Apart N' Together - Not so random acts of kindness

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Forewords As a group of designers, makers, and thinkers, we joined a course to learn how to design with society. We had plans to build a more sustainable campus at Savannah College of Art and Design. With the global pandemic occurring directly before our meeting, we saw a more critical design opportunity. Here's what we have to share.

Table of Contents 01

Introduction Meet the Colony The ANT Colony Gantt Chart WHO Definitions Design Methodology

04 05 06 07 08


Secondary Research


Primary Research

Mind Maps 10 Collective Mind Map 11 Capabilities as a Potential Tool 12 Amartya Sen’s Model 13-14

Fly On the Wall Behavioral Mapping Personal Interviews

16 17 18


Intermediate Analysis


Final Analysis



Affinitization Photo Study & Diary Study

Insights & ERCC Causal Loop Diagram Opportunity Zones

HMW Statement Decision Matrix Theory of Change

21 22

23 24-26 27-49

51-52 53 54


Final Solution


Design Process


Final Deliverables

Apart N’ Together Value Proposition

Biomimicry Wireframes Toolkit Templates Our Target Group Storyboard

Outcome Branding Finished Toolkits Social Media

56 57-58

60-61 62 63 64-66 67

69 70-73 74-83 84-87



Introduction Meet the Colony

Hayoung Ra

Iren Liao

Mo Zhou (Zoe)

Pandian Chandra

Ren Liu

MFA Design Management

MFA Design Management

MFA Service Design

MFA Design Management

MFA Service Design

Sam Hartman

Sidhant Chopra

Wenjing Zhang

Yihui Wang

Yujia Zheng (Maggie)

MFA Design for Sustainability

MA Design Management

MFA Service Design

MFA Service Design

MFA Service Design


Introduction The ANT Colony

Our team that is made up of ďŹ ve countries, three disciplines, and hundreds of skills, virtually came together for a ten week design challenge hosted by IDEO.


Introduction Gantt Chart


Introduction WHO DeďŹ nitions



Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.

COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. COVID-19 is now a pandemic affecting many countries globally.



Design Methodology

We wanted to understand the challenges faced by people in their daily lives, and started by talking to a large spectrum of people to get a holistic understanding of the problem. In order to do that we spoke to students, healthcare professionals, working professionals who could potentially work from home and some who lost their jobs due to the pandemic. We did this by using various design research methodologies that we learnt at SCAD and also took into account the academic models that were taught to us in our classroom.



Secondary Research

Secondary Research Mind Maps

As different team members had different information about the pandemic, we started by creating a mindmap of what we currently know about the situation. This helped us understand the different thoughts, perspectives and information sources of each team member.


Secondary Research Collective Mind Maps

Individual mind maps were then combined to create a grouped mind map that covered different aspects of the pandemic. It was important to have a combined mind map in order to identify different themes within each mindmap and bring everyone on the same page to proceed as a group with an aligned vision. We aligned our copious amount of data into two main groups; medical information and effects


Secondary Research

Capabilities as a Potential Tool

After doing a deep dive into the brains of our team, we went on to collect and synthesize information from existing data and sources. This allowed us to establish what has been done and what hasn't, identifying opportunity gaps to help suggest research directions. The primary sections our team directed research in followed Martha Nussbaum's Ten Central Capabilities in relation to Covid-19; life, bodily health, bodily integrity, senses imagination and thought, emotions, practical reason, afďŹ liation, other species, play, and control over one's environment.


Secondary Research Amartya Sen’s Model

Use Sen’s Model to Showcase the Case Studies To conduct our secondary research, we began with case studies. This produced an in-depth investigation of single instances to gain detailed knowledge using multiple existing sources. These case studies were useful in understanding existing instances for easier comparisons. Conducting these case studies produced the study in effects of change and innovation during Covid-19.


Agency Freedom

Agency Achievement


ACHIEVEMENT Wellbeing Freedom

Wellbeing Achievement


As a group, we adapted Sen’s Four Concepts of Advantage as a guide in our case study evaluations. We measured each case studies impact on agency, achievement. wellbeing, and freedom. 13

Secondary Research

Amartya Sen’s Model Sen’s Model & Spider Map - Our Evaluation Tool We used Amartya Sen’s concept of advantage to map out inspirational case studies that we obtained from IDEO’s open challenge website.

AGENCY If a person is able to achieve something she sets out to accomplish, the agency will likely increase her wellbeing.



Enhanced feelings of wellbeing generate higher levels of agency.

Agency Freedom

Agency Achievement


ACHIEVEMENT Wellbeing Freedom

FREEDOM Freedom of choice, freedom to do something or freedom to do nothing.

Wellbeing Achievement

ACHIEVEMENT Achievement can create more freedoms.




Primary Research

Primary Research Fly on the Wall

The Fly-on-the-wall observation method allows a researcher to unobtrusively gather information by looking and listening without direct participation or interference with the people or behaviors being observed. This helped us identify patterns in the daily life of our participants.

Key ďŹ ndings: Work-life and home life are hard to separate. Casual posture and wearing Study in the kitchen Food and drinks at hand

People relax and entertain themselves at home in various ways Mini basketball game LEGO


Primary Research Behavioral Mapping

Behavioral mapping method is used to systematically document location-based observations of human activity, using annotated maps, plans, video, or time-lapse photography. This helped us map out the daily movements of our participants as they were bound to their speciďŹ c households due to the pandemic. It led us to understand how one spends an entire day being physically isolated from the outside world, it gave us insights into their behaviour patterns and reactions to situations.

Key ďŹ ndings: Our subjects often get stressed due to their homework and feel relaxed if they don't need to do too much homework. Talking with families makes them feel homesick or worried, but talking with friends helps them release their pressure. They have some subconscious behaviors when they are focusing on their work. The most common emotions are being bored and at peace, which are quite contrasting.


Primary Research Personal Interviews

Interviews are a fundamental research method for direct contact with participants, to collect firsthand personal accounts of experience, opinions, attitudes, and perceptions. We were able to collect thoughts from a wide spectrum of people. In order to have a holistic view of the problem, we spoke to students, healthcare professionals, working professionals who could potentially work from home and some who lost their jobs due to the pandemic.

Key findings: Covid-19 has made people more grateful and productive People see the need to stock up on their needs because resources are running low due to the pandemic COVID19 has created cautious behaviour amongst people Some people feel the lack of understanding of covid-19 due to fake information has created mass confusion, paranoia, and anxiety. Writing and self expression has helped people through this quarantine Receiving support and love from others raises hope in people and makes them less afraid of the uncertainty

“I sometimes become suspicious of other people on the street, or even in the office that they might have been infected without noticing”

“This lockdown gave me a perspective of what caged animals would go through”

“I hope people can use this time of lockdown to do some self reflection”

“Work-from-home helped us build stable trust among colleagues”



Intermediate analysis

Intermediate Analysis Affinity Diagram

After conducting the primary research we moved to the analysis stage of the process. We analyzed the entire data we acquired through all the research methodologies through the process of Data Affinitization.

Data affinitization definition: After collecting all of our human-centered data, we dissected each study into small pieces of information that were then placed onto individual virtual sticky notes. After visualizing the amount of information we had, the team went on to cluster our sticky notes based on relevance. We proceeded to do three rounds of grouping information into broader topics following a system of “i feel..”, Nussbaum's Ten Central Capabilities, and “How Might We…” Statements.

What we learned from affinitization:

1000+ piece of data

After categorizing our data into groups to better understand the information collected, we found that our primary research was helpful in giving us a better insight into what people were thinking and doing.


Intermediate Analysis

Diary Studies & Photo Studies Prompt

What has been changed in your life since the covid19 crisis started? What are those


that you have changed in your life?

daily routines ……

Main Shots Entertainment: variety shows, video games Habits: plants… Express: food, shop Courses: zoom Friends, Pets Outdoor views



Final Analysis

Final Analysis Insights_ERCC


What is ERCC? The Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create (ERRC) Grid developed by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne is a simple matrix-like tool that drives companies to focus simultaneously on eliminating and reducing, as well as raising and creating while unlocking a new blue ocean.


Which factors that the industry has long competed on should be eliminated?


Which factors should be raised well above the industry’s standard?

Reduce Create

Which factors can be reduced to ensure maximum efficiency of the operation being done?

What factors should be created to ensure that something unique and valuable is being offered?

- Proper education on COVID-19 - Awareness about hygiene - Community support - Hope for a better future during these uncertain times - Tolerating uncertainty



- Ignorance of virus - Panic due to misinformation

- Normalcy - Trust in communities - Medical supplies - WFH Solutions - Economic revenue

REDUCE - Environmental impact to protect biodiversity - Spread of virus - Economic impact - Community Discomfort - Misinformation & Fear - Racial discrimination due to political gaslighting


Final Analysis

Causal Loop Diagram A causal loop diagram is traditionally meant to visualize the interwoven relationships of a problem or idea. We’ve created two primary causal loop diagrams with the goal of better understanding the working variables within the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our first causal loop diagram addressed COVID-19 on a large scale. This diagram addressed pandemic causes, decisions causing perpetuation, and potential solutionary actions. Next to each arrow, there is a plus or a minus sign. These plus signs signify that this action has created more viral spread. The minus signs show actions being taken that have slowed the spread of COVID-19. These categories are subjective to our research and could be seen differently by others.

Our second causal loop diagram visualized the insights we found from a collection of interviews and diary studies. This diagram shows behavior that makes people feel good and behavior that makes people feel bad. The determination of good and bad feelings could be different for everyone but based on our findings, this is how we understand it. In this visual understanding, the plus signs mean that the arrow is representing a reinforced feedback loop. A minus sign means that the arrow represents a balanced feedback loop. The dotted lined arrows represent an uncertain interaction.


Final Analysis Causal Loop Diagram Causal Loop Diagram



Final Analysis

Causal Loop Diagram


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones Capabilities Approach: Martha Nussbaum’s 10 The ANT’s decided as a team to define our analysis process according to Martha Nussbaum's Ten Central Capabilities. Nussbaum simply defines capabilities as the ability to do and to be, which is realized by the opportunities to choose and to act. By visualizing and defining these ten central capabilities, Nussbaum is paving a path to answer one main question, “What does a life worthy of human dignity require?” under the assumption that each of these ten capabilities need to be met for a just community (Boylston 124).

Within the crisis of Covid-19, our team has researched and seen first hand devastation that are clearly warning signs of an unjust societal structure. We’ve found that during this pandemic, people have more and more trouble living “a life worth of human dignity”. This is why our team of ANTs decided to analyze both our ideas and data through the lens of Martha Nussbaum's Ten Central Capabilities.

Life Control Over One’s Environment

Bodily Health

Body Integrity


Martha Nussbaum’s 10 Capabilities Senses Imagination Thought

Other species


Emotions Practical Reason 27

Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones Capabilities Approach: Sen’s Model Questions that we asked to interpret case studies:

Agency, Freedom, Achievement and Wellbeing in context of our research objectives: AGENCY Means to be able to get information about COVID-19, means to avoid COVID-19

1. Do they have the freedom to attain wellbeing ? 2. Are the means of achieving that well-being accessible to them ? 3. Do they have the freedom to realize agency ? 4. Are the means of achieving that agency available to them ?

WELLBEING Being healthy physically and mentally FREEDOM Freedom to take decisions, freedom to do what one desires or freedom to not do anything ACHIEVEMENT To be able to reduce the effects of COVID-19 and to be able to eradicate it altogether


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones Capabilities Approach: Sen’s Model As Amartya Sen defines capabilities as “Capability is an aspect of freedom concentrating on substantive opportunities.” We understood that If a person is able to achieve something that they set out to accomplish, the agency will likely increase their wellbeing. Enhanced feelings of wellbeing generate higher levels of agency. Freedom of choice, freedom to do something or freedom to do nothing along with achievement can create more freedoms. We used Amartya Sen’s concept of advantage to map out inspirational case studies that we obtained from IDEO’s open challenge website. We defined the meaning of Agency, Freedom, Achievement and Wellbeing in context of our research objectives.


Agency Freedom

Agency Achievement


ACHIEVEMENT Wellbeing reedom

Wellbeing Achievement



Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones Capabilities Approach: Sen’s Model

Definitions in Our Context


Agency Freedom

Freedom to take decisions, freedom to do what one desires or freedom to not do anything

Means to be able to get information about COVID-19, means to avoid COVID-19

Agency Achievement


ACHIEVEMENT Wellbeing reedom

Wellbeing Achievement


To be able to reduce the effects of COVID-19 and to be able to eradicate it altogether

Being healthy physically and mentally 30

Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones Capabilities Approach: Sen’s Model

In-order to interpret and map out the existing case studies in the Sen’s model, we asked ourselves four questions that determine the personal advantage of an individual.


Do they have the freedom to attain wellbeing?


Are the means of achieving that well-being accessible to them?


Do they have the freedom to realize agency?


Are the means of achieving that agency available to them?


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones Case Study as an Active Analysis & Inspiration

Soul Food Tech Truck

Virtual Birthday Parties

Intersection with Everyone In the Last 14 Days

Social Connection with Physical Distance

With Me

Six Feet Along

Balcony Concert

Systems Thinking for A New Reality

DIY Content

Commune System


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones y nc m e o ag ed e fr

Soul Food Tech Truck: Building Community & Feeding the Spirit


https://challenges.openideo.com/challenge/covid-19-communication-inspiration-ch allenge/inspiration/soul-food-tech-truck-building-community-feeding-the-spirit

In a sense, this would help a person by giving him freedom to attain some sort of wellbeing, by providing them the means to access the required technology. This also gives them some freedom to realise agency. Hence, in some manner they are being provided with means of achieving agency by making computers and other technology items available to them. 4 on Agency freedom 3 on Wellbeing achievement

2 on Wellbeing freedom 2.75 on Agency achievement

a hi gen ev c em y en t



The concept of this is to deliver Computers and other tech devices to the elderly and vulnerable populations to ensure that they maintain a spiritual community.



fr ellb ee e do ing m


ac we hi llb ev ei em ng en t

Case Study as an Active Analysis & Inspiration


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones Case Study as an Active Analysis & Inspiration

y nc m e o ag ed e fr

Virtual Birthday Parties: Sing Birthday Songs to Anyone in the World



a hi gen ev c em y en t

https://challenges.openideo.com/challenge/covid-19-communication-inspiration-ch allenge/inspiration/commune-system

4 on Wellbeing freedom 1 on Agency achievement



fr ellb ee e do ing m


ac we hi llb ev ei em ng en t

4 on Agency freedom 2 on Wellbeing achievement


They want to potentially develop a platform to organize virtual birthday parties through a simple login function. This will celebrate birthday parties for random people across the globe. This would help people who are feeling lonely as they are stuck without their friends and families.


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones y nc m e o ag ed e fr

Intersection with Anyone in the Last 14 Days


https://challenges.openideo.com/challenge/covid-19-communication-inspiration-ch allenge/inspiration/your-intersection-with-everyone-in-the-last-14-days

3 on Agency freedom 4 on Wellbeing achievement

3 on Wellbeing freedom 4 on Agency achievement

a hi gen ev c em y en t



This case study tries to create a mobile application that can track a person's interaction with others around them. It can accurately display your interactions with others for the last 14 days, helping people understand and track the spread of the virus and potentially keeping people from tracking the virus. This provides the users the agency to safeguard themselves and their loved ones, thus giving them a higher level of potential agency and wellbeing achievement.



fr ellb ee e do ing m


ac we hi llb ev ei em ng en t

Case Study as an Active Analysis & Inspiration


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones y nc m e o ag ed e fr

Social Connection with Physical Distance


https://challenges.openideo.com/challenge/covid-19-communication-inspiration-ch allenge/inspiration/stop-using-the-term-social-distancing-and-focus-on-social-conn ection-with-physical-distance-instead

4 on Agency freedom 3 on Wellbeing achievement

4 on Wellbeing freedom 3 on Agency achievement


They want to stop the usage of the term “Social distancing” and instead use “social connection with physical distance”. They want to do this through positive messaging across communities.

a hi gen ev c em y en t


Stop using the term "social distancing" and focus on social connection with physical distance instead.



fr ellb ee e do ing m


ac we hi llb ev ei em ng en t

Case Study as an Active Analysis & Inspiration


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones y nc m e o ag ed e fr

With Me: a Free Event Sourcing Platform during COVID-19


https://challenges.openideo.com/challenge/covid-19-communication-inspiration-ch allenge/inspiration/withme-a-free-event-sourcing-platform-during-covid-19-time

2 on Agency freedom 3 on Wellbeing achievement

4 on Wellbeing freedom 3 on Agency achievement

a hi gen ev c em y en t



Here they want to build a platform that helps people transition and live a virtual lifestyle during quarantine time. They noticed that many individuals and organizations were offering free resources during COVID-19: e.g. Lauv did a free live-performance on Instagram Live, Carnegie Mellon opened up their free computer science video lectures, and Adobe enabled free student access to Creative Cloud. They were touched by all these wonderful resources, but noticed that not many of their friends knew about them. For this project, They aim to consolidate and categorize the resources on a website to help people discover more and increase exposures for the resources.



fr ellb ee e do ing m


ac we hi llb ev ei em ng en t

Case Study as an Active Analysis & Inspiration


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones y nc m e o ag ed e fr

Social Distancing by Shopping Cart with Red Ribbon : SIX FEET ALONG



In the era of COVID-19 VIRUS, we as a world are struggling to survive. Social distancing is getting important. There are places where we cannot avoid people like a grocery mart. We need to ďŹ nd ways to respect social distancing. Social distancing is known as six feet. They came up with the idea of using a ribbon (6 Feet long) tied at the end of the cart, that acts as a remind for people around the person with the cart to maintain the distance.


3 on Agency freedom 2 on Wellbeing achievement

3 on Wellbeing freedom 2 on Agency achievement

a hi gen ev c em y en t


https://challenges.openideo.com/challenge/covid-19-communication-inspiration-ch allenge/inspiration/social-distancing-by-shopping-cart-with-red-ribbon-six-feet-alo ng


fr ellb ee e do ing m


ac we hi llb ev ei em ng en t

Case Study as an Active Analysis & Inspiration


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones Case Study as an Active Analysis & Inspiration

y nc m e o ag ed e fr

Balcony Concert


https://challenges.openideo.com/challenge/covid-19-communication-inspiration-ch allenge/inspiration/balcony-concert


4 on Wellbeing freedom 2 on Agency achievement


fr ellb ee e do ing m


ac we hi llb ev ei em ng en t

4 on Agency freedom 2 on Wellbeing achievement

a hi gen ev c em y en t


In the era of COVID-19 VIRUS, they want to promote “ Balcony Concerts� to prevent doors closing & cabin fever, singing in solidarity out of windows amid isolation.



Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones y nc m e o ag ed e fr

Systems Thinking for a New Reality


https://challenges.openideo.com/challenge/covid-19-communication-inspiration-ch allenge/inspiration/systems-thinking-for-a-new-reality

3 on Agency freedom 3.75 on Wellbeing achievement

3.75 on Wellbeing freedom 3 on Agency achievement

a hi gen ev c em y en t



This case study maps out direct and tangential relationships between health crises and day to day life- be it for an individual, a community, an organization, a nation, or the planet. It also has an adjacent section containing publications, videos and data from authentic sources. This repository is dynamically updated, making it a great resource to access, especially when conducting research on something happening in real time.



fr ellb ee e do ing m


ac we hi llb ev ei em ng en t

Case Study as an Active Analysis & Inspiration


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones y nc m e o ag ed e fr

DIY Content: Helping People Create DIY Masks


https://challenges.openideo.com/challenge/covid-19-communication-inspiration-ch allenge/inspiration/diy-content

4.5 on Agency freedom 3.5 on Wellbeing achievement

4 on Wellbeing freedom 3.5 on Agency achievement


They give a person the information that can be easily consumed to crate protective gear at their home, thus giving them the freedom to realize agency and leading to wellbeing.

a hi gen ev c em y en t


In this case study, they made a user manual and Tutorial video for making Face Shield.



fr ellb ee e do ing m


ac we hi llb ev ei em ng en t

Case Study as an Active Analysis & Inspiration


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones y nc m e o ag ed e fr

Commune System


https://challenges.openideo.com/challenge/covid-19-communication-inspiration-ch allenge/inspiration/commune-system

In a sense, this would help a person by giving him freedom to attain some sort of wellbeing, by providing them the means to access the required resources. This also gives them freedom to realise agency. Hence, in some manner they are being provided with means of achieving agency by making resources accessible and providing information to them. 4 on Agency freedom 2.9 on Wellbeing achievement

2.9 on Wellbeing freedom 2.9 on Agency achievement

a hi gen ev c em y en t



The concept of the case study is that a group of people came together and designed a neighborhood supply map, with a graphic database that contains useful information to facilitate community organization and boost the neighborhood economy by supplying essential supplies, tools and services among the inhabitants of a neighborhood during the contingency.



fr ellb ee e do ing m


ac we hi llb ev ei em ng en t

Case Study as an Active Analysis & Inspiration


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones Case Study as an Active Analysis & Inspiration

Soul Food Tech Truck

Virtual Birthday Parties

Intersection with Everyone In the Last 14 Days

Social Connection with Physical Distance

With Me

Six Feet Along

Balcony Concert

Systems Thinking for A New Reality

DIY Content

Commune System 43

Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones A.U.U.D.I.O. Traditionally, an AUDIO analysis is used in a corporate setting to spot issues or opportunities to create a more sustainable business. Usually, ten environmental issues are applied to five categories of a business; Aspects, Upstream, Downstream, Issues, and Opportunities. This is a great tool to find patterns which as a team of ANTs we loved, but we needed to make this tool applicable to our work. We took the backbone of an AUDIO analysis and rebuilt it into a better way of listening to the people affected by Covid-19. We kept the primary five categories and added one more. Then instead of using environmental issues in our down column, we've decided to use Martha Nussbaum's Ten Central Capabilities as a guide. Martha Nussbaum’s Ten Central Capabilities are reminders to designers of how to create a design that meets basic requirements in equity. The following is how we understood our categories and the questions they made us ask.

“A.U.U.D.I.O.” (No, that’s not a typo) Aspect

Initial and miscellaneous information relevant to each individual capability


Time before the Covid-19 outbreak in relation to individual capability


Time during the pandemic quarantine in relation to individual capability


Time after the pandemic quarantine in relation to individual capability

Issues Opportunities

An outline of the issues realized within each capability during Covid-19 Areas of possible improvement in relation to individual capability 44

Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones Ms. Nussbaum’s Capabilities in Relation to COVID-19 Life

- Will Covid-19 effect when we die or make life “not worth living” ?

Bodily Health

- How will Covid-19 affect my ability to maintain good health and stay nourished and sheltered?

Bodily Integrity - Are people able to be secure against violent assault during Covid-19?

Senses, Imagination & Thought - Is there any limitation to the ability to use the senses to imagine, think and reason?

Emotions - Are people able to have attachments to things and people outside themselves; Not having one's emotional development affected by fear?

Practical Reason

- Do they have the ability to plan their life?


- How can you recognise and show concern for other humans?

Other Species - Are you living with concern for and in relation to animals, plants and the world of nature?

Play - Do they have the ability to play, to laugh and to enjoy recreational activities during this pandemic?

Control Over One’s Environment - Political: Are they able to participate effectively in political choices that govern one’s life during this pandemic? - Material : Are they able to hold property and have the right to seek employment on an equal basis with others; Being able to work as a human, exercising practical reason?


Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones

A.U.U.D.I.O & 10 Central Capabilities Analysis



Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones

A.U.U.D.I.O & 10 Central Capabilities Analysis



Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones

A.U.U.D.I.O & 10 Central Capabilities Analysis



Final Analysis

Opportunity Zones Insights

After analyzing through our lenses, we saw a couple of areas that we thought we could make a difference in each category. Here's what questions we felt could be helpful to further our design.





Initial How Might We Statements

In-order to create a holistic solution and have a focussed approach, the ANTs democratically shortlisted 4 opportunity zones and decided to develop creative solutions that solve these problems.


How might we thoughtfully learn to prepare ourselves, our loved ones and our communities to sustain our lives post-pandemic lockdown?


How might we lower screen time by encouraging physical while still engaging with others and respecting social distancing regulations?


How might we create a ________ to encourage our community in an anonymous fashion?


How might we engage people to plan their lives during the pandemic?



Final HMW Statement

How might we leverage creativity and thoughtfulness to nurture each other emotionally and spiritually while adapting to a new normal?


Brainstorming Decision Matrix

The team developed solutions for all the “How might we� statements and used a decision matrix to further develop a more focused approach to the development of the solution. The decision matrix helped us to plot our ideas on different parameters (Cost, Effort, Scalability and Contact with others) as we wanted to come up with an idea that is not costly, requires least effort and that could be easily scaled for different communities across the globe keeping the social distancing guidelines in mind.


Brainstorming Theory of Change

Theory of Change is a methodology for planning, participation, and evaluation that is used in companies, philanthropy, not-for-profit and government sectors to promote social change. Theory of Change defines long-term goals and then maps backward to identify necessary preconditions. We mapped our solution on this model to understand our desired future outcome, the specific conditions necessary for it, the results of our platform and the resources necessary to get the desired output.


Desired future state


Conditions Necessary for this to emerge


Direct results of our Efforts that lead to this change


Resources necessary to create this output

We want to increase organic community engagement activities across the world.

Empower and develop community members to become positive change agents who initiate engagement activities in their respective communities that promote nurturing of community members during adverse times (i.e. pandemic)

Our platform will provide agents the agency to achieve freedom and wellbeing. This will also help them become agents of positive change in their respective communities and spread it further to other communities.

The resources necessary for the desired outcomes are innovative and creative ideas that improve engagement in communities and community members who execute these ideas, further develop them and share with other members



Final Solution

Apart N’ Together





Design Process




Design process Toolkit Templates


Design process

Our Target Group - Journey with ANT

I’ve already played with the games: Neighbourhood Scavenger Hunt/ Tag/Wishing Tree/ Door Stop Ditch.


Design process

Our Target Group - Journey with ANT

I’ve already played with the games: Co-planting.


Design process

Our Target Group - Journey with ANT

I’ve already played with the games: Cooking-together.


Design process

Storyboard - Take “cooking together� as an Example



Final Deliverables

Final Deliverables Outcome


Final Deliverables Branding



Final Deliverables


Final Deliverables Website

Through our initiative, we aim to provide communities with a platform to assure and reconnect with each other emotionally and spiritually while adapting to a new normal through various innovative activities and ideas.



Final Deliverables Website


Final Deliverables Finished Toolkits

We compiled a range of engaging and thoughtful activities to enable our users to act as agents of positive change.


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Final Deliverables Social Media

To spread the activities across the globe and involve a larger group of people, our social media handles act as marketing tools for us to inform people about the initiative. Our activities and also a place for people to share their engagement pictures with us. The Social media platforms are a fun way of getting people involved with us and others around them on a common platform.







Thank you In response to learning about designing with society; as a team we began impatient with the world's current status and set out to do the impossible. Through our journey we found patience when patience was short, understanding when life wasn't clear, and gratitude when it felt like we had nothing. Our ďŹ ndings and our designs come from the interactions and relationships that we were fortunate enough to build through a global crisis.

Bibliography “MoA - The Pandemic Will Cause A Global Depression - We Need Demand Side Measures To Counter It.” Moon of Alabama, 2019, www.moonofalabama.org/2020/03/the-pandemic-will-cause-a-global-depression-we-need-demand-side-measures-to-counter-it.html. This is an article originating in china talking about the efficacy of Chloroquine Phosphate in the treatment of COVID-19. Chloroquine Phosphate was a driving contribution in an old drug treatment for malaria. It's interesting to see the similarities considering malaria attacks your red blood cells. Stop the Spread of Rumors. (2020, April 3). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/share-facts.html This CDC webpage clarifies 5 facts of COVID 19 that have been made up to misleading information. 1) It can make anyone sick regardless of their race or ethnicity. 2) For most people, the risk of becoming seriously ill is low. 3) people who have been released from isolation don’t have a risk of infection. 4) Simple preventions. 5)signs and symptoms Neenan, C. (2020, April 16). #SocialDisDancing: A Look at Rockette Taylor Shimko's At-Home Dance Life. Retrieved April 20, 2020, from https://www.dancespirit.com/social-disdancing-taylor-shimko-2645657326.html This is the latest news from a dancer magazine, DanceSprit. The homepage of this website posts much news about dancers’ life and the dance challenge event under the order of social-distance. This article is one of them and interviews a famous dancer’s at-home dance life. Jones, K. (2020, April 7). How COVID-19 Has Impacted Media Consumption, by Generation. Retrieved from Visual Capitalist: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/media-consumption-covid-19/ This article includes infographics on media consumption of different generations - from Babyboomers to Gen Z - during the pandemic. It compares how much each generation depends on or is willing to spend time on different types of media. LePan, N. (2020, March 14). Visualizing the History of Pandemics. Retrieved from Visual Capitalist: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/history-of-pandemics-deadliest/ This is an infographic depicting the history of pandemics. It gives a brief introduction to types of pandemic that humankind has been through including the death toll. It also includes a visual explanation of the infectiousness of viruses including COVID-19. The number may change as time goes by, but COVID-19 has an average spread measurement of 2.5 people per infected person.

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