Mr.Cappu's world

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MR.CAPPU'S WORLD " Do you know where is the Paradise ? "

Book Name:Mr.Cappu's World Total page:400~500 pages. and can be divided into chapters.

The synopsis: It was a folklore from Cappu's planet: it said that there is a Paradise somewhere in the Galaxy, where a place has no pains and sorrows but peace and serenity, and the time is eternal. People said that it is on the Earth! C a p p u c a m e to t h e E a r t h fo r t h e Paradise. However, he might not be able to go back home again because his spacecraft was badly damaged when landing. Cappu had started his journey of finding the Paradise on the Earth. He had been travelling from a city to another, and meeting with good and bad people. He had been asking the same question: 'do you know where the Paradise is?' The people in the City of Fumes told

Cappu: 'The world outside of the city is the Paradise.' The girl from the City of Happy said: 'The Paradise is right here. You could buy anything, even the happiness in here.' A banker told him: 'You could build a Paradise as long as you have lots of money.' The leader of the world said: 'You have been in the Paradise already! This world is the Paradise!' An angel took Cappu to the paradise. 'This is not the Paradise that I am looking for.' Cappu said. The world was going to the end, and Cappu still had no idea that where the Paradise is.

"excuse me...Do you know whereis the Paradise?"





"My Home!"

There was a myth about the living world. It said that the war between the animals and human beings would happen some day; the ocean would be coloured red, and the land would be covered with the dead bodies. At that time, a hero with a golden star on the chest would come from the sky and save the world.

Wake up? man from the stars.

'What is that up there? Is it fumes?' Cappu asked. 'Yes, it is. The city is covered with thick fumes and no one would see the light from here.' said the Old Yellow.

You are not living here, are you?

Where are you coming from?

Oh shit! A city that no one could get out?!

People said that the sky is blue and the clouds are as white as cotton out there, is that true?

'Cappu! Are you really coming from the other planet?'

Cappu dreamt about himself. He was lying down under the stars and looking for his planet; however, he couldn't find it and he felt that his body was rotting, just like the crashed spacecraft. Cappu tried to get up but he couldn't even move a finger. It was a nightmare.

'We are on the bus because we have forgotten how to smile......'

I will find the Paradise and c o m e

b a c k


Wake up! Cappu!

'Is it the Paradise here?'


Born in Taipei 1969 Majored in Oil Painting and Advertisment Design at an academy of arts, and has been working as an illustrator and comic artist. Now working as a freelance artist with many publishers.

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"Do you know where is the Paradise?"

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