Leaders in Training Professional Developmen By: Ms. Jacinta Barbosa IPSF PD member 2016/2017
Mr. Mark Raafat IPSF Training Coordinator 2016/2017
IPSF in the 90’s and 00’s Dissapearing Members
Unresponsive Portfolios
Problems between GA and ExCo
Poor Handhover
Financial Problems
Build good and strong Leaders
Why LIT Program? LIT began because of the need to have Leaders within the Federation. It gives to participants the leadership and management skills required to take on global roles. At the end of LIT participants shall become confident leaders, who will be equipped with necessary skills to take over a leadership role (local and international).
Leaders in Training The LIT aims to develop a quality and sustainable leadership programme for pharmacy and pharmaceutical students and recent graduates worldwide. It provides to students leadership, management and advocacy skills. LIT is based on a training program from IFMSA and it was held for the first time in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in 2008.
Goals of LIT • Short-term To have competent managers
• Midterm To have Leaders that can provide a vision and mission
• Long-term • To have Leaders that can activate and advocate for such goals and promote the advance of the pharmacy profession
What does it take to be a leader? DEDICATION
A Leader in IPSF • The chance to be the voice of many • Lead and advocate when representing IPSF at UNESCO, WHO or other forum • Have the ability to advocate and promote pharmacy profession and make a difference • Altruistic passion to serve other • Networking with professionals
Why to become a Leader in IPSF? • Personal satisfaction • Travel opportunities • IPSF flat in Den Haag • Having international friends
How to become a leader in IPSF? Partcipate in LIT
• It will give you team wok, project management and leadership skills
Be a Coordinator or be in a Committe
• It will give you experience and help you to get familiar with IPSF work
Be in the Executive Committee
• You’ll have the opporyunity to represente and lead thousands of people
Training • WHY? You will have the chance to learn from experienced trainers in an active environment which will make you think and act.
• HOW? You can participate in LIT or other trainings sessions.
• RESULTS? Your learning exerience will be faster and by the end of it you will have acquired diferente skills, from team work to project management and communication.
What to expect from LIT? • Active workshop • Check-ins • Games and activities • Energizers • Teamwork • Projects • Lasting memories and friendships
What is expect from you? • Engagement in each section • Active Learning • Motivation • Respect for others and their opinions
BE AN LITer ! LIT is a one of a kind gathering of different people from all over the world. It is a chance to make friends and start to build your IPSF family. LIT is the perfect opportunity to start your journey in leadership positions and to get involved with IPSF. Don’t lose this chance to learn and enjoy yourself!!
Thank you!!! For more information contact: Mr.Mark Raafat training@ipsf.org