Annual Report
The International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF) represents around 350,000 pharmacy students and recent graduates in 84 countries worldwide. IPSF is a nongovernmental, non-political, and non-religious organisation and is the leading international advocacy organisation of pharmacy students promoting improved public health thought provision of information, education, networking, and a range of publication and professional activities. The Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) represents over 30,000 pharmacy students in the Asia Pacific region and is a functional extension of the IPSF Executive, conformed and structured by elected pharmacy students from IPSF member countries. The mission of the Asia Pacific Regional Office is to advance and support the aims and objectives of the Federation at the Asia Pacific level.
IPSF | Asian Pacific Regional Office
APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
Students today, Pharmacists tomorrow
Annual Report
Chairperson Report
Chairperson Report I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of APRO to the Regional Meeting held at the 12th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what i have done so far in this year Aims and Objectives In continuation of the aims and objectives set out in my first term of 2012-2013 I would like to reinstate these aims and objective to the current term. However the necessary steps to achieving these aims and objectives will differ 1. Increase awareness of IPSF-APRO within its member associations through promoting and advertising via various multimedia 2. Ensure each RWG has defined roles and responsibilities 3. Ensure APRO subcommittee members have defined roles and responsibilities 4. Aid other Regional Offices in IPSF to ensure they are more established 5. Search for likely sponsors throughout the Asia Pacific region 6. Increase the number of SEP students who are incoming and outgoing 7. Promote IPSF-APRO at various student conferences 8. Ensure all APRO member associations are taking part in the APRO Focus Project 9. APRO RWG to help Green Lung facilitate anti-tobacco awareness 10.Help APPS Japan RC prepare for APPS and also look into helping future associations organise APPS RWG Projects Chairperson: •APPS Handbook o In progress however not completed • Strategic Plan o Has been looked into by IPSF to produce a general Strategic Plan • Sponsorship Prospectus o Has been given to the RRO to complete however progress in this area has ceased since not feasible to continue. • Check list for RWG Handover o All handover material has been prepared. • Allocating subcommittee members with two jobs. One for RWG and one from Chairperson. • To consider getting each RWG to contribute to the Executive reports Secretary: • Template for minutes and agendas o The usual responsibility of the secretary. • Workflow chart o Some of the workflow charts have been completed by the secretary however more charts are planned for the future. • ‘History of APRO’ for website o In progress however finding the contacts of the previous RWG members can be difficult as not all respond if contacted. • Timetable for Missing in Action o Completed but not implemented IPSF | Asian Pacific Regional Office
APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
ICCO: • Initiative - have a map of all APRO countries. When you click on a country it shows brief information of each country and a calendar of planned events. o Feasibility of sustaining such an initiative needs the help of CP and may require dedicated personnel to constantly update the map o ICCO informed that for this term it is not advisable to start such an initiative • APRO calendar to be placed on the website as well as updates for CP and SEO meetings. Announce on Facebook and Twitter upcoming meetings. o The issue needs to be further discussed with CPs of each country • APRO Trailer (must introduce what is APRO and APPS) o The video is still in progress and final version has not been vetted and approved. Hopefully new committee will announce and promote APRO using this video in the future • Collaborate with IPSF Executives for IPSF Video promotion (optional) o To be looked into as progression is yet to be made. • Translation of APRO Newsletter for 2 issues 1st and 3rd o To analyse the feasibility of the translation for the future. RRO: • Obtain 1 Full member and 1 MIA o Unfortunately there needs to be improvement in communication with non-member countries. Future plans need to be made in regards to promotion and visiting such countries to promote IPSF. • Checklist for handover and what CP/SEO should know o Completed • CP handover package consider uploading it into the website as a zip file or uploading into something like 4shared. o Completed • Sponsorship prospectus o Investigated who can be approached o Found contacts o All details to pass to future RWG members • SEO o Regular monitoring of Student Exchange helped APRO to be well informed of issues which arose RPO: • PPAC booklet o Inquire with IPSF Executive to see if the PPAC booklet is complete. If not consider working with Professional Development to get this done. o APRO Project plan form to fill in. o Still in progress • Checklist for Project design and initiative o Completed • Introducing APRO’s association through multimedia o To look into such an initiative • LIT booklet o RPO helped APPS LIT Co-ordinator in regards to operations.
Students today, Pharmacists tomorrow
Annual Report
Chairperson Report
Future Plans To look into the following issue by future RWG members • Organising a volunteer project for future RWG • Building a more structured workflow of roles and responsibilities of each position and subcommittee • Providing more stable communication between CPs and SEOs within the APRO region • More networks with other healthcare students and collaborations on different initiatives • Planning of rotational APPS locations to be held Comments Being the one of the RWG within APRO has been the most challenging for me this term. The amount of work and time needed for APRO was not sufficient. Advise for future RWG members is that they need to be dedicated individuals who have the motivation to strive to bring APRO to a brighter future. I would like to thank my RWG team for their patience and their understanding for the tough year that I have been through. It has been a very trying year with a lot of ups and downs. Without my team I do not think APRO would be functioning as it is now. Geoffrey Chai APRO Chairperson 2011-2013 Australia
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APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
Secretary Report I hereby submit the report of the Secretary of APRO to the Regional Meeting held at the 12th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what i have done so far in this year The Secretary’s key duties involved administrative tasks of the APRO-RWG, including distributing agendas, noting official minutes of meetings and working effectively with the Regional Working Group (RWG) membersthe Contact Persons (CPs) of APRO and the 2013 APPS hosting committee, APS-Japan. The secretary ensures that all necessary tasks are completed and deadlines are met in an efficient manner. Treasury APRO budgets are documented and presented at the annual APPS for members to discuss. Documentation The secretary ensures that all important documents are retained and made available when required. These documents are passed to the succeeding secretary in the form of an external hard-drive. Communication Communication between members is crucial in running the office. It is essential that members are able to communicate effectively with each other to avoid misunderstandings and to help guide APRO. Online meetings via skype proved to be effective, although factoring for time differences made meetings challenging. The secretary acts as a bridge between the CPs, the RWG and the IPSF so it is important that the secretary checks the official email regularly in order to answer and forward emails on to the relevant officer/s. Editing My term in this position saw Exaudi Ebennezer, the Internal Communications Officer and myself work collaboratively in editing all newsletters and reports submitted to APRO. A well-developed and firm understanding of the English language is an essential requirement as secretary because language difficulties can lead to misunderstandings and further challenges. 12th APPS One major role I undertook during my term was in assisting APS-Japan organise for the 12th APPS. This involved becoming actively involved with their financial planning, logistical decisions, editing of all publication materials including website and booklets, administrative tasks including registration, and offering advice and suggestions so that practical measures could be adopted. The Face-to-Face meeting held in February 2013 proved to be an invaluable experience and was a great opportunity in handling any issues.
Students today, Pharmacists tomorrow
Annual Report
Secretary Report
Conclusion Firstly, I would like to thank the 2011-2013 RWG family who have been an excellent support group this term. You have always remained professional and supportive, regardless of the situation, and continued to humour me as I continuously bombarded you with emails of all manners. This term was my second term as Secretary of APRO and I definitely enjoyed it more, because I was much more comfortable with the position and the expected responsibilities associated with this role. Due to prior engagements of the APRO Chairperson, I unofficially stepped in as Acting-Chairperson for a few months, which was an unique experience and definitely a challenging one. However, this opportunity allowed me to develop my leadership skills and become a stronger team player within both APRO and IPSF. 2012-2013 APRO RWG ‌ you have been absolutely amazing and thank you for a wonderful term. I wish everyone the best and good luck to the incoming executive committee members! Christina Cho APRO Secretary 2011-2013 Australia
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APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
Internal Coordinator & Communication Officer Report I hereby submit the report of the Internal Coordinator and Communication Officer of APRO to the Regional Meeting held at the 12th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what i have done so far in this year The ICCO is responsible for developing publication materials such as the quarterly newsletter, official booklets and relevant posters;, creating and updating the APRO website and ensuring that social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook are updated.
IPSF APRO Business Card
7th IPSF APRO Newsletter included: (Septeber 2012) • IPSF APRO RWG 2012-2013 introduction • 11th APPS Taiwan • Patient Counselling Event 2012 • SEP in BEM KMFA UGM • SEP in BEM HMF ITB • SEP in BEM USD • SEP in BEM KEMAFAR UNPAD
Students today, Pharmacists tomorrow
Annual Report
8th IPSF APRO Newsletter included: (January 2013) • APRO Chairperson Message • New Year Message • SEP in Japan • SEP in Malaysia • NAPSA – Australia Activity Report & Vampire Cup 2012 • NUSPS – Singapore Activity Report • World Diabetes Day – Running Man (BEM KMFA UGM) • World AIDS Day (BEM Farmasi UI) • Pharmacy Professional Awareness Campaign (PSUT Thailand) • Free Medication (BEM Farmasi UNPAD) • HMF ITB Activity Report • Education Section - Pharmacy Curriculum in Asia-Pacific countries
ICCO Report
7th IPSF APRO Newsletter included: (May 2013) • Education Section (Pharmacist Matters) • World TB Day 2013 (BEM Farmasi UI) • Promotion of APPS 2013 Japan
All newsletters has been successfully uploaded on APRO Website (http://apro.ipsf.org/publication) and IPSF Website (http://ipsf.org/nl)
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APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
APRO Website (http://apro.ipsf.org)
APRO Twitter Page http://twitter.com/ipsfapro
APRO Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/ipsf.apro
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ICCO Report
Design of IPSF APRO RWG Poloshirt
APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Collaborated with APS-Japan in developing the official 12th APPS website I help to create and develop the new official website for 12th APPS (http://apps.ipsf.org) and also i was assisting 12th APPS committee with the registration of participant and workshop. Closing Remarks Dear APRO RWG 2012-2013, a big thank you for this wonderful term. Being ICCO for the past 2 years has given gave me new experiences and challenges. I will miss working with you all, especially Chrissy. Finally, I wish the 2013-2014 RWG the very best of luck. Exaudi Ebennezer Panjaitan Internal Coordinator and Communication Officer 2011-2013 Indonesia
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APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
Regional Relations Officer Report I hereby submit the report of the Regional Relations Officer of APRO to the Regional Meeting held at the 12th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what i have done so far in this year RRO is responsible for obtaining new memberships with either Full Membership or Member in Association, acting as the extended function of Chairperson of Internal Relations, creating and developing the sponsorship prospectus, and managing the Student Exchange Program (SEP) in the Asia Pacific Region Approaching prospective non-member countries and local organisations
Obtaining New Member in Association, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh At earlier of March 2013, I suddenly received an email from local university in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is written that they have a very keen interest to join IPSF this year. Finally, the result came after a long process of discussing with the respective Executive and completing the requirements to become a new Member in Association, later on at the 59th IPSF World Congress, they officially becoming a new Member in Association under the Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO). apro.ipsf.org
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RRO Report
Contact Person and SEO Updates This project occurs for completely the whole year, once every new Contact Person and Student Exchange Officer has been elected from the respective association. RRO will soon send the update form to the new elected Contact Person once they send an introduction e-mail to the IPSF CP mailing group. For any further inquiries, if any other association wants to contact the CP or SEO as in person, they can ask the RRO for the permission to get the contact data, since this CP and SEO contact database will not be displayed publicly. Sponsorship Prospectus This year, the subcommittees and I have tried to complete the Sponsorship Prospectus, with the main purpose of helping to raise a fund for 12th APPS as well for the APRO budget cash itself. Steps that have been taken for this project are:
Student Exchange Programme Monitoring the Student Exchange Programme is also the biggest project that needs to be look after for the entire year. We did arrange two successful online meetings within the Student Exchange Officers, Chairperson of Student Exchange, and also APRO RWG. Later on, during November to December 2012, the subcommittees and I worked on collected the promotional materials such as video and poster from every association to be put in APRO website and social media. The aim of collecting the promotional materials is to enhance and motivating the students to participate in Student Exchange Programme.
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APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
Closing Remarks My favorite team, APRO Regional Working Group 2012-2013 for giving me such this wonderful experience and a space to develop myself. Subcommittees, for their hard work, comments, critics, and inputs for almost the past one year. I, like most of the RWGs too, wish nothing but the best and fruitful term for the next APRO RWG 2013-2014. Dyani Nabyla Widyaputri Regional Relations Officer 2012-2013 Indonesia
Students today, Pharmacists tomorrow
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RPO Report
Regional Project Officer Report I hereby submit the report of the Regional Project Officer of APRO to the Regional Meeting held at the 12th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what i have done so far in this year The RPO is responsible for collecting and sharing IPSF and WHO related project and reports. Developing guidelines for RPO sub-committee One key responsibility of the RPO was to ensure that all tasks and projects were completed successfully; especially PPAC and other IPSF endorsed projects. The 9 sub-committee members were divided into three separate groups (A,B & C) with each group designated different tasks and responsibilities. Group A: Keeping in regular contact with all APRO CPs, monitoring their project progress and following-up completed projects and reports. Group B: Keeping in contact with Green Lung and following its progress. Group B were also responsible for editing the Pharmacy Education column which was published in every APRO newsletter. Group C: Responsible for writing the Pharmacy Education column and collecting the necessary reports. The topics covered in the newsletter column include: - What do we learn from school? Discussing the different curriculums of studying pharmacy in Asia-Pacific countries - How far can a pharmacist go? The different career prospects upon completing studies and the associated salary’s (per country) - Reflection in your eyes: Are pharmacists respected? The importance of raising the pharmacy profession in the eyes of the community, how the pharmacist can be recognised as a respected health profession, the struggle between performing ethically and making a profit in the community setting. Contacting potential partners This task was collaborated with the Regional Relations Officer and its sub-committee, answering questions asked about the different tasks and projects APRO has conducted. Assisting with APPS 2013 preparations Being part of the 2012 APPS committee, I found myself assisting the 2013 APPS committee in the organization of the symposium. Assisting Leaders-In-Training Assisted the LIT committee in its organization, giving practical advice and suggestions to ensure LIT 2013 would run smoothly. Also created a promotional video of projects Assisted with IPSF activities I was contacted by the IPSF Executives to help in purchasing the necessary trophies for all PCE & CSE winners, compounding award, Vampire Cup trophy, PPAC award, and medals for to be awarded to the Best CP and Best SEO.
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APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
Face to face meeting in Japan Travelled with APRO Secretary to assist with APS-Japan and its RCs in organizing APPS 2013. Attend the World Health Assembly as an IPSF Representative On the panel of judges in awarding for PPAC at APPS 2013 in Japan. Closing Remaks Being the RPO this year was a great experience. My term as RPO, I was focused on ensuring that each APRO association was dedicated to PPAC. This was achieved by the creation of the Pharmacy Education column in the newsletter, which followed PPAC projects completed by APRO associations. Our team helped associations in defining PPAC and motivated CPs to share their project reports, both the success’ and failures because developing a large project can be challenging. During this term, the number of reports collected from associations was impressive due to better report collecting methods. The sub-committee worked very hard to ensure that all tasks were achieved and I would like to thank them all for being very supportive during my time as RPO. Dora Lee Regional Project Officer 2012-2013 Taiwan
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Annual Report
Full Member Report
Summary of Membership Associations’ Activities Reports Full Member Annual Reports National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association (NAPSA) Introduction The National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association (NAPSA) represents the interests of over 3500 pharmacy students across 16 universities of Australia. NAPSA is divided into 16 branches, of which 2 members are elected as representatives to NAPSA’s National Council. This Council is the governing body of the association, and meets four times a year. The National Council consists of the Executives (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) and the Committee Chairs (Education, Industrial Affairs, IPSF, Pharmacy Awareness, Publications and Rural and Indigenous Health). Annual General Meeting (AGM) The year began with our Annual General Meeting in Canberra where we welcomed our new National Council, Executive and Committee Chairs. Much enthusiasm was shared and new ideas brought to the table for the coming year. We also celebrated our achievements at our AGM dinner, where the inaugural Best Branch award was given to the Western Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association (WAPSA) and the Charity Cup trophy was presented to the South Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association (SAPSA). Charity Cup is an initiative, which runs in April and involves all 16 branches of NAPSA aiming to raise the most money for a given charity. We were proud to present a cheque for close to $20,000 to the Day of Difference Foundation, a charity that supports critically injured children and their families. IPSF World Congress During August, NAPSA was well represented at IPSF world Congress and we were pleased to have many of our members compete and place in both the Individual Clinical Skills competition and the Group Clinical Skills competition. We were also delighted past NAPSA member, Melissa Teo, was welcomed as an IPSF Honorary Life Member. Vampire Cup September saw us go straight into Vampire Cup, which involves all NAPSA branches rolling up their sleeves to see which branch can donate the most blood during September/October. We were pleased to surpass last year’s total, with 840 lives saved. The winning branch, TAPS, were presented with their award at our annual NAPSA Congress in January.
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APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
National Pharmacy Student’s Survey (NPSS) During September we also ran NPSS, led by our Industrial Affairs Committee. This year was a smashing success with over 1100 responses recorded. The outcomes of this will help NAPSA to release official positions on topical issues such as potential pharmacist oversupply, pharmacists in mental health care teams and pharmacy student wages. Other advocacy work undertaken by NAPSA was in the form of an Options Paper to our Government after some recent changes to the way rural pharmacy placements are funded, with the aim of improving access to rural placements for pharmacy students. This did not go overlooked by the Government and NAPSA continues to persist in this area. NAPSA website The Publications committee has been working strongly all year on creating a new NAPSA website with a login area – so watch this space! National Congress In the lead up to our annual Congress in January, the Hobart Congress Organising Committee worked hard to put together another amazing Congress. The Congress ran from January 24th to 30th and included interesting education sessions from a variety of speakers including experts in the field of anticoagulants, antibiotics and eye preparations, as well as our first “NAPSA forum” where members could share their ideas for a better NAPSA. The NAPSA executives and some committee Chairs also held a Governance review prior to the Congress to ensure our organisation keeps moving forward. Congress delegates also enjoyed a wide variety of social events ranging from a circus themed party, an Australia day celebration and our annual Congress ball. Student Exchange Program The IPSF Chair has been working hard on securing our incoming placements and we are pleased to be hosting students this year. We also have 3 outgoing students which is great, and we wish them the best on their placements. Charity Cup April saw our Charity Cup again be held successfully at all branches and NAPSA looks forward to seeing what the total amount raised for the Day of Difference Foundation will be. Future plans of NAPSA We are currently planning our upcoming AGM which will be held in Brisbane and all Council members are working hard to ensure a smooth handover to our new Council. Ellen Pedler (NAPSA Vice President) and Natalie Maher (IPSF Chair) National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association
Students today, Pharmacists tomorrow
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Full Member Report
INDIAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION STUDENTS’ FORUM (IPA-SF) Introduction IPA-SF is the national forum for pharmacy students under the Indian Pharmaceutical Association. It aims to bring all pharmacy students together so that their energies can be synergized to make a difference. Students will be encouraged to hone their academic, leadership and professional skills for personal and professional benefit and will abide with the highest ethical and professional standards. 2012-2013 IPA-SF acitivites: Monthy eNews letter The editorial team regularly updated students about activities and issues on both the national and international front. Pharmacy profession Awareness Campaign (PPAC) PPAC was conducted by Pydah College of Pharmacy in April 2013. A total of 10 schools were targeted and the Session on Pharmacy Profession was conducted specifically for 9th & 10th standard students. A group of 5 students visited each institute & conducted the campaign. The sessions were conducted in both English and Telgu, with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation. The session aimed to educate students on the importance of pharmacy and pharmacists in health and to the community, the history of IPA-SF and career prospectives. The main aim of the campaign was to uplift the standards of pharmacy as a profession was achieved successfully. World Pharmacy Day
HIV/AIDS campaign Numerous universities participated in the annual Anti-HIV/AIDS campaign. Focus was on educating people about the causes, signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS. Materials such as pamphlets were distributed and banners and placards displayed. Additionally, rallies were conducted to create awareness amongst the community. Blood donation drive Many associations were actively involved in promoting the blood drive, with many bottles of blood collected. Blood drive volunteers personally encouraged others to donate. Anti-diabetes campaign The anti-diabetes campaign was conducted by Acharya & B.M. Reddy College of Pharmacy and IPA-SF helped organize the ‘Diabetes Walk’, with over 2500 studenets participating. In India, diabetes is a major health concern, with over 63 million people diagnosed with diabetes. A combination of adopting unhealthy eating habits and leading a sedentary lifestyle has increased the risks of developing obesity and diabetes, particularly those living in cities.
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APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
Promoting awareness of eye-health In January 2013, an eye check-up campaign was conducted as a joint initiative between DR. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy and NGO-Karam. Pharmacists, optometrists and a specialist opthamologist treated over 3000 individuals, with the opthamologist further identifyting individuals who would need cataract surgery in the future. Milind Deora, MP, and the Union Shipping Minister from the Indian government supported the event. Health acitivities A campaign on educating females about the safe use of medications during pregnancy was conducted, and proved to be a definite success. TB awareness campaign TB awareness campaign was held on 23rd March-2013 at the Rohini Hospital premise with the theme of “Stop TB in my lifetime”. The campaign was organized by IPA-SF Hanamkonda Branch in association with St. Peter’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and mentored by Doctors of Rohini Hospital. Interested people in and around the hospital area turned up in large numbers, where they could gain knowledge about the disease etiology, modes of transmission, signs& symptoms, diagnosis, drugs to be used, diet & nutritive support and life style modifications and Brief information about the WHO’s DOTS programme. Student Exchange Programme In 2012-2013, we had 16 national students travel abroad and IPA-SF welcomed 13 international students. The logistics behind accommodating for our foreign studens were handled by a local company and the SEO aimed to pair students with industres that matched their area of interest. 5th Indian Pharmaceutical Associations’ Students Congress The 5th Inidian Pharmaceutcial Association Student Congress was held at JSS College of Pharmacy, Ootacamund, under the auspices of the IPA Education division and Nilgiri’s local branch on the 26th – 27th April 2013 with the theme “Pharmacy Profession: Shaping the Future”. The two-day congress gathered students from all over the country, with many different experts from the academics, regulatory and industrial fields were invited to speak. Additionally, the first Special Interest Groups (SIG) was established. The congress concluded with the election of the upcoming IPASF committeee, with Ranjith Reddy elected Chairperson and Forum Jalundhwala elected Secretary.
First Regional Level Pharma Fest – Suryapet Pharmafest 2013 Suryapet Pharmafest was organised with the goal of promoting IPA-SF and to strengthen local branches of IPASF. This week long festival inter-college competitions such as scientific, cultural and sporting events. This event was publicized on local TV, broadcasted to 15 villages excluding the town of Suryapet.
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Full Member Report
Repersentations at IPSF Events a) IPSF World Congress 2012 – Ch.Ratna Geetardha – President, IPA-SF, India b) 11th APPS 2012 – Forum Jalundhwala, Local Student Exchange Officer, IPA-SF MSB, India Closing Remarks This year was my first time being our associations Contact Person and although it was a tough year because I balanced this position alongside my role as President of IPA-SF, I had an amazing time. Being the CP encouraged me to maintain regular communication with IPA-SF, as well the IPSF Executive committee, the APRO committee and other sssociations. The CP trule is the bridge between IPA-SF and IPSF. The major improvement this year was having more activities hosted and students from different institutions were also interested in working collaboratively with us. The Student Exchange Program was thoroughly promoted so the number of incoming and outgoing students also increased. IPA-SF continues to be inspired by the IPSF spirit and in light of our commitment, we have 7 students registered for the 2013 World Congress held in the Netherlands and we are also aiming to bid as hosts for the next IPSF World Congress. Ratna Geetardha Chittoory Contact Person, 2012-2013 Indian Pharmaceutical Association- Students Forum
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Annual Report
IKATAN SENAT MAHASISWA FARMASI SELURUH INDONESIA (ISMAFARSI) Association of Indonesia Pharmaceutical Students President: Jefri Efranda Contact Person: Deby Jannati Gustiwi Secretary: Dian Permata Sari Treasurer: Karina Irsanti Association webpage: www.ismafarsi.org Introduction ISMAFARSI is the leading national advocacy organization for pharmacy students, promoting improved public health through information, education, networking and a range of publications and professional initiatives. Formed in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta in 1955. ISMAFARSI is the oldest faculty-based national student organization in Indonesia. It represents over 20,000 pharmacy students from 60 different schools around Indonesia. ISMAFARSI’s committee term is for two years, with the turn of the Secretary General held at the General Assembly and approved by its members. ISMAFARSI promotes scientific activities that aim to improve the integrity and competitiveness of pharmacy students, and social activities based on the Pharmacy Students Resources in Indonesia. Public Health, Professional development and Pharmacy Education National Seminar Topics covered were related to health and pharmacy, with a particular focus on raising the awareness of hepatitis amongst students. Little Pharmacist This initiative is targeted at elementary school children, in raising awareness of the role of the pharmacist as a health professional. As a health professional, many Indonesians are aware of doctors and nurses only, and have little regard for pharmacists. ‘Little Pharmacist” aims to promote the role of pharmacists in the community. Teen Pharmacist This project is aimed at high school students, in which adolescents are educated on the proper use of medications through fun activities. Indonesian Pharmaceutical Students’ Journal General Assembly (Padang, West Sumatera) During the GA, we recently elected the next President and Board of Trustees. National Working Meeting (Medan, North Sumatera) During the two-year ISMAFARSI committee term, 4 National Meetings are held. This 6-day meeting focused on the current role of ISMAFARSI and their future plans as an association. A seminar on Green Pharmacy was also conducted. HPEQ Students’ Summit The Health Professional Education Quality Meeting (HPEQ) was held in Jakarta in November 2012. This meeting saw students from pharmacy, medicine, nutrition, midwifery, public health and dentistry unite in promoting allied health. This was the very first national meeting held for HPEQ for students, and was an interesting event where many different issues concerned with health were addressed by future health professionals.
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ISMAFARSI-CIMSA Collaboration On World Health Day, ISMAFARSI and CIMBA (Medical Student’s Organization) signed a Memorandum of Understanding against antimicrobial resistance. This memorandum is an agreement between pharmacy and medical students in raising awareness of the issues and concerns surrounding antimicrobial resistance. FAPA Congress 2012 The 2012 Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Association was held in Bali with the Indonesian Pharmacist Association (IAI) being the 2012 hosts. ISMAFARSI is part of IAI and thus was invited to the congress to speak about student organizations. At the congress, ISMAFARSI had the opportunity to meet Mr John Chang, the current FAPA President and other members of the Executive committee. 2013-2014 proposed plan of action: • July 2013: Antimicrobial Resistance Symposium • August 2013: National Indonesian Pharmaceutical Science Week • September 2013: Forum Tobacco Control • January 2014: National Leaders in Training • January 2014: Pre-GA Deby Jannati Gustiwi Contact Person, 2012-2013 ISMAFARSI - INDONESIA
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Annual Report
The Association of Pharmaceutical Student’s Japan (APS-Japan) President: Daisuke Kobayashi Vice President: Yuki Shibahara Contact Person: Katsunori Takahashi Internal Relations Officer: Kaeko Ishiba Treasurer: Kana Takimoto Association webpage: http://apsjapan.org (Officially, APS-Japan does not have a Secretary General. However, the Internal Relations Officer’s roles and responsibilities are equivalent to those of a Secretary General.) Introduction APS-Japan is Japan’s official pharmaceutical student association and represents pharmaceutical students from all over the country. In 1998, the forerunner of APS-Japan, the Pharmaceutical Students’ Meeting was organized mainly by graduate students in order to step up Japanese pharmaceutical students’ awareness to a global level. In 2011, the Meeting was officially renamed as the ‘Association of Pharmaceutical Students – Japan’ and its Constitution was revised, with the aim of further developing APS-Japan on a domestic and global scale. Today, APS-Japan represents 22 universities and approximately 600 students from affiliated groups of another 50 universities, with the aim of contributing to society by improving consciousness and capacity of students. 2012-2013 activities of APS-Japan: Preparation for the 12th APPS 2013 in Japan Student Exchange Program (SEP) APS-Japan welcome foreign exchange students in August 2012 and February 2013, with a further 18 students expected to arrive in August 2013. Vampire Campaign The Vampire Campaign is APS-Japan’s annual blood drive and in 2012/2013, the Vampire Campaign was initiated 6 times throughout the country. Healthy Living & Diabetes Campaign Activities organised included holding an open cooking event based on the use of traditional Chinese medicines, encouraging the public to have their blood pressure and blood glucose levels tested, and creating a symbolic blue of students for World Diabetes Day. Seminar about future job positions (especially for home healthcare) Community pharmacists were invited to speak to pharmacy students about their current roles and responsibilities, and gave tips on how to approach applying for different positions and succeed in the interviews. The 14th national annual Congress From 11th-12th March 2013, more than 100 pharmaceutical students all over Japan got together for the annual congress. Various workshops and social events were organised to much success and was a great experience for all involved.
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PPAC for high school students To promote the role of the pharmacist to the community, APS-Japan was invited to speak to different high schools, educating these students about the responsibilities of a pharmacist and the process in becoming a licensed pharmacist. Medicine usage in emergency situations A joint event between pharmacy and paramedic students was held to further familiarise each party with the other’s roles and duties, and how both professionals can work collaboratively in handling an emergency situation. Creating a manual on how pharmacy students can be involved during a natural disaster such the Tohoku earthquake APS-Japan invited pharmacists who were actively involved in the post-earthquake phase, to speak to students about the role of the pharmacist in a disaster setting, and a proposed manual a was developed which addressed what pharmacy students can do in case of another disaster. Plan APS-Japan will continue to focus on public health campaigns such as blood donations and the Healthy Living & Diabetes Campaign, but we will also begin to expand into focusing on preventing drug abuse. The Pharmaceutical Educational Committee was recently reorganised and thus we expect for more professional development and educational events to be held in the near future. We also hope to develop and encourage our international relationships by inviting more exchange students. Overall, APS-Japan aims to develop our student’s into becoming conscious health professionals and world leaders in pharmacy. Katsunori Takahashi Contact Person 2013-2014 APS Japan
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KOREAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR PHARMACEUTICAL STUDENTS (KNAPS) President: In-young ‘Sally’ Park Contact Person: Kyeongmin ‘Min’ Kim Secretary General: Jinran Kim Treasurer: Jinran Kim Association webpage: www.facebook.com/knapsipsf Introduction In 2007, Jae-Yoon Seol founded the Korean National Association for Pharmaceutical students (KNAPS), to unite all pharmacy students under one common association. Originally, the association was titled SKH-IPSF but was later changed to KNAPS. In the same year, KNAPS became a full member of IPSF at the 53rd World Congress. Since then, KNAPS has played host at the 9th APPS in Seoul and has had delegates at every APPS and IPSF World Congress since. 2012-2013 activities: July 2012: Participated at the 11th APPS and 58th IPSF World Congress August 2012: Elected the new executives of KNAPS September 2012: Briefing Session and Opening Course gathering 1 October 2012: Recruitment of team members & Regular member meeting 1 March 2013: Briefing Session and Opening course gathering 2 March 2013: Published newsletter updating on the first half of the committee’s term April 2013: Recruitment of team members & Regular member meeting 2 Mary 2013: ‘SEPminar’ (SEP video promotion & discussion) Special Seminar about pharmaceutical company The purpose of this special seminar was to encourage pharmaceutical students to think about their future careers. Three highly respected industry leaders were invited to speak to students about their various fields of work and to answer any questions students had about their chosen professions. Christmas and New Year Party Despite KNAPS attendance at international events, we are still relatively new in organizing our national congress. Thus, a relaxed introduction party was hosted during Christmas time as a promotion strategy and to encourage students in attending the national congress. The 2nd KNAPS National Congress The 2nd KNAPS Congress was held in late January over 3 days. 62 pharmacy students participated in various events including Patient Counseling Event, numerous seminars, running campaign, career mentoring and Gala Night. It is still early days for our national congress and we hope in the future that more pharmacy students will be enticed to attend.
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KNAPS Medical Awareness Campaign This was the first Medical Awareness Campaign KNAPS has organized. The campaign focused on three topics: - Therapeutic window and drug abuse - Proper drug dosing (compliance, formulation, dosing) - Side effects & interactions. The campaign was held outdoors so that a diverse range of audiences could be targeted. This event proved to be a huge success with the public and was reported in the Korean Pharmaceutical Association newspaper. KNAPS Vampire Cup and Street Campaign We collected certificate of blood donation from pharmaceutical students, which was then submitted, to the Korean Red Cross Blood Services. Additionally, we conducted a street campaign to address current rumours and misunderstanding about blood donation and the importance of donating blood. Future plans: KNAPS has been seeing rapid growth over the past 3 years. We hope to continue this trend by being an active association in promoting public health and professional development to pharmacy students. Kyeongmin Min Kim Contact Person, 2012-2013 Korean National Associations for Pharmaceutical students
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National University of Singapore Pharmaceutical Society (NUSPS) President: Lim Tze Kai Vice President: Henry William Contact Person: Henry William Secretary: Yang Hujie, Dew Treasurer: Melissa Tan Jia Hui Association webpage: www.nusps.org (under construction) Introduction Since its inception, NUS Pharmaceutical Society (NUSPS) has been working to advance cohesiveness in the pharmacy community including the alumni, and to cater to the welfare of all pharmacy students in NUS. NUSPS hopes to foster a greater sense of belonging to the pharmacy community amongst the student body through an increased participation in NUSPS activities and greater awareness about the pharmacy profession. 2012-2013 NUSPS activities: Pharmacy – More Than Just Drugs (Health Bazaar) With a theme of ‘Pharmacy – More Than Just Drugs’, the bazaar aimed to inform the public about the different – lesser known – aspects of pharmacy to the general public. Various booths were set up to showcase the various aspects of the profession.
Xperience Pharmacy Camp 2012 Xperience Pharmacy Camp is a 3-day-2-night annual exposure camp targeted at junior college students to introduce them to pharmacy. The various activities carried out during the camp aimed at equipping participants with more knowledge of pharmacy as a course of study, as well as a choice of career in the future.
Pharmacy Night Cycling 2013 Night Cycling brought students from different levels together to enjoy themselves before the semester started. The overnight event was held along a route from the scenic East Coast Park to the Marina Bay Sands complex at downtown Singapore, with participants stopping at checkpoints to play games and enjoy supper.
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Pharmacy Alumni Sharing Session The concept of the lunchtime Pharmacy Alumni Sharing Session (PASS) 2013 was designed for students to drop in for a personal informal sharing session by our alumni, who come from different sectors, that will greatly enrich their minds. At the same time, this allowed the students to return to their school activities with minimum disruption.
Know Your Medicines, Get It Right! 2013 During this event, registered pharmacists and assisting NUS pharmacy students provided medication check-up services to the public. Students also conducted basic health screening services such as height and weight monitoring, blood glucose and blood pressure testing.
Plan Future plans of our society remain to be seen, with our Annual General Meeting coming in August 2013. However, we would like to encourage the next Executive Committee to engage our students to take a more active role in IPSF and APRO. Henry William Contact Person, 2012-2013 National University of Singapore Pharmaceutical Society
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The Pharmacy Students’ Union of Thailand (PSUT) President: Mr. Thammaset Bunpracha Vice President: Ms. Wichayaporn Saiyasit Contact Person: Ms. Waranyu Lengwiriyakul Secretary: Ms. Chanthima Jintakaweephan Ms. Supaporn Pongkulapa Treasurer: Ms. Khuandao Malasai Ms. Supitchaya Watsirithum Association webpage: https://www.facebook.com/psutthailand Introduction PSUT was founded in 1983 with the aim of ensuring that the pharmacy profession remained a professional health field and that pharmacists were recognized for their contributions to public health. PSUT represents pharmacy students’ from18 universities. PSUT encourages all pharmacy students to develop their skills and learning to the profession in a friendly environment. National Pharmacy Games The National Pharmacy Games were held at KhonKaen University, with over 2550 students participating over 4 days of friendly competition. Beyond the sporting events, this year various seminars lead by respected pharmacy leaders was also conducted.
9th PSUT Volunteer Camp The 9th PSUT Volunteer Camp was held at Chantaburi Province, in which over 140 students conducted health services to promote public health to the remote villagers in the near areas. Students were able to explore local health issues and work collaboratively with the local public health centre in resolving these issues. The volunteers also provided health services such as general physical check-up but also set-up educational booths on medication usage, chronic diseases and traditional Thai herbal usage. This experience allowed students to have a hands-on approach as a pharmacist and helped further develop their communication skills and healthcare services.
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9th PSUT First Date: ‘ Love at first sight’ This event is PSUT’s orientation in welcoming the freshman of each university to PSUT. Over 1200 freshman came to this social event, in which they interacted with their faculty seniors in workshops, lectures and social activities.
Future plans of PSUT: PSUT aims to promote awareness of the association amongst pharmacy students and pharmacists, by focusing on its charity and public health activities. We will continue to develop and foster friendships amongst students and the pharmacy community, as well as progress the pharmacy profession. Beyond our regular scheduled events, future activities planned include a bilingual Patient Counseling Event Competition (English and Thai), a PSUT academic page and establishing a PSUT membership card. This year, Thailand’s pharmacy profession will have its 100th anniversary and thus, PSUT will hold an exhibition on the last 100 years of pharmacy in Thailand including the changing roles of pharmacists. Waranyu Lengwiriyakul Contact Person, 2012-2013 The Pharmacy Students’ Union of Thailand
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Malaysian Pharmacy Students’ Association (MyPSA) Introduction: MyPSA is the student chapter of the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPS), the leading pharmacy student association in Malaysia. It is committed in promoting public health and developing future Malaysian and worldwide healthcare leaders. It is a national level organization which reconsolidates various local pharmacy students’ society under one organization. Being a student oriented, non-political association, we have created a platform for pharmacy education and pharmacy profession, directly and indirectly by organizing a variety of educational programs and scientific conferences. These programs were implemented to strengthen pharmacy education, the pharmacy profession in Malaysia, and to reinforce the relationship between pharmacy students in Malaysia. Our current co-operation with MPS has heightened MyPSA’s involvement in current healthcare and pharmacy related issues happening in Malaysia. Together, we are bound by the motto United towards pharmacuetical excellence. 2012-2013 MyPSA activities: 4th National Pharmacy Quiz 2012-13 (Rx Quiz) The MyPSA Rx Quiz 2012-13 was held 1st - 3rd March 2013 at AIMST University. The objective of this project is to test young pharmacy student minds and to foster the relationship of pharmacy students across different universities in the spirit of competition. University Science Malaysia (USM) were the champions of the 4th Rx Quiz 2013 and International Islamic University (IIUM) and UITM were the 1st and 2nd runner-up place getters respectively. National Gathering of Pharmacy Students 2012 (NoGAPS) NoGAPS is MyPSA’s annual national congress where pharmacy students around Malaysia gather with the ultimate aim of building unity amongst students. There are also various workshops and activities such as the Patient Counselling Event and team building activities held during the congress. NoGAPS 2012 was held in University Techonology Mara, Puncak Alam from the 17th - 23rd July. IPSF Missions in MyPSA This program involves incorporating IPSF’s public health initiaitves into the associations under the umbrella of MyPSA. Over the 2012-2013 MyPSA fiscal year, 9 associations worked collaboratively with MyPSA in successfully organising public health campaigns. Topics covered include: - Medicine Awareness Campaign - Pharmacy profession Awareness Campaign - Diabetes and Healthy Living Campaign - HIV and Aids - Breast and Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign - Tobacco Cessation Campaign - Humanitarian Campaign - Heart Day Charity Fundraiser
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Student Exchange Program In 2012, MyPSA hosted 14 international students, with the first batch of students hosted in the northern region of Malaysia (Penang & Kedah) and the second batch residing in Kuala Lumpa, where they had the opportunity to attend our national congress. In 2013, another 12 foreign students will be hosted throughout Malaysia and in exchange, 17 Malaysian students have been invited to countries inclduing the US, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, Czech Republic and the Netherlands. National Pharmacy Sports Carnival The National Pharmacy Sports Carnival was held at the Malaysian National University from 19th-21st April 2012. The carnival encourages students to work in teams and to develop physical skills. A variety of sports such as futsal, badminton and basketball were included in the program. Jason Hong Contact Person, 2012-2013 MyPSA
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Summary of Membership Associations’ Activities Reports Member in Association (MiA) Himpunan Mahasiswa Farmasi ‘Ars Praeparandi’ ITB (HMF ‘AP’ ITB) President: Yayang Luthfiana Rizwan Vice President: Todora Nadya Contact Person: Muhammad Azhari Secretary: Widhita P. Anggit Treasurer: Tika Pradinita Setianingrum Association webpage: http://hmf.fa.itb.ac.id Introduction Pharmaceutical students association (HMF) ‘Ars Praeparandi’ ITB was originally established on December 17th, 1954 in Bandung. The name ‘Ars Praeparandi’ means ‘the art of dispensing’, and was proposed by Professor Goei of Pharmaceutical Sciences in FIPIA UI. HMF ‘Ars Praeparandi’ ITB has been a Member in Association of IPSF since 2004. Student Exchange Program During July-August 2012, our association had 5 outgoing students and 6 incoming students and this was a smooth transition due to the extensive pre-planning. Outside the working hours, the international students were invited to visit many sightseeing places such as hot springs and volcanoes.
Leaders in Training Our LIT program was adapted from the IPSF LIT program. The program was tailored to our specific needs and overall, was met with much enthusiasm from the participants.
Patient Counseling Event The PCE is the biggest educational event we host annually. It is conduced on national level, and pharmacy students from both bachelor and professional study modes are invited to compete as a beginner or advanced level, respectively.
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World AIDS Day Campaign In commemoration of World AIDS Day, this year’s campaign focused on the discrimination HIV/AIDS patients suffer from and the misunderstandings of diagnosed patients. Students wore red clothes and sold red ribbons. The raised funds were donated to associations, which promoted the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS. Pharmacy Profession Awareness Campaign The pharmacy profession role is not widely recognized and thus, the pharmacist is often overlooked as a health professional. This year, our campaign collaborated with students from the faculty of mechanical engineering. World Tuberculosis Day Campaign Our TB campaign focused on educating the public on TB; its symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment options.) Funds raised from selling stickers were donated to the city lung hospital. Vampire Cup Campaign During this campaign we raised 397 units of blood from over 500 participants. This campaign was targeted at all students on our campus, not just pharmacy students.
World Health Day Campaign Our focus this year was hypertension. We educated people on campus via posters and lyers. We also held a brief lecture on the prevention and treatment methods of hypertension.
Medicine Awareness Campaign The improper use of antibiotics is quite common in Indonesia, raising the concern of under treatment of diseases and of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. In our campaign we used posters and flyers to spread the information as well as icons, to attract the public’s attention. Anti-Counterfeit Drug Campaign Our aim was to educate students about the dangers associated with counterfeit medications and methods in avoiding counterfeit medications. Future plans: During the last half of 2013, we plan to host SEP (9 outgoing and 11 incoming), LIT, World No Tobacco Day Campaign, PPAC, PCE, World Humanitarian Day Campaign, World Diabetes Day Campaign and World HIV/ AIDS Day. We hope to improve on our campaigns and projects by holding evaluations on all previous activities. Muhammad Azhari Contact Person, 2012-2013 HMF ‘Ars Praeparandi’ ITB
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Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonedia (BEM FF UI) Introduction Universitas Indonesia is a modern, comprehensive, open-minded, multi-culture, and humanism-based campus that covers wide arrays of scientific disciplines. As a world class research university, UI seeks to achieve the highest level of distinction in the discovery, developing and diffusion of advancing knowledge regionally and globally. In the meanwhile, UI is distinctive among research universities on its commitment to the academic invention and research activities through various scientific programs. Recently, UI graduated more than 400.000 alumni and continues its important role both on national scale and internationally. Furthermore, it is our commitment to maintain high quality of education system, global standard research activities and maintaining high standard of international academic research publications. As one of UI’s recently established faculty, since November 29th 2011 Faculty of Pharmacy UI had faced numerous challenges. BEM FF UI is the pharmaceutical student organization at the University of Indonesia. Before becoming a BEM from just Student’s Department Group (HMD) in 2012, the student organization for Pharmacy UI joined the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences departments from 1965. In addition to the education department for 4 years in pharmaceutical UI, students were calling on a space where they can submit their ideas and creativity in various fields such as research, sport, art, writing, leadership, public service and many more. In organizations, students are taught to train soft skills according to their interest, dividing time between lectures and activities outside of lectures, build a competitive nature, teamwork and responsibility. All that was answered by creating BEM FF UI to students. BEM FF UI consists of bureaus and departments that concern on community and social, development of student resource, communication and multimedia, innovation, fund and sponsorhip, academic, profession and pharmacy’s assessment, sport and creativity and external relation. The Chairman of BEM FF UI 2013 is currently Abdul Basith Fithroni. This year, the slogan of BEM FF UI is “Creative Achievement”. BEM FF UI Programs 2013 emphasizes the achievement based on creativity, because a lot of achievements that can be earned by students at the level of faculty, universities, national and international, representing a number of 600 students. 1. Education and Practice Activities Pharmacy Weekend In the 3rd event of Pharweek, BEM FF UI raised the issue of cosmetics and herbal as a very potential cosmetic ingredient. Pharweek has a plenty interesting events which were: International Seminar, Drug Modeling Competition, Patient Counseling Competition, Drug Modeling Workshop and BA-BE Workshop, and also presenting speakers and experts in their fields, respectively. International Seminar was held in a single day, on 18th January 2013. General topic of the seminar is “For Beauty being the best, Sums up the unsearchable secrets aims of nature”. Sub topics in this seminar are “Biotechnology and Cosmetics: A Marvelous Combination in the 21st Century” represented by Dr. Yamamoto Yoshikuni from Yamamoto Perfumery Co., Ltd Osaka, Japan, “Patient Harm and Pharmacist Liability” represented by Pharm. Dr. Joshita Djajadisastra, MS, PhD from University of Indonesia, “Plants from Asia and Beyond as a Source of Active Ingredients for Modern High Performance Natural Cosmetics represented by Judi Beerling from Technical Research Manager, Organic Monitor, United Kingdom, and “Herbal Cosmetic from Indonesia” represented by Anna Setiadi Ranti, Dr.rer.nat.Apt from Martha Tilaar, Indonesia. Drug Modeling Competition is an activity of competition related to the modification of chemical substances within medicinal preparations. The primary topic of DMC is Gastrointestinal. This is open to
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among undergraduate students. A jury made up of practitioners and academics who struggled in the field modification of the structure and use of the software modification. And then, PCE is the competition about how to provide counseling to the patient. In this competition, participants consist of one team that comes from institutional education level S1, S2 and S3. A jury comprised of academics that concerned in clinical skill and service, pharmacists and the public that acts as neutral jury. BA-BE Workshop is a workshop on the training of BA and BE drug testing in biological matrix for industry-pharmaceutics and other research institutions in the field of bio-analysis and in the medical field. The workshop was held in two stages: a brief explanation of the determination BA-BE of the active substance and case study conducted by three groups of participants that are chosen randomly. Drug Modeling Workshop is a workshop or training on the use of software to modify the active substances in drug. We also held community service which is the activities carried out in the community society live in around UI, and Campaign about Hypertension by spreading leaflets door-to-door and a brief presentation regarding herbal medication. Pharmacy Care 2012 Pharmacy Care 2012 is an annual community activitiy which is a program excecuted by Dermatol (Department of Social and Community Service) division of BEM FF UI. The activities were funded directly by the Department of Research and Public Service University of Indonesia aims to provide training to communities on how to plant and harvest, and would later be health products, so they can eventually have economic values thus helping the local society’s economy. The orientation of the community within this activity is the population who live in Janur Bojongloa Village, Tangerang. The activity is divided into 4 stages: 1st-4th training and control of the progress of activities that have been carried out. 1st Training was held on Saturday, 6th May 2012. In this training, BEM FF UI invited a trainer coming from Balitro (Hall of Spice and Medicinal Plants Research), Bogor to provide training to local people about the introduction of some medicinal plants like ginger, galingale, turmeric, rosella, guava and sappanwood. The society also provided knowledge on the usefulness and usability of such crops, including planting and cultivating crops.
BEM FF UI also contributed seeds of galingale, aloe vera, and sappanwood and practiced directly planting seedlings in the field. Students and societies are very enthusiastic and excited in following the training. In the 2nd training on 16th July 2012, society was given training about how to harvest the plants, the introduction of simplisia, form and its use. The society also provided training on how to make any wedang ginger, wedang secang and aloe vera cendol ice. Wedang Secang is the first brand product from Tanur Bojonglo village. In the 3rd training on 6th October 2012, society was given training by the Supervising Lecturer Faculty of Pharmacy UI. The material provided on the introduction of another product that is turmeric rosella drink and aloe Vera gel as an injury. The last training was held on 20th-21st December 2012. These activities include the sale of products made by the Committee to all Pharmacy UI’s students. The students were very interested with this product because it does not require much time in preparations. The purpose of this activity is to introduce the top products Tanur Bojong Loa Village and to know the opinions and judgments of the costumers. Hopefully in the future this activity could be a stub for Tanur Bojongloa Village to continue and develop its business, so it can help their economy.
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Leader in Training (LK 1) BEM FF UI held LIT (Leader in Training) for students of Pharmacy Universitas Indonesia. In this activity, we invited speakers with 4 different topics. As we know, leadership skill is very needed as far as we know. Someone who has a sense of leadership will be easier to achive the goals. The leadership skill is useful not only within organizations, but also for yourself. Everyone is a leader for himself. And obviously, leadership is one of the characters of Pharmacists required. Speakers were explaining it to the attenders. And to channel it, there are many pharmaceutical organizations for college students like ISMAFARSI and IPSF which were explained during the event. These activities will teach us to be on time, be disciplined in work, mutually tolerant and appreciative of each other. 2. Public Health Activities HIV/AIDS BEM FF UI also participated in the campaign to commemorate World Health Day. In December 2012, BEM FF UI held the World AIDS Day Campaign. The campaign is divided into three events. The first event was jogging around the campus site, the second event made event giant Red HIV/AIDS ribbon that was taken a photograph from above and was later spread through social media, and the third that the students went around other faculties within UI to raise awareness against discrimination to HIV/AIDS patients. TB Day At March 24th 2013, BEM FF UI also organized a TB Day Campaign. The campaign is implemented in a UI railway Station as it is a public place. Participants of the campaign were divided into several groups. 1 group consists of 2 students. Each group were providing counseling on tuberculosis, handing out leaflets, provided mask and asked for the opinion of the society will agree to use mask for prevention of tuberculosis. The target of this campaign is the whole citizens who we met at the train station. In addition, we also collect public signatures as a form of participation in the campaign. WNTD And during the 30th May of 2013, BEM FF UI initiated a World No Tobacco Day campaign. WNTD Campaign different from previous campaigns, because the campaign targets only active smokers. The campaign was held at Depok Suburban Railway Station. Students provided counseling to the smokers who would go to the train platform, the smokers outside around and retailer around the station. Students handed out leaflets and peppermint as substitute for smoking if smokers throw cigarette. Although the campaign target less than previous campaigns, but during the counseling there was two-way communication between students IPSF | Asian Pacific Regional Office
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and citizens. There are many experiences gained by the students during this campaign. Active smokers we got to make contact, were from a variety of ages. The time they became active smokers also differs. Some of smokers had tried to stop smoking, but the other is still not aware of the dangers of smoking to their health. This should be the subject of evaluation for world health problems. 3. Student Exchange Programme This year, BEM FF UI coming 3 students from Germany who were both Madeleine Brandl and Johanna Schaefer and from the Czech Republic - Vladimira Slovakova. The exchange students spent 1 month working for Internship at the Kalbe Farma factory in Cikarang, West Java. Kalbe Farma is one of the most famous and productive drug industry in Indonesia. They started working at the beginning of July until the end of July. Those students also had a tour around UI and our Faculty of Pharmacy. In addition, there is also several students of FF UI that will do internship abroad this year. 4. Other Activities Again in 2013, BEM FF UI has a program that is Olympics Scientific Students Faculty of Pharmacy UI. This program is implementing a number of competitions such as scientific paper, English Debate, essay competition, Patient Counseling Competition and sports. This activity is held one time in one year. Each winner of the competition will represent FF UI as a delegate for the University and national level. 5. Closing Remarks In 2012 to 2013, BEM FF UI has held a lot of PPAC programs. This is a rapid progress over the previous years. Response from numerous enthusiastic students were also very appreciated. Actually, many potential students could participate in such activities, but most of them prefer just to study than involved within the organizations. The hectic schedule of our academic calendar made students afraid of inability dividing time appropriately. I am sorry for having a lot of flaws, which is late at collecting reports. Hopefully, it will be fixed by the new CP. Reflect upon the work of your association in the past year, work of yourself as the CP, highlights, areas for improvement, and future plans. Natasya Linsie Corona Datunsolang
Contact Person, 2011-2013 BEM Farmasi Universitas Indonesia
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Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Sanata Dharma (BEMF USD) President: Maria Malida Vernandes Sasadara Vice President: Maria Gabriela Roswita Contact Person: Verni Emelia Secretary: Yudhytha Anggarhani Quraisyin Treasurer: Levina Apriyani Association webpage: https://www.facebook.com/bemffarmasi.usd Introduction Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas (BEMF) is an exclusive students’ organization in the faculty of pharmacy at Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD), Yogyakarta, Indonesia. First established in 1995, BEMF USD continues to be a strong role for pharmacy in developing their knowledge, empathy, creativity and spirituality. 2012-2013 acitivities: Drug Campaign & PPAC Many people remain unaware of the advantages and importance of the use of generic medications. We primarily focused on the financial benefits of using generic medicines rather than branded drugs. Students were also involved in performing blood pressure and blood glucose tests to the public. Our service delivery also demonstrated the different roles a pharmacist has in delivering healthcare to the community.
Student Exchange Program (SEP) 2012 We warmly accepted two pharmacy students from Czech Republic, who spend their time in our faculty’s education department and in the hospital pharmacy for 2 weeks. The students also visited a traditional herb factory and enjoyed their leisure time experiencing Indonesia’s cuisine and sightseeing sites. Long March and National Seminar World HIV/AIDS Day 2012 This year’s theme was ‘Young generation with no more discrimination against AIDS related deaths’. Over 100 participants attended the seminar and 67 participants joined the long march.
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Christmas Carol & HIV/AIDS Follow Up We held a follow up event for World HIV/AIDS Day in December 2012 because we realized that we had to further spread the information about HIV/AIDS beyond students. We visited a local children’s orphanage and conducted a street march. Leadership Training The aim of this training was to improve our student’s awareness and knowledge of Indonesia’s national organization (ISMAFARSI) and to also help students develop the necessary skills to become strong team players. Blood Glucose Check Training Pharmacy students were trained the correct technique in checking a patient’s blood glucose levels using commonly used equipment and to know the relationship between blood glucose levels and diabetes mellitus. This was an internal event with the aim of developing the student’s skills as future pharmacists. Partner Village Part 1(Desa Mitra 1) - Free Medication This event is the 1st part out of 4, in our partner village program. This event was held in Sembir Village, Prambanan Subdistrict, Central Java. A total of 100 patients were involved in this free medication consultation which consisted of a blood pressure check, blood glucose level check, cholesterol check and testing of uric acid levels. Villagers were also educated on how to improve their lifestyle including diet and exercise.
Future plans: For the rest of the year, we are planning on hosting our part 2-4 of our partner village program. Additionally, Vampire Cup and Pharmacy Day are being organized. Students will also be educated on self-medication and scarlet fever. Verni Emelia Contact Person, 2012-2013 Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Sanata Dharma
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BEM KEMAHASISWAAN FARMASI UNPAD (BEM KEMAFAR UNPAD) PROFESSIONAL PHARMACY AWARENESS CAMPAIGN “BAKTI DESA 2012, FREE MEDICATION” FROM IPSF BEM KEMAFAR UNPAD –INDONESIA Date and time : 7th October 2012 Pharmacist in Indonesia is not a common health-proffesionals which are interact directly to the patient in Indonesia, especially in some untouchable village. Inhabitants in some village in Indonesia doesn’t know very well about pharmacist because a health proffesionals who are directly counselling with them is just a doctor. Because of that, Now days The pharmacist have to get involved directly to provide pharmacutical care to the patient so that they know about pharmacist profession besides just compounding drugs. WELCOMING PARTY “ONE DAY FUN WITH IPSF” IPSF BEM KEMAFAR UNPAD– INDONESIA Date and time : 18 February 2013 With the existence of new student and many organizations in the faculty of Pharmacy University Padjadjaran, IPSF need to show itself to be known by them. This event was made to give information to the new student about what IPSF is, its history and its activities so they are interested in joining IPSF.
TUBERCULOSIS DAY “TB DAY ” IPSF BEM KEMAFAR UNPAD INDONESIA Date and time : 1st, 15th, 21th, 22th,23th, and 24th March 2013 To commemorate World Tuberculosis Day IPSF BEM KEMAFAR Unpad is required to implement this annual work program of IPSF. This progam is to inform people about Tuberculosis (TB) and how to prevent them. This progam also to raise funds to help patients who suffers Tuberculosis in Rotinsulu Hospital of Pulmonary Bandung for their treatment
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CHARITY EVENT CELEBRATING “ WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS DAY” IPSF BEM KEMAFAR UNPAD Date and time : 2nd April 2013 In Indonesia is something that is not taking seriously. Many autism in Indonesia still being neglected by their surounding, especially the one on the remote area or in the village that is located far from medical center. This pacticular day (Autism Awareness Day) is one of medias to raise awareness as well as to collect fund to help autism around Padjadjaran University (UNPAD).
WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY IPSF BEM KEMAFAR UNPAD World No Tobacco day Program from IPSF BEM KEMAFAR Universitas Padjadjaran cooperating with JMKI and ISMAFARSI is divided into 3 different Programs : • 31th may 2013: Stategic Studies Discussion Forum about “Cigarette Regulations” • 1st june 2013 : Cigarette Counselling for Young Generation at SMP Darul Fatwa dan SDN Darul Fatwa Indonesia • 2nd June 2013 : Cigarette Counselling to the young generation
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Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Keluarga Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Gadjah Mada (BEM KMFA UGM) Student exchange programme In 2012, we had 7 exchange students enter the research and community field. These students came from the UK, the Czech Republic, Malaysia and Poland. Beyond learning in the research labs or in the community pharmacy, these students also experienced daily life in Yogyakarta and tried traditional Indonesian foods. We exchanged much knowledge about pharmacy as well as ou different cultures and beliefs.
Herbal tour The aim of this tour was to introduce incoming students to the abundant range of herbal medicines found in Indoneisa. Students visitied the Natural Medicine Research and Development Center in Solo (BBPPTOOT) and learnt about the range of traditional medicines and the process behind how the plants are used as medicines.
International Month In September 2012, we accepted 5 incoming students and thus,International Month was created. During this month, we invited the exchange students to discuss about pharmacy in their homeland as well as their cultures and traditions. We also invited one of our lecturers to discuss their exchange experiences as a student in Japan, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
Student Exchange Program Talkshow Due to the high number of exchange students accepted, many of our own local students were interested in going on exchange. The SEP talkshow introducted SEP, a collaborated effort between BEM KMFA UGM, ISMAFARSI and IPSF. We discussed about the requirements needed to participate in SEP as well as the practical points of going on exchange.
IPSF | Asian Pacific Regional Office
APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
Diabetes Day To commemorate Diabets Day, we created the symbolic blue circle to attract participatns to the cause. Our campaign was adopted from the South Korean reality show, ‘Running Man’ in which the participants were divided into teams of 3. Each team is given a set of tasks to complete and the first team to coplete all tasks succefully were the winners.
World TB Day The campaign aimed to increase students awareness of TB. Students wore representative green clothing and handed out leaflets about TB awareness, with a large model of a set of lungs shown to the public. This year IPSF initated the TB Twitter Competition, with Amnita Khoiril Hana’s tweet (student from UGM) was in the top 10 tweets of the competition.
Teddy Bear Hospital This is the first Teddy Bear Hospital we held and it was arranged with the medical students. Children were invited to bring in a ‘sick’ teddy bear. The bear was diagnosed by the ‘doctor’ and the ‘pharmacist’ had to counsel the child about the disease, since they were the ‘parent’. We hope to improve this for next year and for it to become an annual event as part of PPAC.
World Health Day The health insurance system made by the Indonesian government is called JAMKESMAS, but it is still widely unrecognised through the country. This lack of knowledge about our own health system encouraged us to educate the public about JAMKESMAS, its role in providing healthcare and in general health knowledge. Students worked with medical professionals in providing health services such as blood pressure testing and educating the public about the importance of exercise for health. World No tobacco Day This campaign brought pharmacy, medical and dentistry students to work together against tobacco use. Our aim was to be a voice for banning tobacco advertisements, promotions and sponsorshops as adopted by the WHO. We marched the streets and encouraged active smokers to give up smoking, offering to swap their cigarettes for candy. We also distributed leaflets, flyers and stickers highlighting the dangers of tobacco use and held a lecture on why tobacco advertisemetns should be banned. Siti Nur Mufyda Contact Person, 2012-2013 BEM KMFA UGM
Students today, Pharmacists tomorrow
Annual Report
Member in Association Report
Pharmaceutical Student’s Association-Taiwan (PSA-Taiwan) Introduction PSA-Taiwan is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political and non-religious association founded in 1998, representing over 3500 pharmacy students from 7 pharmacy schools in Taiwan. Our establishment aims to unite pharmaceutical students and to have an official organization that will represent Taiwanese pharmacy students on an international platform. 2012-2013 activites: Pharmacy Funfair In March 2013, the first Pharmacy Funfair was held in Taichung. We set up booths to provide drug information services and to promote healthcare knowledge. The success of this activity was brought to the attention of the local government and media, with this event published in the local newspaper. Consequently, we made great progress on promoting the pharmacy profession to the Taiwanese people.
Mr. Ice Mr. Ice was the first collaborative event between pharmacy students and medical students. This workshop focused on climate change and the international response to it. Through lectures, a model United Nation conference and flash action, pharmacy students discussed how climate change could affect the pharmacy profession and broadly, the health community but also, learned to work effectively with medical students. Service teams In Taiwan, there are 7 colleges of pharmacy and each have teams of volunteer students that travel to remote districts to provide health services and to educate on the proper use of medications and promote anti-drug usage. It is held twice a year and proves to be beneficial to both the community and the students involved. Pharmacy Camp Every summer vacation, a 7-day Pharmacy Camp is held for high school students. This camp primarily focuses on pharmaceutical knowledge including OTC drugs, drug misuse including prescription medications and traditional Chinese medicines. Other activities include experiments and a field trip to a pharmaceutical company. The aim of this camp is to show high school students the pharmaceutical profession as well as educate them on the basics of available medications. Thus, we hope to inspire students into becoming the next generation of pharmacist.
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APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
AIDS awareness Campaign Every December is PSA-Taiwan’s designated AIDS awareness month, in which PSA-Taiwan launches their latest campaign in raising attention to AIDS. Activities included during the month include weekly lectures, quizzes, charity bazaars and a poster exhibition. Our aim is to raise the current pharmaceutical student’s awareness of HIV/AIDS. This year, our bazaar raised over 10 000 TWD, which was all donated to associated foundations.
14th National Annual Congress
The 14th Annual Congress was held at Taipei Medical University from 23rd to 26th January 2013. This year’s theme was ‘Education and the Future of Pharmacy’. Various workshops and lectures inspired students into becoming professional health experts and encouraged students to work collaboratively. Overall, the congress proved to be a great success and was enjoyed by everyone. Ocean Chou Contact Person, 2012-2013 PSA-Taiwan
Students today, Pharmacists tomorrow
Annual Report
Member in Association Report
New Zealand Association of Pharmacy Students-Otago (NZAPS-Otago) Introduction NZAPS-O represents the very enthusiastic students at the University of Otago’s School of Pharmacy. Our purpose is to provide a friendly point of contact for all pharmacy students to help address any concerns that may arise along the challenging road in achieving a Bachelor of Pharmacy. Our Executive Committee consists of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Education Representative, Welfare Representative, Marketing Representaitve, Sports Representative, Social Representative, Revue Representative and the Liaison. 2012-2013 NZAPS-O activities: The Executive’s have been extremely busy this year with a major focus on introducing more educational events to compliment the already jam-packed social schedule. This year we introduced the ‘Pharmacy Profession Seminar’, a daylong event where 6 speakers from all over the country. They are all of different backgrounds in pharmacy ranging from a pharmacy law expert, a community pharmacist, a hospital pharmacist, prescribing pharmacist, a pharmacist working on boarder patrol and a policy-making pharmacist. The goal of this day was to inform and excite our future pharmacists about their career and show some of the possible paths that someone with the same degree as them can go down. NZAPS-O had a main goal of ensuring that the students were aware of the importance of us as future pharmacists and to inspire them to develop a love for our profession. We organised an experienced pharmacy accountant to come and talk about the business side of running a pharmacy and the processes involved. Another seminar organised was with avitamin company ‘Go Healthy’ to give our students a talk about natural health and complimentary medicines. This is a side of pharmacy still in its early stages and we believe will become a strong focus for pharmacists in the future. To finish off my year as a CP I am looking forward to running our very first Patient Counseling Event when we get back from Congress. The media exposure we get from this will make the local community more aware of the things we are capable of as Pharmacists. Health Living & Diabetes Day Students travelled to a local community centre where patients would brought in their medicines to get advice on how to take them and what adverse effects they should look out for. The patients were really grateful for the advice and some were surprised at how much pharmacy students knew about medicines. World Pharmacist Day Students dressed in their pharmacy outfits and spread the word about the importance of pharmacists in the healthcare system. This was a very successful day with many members of the community showing great support for the pharmacy profession.
IPSF | Asian Pacific Regional Office
APRO Annual Report 2012-2013
Annual Report
Student Exchange Programme
Our SEO this year, Rosa Choi, has done a wonderful job. Being only the second year of participating in SEP, NZAPS-O was lucky enough to place 5 of our students in the Czech Republic, Australia, Poloand and Portugal. In return, we will be accepting a student from the US and one from the Czech Republic. We wish them an enjoyable stay in New Zealand, welcome them to any of our student events and hope they will be able to travel around to see some of the beautiful sights our country offers. We are grateful to the host organisations and SEO’s who have worked so hard to provide excellent placements and opportunities for our students NZAPS-O Social calender The NZAPS-O social calendar is a big draw-card for many members. The year kicks off with the new students coming into the School of Pharmacy attending a 2-night camp where they undertake many team-bonding activities before the start of the university year. This camp was a huge success this year with a record number of attendees. Other events included a flat crawl, bus trip, ski trip, the ball and the classic Miss Pharmacy and Southern Man night. Our students also put on a production each year. This year’s Pharmacy Revue titled “The Chronicles of Pharmia” is loosely based on Narnia and I am pumped to see the final product of Tilley Carroll’s hard work over the year. This production allows expression of creativity in a mainly science based degree and professional course. Closing Remarks NZAPS-O has had an amazing beginning to 2013 with membership numbers up 30% on last year, and is now close to 75% across all year groups, a huge reflection on President Victor Chong’s aspirations for the year. We have secured an increase in sponsorship and more speakers want to come and talk to our students and share their experiences in pharmacy. Our students have just finished exams and I cannot wait to show them what we have in store for next semester especially with the inaugural Patient Counseling Event being held. Now that we have increased member numbers we need to look at spicing up our very outdated website and even looking to the Auckland students for a possible formation of a truly national organisation. This is well in line with the dream of our Executive’s, and that in the near future we can become full members of IPSF and partake in more IPSF-orientated events. Brendon McIntosh Contact Person, 2012-2013 NZAPS-O New Zealand
Students today, Pharmacists tomorrow
IPSF APRO Annual Report 2012-2013