Together against Torture - 26 June 2010

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26June2010 For a World Without Torture

United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims

Together against Torture The IRCT’s Global Report on the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture – 26 June 2010 2010 © International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) Text: Scott McAusland ( and Sune Segal Layout: Andreas Reventlow and Fábio Pereira Front (in order of appearance): MATESO, Kenya; RCT, Denmark; MFH, Germany; PRAWA, Nigeria; TIHV-HRFT, Turkey; SAVE Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo; FAVL, Armenia; RCTV Memoria, Moldova; VI.TO, Italy; SAP-GL, Burundi ISSN 1997-6275 Borgergade 13 P.O. Box 9049 1022 Copenhagen K Denmark


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The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) is an independent, international health professional organisation, which promotes and supports the rehabilitation of torture victims and works for the prevention of torture worldwide. The vision of the IRCT is a world that values and accepts shared responsibility for the eradication of torture. The views expressed in this report can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the above institutions. The country activities portrayed in this report are based on the submission of reports as received from campaign participants. The production of this report was made possible thanks to financial support from the Oak Foundation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and the European Commission.

26 Table of Contents 5 Foreword from the President


6 Campaign Materials 2010


A country-by-country look at how organisations celebrated 26 June this year

IRCT President Dr Mohamud Said discusses the importance of the UN Day in Support of Victims of Torture

The IRCT developed numerous products for the 2009 campaign

8 Campaign activities worldwide

A country-by-country look at how organisations celebrated 26 June this year

18 Global reading

The president and Secretary-General ask all citizens to help eradicate torture

Campaign activities worldwide, cont.

UNCAT ratification status

See which states have ratified the United Nations Convention against Torture


Join us next year


How to support the IRCT

Learn how to be part of the global movement against torture in 2011

See how you can help ensure that torture survivors and their families receive the help they need

20 IRCT in Brussels

The IRCT Secretary-General addresses members of the European Parliament in Brussels



SOHRAM-CASRA in Turkey commenced its campaign with a picnic for torture victims and their families. Some 1500 participants enjoyed Turkish, Kurdish, Arab, Syrian, Armenian and Turkmen music, folk dance contests, games, discussions and of course food.


4 Turkey

Foreword from the President The IRCT: 25 years of fighting for a World Without Torture

A world without torture. That’s the goal we at the IRCT have been fighting for ever since our birth 25 years ago. With 146 member centres in 73 countries covering all continents we’re in a unique position to do so. To us, such a world is one where tortured men, women and children receive the care and support they need to rebuild their lives. Where torture survivors have access to real justice and torturers are held accountable in a court of law. And where governments and civil society work together to prevent torture from happening. On 26 June – the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture – we pay tribute to those who have suffered the horrors of torture and reiterate our shared commitment to ending torture once and for all and supporting survivors whoever and wherever they might be. On this day, torture survivors, NGOs and concerned citizens around the world join forces in a anti-torture campaign spanning the entire globe, raising their voice in solidarity in a resounding NO! to torture. On the following pages you’ll find an uplifting overview of the scores of creative activities which IRCT member centres and other antitorture organisations around the world engaged in on and around 26 June 2010. The survivors we honour come from all walks of life, and from all corners of the world. As UN Special Rapporteur Professor Manfred Nowak has tirelessly pointed out, most victims of torture are ordinary persons suspected of having committed criminal offences and belonging to disadvantaged, discriminated and vulnerable groups – in particular the poor.

They encompass defenceless civilians raped by rebel as well as government troops – an increasingly common method of torturing whole communities in eastern and central Africa; members of marginalised ethnic minorities in Asia; dissidents who speak up against oppressive regimes in the Middle East; street children in South America accused of petty crimes and brutally beaten just to “teach a lesson”; and people who simply had the bad fortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Their lives have been shattered and their dignity trampled upon. But they share one crucial trait: the potential to recover and overcome their trauma if given timely and effective support. That’s what my colleagues all around the globe are working for, often at great personal risk and with meagre resources, but nonetheless making a real difference to those they reach. 25 years of experience has shown us – with the words of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu – that something can be done to help those who have suffered so terribly. For 25 year we have struggled against torture, and for the right of torture survivors to rebuild their lives and have their dignity restored. As I reiterate our commitment to continue reaching out as far as possible to those in need, my warmest thanks and thought go out to my colleagues all around the world as I express my unfaltering belief that together, we can achieve a World Without Torture.

Dr Mohamud Said, President


Campaign materials 2010 โลโกลปกราปศรจา

“Ghosts”, by Morvary Samare


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English, French and Spanish, a campaign kit, a collection of sample letters and press releases in English, French, Spanish and Arabic, an essay and art competition, and the movie “Ghosts”, by Morvary Samare, which was distributed for public displays. A Global Reading was prepared and all those celebrating 26 June were encouraged to use it in their events (see p. 18).


A range of campaign tools was made available through the IRCT website to all participating organisations. As in previous years, the “26 June T logo” was available to be used for campaign materials such as t-shirts, stickers and posters, but brand new logos and other visual materials representing online movement ‘World Without Torture’ were also made available (see next page). Other campaigning tools included fact sheets in


The film “Ghosts”, which was directed by the Iranian-Canadian documentarist Morvary Samare, looks at the effects of torture on individuals and their families as it follows the lives and cases of three Arab-Canadian men who were “renditioned” to and tortured in Syria and Egypt as part of Canada’s involvement in the so-called “War on Terror”. The film featured at Montréal’s Human Rights Festival and won the Public’s Choice Award in Montreal earlier this year.





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26 June 2

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2010 – Inte rnational Da y in Suppor t of Victims of Torture une


fV por t o in Sup y a D l ationa Intern 2010 – e n Ju 26

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The World Without Torture and “T” posters used in this year’s campaign can be downloaded from

2010 Activities worldwide Albania

Albanian Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma and Torture (ARCT) ARCT, Albania’s only rehabilitation centre caring for victims of the past totalitarian regime in the country marked 26th June by reading the global statement. They also issued their own proclamation and newsletter explaining torture and the mechanisms used to fight it. “On this 26 June, we pay honor to the girls and boys, women and men, whom have paid with their own life this horrible crime and also the survivors.”

Argentina Argentine Team of Psychosocial Work and Research (EATIP) To mark the day, EATIP organised a conference in conjunction with the Chapter of Mental Health,


Human Rights and Torture of the Argentine Association of Psychiatrists (APSA). Participants included many representatives from around the country including human rights organisations such as the Association of Former Detainees and Disappeared, social organizations such as Neighbours for Memory and Justice, members of public institutions, as well as Dr. Carlos Portillo, a psychiatrist from IRCT member centre ATYHA in Paraguay, Colombian political refugees, and the Secretary of the Embassy of the Netherlands, Ms. Peggy Vissers. Participants shared experiences and set criteria for the mental health support to people who are witnesses or complainants in trials being carried out across the country against those responsible for state terrorism. The conference was coordinated by Mariana Lagos and Silvana Bekerman, president and vicepresident of the Chapter of Mental Health, Human Rights and Torture of APSA and both working at EATIP, and by Margarita Cruz, representing the Asso-



ciation of Former Detainees and Disappeared. Diana Kordon, Dario Lagos, Daniel Kersner and Lucila Edelman, founders of EATIP and of the Chapter of Mental Health, Human Rights and Torture of APSA, presented the findings at the closing table of the conference.

Armenia Foundation Against Violation of Law (FAVL) On 25th of June 2010 Foundation Against Violation of Law organized a conference with the theme “Without Torture” to mark the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. The aim of the conference was to raise awareness and to speak out against torture, cruel mistreatment and degradation of human dignity that is present all over the world, to present means of prevention of these phenomena in the Republic of Armenia, as well as to sum up the activities undertaken by governmental and non-governmental organisations for rehabilitation of victims of torture. Participants of the conference included representatives and participants from the office of the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia, the Ministry of Defence of the RA,

the Ministry of Justice of the RA, the Ministry of Health of the RA, the Parliament of the RA, the International Red Cross, the local and international non-governmental organisations, medical institutions, families of torture victims, the FAVL Civil Centres, embassies of different countries in Armenia and others. A video by Morvary Samari called “Ghosts” that tells a story about mistreatment and torture by Canadian Security Intelligence Service on three citizens of Arabic descent was presented during the conference. In addition, the global statement was read out. The conference was followed by peaceful rally of the participants.

Australia Association of Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors (ASeTTS) In Perth, Western Australia, ASeTTS in partnership with Curtin University of Technology’s Centre for Human Rights Education (CHRE) and Amnesty International marked the 26 June by holding a Public Forum on Australia’s response to asylum seekers: ‘Driven by fairness and fact or fear and fiction?’ The Forum was well attend-



ed with over 200 people showing up despite the cold winter night. Speakers focused on providing the Australian context in terms of asylum seekers in the international setting and also discussed the manner in which asylum seekers are treated once they have arrived in Australia, particularly in relation to the policy of mandatory detention and the recent policy of suspending the processing of refugee claims for Afghanis (6 months) and Sri Lankans (3 months).

Bangladesh Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture Survivors (CRTS) CRTS organized a discussion meeting on 26 June 0n the Topic “Stop Torture, Save Health and Humanity” at the Public Library Auditorium of Tangail. The meeting was presided by eminent lawyer and columnist Advocate Nihar Sarker. Valiant freedom fighter and singer Mr. Elen Mullick was present as chief guest. Other guest speakers were renowned social worker Nurul Islam Badal, advocate Al Ruhi, Ahmedul Huq Siddiqi and Kazi Bahalul Huq. The whole program was compered by dramatist Talha Al Mahmud. People from dif-


Bosnia and Herzegovina

ferent walks of life were present in the audience. All speakers stressed the importance of the prevention of torture and rehabilitation of its victims and appealed to the audience to come forward to work together to develop a movement against torture to ensure a torture free society. After the meeting a “candle lighting” was performed by the children to commemorate the day and to express empathy to the victims of torture.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Association Vive Žene As every year, Association Vive Žene celebrated the 26th June. This year Vive Žene organized different activities including a joint picnic for all beneficiaries of the centre from different communities and a magician and creative workshops for children in the centre. 45 children participated in activities in the centre. In addition, the centre organized a discussion with children about what torture means to them. Children gave different answers about torture issue from their perspective.



Brazil Grupo Tortura Nunca Mais - Rio de Janeiro (Never More Torture Group – Rio de Janeiro) Grupo Tortura Nunca Mais marked the day by hosting an event with civil society organizations, including the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT), the Order of Lawyers of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro (OAB-RJ), Regional Psychology Council of Rio de Janeiro (RJ-CRP), the Network of Communities and Movements against Violence, the NGO Global Justice, the Office of Development and Human Rights (IDDH) and Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL ). The theme chosen for discussion was “Torture Yesterday and Today: an update of violence.” Over 200 people participated in the event, which included a reading of the IRCT global statement, and the screening of two films: the OAB-RJ campaign on the missing politicians and filmmaker Rubens Pileggi on Torture. Also present at the event were, Elizabeth Silveira e Silva, a relative of missing member of the Araguaia Guerilla and board member, and Flávia Souza, a relative of a victim of violence perpetrated by the state, who gave their testimonies. Other activities of the day in-

cluded the launch of the book ‘What remains of the Dictatorship: the Brazilian exception’, by Edson Teles and Vladimir Safatle (Org), Publisher Boitempo, 2010, and the exhibition of paintings by artist Margot Mello. The day was concluded with a concert by the musician and composer and violinist Bira of Vira Mansur.

Cameroon Centre for Rehabilitation and Abolition of Torture (CRAT) On the occasion of International Day in Support of Victims of Torture , CRAT, in partnership with the Trauma Center of Cameroon (TCC) and National Commission of Human Rights and Freedoms (CNDHL) organized companion awareness and free voluntary testing for HIV / AIDS, two sessions of art therapy, exhibits and a panel discussion on “a world without torture.” Approximately 170 people from over 30 institutions (human rights and development organisations, ministries, churches etc) took part in the day’s events. Mainstreaming the fight against HIV / AIDS within work to rehabilitate victims of torture remains a concern, and 56 victims of torture and



refugees benefited not only from a presentation on the mode of transmission, clinical manifestations and strategies for the prevention of HIV / AIDS but also of free and voluntary testing for HIV / AIDS. Speeches from the panelists and the discussions that followed centred on the need to act on the root causes of the evils of torture, to educate victims and perpetrators of human rights abuses, breaking the silence and intensify the monitoring of compliance of human rights in places of detention. The day’s events received coverage in 16 print and audio-visual media.

Canada Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture (CCVT) This year, the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture (CCVT) focused on the importance of raising public awareness and getting people talking about the issue of torture beyond June 26th. With the theme of “New Life, New Hope”, CCVT declared the month of June Victims and Survivors of Torture Awareness Month and organized a series of public awareness activities. Some of the activities included virtual outreach through



facebook, a panel discussion on impunity, open house, art exhibition, candle light ceremony and a tree planting ceremony in collaboration with the City of Toronto.

Chad Youth for Peace and Nonviolence Association (AJPNV) The headquarters of AJPNV welcomed teachers, human rights campaigners, the customary chief, the district leader, the chief of the military, police, district chief, politicians, media, and other representatives of civil society organizations to commemorate the day. The day began with a speech by the Secretary General after which others spoke and presented to the assembled audience. The President of AJPNV Nodjigoto Charbonnel closed the session by reading the IRCT global statement. After that guests were invited to visit the Centre for Training and Careers of Women Victims of Torture created by AJPNV. The day ended with a football match between two groups of women torture victims.


Croatia Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (RCT) Zagreb Over 200 people took part in a series of activities organised by RCT Zagreb including workshops for psychology students at the University of Zagreb, and workshops for schoolchildren in Dvor. The activities featured on RTL Croatia broadcasts for several days.

Denmark Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT) Danish member centre RCT held a mini street soccer tournament in the centre of Copenhagen. It included politicians, comedians, professional soccer and handball players from AG København, the Police, contacts from the Military Prosecution Service and RCT staff. RCT staff handed out brochures and manned an information tent, where they talked about the latest research in falanga torture and a partner programme in South Africa.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo Regroupement des Mamans de Kamituga (REMAK) REMAK organised a day of activities attended by the local authorities, military and local police and the local association members of civil society and other local leaders. They organised a march to the rhythm of local Kimbanguist band, they handed over to the State representative a dozen blankets, mattresses and two sacks of rice for the detainees at Kamituga central prison as a way of showing the population and the local authorities that prisoners have rights that should be respected. In this prison the centre feels obliged to improve detention conditions for prisoners who do not have access to toilets, water, or separate cells and where considerations of gender or age differences are not taken into account. REMAK handed over the mattresses in the presence of a prisoner who, in the name of other detainees, asked REMAK to consider their sanitation conditions under detention. Afterwards they read out the IRCT Declaration before



carrying out games such as women’s races and bag races. The ceremonies included singing and dancing from the Balenga ethnic group in Kamituga. Legal texts and materials from the IRCT were distributed.

Ecuador Foundation for Integral Rehabilitation of Violence Victims (PRIVA) The Ombudsman of Ecuador, through the “National Office for Human Rights and Nature Promotion – National Coordination of Education and Promotion”, with the financial support of PRIVA and the support of the National Communications Office, planned a range of activities to commemorate the day, with the aim to sensitise, disseminate and deliver communication materials, to promote respect and observance of these rights and to disseminate the work of the Ombudsman in this area nationwide. General guidelines were established at the national level for commemoration activities relevant to the day. These were carried out all over the country for greater impact. Several activities were carried out such as: open houses, information tents, radio programs, con-



ferences, roundtables, lectures, movies, etc. It had the participation of 20 Province Delegations and support from civil society organizations and the state. Communication materials related to 26 June were delivered to all participants at the planned events.

Georgia EMPATHY, The international Psycho-Rehabilitation Centre for Victims of Torture, Violence and Pronounced Stress Impact EMPATHY organised a conference entitled “Together Against Torture” which was held in Tbilisi on 26 June. Presentations included governmental agencies’ strategies on rehabilitation of war and ethnic cleansing victims in Georgia and the situation on the implementation of OPCAT in Georgia. The Declaration “Together Against Torture” was made, which calls for the implementation of CAT Articles, use of the Istanbul Protocol, implementation of OPCAT, as well as other principles of International Humanitarian Law, especially regarding occupied territories of Georgia. The Declaration, centred on recommendations for the prevention of torture, was submitted to


the President of Georgia, to the Parliament and to the Prime Minister of Georgia. An exhibitionsale of art-works of victims of torture and ethnic cleansing and women and juvenile prisoners, was organised during the Conference.

Germany Berlin Centre for the Treatment of Torture Victims (bzfo) bzfo hosted an Open House from 10.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m. on 26 June during which guided tours through all the departments, including an introduction to the bzfo library, were offered. Workshops were held on a range of topics including a community therapy and integration project for female migrants, internet therapy for seniors over 65 years of age of age who were traumatized during World War II, working with interpreters in an intercultural setting, international projects, including treatment centers in Iraq and psychotherapeutic supportive groups for refugees. Among the visitors were students, judges, colleagues from hospitals and other NGOs, representatives from state authorities dealing with refugees as well as financial supporters. Some


of them stayed the entire day to be able to participate in all the scheduled presentations.

Medical Care Service for Refugees Bochum (MFH) Medical Care Service for Refugees invited guests for a lecture given by Knut Rauchfuss - a doctor and journalist who has worked at the centre since its foundation in 1997. After the lecture there was a discussion. The centre also hosted an all day information desk in a city square, where materials on torture and the centre were distributed.

Hungary Cordelia Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims A play of a contemporary drama piece entitled “Tollfosztás” was organised by the Cordelia centre after which the global statement was read in Hungarian by Dr. Lilla Hárdi, medical director of Cordelia Foundation. Following this the foundation hosted a debate between Dr. Júlia Iván - legal representative of the Hungarian Helsinki



Committee, Dr. Lilla Hárdi - medical director of the Cordelia Foundation, Dr. Kata Lénárd - psychologist, Rodrigó Balogh - author of the play, and Márton Illés - director of the play.

India Centre for Care of Torture Victims (CCTV) CCTV arranged a conference for people from different sectors. The programme was graced by Prof. Malini Bhattacharya, Chairperson, West Bengal Commission for Women (WBCW); Mr. Sarfaraz Ahmed Khan (Associate Professor, National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS). The whole programme was presided by Dr. Surendra Daga, President, CCTV and there was a focus on the Prevention of Torture Bill 2008, which has yet to become law, and on women as victims of torture. In addition, a victim spoke from experience on the theme ‘justice delayed, justice denied’. Before closing the programme, Ms. Minakshi Chaudhuri, Hon, Secretary, CCTV briefed about the recent activities of the centre. T-Shirts and caps were prepared using the 26 June 2010 logo, which were distributed among the audience. On


the same day, the Taki Subcentre organised a colourful rally with a band, posters and banners. Campaign materials were distributed to make people aware of the importance of the day and of the rights of victims of torture. Meetings were held at several road junctions. At the Baharampur sub centre a mobile tableau was organized, which rolled across different important areas of the city. Events were covered by print and broadcast media.

Rural Uplift Centre (RUC) Activists from surrounding villages staged a demonstration against torture chanting slogans about domestic violence and women’s rights, and other human rights violations. They also demanded to ensure the enactment of an act in consonance with the convention against torture. Pamphlets mentioning human rights violations and demands were distributed to people watching along the streets. A public meeting started with folk dance and music. Speeches were delivered by renowned speakers to an enthusiastic crowd of over 500 women.



Society for Social Research, Art and Culture (SOSRAC) Society for Social Research Art and Culture (SOSRAC) organized various cultural, sports and awareness activities, including a press conference and peace march, in New Delhi on 26th June. Many torture victims and their family members participated in various cultural and sports activities. The peace march was very effective in carrying the message to the general public. This was the second time the center had organized a peace march. Torture victims and their family members from India, Myanmar, Afghanistan and Tibet, as well as local victims from national capital region, participated in large number. All preparations for this programme were done by Victims and their family members only. SOSRAC distributed pamphlets and posters in the community to publicise the importance of this day and about these activities.

main police station. They used the flower distribution to give a “fresh message to everyone� to then go on and spread the news about 26 June and local issues regarding torture to others. The day began with the reading of a petition to the Indonesian government and the setting up of a banner.

Rehabilitation Action for Torture Victims in Aceh (RATA) The series of activities organised by RATA included an event for reflection and solidarity with the Palestinian people at the Campus al Muslim attended by 120 students and invited guests from NGOs, where a community kepolisoan shaped prayer. Training on the UN Convention Against Torture was given to 35 people consisting of police, civil service, the council representatives of

Indonesia Alliance of Democracy for Papua (ALDP) ALDP organised flower distribution at eight locations with a central check point in front of the

Overview of the campaign activities continues on page 20


26 Global reading “The greatest threat to the fight against torture remains apathy: that we silently accept that torture exists. Today, as we honour the victims and survivors of torture all over the world, let us promise that we will not silently accept that the crime of torture continues. Let us pledge to do all we can to prevent greater numbers joining their ranks. Right now, we – the rehabilitation centres and programmes that are members of the IRCT – are jointly raising our voices across the world, reading out this statement on this


special day. Together, we are saying that we will not remain silent, and that we will continue working together to bring about a World Without Torture.” Read out by human rights defenders across the world on 26 June 2009 these words concluded a statement signed IRCT President Mohamud Sheikh Nurein Said and IRCT Secretary-General Brita Sydhoff. The full statement is available on


T v

of occasion , e h t n o ding r ture lobal rea of Victims of To g a r o f t ppor t temen IRCT sta tional Day in Su rna the Inte 10 20 26 June

onal Internati tion a it il b a Reh for il c n u o C I Victims n Europe, Tor ture in tor w ture i e’ve seen n th 3 the so 1 ade -calle e British g Borgerg 049 I 9 n x o d “W o K A B n . e P.O hag frica, ar on vernmen 2 Copen Cr follow t call Terro DK-10 -2 i m i i n n for an r”. al Co g the 0 Denmark 76 0w 0 6 o u h r i r p t o t 3 ne 3 rrific has a rture. It Tel +45 o 5 00 sses. 0 T p n 6 f 7 o o n 3 f s s 3 ounc tim rs o Fac +45 rg ed th t-election men, survivo f the Vic .o I at it w v d gentle n the irct@irct rg upport o the victims and S in o y t. adies an ill ini iolence in a Amer w w w.irc to onal D . onour t ti e K h r iate a a i c n r tu to r r a s t, o te s s o we’ve N In n inv e out T e pa 0 10 3f 3tortur est seen rks the U to reflect on th rld With a a e o t -No 1s6a7ge t R u m W V f B y C r a . a o e d to hat th A m To me re: glob ere is the desp rgentina s with a ti to a better futu oss the to. otic r u nowh ople acr lways hold on vides us k e o p lo t ic to egim ccessfull A ere fo nd la nd ust a ld. s to affl r m e e y brin o u e s r w s n w torture a t of ti e t g n h b th e per ut tirele methin ture co round petra the 1970s, g to j ssly w not least ce of tor ible. That is so einous crime a ti c t a o sendi r , r p awar s to h oss is h g rific ng eness orking to at the loca ide. t healin ture is p survivors of th The hor r h g to h u t l o a u e r l o n b l e h p d e d v it n v a e a w t , s o s h g l e ld n e r m t ek ju lw eali wor victi stice. ture survi he memb lity unti ithout h it to the e vors me a rea ing practice. W o We owe c . e s rebui r centres b r t o L o adies surviv o ld the will n appall e e r is th a tu th r in n h to to d gen ir live f th ue wit jected ithout r n b e w ti u b t n s s l ld o m r e , as n c e o e m en, Aw e be CT m ely to The g who hav e are all too lik t from IR our reach e n s e r o e tm th a a r e t to es rtu e tr ase cept cts of to that t t threat to re receiv st work to incre the effe of tortu o t u s a r m o l e l iv w v o r ver th rture exis he fight ag er. 00 su ether, ff g ,0 u o s 0 T t 0 o ainst . e s 1 e h o . To r r wo - f to ers w y mo ar ove e mecha joi rture con rld, let us day, as w torture re are man e greater numb Each ye th e t r a e th th eh t e ma n tin pr th Bu sur an- ing th centres. bring healing to eir ra ues. Let u omise tha onour the ins apath ork to en will take a me w t s u m y: tha n d t e s vic to ks. w pledg s an e. W re we tw in order e to d e will not tims and in futur legal profession aRvieght ut tortu o g h in it n w e survi e p n o all silen ow, w h and a world ivors hthe m hap v lt t v o t r a w u fr l e u o y s h b e it e a e e t a r can t – the IRCT ccept or ing ven tortu ents, th ll a o m – r t n In bring in place to pre r e t a p e hat m a h v th r re a event ent o n go ring re n this jointly ra bilitation great this whe mitted to ensu s nisms a d a r a n c i er w s s e d pec ing ntr tep to bethe com ingful s one ctaunre. eat we will ial day. To our voice es and pro ctors ar y a n t a n e a v il s le conti g g os Wh nue w ether, we across th rammes other re victims. ticular th th e wor justice. orkin are sa , in par rgotten to o le s -f b s a ft e r c o e c ld, re at are me a g tog ying rture’s lly vuln to a m e ia , t ding c n t h e e h r p a s d e t r to b are e e chil ict. ring a we will no out thi s t includ rture, children verty and confl e s u lv e m s b t is m e out a r Th po f to Worl emain en find th n orn into victim o d Wit h too oft ery state has a c come a d boys b u n a m ls n hou e ir v ss g at e d to childr countle stress th their behalf an rutality e b w e c y li a o d p o on rturer. T ne to speak up war and Moha s of a to ntext of o m In the co the cruel hand at there is some I RCT P ud Sheikh at th resid Nure violated duty to ensure ndous crime. ent enjoys i al rre ThneSIRaCidT e status addition m from this ho tiv the consulta protect UN a Brita e s th d r h a it w Sy oad tow r and g n ic lo m I o RCT S dhoff e n , th o c n n E e o d : m n n s e a e tl le il k ecret p n c ta e n m ou exa nd g eing ary-G Social C ry status Ladies a e steps b lebrated. A few iv enera it s o to p t a e s c n ip e in e ic e a l b s rt g t a e A s p r we’v ntion ps mu ncil of a e u te e v o s y n C t e o s s s e C it e a th s p h d n T h n e o . a it e ti th w y r a tr In rtu ed N oun ithout to the Unit ost populous c Europe. world w ratified m n d ta n is o c k e a s P ’s th ld n r mo wo on. onventi only this seen India, the fy the C e In Asia, ti ’v a e r w to d s An tep Torture. y, take s emocrac d t s e g r la


IRCT in Brussels “Torture doesn’t just affect those in faraway lands”, says IRCT Secretary General to European Parliament To mark the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, IRCT Secretary General Brita Sydhoff was invited to address members of the European Parliament in Brussels on 23rd June 2010. Read the full text of Ms Sydhoff’s speech on

You, distinguished Members of the European Parliament, have a crucial role to play in providing the oversight, accountability and democratic legitimacy crucial to the European Union.

the anti-torture work carried out by the European Union beyond its borders. Close collaboration between EU bodies and local civil society organisations is crucial for the success of such work.

Instruments such as the Guidelines for EU Policy towards Third Countries on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment should be consistently applied and promoted to strengthen

However, torture doesn’t just affect those in far away lands. Torture survivors also live among us. The next time you walk down the street it is most likely you will pass victims of torture. Our general assessments suggest

IRCT Secretary General Brita Sydhoff addressing members of the European Parliament. To her left is Mauro Palma, President of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), and to her right is Keith Best, Chief Executive of the Medical Foundation in London, one of the IRCT member centres.

that at least 20 – 25 per cent of refugees and asylum seekers in the European Union are survivors of torture. The next time you walk down the main street of any European city, look around you. He may have been tortured because of his sexual orientation, religious belief or political opposition. She may have been sexually tortured as part of warfare. Europe often lets these people down when its actions fall short of its ideals. The right to

rehabilitation for torture victims is enshrined in international law, yet all too often the funding for rehabilitation is lacking. The pain of the torture continues unabated, within the borders of our safe and prosperous Union, due to the lack of funding to meet legal obligations.




the people, NGOs and students. This was done in collaboration with a network of anti-torture organizations from central highlands (JAPI). Law and conflict resolution training was also given to the local council. Finally, RATA organised a peaceful campaigning march around the city to distribute brochures and liaise with the public. To enliven this event it was supported by performance art drum bands and a clown. This event was attended by 150 participants, consisting of representatives of eight NGOs, students and children side-by-side.

Iraq Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture (TRC) TRC organised activities attended by NGOs and relevant governmental institutes as well as by their clients. Among the most prominent of their activities were a play about the effects of torture and the issuing of a declaration condemning aggression by the authorities in Basra against the participants in a recent demonstration.


Italy Hospitality and Care for Victims of Torture, Italian Council for Refugees (CIR-VI.TO.) For the celebration of 26th June, CIR- VI.TO. organised a variety of activities. Several interviews for national TV and radio were given by CIR-VI. TO. staff on the need forpublic support against torture. The main event for the 26th June, was held at Teatro Argentina and included an introduction to the meaning of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, and the needs and rights of torture survivors in general and a presentation of the project VI.TO. Hospitality and Care of Victims of Torture. The audience was also treated to a theatre performance entitled “Lampedusa, mon amour”, the final result of the VI.TO. theatre rehabilitation workshop, freely inspired by the Aeschylus tragedy “Suppliants”. In addition there were two screenings: the IRCT film Let’s erase torture and a new film presenting the testimonies against torture that an important Italian writer, Andrea Camilleri, together with Moni Ovadia, a well known Italian musician and theatre performer, gave during their visits


to the theatre rehabilitation workshop of Vi.To. The audience also enjoyed a performance of folk and traditional Italian music. The event of 26th June was a great success. More than 600 people of people attended the theatre performance many local organizations and NGOs participated as well.

Kenya Mwatikho Torture Survivors Organization (MATESO) MATESO organised a ranged of activities from 24 – 29 June in which over 1100 people participated. The events were covered by national television and radio. A session of Civic Education on the Bills of rights, legislation on torture in Kenya, the international conventions on torture and the use of Istanbul protocol were organised by the centre, as was a photographic exhibition. The activities also included the distribution of materials, processions in three locations on the 26th June itself and a memorial service for those killed by the military and militias. Certificates were awarded to the best performers in prison

and police departments and the activities concluded with the presentation of a survey on torture in detention.

Kosovo Kosovo Rehabilitation centre for Torture Victims (KRCT) The Kosovo Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (KRCT), in partnership with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), organized a conference in order to celebrate the International Day in support of Torture Victims, on the 30th of June 2010 in Vila Germia in Pristina. The purpose of this event was to discuss the future prospects of the independent monitoring of human rights standards in places of detention in Kosovo. The contributions of the speakers as well as the debates focused on the establishment in Kosovo of a mechanism similar to the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) foreseen in the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT). Around fifty representatives of the main actors and stakeholders in the field of the



monitoring of human rights standards in places of detention in Kosovo attended the conference.

Lebanon Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture (KRC) KRC organized a range of activities over several days to mark the 26th June. A Social, Psychological and Medical Day for Iraqi refugees in Baalbeck was held which included training to reinforce the entrepreneurial skills of the refugees. The centre also held a press conference, in the presence of the Iraqi Consulate in Lebanon, a group of Iraqi refugees and local NGOs, where they presented live testimonies about the miserable conditions of the refugees and presented a film that reveals their struggles. A workshop on domestic violence was held as was a workshop entitled “Women in Lebanese Prisons: Reality and Fate”. On June 18, KRC organised a Medical, Social, and Psychological Day in Baabda Prison. During this day, the doctors of Khiam Center provided examinations, medicines and health recommendation to 72 female prison-



ers. The centre also organized a sit-in in front of the International Red Cross Headquarters in solidarity with the Palestinian and Arab detainees in Israeli prisons. In addition, Khiam Center issued and distributed brochures, pamphlets and flyers to raise awareness against torture and broadcasted an announcement against enforced disappearance and torture on the radio station Sawt el Shaab.

Restart Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and Torture Restart Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence and Torture with the collaboration of Al-Karama, CLDH, ALEF organized a roundtable with the title “2000- 2010 Lebanon has signed and ratified The Convention against Torture And The Optional Protocol to the Convention..... But?” About 35 persons from different NGO’Ss (Restart, Al-Karama, CLDH, ALEF, Pinacle, Amnesty, Ajem, Mirsad, OHCHR) in addition to a number of Judges, lawyers, forensic doctors and human rights activists were present in the round table and discussed many related issues.




Colectivo Contra la Tortura y la Impunidad (CCTI)

Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims – “Memoria”

A week before 26 June CCTI published the book TORTURA – Pensamiento y Acción del Colectivo Contra la Tortura y la Impunidad (TORTURE – Thoughts and Action of the Collective Against Torture and Impunity) at the cultural centre Casona de Juárez in Acapulco. The event enjoyed extensive media converage. It was followed by a roundtable discussion on June 25th organised jointly with the Comité de Liberación 25 de Noviembre entitled ‘Reflections about torture in Mexico and Oaxaca’ and held at the Instituto de Artes Gráficas de Oaxaca. On June 25th, CCTI spoke about the psychosocial impact of torture and the situation of torture in Mexico at the conference Torture – a Reality in Mexico held in Casa de la Cultura in Reynosa and organised by the Centro de Estudios Fronterizos y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos. On 26 June CCTI made use of the IRCT 26 June 2010 global reading.

On 17 June RCTV “Memoria” led a rally in front of the Russian Embassy in Chisinau, demanding support for the parents of Mr Ilie Cazac, a man tortured by the Russia-supported authorities of the separatist province of Transnistria, accused of espionage and treason. From 18 to 20 June RCTV held the summer camp “Know your Rights” for persons tortured during the post-election civil unrest of April 2009. Among other things the participants learned how to talk to the media about the issue of torture in Moldova. The camp concluded with a press conference resulting in several items in the national media. On 24 June RCTV held a press conference for 15 journalists together with Amnesty Moldova, the Moldova Institute for Human Rights and Promolex, demanding the Moldovan government provide rehabilitation to torture victims and work to prevent torture and combat impunity. On 25 June RCTV held an Open Doors Day that included an exhibition of works by its beneficiaries and the screening of the documentary film Ghosts: A



portrait of life after torture” (see also p. 6). On 26 June RCTV led the event “Torture-free zone” in a park in central Chisinau, handing out antitorture campaign materials to passers-by and collecting signatures in support of individual torture victims. The centre also initiated the marathon “Let’s build together” to collect funds for the building of new premises for its work.

Morocco Medical Association for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (AMRVT) On 26 June AMRVT held a celebratory evening for over 150 people, including many torture survivors. The evening comprised the screening of a new video presenting AMRVT as well as musical entertainment and an exhibition of paitings and photos. The event was reported by 2M TV, a state-owned TV channel with national coverage.

Nepal Centre for Victims of Torture Nepal (CVICT) On 26 June CVICT held a ‘Health on wheels’ camp at Sindupalchowk Prison where it donated


a 1000 litre water tank, as prisoners there had no means to store potable water. In addition, prisoners received medical and psychosocial support, and cases of torture were documented. CVICT staff briefed prisoners on their right to freedom from torture and encouraged prisoners who had experienced torture to utilise its services once released. The prison’s personnel were informed about the impact of torture and minimum standards to be observed with regard to the treatment of prisoners. In parallel CVICT held a dicussion forum at the National Women’s Commission focusing on lobbying for the ratification of OPCAT and the immediate enactment of a new law criminalising torture. Among the 260 participants were prisoners, prison personnel, representatives of NGOs, political parties, the police and the National Human Rights Commission. All of the activities were covered by national media.

New Zealand Refugees As Survivors New Zealand (RASNZ) On 26 June over 150 people attended an event at the National Refugee Centre at Mangere to observes World Refugee Day and World Without


Palestinian Territory

Torture. The Minister of Health, Hon Dr Jonanthan Coleman, planted a Kauri tree. The New Zealand Kauri, one of the largest, most ancient, and longest-lived trees in the world is symbolic of new life, growth, survival and kia ora (life).

Palestinian Territory Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP) On 24 June GCMHP and UNHCR Gaza organised a joint conference entitled “Together against Torture” attended by governmental and NGO representatives as well as news agencies. Mr. Curt Goering, director of UNHCR Gaza, reviewed some of the methods of torture used against Palestinians in Israeli interrogation centres. He said that human rights organisations had documented several cases of torture by Palestinian police. Dr. Maher Al Houli from the Islamic University noted that Islam prohibits torture and guarantees fundamental human rights. Journalist Fathi Sabah emphasised the importance of the media in exposing torture and the importance of raising the awareness of journalists of their role in this regard. Sobhia Jumaa from the Independent

Commission for Human Rights said the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) received in 2009 some 502 complaints regarding cases of torture. Mr. Hamdi Shakoura, PCHR, presented a recent study documenting cases of torture as well as torture methods commonly used in the Palestinian Occupied Territories. Mr. Mahmoud Abu Rahma’ from the Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights highlighted the experience of Palestinian civil society organisations in fighting torture at local and international level. Mr. Abed Al Naser Ferwana, an ex-detainee and independent expert on prisoners issues, spoke about the conditions of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons and criticised the lack of attention by the media to exposing torture. Referring to her own experience Dr. Mariam Abu Daka from the Palestinian Developmental Studies’ Center discussed the conditions of female Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons and after their release; the methods of torture used against her and all other male and female detainees in the prison; and the resulting psychosocial disorders. Finally, Dr. Ahmed Abu Tawahina, GCMHP’s Director-General, concluded that torture has tremendous psychological effects on the individual, the family and the whole community and spoke about GC-


Palestinian Territory

MHP’s experience in alleviating the suffering of victims and their families and empowering them to re-integrate them in the community. GCMHP distributed copies of the IRCT 26 June global reading at the conference (see also p. 18).

Jesoor for Trauma Recovery On 26 June Jesoor held a “summer games” day for children around the age of 12. The children were encouraged to draw their own ideas about torture, two of which are shown above.

Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture (TRC) TRC hosted a conference titled: Monitoring Torture: towards an efficient national plan at which Dr Salam Fayyad, Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority gave the opening address. The morning session of the conference explored issues in the documentation of torture, which the afternoon session focused on the national situation and development of an ‘efficient national plan’.

Palestinian Territory

Senegal VIVRE/CAPREC - Rehabilitating Victims of Violence On 26 June, in partnership with the UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture and KIOS, Vivre Caprec held a panel discussion focusing on the UN Convention against Torture (UNCAT) and its Optional Protocol (OPCAT). In addition to several torture survivors the 100 participants comprised the governor of Senegal’s Thies region as well as military and police representatives, the District Chief Medical Officer, NGO representatives, teachers and religious personalities. At the event, which was covered by RTS state television, Vivre Caprec distributed French-language copies of the UNCAT and OPCAT to the participating law enforcement representatives and other participants.

Serbia IAN Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (IAN CRTV) IAN CRTV, Serbia’s only torture rehabilitation organisation, commemorated 26 June with several




events. At a press conference on June 23rd the centre brought attention to the Serbian state’s obligations according to the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) – especially to establish an independent National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) to conduct inspections of all places of detention. The panel comprised Thomas Gnocchi of the EU delegation to Serbia; Miloš Jankovi, Deputy Ombudsman for persons deprived of their liberty; Sandrina Špeh Vujadinovi, IAN CRTV co-ordinator; Ljiljana Palibrk of Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and Đore Alempijevi from the Belgrade University Institute of Forensic Medicine. IAN CRTV also spoke about its services and those of two torture rehabilitation centres, in Trebinje and Milici (BiH), it established with support from the EU. The IRCT global reading was translated into Serbian and included in the press kit (see also p. 18). Moreover, IAN CRTV translated the IRCT-designed game “Let’s erase torture” into Serbo-Croatian and posted it at On 26 June the centre held a dance and music capoeira performance representing the fight against torture and its perpetrators. Some 300 citizens and tourists enjoyed watching the performance, which took place at one of Belgrade’s most visited tour-

ist attractions – the Kalemegdan fortress. IAN activists distributed flyers on the issues of torture, services for victims, and state obligations according to OPCAT. During the week IAN CRTV staff were guests in several TV programs where they talked about the OPCAT and the importance of preventing torture and ensuring rehabilitation for victims – over 30 appearances in the media in total.

Sierra Leone Community Association for Psychosocial Services (CAPS) On 26 June CAPS held parades with singing and dancing, displaying banners and distribution of leaflets in the district of Kono and the town of Kailahun. In Kono, a parade that began at a local police station, comprised over 200 invitees led by a renowned school band. In Kailahun a parade began at the Ngiehun primary school campus with some 280 invitees and headed by the Kailahun District Council representative. The parades ended at the Barry College where an imam led a Muslim prayer followed by a pastor leading a Christian prayer and lastly a traditional


Sierra Leone

healer who invoked the ancestors in prayers to watch over the event. This was followed by the reading of the IRCT global reading (see p. 18) by CAPS’s director and the UNIPSIL Human Rights Officer in Kailahun and Kono respectively. Then came candlelight and prayer ceremonies commemorating the massive suffering and loss of life due to torture in Sierra Leone, ceremonies that facilitated the grieving process of the community. Testimonies by four CAPS clients sent the message that healing is possible for torture survivors and that rehabilitation professionals are within reach. The testimonies also highlighted the clients’ acknowledgement of the power of counseling. Everyone present reflected upon the terrible suffering of torture survivors and was able to acknowledge the survivors’ pain as well as their strength. This motivated several torture survivors in the hall to speak out, relaying their painful experiences of the past war. In Kono a peace-building artist gave a musical performace that educated the audience on the effects of torture and about CAPS’s work. Prior to 26 June, radio debates and interviews took place live on air at the community radio stations in both Kono and Kailahun, highlighting the importance of 26 June and educating the public about the defini-



tion of torture; types of torture; how to support victims of torture, and about other international organisations supporting the commemoration, including the IRCT’s member centres, the Copenhagen RCT, the Minneapolis CVT and others. The celebrations were concluded with libation and refreshments.

South Africa The Trauma Centre For Survivors Of Violence And Torture (TCSVT) On 26 June TCSVT hosted the event “Demystify Torture: Acknowledging that it does happen in South Africa and the world at large” in partnership with the Institute for the Healing of Memories. The event was aimed at community members and service providers and sought to raise awareness to label torture as such instead of calling it “assault” and denying that it takes place in South Africa. The event was held in one of the churches that survived the onslaught of the former apartheid government’s demolitions and forced removal of forty thousand families of colour. In her keynote speech Ms Carnita Ernerst from the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation in Johannesburg discussed


Sri Lanka

the importance of criminalising torture and the ongoing legislation process to that end; the government’s role in addressing torture issues; the role of society in fighting torture; and the impact of torture on individuals, communities and society as a whole. Father Michael of the US Immaculte Heart of Mary told the audience about his engagement in fighting torture in the United States while Miriam Fredericks, TCSVT’s interim director, read aloud the IRCT global reading (see p. 18). TCSVT also handed out IRCT campaign materials and held an exhibition with testimonies from clients and a powerful journal detailing accounts of torture survivor’s experiences, giving the audience a chance to hear them without them being present and serving as an acknowledgement that torture exists in South Africa. Flyers with the message “Say no to torture and violence and strengthen our democracy” were distributed.

Sri Lanka Survivors Associated (SA) Survivors Associated held activities all over the country through its field offices in the north, south, east and west of Sri Lanka to commorate

26 June. Events included meetings with torture survivors and the general public led by human rights lawyers; sporting events for survivors and their families; and peace programmes featuring role plays by torture survivors. Concerned citizens as well as medical and paramedical personnel participated in training programmes for the care of torture survivors together with survivors and their families. All in all more than 1100 persons took part in SA’s commemorations, which also comprised the reading of the IRCT global 26 June statement (see p. 18).

Turkey Centre of Social Action, Rehabilitation and Readjustment for the victims of torture (SOHRAM-CASRA) Already on 13 June SOHRAM-CASRA initiated its campaign “STOP TORTURE AND MALTREATMENT”. The campaign commenced with a picnic for torture victims and their families. Some 1500 participants enjoyed Turkish, Kurdish, Arab, Syrian, Armenian and Turkmen music, folk dance contests, games, discussions and of course food. On the morning of 25 June children released balloons below walls of a fort at the foot of Mount Kırklar




Dagi to protest torture. Later in the day the centre held a meeting at its premises where its president, Mr. Yavuz Binbay and Zeynep Kaya, a lawyer volunteering for S-C spoke about the sentencing of children in Turkey; the situation of child prisoners; and how to prevent torture and violence. On 26 June, together with the World Organisation against Torture (OMCT), S-C issued a press release denouncing the detention of children under Turkish anti-terrorism laws. The centre also led an open seminar on methods of rehabilitation of torture and another one on the usefulness of psychotherapy. On the evening of 26 June S-C gave a cocktail party for victims of torture and their relatives as well as for concerned citizens and NGO representatives.

Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRFT) - Adana, Ankara, Diyarbakir, Istanbul and Izmir In parallel with commemorating 26 June the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey celebrated its 20th anniversary. Generating extensive media coverage HRFT organised readings of press statements together with other NGOs such as the Turkish Human Rights Association and the Contemporary Lawyers’ Association. The press statements


were read out publicly in the cities of Adana, Ankara, Diyarbakir, Istanbul and Izmir where HRFT’s five treatment and rehabilitation centres are located. In Ankara HRFT held an exhibition between 21 - 28 June on torture and the right to life with drawings by Abidin Dino and Serpil Odabasi, whilst it held a seminar in Istanbul on the effective documentation of torture. HRFT also printed a series of four posters celebrating its 20th anniversary. In Izmir the posters were displayed on large billboards all over the city. Other 20th anniversary campaign material included hats, t-shirts, brochures and press kits.

United Kingdom Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture The Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture marked the 26 June by hosting a “Secret Garden Party” for the organisations’ supporters at its largest centre in London, enabling them to meet current and former clients and experience some of the fruits of the MF’s therapeutic group work. The event was held in the private garden developed by the Natural Growth Project (NGP),



which provides a therapeutic space where clients can interact with nature and undertake their clinical sessions. The day celebrated the resilience and talents of people from around the world who have experienced torture and who are now finding support and rehabilitation in the UK and showcased the MF’s group work including the NGP’s garden, baking from the Bread Making group, and artwork produced by clients working in the Open Art Studio. Members of the MF’s Write to Life group delivered inspiring readings and musical performances. There was also a Solidarity Tree for supporters to share their messages of solidarity with survivors and join with the MF in future campaigning initiatives. Beyond the Secret Garden Party, the MF also supported the IRCT global reading (see p. 18) and World without Torture action on its’ website.

Refugee Therapy Centre (RTC) The Refugee Therapy Centre commemorated 26 June and Refugee Week (18-24 June) with an Open Day, sending a message of fairness and equality for all. John Denford, Chair of the RTC Board of Trustees, outlined RTC’s work and emphasised the great need for its services in the UK refugee

community. Renowned writer and RTC patron Eva Hoffman, born in Poland in 1945 to Holocaust survivor parents, presented the cases of two refugees who have received services at the RTC: a journalist from Middle-East, who was severely tortured and whose wife was executed; and a young African girl, all of whose family members were raped and executed while she was herself tortured at the age of eight. Hoffman discussed the result of the therapeutic treatment the two had received and the importance of a safe space for tortured refugees, such as the RTC. Aida Alayarian, RTC’s Clinical Director, reported that this year RTC received 716 referrals of people from 29 different countries. 42 percent were children and young people. Alayarian emphasised that refugees are ordinary people, except for the fact that, through no fault of their own, they find themselves in extraordinary circumstances. She also stressed that it takes courage to be a refugee: courage not to give up hope; to start a new life in discouraging and sometimes frightening circumstances; and to become contributing member of society once again. Following the speeches, an intercultural lunch, prepared by staff members and RTC clients, was served in the centre’s garden, accompanied by music from different countries.


United States

MP Jeremy Corbyn, another patron of RTC, spoke about the role of the centre in London; the value of offering services in the clients’ own languages; and the contribution that immigrants make to the community. RTC also held an auction with donated items, which raised over 1,000 GBP for the centre’s work.

United States Advocates for Survivors of Torture and Trauma (ASTT) ASTT, a Baltimore based nonprofit that provides comprehensive mental health care and social services to survivors of torture and war trauma, recognised 26 June by hosting a special exhibit and lecture at the Walters Art Museum. The exhibit featured client artwork from ASTT’s Healing Images photography programme and the Kitchen Stories Project. ASTT’s Executive Director Karen Hanscom, photographer Monica Lopossay, and artist Julie Lin discussed the healing power of art in treating torture survivors. The event was free and open to the public.



Survivors International (SI) During the week of June 20-26, Survivors International (SI) hosted its second Annual Week of Healing in honour of UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, where it also publicised the IRCT 26 June global reading (see p. 18). SI kicked off the day with a hike in the beautiful Oakland Hills withw a few staff members and survivors. This was followed up by a film screening of a reenactment of a tribunal of a person held in Guantanamo, co-sponsored with Amnesty International, the Center for Justice and Accountability, and Health Professionals Against Torture, followed by presentations from a psychologist and attorney and discussion. SI additionally participated with its partners from the California Consortium of Torture Treatment Centers in talking with state legislators to raise awareness about torture survivors living in California and their needs. The centre also hosted a ‘potluck’ at its premises that was attended by many survivors from a wide variety of countries, sharing stories of healing over homecooked foods.



Ratified States which have ratified the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 147 states as of 27 September, 2010 Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia

Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines San Marino Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles

Austria Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Belize Benin

Estonia Ethiopia Finland France Gabon Georgia Germany Ghana

Malta Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco

Sierra Leone Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Swaziland

Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia

Greece Guatemala Guinea Guyana Holy See Honduras Hungary Iceland

Mozambique Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria

Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste

Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Chad Chile China Colombia Congo

Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya

Norway Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal

Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic

Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia

Qatar Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda


New Ratification on 23/06/2010

Togo Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Yemen Zambia

Not ratified States which have not ratified the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 48 states as of 27 September, 2010 Angola Bahamas* Barbados Bhutan Brunei Darussalam Central African Republic Comoros* Cook Islands

India* Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Jamaica Kiribati Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Lao People’s Democratic Republic* Signed on Malaysia 21/09/2010

Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Samoa Sao Tome and Principe* Singapore Solomon Islands Sudan* Suriname

Dominica Dominican Republic* Eritrea Fiji Gambia* Grenada Guinea-Bissau* Haiti

Marshall Islands Micronesia, Federated States of Myanmar Nauru* Niue Oman Palau Papua New Guinea

Tanzania, United Republic of Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu United Arab Emirates Vanuatu Vietnam Zimbabwe

* States that have signed but not ratified/acceded UNCAT

Ratified Not ratified


2011 Join us next year

The worldwide commemoration of the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture is key to raising public awareness of the problem of torture. In 2011, as in the previous years, the IRCT will seek to collaborate with as many anti-torture organisations as possible. If your organisation would like to participate in the 2011 campaign you are very welcome to contact us. In the weeks leading up to 26 June 2011 the IRCT’s website will feature an overview of planned activities worldwide. For further information please visit our website or contact us at the below address. We look forward to hearing from you.



International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) Borgergade 13 P.O. Box 9049 1022 Copenhagen K Denmark

Phone Fax E-mail Website

+45 3376 0600 +45 3376 0500

t.o irc w. ww


The IRCT needs your help to rebuild the lives of torture victims and fight for the eradication of torture worldwide. The recovery of torture victims is greatly impaired if their treatment is suspended due to limited or uncertain funds. There are still many parts of the world where treatment or support continues to be scarce or completely unavailable. By contributing to our work, you can help ensure that torture survivors and their families receive the help they need.

Regular giving irct

Please visit out website,, to set up a regular giving through NETS (PBS) or PayPal.

One time donation - Online Please visit out website,, to make a credit card donation.

By cheque

e at on /d rg

Torture breaks people. Your support helps us rebuild lives and fight torture. By bank transfer Danske Bank Holmens Kanal Branch Holmens Kanal 2 1090 Copenhagen K Denmark SWIFT/BIC: DABADKKK USD account Registration no.: Account no.: IBAN:

3001 4310-005029 DK18 3000 4310 0050 29

DKK account Registration no.: Account no.: IBAN:

3001 4310-821152 DK90 3000 4310 8211 52

EUR account Registration no.: Account no.: IBAN:

3001 3001-957171 DK69 3000 3001 9571 71

Please send a cheque that is made payable to our address (opposite page).






‫עינויים‬ ‫העולם בלי‬ ‫עינויים‬ ‫העולם בלי‬ BILA MATESO 고문없는 LE MONDE SANS TORTURE 세상 ‫ﻪ‬ ‫ﺷﮑﻨﺠﻪ‬ ‫ﺑﺪون ﺑﺪون‬ ‫دﻧﻴﺎﻳﯽ دﻧﻴﺎﻳﯽ‬ ‫ﺷﮑﻨﺠﻪ‬ TORTURARIK ŚWIAT BEZ TORTUR ‫اﻟﺘﻌﺬﻳﺐ‬ ‫ﻦ‬ โลกปราศจากกา ากการทารุ ณกรรม DOMHAN GAN ศจากการทารุ ณCÉASADH กรรม PASAULE BEZ SPIDZINAŠANAS ‫עינויים‬ 的世界 刑的世界 IL没有酷刑的世界 MONDO SENZA TORTURA THẾ GIỚI MÀ KHÔNG BỊ TRA TẤN なく拷問 ‫ﺷﮑﻨﺠﻪ‬ となく拷問 MSOFLIO TSAMEBIS GARESHE 世界ことなく拷 26 JUNE 세상 โลกปราศจากการทา DUNIA TANPA 2010 PENYIKSAAN

2010 는 MSOFLIO 세상 TSAMEBIS GARESHE没有酷刑的世界 고문없는 세상 DAIGDIG NA WALANG LABIS NA PAGPAPAHIRAP VÄRLD 世界ことなく拷問 ‫ﺎﻟﻢ ﺧﺎل ﻣﻦ اﻟﺘﻌﺬﻳﺐ‬ UTAN SIN TORTURA TORTYR EL MUNDO ‫עינויים‬ ‫בלי‬ ‫עולם‬ 고문없는 세상 Join our campaign at re ww

International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims


ISSN 1997-6275

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