Contents Contents.................................................................................................1 About IPSF-APRO................................................................................2 Asia Pacific Regional Working Group 2010-2011..............................3 Major Highlights...................................................................................4 APRO Representations 2010-2011......................................................6 Centrefold..............................................................................................7 IPSF President’s Message for APPS 2011..........................................10 Chairperson Report............................................................................12 Secretary Report..................................................................................15 Regional Project Officer Report.........................................................17 Regional Relations Officer Report.....................................................20 Summary of Membership Associations’ Activities Reports.............24 Internal Coordination and Communication Officer Report............42 Regional Student Exchange Officer Report......................................57 10th Asia-Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium 2011 Report............62 11th APPS 2012 Progress Report.......................................................69 Report of the President of the Green Lung 2010-2011....................75 APRO Budget for 2010-2011..............................................................79 Acknowledgement..............................................................................80
The International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF) represents around 350,000 pharmacy students and recent graduates in 70 countries worldwide. IPSF is a nongovernmental, non-political, and non-religious organisation and is the leading international advocacy organisation of pharmacy students promoting improved public health through provision of information, education, networking, and a range of publication and professional activities.
The Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) represents over 30,000 pharmacy students in the Asia Pacific region and is a functional extension of the IPSF Executive, conformed and structured by elected pharmacy students from IPSF member countries. The mission of the Asia Pacific Regional Office is to advance and support the aims and objectives of the Federation at the Asia Pacific level.
Asia-Pacific Regional Office Regional Working Group 2010-2011
Major Highlights In continuation of the five year strategic plan of APRO RWG 20072011, which focused on bringing future direction and vision to IPSF APRO objectives and activities for future regional working groups, a substantial amount of effort was put into promoting the Pharmacy Profession Awareness Campaign: Empowering Our Profession by Educating the Public. This lack of awareness of the pharmacy profession is prevalent throughout society. Although important to patient healthcare, the pharmacy profession has not been able to communicate effectively to the public about the role, scope and importance of the profession. Pharmacy students are the pharmacists of tomorrow. They will be leading the profession in the near future and can be key players in increasing awareness and changing attitudes towards the pharmacy profession. The Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) of International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF) understands the need for students to create this awareness of our profession to the public. This year the members of APRO has successfully carried out many pharmacy awareness activities including Vampire Cup (NAPSA, Australia), Pharmacy Awareness Week (NAPSA, Australia) and Brown Bagging (NUSPS, Singapore). In line with IPSF public health initiatives, many of our members have also actively carried out public health campaigns throughout the year. Along side with GreenLung, many anti-tobacco initiatives were actively promoted to the public this year. (Mapping project) Promotion of IPSF to non-member countries was actively carried out this year. We extended out hand of friendship to several countries such as New Zealand, Cambodia and Vietnam. APRO’s RRO has been active in contacting several key players to help establish a national pharmacy association with each country, where ultimately we hope will join IPSF in the near future.
Not forgetting our current members, we are working hard in establishing closer ties with them and are ready to assist them in promoting IPSF activities throughout the region. Moreover, the APROICCO has created a APRO Facebook group and Twitter page where members can freely connect with us as well as provide feedback on IPSF. Last but not the least, the 10th APPS 2011 was successfully hosted this year with over 100 participants. Melissa Hong Chui Ean Chairperson Malaysia
APRO Representation 2010-2011 July 2010 Delegates at the 9th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium (APPS) at Seoul, Korea. - 3rd Leader’s in Training (LIT) held with a participation of 12 students! - The APRO-RWG 2010-11 was elected August 2010 APRO Secretary at 56th IPSF World Congress in Ljubljana, Slovenia - Conducted APRO workshop - Presented the APRO report at the 56th General Assembly November 2010 APRO Regional Relations Officer and APRO Regional Project Officer at FAPA, Taiwan March 2011 APRO Regional Project Officer at Yogyakarta, Indonesia June 2011 APRO Chairperson at Say What, Greenlung, Malaysia
9th APPS 2010 Korea - LIT
9th APPS 2010 Korea - Gala Dinner
9th APPS 2010 Korea - APRO RWG 2009-2010 & 2010-2011
56th IPSF World Congress 2010 Slovenia - International Night
FAPA Congress 2010,Taiwan
Say What, Green Lung, Malaysia
IPSF President’s Message for APPS 2011 Dear IPSFers of APRO, I send you warm greetings across the Asia Pacific region. It is a big honour for me to share with you a few words in the report of one of IPSF most successful regional office, the Asia-Pacific Regional Office (APRO). I would like to congratulate everyone in the APRO Regional Working Group (RWG) on their great job they have been doing this year. Their huge effort has moved the whole Federation forward and they built a good example of a successful and active Regional Office of IPSF. My very first IPSF congress was held in the Asia-Pacific region; in Taiwan 2007. This was the Congress where I was infected with the IPSF spirit, but I could also see the big motivation and dedication of the students from the Asia-Pacific Region about international affairs and IPSF. Another proven ability of students from this region is that from the time of my first IPSF Congress, apart from the AsiaPacific Pharmaceutical Symposium (APPS), every second year, the IPSF Congress was/is hosted by students from Asia Pacific region. I would like to appreciate here especially the work of the members of IPSF APRO RWG. Their dedication to the Region was supreme and there was constant high level communications within the team as well as with the IPSF Contact Persons (CPs) in the region. The RWG has produced very professional Newsletters and brought about significant improvement to the APRO website. The branding of APRO and IPSF itself was significantly improved this year which lead to an increased higher interest from individual students to all APRO and IPSF projects, Facebook fan-page, spreading the IPSF spirit further within the region. Big congratulations from the IPSF Executive Committee must go to the outgoing APRO RWG for their great job and also to the all dedicated students from the region.
My best wishes also to the incoming APRO Committee, the bar is set very high, but I am sure, that you can build on the excellent work of your predecessors and continue on with the success of the previous RWG. Seeing the successful work of the students from Asia Pacific region fills me with the confidence of the bright future of our profession: “Students today, pharmacists tomorrow” Viva la Pharmacie, Viva la IPSF, Truly yours, Jan Röder IPSF President 2010-2011
Chairperson Report I hereby submit the report of the Chairperson of APRO to the Regional Meeting held at the 10th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what I have done so far in this year. Official Duties The 1st and 2nd IPSF executive meetings were held in The Hague, Netherlands. Reports were submitted to them concerning activities completed by the Asia Pacific Regional Office. Issues of interest concerning members and the office were voiced out during the meeting. APRO-RWG meetings The office has conducted several online meetings this year. Meetings were conducted regularly to improve communications within the team and also to ensure goals set out by the office were achieved. APRO-RWG with contact persons meetings For the first time and many to come, the APRO-RWG conducted its first Contact Person’s online meeting. This was in accordance with our objective to create a more transparent administration within our office as well as maintaining communication with our members. The online meeting was successfully held as we informed and received feedback about activities we have planned during this term. I sincerely hope this can be carried out furthermore in future RWG terms. APRO Focus Project The theme for the Pharmacy Profession Awareness Campaign (PPAC) was Empowering Our Profession by Educating the Public this year - the APRO’s Regional Project Officer has actively promoted the APRO project.
Although there were a few minor setbacks, these have been solved and we hope there will be continuity in carrying out PPAC as awareness of our profession is required in the region. APRO NL The RWG set out a target of four APRO newsletters to be published out this year. To this date only two have been released. I hope this can be further improved in the upcoming term. Student Exchange Program (SEP) The SEP activity has been revolutionized with the introduction of the Student Exchange – Mapping Project. The project is still in its testing phase, but we hope this will improve SEP in our region by giving all SEP applicants and hosts a chance to carry out activities in their respective countries. 10th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium The RWG has worked closely with this year’s APPS Reception Committee to improve the symposium by including IPSF workshop sessions. This is to further expose our members to IPSF activities that are actively carried out annually. We hope that the inclusion of IPSF workshops will be a benefit to our members and please feel free to inform the future RWG your suggestions for future workshops. GreenLung: Say What 2011! GreenLung: Say what 2011 was held in the historical city of Melaka, Malaysia from the 1st to 5th June 2011. Anti-tabacco seminars and workshops were held for five consecutive days along with active promotion to the public. On behalf of IPSF I attended this event. The APRO-RWG would like to congratulate GreenLung on their initiatives to create a smoke free environment.
Closing Remarks In line with improving relationships within the APRO-RWG and members, many advances have been made this term to foster stronger ties with members. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the 2010-11 RWG and our members for their hard work. With this I wish the future APRO-RWG the best of luck to carry on the spirit of APRO and continue to spread the IPSF spirit within our region. Melissa Hong Chui Ean Chairperson Malaysia
Secretary Report I hereby submit the report of the Secretary of APRO to the Regional Meeting held at the 10th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what I have done so far in this year. Introduction The main responsibility of the Secretary is the administrative tasks pertaining to the office, which includes distributing agendas and recording of minutes during meetings. Working in close cooperation with the Chairperson, the Secretary ensures all tasks are completed and deadlines are met in a timely fashion. Treasury APRO budgets are documented and presented at APPS for all members to scrutinise. APRO was fortunate enough this term to receive an increase in the budget thanks to the efforts of APRO’s members and RWG. Documentation As a keeper of records, the Secretary ensures that important documents are filed away and can be used by future RWG. An external hard drive is being considered as a way of retaining APRO documents, which will be passed on from one RWG to the next. Communication APRO is hoping to build a strong network of communication to all its members. This year I have helped organise online meetings with CPs from each country, although only one online was successfully organised I hope future RWGs can utilise this as a basis to build a firm connection with CPs in the future.
As the Secretary I am also in charge of APRO’s official email apro@ipsf. org. This duty is particularly important as I answer and forward messages to the correct regional officer/s to answer. Editing Having a strong grasp of the English language is a key component to the role of the Secretary. This is because APRO publications such as newsletters and minutes need to be comprehensible and thorough. Closing Remarks I have had an amazing term working with a bunch of wonderful people. I want to personally thank Melissa Hong for her dedication and guidance in APRO, for without her I do not think APRO would be where it stands today. To me Melissa is the inspiration of many young pharmacists who are motivated and want to be involved in such a fabulous organisation. To be given the opportunity to work closely with people from different nationalities across the Asia Pacific has enabled me to acquire new skills that I would not normally be able to learn at university. Not only has this warm environment become a place for maintaining strong friendships but also given me the chance to embrace a second family. APRO is growing steadily and I hope to see it blossom into something more with the help of future RWGs. Thank you to all the people who have helped me out during my term, especially the IPSF Executives and APRO-RWG 2010-2011 and best wishes to the RWG for 2011-2012. Geoffrey Chai APRO Secretary Australia
Regional Project Officer Report I hereby submit the report of the Regional Project Officer of APRO to the Regional Meeting held at the 10th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what I have done so far in this year. APRO focus project: Pharmacy Professional Awareness Campaign (PPAC) Since APPS in Korea, APRO has been mainly focused on promoting PPAC to its members. The theme for 2010-2011 PPAC was Empowering our Profession by Educating the Public. It was promoted widely to the public and to various communities within each country, both on a small and large scale. India, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand succesfully held campaigns. During the campaigns many associations used various methods to strengthen the public’s perception on pharmacists and pharmacy. Methods that were found most effective in getting the message across include holdng workshops and seminars, where the general public were able to consult pharmacists regarding drug information and health issues. One of the concerns for the PPAC is the lack of enthusiasm to organise such an event. I hope to hear more feedback from CPs concerning what types of campaigns they wish to organise in the future as I believe health campaigns are important to the profession. Public Health Campaign Public health campaigns play an essential role in allowing the public to be informed of certain issues endemic to the community. Not only does the World Health Organisation (WHO) endorse such health campaigns, but have allocated various days throughout the year where such promotions may take place.
Such important days includes: March 24th – World Tuberculosis Day, May 31st – World No Tobacco Day, November 14th – World Diabetes Day and December 1st – World AIDS Day. I would like to congratulate APRO member countries for their time and efforts spent organising these some of these campaigns. No matter on what level the campaign was organised IPSF has received excellent feedback from the public regarding its implementation. The positive outcome is seen even more clearly in CP activity reports which are submitted through online forums. P-squared project P-Squared project is an international allied healthcare students project that was initiated through the collaboration of IPSF and IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Association). The aim of this project is to improve global health by forging a stronger relationship between future pharmacists and physicians. APRO have experienced difficulties promoting this project to members due to communication problems. The key issue being unresponsive CPs when emails are sent. Fortunately, the project was conducted in ISMAFARSI Indonesia and was deemed a success. There is hope that this project will be revived in the future. FAPA: Young Pharmacist Session In November 2010 I attended the FAPA Congress held in Taipei, Taiwan with Kate Kim as representatives of APRO-IPSF. During my time at the congress I was involved in workshops and seminars as well as participating in TYPG (Taiwanese Young Pharmacist Group) discussions. Important topics regarding the implementation of WHO guidelines for GPP in developing countries were raised. I was also involved in a session where I shared my experience in carrying out health projects in my association.
Closing Remarks Maintaining communication with members was crucial to ensuring PPAC was run smoothly. As RPO, I faced many challenges in obtaining replies from some countries, but I believe these communication problems can be improved in the future. In retrospect, I am really thankful to all RWG, IPSF Executives, CPs and APRO subcommitees for the time we shared and worked together. In the future I hope to collaborate our IPSF spirit to promote our profession successfully by holding more APRO projects. Chrysna Winandha Kusuma Regional Projects Officer Indonesia
Regional Relations Officer Report I hereby submit the report of the Regional Relations Officer of APRO to the Regional Meeting held at the 10th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what I have done so far in this year. Full Member Country Information
Members in Association Information
Non-member countries:
New Zealand I visited New Zealand in July 2010 to have a meeting with the Head of Pharmacy School at Auckland University, Professor John Shaw, to promote the IPSF membership. He was very keen to send students over to APPS and was able to introduce me to meet Mimi Yang who at the time was the president of Auckland Pharmacy Student Association (APSA). I made a second visit to New Zealand in January 2011 to meet Mimi to further promote the IPSF congress and APPS. She showed substantial interest but unfortunately due to her intern training she was not able to attend. I recently contacted the new APSA President and one other student from University of Otago, Zara, who to my excitement is attending IPSF. I remain optimistic that the two New Zealand Pharmacy schools will join IPSF to become a member in the upcoming years. Hong Kong- Yvonne Chan There has been no progress with maintaining communication with Hong Kong. Further attempts have been made to find out who the new president of the association is, however no replies have been received. Mongolia I had the opportunity to meet Mongolian Professor Khurelbat Daariimaa during FAPA and was able to continue contacting her after the congress. She was very pleased to know about the IPSF and showed keen interest for her students to attend the congress. Currently Professor Daariimaa is in the process of finding out more details about the number of pharmacy schools and if there is a national association. Hopefully the communication between Professor Khurelbat Darrimaa will continue in order to provide the Mongolian pharmacy association the opportunity to be part of IPSF.
Sri Lanka -Miss Uthpali I would like to thank Amit Subedi, a promotions subcommittee member, for his hard work and supportive role in promoting IPSF membership to Sri Lanka. In spite of his hard work the process of contacting the students in Sri-Lanka and getting them to participate in the IPSF congress next year is still continuing. It is with great hopes that APRO is able to secure Sri Lanka as a member of IPSF next year.
Federation Asian Pharmaceutical Associations’ (FAPA) Congress I had the privilege to represent IPSF-APRO by attending FAPA in November 2010, which was held in Taiwan. It was great to see the members of PSA-Taiwan helping out at the event. My attendance provided me with ample opportunity to catch up with PSA-Taiwan, meet new people and at the same time promote IPSF membership. Closing Remarks I must say that working as the Regional Relations Officer has brought some great opportunities to meet some amazing people. It has been amazing to work with such a great team of RWG, which were striving towards excellence. I have gained a lot from working with the RWG and it has made me realised the importance of working as a group. Kate Jung A Kim Regional Relations Officer South Korea
Summary of Membership Associations’ Activities Reports NAPSA Annual Report As an association: • Attended major professional conferences: o Australian Pharmacy Professional, run by the Pharmacy Guild of Australia. Gold Coast Conference Centre, March 18th to 20th 2011. o Pharmacy Australia Conference, run by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia. Melbourne Convention Centre, 28th to 31st October 2010. • Development of a Business Plan for 2011-13 NAPSA terms. • Establishment of a Company Secretariat for NAPSA. • Development of a NAPSA Trust. • Hosting the annual NAPSA Congress: o Adelaide, 24th to 30th January 2011. o Wagga Wagga, January 2012 to be the first rural congress hosted. • Improved NAPSA’s media presence. • Hosted a NAPSA Summit with significant alumni and stakeholders. • NAPSA is a member of both lobbying groups, the Australian Pharmacy Liaison Forum and the Pharmacy Coalition for Health Reform. • Attendance at Future of Pharmacy Stakeholder’s Forum. Rural and Indigenous Affairs Committee • Worked towards our major goal of raising awareness of the health inequities faced by rural are remote Australians, and ways pharmacists can make a difference. • Strengthened current and initiated new industry relationships for liaison, consultation and collaborative work towards the committee’s goals.
• Represented NAPSA at the annual conference of the National Rural Health Students Network in Alice Springs in July 2010. • Increased collaboration with rural special interests groups to raise awareness of rural health issues through NAPSA. • Collaborated with the NAPSA Publications Chair to produce the Rural Focus Edition of Placebo to promote rural pharmacy and programs that enable more student to work in rural areas. • Created and launched the 2011 Rural and Indigenous Affairs Survey, receiving over 500 responses from pharmacy students across Australia. The data from this survey will be used to target universities and professional bodies within pharmacy to better support pharmacy students wanting to work in areas of need, and promote the issues of rural pharmacy and Indigenous health to all pharmacy students in Australia. Publications Committee • Produced the Placebo, our quarterly newsletter, which keeps members and the pharmaceutical industry up to date with what NAPSA is doing. • Maintained the NAPSA website ( so it is current and beneficial to members as well as others who happen to visit the site. Education Committee • We have successfully delivered many education courses for our branches including Complementary Healthcare, Woundcare, First Aid as well as launched a new course on OTC knowledge. • Subsidised reference textbooks have been made available to all members Pharmacy Awareness Committee • Successfully facilitated a young growing charity into our NAPSA fundraising initiative, Charity Cup.
• Promoted and emphasised, on a national scale, the NAPSA blood donation drive, Vampire Cup. • Revolutionised Pharmacy Week to assert greater awareness in the Australian community. IPSF Committee • Increased NAPSA’s presence within IPSF through attendance of online meetings and by sending both Official Delegates and a large number of members to IPSF World Congress. • Sent a number of students to Japan on the Japan Study Tour. • Forwarded applicants for various WHO internships. • Increased NAPSA’s SEP. We have placed a number of students to date and will place more. We are looking at placing about 15 students. This is a large improvement, as we haven’t placed any for a couple of years now. • Built networks of pharmacy owners and host families for future function of the SEP. • Prepared documents for pharmacists to inform them about the SEP. Industrial Affairs Committee • Successful Congress Survey focusing on pharmacist based immunisation. A majority of the surveys participants agreed that pharmacists should include immunisation in their skill base. Production of a media release which resulted in significant industry feedback and welcome responses. • Written an article focusing on Immunisation for Australian Pharmacist Magazine, a publication of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia. • Completion of a national pharmacy student survey (NPSS). Results are currently being analysed but themes of oversupply of pharmacy graduates appear to be a common theme.
Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Farmasi Seluruh Indonesia (ISMAFARSI) Association of Indonesian Pharmaceutical Students Annual Report ISMAFARSI-CIMSA Collaboration (P-Squared project) During World Health Day 2011, ISMAFARSI and CIMSA (Medical Student’s Organization) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concerning Antimicrobial Resistance. The MoU was organised to create awareness among students from pharmacy and the medical field, as well as to further understand this topic.The strategic steps to implementing the agreements were: 1. Survey the knowledge and behavior of medical and pharmaceutical students concerning Combat Antibiotic Resistance 2. Organised a national symposium about the joint statement of medical and pharmaceutical students 3. Conducted a forum for medical and pharmaceutical students to share information on antibiotics 4. Advocated the statement to stakeholders 5. Held a public education seminar regarding rational use of antibiotic HPEQ Students’ Summit As one of the national organisations under the Directorate General of Higher Education in Indonesia, ISMAFARSI and seven other national healthcare students’ organization conducted a Health Professional Education Quality Meeting (HPEQ) in Jakarta on November 2010. Here, we signed a declaration and discussed healthcare topics. Another HPEQ Meeting will be conducted again in the near future. The organisations involved consisted of students from pharmacy, medicine, nutrition, midwifery, public health and dentistry.
World Diabetes Day (WDD) 2010 WDD 2010 was held in Jakarta and Surabaya, and was coordinated by the Regional Coordinator of ISMAFARSI. In the Jakarta region, we moved to Bogor and conducted a talk about the disease. One of our alumni members spoke to the public on various topics of Diabetes such as: risk factors, preventative steps and cures. We also reminded the community to exercise frequently and live a healthy lifestyle. We also conducted health checkups for the participants. World AIDS Day 2010 Every member of ISMAFARSI conducted world AIDS day 2010. We did this by informing our friends on campus to wear red on 1st December. After school, we asked them to gather and stand in an AIDS ribbon formation. Other participants gave out leaflets and pictures to create awareness of the disease. World Tuberculosis (TB) Day 2011 This year marks the first TB day campaign for ISMAFARSI. Coordinated by Ms. Sivia Nurulliana, a member of the CP team, we conducted a small campaign around Senayan, Jakarta on 27th of March. Collaborating with one of Indonesian TB organization, LKC, we raised funds, which will then be used to reduce TB numbers in Indonesia. We plastered our leaflets and brochures around the area and talked to the community relaying information about TB. World Health Day 2011 We were invited by the Directorate General of Pharmaceutical in Ministry of Health, Indonesia to attend the International Seminar of World Health Day in Jakarta on 7th April 2011. The seminar was organized by Ministry of Health and World Health Organization (WHO) Indonesia. There, we gained knowledge about this year’s theme “Antimicrobial Resistance: No action today, no cure tomorrow.” Speakers in this seminar were from the Minister of Health Indonesia, WHO Representative of Indonesia, medicine and pharmacy.
National Working Meeting, Tasikmalaya, West Java There are four national meetings of ISMAFARSI the latest one was the National Working Meeting that was held in Tasikmalaya, West Java. About 40 pharmacy schools around Indonesia attended this event. ISMAFARSI’s executive team made a presentation and discussed their plans with all participants. Along with this event, we conducted a national seminar on green pharmacy. 2012 FAPA Meeting The 2012 FAPA Meeting will be held in Bali, Indonesia and IAI (Indonesian Pharmacist Association) is the host for this event. As ISMAFARSI is a part of IAI, we were involved in the preparatory meeting. We met Mr. John Chang, current FAPA President and other FAPA bureau members where we made a presentation about our organization.
The Association of Pharmaceutical Student’s Japan (APS-Japan) Annual Report Report 2010-2011 • April • May • June • July • August • October • December • February
: Social Event : General Assembly(Spring) : Visiting bear factory : APPS : IPSF-World Congress, SEP : Students Symposium in Japan Pharmaceutical Association Annual Congress : Annual Congress(General Assembly) : Pharmaceutical Japan Tour 2011
Korean National Association for Pharmaceutical Students (KNAPS) Annual Report KNAPS Executives meeting KNAPS Execs discussed activities for the upcoming year and made preliminary plans. Milestone A pharmacist, Mrs. Lee who has a licensed Canadian Pharmacist certificate gave us a lecture about what local pharmacies are like in Canada and how clinical pharmacy is important. Freshmen welcome party. The number of KNAPS members expanded to 640 this year. We organized team members and held a welcome party for them.
Forum for Pharmacy (FoP) Annual Report Diabetes Camp 2010 FoP organized a free diabetes checkup camp at the Dhulikhel Hospital (Kathmandu University Teaching Hospital) Dhulikhe, Kavre on November 25, 2010. The camp focused towards checkup of diabetic patients and distribution of free medicine. The camp was held in Kavre as many people from this district are diagnosed with diabetes. Quest Pharmaceuticals and Nepal Pharmaceuticals Limited provided us with the medicine to distribute to the people suffering from diabetes. Youth Solidarity Festival FoP organized a regular health checkup camp at the Youth Solidarity Festival 2010. 248 people visited it and had a checkup, which we focused on the measurement of weight, height, blood pressure as well as the state of smoking/non-smoking, alcoholic/non-alcoholic, and diabetic/non-diabetic. AIDS Day The students of Pharmacy carried out Ribbon distribution programs within the university premises during World AIDS Day, December 1, 2010. The purpose of this was to create awareness about AIDS and collect funds for a health camp organized by FoP. The fund collection started from the teaching staff down to the students.
National University of Singapore Pharmaceutical Society (NUSPS) Annual Report World AIDS Day 2010 This campaign was aimed to increase the awareness of AIDS/ HIV within our student population and also to promote the role of pharmacists as one of the healthcare professionals equipped with adequate knowledge on this topic. This was done through various methods, such as distribution of bookmarks (with the abstinence messages) around the school and also quizzes, which helped assess the knowledge of our students and correct any misconceptions that they might have had. Xperience Pharmacy Camp 2010 – Get High! Xperience Pharmacy Camp is a camp organized annually for preuniversity students. This is to give pre-university students a clearer picture of what they will be going through in our NUS Pharmacy course and to generate better understanding of the Pharmacy profession. This is done via various activities such as interactive games and compounding/dispensing activities in labs. NUSSU Food Festival 2011 The role was to relate healthy living to food, and this was done through illustration of content of fats, sugar and salt in food along side highlighting the different food-drug interactions that may occur with the relatively more common foods. A-Language-A-Sem Language Classes A-Language-A-Sem Language Class is a new initiative brought up by NUSPS Academic Committee. Singapore, being a multi-racial country, realized the importance of being multi-lingual and well versed in other languages. The four main languages spoken in Singapore are English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil. As a majority of Singaporeans are Chinese, we do not speak languages such as Malay.
Thus the academic committee decided to offer Malay Language classes, in order for us to carry out basic conversations in Malay. Patient Counseling Event 2011 Patient Counseling Event is held annually to give our junior undergraduates (Year1 and Year2) a better understanding of how pharmacists go about counseling their patients. NUSPS invited working pharmacists to talk on what they did daily after which, a patient counseling role-play was carried out with students given a chance to counsel a pseudo-patient. Hospital Attachment Programme In January 2011, six Year 1 students had the opportunity to participate in a one-week hospital attachment program at KhooTeckPuat Hospital (KTPH). The objectives of the program were to provide first year students with an exposure to hospital pharmacy, insight into the career as a hospital pharmacist, as well as appreciate the application of classroom knowledge in real life situations. Brown Bagging I Brown Bagging is carried out either annually or biannually. It is a voluntary project carried out by NUSPS Essentials Medicine Committee. Brown Bagging serves to ameliorate patient drug use and knowledge of medication safety. This is done through visits to homes of elderly, where medication review is carried out. Counseling sessions are carried out with the help of Registered Pharmacists. Pharmville Health Campaign 2011 Pharmville Health Campaign is organized by NUSPS PPAC. It aims to promote our Pharmacy profession through a series of interactive games at the various booths set up. In this event, different working sectors of the Pharmacy profession were showcased, ranging from retail/community, to industrial aspects. Hands-on activities, such as compounding booths allowed our NUS community to try making their own capsules.
We also had a Genetically Modified Products booth to allow students to “manufacture” their own preparation in the most aseptic manner, thus introducing the idea of aseptic manufacturing to the public. World No Tobacco Day 2011 This year, we brought World No Tobacco Day forward and held it alongside our Pharmville Health Campaign. This year’s objective for our WNTD campaign was to increase awareness on the provision of smoking cessation counseling at the various retail/community pharmacies and hospitals, and also to promote pharmacists’ role in smoking cessation counseling programs and how pharmacists can aid a smoker to quit his/her addiction.
Pharmaceutical Students Association of Taiwan (PSA-Taiwan) Annual Report The Service Team In Taiwan, there are seven colleges of pharmacy, where each of them have their own volunteer teams that conduct health care services to the eldery, for example taking blood sugar levels and blood pressure. During this activity, we educate the correct use of medications and dangers of drug abuse to young children at schools or orphanages. These activities are held every semester. The Anti-AIDS Stop AIDS, Keep the Promise! As we know, World AIDS Day falls on 1st December and the public health department of PSA-Taiwan organized a charity bazaar in all seven of the pharmacy colleges. A custom-made gigantic capsule-shapeed box with towels inside was made for the event. All profits were donated to the foundation of AIDS of Taiwan. Patient Conselling Event (PCE) In order to improve pharmacy student relationship with pharmacists, we invited community pharmacists to be the mock patient for our PCE. This year, we managed to recruit more students to participate in PCE by conducting workshops at every pharmacy school as well as during the Annual Congress in Taiwan. We were even able to set up a PCE facebook page where we released PCE information in a more active and convenient way. The Annual Congress The main theme this year was “Being the CEO of pharmacy�, where we invited experts from various fields of pharmacy and public health to share their experiences alongside new ideas and trends of pharmacy. We also conducted LIT (Leaders In Training), aimed to train pharmacy students interested in taking up leadership roles in PSA-Taiwan.
Pharmaceutical Students Union of Thailand (PSUT) Annual Report Leader in Training (LIT) Leader in Training (LIT) was done prior to the PSUT Annual Congress, which is held annually to elect the new general committee of PSUT 2011. The past committee guides the new committee to brainstorm new activities for PSUT. PSUT conducted four meetings where we planned activities for the upcoming volunteer camp as well as discussions on PSUT participation in the 10th APPS at Indonesia and 57th IPSF in Thailand. The 5th PSUT Back to the Earth Volunteer Camp. Student representatives from all universities in Thailand gathered in the rural Primary school in Chaiyapoom province to learn E-san culture and passed traditional medical information to the community. It aimed to develop a relationship between pharmacy students and the community, which created awareness of the profession. Mahidol camp. This year MAHIDOL camp was conducted. In this activity, students from various healthcare groups (Pharmacy, Medicine, Nursing, NaraMedicine, Dental, and Thai Traditional Medicine.) came together to debate and resolve health issues of the people of South Thailand. Pharmacy contributed by suggesting methods to manage Diabetes Mellitus as well as insisted on arranging frequent health checks for the communities. The Freshmen First Met Day at Mahidol University The Freshmen First met day is organized for incoming pharmacy students of Thailand. Here we promote Sat-ta-na-kan, an exercise to promote good health, as well as other fun activities. Our plans before the next CP meeting is to promote the IPSF Congress in our country in the 23th Peasutsumphun meeting. We are planning to organize our first PPAC there as well.
Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Keluarga Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Gadjah Mada Annual Report To mark the importance of health to students and the community, Anti Tuberculosis Day (24thMarch), World health Day (7th April), Anti Tobacco Campaign (31st May), Anti Diabetes Day (14th November), and HIV/AIDS Campaign (1st December) were carried out. Targets: Students and the public Expected outputs: Students and the public know about significant Health days, through active campaigning via leaflets. Success Indicator: The campaigns were reported and spread through the campus media. The campus community knew about health information through leaflets. However, the aim could not have been achieved for Anti Tuberculosis Day and HIV/AIDS Day as these campaigns were only carried out within the faculty. On the other hand, the Anti Tobacco Campaign was carried out at Bunderan UGM as well as the Sunday Morning Market to persuade the public to stop smoking. For the Anti Tuberculosis Day and Anti Diabetes Day, information about these health days was delivered through the posters at Faculty’s announcement board. On 7-8th December, a signature drive was conducted where students and other faculty staff were asked to sign in a sheet of cloth (4m x 1m) to commemorate HIV/AIDS day. The cloth for the signature drive was placed between trees for a day. Anti Tobacco Day was carried out in cooperation with Faculty of Medicine UGM and QTI (Quit Tobacco Indonesia) at Bunderan UGM followed by active campaigning at Sunday Morning Market.
Himpunan Mahasiswa Departemen Farmasi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia Annual Report HMD Farmasi Universitas Indonesia holds various programs each year. Last year, we organized an event called Pharmacy Weekend 2010. This international seminar was a huge success as it consisted of workshops, community service, poster and essay competition, etc. We took the theme of Diabetes and invited senior lecturers as speakers from Australia, Singapore, and our University. Many pharmacy students were able to realise that public health issues are our responsibility. This was done during an event conducted in November, where we went to General schools, educating children on how to prevent Dengue Fever contraction. We published bulletins every two months; conducted Olympiad for High School students, participated in social/community service, and also foster brother/sister program, where we take care of orphans. We also actively participated in the World Health day in collaboration with ISMAFARSI. By conducting these activities, we hope to continue dedicating ourselves to the public’s welfare.
Keluarga Mahasiswa Farmasi (KEMAFAR) UNPAD Annual Report International Seminar and Expo on Jamu The International Seminar and Expo on Jamu was held from the 5th-6th November 2010 in association with the Indonesian Medical Association in Herbal Medicines and Indonesian Herbs and Traditional Medicine Association. Indonesian scientists realised that tradition isn’t just tradition. Jamu (in Indonesian it is called Fitofarmaka) has long been used in traditional medicine to improve health and has been inherent throughout the Indonesian heritage. Scientists at the moment believe there is possibility for further study for Jamu in becoming a clinically approved medication. Lectures were held at the Pharmacy University Padjadjaran Indonesia. World Diabetes Day Campaign We updated information related to diabetes on the communication wall, hung posters around campus and prepared articles for the event. Since most students were having laboratory practices and full time classes, this was a small-scale campaign. The important thing is that we shared valuable information concerning diabetes and how to improve our prevention. We were able to demonstrate to other campus students our knowledge about this disease and remind them that prevention is possible by living a healthy lifestyle. World HIV/AIDS Day Posters and articles where placed on the communication wall while leaflets along with little red ribbons were given to the public to make them aware the significance of “World HIV/AIDS Day�. We provided information regarding the illness to the public. Key topics included: what is HIV/AIDS; how does it spread; How can we prevent; and is there a cure to this illness. HIV/AIDS is still an uphill battle that the world has to face, and as pharmacists, we need to create awareness within the community. Also, this event presented an opportunity for us to improve our communication skills.
One-Day Fun with IPSF This was a welcoming party for our new members consisting of first year students. We had a day of fun together. The juniors were divided into five groups where seniors introduced IPSF, conducted games, and explained on how to become an official delegate. At the end of the event, each group did a presentation. It was truly a One Day Fun with IPSF. World Tuberculosis Day We updated the communication wall, prepared leaflets, and wrote articles that were sent to our campus magazine “Medifar�. We conducted a mini campaign and spread leaflets around campus before making a speech at the main gate of Padjadjaran University. Many people were curious as to what was going on. Numerous questions were asked and we tried our best to answer their questions. We were excited to share this information with the public and it was a successful mini campaign.
Internal Coordinator & Communication Officer Report I hereby submit the report of the Internal Coordinator and Communication Officer of APRO to the Regional Meeting held at the 10th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what I have done so far in this year. “It has been a wonderful year to work with great RWG of APRO and to meet lots of new friends all over the world, where I could learn more and serve IPSF, especially in Asia Pacific Region�. IPSF-APRO Business Cards Public health campaigns play an essential role in allowing the public to be informed of certain issues endemic to the community. Not only does the World Health Organisation (WHO) endorse such health campaigns, but have allocated various days throughout the year where such promotions may take place.
The standardized template business card of IPSF has been created by Bastien Venot (Chairperson of Media & Publications, IPSF 2010-2011) Online Promotional a. APRO Twitter Page ( )
b. APRO Facebook Page (
Nowadays, usage of Facebook as tool of communication is a common way. Regarding that, we try to reach all IPSF member to keep in touch and get the latest information about IPSF. So far 514 members have joined this page. c. APRO Website i. APRO RWG 2010-2011
ii. Logo Alteration
iii. New Website Layout ( )
As a recommendation, the new website of APRO IPSF has been made on a wordpress website form, since APRO website is a regional branchwebsite of IPSF official website. Furthermore, there is a suggestion to redesign the website back into the basic website form. Regarding that I and the publication subcommittee members are building a new website for APRO IPSF which has not been finished until this report be written due to internet connection problem.
C. Design of Annual Report
D. IPSF APRO Official PowerPoint Theme
E. Design of IPSF-APRO RWG Polo
Yellow polo-shirt with APRO IPSF logo and RWG name & position
F. APRO Newsletter The 1st newsletter contents included: 1. IPSF APRO RWG 2010-2011 Introduction 2. 10th APPS 2011 Promotion 3. Experiencing 9th APPS 2010 Article 4. IPSF Congress 2011 Promotion 5. IPSF APRO 2010-2011 Focus Project The 2nd newsletter contents included: 1. Green Lung Special Article 2. Activities Report of ISMAFARSI Indonesia 3. Activities Report of NUSPS Singapore 4. Activities Report of KNAPS Korea 5. Activities Report of HMD UI Indonesia 6. Activities Report of BEM KEMAFAR UNPAR Indonesia 7. SEP Promotion 8. SEP Experience Japan 9. SEP Experience Canada 10. SEP Experience Indonesia 11. SEP Experience Singapore 12. 10th APPS 2011 Promotion 13. IPSF Congress 2011 Promotion At the beginning APRO RWG made a target to publish four editions of newsletter for 2010-2011. Unfortunately due to delay on process of collecting the articles source, we only published two editions of APRO Newsletter. We had prepared for our third newsletter but on my opinion it is too late to publish it by now. To be honest, i thought our second newsletter shoud be splitted into two editions due to density of the contents. Hopefully RWG 2011-2012 could find a better way of communication to collect the newsletter content faster.
G. Designs for IPSF a. Student Exchange Programme
IPSF Student Exchange Programme - 3 folded pamphlet
b. IPSF Stickers
Alexander Stefan Internal Coordination and Communication Officer Indonesia
Regional Student Exchange Officer Report I hereby submit the report of the Regional Student Exchange Officer of APRO to the Regional Meeting held at the 10th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what I have done so far in this year. Mapping Project The Mapping project is a new initiative conducted by the RSEO and is aimed to ensure proper distribution of student exchanges within the APRO region. The goal of this project is to also increase the number of incoming SEP students to the region. The Mapping project idea was proposed at the start of the term and discussed extensively with APRO RWG, members of Student Exchange Committee, the Chairperson of Student Exchange as well as the immediate past SEP Chairperson. Several steps were taken to ensure the success of this project: •
An introduction email was sent to all of APRO SEOs asking their opinion about this project • The introduction material for this project (i.e. power point) was made and sent to all APRO SEOs • The first online meeting with APRO SEOs was organized The results shown below illustrate the first term of the Mapping Project:
Mapping Project update • The Mapping Project was discussed during the SEC face-to-face meeting. As the result of discussion, this project was also deemed suitable for a global scale. Although it may not be necessarily completed this year, it would be a good project for the following SEC to establish. • So far there are 2 potential transfer students: I . Tidor from Czech Republic II. Joy Liew from Australia (currently her AF is still being proceed by APS-Japan) Other Application Forms been transferred to the waiting list and are yet to be placed. • Put the data of Mapping Project on the APRO official website Difficulties that were faced during this project: • The introduction of this project was delayed as the deadline was set for February but was commenced in April. Many setbacks had to be overcome in order for the project to proceed the way it had. • Better communication needs to be maintained by SEOs throughout the region. Some SEOs were easy to reach while others were very difficult.
First APRO SEO Online Meeting (February 8th 2011 – February 13th 2011) The first APRO SEO online meeting was conducted from February 8th – February 13th 2011. The aim of the first APRO SEO online meeting was to give APRO SEOs information about the Mapping Project, that is how the project is going to work as well as ensure all APRO SEOs understood their roles within the project. A progress report from each SEO regarding SEP in their country was also presented. The progress reports sought to elucidate improvements on SEP preparation for each country and more importantly it allowed SEP experiences to be shared between SEOs. Attendance : Rizki Tsari (RSEO APRO), Stacey Gough (NAPSA), Novian Pradipta (SEO ISMAFARSI), Nurul Ain (MyPSA), Tristiani Yogastuti (BEM UGM-Indonesia), Hideaki Yahagi (APS-Japan), Haruna Kosasa (Vice SEO of APS-Japan), Choon Siong (NUSPS Singapore) and Larasati Arrum (HMF-ITB Indonesia). Absent : BEM-USD Indonesia, KNAPS, IPA-SF, FoP Nepal, NPSA Nepal and PSA-Taiwan Results of the meeting : The project received positive responses from all APRO SEOs. Some SEOs provided helpful suggestions that would enable the project to improve and run smoother. Issues such as what each SEOs thought about the project and methods to raise the number of incoming student to Asia Pacific region effectively were discussed thoroughly. Big Sister Project The Big Sister Project is an annual project of the Student Exchange Committee (SEC) of IPSF. As a RSEO of APRO, I became a big sister for several associations that were new in SEP; associations such as APS-Japan, BEMF-UGM, BEM-USD, KNAPS Korea, MyPSA-Malaysia and NAPSA Australia. The following is an update on each of the associations I was taking care of :
1. APS-Japan: Yahagi, as the former SEO of APS-Japan, was trying his best to improve SEP in Japan. So far there were seven universities that would become strong candidates for the new SEP host. The problem was that they could only provide less than two weeks of lab hours. However, the problem may be solved by the collaboration of two universities to hold SEP students within a month. Up until now, with the work of new SEO – Haruna, APS-Japan will be hosting 3 students plus one potential transfer student from the Mapping Project, which is still in progress. 2. BEMF-UGM Indonesia Tristiani, the SEO of BEMF-UGM, is working on finding new hosts for the association. So far she has informed me that she could receive up to 5 students, but the problem was she had trouble with her SEP database at the beginning so no students were able to apply there. Extra promotions will be done to entice students to consider BEMF-UGM for a destination for exchange. BEMF-UGM will become one of the first priorities for Mapping Project, as they will receive transfer student as a solution to the problem. 3. BEM-USD Indonesia Marcella, the SEO of BEM-USD, is trying to build SEP in USD Indonesia since BEM-USD is new to SEP. She had a great start by reserving one incoming student. However I was unable to monitor their progress further as communication needs to be strengthened. 4. KNAPS-Korea Jeong Min, the SEO of KNAPS Korea, started on her task to improve SEP as she hopes that many students would come to Korea this year. There have been many inquiries about SEP in Korea from Canada and America. So far she has placed two incoming students. However I was unable to monitor their progress further as communication needs to be strengthened.
5. MyPSA-Malaysia Nurul, the SEO of MyPSA Malaysia, is new in building SEP in her country. We are constantly in touch and I recently aided her with the fundamentals of SEP (e.g. preparation of SEP such as the events for incoming students, SEP timetable, social events, etc). So far she has reserved 2 students and placed 3 incoming students. 6. NAPSA Australia Stacey, the SEO of NAPSA Australia, has done a great job. She has been working hard on SEP and up until now NAPSA has reserved 6 AFs and placed 5 incoming AFs. NAPSA has been one of the priorities this year since they are trying to revive SEP. This was a result of their unsuccessful attempt to secure any incoming students the previous year. But based on the progress that Stacey has made, there has been a great improvement. Also NAPSA has suggested one potential transfer student for Mapping Project and the student is now being processed by APS-Japan. Closing Remarks Another association that is of concern was PSUT Thailand. The most serious problem for this association is that the holidays in Thailand occur at different times compared to other countries. Consequently they have been unable to secure any incoming student in the past two years. For this reason, PSUT Thailand could not join SEP this year. Also, another key problem with PSUT is that I could not maintain proper contact with the SEO of PSUT Thailand. I believe that further strengthening in communication with PSUT is required in order to restore a fully functioning SEP. Rizki Tsari Andriani Regional Student Exchange Officer Indonesia
Report of the Chairperson of the Reception Committee of the 10th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium I hereby submit the report of Chairperson of the Reception Committee of the 10th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium to the Regional Meeting held at the 10th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what I have done so far in this year. Introduction The 10th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium (APPS) will be held on Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The organiser of this event is Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Keluarga Mahasiswa Farmasi Universitas Gadjah Mada (BEM KM FA UGM), a Member in Association of IPSF under APRO. BEM KM FA firstly joined APPS in the 5th APPS 2006, Bandung. We were accepted as MiA of IPSF on The World Congress 2007 in Taipei, Taiwan. Since then, it is the first time for this organisation host an IPSF event. The theme of 10th APPS is The Role of Herbal Medicine in Advance Pharmacy. The theme was choosen as it is the speciality of Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada. To be the host of 10th APPS 2011, the representative of BEM KM FA UGM did the bidding twice. The first bidding was done on the 8th APPS 2009 Malaysia. Unfortunately, we haven’t been accepted and told to rebid with a better information included. The second bidding was made on the 56th World Congress 2009 in Bali, Indonesia. The General Assembly accepted our organisation to be the host of 10th APPS 2011. Personally, I would like to say it was quite an achievement from what we’ve been through to be finally accepted. The first thing we do after the acceptance was build the committee. We made a team consist of 78 students as the Reception Committee and 8 lectures as the Steering Committee.
Basic information on the Congress Date Accommodation Venue
: 2nd July – 8th July 2011 : Saphir Hotel : UGM campus, Garden Resto
We booked 50 rooms based on the estimation that the maximal number of participants is 200. Since we are working in a strict budget, we will use the quadro rooms. It means A room for 4 participants. For the speakers, we booked two twin-shared rooms. The symposiums, workshops, oral presentation, poster exhibition, cultural night, international night, and regional meeting will take place in the hotel. The Gala night will take place at Garden Resto. We rent 4 buses. The capacity of each bus is 58 seats. The transportation will be provided for the participants during the APPS except for free night or other transportation than scheduled in the symposium. We also provide pick up transport from the airport and train station. For tour, we will visit the Sultan Palace (Keraton) and The Prambanan Temple at day 3 also Univesitas Gadjah Mada and Faculty of Pharmacy at day 5. The campaign will be held in Jalan Malioboro, the center of Yogyakarta. The Schedule of 10th APPS 2011
(available on the next page)
Symposiums There are four topics of symposium that will be presented on day 1 and day 2 of APPS 2011. They are: 1. The Future of Pharmacy Education Speakers: Prof. Dr. Elly Wahyudin, DEA, Apt and Prof. Dr. Zullies Ikawati, M.Sc., Apt. 2. Pharmacy Goes Green Speakers: Prof. Drs. Sri Juari Santosa, M.Eng., Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Sri Noegrohati, Apt. 3. Advance Drug Development Speakers: Prof. Masashi Kawaichi and Prof. Dr. Edy Meiyanto, M.Sc., Apt 4. Health Insurance Speaker : Prof. Dr. dr. Iwan Dwiprahasto Workshops There are five brainstorming workshops in 10th APPS 2011. The topic are: 1. PCE Workshop Speaker : Eric So, Chairperson or Professional Development-IPSF 2. CP and SEO workshop Speakers: Melissa Hong and Rizky Tsari 3. Workshop from Green Lung Speaker : Ho Rhu Yann 4. PPAC Workshop Speaker : RR Chrysna Winandha 5. Pharmaceutical Management Workshop Speaker : Dr. Sampurno A. Cholik All brainstorming worskhops will be held on day 1 of APPS except Pharmaceutical Mangement workhops that will be held on Day 4.
Aside from the brainstorming workshop, there are two more workshops: Cultural Workshop and Laboratory Workshop. The cultural workshop will be a short training of Javanese dance and how to play Javanese traditional music instruments, the Gamelan, by Swagayugama, a dance and music club of Universitas Gadjah Mada. The laboratory workshop is a “Make Your Own Traditional Cosmetics�. The workshop will be held on day 7, in the laboratory of our faculty. Competitions The participants also allowed to compete in four competitions: Oral presentation, poster exhibition, PCE, and CSE. There are four topics for the oral competition and poster exhibition, they are: Biological Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical technology, Chemical Pharmacy, and Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy. The oral presentation and poster exhibition will be done in parrarel for each topics on The 2nd day of APPS. We will have two rounds for PCE, the preliminary round (closed door PCE) on day 2 and final round on day 4. LIT The Leaders In Training (LIT) program will be hold on June 29 until July 2nd 2011. There are 10 participants and 7 trainers who will join the LIT. It will take place in Faculty of Pharmacy UGM and we use UGM Homestay as accomodation. Participants To date, there are 128 participants registered for 10th APPS 2011 and 28 local participants who will join the 2 days symposium. They are from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Australia, India, Thailand, Poland, South Korea, Japan, and France. Promotion We built a website for the events,, Facebook account: APPS-ugm, and a twitter account : @APPS2011. As promotional materials, we made posters, leaflets, and 3 newsletters. The materials can be downloaded from the website.
We have sent invitations to the contact persons (CPs) of IPSF’s full members and MiAs under APRO to send their delegates to APPS 2011. We also sent the invitation to the people who had joined previous international symposium held by Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. The leaflet is shown below:
Final Remarks Being the host of 10th APPS 2011 is the first experience of BEM KM FA UGM to hold an international event. It is an honor but also a big challenge for us. I believe, the process of transforming the idea into such an event is a one of a lifetime experience for the reception committee members. The event will be culmination of all the work and struggle we have done as well as a result of what we are developing into during the process. Here, I personally would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, Prof. Dr. Marchaban, DESS, Apt., our supervisor, Prof. Dr. Edy Meiyanto, M.Sc., Apt, and the steering committee for the guidance through the whole process. To APRO RWG, IPSF Executive, and ISMAFARSI for helping to put everything together. Biggest thanks for the Reception Committee of 10th APPS 2011 for the hardwork during these two years along their ultra busy days as students. Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone who participates in this event and I hope they enjoy the event and bring home beautiful memories. Astrid Ayu Maruti 10th APPS Chairperson 2011 Indonesia
Report of the Chairperson of the Reception Committee of the 11th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium I hereby submit the report of Chairperson of the Reception Committee of the 11th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium to the Regional Meeting held at the 10th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium. In this report I have incorporated a summary of what I have done so far in this year. Basic Information Date Venue
: 3rd – 9th July 2012 : National Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan
Preliminary Schedule
Committee Organisation
Symposium topic Drug safety and Education of Pharmaceutical Responsibility Accommodation Located in the heart of Taipei City, the Howard Civil International House is a haven of tranquility of this vibrant city. With its tranquil atmosphere and convenient traffic, the House is one of the best hotels in the capital city of Taiwan. The House’s 300 guest rooms are luxurious, comfortable, simple and elegantly decorated, with an interesting sliding door that separates work/study area from the cozy bedroom where a luxurious bed dominates. For those wanting to relax, the Howard Civil International House entertainment consists of a large range of restaurants and cafÊs. Enjoy a meal at Garden Cafeteria, escape the inner city rush in the indoor swimming pool with natural skylight or relax with a workout at the gym. The Howard Civil International House is to serve more than accommodate needs.
Surrounding the House is the celebrated National Taiwan University where parts of our symposium will be held. Its main gate, which has been recognized as a Taipei historical site, is a spectacular scene. Roaming through its famous, long and wide Coconut Boulevard, no one can just walk through without admiring the beauty of enchanting camellia and the grand coconut palm tree groves. Moreover, on its gorgeous and spacious campus, one can easily feel the academic atmosphere.
You will definitely enjoy going for a stroll from the House to the campus, as you will feel the breeze and be immersed in our unique culture. You will appreciate the Howard Civil International House for both its classic charm and gorgeous amenities. Don’t hesitate; a wonderland of refined indulgence awaits you in our Taipei City! Places of interest Feeling hungry? No problem. One cannot say he/she has been to Taiwan without a visit to the night markets. If you feel exhausted after our elaborate activities during the day, don’t worry, there’s a night market, Kung Kuan Night Market just a street away from the campus. Also, for those who want to feel the heartbeat of the city, Tai-power Building Station of the Taipei Metro (subway) is only 500 meters away from the House. Our culture of being the “shopping haven” and the delicious sides of Taipei are all within your reach. Plan for the upcoming year
Closing Remark Currently we have recruited more than 120 students to help organise the event. Twenty of these students will be part of the executive reception committee while the rest will share various jobs. In terms of finances we currently estimate a deficit of 130 000 USD. We hope to increase the registration fee to ensure this deficit will not grow. Henry Wei Hua C 11th APPS Chairperson Taiwan
Report of
the President of the Green Lung 2010-2011 Memorandum of Understanding Background Green Lung is a student voluntary group for tobacco control, consisting of members from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) and International Islamic Universiti Malaysia (IIUM). In fact, 40 USM students founded Green Lung in May 2009 during a Capacity Building Workshop aimed at developing potential youth leaders in tobacco control. Green Lung begins its advocacy role in tobacco control by supporting a smoke-free campus. Until now, we have successfully gathered thousands of volunteers from our official Facebook page and collected signatures for petitions from thousands of people that represent the voice of non-smokers. With more youngsters joining the frontline in our fight, it will ensure our efforts in creating a smoke-free environment will not have been in vain. Activities of 2010: Green Lung Capacity Building Workshop Date : 23 to 25 July 2010 Venue : Chalet Nelayan, Teluk Bahang and Penang Objectives : To develop more youth leaders in tobacco control
Achievements: 1. Establishment of Green Lung Octopus Club (GLOC) 2. Recruitment of new members 3. Green Lung members grew Convo Awareness Campaign Date : 4 to 6 August 2010 Venue : Tapak Convo, Universiti Sains Malaysia Objectives : To create public awareness about the dangers of smoking, the existence of smoking cessation programs and the importance of a tobacco-free environment.
Interaction Day Date : 25 September 2010 Venue : Dewan Kuliah SK II, Universiti Sains Malaysia Objectives : To recruit new members and create bonds among members.
Achievement: 60 members were recruited. Activities of 2011: GLEE Lollipop Date : 15 Jan 2011 Venue : DK Y, School of Pharmaceutical Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia Theme : Dare to be different Objectivs : To deliver the one of the philosophies (Dare to be different) of Green Lung to members.
Green Lung Inspection Date : 18 Feb 2011 (Phase 1) 11 Mac 2011 (Phase 2) Venue : Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Objectives : 1. To study smoking trend in USM 2. To calculate the number of cigarettes found in USM Activities : Cigarette collection according to campus zone Achievements: 9364 cigarretes were collected in Phase 1, while 7852 cigarretes in Phase 2.
Green Lung Amazing Freeze (GLAF) Date : 12 March 2010 Venue : Queensbay Mall, Penang Objectives : To disseminate and educate the public about tobacco related issues through more interactive ways. Activities : Station Games (e.g. Picture Puzzle, Crossword & Sudoku, Deco Corner, Thru The Obstacles, Eat & Guess, Message Delivery, Snap Time, Lucky Dice, ‘Teh Tarik’ Challenge and Badge) Green Lung Saywhat 2011 Date : 31st May to 5th June 2011 Venue : Melaka High School and Melaka World Heritage City Objective : 1.To inspire, motivate and encourage involvement of youths in various tobacco control movements 2.To train and engage youths as tobacco control ambassadors in line with increasing capacity of Green Lung 3.To create awareness and increase involvement within the local communities, while ensuring they understand their rights to be protected from tobacco smoke.
Future Plans In the coming years, USM Green Lung will serve as the information center for Malaysia Green Lung. Besides this, USM Green Lung together with other Green Lung will also build capacity among youths and university students, to lead everyone towards our goal, a tobacco-free environment. Koay Kh Siean President of Green Lung Malaysia
Asia Pacific Regional Office Budget 2010-2011 Income IPSF Grant € 1100 IPSF Merchandise € 100 ____________________________________________________ Total € 1200
Expense RWG Travel Grant € 500 Campaign material € 200 Annual reports € 300 APRO T-shirts € 100 Publication/Admin € 100 ____________________________________________________ Total € 1200
Acknowledgement Thank you!! The APRO Regional Working Group would like to extend our appreciations and thank you to all those who have supported us in our journey through 2010 and 2011 IPSF Executive Jan Roder (IPSF President) Melissa Teo (Chairperson of SEP) Especially Jane Ho (Chairperson of External Relations) 10th APPS Indonesia Reception Committee All Contact Persons from the Asia Pacific Region And most importantly all the fantastic pharmacy students for being supportive and actively involved in IPSF activities and events