Product Data Sheet
Fuel Biocide PredatorTM 8000 Offers broad spectrum antimicrobial protection for all liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
Description Appearance – colourless to pale yellow liquid. PredatorTM 8000 is a formulated biocide that inhibits bacterial, fungal and mould growth in hydrocarbon fuels. Available in flasks of 5kg.
Composition Proprietary mixture of biocidal components to provide a broad spectrum of antimicrobial protection.
Applications PredatorTM 8000 will provide ongoing protection against microbial activity in all liquid hydrocarbon fuels, including biofuels. PredatorTM 8000 can be used in heavily contaminated fuel systems to kill the microbes present. This shock treatment should be followed by preventative treatment to protect against recontamination. PredatorTM 8000 partitions into both oil and water phases to protect the fuel, water, fuel/water interface and any fuel system surfaces. PredatorTM 8000 is effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria, moulds and fungi. Its long lasting activity protects multiple fuel turnovers and fuels in long term storage. PredatorTM 8000 will not leave any corrosive byproducts in the fuel. PredatorTM 8000, used as part of an effective housekeeping practice, can help reduce fuel system maintenance costs. PredatorTM 8000 can help to prevent fuel system failures related to microbial activity.
Typical Properties Density 25°C
Dynamic Viscosity
98 cPs
Closed Flash Point (PMCC)
Pour Point
IPU Group Ltd, Churchbridge, Oldbury, B69 2AS
+44 (0) 121 511 0400
©IPU Group Ltd
Product Data Sheet Treat Rate To preserve and protect fuel systems, PredatorTM 8000is recommended for a treat rate of 100 to 250ppm. To clean up heavily contaminated fuel systems, 200 to 1000ppm of PredatorTM 8000 should be used. This should be followed by a preventative treatment. A successful microbial kill may result in a large volume of dead biomass. This should be removed within 24 to 72 hours of treatment.
Handling PredatorTM 8000 should be stored and handled away from food, feed and drinking water. Wash thoroughly after use.
Safety and First Aid Extreme caution should always be used when handling biocides. Always consult the PredatorTM 8000 Safety Data Sheet for safety information before using the product.
Technical Service and Ordering Product Please contact IPU Group customer services department. Contact details can be found on our website:
IPU Group Ltd, Churchbridge, Oldbury, B69 2AS
+44 (0) 121 511 0400
ŠIPU Group Ltd