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Additional SEP FEE, ŠS SFD Slovenia ŠS SFD Slovenia charges its outgoing SEP students the fee of the amount of 90 euros. Therefore we are still within the range of the macimum fee, stated on the IPSF Official Documents Appendix IV, which is 3 times the basci fee. As not all of out placements are in Ljubljana, where the majority of SEP students are placed, we have decided to help them financially. With that reason we use some money from the SEP Fee to pay for the bus tickets for the incomign students who need them. We also provide the incomings with the Ljubljana public transport bus card. We put a lot of effort in out »Summer reception«, to attract he students to come and do their SEP in Slovenia. Money is of course needed to do that, so to lower the costs for our incomings, we use the SEP Fee to cover the gas expenses and some social programme as well. Our regulations state that we can financially support our outgoing students too. They can apply for a SEP Grant and if accepted by our exec, they are entitled to a certain amount of money. It can cover the accomodation in the host country. Student Exchange Officer Matija Bajželj ŠS SFD President Polona Mihelj Reščič

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