Sorry to keep droning on about it but!
Regular Irish Scene readers The next time the world might recall an article in saw the drones do their the May/June edition with thing was for the opening the headline ‘Sky’s the limit ceremony of the Olympic for future generations’. Games in Tokyo. The In part that feature was Japanese are of course about the use – for the well known for their love first time – of hundreds of of gadgets and gizmos, so drones flying together in you would have to imagine programmed patterns to they rushed at the idea of using it when they first create spectacular aerial became aware of it. That displays over the night sky may have been some time of Dublin for St. Patricks ago and long before its Day. The drone show was colourful appearance as able to merge and form into Top: Just one moment in the spectacular air show for the opening ceremony in July. Source: Twitter part of the St. Patrick’s Day several different images – celebrations in Dublin, but even moving images – and that demonstration must have caught the eye of the messages written high in the sky. For a city still in Japanese organisers as a working example of what lockdown, it would have been visible to thousands they were planning. Certainly there seemed to be of people from their homes and millions on their some similarities in style. In any case the display for TV screens and given watchers a lift. That article predicted this type of technology would wipe the floor the Olympics created a stir in the media in Japan and even here in Australia where it was well received. with traditional fireworks displays (which can be environmentally damaging and drive household pets So as the media like to say, watch this space and crazy) and would become the new standard by which don’t be alarmed if you see a swarm of flying robots big public events would be celebrated and something dancing in the sky for your entertainment in the near we would be seeing a lot more of in the future. future.