Jiaxin.Han's Architecture Portfolio

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JIAXIN HAN’S Portfolio For the application of Architect assistant

Curriculum Vitae Han Jiaxin Kira_chn@hotmail.com Permanent Address: 1-1-601, RongCai Apartment, Zengchan Road, Hebei District, Tianjin, China, 300150 Mobil No. : 18600266031

Personal Information Family name: Han Given name: Jiaxin Date of Birth: Feb.9, 1991 Gender: Male Education Background University of Westminster Sep.2014- Sep. 2015 Majoring in MA Architecture:Culture Identity and Globalization Reward: Master of Art in Architecture of University of Westminster Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Sep. 2009 – Jun. 2011 Majoring in Urban Planning and Design Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Sep.2011 – Sep.2014 Majoring in Architecture Reward: Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture of Liverpool University (Upper Second Honor Degree) Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture of Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University Honors and Awards Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University ‘Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Project’ 2012, 2013 Official university soccer team member 2009-2011 Practice Experience Intern of Dedo Design in Shanghai July-August, 2013 Work related: Architecture Design, Interior Design, Render, CAD design, 3D modeling. Part-time Lecturer in HanYi Art Education Centre January- February, 2016 Work related: V-ray for Rhino/Sketch up rendering, Photoshop, Rhino (modelling)

Extracurricular & Leadership Activities Volunteer service for the First International Conference of Master Planning the future in XJTLU Suzhou O ct. 2012 Catering Committee Coordinator of Master planning the future International Confernce 2012 Co-founder of ‘Masterplanningthefuture’ online magazine, social media editorial leader Feb. 2013- Nov. 2013 Staff-Student Liaison Student representative of architecture department 2013 HYP Cup 2013 international student competition in architectural design Sep. 2013 Bachelor FYP project be invited to attend the Venice Architecture Biennale in British pavilion, 2014, Italy. Journals & Articles June 27, 2013‘The Tianjin World Financial Centre’ An introduction relate to my hometown’s central urban region development, which mainly provide an exhaustive detail government planning strategy in certain area in Tianjin. http://www.masterplanningthefuture.org/?p=1767 April 23, 2013 ‘Wang shu’s Ningbo Museum: a critical review’ A critical review of new generation of Chinese architects practice, combine western modernism architectural style with original Chinese building materials is the major way of wangshu’s practice. The Ningbo Museum is the most controversial building within a wide range of his projects. http://www. masterplanningthefuture.org/?p=1229 Skills & Software Strong English Communication skill: IELTS 6.5(2014) Westminster Language Course: 7 (Equal to IELTS: 7) (2014) Graphic Design: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, CorelDraw 3d Modeling: Sketchup, Rhino, 3Ds studio max Script modeling: Processing, Grasshopper, Rhino script Render engine: V-ray for Sketchup/Rhino, Keyshot4, and Maxwell Microsoft: Word, PowerPoint, Excel Hand drawing, modelling

Having the ambitions, capabilities and motivation, I hope to become more knowledgeable in areas such as urbanism and planning through professional study at your university. For instance, with one-year former study in urban design in year 2, it guide me strong knowledge in the macro view that reflected me in the initial architecture design consideration. My future aspirations are to start my career from joining a foreign architect office after graduation and then turn to more focus on practical architect and urban design.I am keen to develop my professional skills within architectural design and combine them with my knowledge of urban planning. I am passionate to explore how individual famous and influential buildings can affect the urban fabric and even the creation of the urban scope.


[Pilotis Volumne]

[Inhabitant Wall]

[Division & Connection]

[Clebrateing Fakeness]

[Folding Community]

[Particles Matter]

[Voronoi Courtyard City]

Block Assembly

Arial Site Plan

Main Traffic & In-Block Circulation

To assess the existing building and the site plot with surrounding activities engagement, it is found several problems that need to concern and solve within the design. The site is dense in horizontal level due to extension building by local residents also lead to less accessibility to go through the block. The poor building quality and poor living condition with limited variety of social facilities and activities are major problems in this site. However, to specify the problem in my site is contains residential, retail, hotel and office programs. For instance, contained a comparatively more functions the site also facing the former problems that due to illegal extension and high density of residents. The site located in the west side of the slum area just beside the main road. However, it contains huge comparison of the surrounding high-rise building which not only the difference of height but also the horizontal density within the figure ground block arrangement. The site contains variety of complex function and massive arrangement of hierarchy of road which for different purpose. However, the former road plan had already be part of changed in terms of local residence had extension to claim more space for own purpose.

Site Proposal Diagram Tear down Area

Lift Up for Entrance, Eese Desity

Providing Main Entrance

Ground level Circulation

Former Noli Plan

Site Plan

By analyzing the site it comes out the conclusion of the arising problem which is the lower accessibility and in-block circulation that cause by the illegal building. The ground floor urban fabric is relatively denser than the surrounding new building and urban fabric.

Furthermore, the residence’s social life and various social demands cannot be full filled by the dense condition which most of commercial, social activities happened along the main and secondary road. That is, was by doing that individual actually increase the density of site plot even in the slums. Moreover, it is also dangerous to people who sitting near the main traffic road.

B y solving the problem that may disturbed and hinder the actual demands of local residence, the ground floor area proposal been though out and prepare to employ to certain area. To ease the dense condition I choose to lift some ground floor area of the main entrance of block also demolished the existing shabby office area, illegal attached residential and a hotel. The tear down ground floor will be just remove the non-load bearing wall and keep load bearing structure which the column to provide free space for more commercial, social activities may happen by the local and floating population.









Commercial Hostel&Hotel Office

Main Road Secondry Road



Block Configuration Prediction Volume to Grow Vertical

Inner Vertical Circulation

Attached Structure

Program Layout

The way that applied in this site is first to respect the existing heritage value building then demolished some illegal self-added dwellings. To appreciate the requirement of local residents I lift up ground floor space of several old building with their own column structure to create entrance and free open space. Then to respect the existing structure the same type of column, beam structure are applied in this site which extrude vertical for new residential, offices as well as studios. By doing that structure the ground floor area are leave free and open with building shaded, it is actually for the local people to self-customize what will happen and the exact use for the open space.

3rd Floor

4th Floor

5th Floor

Floor Plans

6th Floor

Ground Floor Plan

7th Floor

2nd Floor

8th Floor

Sections Section AA' Scale 1:200


Block Configuration Add Grid Structure Preventing Bending

Volumn Arrangement

In-Block Circulation

In-Block Program

Axonometry Scale 1:100

Infrastructure Opptunisim

Celebration of Speed Celebrate of Speed Instead of slowing down the fast speed and rhythm in metropolis, the proposal aims to celebrate and to appreciate the speed, using it as a access and connection for opportunism and infrastructure that can be connected and attached in this complex multi-layer junction. The original meaning of entertainment: Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience, or gives pleasure and delight. It can be an idea or a task, but is more likely to be one of the activities or events that purpose of keeping an audience‘s attention. In this case, the entertainment occupied large proportion and importance refers to the brief requirement. Entertainment is not only brings leisure facilities, but also culture, sports and humanity resources but also a “entertainment hub� that can be attached into the huge infrastructure make it useful and influential to the certain local condition. In a broader view, as the junction is already divided the continues urban relation into some excluded zoning, the juncture also aim to reconnect the separate urban island. Regard to entertainment, originally, it aims to attract people to participate. Therefore, it is also contains strong connection with communication, interaction as well as break the isolation.

The site is located in the Zhabei district which the North part of Shanghai near the Shanghai railway station. The complex junction serves important transport hub that connects the north to east and North entrance to the inner circle Shanghai city center. However, the existing huge infrustructure have already zoning and seperating the connection and communication of local space and community which created huge empty and unefficiency spaces due to the huge conjunction area.

Historical Development of Junction 1948



Existing Site Programme Illustration

Conceptual Design

Design Development Ground Level Circulation

Limited Ground Level Circulation

Location Prediction

Surrounding Urban Function

Design Development Seperation Follow Function

Bridge Connection

Soft Wall to Support Inner Structure

Add Car Roads to Connect Infrustructure

Inhabited Wall

Ground level Pedestrain Prediction

The huge infrastructure already divide the existing contining urban fabric. This is typical for Shanghai and for major metropolitan areas. The design uses ‘wall’ as a metaphor for the division and isolation that the cold, single-functional infrastructures bring to urban life, exploring the possiblities for introducing shifts to transfer infrastructure into inhabitable spaces. Bridge connections further dissolve the isolations and play with the idea of speed and rhythm of the metropolis. People experience the speed and also celebrate it. The design is provides various entertainment facilities. The design also plays the idea that in contemporary times shopping and work is advertised as being fun. As entertainment can be considered as the only option left to let people participate, the design emphasizes participation and involvement with architecture for people of every income level. As an “entertainment hub” which is attached to the huge infrastructure — connected to the particular local condition — it is brings not only leisure facilities, but also culture, sports and office spaces for creative industries.

Block Programe Division

Ground level Pedestrain Prediction

Sections Section AA' Scale 1:200

Sections Section BB' Scale 1:200

Elevations Scale 1:200

Elevations Scale 1:200

Facade Evaluation MUCH TADITIONAL CHINESE architecture, as can be exemplified in the remaining ancient architecture of Beijing, deployed various techniques of illusion (of enclosure, of weight, of depth, etc.). In London’s Chinatown (an explicit material representation of ‘Chineseness’) this ‘illusion’ has transmuted into a form of fakeness motivated by particular commercial needs. Fakeness, regulated in part by government planning policy, could be seen to have let to reductive representations of both Chinese architecture and of Chinese culture.

Interestingly, Chinatown sits among a variety of sites dedicated to theatre. Taking this into account, and using the theatrical stage as metaphor, the project aims to expose, celebrate and express fakeness. The design is urban in scale, with a number of interventions and connections being made on, between, through, and within particular buildings and spaces in and around Chinatown. The project, therefore, is concerned with developing a kind of ‘urban infrastructure’ which could be seen as a way of adding structure to a series of ‘fake’ sites. The project at a wider as well as a more abstract scale, seeks to examine questions of authenticity and translation in relation to the term ‘Chinese’.

Single element

Urban Scale Strategy

Main Performance Node Assembly

Selection of Key point in window element

Apply to exsiting urban form

Imitation of window pattern

Assemble Point Strategy

Potential Office for Artists and Designer and Open roof performance area

Open studio and Performance block

Ground level performance space



Site Axis

Pedestrian and Vehicle Main Pedesrain Area

Distance to Surrounding E-markets

Main Circulation

The Site is located in the old city center of Suzhou. Surrounded by two main axes which from north to south and east to west. Moreover, the site is surrounded by large shopping malls and mainly commercial area. Therefore, this certain area gains large pedestrian flow as well as congestion condition. In addition, the old city center in Suzhou has strict restriction on certain area including the building height, offset distance to main road. This project required to design an electronic market. The poster showing the final design of this project. Another notion is the existing electronic market in Suzhou was lack of experience area for people. Also the other reason is the raise of online shopping which people get much cheaper devices than go to the electronic market. To reflect this, I think to enlarge the space of exhibition area and rearrange the shopping and exhibition area to meet the need of people who like to experience it than go and buy devices.

Traffic Analysis

Surrounding Building Height




Extend Second Level

Add vertical circulation core and piched roof top


Ground Floor

2nd Floor

3rd Floor

4th Floor

By doing this project, the function division was the first priority. The form follows function, to design a brand new way of shopping and communicating social space is the main design consideration. By investigating the former E-market, it has been founded that the selling model is not efficient to meet the customer requirement. In order to solve this issue, I try to find out the relation and connection between each E-market function. To illustrate and find the form and function connections, the typology of shop units has been evaluated. It is challengeable to design a small electric market within certain urban condition and plot size limitation. The design concept is reconnection to create a continuity experience for shopping, also by doing this to enhance the existing seller work process for easier good provide.




As an international Youth Hostel people from all over the world as traveler in certain age group or small three people family. They come to Suzhou which may not just want to see this city but the people with same interest. The memory of a place basically may not just the

Require Build Volume

monument but also the people who accompany with you in short time. As a result, I want to design a building that provides people meet occasionally. In addition, the building also aimed to balance the public and private both inside the dorms or public social spaces. Use

The site is located at center area of Suzhou with the rapid development of city public transport system especially the metro of Suzhou. The surrounding area is under construction which influences the circulation and creates noise around this site. Surrounded by the main shopping mall and pedestrian area, the site is much dynamic by the large people density and variety. In addition, the site is limited by the inner underground park which contains an entrance cost certain space on the site plot.

Respect former circulation Create different open space Highway Main Road

Distance to Major Transport Spot

Former Function Domain

Twist for more Sunlight

Former Circulation

The site also surrounded by public transport stands such as bus and metro.

Road Analysis Flat for Ventilation

Inner Circulation

People and cars enter the site in this direction due to the colored area are pedestrian.

Main Traffic Road Pedestrian Routine Pedestrian and Outter Park Pedestrian Area

continues element The fold to create the continuity of dormitory and open space. As a feeling of continuity of from outside to inside spaces. Also respect to the surrounding urban context with height limitation, sunlight condition, ventilation as well as interior public space.


Structure Layout

Lift Core

Top floor with largest multi person units connected with outside open space

Supporting Column

Function Domain

Split Level to divide capsule units with single units.

5-6 person Unit

2 person unit Capsule Unit

First Floor with public and circulation core

Reception, Offices, Utility Room, Canteen






Voronoi Tool Rational and Scope First to define a set of point in certain area In this tool, I hope to use 2d voronoi system to achieve the urban fabric layout generation. The design tool tries to use Voronoi system to generate closest space distance from dwelling and inside polygon which assume to be public space. The block fabric which contains the junctions is intended to be less than 4 arms. The tool aimed to contain the certain parameter which controls the angle of polygon, the number of edge. The point of each polygon is intended to generate from the former dwelling location which influenced by density and assemble of people.

Employ the generative Voronoi Form

Road Junction Illustration

It is also important to inform the definition of voronoi system. That is, in mathematics, Voronoi diagram is a way of dividing certain space into several regions. “A set of points (called seeds, sites, or generators) is specified beforehand and for each seed there will be a corresponding region consisting of all points closer to that seed than to any other. The regions are called Voronoi cells.” explained by Franz, Aurenhammer. (Aurenhammer, 1991)

Using Voronoi to create certain form in plan

This design tool aimed to create a combination of two different design processes which are top-down and bottom-up. In this case, the block composition is usually generated from top-bottom process which easy to control the outcome. However, to identify the outcome as a final design, the tool can only provide process and parameter to guide the outcome. It also needs to determine by the problem that appear from the outcome. After that, it can be modify by the parameter and process within the tool. The major scope of this tool is mainly can be employed in the urban planning and design practice. By using this tool, the most important aspect is respect and response to certain fact that existed in site. The voronoi seeds are chosen from the former building geometric center, modified by the main circulation to offset or leave certain distance for ground floor circulation. Therefore, the generations results can be define as an evaluation of former urban fabric which enable each block have certain distance and more accurate way to set back each block. Due to the rational of voronoi diagram, each block façade are the closest lines to the set building center. It is the best way to get more reasonable circulation which also different from former urban fabric. It also allows more social connections and activities to happen in ground floor space. Concept

Cut the vonoroni form using boundaries

The main concept of this tool is basically use voronoi system to transform the old urban fabric which somehow unreasonable and ineffective urban space into more regulated, well-planed and designed urban layout. In terms of employ this strategy to broader scope of different site with different social and culture condition the main parameter was based on existing building, circulation as well as people’s actual social need. The tool is not finished, in the future development I hope to employ the sun shading diagram to set certain parameter to control the height of each generate voronoi block. In addition, respond to sun shading each block to influence the building height and each single building may not be the same volume with flat roof. In this case I want to combine the traditional Chinese courtyard dwelling layout apply to this voronoi city which create not just volume but also the interior open space for individual’s living and social requirement.

3 Arms Junction 4 Arms Junction

Offside the curve to generate main circulation

Offside again for Voronoi Block

Parameter: 1.2

Parameter: 1.8

By using slide bar to control the distance of offset I mainly choose to also use the same slide bar to control the height of the generate blocks. However, to let the output block’s floor area stay same that is to say more higher the offset distance will be smaller. Therefore, a math division cluster has been employed in this tools to reverse the value of offset distance then input to the extrusion cluster to guide the extrude distance. As the process diagram of grasshopper shows above, it is the parameter setting of blocks distance. It first set the inverse parameter of input offset distance, than multiplies the height value which is far more larger than offset distance so it will be larger than 1. Because the “Jitter” cluster requires the corresponding parameter and data which regard to the number of blocks, to meet this requirement I use “series” to create the equal number of parameter and set the Count value as 24. After that I chose to extrude the generate plane in vertical direction, to achieve that the “Unit Z” cluster which define the vector of data to grow in Z axis means that it will extrude in vertical. The important cluster which called “Jitter” is mainly just can be applied in this earlier stage. Due to the short time for development, the first idea of variation the building height is to employ the sun shading data to generate certain influence curve to guide the building height. It also can meet the requirement of sun shading need for every block. However, the “Jitter” is another way to generate concept idea of the voronoi courtyard city which is the city itself contains the skyline variations. Parameter: 1.5

An Aesthetic of Openness Introduction

The openness of the interplay

The aim of this essay is to deepen the understanding of openness in relation to art. As the two artworks to some extent show the space and depth, the idea of Khora, Khora shows neither here nor there certainly has to do with the depth within the artworks. The notion of openness contains possibility in relation to aesthetic judgement. It is a certain way to appreciate artwork also intuitively understood the purposiveness that there is a possibility of order. This essay first discusses the possibility of approaches to appreciate the two artworks. Then, I will employ the idea of khora to discuss aesthetic judgement relates to openness in relation to the khora in the artwork itself.

Art work1, Albert Gleizes (1912), Passy

The openness in relation to aesthetic judgement How human perceive knowledge Kant acknowledges that human experience is limited. He assumes that objects must conform to our knowledge. Kant states that, “But all attempts to extend our knowledge of objects by establishing something in regard to them a priori, by means of concepts” (Cazeaux, 2000, p.3). A priori is something that people have experienced as physical object in the world before. According to Kant’s viewpoint, the human subject is the origin of experience. In other word, human experience and the physical reality of the world are the two sides of same thing (Cazeaux, 2000, p.3). Kant’s main argument is to explain the interrelation ship between reality and mind. In particular, because the bases of experience form the subject, Kant is trying to explain how objective understanding relates to human experience. Kant suggests that aesthetic judgment is universal. In other word, conceive objective knowledge is the way to understand something is good or bad. Openness in relation to reflective judgement — purposiveness On the contrary, reflective judgement is a judgement of taste, which does not possess determinate qualities. Aesthetic judgement has to be a reflective judgement; due to it does not possess any experiential determinate character within artwork, music or landscape. There is a kind of openness in relation to reflective judgement. Regarding to this point of view Kant asserts, “our cognitive power have to look for a concept” “Reflective judgement then needs a concept…all experience requires concepts and intuitions, but not a determinate concept” (Cazeaux, 2000, p.5). To form a concept, requires intuition and imagination. Because different people conceive things though intuition and imagination in various ways, reflective judgement has to be open and not determinate.

The interplay between people’s cognitive ability and fine art forms an in-between space. Modern art works at some point display the alignments of the certain interplay openness. Kant argues that the modern artworks generate the “new alignments between concept and intuition” (Cazeaux, 2000, p.7). By referring to cubism, the painting Passy painted by Albert Gleizes (1912). The new alignments between purposiveness displayed by the artwork and intuitive understanding create the interaction and interplay with openness. Through encounter with a work of art, people may intuitively perceive a possibility order. The interplay of people conceiving order in the encounter with an artwork that contains all possibilities of order creates uncertainty and interaction. The notion of openness therefore can be considered that is related to interplay. The Khora in relation to aesthetic judgement Artwork 2, Chen Yifei (1979), Stroll The Chinese contemporary painting named stroll painted by Chen Yifei (1979) displays in the background about scenes from contemporary Chinese history. The artwork displays the painter himself strolling in front of the painting of a montage of representative scenes of historical events. Contemporary Chinese history is dark and painful to which the painter himself relates in introspection and rumination. Apart from the content of artwork, the depth and space that shows in the painting creates the purposiveness. The concept Khora can be related to the artwork to explore the openness of the depth and space. Khora which explained by Derrida “The Khora, which is neither ‘sensible’ nor ‘intelligible,’ belongs to a ‘third genus’...One cannot even say of it that it is neither this nor that it is both this and that” (1995, p.89). Khora therefore explains something in-between. In relation to the depth and space, the artwork itself contains possibility of order that allow people to intuitively understand the in-between. Khora in relation to openness then has to do with the in between space and depth. According to Derrida’s assertion, Khora is both giving and receiving (Derrida, 1995,p.95). Khora therefore relates to the purposiveness of aesthetic judgement. As people’s cognition is based on subjectively of objective reflection of the world, the process of perceives possibility of order is both giving and receiving (Cazeaux, 2000, p.7). Therefore, Khora is related to aesthetic judgement which also in relation to the notion of openness.

The concept of purposiveness that is not having specific purpose, purposed by Kant is aims to meet the need of people’s cognitive powers. People perceive the order in the world that is a reflection of the one that require for meaningful, intelligible experience (Cazeaux, 2000, p.5). “We must think nature, as regards its merely empirical laws, as containing the possibility of an endless diversity of empirical laws that are nonetheless contingent as far as we can see” Kant states (Cazeaux, 2000, p.5). People do not understand nature, but people can perceive animate minds, imagination and ways of cognizing, which the cognitive order meet the requirement of meaningful, intelligible experience. People intuitively understand reflective of order from nature but the judgment only influence itself not to nature. Nature possesses all possibilities of order. This means that we can only understand an order that meets the limitation of our own subjective understanding. However, openness does not only relate to the appearance of an artwork or of nature, but relates to infinite order that nature and artwork contains which we cannot understand. Openness in relation to purposiveness can be considered not only subjectively which is the openness to an individual’s judgement, but also objectively through a reference to the possibilities of order that are inherent in art and nature. People cannot understand the order of nature, but purposiveness allows people to imagine potentiality. Thus, openness relates to orders of possibility and potentiality.


Openness in relation to freedom Compared to the nature, fine art has the appearance of mimesis of nature, a product of genius. Kant states, “Fine art, for Kant, is the product of genius. The concept of ‘genius’ belongs to the Romantic era in the history of ideas and denotes the capacity of an artist to produce work which transcends the established rules of composition” (Cazeaux, 2000, p.7). Fine art has no determinate concept; Kant claimed that fine art is the first and the most important activity for people to explore the nature of moral and perceptual contact with the world (Cazeaux, 2000, p.7). Fine art possesses particular properties that initiate imaginations of possibility. People appreciate fine art then intuitively understand possibility of order. Purposiveness related to fine art creates ‘feelings of freedom’. According to Kant’s assertion “Purposiveness, as the ‘feeling of freedom in the play of our cognitive powers’ is the basis of the relationship between mind and nature which allows us to bring nature under concepts” (Kant, 1790, cited in Cazeaux, 2000, p.7), people intuitively understand the possibility of order when experiencing beauty in aesthetic judgement. People’s cognitive powers require a possibility of order, which is freedom to be intuitively understood.

Albert Gleizes (1912), ‘Les ponts de Paris’ (Passy), oil on canvas, In: Albert Gleizes, Jean Metzinger, Du "Cubisme", Paris: Edition Figuière

To sum up, openness related to aesthetic judgement has been explored in several aspects. Purposiveness, freedom and interplay, which are extended from Kant’s idea of aesthetic judgement, form the notion of openness. The properties of art that relate to the in-between and uncertainty initiate the openness for people’s cognitive power to perceive and intuitively understand the unlimited possibility. In reference to the two artworks, the concept of Khora is employed to explore the depth and the spatial properties of openness. Khora also relates to people’s cognition and reflection of work of art. In-between is the basic and fundamental elements of aesthetic judgement. Openness in relation to aesthetic judgement therefore can be considered as the possibilities, the freedom and the uncertainty in the reflection of work of art. Aesthetic judgement itself is the main container of openness. Reference

Cazeaux, C. (2000) ‘Nineteenth-Century German Aesthetics, Introduction’. In: Cazeaux, C. (ed.) The Continental Aesthetics Reader. London: Routledge, pp. 3-15. Chen, Y.F. (1979). Chen Yifei's Painting Gellary. Available: http://www.chinaonlinemuseum.com/painting-chen-yifei.php. Last accessed 13th April 2014. Derrida,J. (1995). Khora. In: Derrida,J On the Name. Stanford: Stanford University Press. p.89-127. Kant, I. (2000) 'Extracts from ‘Analytic of Aesthetic Judgment’ and ‘Dialectic of Aesthetic Judgment’, Critique of Judgment'. In: Cazeaux, C. (ed.) The Continental Aesthetics Reader. London: Routledge, pp. 16-34.

[POTFOLIO] 2011-2015 studio work Jiaxin Han Email: Kira_chn@ hotmail.com Tel: 86-15051595196

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