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Farmagamers: inclusion of games in the teaching of pharmacy classes

F e b . d e 2 0 2 0 | V o l . 8

The emergence of internet and the development of sophisticated software opened up a large field for the application of games in students ’ academic life. This new way of learning opposes the current teachinglearning model and can be an interesting tool in future educational methods. The application of game elements in non-game activities is called “ gamification ” . It focuses on the emotional, affective, motor and cognitive aspects of the human brain, which can in turn improve cooperation, logical reasoning, creativity and critical thinking. Researchers have studied the relationship between games and education, and have raised some advantages: better understanding and fixation of learned concepts; development of problem solving and decision making strategies; improved critical thinking and knowledge building skills; enhanced ability to relate different disciplines; and increased social skills in team works.


Although less prevalently used compared to European countries, the Ministry of Education in Brazil started to encourage the application of games in education. Some scholarship winning students from the department of Pharmacy-Biochemistry of University of São Paulo Pharmaceutical Sciences formed a group called “farmagamers ” and conducted a research under the supervision of Dr. Cristina Northfleet de Albuquerque. The objective of their project is to use games in the teaching of university level courses. Each project followed four steps from its conception to its completion and application in the classroom. First, a bibliographic review was done to study the already existing approaches and methodologies of gamification. Second, game elements best suited to the learning objectives were created and tested. Third, the attractiveness and the ability of the game to engage students were evaluated based on studies that calculate the balance between educational and recreational elements. Finally, the game was taken into application in a classroom.

Farmagamers completed several projects where they created games applicable to the teaching of Biosafety class and of Pharmacy History class. The applicability of including games in pharmacy courses is observed. Not only it improved student learning, it was well received due to its recreational content. Therefore, gamification can indeed increase content absorption and student motivation. Farmagamers intend to continue their existing projects, to expand to more disciplines, to invite new members and to build new projects. As a final word, these projects fully demonstrated that the current teaching methodology in universities is outdated and the importance of student-teacher cooperation in the research and creation of new teaching methods.

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