Free Speech By Claudia Gocoul
The ultimate guide to slaying the perfect speech for brides, grooms and everyone in between
peeches. They fill everyone with anxiety. Whether you’re a member of the bridal
When are you ever going to have the chance to
party clamming up at the thoughts of speaking to a room full of familiar faces,
address a room full of your nearest and dearest
or a wedding guest waiting patiently for it all to be over so you can dig in to the
again? Don’t let tradition hold you back. Beauty
bread rolls, speeches are a necessary evil. With that in mind, we’ve got an idiot’s guide to
Editor Aisling Keenan got married in September
getting through speech prep.
2017 and took it as a given that she would be
Don’t let tradition hold you back
It’s a rule that can be applied to almost
For The Lady In White
anything, but prior preparation prevents poor
If Meghan Markle can walk herself down that last
performance. A wedding speech is no time to
stretch of aisle in Windsor Castle with the world
wing it. We’re not saying write it down and read
watching, you can give a little speech. It might
taking to the mic come speech time. “To be
it word for word but a general guideline is to jot
not be traditional for the bride to stand up and
honest, there was absolutely no way that I
down key points and, above all, keep it short.
say a few words but we’re calling time on that
wasn’t going to speak on the biggest day of my
outdated notion because, frankly, it’s sexist.
life. I don’t understand why any bride wouldn’t
That said, as with modern weddings, there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to speeches. Tradition may dictate that the father of the bride speaks first but that’s your prerogative. The beauty of your big day is that it is fully customisable. Buck tradition and let your gals get the party going, better yet, start proceedings yourself. Stuck on what to say? We’ve got your back.
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