Isaac Nii Ofoli Anang
Back to my first half mandate story, I have
I have had some of the wildest experiences
been serving as the IPSF Chairperson of the
this past half mandate and it has been my
African Regional Office, 2020-21. The thrill
singular honor and privilege. My name is
of the adventure has not proven boring till
Isaac Nii Ofoli Anang but, on my super hero
now. I will start with my experience on the
studded Regional Working Group league,
IPSF Executive Committee. The fear of
the indomitable ‘Thanos’ is my alter ego.
being the only AfROer on the ExCo was
Extremists vary from calling him names
almost intimidating at first, but soon fizzled
ranging from ‘a genocidal maniac’ to ‘the
into nothingness. Sixteen other beautiful
most powerful man in the universe’. From
minds have welcomed me into a warm and
where I stand, he is a controversial believer
accommodating work environment, and I
of stability and balance in the universe, and
do not make working with me any easier
than the next person. As the workload of
decisions for the greater good. Altruistic,
regional and extra regional affairs pile on
witty, honest, brave, and incorruptible. Feel
top of each other, their help flies in from all
free to disagree.
directions to make it all a lot more bearable
Chairperson Shout out to the four other Regional Chairpersons who are the absolute best – Flo from APRO, Jafar from EMRO, Bram from EuRO, and Sof from PARO. Let’s keep rocking ExCo! I am fortunate, I also get to work with a power-packed group of men and women that we call the IPSF-AfRO Regional Working Group (RWG). The SuperHero League I am honored to chair are a group of ‘do gooders’. Their brilliant work shines ever brightly and are committed to our annual cause of an excellent IPSF-AfRO. Once they will get to introduce themselves, permit me to introduce their alter egos. Captain America is my Regional Secretary, excelling in regional archive management, and being a solid leader for the AfRO Quality, Documentation, and Translations (QDT) subcommittee. Black Widow was my Regional Media and Publications Officer (RMPO) for the first half of the mandate and we have been joined by a speedster as our new RMPO – The Flash. Doing wonders for our region’s image through graphics and convening our exceptional Media and Publications subcommittee, they both have and are doing spectacularly. Spider Man is my Regional Projects Officer (RPO), with a ‘spidey’ sense for implementing breathtaking projects and maintaining a web of outstanding Projects Subcommittee members. Black Panther is my Regional Relations Officer (RRO), skilled in the art of internal and external communications and heading a flawless pack of Regional Relations Subcommittee members. Thor is my Chairperson for the 9th African Pharmaceutical Symposium (AfPS), leading another team of result-oriented Reception Committee (RC) members to ensure an almost heavenly symposium experience for our members. Finally, please call her Mama AfRO, for Wonder Woman is my Immediate Past AfRO Chairperson. She is our crown of truth, perseverance, and our very own cheerleader. Who in my position could ask for anything more? My favorite time in this role so far has been when we organized the English World Antibiotics Awareness Webinar in November and we had registrants exceeding the capacity of the platform for the event. I was scrambling to find an immediate solution to the problem to avoid the members not having access to the session. As daunting as the experience was, it was by far one of the most humbling experiences of my life. It shows the trust that AfROers have placed in the RWG and I cannot thank the members enough for all the support. There are even more highs that I may not be able to share here.
2020-2021 Foday Umaro Turay
Foday Umaro Turay | Secretary IPSF AfRO
2021 Silvanus Manyala
Regional Media and Publications Officer
Noah Sesay
Regional Projects Officer
Regional Relations Officer
Moussa Fofana
Purity Wambui
IPSF African Regional Office Andries Bickerweg 5,2517 The Hague, Netherlands