Together against torture 2002

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Together against Torture

IRCT’s Global Report on the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture – 26 June 2002

Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Together against Torture: IRCT’s Global Report on the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture – 26 June 2002 ® International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, IRCT IRCT Borgergade 13 P.O. Box 9049 DK-1022 Copenhagen K Denmark Phone: +45 33 76 06 00 Fax: +45 33 76 05 00 E-mail: Website: ISBN: 87-88882-43-8



UN/DPI photo

IRCT Global Report 2002

The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) is an independent, international health professional organisation, which promotes and supports the rehabilitation of torture victims and works for the prevention of torture worldwide. The vision of the IRCT is a world that values and accepts shared responsibility for the eradication of torture.

List of Contents

The IRCT gratefully acknowledges the Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Commission, the Oak Foundation and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe - Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights for their generous support for the 2002 ‘Together against Torture’ campaign. The views expressed in this report can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the above institutions. The country activities published in this report are based solely on the submission of reports as received by campaign participants.


page 1

Campaign Activities Worldwide

page 2

Status of the UN Convention against Torture

page 39

How to join the 26 June 2003 campaign

page 40

Preface by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Introduction by the IRCT Secretary General

This report documents an impressive collection of events which were held this year on 26 June in commemoration of the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. These events were part of a global campaign, entitled "Together against Torture", coordinated by the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims.

On 26 June 2002, more than 50,000 people in almost 100 countries joined together against torture as part of the global campaign to commemorate the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture – 26 June.

As you read these pages, it will become clear to you that the true spirit of this important day was captured as people across the globe united to organize a variety of activities designed to enable the voices of torture survivors to be heard, to raise awareness of the fundamental issues at hand, and to press for action where it is most needed: at the country level. The focus this year on the need for all governments to ratify and implement the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment was particularly welcome. I would like to add that the NGO community also deserves credit for its involvement in the preparation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture. There are encouraging signs that this will be opened for signature in January 2003 and, once it enters into force, will strengthen existing mechanisms to prevent torture.

Together, we increased awareness of the needs and rights of torture victims and we helped to increase pressure upon world governments to stop torture. This was achieved by an impressive array of events held worldwide – including press conferences, seminars, workshops, prison visits, art exhibitions, peaceful street marches, and many, many more. The work against torture requires all of us to work together – at every level of s ociety at the local, national, and international level. The IRCT is proud to coordinate this global campaign, through the generous support of the Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Commission, the Oak Foundation and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe - Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.

I congratulate all those involved in this campaign. By acting "together against torture", we move one step closer to our shared goal of a world free of this obscene practice. I encourage you all to continue with your endeavours in this regard.

Thank you to all who took part in the 2002 global campaign, for your inspiration, your courage and your determination to speak out against torture. We hope that you will be inspired by the events you will read in this report and feel encouraged to join with us, together against torture, on 26 June 2003.

Sergio Vieira de Mello UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Jens Modvig, MD, PhD IRCT Secretary General

Layout: BilledService: Det hemmelige Bureau Printed by: DanpostGrafik, Denmark Paper: Cover: 250 g/m2 silkemat coated Biberist Contents: 115 g/m2 silkemat coated Biberist

Front cover illustration: Peaceful street march organised by the CRTS, Bangladesh.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

In Australia, the Phoenix Centre’s remembrance ceremony was well covered by the media. BHRS, Bahrain, co-organised an exhibition on torture.


of guest speakers, testimonies by torture

The Torture and Trauma Survivors Service of

The 26 June events organised by Equipo

survivors, work by artists from refugee

the Northern Territory (TTSSNT), together with

Argentino de Trabajo e Investigación Psicosocial

communities and, finally, musicians and dancers.

the Darwin branch of Amnesty International

(EATIP) were interrupted due to the need to

Information materials were also distributed to

(AI), organised a film night featuring the

respond to violence resulting from a local strike.

the general public to raise further awareness

Academy Award-winning film "No Man’s Land".

Police suppression led to the death of two

of the Day.

The event included an auction as well as sale

youths, the arrest of more than 150 people and

of refreshments to raise funds for the work of

injuries to some 100 people. EATIP staff visited

The Phoenix Centre in Hobart held a remem-

the TTSSNT and AI. There were several speeches,

victims in hospital and raised media awareness

brance ceremony at the Royal Tasmanian

and information materials were distributed at

of the violence. Despite these events, EATIP’s

Botanical Gardens. Amnesty International,

the event, which was attended by more than 200 people and covered by two radio stations.

public panel debate on torture proceeded as

conflicts. Prior to 26 June, FAVL distributed

Tasmanians for Refugees and the Migrant

planned in the city of Villa María with the

information materials to the media, resulting

Resource Centre were co-organisers of the

participation of students, health professionals

in two newspapers publishing articles about

ceremonial event at which candles were lit and


and members from different human rights

the Day.

doves released. Around 100 people attended

Together with a number of political societies


the event, which was covered in a 10-minute

and human rights groups, Amnesty International


programme on ABC Radio, by WIN TV and

(AI) organised a candlelight vigil in front of the

The Bahrain Human Rights Society (BHRS)

BHRS and the Alhusaini Studio Society for


In Sydney, the Friends of STARTTS (NSW Service

"The Mercury" newspaper.

UN building. A musician played classical and

arranged a number of events between 21-27

Islamic Arts held an exhibition of paintings

The Fund Against Violation of Law (FAVL),

for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture

reflective music in honour of torture victims

June. Highlights included a seminar entitled

depicting images of torture, by 25 artists and

organised a seminar to commemorate 26 June.

and Trauma Survivors) joined together with the

worldwide. AI’s 12-point programme to stop

"The Direct and Indirect Physical and

children. The events were well covered by the

The seminar addressed the present torture

local branch of Amnesty International to hold

torture worldwide was also distributed.

Psychological Torture: Legal and Medical

media, and many religious leaders addressed

situation in Armenia and the problems faced

a 26 June commemorative event at the NSW

Perspectives", and a film night featuring "Kiss

the problem of torture during the Friday prayer.

by families of unaccounted soldiers from

Parliament House. The event involved a number

of the Spider Woman".

26 June events organised by BHRS and Amnesty International in Bahrain were covered by several newspapers.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Activists from Angikar Bangladesh assembled at the Azimpur cemetery, to place floral wreaths on the grave of a torture victim.

More than 200 people participated in a 26 June street march, organised by ACAT-Parakou, Benin.


In Dhaka, the Bangladesh Human Rights

covered by the media. The BRCT also produced


papers, radio stations and the Benin Press

together with a letter lobbying the Government

On 26 June, Angikar Bangladesh in Dhaka

Commission (BHRC) and the Institute of Rural

a one-page memorandum, published in three

Amnesty International (AI) launched a national

Agency. A memorandum was also handed to

to support the Protocol. CTV also appealed to

organised a two-hour solidarity programme

Development organised a "Human Chain" in

daily newspapers, and released the biannual

school essay competition in April 2002, and the

the representative of the Mayor of the Borgou

the Government for a full implementation of

with the participation of cultural personalities,

front of the Supreme Court Building. This was

"Report on Human Rights Situation in

winners were announced on 26 June. AI also

and Alibori districts.

the UN Convention, including articles 21 and

lawyers, university lecturers, human rights

followed by a public meeting attended by some

Bangladesh", covered in more than 20 news-

displayed 26 June posters, distributed press

22. A press conference was held, which four

activists and students. Activists from Angikar

500 people. Events organised by branches of the

papers. The "Award against Torture" was

kits to Belarusian newspaper editors, journalists

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bangladesh also placed floral wreaths on the

BHRC were also held in 69 locations throughout

presented by the BRCT to Mr Binoy Kumar

and NGOs, and published a special 26 June

The Center for Torture Victims (CTV) in Sarajevo

radio station attended. CVT staff were

grave of a university student, who was arrested

the country, with each event attracting around

Mallick, editor of a popular Bengali newspaper.

Newsletter. Earlier in June, AI members spoke

focused its events on the UN Convention against

interviewed by a newspaper and by UN Radio-

by the police and tortured to death in 1998.

100 people. The events focused on issues such

about 26 June at the Second Assembly of NGOs

Torture and the obligations it places on govern-


Two television channels and three newspapers

as harassment by law enforcement agencies

The Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture

from Central Europe, former Soviet Union and

ments to prevent torture. The Draft Optional

covered the events.

and the torture of women, and were covered

Survivors organised a street march, followed

Turkey, and on 30 June a public action against

Protocol to the Convention was translated and

by electronic and print media, in both English

by a seminar on "Torture in Custody: Law

torture was held together with youth NGOs.

distributed to relevant government institutions,

and Bengali.

and Prevention". Speakers included lawyers, doctors, journalists and human rights activists,


Together with other NGOs, the Bangladesh

and many of the more than 50 participants

Action des ChrÊtiens pour l’Abolition de la

Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims

joined in the discussion. Both events received

Torture in Parakou commemorated 26 June

(BRCT) held 29 different events throughout the

newspaper coverage.

with a peaceful procession, ending at the Royal

country, attended by some 6,000 people. The main theme was "Torture in police remand is

"Human Chain" in front of the Supreme Court, organised by the BHRC, Bangladesh.

Palace, where King Akpaki II was presented with a memorandum. The King congratulated

also a violation of the constitution". The BRCT

the more than 200 participants, including

produced special posters, stickers and caps for

representatives of Amnesty International and

the many different events, which were well

other NGOs. The event was reported by news-

26 June poster produced by the BRCT, Bangladesh.

The BRCT, Bangladesh, organised several peace rallies on 26 June.

television channels, a daily newspaper and a



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide


in a historical perspective, and other speeches


100 people attended the event, which ended

Grupo Tortura Nunca Mais do Rio de Janeiro

focused on the prevalence of torture today.

The UN Information Centre organised a seminar

with a world music, dance and food celebration.

organised an art exhibition with a range of

It was announced that Brazil would have a

on the eradication of torture, which was

artists, as well as an exhibition of newspaper

"National Campaign against Torture", in

covered by national newspapers. A number of

On 22 June, the Vancouver Association for

clippings, photos, and a video related to the

order to raise awareness and support for the

working groups elaborated different recommen-

Survivors of Torture hosted a public one-day

theme of torture and other forms of political

prevention of torture through information and

dations, and the closing session adopted a

conference on global and local consequences of

violence. The 26 June events culminated in a

training activities.

resolution. Ministry representatives participated

torture. The conference, which was attended by

in the seminar, as did representatives of different

25 people, included testimonials and a public

political assassinations and the criminalisation


UN agencies and NGOs, making up a total of

debate on torture and the work to rehabilitate

of social movements. Approximately 140 people

Assistance Centre for Torture Survivors (ACET)

85 people.


participated in the event, which was covered

held a number of 26 June events, including a

by television and radio stations.

commemorative meeting with other organisations


on 1 June, which was attended by more than

Talking Oaks Counselling Services, together

In Brazil, 26 June was also commemorated

500 people. On 25 June, ACET organised a press

with Needs Centre for War Affected Families,

by the MinistĂŠrio da Justica, the Movimento

conference in Sofia, followed by a commem-

Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council Inc.

Nacional de Direitos Humanos and the Secretaria

oration of victims of communism in Bulgaria on

and Amnesty International (AI), held a seminar

de Estado dos Direitos Humanos. A ceremony

26 June. The Chairman of the Bulgarian National

on 26 June. Several presentations were made,

was held at the High Court with a panel of

Assembly read a declaration written by ACET

and posters, T-shirts and caps were distributed

high-ranking government and judicial officials

about 26 June and the reconciliation process

to more than 50 participants. Talking Oaks

and ministers, as well as the Brazilian Vice

in the country. The Chairperson of ACET was

Counselling Services also hosted an event on

President and the Deputy Minister of Justice.

interviewed on National Radio, and several tele-

1 July, at which AI representatives spoke about

The High Court President talked about torture

vision stations covered the commemorative event.

the International Criminal Court. More than

round-table discussion on violence and impunity,

Invitation to the Grupo Tortura Nunca Mais/RJ, Brazil, 26 June event.

T-shirt advertising a hotline set up in Brazil for people to report incidences of torture. It was announced at the MinistÊrio da Justica’s 26 June event that the hotline would continue.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

CODEPU Valdivia in Chile held an awareness-raising event at which an oversize 26 June T-shirt was suspended between two lamp posts.

CINTRAS street march on 26 June in Santiago, Chile.


y Derechos Humanos (CINTRAS), Amnesty

Association, Dr. Enrique Accorsi, spoke at a

On 26 June, CODEPU brought two cases of

victims, relatives and treatment personnel shared

Asamblea de Derechos Humanos and Comisión

International and Corporación de Promoción y

meeting "In Support of the Tortured" with

torture before the court. The purpose was to

their experiences and discussed the possibili-

Ética contra la Tortura, commemorated 26

Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo (CODEPU).

participants working in the field of health and

determine the criminal responsibility of the

ties for reparation in Chile. Over 100 people

June together with Centro de Salud Mental

On 21 June, the President of the World Medical

human rights. On 22 June, several human rights

military dictatorship’s security service when

participated, and the event received local media

NGOs held an exhibition in Santiago at which

committing crimes of genocide, kidnapping


information about torture and human rights

and torture. In Valdivia, CODEPU held an aware-

violations was disseminated. A forum about

ness-raising event at which an oversize 26 June


torture under the Pinochet dictatorship was held

T-shirt was suspended between two lamp posts.

In Bogota, Terre des Hommes – Italia and

on 23 June, and on 26 June a demonstration

CODEPU staff distributed flags and flyers to

Fundación CLEBER held a commemorative event,

took place in front of the government building.

passers-by and displayed exhibition panels on

which was attended by 120 children, youths and

A letter describing the human rights situation

the problem of torture. The event was covered

parents. A special workshop was held for young

in Chile was handed to the President of Chile.

by local and national radio.

torture victims and for parents of child torture

The Day finished with a cultural event, and all

Thousands of people visited the exhibition in Santiago, Chile.

victims. In parallel with the workshop, a painting

of the activities received broad support from

Programa de Atención para Personas Afectadas

session was held for the children. A presentation

the public.

por la Represión Política Ejercida por el Estado

was made for all participants on political prison-

de Chile durante el periodo 1973-1990

ers in Colombia, and the day ended with a

To attract attention, CINTRAS made their own

organised an exhibition on 26 June. Participants

festive cultural event.

ponchos with the text "torture never again"

included relatives of missing detainees and

and large 26 June posters were mounted on

executed politicians, a group of former political

3-floor high scaffolding and placed in front of

prisoners and the coordinator of a group of

the Presidential Palace. From here they were

wrongfully dismissed politicians. In the after-

visible from a large distance.

noon, a discussion forum was held, at which CINTRAS, Chile, used posters to raise public awareness.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

two newspapers. ACAT-DRC also organised a

presentations were followed by testimonies

noon, a delegation visited patients at the

training session on "Thinking on the notion of

of victims of torture. Representatives of the

General Hospital of Kabondo. Some 500 people

torture" (15-21 June) and a one-day seminar

Congolese authorities participated by respon-

participated in the various events, which were

on 22 June, with the participation of 45 people.

ding to accusations by victims of torture.

also covered by the media. ACAT-Katanga,

La Voix des Sans-Voix pour les droits de

A humoristic play condemning the practice

together with other religious groups, held

l’homme commemorated 26 June with a day

of torture concluded the event.

an ecumenical worship on 26 June for 178

of reflection and debate. The presentations

participants in the Kasap central prison.

dealt with international mechanisms to fight

More than 250 children participated in Les Amis

A written prayer was distributed to other

torture, the legislation in DRC with respect to

de la Paix's 26 June event, "Together against

religious congregations and churches.

torture, the role of the police and the physical

Torture". Children's choirs and drama groups

and psychological effects of torture. The

performed and prayers were held for child

On 24 June, the Comité National de Protection

refugees, displaced children, and child victims

et de Defense des Droits des Enfants (CONA-

of torture. A conference was held together with

PRODE) launched an anti-torture campaign

Le Ligue pour la Lecture de la Bible on 29 June,

together with other NGOs. On 26 June, CONA-

focusing on Christians against torture, at which

Kisangani and the University of Kisangani.

PRODE and ACAT-DRC held a commemorative

some 50 people participated.

ACAT-Kisangani also held meetings with local

event in Gombe, at which torture victims relayed

Children’s choirs performed at the Les Amis de la Paix’s 26 June event in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Congo, Democratic Republic of the

on African cultures against torture. In the after-

Postcard produced by the IRCT-Zagreb, Croatia.

IRCT-Zagreb was presented, and 26 June T-shirts,

Action des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la

public authorities, doctors and educational

their experiences. On 27 June, more than 150


Torture in Kisangani (ACAT-Kisangani), held


child torture victims participated in commemora-

International Rehabilitation Centre for Torture

with former clients of the Centre, and more

ting the Day of the African Child. Some 600

Victims – Zagreb (IRCT-Zagreb) held a number of

than 125 people participated. The event was

a week-long awareness-raising campaign.

posters and badges were distributed. Staff met

Co-organisers included human rights and

On 26 June, ACAT-Kisangani held a press con-

people participated in the events, which were

events, including a lecture on the mental health

covered by the television programme "Good

development NGOs, the Bar Association of

ference, "Together against Torture", focusing

covered by four radio and television stations and

of refugees and torture victims. The work of the

Morning Croatia".

In Croatia, the IRCT-Zagreb presented their work and the 26 June campaign at their commemorative event.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

A scout group presented poems and songs at the commemoration held by the Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture in Ethiopia.

The choir Papaya entertained at the RCT event in Denmark.


hearing on the subject "Children and Torture"

The Rehabilitation and Research Centre for

Amnesty International in Århus launched an

was held. The events were covered extensively

Torture Victims (RCT) focused their event on the

"Anti-torture" campaign on 22 June with an

by the media, including eight newspaper

work against torture after 11 September 2001.

all-day open-air concert. More than 300 people

articles, one radio interview, several radio spots

The message was that the use of torture can

enjoyed performances by six different bands.

and one television interview.

never be accepted under any circumstances, not

On 25 and 26 June, 2,000 plaster casts of the

even the war against terror. Among the speakers

hands of 2,000 children were displayed in a

The International Rehabilitation Council for

were representatives from the Danish Ministry

"Hands of Stone" exhibition at the Town Hall

Torture Victims (IRCT) held the global launch

of Foreign Affairs, including Ambassador Tyge

Square. In the evening of 26 June, a public

of this year's 26 June global campaign in

Lehmann, members of different political parties,

Copenhagen. The event included speeches,

and Eyad El Sarraj, IRCT Council Member and

classical music performances, and a short film

Director of the Gaza Community Mental Health

In Denmark, Michala Petri and Lars Hannibal performed at the IRCT’s Global Launch of the 26 June 2002 campaign.

presentation for invited guests, which included

At Kirsten Kjær’s Museum in Langvad an inter-


the diplomatic community in Denmark. The

national group of artists commemorated 26

global campaign was launched by former Prime

June with a joint art project. Throughout June,

Minister of Denmark, Poul Schlüter, and the

an art exhibition at the Museum was visited by

Head of the Human Rights Unit in the Danish

3,000 people. Artists created different works of


diplomats, the police, prison officials, religious

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Tyge

art at Vigsø Beach where there are a large num-

The Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture

leaders, torture victims and their families. Poems

Lehman. Poul Schlüter was Prime Minister when

ber of bunkers from the Second World

in Ethiopia, together with the Aberash Memorial

and songs were presented by a scout group,

Denmark ratified the UN Convention against

War. In the evening of 26 June, the art works

Development Organization and the Ethiopian

papers were presented to the audience, and

Torture on 27 May 1987, and the Convention

were destroyed to illustrate that torture is un-

Muslims Relief and Development Assistance,

information materials were distributed.

entered into force on 26 June 1987, following

acceptable. The events were covered by several

organised a commemorative 26 June event.

Denmark’s ratification.


Around 500 people participated, including Amnesty International, Denmark, organised a "Hands of Stone" exhibition, made of plaster casts from 2,000 children.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Peaceful street march organised by the Georgian Center for Psychosocial and Medical Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and the Human Rights Information and Documentation Centre.

International to commemorate 26 June.

rights agencies. The conference is part of

conditions in her country and read poems aloud.

The top 20 students were awarded prizes,

They held a joint press conference and an

EMPATHY’s "Monitoring and Prevention of

A film about child soldiers in Liberia was shown

comprising certificates and books donated by

exhibition of instruments of torture, followed

Torture in Georgia" project, which is supported

and information materials were distributed to

the UN Information Centre and Unimax

by a peaceful street march. In the evening, the

by the OSCE-ODIHR. The conference was

the more than 30 participants.

MacMillan. The Minister of State for Basic,

exhibition "Visual Research on Torture" was

attended by around 60 people, and the

inaugurated. The events attracted 200 people,

Secondary and Girl Child Education, a represen-

conference materials will be published.

and the television company Rustavi2 made a special report about the event. Media coverage

EMPATHY and the co-organisers prepared

included three other television stations, three

a declaration "Together against Torture",

newspapers and Georgian Radio.

regarding changes in national legislation in accordance with the UN Convention against

The "Together against Torture" conference organised by EMPATHY, Georgia.

Mrs. Gladys Kwapong, Metro Director of Education in Kumasi, Ghana, with one of the prize winners of the essay competition organised by the Islamic Peace Movement.

On June 26, the Psycho-Rehabilitation Centre for

Torture. The declaration was signed by more

Victims of Torture, Violence and Pronounced

than 20 non-government and government

health". The study describes the state of health

Stress Impact (EMPATHY) held a "Together

representatives and sent to the President and

of 99 refugees from Kosovo who had been

against Torture" conference in Tbilisi. Co-

Parliament of Georgia.

granted temporary asylum in Germany. The study was reported in four newspapers, three

organisers included the Former Political Prisoners


for Human Rights, the Georgian Psychiatrists’


The Georgian Center for Psychosocial and

Society and the Public Defender’s Office.

The Behandlungszentrum für Folteropfer in

Medical Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and the

It was the first conference of its kind to have

Ulm held a press conference on 26 June to

Nürnberger Menschenrechtszentrum, together

Human Rights Information and Documentation

participation by both Georgian non-government

present the results of a scientific study on

with Amnesty International and other organisa-

Centre joined with the Caucasian Center

and government organisations, as well as

"Traumatisation in the context of displacement

tions, held a special event on 26 June. A victim

for Cultural Development and Amnesty

professional medical organisations and human

and organised violence – a challenge for public

of torture from Sierra Leone spoke about the

radio stations and one television station.

Participants in the essay competition organised by the Islamic Peace Movement, Ghana.


tative of the Ashanti Regional Minister, a UN

The Islamic Peace Movement and Generational

representative and several other prominent

Thinkers International organised an essay com-

people spoke at the award ceremony, which

petition for 2,000 secondary school children.

was covered by several newspapers.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Public forum held by ECAP, Guatemala. A communiqué was issued that called on the Guatemalan Government and the general public to reject the practice of torture and to take an active role in its eradication.

Amnesty International and the Rehabilitation Centre for Victims of Torture and Other Forms of Abuse, Greece, distributed information materials to the public.

Greece Amnesty International (AI) in Thessaloniki and

hundred people visited the two exhibits, and

was co-organiser of the event, which was

by Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción


to release a draft "Torture Compensation Bill".

the media showed great interest, with two

attended by around 130 people, including

Psicosocial (ECAP) together with a number

The Centre for Care of Torture Victims (CCTV)

Several prominent speakers discussed the

television stations, four radio stations and local

NGO representatives. A soprano and pianist

of local organisations. ECAP also organised a

in Calcutta designed a travelling exhibition

human rights situation in West Bengal.

newspapers covering the event.

performed for the guests.

competition, "No more Torture", for students,

about torture. The exhibition, mounted on a

Approximately 50 people participated, and

journalists and other individuals, and a commem-

truck, travelled to the Press Club Kolkata on

the event was reported in the media.

26 June. CCTV then held a press conference

The Hellenic Psychiatric Association, together

The Research and Support Center for Victims

orative event was held in connection with

with the Department of Psychiatry, Athens

of Maltreatment and Social Exclusion displayed

exhumations in the communities of Poaquil and

University and the Society for Preventive

26 June posters in the city of Ioannina prior to

Patio Bolas, where victims had been buried in

Psychiatry, held a seminar at the University

26 June. On the Day, volunteers, wearing the 26

common graves. An article was published in

with speeches by representatives from each

June T-shirts and caps, handed out information

the newspaper "La hora", and two national

of the three organisations. More than 100

material to the public, as well as to local radio

television stations covered the public forum.

people attended the event, which ended with a

stations. The 26 June CD was broadcast togeth-

performance by the Athens University Choir. A

er with information on the Day.

radio interview with the President of the Hellenic Psychiatric Association was also broadcast.

the Rehabilitation Centre for Victims of Torture

Haiti Action des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la


Torture in Haiti and ATD Quart-Monde wrote to

Around 100 people participated in a public

13 churches, requesting special prayers for vic-

forum on the problem of torture, organised

tims of torture during Mass on 23 June. Similar

and Other Forms of Abuse organised a street

The Medical Rehabilitation Center for Torture

exhibition and distributed information materials

Victims announced the winners of the Second

letters were sent to human rights organisations,

to the public on 26 June. AI collected signatures

Panhellenic Poetry Contest in Athens on 26

asking them to reflect on the question of torture

for four different appeals concerning cases

June. The President of the Greek Parliament

during the week of 26 June.

of torture of children, and both organisations

gave the inaugural speech and presented the

handed out information material. Several

awards. The Panhellenic Cultural Movement

Young actors read aloud the winning entries in a poetry contest organised by the Medical Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims, Greece.

In India, CCTV volunteers and staff distributed leaflets and badges to the public as part of their mobile exhibition.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

victims of torture. The winner of the com-

The Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet in

of Health delivered speeches, followed by a

refugees, asylum seekers and torture survivors in

petition was announced at a commemorative

Dharamsala invited students at local schools

reception for the guests, which included 150

Ireland. The Festival was launched in Dublin, and

event on 26 June, at which 150 participants

to illustrate the theme of torture endured

torture survivors. The Tibetan Torture Survivors

then travelled to Cork, Limerick and Galway.

endorsed a memorandum urging the Indian

by Tibetan prisoners in Tibet. Three students

Project then joined with the Gu-Chu-Sum

Each evening, speakers made presentations on

Government to ratify the Convention against

from each school were awarded prizes for

Movement of Tibet to organise a candlelight

the artworks and their significance, followed by

Torture. The memorandum was submitted to the

their artwork. On the evening of 26 June,

march to the main temple in Dharamsala to

a reception and a concert performed by local

Prime Minister of India on 27 June. As part of

an ex-political prisoner spoke to the students

hold prayers followed by one minute’s silence.

the poster campaign, over 1,000 posters were

about his experiences in a Tibetan prison.

Several hundred people participated in the event, which was covered by Voice of America,

displayed in public places, schools, hospitals and government offices in Manipur. The Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet, India, displayed 97 paintings by students on the theme of torture.

The Centre for Organisation Research and

One of the prize winners of the art competition organised by the Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet, India.

The Tibetan Torture Survivors Project com-

Voice of Tibet and Radio Free Asia.

The All India Radio (Imphal) broadcast a 10

Administration in Dharamsala. The Minister of

Iran, Islamic Republic of

minute interview with a psychiatrist from the

Health and the Secretary of the Department

The Organization for Defending Victims of

Iran, which prohibits torture. Representatives of agencies and the judiciary system participated in the seminar.

Violence (ODVV), together with the United

District Hospital of Imphal, focusing on the

Nations Association of Iran, the Community of


effects of torture on survivors and the com-

Iranian Students and the International Campaign

The Centre for the Care of Survivors of Torture,

Red Cross Society, Manipur Branch, held a

munity. Ten different newspapers in Manipur

against Terrorism held a seminar on the preven-

Amnesty International and Spirasi jointly marked

children’s essay competition, a poster campaign

published articles on torture and on the need

tion of torture and support for torture victims.

26 June and the World Refugee Day with a

and a media campaign. The essay competition’s

to ratify the UN Convention against Torture.

A draft bill to ban torture was debated, the

week-long travelling art festival. "The Art of

theme was "Children Born in Armed Conflict:

The many different activities organised by

ODVV and the UN Information Centre presented

Living" comprised 38 artworks produced by the

Working Together Against Torture", and many

CORE were supplemented by events organised

statements, and participants discussed article 38

Spirasi art group and local refugee artists, and

of the participating children were themselves

by other NGOs in Manipur.

of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of

showed the positive aspects of the lives of

Education (CORE), together with the CORE

importance of 26 June and on the psychosocial

Network on Indigenous Children and the Indian

Candlelight march organised by the Tibetan Torture Survivors Project and the Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet in India.

the Festival, and the events were widely covered in print and electronic media.

the Ministry of the Interior, the law enforcement

memorated 26 June at the Central Tibetan

multicultural groups. Some 1,600 people visited

Poster advertising the art exhibition, "The Art of Living" organised by the Centre for the Care of Survivors of Torture, Amnesty International and Spirasi, Ireland.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Students participated in IMCS-Kenya’s event by staging a peaceful street march.

IMCS-Kenya held a holy Eucharistic celebration as part of their 26 June commemoration.


a poster-drawing competition, "Peace without


published in three major daily newspapers,

More than 200 people participated in IMCS-

Associazione Italiana Terapisti Della Riabilita-

Violence", in which more than 200 children

The Independent Medico-Legal Unit, as part of

and several newspapers and electronic media

Kenya’s first 26 June campaign.

zione Sicilia collaborated with Amnesty

participated. A UNDP representative introduced

the Kenyan Coalition, People against Torture,

subsequently reported on the various events.

International, Fisioterapisti in Emergenza and

26 June to the children, who were encouraged

coordinated many 26 June activities, together

Associazione Fisioterapia E Benessere Caldera

to express their vision of a world without tor-

with 38 human rights organisations and social

The International Movement of Catholic

for Victims of Torture joined together with many

in the organisation of an exhibition, "NGOs,

ture. After the competition, a film about torture

movements. The events took place between

Students – Kenya (IMCS-Kenya), together with

other organisations for a range of events. In

Torture and Human Rights", followed by a

was shown. The event was covered by three

20-26 June in five provinces and included

People against Torture, organised a street

total, around 11,000 people participated in

public round-table event. Around 100 people

television channels.

workshops, press conferences, symposia, road

procession of students from four universities.

activities ranging from prayers, round-table

shows, testimonies by torture victims, prison

After the procession, each group of students

discussions, candlelight ceremonies, street

against Torture and other important UN human

The UNDP Country Office also held two work-

visits and processions with drama and

presented "Torture the way I understand it"

marches, a symposium and a camp for 35

rights instruments. The activities of the KRCT

shops. The first took place at Tau-Samal

traditional songs and dance.

through sketches and talks. Two papers were

health professionals.

were covered in the print and electronic media

participated in both events, which were covered by several newspapers.

The Mwatikho National Rehabilitation Centre

presented, torture victims gave their testimonies

Children at a summer camp in Ukraine performing scenes from the book "Shervin", as part of the 26 June commemoration organized by Amnesty International, Kyrgyzstan.

On 26 June, Consiglio Italiano per I Rifugiati

Summer Camp for children aged 15 to 17

and Centro Ararat held an evening event with

years. A UN expert on human rights briefed

Throughout the country, churches and mosques

drama, music, speeches and stories told by

the children on the significance of 26 June

held prayers for victims of torture, and preachers

The Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture


torture survivors. The event was attended by

and the UN Convention against Torture. The

drew people’s attention to the many events

Victims (KRCT) produced a petition calling for

Amnesty International (AI) participated in a

300 people and reported in two newspapers.

children shared stories from their own family

focused on the work against torture. Hundreds

urgent action to reveal the fate of 3,500 Kosovars

children’s summer camp in Ukraine, teaching

and a holy Eucharistic celebration was held.


on 26 June.

experiences. On 27 June, a workshop was held

of people attended the events, and a wide

who disappeared during the 1999 conflict. A

the children about 26 June and human rights.


for representatives of non-profit organisations

variety of information materials were distributed

total of 21,305 signatures were gathered, and

The children presented their impressions of the

The United Nations Development Programme

to discuss the prevention of torture.

to the public. The planning of some events had

the petition was sent to the UN, the EU and all

Day through posters, debates and interpretations

Country Office (UNDP), together with the

to be re-organised, due to inter-ference by

other relevant international and local institutions.

of the story of Shervin, a young boy who had

UN Department of Public Information and the

police authorities in some locations. The week-

A request was sent to the Parliament of Kosova

to flee his country. In the town of Bishkek, AI

State Republican Children’s Library, conducted

long programme of 26 June events was

to encourage ratification of the UN Convention

displayed posters about the UN International Day.

Candlelight ceremony organised by the Mwatikho National Rehabilitation Centre for Victims of Torture, Kenya.

26 June poster made by the KRCT, Kosovo.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

CEFPRODHAC, Mexico, held a press conference on 26 June.


same. The Secretary-General of the Lebanese


Moldova, Republic of

conference took place in the town of Baltia, and

legislation on torture. The Executive Director

The Khiyam Rehabilitation Center for the Victims

Organization for Human Rights described the

On 26 June, Amnesty International (AI) in Jalisco

The League for Defence of Human Rights of

the event was covered by Radio Free Europe.

of the RCTV "Memoria" participated in the

of Torture (KRC) organised various health, artis-

important role of civil society, and a Lebanese

declared the local government attorney building

Moldova (LADOM) and the radio station Antena

tic and media activities. At a press conference

singer concluded the event with songs calling

to be a "Torture Free Zone". A radio programme

C held a thematic day on 26 June. Civil servants

The Medical Rehabilitation Center for Torture

Competition" for prison staff, and 26 June

on 20 June, the KRC Secretary-General spoke

for an end to torture.

on Radio Universidad de Guadalajara was dedi-

from penitentiary institutions and representatives

Victims (RCTV "Memoria") and Amnesty

T-shirts, caps and press kits were awarded to the

cated to the Day. A conference about torture

of five human rights NGOs attended. LADOM

International (AI) co-organised several events

two winners.

about the UN International Day and the global

opening of a "Republican Professional

campaign, finishing his speech with the words

On 30 June, the KRC lit candles in Kfarchouba

was held, at which the local Commission of

organised a radio competition for young

between 21-28 June. The week began with a

"Let every day be a 26 June".

in memory of victims of torture and distributed

Human Rights, AI and the authorities for public

people and presented a thematic programme

press conference held together with the Helsinki

On 27 June, the RCTV "Memoria" Executive

information materials. Some 350 people

security participated and Radio Imagen broad-

on national television, describing the activities

Committee and the Republican Association for

Director spoke about the work against torture at

KRC and the Follow-up Committee for Support

participated in the KRC’s events, which were

cast a special programme about torture victims.

of Moldavan NGOs working in support of the

Support of Detainees, covered by four news-

a conference for health professionals, which was

of Lebanese Detainees in Israeli Prisons held a

covered by eight different newspapers and

human rights of prisoners.

papers and three radio stations.

attended by 180 people. AI organised a public

commemorative event on 26 June. The Head

three television stations.

Centro de Estudios Fronterizos y de Promocion

action on 26 June, which was covered by

de los Derechos Humanos, A.C. (CEFPRODHAC)

The Medical Rehabilitation Center for the

On 25 June, the RCTV "Memoria" organised an

different newspapers and television stations.

Union’s commitment to examine ex-detainees


held a press conference and conducted

Victims of War and Totalitarian Regimes

information meeting for clients with around 60

Information materials were distributed through-

and their families without charge, and he

The Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation

radio and television interviews on 26 June.

organised a conference on 26 June together

people participating. Photos, handicrafts and

out the week.

encouraged other health organisations to do the

(CHRR) visited a district prison and a district hos-

CEFPRODHAC also organised a public photo and

with the Helsinki Committee. The conference,

paintings made by clients were exhibited, and

pital in connection with 26 June. In addition,

painting contest, as well as an open conference

"A Voice Against Torture", was publicised

a legal counsellor discussed issues concerning

a public debate on torture was held in which

on torture in Mexico. The Comité Municipal de

through the display of 150 posters. About

Service for Organization of Instructive Work

80 people participated. A news release from

Consulta y Participación de la Comunidad en

300 police officials, students, doctors and

organised a competition for penitentiary staff

CHRR resulted in the events being mentioned

Seguridad Pública and Casa de la Cultura de

representatives of different NGOs participated

testing their knowledge of detainees’ rights

on national radio and television.

Reynosa were co-organisers.

in the conference, and 26 June materials were

in particular and human rights in general.

of the Lebanese Doctors’ Union renewed the

On 26 June, the Helsinki Committee and the

distributed. It was the first time that such a

Press conference organised by the KRC, Lebanon.

The Executive Director of the RCTV, Republic of Moldova, participated in the opening of a competition for prison staff, encouraging them to be aware of the value of human rights.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

CAOVT, Morocco, held a reception, and the Honorary Secretary-General of the IRCT, Dr Inge Genefke had the opportunity to meet with clients of the centre.

CAOVT, Morocco, held an evening gathering on 26 June, with the Moroccan Minister for Human Rights, Mohammed Auajjar.

working for human rights and related issues.


Broadcasting Corporation broadcast a 26

individual and society. On 26 June, the Academy

The main topic focused on the preparation of

At the University of Namibia, the United

June documentary on the special UN radio

held a march to raise public awareness of

a shadow report for the UN Committee against

Nations Information Centre (UNIC) held a panel

programme "The UN Review".

torture. Finally, in Jhapa, the Nepal Community

Torture. Presentations were made on the

discussion with the participation of students.

Development Center commemorated 26 June

discrimination against women and on the role

UNIC and the Legal Assistance Centre co-


of NGOs in working against torture. The seminar

produced a 12-page newspaper supplement

The Centre for Victims of Torture (CVICT)

was covered by the national press.

on the issue of torture, which was inserted

coordinated 26 June events in Kathmandu,

New Zealand

into the local newspaper on 26 June.

Ilam, Jhapa and Saptari districts. In Kathmandu,

At the Kapiti English Language Academy in Te

more than 85 people participated in an inter-

Horo Beach, teachers of English for refugees organised a special curriculum on torture, in-


at a boarding school for 170 students.


On 26 June, the Centre d’Accueil et

Schools throughout Namibia also received

active programme on "Torture Free Crime

In the week leading up to 26 June, the Red

d’Orientation des Victimes de la Torture

copies of the supplement and the Namibian

Investigation: Problems and Commitment",

Cross in Monaco mobilised school nurses from

(CAOVT) held an evening gathering for around

co-organised by the National Human Rights

three high schools to place 26 June posters at

120 people to demonstrate solidarity with

Commission. Participants included senior police

the school entrances, together with a list of

victims of torture. Statements were made by

officers, army officials and government officers.

countries that have and have not ratified the UN

a number of speakers, including the Honorary

Convention against Torture. Information materi-

Secretary-General of the IRCT, Dr Inge Genefke.

In Biratnagar, the CVICT sub-centre organised

high schools, where more than 400 students

als were displayed in other public places, and

Representatives of various human rights

an event for 55 participants from all walks of

learned about torture and its effects on the

their activities were covered by the local media.

organisations also participated, and several

life. At a workshop in Ilam, arranged by the

newspapers reported on the event. The

CVICT partner organisation, the Human Rights


following day a reception for torture victims

Forum, a lively discussion about the problem

Amnesty International organised a seminar with

was held at the CAOVT.

of torture and ways of preventing it was held.

30 participants representing 17 different NGOs

On 25 and 26 June, the Human Rights and

Newspaper supplement produced by UNIC and LAC, Namibia, containing a statement by the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the Convention against Torture and a number of articles on 26 June.

Students participated in a peace march organised by the Nepal Community Development Center.

Winners of the Kapiti English Language Academy, New Zealand, essay competition were presented with 26 June T-shirts.

cluding an essay competition. This culminated in 15 students writing essays about the subject. On 26 June, all students were presented with

Community Development Academy of Saptari

a 26 June badge, and the winners received a

organised torture awareness sessions in four

26 June T-shirt and cap.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

At the National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives’ seminar, the conference room was decorated with posters illustrating different aspects of torture. The Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims, Nigeria, organised a street march and visited the police station, high court, prison college and several other sites.


well as to promote a policy change in the

television programme on African Independent

100 participants, including nurses, journalists,

Agape Committee of Friends Justice and Peace

curricula of schools with respect to human

Television, with an audience of 20 million

civil servants and security officers.

(ACFJP) arranged a seminar, a street march

rights education. CORI organised a round-table


and a visit to the head of Umuahia prison to

discussion on "Civil-military relations in Nigeria:

discuss prison conditions. ACFJP collaborated

a case study on torture and tolerance". Over

The Medical Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma

together with other human rights and anti-

with the Rossy Centre for Human Rights and

50 people participated, and the events were

Victims organised an art exhibition on 26 June.

torture organisations, held workshops, lectures

Development, and representatives of several

covered by local newspapers and radio stations.

Some of the paintings were reproduced on

at schools and colleges, street marches,

posters which were handed out to around 80

exhibitions and plays as well as visits to places

visitors. The event was covered by various radio

where torture might take place, including police

and television stations, including African

detention cells and prisons. In total, around

Independent Television.

5,000 people participated.

Finally, the Youth World Health Organization,

other organisations participated in the events, some 80 people in total. The Ambassador

Amnesty International (AI) organised visits to

The Human Right Progressive Organization started

Newspaper covered the activities.

the State Headquarters of the Nigerian Prisons

their commemoration on 25 June with a church

Service, newspaper head offices, and to the

service, followed by a candlelight service. In

Nigerian Police. On 26 June, a street march

Abuya, an interactive session and a street march

Training College focusing on the UN International

and a meeting at the National Assembly were

were held on 26 June, and visits were made to

Day and on the physical and psychological after-

The National Association of Nigeria Nurses and

held, with AI lobbying for the ratification of

prison inmates the following day. Around 300

effects of torture. The events were organised

Midwives held a one-day seminar for around

international human rights instruments. The

people attended the different events.

together with Prisoner’s Rehabilitation and

Excerpts from essays submitted to the essay competition held by the Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims at the National Grammar School Nike in Nigeria: Ohanenye Obumneme, J., First Prize winner: "Torture is one of the horrible things one person can do to another ‌ Whenever torture is practised people are afraid to speak out." Oluehukwu Amara, Second Prize winner: "In fact, the main cause of torture in our planet is lack of punishments for those who torture others. For us to create a world without torture, we must have effective punishments against those that torture others."

Art exhibition organised by the Medical Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma Victims, Nigeria.

Welfare Action (PRAWA), the Prisons College

events were covered by local media. The Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Torture

Enugu, and the Enugu branch of the Under-

The Community Rights Initiative (CORI) commem-

Victims held an essay competition and a drama

graduate Rotaracts.

orated 26 June with an essay competition

session at the National Grammar School Nike,

among secondary school students in Rivers

and met with undergraduates at the Enugu

PRAWA and the Alternative to Violence Project

State. The aim was to generate awareness

State University. Other events included a peace-

also conducted an essay competition, and staff

among students of the scourge of torture as

ful street march and a lecture at the Prison

from PRAWA appeared live on a 45-minute

PRAWA, Nigeria, held an essay competition for students.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide


The Association for Community Transformation

receptions and a two-day symposium, held in

for Pakistan’s ratification of the UN Convention

Amnesty International (AI) and the Human

(ACT) held a drawing competition for school

Lahore, Multan, Quetta, Layyah, and Peshawar.

against Torture. The LRCT Medical Director

Rights Education Forum, together with Earth

children and a street march for women and

Co-organisers of the events included the Voice

urged the Government to define torture in

Lovers Society, held a seminar at which the

children in support of victims of torture. More

Against Violence, Nai Roshni, the Forum of

precise terms and to include these definitions

AI Secretary-General in Pakistan and the head

than 150 people participated in the march,

General Medical Practitioners of Pakistan and

in domestic law; to investigate cases of torture;

of the AI Larkano branch spoke. Around 80

carrying 26 June posters and flags, cards made

the College of General Medical Practitioners of

and to take action regarding compensation,

students and teachers participated. The Human

by the children and a banner designed by

Pakistan. Together, they launched a campaign

redress and rehabilitation. A special supplement

Rights Education Forum held a second seminar,

ACT. ACT also organised an art and poetry

to the Medical Herald, "Together against

urging the Pakistani Government to ratify the

competition, in which 133 children took part.

Torture", was published and all events were

UN Convention against Torture. Furthermore,

The Lahore Rehabilitation Centre For Torture

well attended and covered by six newspapers.

AI held an essay competition for school children.

Children showing their entries for the drawing competition organised by the ACT, Pakistan.

Survivors (LRCT) held 26 June meetings, SACH - Struggle for Change conducted a

Panel at the seminar, "Torture Is a Crime against Humanity" which was co-organised by the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, the Palestinian Authority.

media campaign and had a letter published in The theme of the competition was "No child

two leading newspapers, urging the President

Non-Governmental Organizations Network.

shall be subjected to torture or other cruel,

of Pakistan to ratify the UN Convention against

The symposia were held at different locations in

inhuman or degrading treatment or punish-

Torture, thereby expressing the Government’s

order to increase public awareness of torture

ment", and 450 students participated. Local AI

commitment to the protection of human rights.

and its effects on society. Each of the three

branches were encouraged to sign and send

symposia had between 30 and 50 participants,

postcards to the President of Pakistan, urging

Palestinian Authority

and the issues discussed included the Palestinian

the Government to bring torturers to justice and

The Gaza Community Mental Health Programme

experience, the legal aspects of torture and

to ratify the Convention.

co-organised three symposia together with

the psychosocial effects of torture.

the Human Rights Sector in the Palestinian Poster announcing the student essay competition organised by Amnesty International in Pakistan.

Women and children joined the ACT street march on 26 June in Pakistan.

Newspaper supplement published by the LRCT, Pakistan, focusing on the problem of torture, its health implications and the role of the medical profession.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide



and in total several hundred students partici-

June. Both events were covered by five television

The Asociación Panameña de Fisioterapia y/o

The UN Information Centre (UNIC) in Lima held

pated. At the Señor de Sipán University, 150

stations, four radio programmes and four

Kinesiologia distributed 26 June information

a workshop and dramatisation contest for

law students participated in a half-day seminar

newspapers. The Coalition also organised a

materials to the public, especially young people,

secondary school children and supported a

which included group discussions. The seminar

joint ecumenical activity, which was attended

to raise awareness of torture. They also raised

student-organised awareness campaign on

focused on the UN Convention against Torture

by more than 100 people, and which featured

awareness among physiotherapists of the

torture. Students heard from law professors on

and the national legal framework needed to

role they can and should play in helping torture

the problem of torture and then expressed their

combat torture.


thoughts and concerns in their own words. This event was covered by a major newspaper,

a short play, traditional music, testimonies by torture survivors and speeches. Offerings were made and candles lit to symbolise a commit-


ment to eradicate torture. The leading radio

Together with 25 government and non-govern-

station in the Philippines broadcast a 30-minute

ment organisations, Amnesty International

interview on the work of the new Coalition.

and the Balay Rehabilitation Centre formed a "United Against Torture Coalition". The

The Xavier University Center for Legal Assistance

Coalition works to create an anti-torture law,

(XUCLA) at the Xavier University Cagayan de

to end impunity and promote justice, and to

Oro City organised a photo exhibition and a

increase public awareness of the occurrence

symposium in the university library. The events

of torture. Members include various medical,

raised awareness of 26 June and the human

legal, women’s, development and human

rights situation in the Philippines. Students also

rights organisations. The Coalition held a public protest against torture, and a press conference to promote 26

Children participating in a workshop organised by the UNIC, Peru.

XUCLA organised a 26 June event for students at the Xavier University Cagayan de Oro City in the Philippines.

watched the film "Batas Militar", followed by a discussion with the Senior Legal Officer of the Commission on Human Rights.

Over 100 students participated in an event organised by XUCLA at the Xavier University Cagayan de Oro City in the Philippines.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

The delegation from the Craiova branch of ICAR Foundation, Romania, in front of Pitesti prison, which was one of the most feared communist prisons where opponents of the regime were tortured.


concentration camps. Conference sessions

an exhibition of tapestries, at which 26 June

regime. The event closed with a minute of

on the issues of civil reforms and reform of

The Centre for Victims of Political Persecutions

focused on research developments on post-

information was distributed. A reception was

silence in memory of the victims.

the military.

(CVPP), together with the Krakow Medical

traumatic stress disorders and torture. The

held for clients, staff and supporters, and a

Association and the local branch of the Polish

conference marked the 30th anniversary of

Romanian newspaper reported on the events.

Russian Federation


Psychiatric Association, held a one-day seminar

Professor Kepinski's death. CVPP distributed 26

Compassion-Centre organised a visit to a prison

Forum des Activistes Contre la Torture (FACT)

in Krakow, which was attended by more than

June campaign materials during the conference,

The Craiova branch of ICAR Foundation

for adolescents, and to a home for elderly

held a full-day conference commemorating

80 people. The conference focused on the work

as well as to the media and the general public.

organised a visit to Pitesti prison, which is

people suffering the after-effects of torture

26 June through speeches, presentations

of Professor Antoni Kepinski, a former Professor

Two Krakow high schools used the essay kits to

now a museum, and ICAR clients and staff

endured under Stalin. Information about 26

and an award ceremony for winners of the

of Psychiatry in Krakow, who is renowned for

conduct essay competitions in their classes.

met with representatives of the local branch

June was broadcast on a radio programme,

student essay competition organised by FACT.

of the Association of Former Political Prisoners.

"Voices of Mercy", and published in a news-

The conference encouraged the Government


The ICAR delegation then visited the Pitesti

paper article. A virtual conference was held

to ratify the UN Convention against Torture.

The ICAR Foundation – Medical Rehabilitation

memorial monument, where they laid down a

Centre for Torture Victims held a workshop on

wreath. The activities ended with a visit to the

"Reparation for victims of torture". Represen-

Curtea de Arges monastery, where participants


tatives of non-government organisations, state

prayed for victims of the communist regime.

In Thiès, Victime de Violence Réhabilitées com-

institutions and the media participated in the

The event was covered by local newspapers.

memorated the Day by holding a meeting with

his pioneering research on the KZ-Syndrome, the impact of torture and imprisonment in Nazi

workshop together with ICAR staff. A second

A representative of the National Commission for Human Rights (right) opened the Conference together with Davis Karegeya (centre), General Secretary of FACT Rwanda.

victims of torture and the Women’s Association.

workshop on "Raising funds for assistance to

The Iasi branch of ICAR Foundation held an

A press conference was held, where it was

victims of torture" took place with the partici-

event to raise awareness of the problem of

announced that a planned prison visit could

pation of local authorities, local NGOs involved

torture through an information stand, a book

not proceed due to unwillingness on behalf of

in the work for human rights and colleagues

exhibition, speeches and a general discussion

the prison authorities. Several radio interviews

from Hungary and Poland. ICAR also organised

on torture in Romania under the communist

covered the event.

One of the winners of the student essay competition organised by FACT, Rwanda.

Victime de Violence Réhabilitées, Senegal, had planned to visit a prison on 26 June, but this was prevented by the prison authorities, who would not allow them in.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Students presenting drawings made as part of the 26 June event organised by the Center of Law Enlightenment, Ukraine.

Espiral performed at Amnesty International’s event in Uruguay.

South Africa

TCSVT used a multi-media approach in the

seminar on torture, distribution of prizes to

programmes, a debate on human rights and


and the essays were read aloud. The students

Amnesty International in Durban organised

campaign, which included a vote-line for people

the winners of an essay competition for student

a press conference. ACAT-Togo urged the

The Center of Law Enlightenment, together

who had been the most active in the process

a function on 26 June together with the

to vote for or against legislation to make torture

nurses and the distribution of 26 June T-shirts

authorities to eradicate torture, to respect

with the Association of Educators of Kalush,

received prizes.

KwaZulu-Natal Campaign against Torture. The

a criminal offence in South Africa and call-to-

and caps in the streets.

international human rights and to ratify the

held a commemorative event at a local school.

programme included an address by a prominent

action flyers distributed at traffic intersections.

Rome Statute for the International Criminal

The students were given different tasks: older

United Kingdom

human rights lawyer, a minute of silence in

The campaign culminated at a press conference

Court. Religious services and a public film

students wrote essays and younger students

The Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum held

memory of victims of torture and a photo

on Robben Island on 26 July, which encouraged

Tanzania, United Republic of

screening were held.

made posters or drawings. Both age groups

a meeting on "Torture and the International

exhibition illustrating torture perpetrated all

the South African Government to increase its

On 26 July, Amnesty International held an essay

took part in debates on the topic of torture,

Criminal Court with a Focus on Zimbabwe" in

competition for secondary school children.


London. A similar event was held in Zimbabwe.

over the world.

efforts to prevent torture.

A peaceful procession through the streets of

The African Centre for Treatment and

In London more than 150 people heard about

The Trauma Centre for Survivors of Violence

Sri Lanka

Dar-es-Salaam ended with two different

Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (ACTV) held

the torture situation in Zimbabwe and the

and Torture (TCSVT) organised a one-month

The Family Rehabilitation Centre in Colombo

Amnesty Youth Groups performing music and

a press conference at which the Medical

possibilities of redress offered by the new

campaign against torture, launched on 21

launched 26 June with a Peace Walk. This was

plays, and a petition was signed by members of

Director of ACTV called on the Ugandan

International Criminal Court.

June with a workshop on Robben Island. On

followed by a commemorative event, at which

the public, urging the Tanzanian Government

Government to prevent torture. Journalists

26 June, a commemorative event was held in

the Minister of Economic Reforms, Science and

to ratify the UN Convention against Torture.

interviewed victims of torture by the local


Salt River, focusing on reparation and the delays

Technology spoke, a torture victim’s own story

Around 250 people participated, and the events

defence unit, the police and the army, and

Amnesty International organised a cultural event

in paying reparation, despite recommendations

was read aloud, a video was presented and a

attracted newspaper and television coverage.

in prisons. There was an open discussion

on 26 June with a dance performance, an

by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

theatre and musical performance was given.

between the participants and the ACTV

audio-visual screening, and a graphic show.

The Sri Lanka Nurses Association conducted


staff, and many questions where raised on

About 100 people participated in the successful

a one-day programme on "Together against

Action des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la

the way forward in the struggle to end torture

event, which was covered broadly by television

Torture". More than 200 nursing officers

Torture in Togo (ACAT-Togo) organised different

and impunity.

and radio.

participated in the event, which included a

awareness-raising activities, including radio Children participated in a candlelight ceremony as part of Amnesty International’s 26 June event in Uruguay.

Participants in the 26 June seminar organised by the Sri Lanka Nurses Association.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Doves were released as part of a commemorative event co-organised by Survivors of Torture International, USA.

United States of America

In Los Angeles, AI and the Program for

and food as well as testimonies and speeches

Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) commem-

Survivors of Torture International in San Diego

In Chicago, Amnesty International (AI) and the

Torture Victims organised an event which was

from survivors of torture and their supporters.

orated 26 June in Minneapolis, where more

organised an afternoon’s programme in commem-

Kovler Center for Torture Survivors organised

attended by 60 people and which featured

than 200 CVT supporters, volunteers and clients

oration of 26 June. Doctors of the World and

public information stalls on 26 June. Street

presentations as well as music and poetry. AI

gathered to celebrate hope and healing. The

the Lutheran Brotherhood were co-organisers.

performers helped attract attention to the

San Francisco co-hosted two events in partner-

event included speeches, testimonies of torture

The release of white doves started the event,

stands. An open house was organised at the

ship with the Torture Survivors Centers in Los

survivors and music played by an African drum

followed by proclamations by representatives of

Kovler Center, and a torture survivor from

Angeles and San Francisco. The LA event

choir. The evening concluded with a tree-

the State of California, the County of San Diego

Chile spoke to guests.

featured presentations and poetry readings,

planting ceremony, in which the local AI group

and the City of San Diego. Throughout the pro-

and in San Francisco, the event focused on

participated. In Washington, D.C., the CVT

gramme, a musician played for the 100 guests

Tibet. Up to 90 people attended each of

Executive Director presented the Eclipse Award

attending the event. The newspaper San Diego

the two events. The events were covered by

to Anthony Reeler, Clinical Director of the Amani

On 26 June, Florida Center for Survivors of

cable television. AI in Seattle organised a

Trust in Zimbabwe, in recognition of his extra-

Torture staff and volunteers handed out 2,000

vigil and a petition to support the International

ordinary service on behalf of torture survivors.

white ribbons and 5,000 information leaflets. In

The Utah Peace Institute, AI and the Whale

the evening, over 20 community organisations

Center held an event which included testimonies

Falun Dafa at Tampa Bay organised a public

joined the Center to pay tribute to torture

by young refugees, the screening of the film

exhibition to raise awareness of torture and the

survivors in the community. The Acting Director

"Child Soldier" and speeches on torture,

persecution of Falun Gong members in China.

of AI USA's Southern Region was the guest

rehabilitation and the after-effects of 11

Criminal Court. In Washington, D.C., the Mid-Atlantic AI office

The Florida Center for Survivors of Torture, USA, distributed 2,000 white ribbons to commemorate 26 June.

provided support for a conference sponsored

Union Tribune published an article on 26 June.

by the Torture Abolition and Survivors Support

In New York, AI supported the annual NYC

In the evening, an event was organised by the

speaker. In addition, there were speeches,

September 2001. The event, which attracted

Coalition International, held on 25-26 June. In

26 June event organised by the Bellevue

Florida Centre for Holocaust Survivors. The

poems, a dance performance and an audio-

50 people, included a dance performance by

addition, the Mid-Atlantic office organised a

Hospital Program for Survivors. The event lasted

Mid-USA Falun Dafa Association held a press

visual presentation. About 200 people attended

torture survivors from Bosnia, and concluded

candlelight vigil in memory of torture victims.

throughout the day and included speakers

conference to raise awareness of the persecu-

the event, and interviews were conducted with

with a candlelight vigil and a moment of silence

The evening's highlights included poetry, dance

and information tables.

tion of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

various newspapers and a radio station.

in memory of victims of torture.

Every year, a tree is planted in connection with CVT’s 26 June commemoration. Guests were invited to write messages of hope to be placed under the tree.



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

Campaign Activities Worldwide

Status of the UN Convention against Torture

States which have RATIFIED or acceded to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 132 States as at 8 October 2002


about CRTV and 26 June. The events were

Century, comprising 10 rehabilitation centres,

The Legal Aid Society (LAS), held a "public

well covered by the media.

held a press conference to raise awareness of 26

action" at the University of World Economy

June, as part of their regional network meeting

and Diplomacy, which included meetings with

The Balkan Network for the Prevention of

student groups to discuss issues relating to

Torture and Rehabilitation of Victims in the 21st

in Belgrade.

torture and to the Committee against Torture. The UN Convention against Torture and other information materials were distributed. A round-table meeting was held at the LAS premises. Lawyers, torture victims, and representatives of international organisations discussed the problem of torture and the situation in Uzbekistan regarding torture by

Staff from the LAS, Uzbekistan, on 26 June.

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia

Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Chad Chile China Colombia Congo, Democratic Republic of the Costa Rica CĂ´te d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Estonia Ethiopia

Finland France Gabon Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Guinea Guyana Holy See Honduras Hungary Iceland Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea, Republic of

Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Malawi Mali Malta Mauritius Mexico Moldova, Republic of Monaco Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nepal

Netherlands New Zealand Niger Nigeria Norway Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russian Federation Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saudi Arabia Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Slovakia Slovenia Somalia

South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Togo Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Yemen Yugoslavia Zambia

state bodies.

Yugoslavia IAN Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (CRTV) held a public debate with many different

States which have NOT RATIFIED the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

speakers working for human rights and against

62 States as at 8 October 2002

torture. CRTV volunteers interviewed people on

Andorra Angola Bahamas Barbados Bhutan Brunei Darussalam Central African Republic Comoros Congo Cook Islands Dominica

the street about their knowledge regarding torture, and distributed flyers with information

Dominican Republic Eritrea Fiji Gambia Grenada Guinea-Bissau Haiti India Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Jamaica

Kiribati Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Lao People's Democratic Republic Liberia Madagascar Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Mauritania

Micronesia, Federated States of Myanmar Nauru Nicaragua Niue Oman Pakistan Palau Papua New Guinea Rwanda

Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Singapore Solomon Islands Sudan Suriname Swaziland Syrian Arab Republic

Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu United Arab Emirates Vanuatu Vietnam Zimbabwe



Together against Torture

Together against Torture

How to join the 26 June 2003 Campaign

IRCT Global Report 2002

We invite you to join the 2003 “Together against Torture” campaign!

How to make a donation to the IRCT

This report provides an excellent overview of

participants. In the Call for Action, we will

For more information on how to join the

By credit card

By bank transfer

the many different types of events held in 2002,

explain the background to the UN International

26 June 2003 Campaign, please contact:

Please visit the IRCT website ( to

Our account details are:

as part of the IRCT’s "Together against Torture"

Day in Support of Victims of Torture and

make a credit card donation

Danske Bank

campaign. We encourage you to use this report

encourage participation in the worldwide

Campaign Officer

for inspiration in considering what type of event

campaign. Enclosed with the Call for Action

International Rehabilitation Council

By cheque

Holmens Kanal

you might like to plan for 26 June 2003.

are order forms for campaign materials.

for Torture Victims (IRCT)

Please send a cheque that is made payable to

DK-1090 Copenhagen K

Holmens Kanal Branch

Denmark We also encourage you to make contact with

To support your events, the IRCT is able to

Borgergade 13

International Rehabilitation Council for Torture

those organisations in your country that are

provide a limited range of 26 June campaign

P.O. Box 9049

Victims (IRCT)

listed in this report. You may like to discuss

materials. These materials may include campaign

1022 Copenhagen K

Borgergade 13

USD account:

with these organisations how they organised

kits, press kits and essay competition kits (in


P.O. Box 9049

Registration No: 3001

their 26 June 2002 event, or you may like to

English, French, Spanish, and Russian), T-shirts,

DK-1022 Copenhagen K

Account No: 4310-005029

discuss ways to work together to plan a joint

flags, posters, pins, and caps. These materials

Phone: +45 33 76 06 00

event in 2003 – in the true spirit of “Together

can be ordered free of charge. All written

Fax: +45 33 76 05 00

Other currencies:

against Torture”!

materials will be available on the IRCT website


Registration No: 3001



Account No: 4310-821152



The events with the most impact on 26 June each year are often those that involve several

You are of course also welcome to produce your

different organisations in planning the event.

own 26 June materials instead of – or in addi-

In working together at the local level and

tion to – the IRCT Campaign materials. The IRCT

combining resources, the scope and impact

website will once again provide a forum through

of the event can be much bigger than several

which you can share your plans for this impor-

individual events!

tant Day with other campaign participants.

Early in 2003, the IRCT will send out an International Call for Action to existing and potential

We hope you will join us on 26 June 2003!

Back cover illustrations: From left to right: BRCT (Bangladesh), RCVTE (Ethiopia), Tibetan Torture Survivors Project and the Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet (India), ACT (Pakistan) and UNIC (Peru).

Borgergade 13 P.O. Box 9049 DK-1022 Copenhagen K Denmark Phone: +45 33 76 06 00 Fax: +45 33 76 05 00 E-mail: Website:

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