Dr Brian Walker.
MPs go Potty for Paddy’s Day
arch 17th fell on a Thursday this year, which also happened to be a sitting day for the WA Parliament. Alanna Clohessy, the President of the Legislative Council, who is of Irish stock herself, wasted no time in introducing the significance of the day. “Good morning members, and happy St Patrick’s Day to you all,” she said. Ms Clohessy said next that in the “absence of the Minister for Emergency Service” (Stephen Dawson) she had approved a small change to the seating plan in the chamber for the minister for Regional Development (Alannah MacTiernan – also of Irish heritage).
The minor switch around got a reaction from the assembled pollies. “Thank you, members,” she added. “It probably was not an opportunity to comment, but now that you have, I can hear you wishing the minister a happy St Patrick’s Day as well.” Dublin born Mr Dawson at that time was in isolation because of reasons connected to COVID Irish Scene discovered later. The Upper House of the WA parliament got on with the business of the day, which included a motion by Dr Brian Walker, an East Metro MLC with the Legalise Cannabis Western Australia Party, that: “this house – notes the promising