In Vivo - Issue 32 (October 2015)

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in vivo October 2015 | Issue 32


Happy birthday IRB Barcelona, per molts anys!

Diagnosing breast cancer bone metatasis

s this issue of In Vivo goes to print, we are putting the


Physicians lack tools to help them detect which breast cancer

final touches on the celebrations of a decade at IRB

patients will suffer metastasis to the bone, a process that occurs in

Barcelona. On 26 October, the extended IRB Barcelona

15-20% of cases. A study led by Roger Gomis and published in the

community, including current and former staff and researchers,

Journal of National Cancer Institute has uncovered a gene that al-

patrons, supporters, and friends, will gather in downtown Barcelona

lows breast cancer cells to invade bones and create new tumours, or

for a day of science and festivity to mark IRB Barcelona’s 10th

to metastasise.

anniversary. Over the past decade, IRB Barcelona has grown from a seedling in the minds and hearts of a handful of visionary people with big dreams to a thriving research institute that has taken up solid footing on the landscape of international research in the life sciences, and has made vital contributions to the health and well-being of society.

More on page 2.

Charity backs liver cancer research at IRB Barcelona The AECC, Spain’s larg-

Turning 10 provides us with a unique opportunity. It is a time

est cancer charity, has awarded

to recognise and be thankful for the dedication and vision of all

ICREA researcher Rául Méndez

those who contributed to establishing IRB Barcelona in its early

a €1.2 million grant to coordinate

days, and those who have contributed to helping it to grow along

a 5-year study on hepatocellu-

the way. It is a time to celebrate the research we have accomplished

lar carcinoma, the main type of

and successes we have achieved. It is also a time to remember and

liver cancer and the third cause of

reflect on the lessons we have learned over the years, and to ensure

death by cancer worldwide.

that we take those forward to help us shape an even brighter future

More on page 2.

for the institute. We welcome the chance to share this special day in our history with the entire IRB Barcelona

Back to school with IRB


and look forward with anticipation to

Students and teachers at the Mare de Déu de Montserrat

an exciting decade to

elementary school in the nearby district of Cornellà are beginning


the school year in good company. IRB Barcelona is working with

Happy Birthday

them to launch ‘Tandem Schools’, a 3-year project aimed at bringing

IRB Barcelona, per

biomedicine into the schools’s teaching programme.

molts anys!


More on page 5.

100xCiencia and science communcation


Design thinking at IRB Barcelona


Marta goes to Münster


A new president for IUBMB

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