I was told that I should send physical items to stand out, but I haven’t the money for that. So, this is a PDF of some work I’ve done. Adam Cottam Portfolio of Work
Hello! My name is Adam, a recent graphic design graduate from the University of Huddersfield. I am currently living in, and trying to find a job away from, Fleetwood - a small, town on the northwest coast of England. I strive to produce the best possible work I can. I believe that I am strong in various forms of design communication; typesetting, editorial design, visual identities, web design, art direction, branding and print process. I enjoy working across both print and web, with print being my personal favourite. Whilst at University I embarked on a placement year, as well as working for a year as a graphic designer for Huddersfield Students’ Union. Over those two years I learnt a huge amount about the real work environment of a design studio. In my spare time I enjoy eating pizza and being terribly average at computer games. In this portfolio I display a few University projects, some freelance work, and self initiated projects. 001 — Introduction
53 Degrees North is a risograph printed photographic essay that focuses on seaside towns around Britain. Blackpool was chosen for the first town because it is the town where I grew up and is one of the most deprived areas in the UK. The magazine was printed in one colour to highlight the bleak and lifeless nature of the town. To go alongside the magazine I produced a series of prints. They were designed with classic seaside aesthetic and quoted the Morrissey song ‘Everyday is like Sunday’, as it was the one of the inspirations for the whole project. As part of my degree show I also produced a large vinyl graphic to help display the project.
002 — 53 Degrees North
Berstein Brewery started out as a bit of a joke between me and a few friends. It started off with Fosters being rubbish and we could make a better beer, then we went to Wilko’s and bought a brewing kit, then we made one beer and never drank it again because it was disgusting. Anyway, I decided that for a bit of fun I would make project out of it so I branded the ‘Berstein Brewery’. My friends loved it and we come to the conclusion that if we have enough spare time and nothing else to do in our lives then we would (try to) make our own beer. The idea lives on.
003 — Berstein Brewery
Andrews Signs is a local, independent, signage and shop fascia workshop, that runs in my family. I was asked to create a new identity for the company as a well as producing their first online identity. The client wanted to go with a simple identity as they thought the name and tagline make it easy to grasp what the company produces. The website is a simple page with easy-to-click links and forms to fill ease of use was necessary as not all customers would be familiar with the terminology and ease-of-use is key to generating a consumer base.
004 — Andrews Signs
53 Trinity Street
Vegan Goat
005 — Various Logos, Illustrations & WIP
I worked at Huddersfield Students’ Union whilst studying my final year of university, during this year I helped create many identities and solutions to design problems. One of the most successful jobs was creating a magazine for new students starting their university careers in September. The magazine was to follow their brand guidelines in terms of fonts and colours, but I had free reign on the layout. Together with the team I created this easy to follow piece that tells the new arrivals what they can expect to find at the University of Huddersfield. I also created a few other pieces of print material for the new students. These included a mail-out, wall-planner, various banners and outdoor advertisements.
006 — Huddersfield Students’ Union
DSPLY 2016 is the graduate show for Huddersfield University BA(Hons) Graphic Design & Animation class of 2016. Myself and a few friends were asked to brand the whole show and create a series of guidelines to follow across a range of different platforms; website, posters, flyers, invitations.
007 — DSPLY 2016
Thank you.
adamcottam.com adamcottamgd@gmail.com 07814424017