design portfolio selected works indira prameswari

design portfolio selected works indira prameswari
Hello! I am Indira Prameswari, a fledgling graphic designer from Jakarta.
Fresh off the boat from Bina Nusantara University, I am now entering the real world, armed with knowledge and eagerness in seeking new experiences!
My interest in Design comes from the fact that we fuel the visual needs of everyday life --- and I am drawn to fuel our lives with unique, shapes, texts, and color.
I am eager to explore creativities, ideas, and learning new things everyday, as well as exploring solutions to problems!
My big interests are typography, futurism, minimalism, and branding. I also spend my free time making character designs. I also have other interests too! I am very fond of sci-fi and movies of diverse genres and languages.
I am looking forward to be working to broaden my experiences!
Indira Prameswari Adrianto [Ira] 27.06.1998 - Jakarta, Indonesia
Nationality: Indonesian
Bahasa Indonesia [Native] English [Expert]
Jl. Seroja no.24A, RT 002/RW 005, Bintaro Pesanggrahan, Jakarta 12330
SMP Negeri 19 Jakarta
SMA Negeri 47 Jakarta
Universitas Bina Nusantara School of Design - New Media Education.
Internship Graphic Designer Metamorphosys Studio
Internship Graphic Designer
GAB Graphic And Branding
Internship Graphic Designer LeBoYe Design
Jr Graphic Designer Made Studio
Social Media Graphics Sundrop Wellness
This editorial work done for an assignment focusing on creating a ctional designcentered newsletter. As this assignment focuses on experimental layouting work, this design was based on futuristic design trends from the 1990s, as this trend was one of the more “rule-breaking” trends at the time.
Project at GAB - Graphic And Branding. A company profile made for coffee brand Asaya Coffee. Creative director requested a playful layout that complements the graphical elements of local coffee beans they have made. ASAYA COFFEE Company Profile. Internship Job 1 Month 2019.
Brochure design for The Izzara apartments in TB Simatupang. Client wants a brochure design that brings out detail and elegance. This is reflected with minimalistic design of the pages and pages with photos to show the units of Izzara.
As a part of a bigger college project on font modication, this is a poster containing all the progress up to the time of production of this poster. As this modication is heavily inuenced by Batik motifs, colors are chosen accordingly to common batik colors to make a traditional feel that blends well with the modern layout.
Last project at Metamorphosys Studio. The task was to visualize the meaning of motivational quotes, so that viewers will get more motivated by the quotes by looking at the posters. Visualizations are in various artstyles and literal approaches.
Various illustrations made for a scarf made by LeBoYe Design as a printed gift. The illustrations are based on objects found at the LeBoYe building and Dia.lo.gue Artspace including sculptures, objects, and paintings.
Instagram post design for Sundrop Wellness to promote their organic period pads. This artwork highlights the fact that 1 conventional pad equals 4 plastic bags, directing people to read the caption to switch to Sundrop Wellness.
Personal artwork celebrating the digital release of the movie Megalopolis. This artwork is made to be used for T-Shirts. Artwork depicts an emblem representing the movie’s story, with the back side showing the etymology of the word ‘Megalopolis’. It is a reimagination of Ancient Rome carving.
A rebranding project on Bandung’s oldest distro with the concept “Road that Connects creativity” , based on their company history. This identity was made with the fashionable creative youth in mind. As “Connection” correlates with roads and rails, the visual imagery of train station signage and graphics are chosen for the look-and-feel, influenced by Tokyo stations.
A rebranding project, built on a new concept of “Flow of Creativity” where the logo represents the roads of the flow of creativity, with the visuals made in colorful style to further show the creative and modern side of the long-running brand. This project consists of logo redesign, applications, and manual (available at
My first job on Metamorphosys. A rebrand of the advertising agency Marketspace (formerly Transito) -- a subsidiary of Kompas Gramedia -- with new values and visual identity. The concept revolves around creating a work from creative minds and releasing it into the public space, with the colors symbolizing brand loyalty and creativity.
Thesis Project consisting of a Visual Identity concept for South Jakarta Public Library. Concept for the work is “Smart Library”, meaning that libraries are a place to broaden your knowledge. Additionally, the supergraphic reflects the number of Indonesia-focused books and topics in their collection. Project consists of logo, GSM, Stationery, and Promotional Tools.
Logo Projects with LeBoYe.
Various logo treatments made during my 4 month long internship at LeBoYe Design. The left row was made for a coffee capsule brand, Java Origin, while the right row was made for the 10th Anniversary of Dia.lo.gue Artspace.
Internship Job 4 Months 2020.
Branding Project with Made Studio. This is the branding for the Singaporean rice bowl chain Moshi Moshi. Client specifically requested Japanese style of branding with colors and cheerfulness. Traditional Japanese imagery are mixed with cuteness for this concept.
& Associates - Web.
First project at GAB - Graphic And Branding. Creative Director requests a realisation of sketches of websitae they did for a law firm, Sutedja and Associates. Site assets are made by Creative Director. My job was to build the layout.
This site design was used in 2019 up until 2023.
Mobile version of the project in previous page. Creative Director requested to fit the PC version of the site to mobile format. Sketches and layout design are by me. Site assets are made by Creative Director. My job was to build the layout.
This site design was used in 2019 up until 2023.
Gandy Steakhouse Instagram - 2021. Fulltime Job 5 Months 2021.
Instagram design for Gandy Steakhouse. Client wants a simplistic design that focuses on their menus and promos. Most of the posts are photos of their steak and bakery menus with the occasional promo posts and black-and-white posts.
Instagram post design for Sundrop Wellness. Many of the posts are focusing on period care and menstrual health with post designs using pastel colors for a comfortable vibe for menstruators. My job was only to create designs and translating texts from Indonesian. These are personally selected posts from @sundropwellness on Instagram