Retraction of van den bos & stapel (2008)

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News and Announcements Retraction of van den Bos & Stapel (2008)

In the case of the above article, the Noort Committee (University of Groningen) reported the following (see

The following article from issue 4, 2008 is being retracted: Van den Bos, A., & Stapel, D. (2008). The impact of comprehension versus self-enhancement goals on group perception. Social Psychology, 39, 222–230, doi: 10.1027/ 1864-9335.39.4.222 This retraction follows the results of an investigation by the Rector Magnificus of the Tilburg University into the work of Diederik Stapel. Three Committees examined Diederik Stapel’s places of employment: The Levelt Committee (Tilburg University), the Noort Committee (University of Groningen), and the Drenth Committee (University of Amsterdam). They concluded that the findings of, and data collected by, Stapel could not be confirmed.

– Data collection was managed by Mr. Stapel and results were handed over for further analysis to the first author. – There are strong indications that the data in this paper were manipulated and faked: duplicate cases, and strange (inconsistent) correlation structures between variables within different conditions. – Mr. Stapel did declare that he is not sure about the character (fraudulent or not) of this article.

Ó 2014 Hogrefe Publishing

The Noort Committee therefore requested the retraction of this article. Diederik Stapel’s co-author Arne van den Bos stated that he was unaware of Stapel’s actions and was not involved in the collection of the data in question.

Social Psychology 2014; Vol. 45(2):135 DOI: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000152

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