describes her life as “chequered and unconventional” which she believes has made her more sensitive to the plight of others.



Publisher Profile:

Good Adventures Publishing


CEO of Good Adventures Publishing and MD of SennovPartners, Carsten Sennov, shares his thoughts on global market strategy in the publishing industry. Can you tell us a bit about the types of books you publish?

How important are the buying and selling of rights, permissions and licensing for your business?

Our books are all in the spiritual and self-development area where Originally, selling rights has not spirituality is explained in a new been a part of our business plan, but and practical way so everybody can we have recently met interest from understand and use it. For example foreign publishing houses that have the Indigo and Crystal children found our books via the Internet. are not idealised, but instead it is This is how we sold the rights for explained in simple terms what three of our books in 2013 to a these New Time children are like publisher in Japan. and what we should do as parents, It makes sense for us to sell caretakers, etc. rights to different countries since The books we will then be able to range from informing “It makes sense to get our messages out about the New Time sell rights ... to get to the world quicker. children and their our messages out This has now become sometimes old time an integrated part of to the world” parents, Crystal humans, Phase 3 and to develop the New Time relationships and this further we have joined the IPR self-development, as well as about License platform. becoming karma-free. We also publish short energy guides. What does the future hold for Good Adventures Publishing? Which markets are you in today? We have published our books in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Estonian, and Czech, and also in English. Furthermore, we have just published our first two energy guides in French. Good Adventures Publishing is a niche publisher run by CEO Carsten Sennov. It solely publishes books written or co-written by the international author, lecturer and spiritual advisor, Anni Sennov, in the area of energy and conciousness, self-development, relationships and New Time children. Carsten’s wife, Anni, has written over twenty books which have been published in ten languages so far. Good Adventures Publishing is owned by SennovPartners Int. Ltd., who also owns the rights for different training/ course businesses. www.sennovpartners.com www.good-adventures.com www.annisennov.com


What is your strategy for selecting new markets? We have a three phased strategy plan: Phase 1: Only enter a market if there is a demand for our spiritual courses. You could say that our course business is leading the book business. Phase 2: To publish books in countries that would then open the doors for a variety of our courses. Phase 3: Publish books for the global market, where only some of the books would relate to our course business.


Overall, we foresee a continuous growth as we have had for the past five or more years. In 2014-15 we will focus on our new French market, as well as entering the German market, and in 2015 we plan on entering Spanish markets. Beside these new markets we will also be writing, translating and publishing more books into our existing markets.

Fiction Literary The Mysterious Mythology of the Metamorphosis Owen Waldschlagel

E.L. Foster Publishing Published ISBN: 9780982760628 Genre: Literary Fiction/ Graphic Novel

Worldwide Rights Available

“I was always going to the bookcase for another sip of the divine specific.” - Virginia Woolf

For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

The story begins within and without the experience of the birth of a caterpillar. Descriptive transmutations occur immediately as the caterpillar larva, pupa and imago attributes acquire anthropomorphic insights into the physical natural world and the spiritual mythologies. The catalyst elements of fire and water instigate a sequence of events which change the natural life within and without the caterpillar. The stable elements of air and earth are the backdrop of his life’s journey, where he encounters pedagogic anthropomorphic illustrated characters. They are from the natural and mythological worlds and they guide him through the fates towards his destiny. A formidable destiny it is to overcome the crashing and burning of the phoenix and the conflagration of the earth. The story is illustrated accurately with eighty vividly animated depictions of the interacting characters and their constantly changing world. The reader will be taken on a non-stop physical journey which will visually and intellectually develop into a mythological end result. As Dr. Tiné said to Casey, “Hang on, we’re going for a ride.” Kismet…. a mysterious force that determines our future… can we control it or can we influence it, or do we simply surrender to its supremacy? Kismet is set in a prison in England where two women, Anisha and Carma, who, within the harsh ethos of prison culture, seek solace in each other’s company by recounting the tragic incidents that had resulted in their imprisonment.


Baldip Kaur Published ISBN: 9781909039704 Genre: Literary Fiction

Anisha is an innocent naïve girl who is trapped in an arranged marriage to an abusive man whilst Carma is a beautiful proud woman from India who divorces and comes to London in order to escape her first husband’s cruelty, and ends up marrying a man who she believes to be kind and compassionate. The novel highlights the various forms of oppression faced by women in London and India. It lightly exposes the fact that racism in the judicial system in England and corruption in the Pakistan and Indian judicial does exist.

The Osier Banks Look beneath the surface. Reality is different there.

You turn a corner, you close a window, you miss meeting the love of your life by failing to look over your shoulder – and worlds change for generation upon generation.

Manuscript Genre: Imaginative Adult Fiction Additional Information:

The plot of The Osier Banks rides a theme rarely explored in mainstream adult fiction: the quirks and accidents that forge, colour and deliver our perception of reality. In this complex yet highly readable novel, our two main characters (male and female versions of the same person) are forced to confront further variations of themselves, their home, everyone they know – with disastrous consequences for one of them.

Michael Lawrence

Brand new, direct from the author. Ideal film or TV series material.

Worldwide Rights Available

From an author more commonly associated with award-winning books for young people, this 145,000 word adult novel is an eminently satisfying tale of chance, reality and what-might-be. The author defies the reader to predict the ending.

Worldwide Rights Available 12


“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” -J. K. Rowling

For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

‘Exams tend to corrupt; final exams corrupt finally.’ This novel is about exams, literature, sex, cancer and time. 1961: Examining a mind. Pembroke College, Cambridge. Peter Green and his friends Jack (big, dangerous) and Casey (small, sinister) face final examinations in English. Keen, they discuss their literary ideas. Peter, whose main study-aid is sexual pleasure, discards lissom Arabella, one of his two girlfriends. Competitive exams apparently subvert left-wing ideals. Peter alienates a don, Haggerty. Discoverer of literary ‘covert plotting’, he overlooks real-life covert plots. 1969: Examining a campus. Sussex University. Jack, tricked by Haggerty, lectures there. Peter quarrels with radical students. 2011: Examining a body. Hospitals in and around London. Peter undergoes intimate examinations. Death makes incursions. Now what use is the study of literature? This ironic novel, using real exam-papers and real medical reports, depicts the conflict between mind and body. It is aimed particularly at students studying English Literature, and at their teachers.

Tego Arcana Dei Forces of Retribution

Andrew Man

Published ISBN: 9781909395800 Genre: Thriller/Sci-Fi Additional Information:

This is the second book in the Tego Arcana Dei series.

Fiction Literary & Sci-Fi Final Exam A Novel

Peter Green Published ISBN: 9781291468991 Genre: Historical Fiction/ Campus Novel Additional Information:

Includes history spanning 1897 to 2011, particularly 1960-69.

Worldwide Rights Available

Marooned in a parallel universe in war-torn Lebanon, James Pollack finds a mysterious time-travelling medallion. Meanwhile, some fifty years in the future, his companions and former lover fight to stay alive. Earth has changed. The landscape is dangerous and genetic mutations have wiped out the male species. Will James be able to get his female companions safely home? Forces of Retribution is the second book in the Tego Arcana Dei series which follows the hero James Pollack, from a war in Lebanon in 2006 to the mysteries of the Pyramids in Egypt. In this story, two of the female characters from the first book, Virginia and the Russian Natasha, are trying to return home. They are joined by Alexei, who finds she is pregnant in a strange and unfriendly world. The novel supports those who are asking, “what on Earth will it take?” and tells a human interest story – with an expecting mother battling to save her baby on a train ride across Europe.

Worldwide Rights Available ‘Hi, the name’s Joe Marsh and I am the narrator for this book and it’s the twenty-fourth century using the Earth calendar and not the Galactic Year count, in case anybody decides to read this book five hundred or so years from now. I begin the story as a soldier on the Security Team of the Interspace starship, the I.G.S. McBride. This was a supplies grain ship that had been converted to a war vessel, as there was a severe shortage of space battle cruisers on Earth. That is because we were losing the space war, right up until two years ago ...’ The Sikaran Empire has just changed sides and Earth is helped by elite Sikaran soldiers led by Shield Lord Marayshan. Love and romance blossom and flourish on the Naiobi colonies. Joanna Ray has written a space epic saga full of adventure, humour and romance in the 24th century. Narrated by Joe Marsh, a human security officer aboard the human star ship McBride, the story lurches from war, hatred and bitterness between the antagonists to peace at last.



One of the Good Guys Reverend Joanna Z. Ray

Published ISBN: 9781849239691 Genre: Sci-Fi/Saga Additional Information:

One of the Good Guys is the fourth in the Sikharan series following alien warriors who are on the side of Earth in the seemingly mandatory galactic space war.

Worldwide Rights Available

Fiction Historical Mrs McKeiver’s Secrets Margaret Morgan

Published ISBN: 9781780882604 Genre: Historical Fiction Additional Information:

This is the first book of a trilogy covering the pregnancy and life in the Hills.

Worldwide Rights Available

“Sleep is good, he said, And books are better.” - George R. R. Martin, A Clash of Kings For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

Mrs McKeiver’s Secrets is a microcosm of England in late 18th century. The Enclosures Act of 1795 has thrust the Hills into poverty and sees everyone in need of food, clothes and boots. The novel addresses all the problems which faced rural villages in 1799, including the horror of landlessness, the price of food and the threat of starvation. Mrs McKeiver, traditional herbalist, midwife and healer, has lived there for twenty years and observes as the once settled, rural community is rocked to its core. After four years of landlessness, she manages to get more organised help for desperately poor families. She encourages Reverend Reeves and local farmers to contribute for those on Poor Parish Relief. But the Parish House has problems of the worst kind – with a heartless overseer, its women and orphaned children need her help. How can Mrs McKeiver increase her paltry income? Will she have to marry again, to feed herself and her crippled, adult son? And if so, to whom? In the Hills many rely on Mrs McKeiver and the Reverend’s staff supplying them with a regular share of huge, pig fat filled dumplings, as the Land Enclosure has mean instant poverty which; coupled with the price risings, has made working men impoverished too.

Mrs McKeiver’s Remedies

There are two pregnant women living at the Parish House. One baby dies, which Mrs McKeiver suspects is the fault of the Overseer, who delivered and, she thinks, fathered it. The Parish House is set ablaze, potentially burning his recorded misdeeds.

Manuscript Genre: Historical Fiction Additional Information:

Mrs McKeiver is to marry Andrew Logan, so her brilliant, yet crippled son decides to take the post of Private Secretary to Sir Lofthouse Small. Here, he realises the man’s marriage is a sham and in truth, he is an abuser of boys and men. The scandal continues with the suicide of the Reverend’s pregnant maid and Andrew Logan’s lodging an unmarried mother, as his housekeeper. Could the local outbreak of small pox be the last straw?

Mrs McKeiver’s Solutions Margaret Morgan

Manuscript Genre: Historical Fiction Additional Information:

This is the final book of a trilogy covering the pregnancy and life in the Hills. Book cover art credit goes to Elizabeth Carr.

Margaret Morgan

This is second book of a trilogy covering the pregnancy and life in the Hills. Book cover art credit goes to Elizabeth Carr.

Worldwide Rights Available

In the third of the Mrs McKeiver series, events move speedily. Those who had sinned against her women receive their just desserts. She marries Andrew Logan at last, before the Christmas markets start, where she runs Logan’s meat stalls. Delivering a deformed baby on her wedding night means she doesn’t discover that her new husband has syphilis, until later. He cannot face life, so she has to ‘timmer herself ’ yet again. How tired she is! Christmas is wonderful for all at Logan’s table; with spit roast beef and the King George Christmas pudding. Logan is becoming used to pregnant and breastfeeding women being lodgers. The New Year starts quietly, but sees a man killed accidentally by his own brother. The last delivery is the, long awaited, mystery baby to the Reverend’s cook. Mrs McKeiver accepts the truth of her mother’s saying, ‘The first man to see a new baby is the real father’. As she’d always suspected, too.

Worldwide Rights Available 14


“A book is a device to ignite the imagination.”

-Alan Bennet, The Uncommon Reader For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

The novel looks at Jesus as a human being with a mission. It explores his life and work using ancient sources, but modern insights. You will not find the comfortable figure you learnt about in church and school RE lessons. The story follows the familiar course, but uses an unfamiliar route – causing surprise, new understanding and further questions. This man struggles against a corrupt and dictatorial local government, supported by foreign oppression, as we follow his attempts to feel his way through the minefield of Jewish and Roman politics in first century Palestine. He shares our doubts and fears, and struggles to find a meaning to his life and work, while facing apparent failure in his main task. It is a very radical rewriting of the ancient story.

The Abode of Bliss D. C. Fernback

Published Genre: Historical Fiction/ Commercial Fiction/ Romance Additional Information:

Part I of a trilogy. Part II- first draft is complete. Synopsis of next two parts available.

Worldwide Rights Available

Fiction Historical Shadow of the Cross David S. Britton

Published ISBN: 9781909039711 Genre: Historical Fiction/ Religion Additional Information:

An old story told in a radically new way.

Worldwide Rights Available It is 1526, Jelena, an impulsive, Serbian village girl, defying her fiancé and father, goes to spy on the Ottoman army encampment outside her village and is captured and taken back to be sold in the slave markets of Istanbul. Her fiancé pushes himself forward for selection, when the next Devshirme (a levy of Christian boys taken from the captured Christian states to be trained as slaves for the Ottomans) comes to their village. He is placed in the Sultan’s service, where he works his way up to the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire. Eight years later, they come together again, only to be torn apart once more, and then finally reunited. The Abode of Bliss is a love story that takes the reader deep into the inner sanctum of the Sultan’s palace, into the world of the harem, the true locus of power of the Ottoman Empire. We learn of the fascinating politics of this dynasty and the means of recruitment to dynastic service. Slowly its weaknesses and strengths are exposed and the menace of the ruthless Janissaries and the executioner’s silken chord becomes clear. Walter Crofter was born into Elizabethan England. In a country and a time where favor and politics were both deadly, can an honest boy stay true to himself? Especially given his family background? An Englishman by birth, Walter has lived a full and honourable life spanning 67 years from the late 16th century to the mid-17th century, a time when great ships roamed the seas from port to port. From his humble beginnings to his brilliant business sense, Walter has an amazing story to tell! The young boy who went to sea became an honoured seaman, found his greatest love, worked to prove himself worthy of her, met royalty, fought pirates, lived through the loss of a child at the hands of one of his greatest foes and was forced to face the hatred of his own brother. Through it all, Walter will fascinate you with his “larger-than-life” adventures, the people he met on his journeys and the life lessons he learned. From his greatest moments to his bleakest hour, Walter leaves nothing unsaid, no emotion is spared!

I, Walter

Mike Hartner Eternity 4 Popsicle Publishing Published ISBN: 9780973356151 Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance, Adventure

Worldwide Rights Available www.iprlicense.com



“Books must be treated with respect ... bring enough words together they can bend space and time.” - Terry Pratchett

Historical/Family Saga

For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com


Leigh Cunningham Published ISBN: 9789810882808 Genre: Literary Fiction/ Family Saga Additional Information:

Set in provincial Australia in the early sixties, Rain is a multigenerational family saga that chronicles the lives of three generations of the Wallin sawmilling dynasty. It explores the often difficult but enduring ties between mothers and daughters, men and women: the sacrifices, compromises, and patterns of emotion that repeat themselves through generations.

Winner of the National Indie Excellence Awards (Literary Fiction) By turn dark and amusing, Rain delivers an emotionally charged Second place in the Independent revelation about love, loss, guilt, self-discovery and redemption. Publisher Book Awards (IPPYs) The enduring question of family bonds—escapable or not, divides, conquers, and triumphs.

Worldwide Rights Available This family saga set in Yorkshire and northern Spain, begins in the mid-1930s. Through an act of deceit and the subsequent revenge, two families, one English and one Spanish, become entangled, suffering the consequences of a lie. A strong narrative voice is Connie’s through her diary and letters to her younger sister Garnet, revealing how she is wrenched from her English family and sent to live in Spain with her father, heir to a vineyard producing Rioja wine. Connie is twelve when her mother declares, ‘I have something to tell you…the man you think of as Daddy isn’t actually your father.’ Connie can hardly take in the facts; her father isn’t her father, her name isn’t Connie and she is being sent away to a foreign land. Repercussions of Connie’s departure have a devastating effect on all members of the family, including Garnet who becomes ill. Distraught, Connie writes in her diary; ‘A new family, a new school, a new language. How am I supposed to cope with that?’

The Only Blue Door Joan Fallon

Published ISBN: 9780957689138 Genre: Historical Fiction/ Family Saga/Literary Fiction Additional Information:

Shortlisted for the IPR License Agent’s Pick in November 2013.

The Spanish Daughter Jillian Taberner

Published ISBN: 9781909740754 Genre: Historical Fiction/ Family Saga

Worldwide Rights Available

It is September 1940, Maggie and her young siblings, Grace and Billy, are living in the East End of London with their mother. Their father has been killed at Dunkirk and their mother goes into hospital to have her fourth child, leaving the children with a neighbour. In one of the worst bombing raids of the war, their home is destroyed and the neighbour is killed. Bewildered and frightened, the children wander the streets until they are taken in by some nuns. But their problems are not over; no-one can trace their mother and, labelled as orphans, they are sent as child migrants to Australia. The novel traces their adventures in their new country, the homesickness, the heartbreak when Billy is separated from his sisters and the loneliness of life in a cold and unfeeling orphanage. Eventually, the children make new lives for themselves, but Maggie is still convinced that her mother is alive and once she is old enough, begins to search for her.

Worldwide Rights Available 16


“A half-read book is a half-finished love affair.”

- David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

Fiction Contemporary But A Dream Jenny Gill

A tale of intrigue and mystery, But a Dream is the third book in the South Hill Saga, set in leafy Surrey to the south of London. Mags has struggled nearly all her life with heart disease. After she gives birth her health deteriorates, necessitating a transplant. She is given a vast array of medication to take daily. When her doctor changes some of her medication she starts having a frightening recurring dream. In addition, she finds she has developed an interest in the game of rugby, and that her tastes in food have changed. Then the dream moves along and she finds herself not only an eye-witness to a murder, but also a victim.

On the Ninth Day Jenny Gill

Published ISBN: 9781493514618 Genre: Contemporary/ Women’s Fiction Additional Information:

Seventh book in the series, South Hill Saga, although each book stands alone.

Published ISBN: 9781481082235 Genre: Women’s Fiction/ Mystery Additional Information:

Third book in the series, South Hill Saga, although each book stands alone.

Worldwide Rights Available You know how you have a day when nothing goes right? The traffic holds you up, makes you late for work, you snag your tights then you get caught in the rain? ‘Just one of those days’ you say. Well for Annie, a struggling single mum, and her family it is just the opposite – it seems nothing can go wrong. Not just one day, either. And it’s not just the little things, but really big things too. It all seems too good to be true, to Annie. She is convinced there is an unseen force at work, perhaps something to do with the funny lights she thinks she’s seen between her apple trees. Her friends disagree – they say after all the bad luck she’s had Annie deserves some good luck. It’s only her just deserts. Meanwhile her neighbours, both to the side and behind her, have some surprisingly good fortune of their own. Smudge, Annie’s beautiful tortoiseshell cat, who spreads her favours around the neighbourhood, is the only one who sees the big picture. And if Smudge knows the answer, she isn’t telling.

Worldwide Rights Available Amy, a lonely thirty-something year old, decides that enough is enough. Sick and tired of being on her own, with no money, no friends and more importantly no love life, she reflects back on her years spent at sea. Taking drastic action, she decides to return to the lifestyle that she had loved and missed so much. After two years away, going back to work on the cruise ships would be the answer to all of her problems, saving the money that she so desperately needed to buy her own home. Independent and strong, she was a professional woman who could accomplish anything that she put her mind to. She would make her fortune, whilst enjoying the sun and stunning destinations, making friends, and maybe even a lover on the way. She was going to get a life! Or so she thought. Amy soon realised that ship life wasn’t exactly how she’d remembered it. Had she just made one of her biggest mistakes...?



That’s Ship Life! Based on a True Story

S. A. Smith

Published ISBN: 9781909740440 Genre: Contemporary/ Women’s Fiction

Worldwide Rights Available


“Literature exists less to record the actual than to liberate the imagination.”

Thriller/Crime/Mystery Code Blood Kurt Kamm

Published ISBN: 9780979855139 Genre: Thriller/Crime/ Horror/Medical/Mystery Additional Information:

In 2012 Code Blood came first in the Writer’s Type First Chapter Competition, International Book Awards, National Indie Excellence Book Awards and USA Best Book Awards.

For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

Set on the campus of University of California Los Angeles, emergency medicine, the science of stem cell research and the shadow world of body parts dealers provide the background for this unusual and exciting LA noir mystery. A young LA County Fire paramedic, Colt Lewis, responds to a fatal accident. A woman’s foot has been severed. During a weeklong search, while he risks his career to find the victim’s identity and her missing foot, he visits the dark side of Los Angeles; an underworld of Goth clubs and body parts dealers. He encounters a woman with a full body tattoo, a mysterious Chinese woman involved in stemcell research, and a killer. When he finally finds the foot and buries it in the San Gabriel Mountains, the paramedic brings closure to the woman’s death and resolves the absence of his mother who deserted him a decade earlier.

Worldwide Rights Available Greg Kowalski grows up in Michigan with his abusive father, a Saginaw city firefighter. Cut off from his family, Greg travels to California to become a helitack wildland firefighter. He is tormented by the contradiction of hatred for his father and the need to have his approval and love. Greg moves on to the brutal LACoFD helitack training academy where he graduates and begins work. He suffers traumatic stress after his crew are trapped on a mountainside in an explosive wildfire where his captain and mentor dies in a burnover. The night before this incident, Greg’s father is killed in a fire in Saginaw. “One foot in the black” is a position on the fireline that is next to an area already burned (“the black”). It is at once the most dangerous place—right at the edge of the flames—but also next to a safe zone for escape. The title is a metaphor for the life of Greg, a nineteenyear-old searching for his place in the world. The raging wildfires which burn across California each summer are the background for One Foot In The Black as coming of age story.

Hazardous Material Kurt Kamm

Published ISBN: 9780988888203 Genre: Crime/Medical/ Mystery/Urban Additional Information:

Winner of the 2012 Hackney Literary Award for an unpublished novel Best Novel 2013 - Public Safety Writers Association The 2012 Dana Award - Finalist.

- Anthony Burgess

One Foot in the Black

A Wildland Firefighter’s Story

Kurt Kamm

Published ISBN: 9780979855153 Genre: Coming of Age/ Family/Action & Adventure Additional Information:

Finalist at the 2012 USA Best Book Awards and the 2013 Beverly Hills Book Awards.

Worldwide Rights Available

Hazardous Material is an unusual mystery set in the high desert north of LA, an area populated with meth labs and outlaw motorcycle gangs, as well as Edwards Air Force Base, NASA, and many top-secret U.S. Government aerospace manufacturing facilities. The novel introduces the reader to a firefighter with a painkiller addiction, a motorcycle gang manufacturing methamphetamine, and an aerospace scientist who designs drones. Bucky Dawson is a HazMat Specialist with LA County Fire Department HazMat Task Force 129. One night, Task Force 103 is called out to support a Sheriff ’s raid on a meth lab in the Mojave Desert. In the darkness, Bucky sees his sister at the door of a doublewide trailer before it explodes. Bucky’s life is in chaos. He is divorced, lonely and struggling with a painkiller addiction. Will Bucky’s promising career come to an end? Will motorcycle thugs prevent him from discovering the secret from his sister’s past?

Worldwide Rights Available 18



“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” - Ernest Hemingway For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com


When Tom White’s life is blighted by his neighbour’s parties his aversion to face-to-face confrontation leads him to an unusual action: he commits murder. A farcical misunderstanding means Tom is mistaken for the hottest killer in town and recruited by a powerful criminal gang. He has a real talent for his new found vocation, but is totally out of his depth with his new associates: two gangsters who could have walked straight out of a Guy Ritchie movie and the impossibly sexy Stephanie who is hiding more than her drop-dead smile reveals. Flying by the seat of his pants, Tom muddles his way through his new career, balancing the needs of his underworld bosses, his unknowing girlfriend and his knowing-too-much best friend. Accidental Hitman is as heavy on humour as it is on thrills. Laugh out loud comedy ushers in the storyline which takes on a life, or perhaps death, of its own. As the corpses mount and two rival police forces aim to spoil his game of murder by numbers it all gets a bit more serious.

The Wrong Game Marc Powell

Published ISBN: 9871909740488 Genre: Crime/Mystery/ Comedy/Football

Accidental Hitman A. W. Wilson

Published Genre: Thriller/Crime/ Comedy

Worldwide Rights Available

When you have the chance to change your life would you take it, or die trying? When Mike Slater and Dan Sharpe set off on a dream football tour of Europe things could only get better. Mike would be free from living under his father’s shadow and Dan free from a father who only looked at him through the bottom of a vodka bottle. But from the onset their dream quickly turns into a nightmare. Unknowingly coerced into smuggling drugs, they become pawns for Interpol, live bait to catch one of Europe’s biggest drug barons who will stop at nothing to retrieve what is his. Pursued by killers through Belgium, Holland, Germany and eventually Paris, they will run for their lives testing their courage to the limit. Only then will they learn the hard truth that misguided teenage actions lead to consequences that will turn boys into men and change their lives forever. Who would have thought playing football might get you killed?

Worldwide Rights Available Recently promoted to the rank of Detective Inspector Carter of the Merseyside Police, a man of only one name is the centre plank of this character-driven story. Carter is told that after a meeting with the Home Secretary, Chief Constables have been asked to trial ‘Major Crime Units’ in all force areas. Carter selects a handpicked team from all CID personnel and his life gets turned upside down by the case of a lifetime. He and his loyal team employ brains, instinct, and guts to uncover and bring down a drug and prostitution conspiracy of a grand scale.

Carter’s Story Peter Phillips

Published ISBN: 9781909740334 Genre: Thriller/Crime/ Mystery

Alongside this whirlwind police adventure, Carter’s Story also reveals the civilian Carter, the man who falls in love with a beautiful, young woman and discovers what it is to have a life outside of the job. Carter encounters acts of sexual depravity involving minors abducted from the streets of Liverpool, with an unsavoury care staff officer supplying potential victims. Carter and his team are met by a wall of conspiracy, murder of major proportions, involving officers from his own force assisting the drug ring of capital villains. Carter and his team overcome obstacles and refuse to be beaten.



Worldwide Rights Available

Fiction Thriller/Crime/Mystery The Lily Branch DI Elizabeth Jewell Book 1

Carole Pitt

Published ISBN: 9781781764459 Genre: Crime/Mystery/ Police procedural Additional Information: Part of a crime/detective series.

Print and Digital Worldwide Rights Available

“In great literature, I become a thousand different men, but still remain myself.” - C. S. Lewis For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

In the midst of tackling her personal problems, DI Elizabeth Jewell investigates her biggest case, the investigation into the murder of top photographic model Lily Jerome. Within forty-eight hours, a second victim turns up on an isolated farm. Jewell believes there is a connection and searches for a link between the two crimes. Plunged into the fashion industry’s darker side, she is criticised by the media for focusing on celebrity fashion photographer Miles Keaton as the prime suspect. Nick Calbrain, a Canadian investigative journalist living in Bristol is after a sensational story. As editor of a successful newspaper, he delves into the Jerome murder engineering a meeting with Jewell who he immediately finds attractive. Under pressure from his superiors, Jewell’s boss, Detective Superintendent Daly suspends her for misconduct. Calbrain sees an opportunity to offer his help. From then on, they collaborate to solve the double mystery. However, for Jewell, pursuing the killer will change her life forever. With her career in jeopardy for breaking too many rules, she has nothing to lose, except maybe her life. It is Christmas morning and Maggie Mercer finds something under a tree. This tree is no Norwegian spruce sheltering shiny parcels. Instead, beneath a towering pine, she discovers a man’s body roped to a fence post. Detective Inspector Elizabeth Jewell leaves a family get together in Oxford to attend the scene at the Wilderness Bird Sanctuary. The victim is Harry Steele, a local stonemason. As the investigation progresses, Jewell and Patterson uncover Steele’s unsavoury past and those affected by his arrogance and greed. Behind the sanctuary’s tranquil setting a sense of foreboding emerges. One clear fact emerges. Steele had more than his fair share of enemies. However, which one of them wanted him dead? Still recovering from a previous case Jewell and Patterson must unravel their suspect’s lies and their complex motives.

The Cedar Face DI Elizabeth Jewell Book 3

Carole Pitt

Manuscript Genre: Crime/Mystery/ Police procedural Additional Information: Part of a crime/detective series.

Print and Digital Worldwide Rights Available

Wilderness Lodge DI Elizabeth Jewell Book 2

Carole Pitt

Published ISBN: 9781784070472 Genre: Crime/Mystery/ Police procedural Additional Information: Part of a crime/detective series.

Digital Worldwide Rights Available

When Keith Wilson, an art teacher at Grasmere Academy is murdered, DI Elizabeth Jewell expects to lead the investigation. Within hours, her new boss DCI Liam Yeats takes over and excludes both her and Sergeant Patterson from the case without giving a valid reason. However, Yeats’ policy is short lived when he realises alienating Jewell and her team is counterproductive. Jacob Morven, a Canadian citizen from a remote area of NorthWestern British Columbia is the prime suspect. Although the evidence against him points to his guilt, DI Jewell has doubts. Keith Wilson, the victim, had boasted of a change in his fortune, implying he was about to receive a substantial amount of money. With this in mind, Jewell looks further afield for other suspects. As the mystery deepens, Jewell and Patterson look back almost three hundred years to the origins of a lost artefact. Amidst escalating dissent at Park Road HQ, Elizabeth tackles yet another problem. Where is her previous boss, DCS Daly, and is his unexpected disappearance connected to the current situation?



For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

Fiction Crime & Short Stories

The Renaissance never happened. The Ottomans stormed the gates of Vienna. Ferdinand and Isabella failed to defeat the Moors. The Middle East is the centre of the developed world. Acts is a reflective, personal journey, a moving story of loss, love and transition. It is about Marwan, the boy and the man - and not so much the wider socio-political implications of the world he finds himself in, although these glimpses offer a thought-provoking dimension. The story is uplifting as Marwan’s humanity shines through: the book itself is like a meditation on isolation, which links the reader with Marwan: to keep the focus on him keeps the reader’s focus narrow. One loves Marwan as Marwan himself loves, and through his story we ask a question; how would we behave if we were dealt the same hand as the Lebanese in the 1980’s or the Palestinians and Iraqi’s now? Acts takes us on a journey of hope amid chaos and brutality in a world so very similar to the one that we feel so comfortable in, except that it might very well be we who are the extremists.


T. W. Stones

Acts of Faith A Cry Freedom novel

Clive Gilson

Published ISBN: 9781908584557 Genre: Thriller/Crime/ Mystery/Politics/Religion Additional Information:

Acts of Faith is the first in a series of three Cry Freedom novels. The second novel, Arkland, is in preparation for publication during 2014.

Worldwide Rights Available

The year is 1919 and after suffering the horrors of warfare Kaff finally returns home still haunted by the death of his friend, Finn. After four years in the trenches the freedom of the open road now calls him and he sets off to find work.

Published ISBN: 9781291498264 Genre: Crime/Mystery

He eventually arrives at the village of Crofton Devrille where he secures temporary employment at the nearby manor house. Along with meeting new friends Kaff finds romance, but things become complicated when the squire turns out to the one man he hates with a vengeance. To make things worse, the discovery of a body puts the staff into a state of panic. Is there a murderer amongst them?

Worldwide Rights Available Where DiD You Go To MY PreTTY MaiD? anD oTher sTories

Where DiD You Go To MY PreTTY MaiD?

anD oTher sTories of MYsTerY, roMance anD inTriGue

The author of these varied short stories, Richard Ford, has inspired to write them from the experiences of many events which have occurred in his own life. It’s just the sort of reading for people of a certain age who like to delve into a short story at bedtime. As the title implies these stories are ‘old-fashioned’ stories of romance, mystery and intrigue. There are eight of them – easy for light reading and reasonably short to be read, perhaps, one at a time. The overall tone of the stories is ethical, honest, pure (never racy) – probably set in the 1950s era. Each story is different and tells a tale of hope, expectancy and ultimate rewards of overcoming difficulties, heartache, disappointment – to a better world, a better situation. They are comforting, reassuring and heart-warming stories.


Richard Ford


“If you truly love a book, you should sleep with it, write in it, read aloud from it, and fill its pages with muffin crumbs.” - Anne Fadiman

Where Did You Go to my Pretty Maid? and other stories of mystery, romance and intrigue.

Richard Ford

Published ISBN: 9780956920829 Genre: Short Stories

written by

Richard Ford

Worldwide Rights Available

12/6/2012 11:09:26 AM




“What is wonderful about great literature is that is transforms the man who reads it towards the condition of the man who wrote.” - E. M. Forster For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

A Long Look Back... Tom Tottis

Following the hardships of the First World War Julia, a young, hardworking woman, enters a happy marriage with Sándor, except the warning that she must not have children. Julia stubbornly ignores all advice and risks her life to have a son, Tommy.

In the following decades both mother and son are forced by circumstances, time and again, to draw upon their determination, courage, wit and self-preservation to survive. Tragedy and death, personal and emotional loss, the horrors he witnessed in World War II make Tommy an adult by the age of 10 and shape Tommy’s character. He risks his life in 1956 and escapes from Communism that has risen from the ashes of Fascism. From Budapest in the Based on a true story it contains little 20s, to London in the 90s, this is a family saga of three generations, known facts and events that took place ravaged by two wars and adverse circumstances. in the years between 1940 – 1945, and even beyond. Ultimately, the story proves that there is always hope, even against seemingly insurmountable obstacles, provided one has courage, resilience, and mental stamina.

Published ISBN: 9781907756900 Genre: Biography/Historical/ Romance/Thriller Additional Information:

Worldwide Rights Available

The Old Rectory

The Old Rectory: Escape to a Country Kitchen is no ordinary memoir, it is also a cookery book and the story of the renovation of an old Escape to a Country Kitchen country rectory. It focuses on the centrality of the kitchen as the Julia Ibbotson pulse of the family and home, and shows the importance of food and cooking throughout the history of the house, the changing seasons, Published and the moods of the countryside.

ISBN: 9781909593756

When author, Julia Ibbotson and her husband, first saw the old Genre: Memoir/Biography/ Victorian rectory in dire need of renovation, a mile out of the nearest village in the midst of the English moorlands, they fell in love with Cookery it and the lifestyle it represented, with its farmhouse kitchen range Additional Information: at its heart. They hoped they could make the sad, neglected house Award winner in biography category glow again and that they could integrate themselves into the small of four international book festivals, traditional village, with its cottages, hall and outlying farms. including Winner of Biography at the London Book Festival 2013. This delightful memoir describes the trials and tribulations of their quest to make their vision come true.

Worldwide Rights Available

Where the Rainbow Fell Down Lyn Robinson

BJ & LM Coker Family Trust Published ISBN: 9780473233389 Genre: Memoir/Tragedy/ Historical/Romance/Drama

Worldwide Rights Available

A two-part memoir set in post-war New Zealand. Born into a dysfunctional NZ Catholic family with a disturbed mother, controlling father, and abusive step father, political and historical events help influence and shape the author. After leaving home to work at the age of 15, she was coerced into marriage at 18 to a calculating, older man. She experiences years of marital unhappiness until she finds unexpected love, joy and escape with a Catholic Priest. Brian is the only child of an introverted mother preoccupied with concealing her deformity. As a young, naïve man he was coerced into the priesthood and spent years in the Seminary where young men were conditioned and shaped for their role; their sexual natures suppressed, attitudes to women distorted, and their loyalty to the Church made absolute. He then forms a relationship that challenges his Catholic conditioning and he determines to leave the priesthood. His struggle to escape the Church and the pressures placed on him to remain test this relationship fully.



“I think books are like people, in the sense that they’ll turn up in your life when you most need them.” - Emma Thompson


For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

This publication, based on real events, describes New York Harbor and the activities of a bohemian sailboat scene from the 1970’s to the present. The characters’ activities span the world of music, art and architecture. Their interaction and creative process are well referenced and depicted. Three decades of developments are described by rhythmic text, chronological photos and fine illustrations. The end results connect the reader to the sources of creativity that produced a viable bridge between music, art and architecture. The songs, in concert with the glowing illustrative art of the included exclusive pyramid booklets, will capture the readers’ eyes with provocative visions and fill their ears with lyrical melodies. The architectural designs developed concurrently with the art and music serve the purpose of assisting people who have little or no hope. It will lead the reader to thoughtful solutions with a continuity of purpose for water, vocation and housing problems worldwide.

Across the Wide Zambezi A Doctor’s Life in Africa

Warren Durrant

Published ISBN: 9781291443431 Genre: Memoirs/Africa/ Medical

The Bridge Between Music, Art and Architecture Owen Waldschlagel

E. L. Foster Publishing Published ISBN: 9780982760604 Genre: Memoir/Music/Art/ Architecture

Worldwide Rights Available

A British General Practitioner, 39, unmarried, looking for something more exciting than signing sick-notes in Wallasey, sees advert in the British Medical Journal for a medical officer to a timber firm in West Africa. He flies out to Ghana, is taken up country to the town and he finds he is to be the sole doctor in an area as big as an English county for thousands of people. This is to be the pattern of his life for the next 22 years. He decides to settle in Africa. Goes to Rhodesia and is appointed District Medical Officer. There is a civil war. He learns war surgery and encounters a gunfight at Troutbeck Inn. Peace. Rhodesia becomes Zimbabwe. Romance. He marries a matron and has two children. Family life. He decides there’s no future for his children in Africa and returns to England with family.

Worldwide Rights Available

My Cool Sixties ‘If you remember the Sixties, you weren’t there.’ Tony Norman turns the cliché on its head with his memories of an amazing decade. Sex, drugs, laughter, gang fights, groupies, lovers, broken hearts. They are all part of growing up with the teenage Mod band he loves like brothers. It’s a golden age for music and London is buzzing like never before. The Rest live it all to the max. Meanwhile, in a parallel universe, Tony dreams of becoming a music writer and interviewing rock legends like John Lennon and Mick Jagger. It all comes true in this sexy-funny-handclappin’-footstompin’-good-time-story. Young and Free in Sixties London. Right place... Right time... Be there!

Lennon, Jagger and The Rest

Tony Norman

Steampacket Publishing Published ISBN: 9780957029804 Genre: Music/1960s Additional Information:

Also available My Cool Sixties - The Album. 13 original songs inspired by the people and places in the highly acclaimed book.

Worldwide Rights Available www.iprlicense.com


Non-Fiction Travel & Business General Yamashita’s Dream Book

“Everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.” - Sylvia Plath

For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

How to successfully find hidden treasure in the Philippines

Aquila Chrysaetos

Aquila Chrysaetos uses his inquisitive mind to set out and prove the existence of Yamashita’s infamous, untouched treasure deposits buried around the Philippine Islands. Working alongside Filipino treasure hunters, he has identified and visited untouched treasure sites in Luzon, Cebu and Mindanao.

Published ISBN: 9781909740297 Genre: History/Travel/ Journey

It has taken six years to compile his findings and this book explains the history of the Golden Lily during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during 1942-1945. It delves into how the Imperial family stole vast wealth from many South-East Asian countries, and buried the plunder in 175 treasure sites on numerous islands that make up the archipelago of the Philippines. It also acts as a present day treasure hunting activity book with explanations of many of the treasure hunting symbols found today.

Worldwide Rights Available

Fifteen years of life in Finland, both during Winters and Summers. A different and unknown world of forests and lakes, of snow and ice, of incredible beauty of colours and light. Even the charming and shy Finns often do not appreciate how safe and pleasant life is in their own country. The book gives an affectionate recount of the interesting experiences that the author has had with both Finland and its people.

Elks Do Not Speak English John Murolo

Published ISBN: 9781452009834 Genre: Biography/World Culture/Travel

An easy reading book presenting Finland. There are translations available in Italian and Finnish.

Worldwide Rights Available

Talking The Walk: Should CEOs Think More About Sex?

Today, increasing numbers of women are aspiring to higher management positions. Today’s young women expect promotional prospects in their chosen careers. But statistics show that they are not achieving the success they desire. Dr Julia Ibbotson, an academic and researcher, looks at some reasons why and suggests How gender impacts management ways of reversing this trend. She presents research evidence from her study which explores the and leadership communication. issues of management communication from a gender perspective in Dr Julia Helene Ibbotson, secondary schools in the UK. It arose from the concern regarding PhD, FHEA the imbalance of men and women progressing in management, as shown in the statistics published by the UK’s Department for Education in a series of documents over 20 years. Current research Published also indicates that this picture has still not changed by 2011. So, ISBN: 9781469788388 what can be done to change it?

Genre: Business/Economics/ Gender/Communication/ Management

Worldwide Rights Available

Evidence in this book looks at the possibility that there are gender differences in the way men and women managers talk in the workplace, which have the effect of undermining women’s chances of promotion to higher leadership positions.



“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” -Haruki Murakami For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

Non-Fiction Photography & Animals

This visually stunning book celebrates the tiger – one of the most iconic animals and explores the real threat to its conservation. Andy Rouse’s breath-taking images show the lifestyle of the Bengal Tiger in reserves in India, and are the culmination of six years tough fieldwork to understand the habits and moods of this magnificent creature. “There are now fewer than 4,500 tigers left in the wild and with each non-natural death we are losing the fight to save the tiger. It is time to do something about this situation,” says author and photographer Andy Rouse. The tiger is special to Andy, as it has given him some of the most rewarding wildlife encounters of his life: “Seeing a wild tiger always takes my breath away and afterwards I feel vibrant and alive.” Andy’s passion for the tiger and his frustration at its plight is threaded through the narrative. His images are here to show just how beautiful and important it is to ensure the tiger has a future – with eco-tourism at the heart of that fight to protect its habit. This is a spectacular book that will appeal to photographers, wildlife enthusiasts, and anyone who recognises the grandeur of the tiger.

Pets Have Feelings Too!

Understanding Your Pet’s Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Needs

Dr. Monica Diedrich

Two Paws Up Press Published ISBN: 9780971381230 Genre: Pets/Spirituality/ Animal Communication


A Celebration of Life

Andy Rouse

Electric Squirrel Publishing Published ISBN: 9780956457509 Genre: Wildlife Photography

Worldwide Rights Available Except UK/English Language

My dog can’t walk. How did he get hurt? Why does my pet use the carpet instead of the grass? Does my cat have a soul? Do animals reincarnate? Can an animal be my soul mate? Why do I feel my dead animal in the body of my new animal? Can my pet know and describe an illness or the location of pain in their body? Will my pet know when it’s time to leave this plane? How will I know? Will he give me a sign? These are some of the questions for which you will get answers in this book. Dr. Monica Diedrich shares more than 67 heartwarming case studies to guide you through your pet’s depth of emotional and 31 spiritual feelings. Learn how important it is to talk with your pet out loud and how to use the language of pictures to communicate with all of them.

Worldwide Rights Available Except Agentina & Croatia Through true stories, an animal communicator reveals the fascinating and heart-warming inner world of our pets. This is not only a book about animal communication but reveals many things animals feel and want from their humans. Through over 50 case stories, this book will open your eyes to the rich inner world of your pets, their hopes, fears, concerns, thoughts and feelings. Never again will you say: it’s only an animal. In this book, you will learn to communicate with your pets, to heal them and relieve suffering and stress. Dicover whether animals have souls and where they go when they die. How do they communicate from the other side? They understand about death and euthanasia and they take pride in their appearance. How, in multi-pet households, do they establish a pecking order? You will learn how to deal with behavior problems and find out why they love us totally and unconditionally.



What Your Animals Tell Me Dr. Monica Diedrich

Two Paws Up Press Published ISBN: 0971381208 Genre: Pets/Spirituality/ Animal Communication Additional Information: Worldwide Rights Available Except Japan, Argentina, Croatia and Slovenia

“Books shouldn’t be daunting, they should be funny, exciting and wonderful.”

- Roald Dahl

For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

The Garden Dwellers Liliana Stafford

The Garden Dwellers is an illustrated story book based around a group of little people in a magical garden. This is the first book in a series aimed at children 5 - 10 years, but is also enjoyed by adults.

Manuscript Genre: Children’s illustrated/ fantasy Additional Information:

The characters are unique, funny and brave, each one contributing to the garden world. The little Y fairy Trood’s family have disappeared through a hole in the fence and she is left alone in the garden. The other characters help Trood to find her family and also have their own adventures.

Illustrated story book for 5-9 year olds

Children reading these books will want to go out into their garden and look for Hand Me Down playing his tin whistle, Ovi boating or Trood hiding in the foliage. The stories are full of magic and whimsy, but told with a modern feel.

Worldwide Rights Available Matty the fox lives in a picturesque village set between the mountains and the sea in West Wales. He has a beautiful, little cottage and garden and lives a very active and social life involving himself in many areas of life in the local community. He is a long time widower but although he lives alone, he is a popular character, perhaps a bit vain at times but nevertheless a wise fox who has made many friends and who is generally well-loved by the variety of other animals who live close by.

Matty the Fox

Matty the Fox Richard Ford

Published ISBN: 9780956920805 Genre: Children’s illustrated/ Short Stories Additional Information:

Intended for both boys and girls aged 8-12, these stories can best be described as ethical, moral, ‘Christian’, humorous, adventure stories Illustrated story book for 8-12 year olds. – explaining and educating children to show and how to respond Illustrations by Yaslene Keeble. to ‘calls for help’ in this modern world. There is an overall tone of excitement, hope, adventure and what to do when faced with trials and difficulties.


Richard Ford



written by

Richard Ford Illustrated by Marlene Keeble

Shiny, Happy, Feelings! Amanda Murdoch

Manuscript Genre: Early Learning Material/Activity Book Additional Information:

This is the first book in a series of 16 titles called Shiny, Happy, World! which is aimed for children aged 2-7.

They will open up children’s imaginations, inspiring them into exploration and to widen their horizons into life and excitement.

Worldwide Rights Available

Shiny, Happy, Feelings! is the first book of a developmental series aimed to promote emotional intelligence in children and develop skills of self-awareness, self-management and social awareness. Based around central characters, this book is designed to be fun and interactive, and includes useful notes, discussion ideas and activities for educators and parents. The content of this book is based upon theory and research in the fields of emotional intelligence, child development, psychology and education. Shiny, Happy, Feelings! is designed for 2-4 year olds to develop the skills of understanding and managing feelings, as well as recognising feelings in others through facial expressions. Parents and educators across the world realise the value of teaching social and emotional intelligence to children. The increased global awareness has created a demand for materials and books that can support its development.

Worldwide Rights Available 26


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”


- Dr. Seuss

For enquiries about any of the highlighted titles, email info@iprlicense.com or visit www.iprlicense.com

This is Britain’s first multicultural history story-book for children about adventures in black British history. If you have ever felt bored of history, why not come and join in the experiences of these children, as you are taken back in time to share in amazing adventures from Britain’s past? The author uses a novel and an almost subliminal manner to introduce and engage children in a series of adventures in British multicultural history through the use of fictitious stories about real black people who actually lived and worked in Britain. This is the ideal book to be used in schools, in the home and just for fun. Either way, you will come away having learned, enjoyed and asking for more. Author, Dr Tony Talburt, has nearly thirty years teaching experience in schools, colleges and universities and is a specialist in African, Caribbean history and politics.

Smuggled Diamonds Julia Hands

Van Miers Productions Published ISBN: 9780957675100 Genre: Children’s/YA/ Adventure

Worldwide Rights Available

Inspired Poems Of Life

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Richard Ford

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& Poetry

History on the Page Adventures in Black British History

Dr Tony Talburt

Published ISBN: 9781909039230 Genre: Children’s/History/ Fiction/Multicultural

Rights Information Available Upon Request

Smuggled Diamonds is an exciting, fast-moving, illustrated adventure story suitable for both boys and girls. It holds the young reader through a perfectly balanced mixture of details and action, in a plot both gripping and convincing. The occasionally gently challenging style also makes for a very rewarding book and ideal for teaching English. Author Julia Hands, Hons. Graduate of St. Catherine’s College, Cambridge, pens her craft from her home in Shaldon Nr. Teignmouth, Devon. Her inspiration for Smuggled Diamonds follows her visits to both the Balearic Island of Majorca and Edinburgh, Scotland. London West End publishers - Van Miers Productions - feel that the adventures of Steve and Becky through the pages of Smuggled Diamonds, and its perfect grammatical English, manages to maintain the excitment of the story and involvement of the characters throughout the book. A gripping novel.

“My experiences are doubtless no different to those in the lives of many. Life itself consists of having to make choices and decisions and often we can easily make the wrong ones. The most important decision, it seems, is whether we allow our less than good circumstances or situations to crush us, or whether we use these stumbling blocks as stepping stones to a brighter and more positive future. Of some of my experiences, loosely referred to in these poems along with what I have learned by and through them, can help others who can relate to them through their own similar trials of going through ‘long dark nights of the soul’ then my journey has not been in vain and I have achieved my purpose, and God’s too, in writing them which I have only done with his inspiration.” -Richard Ford. They are for people who have ‘been through the null’ - to show clearly, emphatically, that they are not alone and other’s experiences can be used to help assist them and turn them round on the road to recovery.


Inspired Poems of Life Richard Ford

Published ISBN: 9780956920836 Genre: Christian Poems

Worldwide Rights Available


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