11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016
»Nove družbeNe realNosti z vidika družbeNe odgovorNosti« zborNik P o v z e t ko v P r i s P e v ko v
11th IRDO international conference Social responsibility and current challenges 2016
»NeW soCial realities FroM tHe vieW oF soCial resPoNsibilitY« CoNFereNCe ProCeediNgs abstraCts
Maribor, 21. oktober 2016
irdo - inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti Preradovičeva ulica 26, 2000 Maribor info@irdo.si www.irdo.si
Zbornik povzetkov prispevkov avtorjev 11. IRDO mednarodne konference Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016: NOVe DRužBeNe ReALNOStI Z VIDIKA DRužBeNe ODGOVORNOStI 11th IRDO international conference SOCIAL ReSPONSIBILItY AND CuRReNt CHALLeNGeS 2016: NeW SOCIAL ReALItIeS FROM tHe VIeW OF SOCIAL ReSPONSIBILItY Sklepi konference so objavljeni na spletni strani www.irdo.si uredniki: Matjaž Mulej, Anita Hrast, Andrej Naterer Recenzenti: zasl. prof. ddr. Matjaž Mulej, dr. Andrej Naterer, dr. Robert G. Dyck Soavtorji: po programu konference Naklada: 100 izvodov Grafično oblikovanje: Hiper Design - uroš Zupančič s.p. (naslovnica), FulPromo d.o.o., Kristijan Blažič (tiskani zbornik povzetkov prispevkov) tisk zbornika povzetkov prispevkov: FulPromo d.o.o. Izdal: Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti (IRDO) Zbirka: Družbena odgovornost Maribor, oktober 2016 Za verodostojnost besedil odgovarjajo avtorji sami. Prispevki niso lektorirani. Mnenja avtorjev niso nujno tudi mnenja uredništva. Vsi prispevki so bili v dvojni strokovni oz. znanstveni recenziji.
CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 005.35(082) IRDO mednarodna konferenca Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa (11 ; 2016 ; Maribor) Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti : zbornik povzetkov prispevkov = New social realities from the view of social responsibility : conference proceedings - abstracts / 11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 = 11th IRDO International Conference Social Responsibility and Current Challenges 2016, Maribor, 21. oktober 2016 ; [uredniki Matjaž Mulej, Anita Hrast, Andrej Naterer]. - Maribor : Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti (IRDO), 2016. - (Zbirka Družbena odgovornost) ISBN 978-961-93815-2-6 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Vzp. stv. nasl. 3. Dodat. nasl. 4. Mulej, Matjaž 286981632
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
1 UVODNI NAGOVORI Družbena odgovornost in njeni vidiki na Univerzi v Mariboru Spoštovani udeleženci 11. IRDO konference o trajnostni in družbeni odgovornosti, spoštovani zaslužni prof. ddr. Matjaž Mulej, spoštovana direktorica IRDO inštituta gospa Anita Hrast, spoštovani predavatelji in predavateljice, gospe in gospodje, dobrodošli na Univerzi v Mariboru! Veseli me, da smo tudi letos del konference o trajnosti in družbeni odgovornosti, ki se je moramo ne le zavedati, ampak tudi aktivno prispevati k njenemu razvoju. Na Univerzi v Mariboru želimo s pozitivnim zgledom ustvariti inovativno okolje in učinkovito organizacijo, ki bo z ustvarjanjem, razvojem in prenašanjem ključnih znanj pripomogla h kakovostnemu, uravnoteženemu, trajnostnemu in družbeno-odgovornemu napredku univerze, mesta in države. S tem namenom smo ustanovili Svet in Komisijo za trajnostno in družbeno odgovorno univerzo. Svet je pripravil predloge smeri razvoja, komisija pa je izdelala načrt udejanjanja strateških usmeritev. Te je potrdil Senat Univerze v Mariboru. Novi model TDO univerze bo pripomogel k boljšemu razumevanju okoljske, gospodarske, socialne in etične dimenzije trajnostnega razvoja. Želimo, da Univerza v Mariboru s takim svojim delovanjem spodbuja tudi druge organizacije, da prevzamejo model TDO razvoja. Prav zaradi tega se je Univerza v Mariboru angažirala pri vzpostavitvi spletnega portala »vzhodna.si«, ki je razvojno spletno stičišče vzhodne kohezijske regije. V sodelovanju s fakultetami in lokalnimi skupnostmi uresničujemo tretje poslanstvo univerze – poleg pedagoškega in znanstveno – raziskovalnega – namreč njeno vračanje h koreninam in vpetost v okolje in v gospodarstvo. Do sedaj smo podpisali sporazume z vsemi večjimi občinami in drugimi deležniki v regiji, pobude pa prihajajo tudi iz drugih delov Slovenje. Toliko bolj nas veseli, da se družbeno-odgovorna in trajnostna politika udejanja tudi s pomočjo naših profesorjev in profesoric, raziskovalcev in raziskovalk, študentk in študentov. Biti družbeno odgovoren je pomembno poslanstvo. Zavedanje o tem je prvi korak k spoštovanju, solidarnosti in pravičnosti. Uspe lahko le družba, ki spoštuje okolje, sočloveka in pozitivne vrednote. Vsem udeležencem konference želim uspešno delo, obilo izmenjav dobrih praks in pobud pri vpeljavi le-teh v delo naše Univerze. Naj zaključim z mislijo francoskega pisatelja Antoina de Saint-Exuperyja: »Najbolj mrzim vlogo opazovalca, ki neprizadeto gleda ali ravna. Nikoli ne bi smeli samo gledati. Biti moramo priče: sodelovati moramo in nositi odgovornost.« Prof. dr. Igor Tičar, Rektor Univerze v Mariboru
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
social responsibilities and (C)sr views at university of Maribor Dear participants of the 11th IRDO conference on social responsibility, dear Professor emeritus DDr. Matjaž Mulej, dear manager of IRDO Institute Mrs. Anita Hrast, dear speakers, ladies and gentlemen, welcome at the university of Maribor! I am glad that this year too, we are a part of the conference on sustainability and social responsibility, which me must not only be aware of, but also contribute to its development. At the university of Maribor we wish to provide a good example in order to create an innovative environment and effective organization, which will create, develop and transfer key knowledge to contribute to a high-quality, balanced, sustainable and socially responsible progress of the university, town, and country. toward this end, we established the Council and the Commission for the sustainable and socially responsible university (S&SRuM). the Council prepared the suggestions of the development trends, and the Commission elaborated the implementation plan on strategic trends. they were passed by the Senate of the university of Maribor. the new model of S&SRuM will contribute to a better understanding of the environmental, economic, social and ethical dimensions of the sustainable development. We wish the university of Maribor to encourage, with such behavior, other organizations, too, to accept the model of S&SR development. this is exactly the reason for the university of Maribor to engage in establishment of the www portal »vzhodna.si«, which is a development point of the eastern cohesion region of Slovenia. In cooperation with our faculties and local communities we implement the third mission of the university – along with the pedagogical and scientific research – i.e. returning to its roots, its involvement with its environment and its economy. So far we signed agreements with all bigger communes and other stakeholders in the region; initiative are coming also from other parts of Slovenia. thus, we are additionally glad to see the socially responsible and sustainable policy becoming reality with the help of our professors and researchers and students. Being socially responsible is an important mission. Awareness about this is a first step toward the respect, solidarity and righteous practice. Only a society respecting the natural development, fellow humans and positive values can succeed. I wish to all conference participants successful work, plenty of exchange of good practices and initiatives for introduction of them into the work of our university. Let me finish with the thought of the French writer Antoine de Saint-exupery: »What I hate most of all is the role of an observer who watches or act carelessly. We may never watch only. We must witness, cooperate and bear responsibility.« Prof. Ph.D. Igor tičar, Rector, university of Maribor
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
se dogajajo bistveni globalni premiki k družbeni odgovornosti? Na papirju se dogajajo in 11. mednarodna konferenca IRDO (z uM) o družbeni odgovornosti – 21. okt. 2016 se odziva na njih s tematiko: NOVe DRužBeNe StVARNOStI V LuČI DRužBeNe ODGOVORNOStI. Po lanski konferenci IRDO (in uM) o družbeni odgovornosti so se zgodile vsaj štiri globalno izjemno pomembne zadeve: • Ogromen val beguncev iz njihovih domačih krajev, v katerih so jim globalno vplivni ljudje in njihove organizacije sebično onemogočili ali vsaj hudi otežili življenje. Presega 60 milijonov ljudi, kar je več od skupnega ogromnega števila žrtev druge svetovne vojne, a zaradi prav tako ogromnega porasta števila ljudi od tedaj ne presega enega odstotka prebivalcev sveta. Po nekaterih virih gre celo za 240 milijonov ljudi. (Po javnih podatkih koristi ta strahotni proces najbolj proizvajalcem orožja, med katerimi so na prvem mestu Američani, Britanci in Rusi, ki pa zdaj ne kažejo velike volje sprejeti veliko beguncev.) • V novembru in decembru 2015 je Organizacija združenih narodov izpeljala v Parizu globalno konferenco o reševanju problemov klime, ki so zunanji izraz prešibke družbene odgovornosti do naravnih in družbenih pogojev za preživetje človeštva. Pozitivna vest v dnevnih medijih pove, da se je v septembru 2016 doseglo dovolj veliko število držav podpisnic listin s te konference, da bo mogoče le-te ratificirati, torej začeti pravno uveljavljati. (V Sloveniji postopek še teče, a bi se v oktobru 2016 naj pridružila.) • Na dan Zemlje, 22. 4. 2016, so državniki iz več kot 170 držav podpisali prvi univerzalni sporazum o zaustavitvi segrevanja planeta, ki jasno kaže skrb držav sveta za to in naslednje generacije ter pripravljenost za uveljavljanje družbene odgovornosti v praksi. • Na referendumu se je Velika Britanija z majhno večino, a vendarle, odločila za izstop iz evropske unije. tudi to odpira možnost za krepitev družbene odgovornosti. A nobena možnost ni edina in še manj zadostna. Na konferenci avtorji pokažejo veliko tematik, glede katerih so možni in potekajo premiki; niso nujno globalni, da bi bilo pomembni za prakso. Družbena odgovornost ali bolje: odgovornost vsakogar za vplive na družbo, tj. na ljudi in naravno okolje, je maksima človeških vrednot, kulture, etike in norm. Po mednarodnih listinah je DO pomembna nova lastnost ljudi, ki je med bistvenimi pogoji, da človeštvo najde pot iz sedanje krize (eu 2011; ISO 26000; itd.) in zagotovi prihodnost sedanje civilizacije, ki je brez DO v slepi ulici ter se sooča z nevarnostjo uničevalne tretje svetovne vojne in uničenja naravnih pogojev za obstoj človeštva sedanje civilizacije. IRDO s svojimi konferencami zbira in objavlja spoznanja raziskovalcev in praktikov z vsega sveta. Zborniki so objavljeni na spletni strani IRDO, v zborniku konference iz leta 2015 dobite tudi zbornike vseh prejšnjih devetih konferenc. V celoti gre za preko šest sto prispevkov. Glejte: www.irdo.si; info@irdo.si. Zdaj dodajamo nove, drugačne od prejšnjih, tako rekoč nudimo za vsakogar nekaj. V imenu naših otrok in vnukov, a tudi nas samih, hvala vsem za prispevke, da bi človeštvo nehalo sovražiti svoje otroke in vnuke, kar ima obliko dajanja prednosti trenutnim in ozkim koristim, ki uničujejo dolgoročne pogoje za preživetje. prof. ddr. Matjaž Mulej
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
are essential global moves toward social responsibility here? On paper, they are here. the 11th IRDO (and uM) international conference on social responsibility is responding to them on 21 October 2016 with the topic NeW SOCIAL ReALItIeS FROM tHe VIeW OF SOCIAL ReSPONSIBILItY. After the IRDO (and uM) 2015 conference on social responsibility four things with extreme global importance, at least, happened: the huge wave of refugees left their home areas in which the egoistic globally influential persons and their organizations made their life impossible or extremely hard. these are more than 60 million humans, which is more than the entire number of dead victims of the WWII. But due to the equally huge growth of population this makes less than one percent of humankind of today. Some public media mention 240 million humans. (According to public data this terrible process generates most profit to weapons producers, especially American, British and Russian; they do not show much interest in accepting many refugees.) In November and December 2015 uNO performed in Paris a global conference on solving the climate problems reflecting the poor social responsibility concerning the natural and social preconditions of human survival. the positive news in daily media: in September 2016 the number of signatories is big enough for the documents to be ratifies and legally valid, hence. (In Slovenia, the process is running, but she should join in October 2016). On the earth Day, 22 April 2016 statesmen from more than 170 countries signed the first universal agreement about stopping of warming of the planet; this shows clearly the care of the countries of the world and their readiness to implement social responsibility. With a tiny-majority referendum the united Kingdom decided to exit eu. this, too, opens a chance for more social responsibility. But no chance is neither the only one nor sufficient. At the conference authors present many topics related to which moves are possible and in process; they are not necessarily global to be important for the practice. Social responsibility, better: everyone's responsibility for one's impacts on society, i.e. humans and natural environment, is a basic principle of human values, culture, ethics and norms. the international documents call social responsibility an important (new) human attribute belonging to the critical preconditions for humankind to find its way from the current crisis (eu 2011; ISO 26000; etc.) and to assure the future of the current civilization, which is without social responsibility in a blind alley and facing the danger of the destructive WWIII and destruction of the natural preconditions of the existence of the current civilization. With its conferences IRDO collects and publishes insights of researchers and practitioners from the entire world. Proceedings are published on CDs and on IRDO web site; the ones of the 2015 conference contain also the ones of all previous nine conferences. this makes more than 600 contributions. See: www.irdo.si; info@irdo.si. Now we are adding now ones, different from the previous ones; we actually offer something for everybody. On behalf of our children and grand-children many thanks to all for your contributions helping humans to stop hating their kids and grandkids having the form of preferring the short-term and narrow benefits that ruin the long-term preconditions of survival. Prof. Ph.D. Ph.D. Matjaž Mulej
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
zakaj še vedno govorimo o družbeni odgovornosti? Za vprašanja družbene odgovornosti je videti, da so relativno dobro zastopana in pokrita v polju poslovnega sveta. V prid tej trditvi bi bilo mogoče navesti številne strokovne monografije, znanstvene članke, empirične študije in razprave, ki segajo od etike poslovanja na mikro ravni, pa vse do alternativnih makro-ekonomskih modelov. Stvar postane manj očitna in razdelana v trenutku, ko zapustimo polje ekonomije. Na področju družboslovja in humanistike se o družbeni odgovornosti komaj govori, empirične študije pa praktično ne obstajajo, in to kljub temu, da družbeno dogajanje dobesedno kliče po sociološki in antropološki obravnavi. Raziskovalni problem je še toliko bolj aktualen v času po izbruhu ekonomske krize leta 2008. ekonomski vzroki in posledice so relativno dobro raziskani, medtem ko socialni nekoliko zaostajajo. Vseeno pa je na podlagi številnih primerov socialne aktivacije ljudi mogoče sklepati, da se med ljudmi v vedno večji meri pojavlja zavedanje, da so resursi, ki so potrebni za gospodarsko rast, v veliki meri vzeti iz polja, ki bi ga bilo mogoče opisati kot skupno dobro. Iz tega izhajajo pričakovanja, da se bo del dobrega, ki je na ta način ustvarjeno, vrnil v skupno dobro. Ker pa se to pogosto ne zgodi, se v družbi povečujejo občutki razočaranja, ločenosti in nezaupanja, kar ima negativne posledice tako za posameznike in družbo na eni strani, ter gospodarske subjekte na drugi. Hkrati z omenjenimi negativnimi učinki pa je mogoče opaziti tudi njihovo transformacijo skozi individualne akcije, ki jih je mogoče razumeti kot oblikovanje individualne socialne odgovornosti. tipični primeri tovrstnih akcij so na primer vzpostavljanje reflektirane in odgovorne potrošnje posameznikov in njihovih gospodinjstev, porast samooskrbe, zavzemanja za ekološka vprašanja in dvig medosebne solidarnosti, pa tudi povezovanje v alternativne kolektive in zadruge, ki temeljijo na principih socialne odgovornosti. Iz navedenega gre torej skleniti, da kljub relativni konceptualni utemeljenosti družbene odgovornosti, družba teži k odgovornemu delovanju in ga živo oblikuje na sebi lasten način. Iz tega izhaja, da je empiričnega raziskovanja, predvsem pa trans- in interdisciplinarnega diskurza, na tem področju prej premalo, kot pa preveč. tovrstno poglobljeno razumevanje družbene odgovornosti bi omogočilo ne le celostno razumevanje družbe, ampak tudi projekcijo in konstruktivno poseganje v njeno prihodnost. Prof. dr. Andrej Naterer
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
Why do we still talk about social responsibility? For questions of social responsibility it is evident that they are targeted and answered relatively well within the field of business. In support to this assumption numerous scientific monographs, articles and empirical studies, ranging from studies on ethics of business on micro level to alternative economic models on macro level, could be listed. However, it is also evident that outside this field, the topic appears to be somewhat less elaborated and researched. Within the field of social sciences and humanities there is hardly any talk about social responsibility and empirical studies are practically non-existent, in spite of numerous social events literally begging for sociological and anthropological examination. As a research problem social responsibility appears to be even more actual in times after the crisis in 2008. While economic aspects of the crisis appear to be relatively well researched, this could not be said about social aspects. Nevertheless, numerous examples of social activation of population point to the raised awareness that resources needed for economic growth are largely taken from the field perceived as the common good. emerging from that are expectations that a part of the created good will be returned to the common good. Since this expectations are often not met, hightened feelings of disappointment, separation and mistrust emerge and these have negative impact on individuals and society on the one hand and on the business subjects on the other. At the same time there are also numerous examples when these negative aspects are transformed through the actions of individuals into actions of individual social responsibility. typical examples include development of patterns of reflected and responsible consumption of individuals and their households, increased self-provisioning and personal engagement in issues regarding economy, as well as formation of alternative collective actions and cooperatives based on social responsibility. From everything that is stated above we can conclude that in spite of relatively good conceptual groundedness of social responsibility, society tends to social responsibility that is organically formed in accordance with the actual and real situation. thus we can conclude, that there is great lack / not enough of empirical research of the phenomena and at the same time a lack of trans- and inter-disciplinary discourse on the topic. Improvements in understanding of social responsibility would lead to more comprehensive and holistic understanding of society and would at the same time improve projections of its future and ability of constructive management of its future. Prof. Ph.D. Andrej Naterer
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
awarding of certificates: Head of Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development of the Company In spring 2016 the Institute IRDO developed 3 workshops in the field of social responsibility and sustainability development with the aim to spread the knowledge about the SR and SD in Slovenia. In June 2016 the first round of training for certified leaders in social responsibility and sustainable development was held in Maribor and in September and October 2016 in Ljubljana. until now 13 attendees successfully finished the training and received their certificates. the training comprises of 3 workshops, homework and final written exam. the attendees of the workshops are managers, heads of departments and SR responsible persons in organizations, which want to include SR/SD in their daily activities. the first workshop is called abC of the social responsibility. In this first workshop the basics of SR and SD are presented. It includes the historical view on the development of both subjects, basics concepts of SR and SD, integration of SR and SD in the organizations. the second workshop is about core subjects of the sr. It includes deep understanding of ISO 26000 core subjects and discussions about best practices on this subject. Additional networking for more SR and SD in Slovenia and world is also presented. the third workshop is mainly devoted to the sr and sd reporting. Additionally, it includes overview of standards, guidelines and certificates in the field. Attendees, who are present in all 3 workshops can obtain certificate. they also have to successfully prepare several (homework) assignments and make a final written exam. this is the innovative approach of IRDO – Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility to strengthen Slovenian companies and institutions with knowledge on (C)SR and Sustainable Development. At the conference second group of attendees will receive their certificate for Head of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development of the Company or Institution. M.Sc. Anita Hrast M.Sc. Vesna Lešnik Štefotič
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
Kazalo vsebine
1 slavnostni nagovori .................................................................... 5 2 Program .................................................................................... 13 2.1
Program konference ............................................................................................ 13
Prizorišča ............................................................................................................ 17
Programski odbor ................................................................................................ 17
organizacijski odbor .......................................................................................... 18
3 Povzetki referatov predavateljev .............................................. 19 PlenaRna PReDavanJa Nove družbene realnosti z vidikia družbene odgvornosti: družbena odgovornost v posocialističnem kontekstu ............................................................................................................................................20 Brexit: nove priložnosti ........................................................................................................................20 Trilogija: Nehajte sovražiti naše otroke in vnuke....................................................................................21 Družbena odgovornost podjetij v deželah BRICS: konceptualni model in emirični dokazi iz komunikacijskih kanalov......................................................................................................................22 Vzporedne skupinske razpraVe a. sociological aspects of new social realities from the view of social responsibility Neoliberalizem in zaton univerze Neoliberalizem in zaton univerze Neoliberalizem in zaton univerze......24 Kriza, ranljive skupine in družbena odgovornost: študija primera iz Slovenije ........................................24 Težave pri raziskovanju dojemanja družbene odgovornosti....................................................................25 Poravnava moralnega kompasa naše mladine......................................................................................25 Kaj je dobro otroštvo? Lokalne razmere pod pritiskom mednarodnih perspektiv ....................................26 Pogled dijakov, učiteljev in staršev na gimnazijsko izobraževanje v Sloveniji ..........................................26 Ko majhne želje prerastejo v veliko zgodbo ..........................................................................................27 Predstavitev družbenih izzivov mladim skozi igro ..................................................................................27 Teorije prilagoditev aktivnih starejših v odnosu do družbene odgovornosti..............................................28 Zlorabe starejših- nova družbena realnost z vidika socialne gerontologijo in družbeno odgovorno politiko..........................................................................................................................................28 "Psihološki" in "Sociološki pristop" - sistem pristopov za uspešno družbeno odgovornost ..........................29 b: economic and business aspects of new social realities from the view of social responsibility Trajnostna in družbeno odgovorna Univerza v Mariboru se vrača k industriji in v okolje ........................32 Izobraževanja za zaposlene »Izpopolni UM« ........................................................................................32 Ocena trajnostnih inovacij kot del družbene odgovornosti Ocena trajnostnih inovacij kot del družbene odgovornosti ......................................................................................................................................32 Poslovna odličnost v Republiki Sloveniji ................................................................................................33
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
Ženske na trgu dela in pomanjkljivosti pristopa življenjskega učenja Ženske na trgu dela in pomanjkljivosti pristopa življenjskega učenja ........................................................................................33 Hiearhija vodenja-veriga vodenja ........................................................................................................34 Inovativni pristopi mladih študentov za družbene spremembe Inovativni pristopi mladih študentov za družbene spremembe ..........................................................................................................................35 Družbena odgovornost oblikovalcev kot nujen sestavni del učnega načrta Fakultete za oblikovanje ........35 Etično oglaševanje kot del družbene odgovornosti ................................................................................36 Pojavnost besednih zvez 'družbena odgovornost' in 'Horus' v slovenskih medijih......................................36 C: environmental aspects of new social realities from the view of social responsibility Integralni konceptualni okvir za novo ekonomsko in socialno realnost v Sloveniji in EvropiIntegralni konceptualni okvir za novo ekonomsko in socialno realnost v Sloveniji in Evropi ..................................38 Družbeno odgovorno poročanje za davčne potrebe ..............................................................................38 Zaznavanje okoljskega računovodstva Zaznavanje okoljskega računovodstva ........................................39 Boljša voda, boljša destinacija: pomen zdrave vode pri trajnostnem razvoju destinacij ..........................40 Družbena odgovornost do ljudi vključuje družbeno odgovornost do čebel, tudi z uporabo homeopatije ..40 Kako slovenska podjetja razvijajo družbeno odgovornost? ....................................................................41 D: iasCYs Prihod Turingov družbe in družbene odgovornosti ................................................................................44 ARMSADA paradigma, rešitev za WIN-WIN problem ............................................................................44 Predlogi sodelavcev in študentov Univerze v Mariboru v raziskavi o družbeni odgovornosti ....................45 DOP v Evropi ......................................................................................................................................45
4 Referati predavateljev (v celoti na zgoščenki) .......................... 47 5 sklepi konference ......................................................................48 6 organizatorji, sponzorji, sofinancerji ..........................................49 7 objave ........................................................................................52 8 zahvala ......................................................................................54
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
2 PRoGRaM 2.1 PRoGRaM KonFeRenCe
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
2.2 PRizoRišča 11. iRDo konferenca poteka na rektoratu Univerze v Mariboru, slomškov trg 15, Maribor
2.3 PRoGRaMsKi oDboR • Prof. emeritus Ph. D. Ph. D. Matjaž Mulej, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Economics, and IRDO Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, Maribor, Head of the IRDO Expert committee and Head of the IRDO Scientific-research centre board, President of the Program Committee • assist. Prof. Ph. D. andrej naterer, University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology, Vice President of the Program Committee local members of the Program Committee: • Prof. Ph. D. igor Tičar, Rector, University of Maribor • assoc. Prof. Ph. D. lučka lorber, Vice-rector for Quality development, advisor to the Centre for Quality development, University of Maribor • assist. Prof. Ph. D. Tjaša štrukelj, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Strategic Management and Company Policy, Head of the Project ‘Faculty of Economics and Business and Social Responsibility’ • assoc. Prof. Ph. D. vesna čančer, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Editor-in-chief of “Our economy” – Journal of Contemporary Issues in Economics and Business • Prof. emeritus Ph. D. Jože Flašker, University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering • assoc. Prof. Ph. D. Uroš lobnik, University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture • assoc. Prof. Ph. D. branko lobnikar, University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Vice-dean for Educational Activities • iztok slatinek, Centre for Quality development, University of Maribor • assist. Prof. Ph. D. simona šarotar Žižek, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of General Management and Organization • Prof. Ph. D. Ph. D. ana vovk Korže, University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Head of the International Centre for Ecoremediations Foreign members of the Program Committee (in alphabetical order): • assoc. Prof. Ph. D. zhanna belyaeva, Assoc. Prof. of Social Responsibility, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Head of Research Center for Global Social Responsibility Excellence, Ural Federal University named for Boris Jelcin, Yekaterinburg, and EMBRI Country Director, Russia • Prof. Ph. D. Pierre bricage, International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS), Vienna, and University of Pau, France • Prof. emeritus Ph. D. Robert Dyck, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA, USA • Prof. Ph. D., Dr. h. c. Timi ečimovič, Ansted University, British Virgin Islands, and Malaysia; and Institute for Climate Change, Isola, Slovenia • Ph. D. Roger Haw, Ansted University, British Virgin Islands, and Malaysia • Ph. D. Helmut loeckenhoff, Independent researcher, Germany • assoc. Prof. MD, DrPH eva schernhammer, Associate Professor of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, USA • Prof. Ph. D. shahid siddiqi, Professor in Business & Accounting, Ansted University, Member, Advisory Council Ansted University, Author of Canadian Taxation Resource Book, Retired Tax consultant, Notary Public in California • assoc. Prof. Ph. D. Gerald steiner, Prof. of Systemic and Sustainability Management, Donau University Krems, Austria, and Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA 17
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
2.4 oRGanizaCiJsKi oDboR • anita Hrast, Head of IRDO Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, Maribor, President of the Organizing Committee • iztok slatinek, Centre for Quality development, University of Maribor, Vice-President of the Organizing Committee • Joanna bertoncelj, Centre for Quality development, University of Maribor • Mag. Mirjana babić, Centre for Quality development, University of Maribor • assist. Prof. Ph. D. Tjaša štrukelj, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Strategic Management and Company Policy, Head of the Project Faculty of Economics and Business and Social Responsibility
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
3 Povzetki referatov predavateljev Plenarna predavanja Plenary Lectures
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
new soCial RealiTies FRoM THe view oF soCial ResPonsibiliTY: soCial ResPonsibiliTY in PosTsoCialisTiC ConTexT Vesna V. Godina
UM, Filozofska fakulteta / Faculty of Arts, Maribor abstract: My presentation offers an anthropological analysis of social responsibility in post-socialist societies. Anthropologists of post-socialism described dramatic social change in post-socialist societies after the collapse of socialism that open the question of social responsibility in a new way. I compare post-socialism with social change in post-colonial situations, to prove that the knowledge amassed by social and cultural anthropologists about the process of westernization and modernization in colonial and post-colonial situations is vitally important for understanding social responsibility in post-socialist societies. I present two basic logics practiced in societies that are undergoing westernization (the first is continuity with the past of the given society; the second is discontinuity with that same past) to show that many problems needing connection with social responsibility in the post-socialist period are similar in many respects to those in post-colonial situations. The same is true for the answers on those problems. Key words: anthropological analysis, post-socialist societies, social responsibility, westernization ----------------------------------------
bRexiT: a new oPPoRTUniTY For 11th IRDO, University of Maribor, October 21, 2016 conference Robert G. Dyck. Ph. D.
Emeritus Professor, Public and International Affairs, Virginia Tech 5428 Crossings Lake Circle, Birmingham, AL 35242 USA Telephone: 205-991-9890; Email: bobdyck@vt.edu abstract: This case study combines two of the author’s previous articles on networking and fractal economics with an assessment of Britain’s economic geography and current regional disparities. Its purpose is to elucidate the underlying political considerations that informed the June 23, 2016 referendum on Brexit (the British decision to exit the European Union), and to consider alternative socially responsible economic organization, based on networking, that could alleviate the troubling disparities in income, wealth, and political control to be found in the majority of the regions of the UK. Implications for the survival of the EU and its member states are also considered. Key Words. Brexit, Social Responsibility, Networking, Fractal Coherence, Fractal Connectivity, Collaborative Social Learning.
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
TRiloGY: sToP HaTinG YoUR CHilDRen anD GRanDCHilDRen zasl. prof. ddr. Matjaž Mulej
IRDO - Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti in UM EPF Maribor matjaz.mulej@um.si
mag. Dušan Hedl
Kulturni center Maribor Frontierbook@gmail.com
mag. Anita Hrast
IRDO - Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti Maribor anita.hrast@irdo.si abstract: In 1789 they wrote: »Social differences may be based on the general benefit only« - into the 1st article of the Declaration of rights of humans and citizens. Until today to most influential and greedy ones forgot that this statement had finished the unproductive feudal power, and renewed it. This caused the current global crisis. The progressive world sees the way out from this crisis in social responsibility (SR), including the European Union (EU, 2011). Slovenia has no strategy on SR yet. Authors are making their contribution with a trilogy book 'Stop hating your children and grandchildren' with the following subtitles: 1. The socio-economic framework and personal attributes of the SR ones 2. Information for the SR ones' decision making 3. Implementation of SR in education The first book includes 12 authors. They tell their readers how must and can, for socio-economic reasons, the humankind – especially its most influential persons and organizations, by practicing SR – stop hating the generations to come. It offers many data. It adds preconditions for the unavoidable consideration of reality. This is the basis for the way out from the crisis. The second book includes 20 authors. They are trying to support the effort for more SR with information how one could find the way out from this crisis. It covers innovation of many practices; all of them tackle renewal of the established practices, inherited from the different conditions. The basis is given by a proposal for the Slovenian model SR program showing the bases for a SR life. This proposal should be supported by bases for a requisitely holistic decision making from very different further viewpoints. The third book has 25 authors. University of Maribor decided to be a 'Sustainable and socially responsible University of Maribor'. Realization of this precious determination need implementation of SR in education. This book contributes to it. SR, i.e.: everyone's responsibility for their impacts on society, i.e. humans and their natural environment, is an urgent maxima in human values, culture, ethics and norms. In international documents SR is seen as an important new human attribute that belongs to the essential preconditions for humankind to find its way out from the current crisis (EU, 2011: ISO 2600, passed in 2010; etc.) and to provide a future to the current civilization, which is in a blind alley without SR. The destructive 3rd World War is threatening, so is the destruction of the natural preconditions for the current civilization's survival. Key words: humankind, social responsibility, survival
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
CoRPoRaTe soCial ResPonsibiliTY in bRiCs CoUnTRies: ConCePTUal MoDel anD eMPiRiCal eviDenCe FRoM CoMMUniCaTion CHannels Zhanna S. Belyaeva, PhD, Associate professor Ural Federal University
abstract: While in most of the emerging markets, the state still holds the key to business success (Krisnan, Balachandran 2008), little has been developed on the balance between the state and business incentives and motivation to imply CSR (both reactive and proactive). To fill in this gap the paper aims to classify drivers of CSR in BRICS countries as per business-initiated (bottom-up approach) and state-directed initiative (top-down approach). The paper also pinpoints and categorizes the priorities of big businesses to find the systemic gaps in the implementation of strategic corporate social responsibility in BRICS countries at the state level. Key words: CSR, BRICS, communication channels, state influence, business strategy
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
vzPoReDna PReDavanJa, RazPRave PARALLEL OPEN SPACE TALKS Group A: Sociological aspects of new social realities from the view of social responsibility
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
neolibeRalisM anD THe DeMise oF THe UniveRsiTY Associate Professor Marija Javornik Krečič, Ph.D University of Maribor Faculty of Arts, Department of Pedagogy Koroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor marija.javornik@um.si
abstract: The article focuses on the new paradigm of general education, its social role and functions. With the impact of globalization and neoliberalism in higher education, the ambition is to have more autonomous and flexible university staff. The employers – university administrations – have their own idea of autonomy and flexibility. They are of the opinion that university teaching staff should be exempt from the rigid system of state officialdom because they are convinced that this system does not allow them to reward the more successful researchers/teaching staff and define their workload at their own discretion using their own criteria. However, experience from the higher education sector shows that more flexibility would result in more arbitrary conduct (misuse) and would be a major step backwards in terms of the standards that the trade unions have helped achieve in recent years in the field of social and labor rights. In addition, if the common framework was lost, universities and higher education in general would become more exposed to unintellectual policies whose main goal would be to further cut funds, introduce flexibilization, commercialize and reduce the number of study programs and ultimately completely disintegrate the system. Keywords: teaching staff autonomy, neoliberalism, flexible and autonomous worker, flexibilization, university ----------------------------------------
CRisis, vUlneRable GRoUPs anD soCial ResPonsibiliTY: Case sTUDY FRoM slovenia Andrej Naterer
University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts andrej.naterer@um.si abstract: This article focuses on the influence of crisis on different aspects of social responsibility among vulnerable groups in Slovenia. Representatives of Roma, small farmers, pensioners and social care receivers participated in our study. Data was collected using semi-standardized interviews (n= 51), semi structured interviews (n=30) and focus groups (n=33) among Slovenian respondents with different socio-economic and geographic backgrounds. The data show declining consumption, rising economizing, self-provisioning, dependence on formal and informal help and economically motivated regional and international mobility. The results also show a significant rise in economic, social and psychological stress as a result of crisis and the development of several paranoid perceptions, in particular fear, mistrust and anxiety. As a result of crisis, the traditional networks of social cooperation were transformed from groups providing mutual help and support into competitive groups which destroyed traditional safety nets and rendered households within these social groups less fit for survival. Crisis-induced mistrust and anxieties are tied mostly to perceptions of the state and its institutions as lacking the basic obligation of being socially responsible towards their citizens. Key words: Crisis, vulnerable groups, social responsibility, Slovenia
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
THe PRobleMs in ReseaRCHinG PeRCePTions oF soCial ResPonsibiliTY Mojca Marič
Student – Sociology, UM FF MB mojca.maric@guest.arnes.si
Anja Poredoš
Student – Sociology, UM FF MB anja.poredos@student.um.si
Dr. Andrej Naterer
University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts Department of Sociology andrej.naterer@um.si abstract: This paper addresses problems in qualitative research on the perception of social responsibility. The study was conducted by means of semi-structured interviews. Its main objective was to discover how crisis influences different aspects of the lives of Slovenian respondents with different socio-economic and geographic backgrounds. We examined how people perceive and talk about social responsibility. We found that respondents talk more openly about institutions and their social responsibility than about their own social responsibility and attitudes connected to it. One of the main problems in this field is determining how respondents perceive social responsibility and how they express it. To conclude, we address the problem of doing qualitative research in this area: how to overcome the lack of openness and information. Keywords: crisis, perception, social responsibility, problems in research ----------------------------------------
seTTinG oUR YoUTH's MoRal CoMPass sTRaiGHT Timi Celcer
Prvomajska 26 timacelcer@gmail.com abstract: As with every new generation since the start of the 20th century, there have been doubts raised whether they are fit to inherit our society. Proposedly outlandish behavior, as described by each preceding generation for the new one, probably culminating in the 1960s sexual revolution, casted a big shadow of doubt from our parents and asked a fundamental question. Where are we heading? I am part of the millennial generation, which is next in line to "inherit the throne", and I see a great reason for concern. The West might be for the first time since the II World War in danger of betraying the very values that "bedrock it". The values which make it as prosperous as it has been. The values of freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, economic and political freedom. The danger lies with sheer millennial ignorance, and the influence the Regressive Left has on them. The influx of unassimilated Muslim migrants and dumb economic policies. The result of which are the rise of the far-right and poverty. We as a society and we as young people about to inherit it, must set our moral compass to benefit us, not the people trying to manipulate us for their self-interest. We must pause and re-evaluate our morals. We must return back to the classical liberalism. Keywords: Millenials, Regressive Left, classical liberalism, moral compass
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
wHaT is GooD CHilDHooD? loCal RealiTies UnDeR THe PRessURe oF inTeRnaTional PeRsPeCTives Mag. Alenka Oblak
Permitir se, Alenka Oblak s.p. Sp. Slivnica 41, 1290 Grosuplje alenka.oblak@gmail.com abstract: Street children in Brazil are numerous, at least that is how they are presented by institutions. However, in reality one can have hard time to find them – if following the definitions of street children around the world, as it became obvious during my anthropological fieldwork in one Brazilian city. The definitions of locals partly correspond to those definitions, partly not. The perspective on street children is influenced by governmental perspective on what is normal childhood, responsible parenthood, good family, etc. At the same time one can observe the rise of the perspective of Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, Brazilian law on children and adolescents, based on UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. These two perspectives have increasing influence on the concepts of childhood that does not correspond the local reality, like where the children spend their time, what does it mean: child labour and service at home, how can a mother be a good mother. Street children seem only to be a mirror of the processes behind the curtain. What is the right perspective on childhood? And who has the right to say so and by that to influence the ways of living of people around the world? The influence of international perspectives and documents on quality of life of people on local level can be far away from responsible ones, although they might be perceived as such. Keywords: childhood, anthropology, street children, Brazil, international perspectives, local way of life. ----------------------------------------
THe view oF sTUDenTs, TeaCHeRs anD PaRenTs on HiGH sCHool eDUCaTion in slovenia Nomi Hrast
Student II. gimnazija Maribor Trg Miloša Zidanška 1, 2000 Maribor nomi.hrast@druga.si abstract: Around 40 % of young people in Slovenia are now deciding for upper secondary education, whose mission is to enable the development of knowledge and skills that young people will need in later life and education. Therefore, the way of learning should be flexible to them, developing their critical thinking and allowing students to select different rates of progression and the different level of acquired knowledge, but still maintain a good general education of the individual. Innovation proposal is based on the results of empirical research carried out in this field in the Slovenia and in Europe as well as on the results of surveys, conducted specifically for this task between grammar school students, teachers and parents in Slovenia. Presented are conclusions, which represent the wishes of students, teachers and parents with the current situation in educational system in Slovenia. Keywords: education, gymnasium, students
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
FRoM sMall wisHes To biG sToRies Simona Roškar
svetovalka za komuniciranje
Alenka Senčar
direktorica Sektorja marketinga in korporativnega komuniciranja abstract: Nova KBM started humanitarian initiative „From small wishes to big stories“, so that self-evidence of getting presents could get a new perspective. They decided to help the most vulnerable group – socially endangered children from the project „Godparent“ with 1 euro for every drawing and promise to double the final amount. Response was astonishing. Within a month we received 9647 drawings and we managed to cover the floor of the biggest branch in Maribor. Crucial for achieving the goals was integration of different external and internal target groups and using a variety of communication channels. Nova KBM donated 20 thousand euros for children's everyday needs. Key words: humanitarian initiative, socially endangered children ----------------------------------------
inTRoDUCinG soCial CHallenGes To YoUTH THRoUGH GaMinG Igor Perko
University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor, Slovenia Igor.perko@um.si
Zoraida Mendiwelso-Bendek University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK zbendek@lincoln.ac.uk
abstract: Empowering of youngsters may contribute to their social responsibility, if correctly done. In this paper we report on research on the phenomena and characteristics of gaming and the challenges regarding inclusion of the young people in the society. We explore the posibilities to introduce gaming in moments of sociales chalenges and social transformation to the young individuals, and argue, which individual properties should we build upon, which issues can be introduced and what kind of gaming should be used to support the introduction. To do this, we will examine the three involved fields: the gaming concepts and examples, the young individuals’ characteristics, and the pressing social challenges. We will synthetize the research results to outline relations between social challenges, individual characteristics, and the gaming capabilities. We identify the most important social challenges, reported in the literature, analyse the existing literature on the strengths and weaknesses of young people, and examine the measured gaming effects reported in the literature and proposed gaming concepts, appropriate for education. In the synthesis, we use social and system dynamics to elaborate the relations between young people’s issues, perceptions, expectations and also dreams of social challenges, transformations and gaming capacities and potential. The experience will support the games developers to design socially constructive games patterns and to develop trust in communication structures for empowering young people, using these tools. We will explore potentials for policy makers and practitioners to empower young people. Keywords: Young people, Social challenges, Gaming, Competence building
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
THeoRies oF aDJUsTMenT oF aCTive olDeR PeRsons in RelaTion To soCial ResPonsibiliTY Klavdija Globokar
PhD candidate in Social Gerontology at Alma Mater Europaea - Evropski center Maribor klavdija.glo@gmail.com
Borut Ambrožič
PhD candidate in Social Gerontology at Alma Mater Europaea - Evropski center Maribor borut.ambrozic@triera.net
Sandra Žlof
PhD candidate in Social Gerontology at Alma Mater Europaea - Evropski center Maribor sandra.zlof@gmail.com abstract: In this paper we aim to analyze the theories of adjustment elderly people use, who are healthy and satisfied in older age, and analyze corresponding social responsibility. The foundation for attempting to determine the quality of life of the older population, who experience their old age not as an unwanted complication but as expected and accepted phase of life that fulfills you and makes you happy, is the Activity theory (Havighurst, 1963). With literature overview, we studied the individual differences we usually encounter when researching in the field of theories of aging. We find that as a foundation for strengthening the existing model of successful aging, modern theorists suggest inclusion of positive spirituality, and confirm the existence of a more positive trend of older people’s attitude toward aging, leading to healthier, happier and more satisfied society. Key words: social theories of aging, successful aging, active aging, Activity theory, social responsibility. ----------------------------------------
elDeR abUse – a new soCial RealiTY FRoM THe view oF soCial GeRonToloGY anD soCial ResPonsibiliTY Borut Ambrožič PhD Candidate in Social Gerontology at Alma Mater Europaea, Evropski center, Maribor borut.ambrozic@triera.net
Sandra Žlof
PhD candidate in Social Gerontology at Alma Mater Europaea - Evropski center Maribor sandra.zlof@gmail.com
Prof. Emer. PhD., PhD Matjaž Mulej
IRDO Institute for Development of Social Responsibility matjaz.mulej@um.si abstract: Elder abuse is a perpetual challenge in every society. The elderly are impacted by and suffer through different types of elder abuse: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional, and psychological abuse, financial abuse and exploitation, abandonment, neglect, and self-neglect. Having experienced of a multiple victimizations of different kinds can be defined as poly-victimization. Late life poly-victimization can occur in a variety of ways and may involve one or multiple perpetrators. The major challenges in combating elder abuse are not only to identify the victim and the abuser as early as possible and to report such kind of abuse, but also to establish elder advocacy and support in practice. In order to improve the safety and independence of the older persons who are victims of abuse, the society has to be socially responsible and has to implement an »ombudsman for the elderly«, who will protect the health, safety, welfare, and the rights of people who are 60 years or older. This review article aims to define the common types of elder abuse and its prevention, recent systematic studies of the literature on elder abuse, as well it also suggests implementation of the »ombudsman for the elderly« in the Slovenian social reality. Key words: elder abuse, elder advocacy, social gerontology, social responsibility, ombudsman for the elderly.
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
‘PsYCHoloGiCal aPPRoaCH’ anD ‘soCioloGiCal aPPRoaCH’ a sYsTeM oF aPPRoaCHes FoR a sUCCessFUl soCial ResPonsibiliTY Jean-Paul Ngana
226 Dunview Ave Toronto ON M2N 4J1, Canada jpaul_ngana@yahoo.ca abstract: The objective of research reported-about in this paper is to examine how the principles and methodological approaches of psychology and sociology can be leveraged and/or articulated to create a system of approaches to contribute to successful social responsibility efforts. This paper argues that failing to simultaneously acknowledge and take into consideration both psychology and sociology principles, is exactly the opposite of what is expected from a Systems thinking mindset (i.e. focusing on and highlighting the interrelationship or interconnectedness in order to come close to holism). It also argues that failing to examine, value and articulate the integration of both the methodologies of psychology and sociology, has slowed and/or negatively impacted the journey towards successful social responsibility efforts. A System of Approaches is therefore proposed, leveraging on psychology and sociology methodologies, towards a successful social responsibility. Keywords: social responsibility, psychological approach, sociological approach, Systems Thinking (mindset), Integration, System of Approaches.
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
Group B: Economic and business aspects of new social realities from the view of social responsibility
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
sUsTainable anD soCiallY ResPonsible UniveRsiTY oF MaRiboR ReTURns To inDUsTRY anD enviRonMenT Joanna Bertoncelj abstract: University of Maribor joins the initiative of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to co-create a green economy. The transition to a green economy is a message of our work and understanding of sustainability and social responsibility. In the area of sustainable and socially responsible university, we started to actively participate in the revitalization of old industrial zones in Maribor. The University of Maribor also promotes cooperation with industry and with local communities, creating a new healthy environment. Development projects are given to the University by the local community and university/faculty implements them, together with partners. Projects are specified under different thematic areas; cooperation is established in relation to the development interests of the local community or other institution. Key words: green economy, sustainable and social development, sustainable and socially responsible university of Maribor, cooperation with other stakeholders ----------------------------------------
izobRaŽevanJa za zaPoslene »izPoPolni UM« Danilo Majcen
(univerzitetni diplomirani pedagog, smer andragogika, zaposlen na Univerzi v Mariboru, na Oddelku za kakovost in trajnostni razvoj) Povzetek: V prispevku predstavljamo izobraževanja »Izpopolni UM«, ki jih organizira Oddelek za kakovost in trajnostni razvoj Univerze v Mariboru. Izobraževanja smo razdelili po področjih: učenje in poučevanje, raziskovanje- vodenje in upravljanje, razvoj kakovosti, razvoj mehkih veščin, izboljšanje strokovnih veščin, internacionalizacija, prenos znanja v okolje. Naših aktivnosti v minulem letu se je udeležilo približno 40 % zaposlenih na univerzi, a bolj kot to, nas zanimajo dvig kakovosti visokega šolstva in nenehno izboljševanje. Ključne besede: kakovost visokega šolstva, izobraževanje, učenje, univerza, zaposleni ----------------------------------------
assessMenT oF sUsTainable innovaTions as a PaRT oF soCial ResPonsibiliTY Maja Cergol Lipnik, MSc
University of Primorska, Slovenia maja.lipnik@upr.si, www.upr.si
Aleš Lipnik, PhD
University of Primorska, Slovenia ales.lipnik@upr.si, www.upr.si abstract: According to ISO 26000 (2010) in consideration of an organization one should assess environmental impacts before starting a new activity or project, and use the results of the assessment as a part of the decision-making process. This paper presents the multidimensional “Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation” (CASI-F), a specific tool for assessment of sustainable innovations. The idea of CASI-F tool is a common framework for assessing the advantages, disadvantages, relevance, benefits and risks of sustainable innovation, particularly social, environmental and economic dimensions, while taking into account general public concerns. Its multi-perspectives approach enables various usability in terms of four target groups: national and international policy makers and governance, business actors, researchers and academia, and civil society on different levels of implementation (strategy level, programming level and operational level). The paper is based on empirical research conducted within the project “Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation” (CASI) funded under the FP7 and implemented by the University of Primorska. Keywords: sustainable innovation, social responsibility, assessment, management
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
bUsiness exCellenCe in THe RePUbliC oF slovenia Mateja Valenci
Head of Section, Metrology and Business Excellence Division
Dominika Rozoničnik
Metrology and Business Excellence Division MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia Metrology and Business Excellence Division Tkalska ulica 15, 3000 Celje, Slovenia abstract: In the first years after Slovenia's independence The PRSPO Prize for business excellence was introduced within the national quality programme, following the example of similar awards elsewhere in Europe, to provide support to the economy’s revival and increase its competitiveness. Through its cooperation with the EFQM, the Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (the Institute) adopted the European methodology and EFQM excellence criteria and incorporated them in the PRSPO system. In 1996, the first pilot project was carried out, attracting much interest in all spheres of state operation. In 1997, the results of this pilot project and the strong desire to build a state based on a successful economy led Slovenia to adopt a decision, while taking into account the size of our enterprises, to adopt the European model for small and medium-sized enterprises as a single model. In 1998, Slovenia continued its story by adopting the Republic of Slovenia Business Excellence Prize Act and carried out the first public call for applications; following their assessment, the first Business Excellence Prizes were awarded in 1998. ----------------------------------------
woMen in THe laboUR MaRKeT anD THe liFe-CoURse aPPRoaCH DeFiCienCies Magda Zupančič Ms.c.
IRDO Institute & Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Slovenia e-mail: magdaz@siol.net abstract: Better reconciliation policies to raise women employment rate present an important part of social responsibility, often neglected in work environments. European Union, known for its European social model, which in many cases serves as a role model of efficient and adequate social policies, is facing new, demographic challenges. Existing systems of social security and work organisation should adapt to the reconciliation requirements, caused by changed family patterns. Recent focus on deeper convergence within Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), together with requirements for modernising the current social and employment policies in EU calls for broader involvement and discussions among social partners and other relevant stakeholders on the topic. The current situation and existing reconciliation deficiencies require further discussions on national and European level, how to introduce acquis also in the field of (non-harmonised) European social policy. Ambitious common European employment and social goals are missing additional social benchmarks and social responsibility dimension. The set benchmarks could enable better monitoring or/and revision of national policies with a goal of faster achievement of high quality employability and lower poverty rate in EU. The most important, benchmarks should take into account the broader context of reconciliation domain in the life-course dimension by revising relevant national policies. The existing elderly care policies are namely substantially lagging behind better established and focused child-care policies, hindering reconciliation opportunities during entire life-course and omitting social responsibility dimension. Keywords: Reconciliation, social responsibility, life-course, employability, women, employment rate
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
THe HieRaRCHY oF leaDeRsHiP - CHain oF leaDeRsHiP Grega Vodopivc doshu abstract: V prispevku pred vami sem se odločil predstaviti krajši odsek poglavja: ‘Burden of command’, iz mojega strokovnega dela: Um samozadostnosti – Umetnost vodenja za 21. stoletje, ki je trenutno v procesu izdaje. V prispevku pred vami se bom na kratko dotaknil pojmov: hierarhija vodenja (vodstvena veriga), eksplicitni notranji red delovne organizacije / poslovnega procesa ter implicitni notranji red delovne organizacije / poslovnega procesa. Prav tako vam bom tudi na kratko predstavil zgradbo obeh notranjih redov delovne organizacije / poslovnega odnosa, katero tvori 64 določb, ki jih je potrebno razumeti v najširšem možnem smislu, ki skupaj tvorijo hierarhijo vodenja posamezne organizacije / poslovnega procesa. Na drugi strani pa vam bom tudi na kratko predstavil v kakšnem razmerju sta eksplicitni in implicitni notranji red organizacije / poslovnega odnosa, kaj pridobimo z njuno uporabo, kakor tudi največjo nevarnost, ki izvira iz njiju – kult osebnosti v sklopu organizacije / poslovnega procesa in kako se lahko slednji izognemo. Pri čemer bi želel eksplicitno poudariti, da obravnavamo tematiko veliko podrobneje obravnavam v zgoraj omenjenem svojem strokovnem delu ter v sklopu svojega izobraževalnega program: Kreativno vodenje. Kakor tudi, da sem omenjene tri pojme razvil na osnovi svoje strokovne sinteze znanj in učenj filozofije ravnovesij (na zahodu bolje poznana kot filozofija konflikta), Koryu Buda (tradicionalne borilne veščine), tradicionalnih kitajskih in japonskih vojaških ter strateških ved, vojaškoobveščevalnih, vojaških in vojnih ved, analitične in globinske psihologije, osemletnih vodstvenih izkušenj, vključno z dvema letoma poveljevanja in vodenja na vojnih misijah, ter približno štirih letih izkušenj, iz področja strateškega svetovanja v okviru NATO pakta, Interpola, Europola, DGSE, U.S. Marshals, Siemens AG, AstraZeneca in Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. For the article, in front of you, I decided to present a short section of the chapter: ‘Burden of command’, from my professional work: Mind of self-reliance - Art of leadership for the 21st century, which is currently in edition. In the article in front of you, I will briefly present concepts of: the hierarchy of leadership (chain of leadership), the explicit internal order of an organization / business process and the implicit internal order of an organization / business process. On the other hand, I will also briefly present the structure of both internal orders of an organization / business process, which are formed by 64 regulations, which must be understood in the broadest possible sense, that together form the hierarchy of leadership of an organization / business process. Further, you will also be briefly presented in what relationship are the explicit and implicit internal order of an organization / business relationship to each other, what can be obtained by their application, as well as the maximum risk resulting from them - the cult of personality in the context of an organization / business process and how the latter can be avoided. Wherein, I would like to explicitly emphasize that I discuss the mention topic in more detail in my abovementioned professional work and in the context of my educational program: Creative leadership. I would also like to mention that I have developed the mentioned three concepts, on the basis of my professional synthesis of learnings and teachings of philosophy of balances (in the West better known as the philosophy of conflict), Koryu Budo (traditional martial arts), traditional Chinese and Japanese military and strategic sciences, military intelligence, military and war sciences, analytical and depth psychology, eight-years of leadership experiences, including two years experiences of the operational command and leadership in the field of war missions, and about four years of experiences in the field of strategic consultancy in the context of NATO, Interpol, Europol, DGSE, US Marshals, Siemens AG, AstraZeneca UK Limited and Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Key words: chain of leadership, hierarchy of leadership, business, equality, freedoms, rights
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
innovaTive aPPRoaCH FoR soCial CHanGes bY YoUnG sTUDenTs Associate Professor Ph.D. Zdenka Ženko University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Razlagova 14, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Zdenka.zenko@um.si and www.epf.um.si
Sarah Marn
II. gimnazija Maribor Trg Miloša Zidanška 1, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija E-mail sarah.marn@druga.si and www.druga.si abstract: Complex social changes require innovative solutions. Social development went from abundance for 20% of the population to crises for many more, over the recent decades. The middle classes are decreasing and getting poorer. Only 14% of adult persons were middle class. In USA 20 year young persons had on average almost no assets and at 30 years their net worth was on average 98,000 USD in 2015. Neoliberal economic model is more a problem than a solution. Interdependency among us is sometimes better comprehended by youngsters. Innovations need a strict understanding of its impact on future development or even existence. Knowledge shared by massive open on line sources gives educational systems a new dimension. Individual specialist as volunteers in E-NABLER create free prosthetic arms for users’ worldwide. Their motives are self-actualization through creativeness, pride from being able to change users life and not greed or profit. Youth Parliament of Alpine Convention is another social model in the making. Their ideas might appear difficult to become innovations but are much more diverse and opening new horizons. A good practice of a platform where youth are able to discuss important topics when it comes to our environment and society is YPAC-Youth Parliament of Alpine Convention. European students, coming from countries connected under the Alpine Convention gather each year to discuss, document or teach about the problem each committee is presenting. Keywords: innovative solutions, social changes, e-NABLER, YPAC youth parliament. ----------------------------------------
soCial ResPonsibiliTY oF DesiGneRs as a neCessaRY CoMPonenT oF THe CURRiCUla oF THe FaCUlTY oF DesiGn M.Sc. Veronika Gruden
Faculty of Design, Associated Member of University of Primorska Department for Design Management Prevale 10, Trzin veronika.gruden@fd.si; www.fd.si abstract: Globalization combined with increased transparency of corporate operations has among others revealed many issues of how organizations manage their corporate image in the field of branding. Socially responsible (SR) design has developed side by side with corporate social responsibility as a strategy to improve products, profits and brand equity. On the other hand, through dialog with the civil society, the purpose of design has expanded to meet new challenges - to develop strategies that lead to sustainable business and product models. Designers should realize that every product and service they bring to the market has some impact on global environments and resources. In the article we report about research that examines some of the initiatives that address these challenges in the curricula of Faculty of Design, as we may argue that SR is in part derived from the individual ethical values of designers, but it is also a response to the needs of their clients and their society. The main purpose is for students to learn about the importance of socially responsible design and be able to participate in SR projects – as designers and members of design or management teams, as well as to critically evaluate the added value of concepts, products and services for the society as a whole. Keywords: social responsibility, design, education, curriculum, design management
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
eTHiCal aDveRTisinG as PaRT oF soCial ResPonsibiliTY wiTH a GooD PRaCTiCe soCial PRoJeCT exaMPle »wHen i Raise MYselF, i Raise MaRiboR« Miro Mihec, B.S. (Econ.)
Ethics Ltd. (Etika d.o.o.) Owner Kraljeviča Marka ulica 6, 2000 Maribor, SI- Slovenia Miro.mihec@etika.si, www.etika.si/en abstract: Ethical advertising is a socially responsibility of each advertiser. As each company has its influence on the society, ethical advertising is also social responsibility of each company in any market. It is advertising ethical towards the client, the media, the public and the environment. It means ethical behavior to the employees and to society. It is a promotion of activities, products and services which support the human as the individual in the development of his/her personality and spirit, and therefore contribute to the formation of a global ethical community, responsible to the humankind and to the nature, and it is much more. In this spirit, companies Etika d.o.o., Pupillam, so.p., Enjo Slovenija and other companies and individuals in 2015 began the social responsibility project called »When I raise myself, I raise Maribor«. The essence of the project is that everyone has to take responsibility for his/her life in his/her hands. That include the work, environment and social impact of each individual. The project involves social-responsible individuals and the companies to develop more ethical society. Keywords: Ethical advertising, Raise, Maribor, Ethics, Etika d.o.o. ----------------------------------------
aPPeaRanCe oF PHRases 'soCial ResPonsibiliTY' anD 'HoRUs' in slovenian MeDia mag. Anita Hrast
IRDO – Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti anita.hrast@irdo.si
Tatjana Novak
Press Clipping d.o.o. tatjana.novak@pressclip.si
Mateja Črešnar
Press Clipping d.o.o. mateja.cresnar@pressclip.si abstract: The company Press Clipping has since 2006 intensively monitored the occurrence of social responsibility term in the Slovenian media. In this paper, we show how this concept occurred in Slovenian media in years 2013 to 2015. We also show the appearance of the term Horus, which is accompanied by Slovenian award for social responsibility Horus and IRDO - Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility. We contemplate also about how the Slovenian journalists participated with their candidacies to tender Horus in the years 2009-2015 in the category of journalists. Finally we present what development opportunities in the field of corporate social responsibility in the media would be ideal for the development of social responsibility in Slovenia. Keywords: corporate social responsibility, media, Horus, clipping, company
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
Group C: Environmental aspects of new social realities from the view of social responsibility
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
inTeGRal ConCePTUal FRaMewoRK FoR a new eConoMiC anD soCial RealiTY in slovenia anD eURoPe Dr. Darja Piciga
Citizens’ Initiative for an Integral Green Slovenia darja.piciga@gmail.com, http://integralna-zelena-slovenija.si/ Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning darja.piciga@gov.si abstract: There are a number of integral approaches that have helped shift our global perspective towards a more integral viewpoint over the past 200 years. On the other hand, the awareness that humankind urgently needs more integrated and holistic approaches for coping with increasingly complex global and local challenges, that conventional “silo” thinking and doing has to be overcome, is growing in the context of sustainable development discussions and policy planning. In a unique approach to fuse and upgrade these two paradigms, a new, integral conceptual framework has been developed by Trans4m Center for Integral Development in Geneva: realms of nature and community, culture and spirituality, science and technology, politics and economics are altogether forming an integral, systemic whole and are held together by a “moral core”, a unique expression of the innermost value base that a society considers essential to its being. In cooperation with the Citizens’ Initiative for an Integral Green Slovenia this framework has been applied in the innovation ecosystem of the European Union, smartly integrating policies for sustainable development, particularly green economy, social economy and social responsibility. Keywords: global challenges, integral worlds approach, integral economics, sustainable development, Integral Green Slovenia, smart integration. ----------------------------------------
soCiallY ResPonsible RePoRTinG FoR Tax PURPoses PhD. Student, Aleksandra Vehovar
University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics Department of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation Razlagova 14, SI- 2000 Maribor Aleksandra.vehovar@student.um.si, www.epf.um.si
Assoc Prof, Lidija Hauptman
University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics Department of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation Razlagova 14, SI- 2000 Maribor lidija.hauptman@um.so, www.epf.um.si abstract: The purpose of this paper was to examine the development of socially responsible reporting for tax purposes. The theoretical part presents the legal framework for tax reporting purposes. In the empirical part of the paper we present various forms of socially responsible reporting on the case of selected foreign companies. The conclusions of the research are that there is not only one definition for the concept of social corporate responsibility, but the concept depends on the geographical location and period. Different companies have different reporting systems on taxes or provisions regarding the preparation of reports on taxes. Companies prepare their reports on taxes voluntarily in the way that is most appropriate according to their size and activity. Socially responsible reporting for tax purposes is gaining importance, but the regulatory requirements are more demanding. In Slovenian enterprises the area of socially responsible reporting for tax purposes is rather underdeveloped, the development in this area is modest. Keywords: social responsibility, socially responsible reporting for tax purposes, disclosure of tax information, Slovenia.
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
PeRCePTion oF enviRonMenTal aCCoUnTinG Assoc Prof Lidija Hauptman
University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics Department of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation Razlagova 14, SI- 2000 Maribor E-mail Address lidija.hauptman@um.si and www.epf.um.si/
Assoc Prof Matjaž Denac
University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics Department of Technology and Entrepreneurial Environment Protection Razlagova 14, SI- 2000 Maribor E-mail Address matjaz.denac@um.si and www.epf.um.si/
Assist Prof Andreja Lutar Skerbinjek
University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics Department of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation Razlagova 14, SI- 2000 Maribor E-mail Address: andreja.lutar@um.si and www.epf.um.si/ abstract: In the previous years, accounting has focused on the measurement and reporting of environmental issues as a part of social responsibility principle. Application and adoption of environmental accounting as a tool of managerial accounting for reporting and for company decisions is required, since environmental information as output of environmental accounting becomes more and more important. Environmental accounting is a necessary tool for the businesses and provides different stakeholders with accurate, reliable and relevant environmental information presented and used in annual reports, corporate sustainability and corporate responsibility reports and environmental reports. As declared in European Commission 2011-2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy Report, academic researches relevant training materials should take more place in the curriculum for the education of more sensitive generations on environmental issues. These paper measures perception of bachelor degree business administration students and their concerns for environmental issues by the primer (Fleischman and Schuele, 2006), including environmental accounting and environmental management accounting with the case studies on reporting, best practices. The primer, divided into two parts, explore a brief rationale directed to accounting professors for allocating precious class time to environmental reporting, and a much fuller exposition for students of the associated issues past, present, and future that will serve to generate classroom discussion. The results show that the primer used in the research has effect on the change of perception. Therefore, increasing awareness about environmental issues, environmental accounting should be valued more in the curriculum and increasing environmental accounting literature with cases and best practices is of most importance. Keywords: Environmental Accounting, Environmental Management Accounting, Social Responsibility
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
beTTeR waTeR, beTTeR DesTinaTion: THe iMPoRTanCe oF HealTHY waTeR in sUsTainable DesTinaTion DeveloPMenT Dr. Jasna Potočnik Topler
University of Maribor, Faculty of Tourism Cesta prvih borcev 36, 8250 Brežice, Slovenia jasna.potocnik1@um.si
Boris Prevolšek
University of Maribor, Faculty of Tourism Cesta prvih borcev 36, 8250 Brežice, Slovenia boris.prevolsek@um.si
Maja Rosi
University of Maribor, Faculty of Tourism Cesta prvih borcev 36, 8250 Brežice, Slovenia maja.rosi@um.si abstract: Clean waters are significant for everyday life as well as for the tourism industry. This article reports on research that reviews some qualitative viewpoints on the topic of water in the Municipality of Brežice, Slovenia, where the tourism sector is by far the most important economic sector. Despite the fact that, according to the official records of the water safety measurements, drinking water is safe and clean in the municipality, 46 per cent of the respondents are worried or very worried about the possible pollution of water due to the tourism infrastructure in the municipality. The Municipality of Brežice is a typical rural area with emphasised sustainable tourism development in the tourism strategy. In the light of sustainable destination development, it is thus of great importance that the majority of its inhabitants (91 percent of the respondents) drink tap water every day or at least occasionally. 64 per cent of the inhabitants even believe that the right to drinking water needs to be enshrined in the Slovene Constitution. Keywords: water, sustainable tourism, literature, sustainable destination, Brežice, Slovenia ----------------------------------------
DRUŽbena oDGovoRnosT Do lJUDi vKlJUčUJe DRUŽbeno oDGovoRnosT Do čebel, TUDi z UPoRabo HoMeoPaTiJe Mag. Aleksandra Zrelec Povzetek: Ob zavedanju pomena čebel bi morali dobrobit čebel ponovno prepoznati kot vrednoto naroda in iskati kulturo delovanja, ki ne bo škodila čebelam (in drugim živim bitjem, tudi ne ljudem!). Tako na področju uporabe zdravstvenega varstva čebel kot tudi na kmetijskem področju (kamor spada tudi čebelarstvo), kjer se uporablja fitofarmacevtska sredstva, bi bilo potrebno raziskati vrste in načine uporabe homeopatskih pripravkov kot etičnega, družbeno odgovornega pristopa do čebel, narave in ljudi, ter z njimi na nacionalnem nivoju zamenjati obstoječe prakse zdravljenja čebel in zatiranja škodljivcev v čebelarstvu in kmetijstvu. Ključne besede: čebelarstvo, čebele, gospodarstvo, družbena odgovornost, homeopatija
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
How aRe slovenian CoMPanies DeveloPinG soCial ResPonsibiliTY? mag. Anita Hrast
Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti - IRDO anita.hrast@irdo.si
izr. prof. dr. Urša Golob
Fakulteta za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani ursa.golob@fdv.uni-lj.si abstract: The paper presents the findings of the survey, which was done in April and May 2016 in Slovenia, on the basis of semi-structured interviews with 12 opinion leaders by the Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility - IRDO. One of the purposes of the study was to detect how the Slovenian companies and institutions perceive and develop social responsibility. Paper is presenting the findings of this research and considering what measures would be needed to allow enterprises to develop its social responsibility more intensively. Keywords: corporate social responsibility, opinion leaders, development, research, interview
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
THe CoMinG oF TURinG soCieTies anD soCial ResPonsibiliTY1 Karl H. MÜLLER
Steinbeis Transfer Center New Cybernetics, Vienna khm@chello.at abstract: Social responsibility issue is changing in the circumstances of a a multitude of fundamental reconfigurations of contemporary societies that will be laid out here, which will generate multiple great transformations or phase transitions across a wide range of societal domains and will extend also into ecological and geological spheres. More specifically, the emergence of a new type of society will be described under the heading of Turing societies which exhibit as their special characteristic new populations of creatures, which are introduced here as Turing creatures. This Turing populations will not only become more and more indispensable for societal production and reproduction processes, but will also advance to become the dominant species within Turing societies. The article outlines the basic new architecture of Turing societies in five major aspects ranging from new perspectives on employment systems to the new and grand challenges within the science system. Finally, this article concludes with new challenges for scientific responsibility under the horizon of the coming Turing societies. Keywords: Turing societies, Turing creatures, Great Transformation, rare events, Science II, employment systems, evolution, complexity, scientific responsibility, social responsibility ----------------------------------------
aRMsaDa PaRaDiGM, solUTion To THe win-win PRobleM Pierre BRICAGE
Guest Professor Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China The International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences iasCYs Secretary General http://iascys.org The French Association for CyberSystemics aFsCeT Vice-President http://afscet.asso.fr Association Pelleas, http://armsada.eu 9 route de Saint Armou, 64450, Lasclaveries, France, Europe pierre.bricage@univ-pau.fr , http://web.univ-pau.fr/~bricage abstract: The win-win deal is supposed to be a situation which is advantageous for everyone, in which the outcome benefits each party. In dynamic studies win–win games are called games without losers. If we look at Human actions within ecosystems or at living and banking systems comparison, the win-win solution is never a solution but always a problem. EcoSystems are not win- win associations: whatever the actors in a network there are never advantages for some ones without disadvantages for other ones. The win-win approach is not a systemic one: nobody must be a permanent winner. No couple of actors can be isolated from the global network of actors in which they are sharing advantages and disadvantages. Whatever the system and its level of organisation, it is structured with an endophysiotope that is hosted by an ecoexotope of survival. The space-times are modular, by embedment and juxtaposition of systems of systems. Whatever the level of organisation the local modules are in interaction at different scales, within and between levels of organisation, but governed by a same fractal power law. The modularity of the actors and their interactions, causes of advantages or disadvantages, are at the origin of exaptation processes. Sooner or later winner-loser interactions will give rise to an Association for the Reciprocal and Mutual Sharing of Advantages and DisAdvantages (ARMSADA), in which, for one to survive, all the others must survive first, in which everyone is both a winner and loser. Taking into account all actors that are in interactions and share the hosting capacity of the same ecoexotope, at the system level you cannot always be a winner; sooner or later you will be a loser. Your capacity to be hosted must be in-between: “meden agan“. And you must be lucky! There are never advantages without disadvantages. Greater the advantages for man, greater the disadvantages: a more and more deteriorated ecoexotope of survival and the emergence of new risks. Species frequencies changes are indicators of ecoexotope changes. Some species are winning whereas others are losing. Balance is changing and the current changes create more losers than winners. It is a “who wins will be a loser” game. Sooner or later winners become losers and losers become winners. ARMSADA is the only long lasting resilient solution between Man and Nature. We need to change our mind with education for a holistic way and at all levels. Keywords: ago-antagonism, “capacity to be hosted”, ecoexotope, endophysiotope, “hosting capacity”, “prisoners' dilemma”.
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
UniveRsiTY oF MaRiboR's Co-woRKeRs' anD sTUDenTs' sUGGesTions in THe sURveY on soCial ResPonsibiliTY Prof. Dr. Branka Čagran
UM, Pedagoška fakulteta / Faculty of Education, Maribor, and IRDO branka.cagran@um.si
Prof. Emer. DDr. Matjaž Mulej
UM, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta / Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor, and IRDO matjaz.mulej@um.si abstract: In the framework of the realization of the 2014 decision of the bodies of the University of Maribor (UM) to make it a 'sustainable and socially responsible University of Maribor' (S&SRUM), we tried to detect the related situation with a survey. The issues included: (1) The level of knowing UM as S&SRUM, (2) The perception of social responsibility, (3) The level of realization of the contents and principles of social responsibility summarized in ISO 26000, (4) The attitude toward treatment of social responsibility in graduation theses, (5) The suggestions about realization of social responsibility at UM. In this contribution we will summarize suggestions about realization of social responsibility at UM (point 5) only. Key words: Sustainable and socially responsible University of Maribor; survey; employees; students ----------------------------------------
CsR in eURoPe Assist. Prof. Dr. Tjaša Štrukelj
University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor, Slovenia Department of Strategic Management and Enterprise Policy Razlagova ulica 14, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia tjasa.strukelj@um.si; http://www.epf.um.si abstract: In this paper we deal with the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) from the European perspective. We introduce the term CSR in form of the European official definition of CSR, and point out why CSR is important if human race wants to survive. We show some statistical data to give a proof of our statements and include some examples how it is possible to implement CSR in the enterprises. We suggest using Dialectical System Theory for implementing ISO 26000 on CSR and the integral management model approach. The crucial linking concepts should be interdependence and holism. Main goal of this paper is to increase the awareness about the importance of CSR. Keywords: corporate social responsibility (CSR), integral management, enterprise policy, European Union (EU), innovation.
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
4 Referati predavateljev v celoti (na zgoščenki) Prispevke avtorjev v celoti si oglejte na zgoščenki.
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
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11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
6 oRGanizaToRJi, sPonzoRJi, soFinanCeRJi
IRDO – Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti Preradovičeva ulica 26, 2000 Maribor www.irdo.si | info@irdo.si
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11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
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11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
Konferenco organiziramo v sodelovanju s podpornimi partnerji: •Mednarodno akademijo za sistemske in kibernetske znanosti, Dunaj (IASCYS) •Evropsko akademijo znanosti in umetnosti, Salzburg •Univerza v Mariboru •CSR Europe Enterprise 2020 •Štajersko gospodarsko zbornico
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
7 obJave
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
11. IRDO mednarodna konferenca: Družbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2016 »Nove družbene realnosti z vidika družbene odgovornosti« - zbornik povzetkov prispevkov
8 zaHvala zahvala Iskrena hvala vsem, ki stopate po poti osebne in družbene odgovornosti. Samo tako nas bo vse več tistih, ki verjamemo, da je z majhnimi koraki moč narediti veliko spremembo pri sebi in v svetu. Hvala vsem sponzorjem in donatorjem, vsem avtorjem, soorganizatorjem in sodelavcem, zlasti pa tudi našim urednikom, oblikovalcem in izvajalcem ter udeležencem. Brez vseh vas konference ne bi bilo, četudi jo kdaj zaključimo v zadnjem trenutku. A vedno znova pokažemo, da zmoremo. In zmoremo še veliko več, saj kot pravi stara indijanska modrost: »Vse kar si v duhu predstavljaš, postane realnost, če ostajaš v luči srca.« In mi vemo, kje je luč. V vaših in naših srcih. Anita Hrast, vodja organizacijskega odbora konference
acknowledgements Sincere thanks to all who pursue the personal and (corporate) social responsibility. Only in this way we will be increasing numbers of those who believe that with small steps we can do great changes, in ourselves and in the world. Thanks to all the sponsors and donors, to all the authors, co-organizers and colleagues, especially to our editors, designers, suppliers and participants. Without all of you and your work this Conference would not been so successful - even if we finish it in the last minute. Repeatedly we show that we can. And we can do much more, says an old Indian wisdom: "Everything you imagine in your Spirit, becomes a reality, when you stay in the light of heart." And we know where the light is. In yours - and in our hearts. Anita Hrast, Head of the Organizing Committee of the Conference