Gloria News Issue 1 2009

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凯莱时区 销售预订办公室 Sales & Reservations Office

2009 ISSUE 01

香港 Hong Kong 香港铜锣湾告士打道262号鹏利中心2203室 Room 2203 Top Glory Tower, 262 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 电话 Tel: (852) 2833 0298 传真 Fax: (852) 2833 0293

北京 Beijing 中国北京市建国门南大街2号

100022 2 Jianguomennan Avenue, Beijing 100022, P. R. China 电话 Tel: (86) 10-6515 7878 / 8508 传真 Fax: (86) 10-6515 5273 上海 Shanghai 中国上海市静安区南京西路819号中创大厦1504室

200041 Room 1504, China Venturetech Plaza, 819 Nanjing West Road, Jing An District, Shanghai 200041, P. R. China 电话 Tel: (86) 21-5171 0191 传真 Fax: (86) 21-5171 0195 深圳 Shenzhen 中国深圳市深南东路5002号地王商务公寓1713室

518008 No.1713 Apartment, Diwang Commercial Center, Shun Hing Square, 5002 Shennan East Road, Shenzhen 518008, P. R. China 电话 Tel: (86) 755-2583 0700 传真 Fax: (86) 755-8207 0010

欧洲销售总代理 General Sales Agent Europe Badgasse 3, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany 传真 Fax: (49) 8821-966 467

电话 Tel: (49) 8821-967 1855

凯莱食神 The God of Cuisine at Gloria

三千里惬意之选 Three Thousand Miles of Leisure Travel

中国北京市建国门南大街2号 100022

2 Jianguomennan Avenue, Beijing 100022, P. R. China 电话 Tel: (86) 10-6515 7878 传真 Fax: (86) 10-6515 5273


2009 a good place to be

《凯莱之页》满载凯莱人奋斗史,《凯莱时区》翻开新的篇章。 2009年风险与机遇并存,让今天的凯莱丰富您的旅程。 凯莱人带您探寻每个城市的独特魅力,开启您的凯莱之旅; 资深厨师倾囊献艺,凯莱食神带您进入美食世界; 凯莱之星辛勤劳动,凯莱人感悟人生真谛; 凯莱资讯、礼券……贴近你和我。 让我们在这个充满挑战的一年齐肩并进!

As the challenging year of 2009 has just begun, Gloria Hotels & Resorts is also changing the look of Gloria News! Even though 2009 seems to be challenging and risky, there are also opportunities behind. Experience the Gloria City Tour as we bring you to different cities across China. The art of culinary is also shown by the chefs as they bring you into the wonderful world of cuisines. Miss Gloria Ambassador 2008, Miss Betty Xin is sharing with us her experience and how she has worked to attain this title. Let us make this most challenging year of 2009, a new beginning.

3 该图片由北京凯莱酒店提供 Photo provided by Gloria Plaza Hotel Beijing


/ 北京


京 北

京西是问禅之地。千年古刹潭柘寺——皇家寺院 名传海外、禅宗圣地、领袖华北,天下第一戒坛 戒台寺——传戒天下、律宗圣地。 京西是体验之地。登临北京最高峰灵山——体验 高原风情、藏族文化;畅游华北天然动植物园 百花山——寻找心灵的栖息地;小漓江京西十八 潭——不是漓江,胜似漓江。


京西是探寻之地。寻找北煤文化中心地——三家 店村有传奇;璀璨琉璃渠——琉璃文化耀京城; 民居文化展览馆——明清古居爨底下;科举文化

凯莱城市之旅 G l o r i a

C i t y




意 of

说灵水——举人村里说奇谈。 您的一切吃、游、住、行,北京龙泉宾馆将会为您

T o u r



选 Travel

深入一种地域,发现不同的美,有 新的情绪,更有新的灵感……

With a long historical culture, Mentougou District is known for its Tanzhe Temple, Jietai Temple, Lingshan Mountain, Baihua Mountain and many other places of interest.

从一个城市到另一个城市,灵感和 情绪的培养需要一种舒适而富于情 调的空间。

Tanzhe Temple, the archetype of Forbidden Palace; Jietai Temple, the First Altar of China; Lingshan Mountain, the highest mountain in Bejing; Baihua Mountain, the natural botanical garden of north China… Dragon Spring Hotel Beijing provides you with comfortable rooms, culinary delights, tourist attractions, shopping facilities and we hope you enjoy your trip to the western part of Beijing.

从一间房到另一间房,家是自己温 馨的,而凯莱给予你的完美同样是 会贪恋的。 When reaching another destination and finding different types of scenery, there are different emotions and also different inspirations. From one city to another city, inspirations and emotions need a “container” where they should be placed. From one room to another room, one still needs the warm feeling to be just like at home and at Gloria, one can find this and the chance to turn the journey into a memorable experience.


e Tanzh 潭柘寺


le Temp

an Lingsh



Jietai 戒台寺

le Temp



/ 北京



Dragon Spring Hotel Beijing


Dragon Spring Hotel Beijing boasts its beautiful royal garden environment with rooms, restaurants, meeting center and other facilities connected through a 300-meter corridor. It is renowned as the “Miniature Summer Palace”.

其优雅的环境和建筑风格别具特色,素有“小颐和园”之称。 齐全的设施设备和多种口味的特色餐厅,丰富的娱乐休闲项目和多种不同规格的客房, 定能满足您的各类需求。

Dragon Spring Hotel Beijing: A good place to be! 北京龙泉宾馆,轻松惬意之选!


/ 北京



Paradise Gloria Grand Hotel Beijing


Paradise Gloria Grand Hotel Beijing, located at the landmark of the Central Recreational District (CRD) and Extended Chang’an Avenue, is conveniently accessible.



243 elegantly appointed rooms and suites provide the exclusive sanctuary for the business travelers. Different style restaurants offer the diverse selection of dishes and accompanying beverages. The magnificent natural sea water swimming pool with its relaxing environment and abundant sunshine offers the guests the perfect getaway from the bustling city of Beijing.


Paradise Gloria Grand Hotel Beijing: A good place to be!

243间温馨的各式客房,满足高层商旅人士不同需求;多种风格的 餐厅,设计独特、理念时尚;美国资深设计师竭力打造天然海水


/ 三亚


地处海南岛最南端的三亚,犹如一颗璀璨明珠镶嵌在 南海海面上,是我国黄金海岸线上最南端的对外贸易 重要口岸;是祖国的南大门;是建设中的国际热带海 滨风景旅游新城。依山面海的三亚市,属热带海洋性 季风气候,以其丰富的热带海滨旅游资源蜚声海内 外,吸引着八方游客。 三亚市旅游资源得天独厚,不仅具备现代国际旅游五 大要素——阳光、海水、沙滩、绿色植被、洁净空 气,而且还拥有河流、港口、温泉、岩洞、田园、热 带动植物、民族风情等各具特色的旅游资源,在国内 外堪称一绝。在约两百公里的海岸线上,聚集着亚龙 湾、大东海、鹿回头公园、天涯海角、海山奇观、南




G l o r i a


山文化旅游区等闻名中外的旅游景点。那如虹的海 湾、清澈的海水、洁白的沙滩、奔涌的浪花、明媚的 阳光、海蓝的天空、清新的空气,碧波万倾的大海、 变幻莫测的白云、千姿百态的奇岩怪石、色彩斑斓的 海底世界、富有传奇色彩的民族风情……无不散发出 动人心魄的魅力。


之 选


T o u r


C i t y


Sanya is a city located in Hainan island, strategically situated at the most southern of China making it one of the most important sea ports. This tropical island with beautiful scenery is the perfect travel destination. The city of Sanya is overlooking the South China Sea with the magnificent mountain backdrop. Sanya has the perfect weather all year round with the winter being warm like spring and summer being cool and breezy. Sanya is green all year round and its scenery is simply breath-taking. There are many hotels and resorts around the island being built to cater to the increasing number of both domestic and international tourists. There are plenty of tourists’ attractions at Sanya with the 200 km of beach area, Yalong Bay Beach, Dadonghai Beach, Luhuitou Peninsula, Ultima Thule, Nanshan Culture Tourist area and many other famous tourists’ attractions. Sanya has the best natural resources of sun, sand, sea water, beach, green vegetation and clean air. There are also rivers, hot springs, mountain area, country side, tropical plants, and many others making it one of the most unique travel destinations in China.




/ 三亚


Gloria Resort Sanya


Welcome to stay at Gloria Resort Sanya, the first five star resort in China, which is nestled in the cozy Yalong Bay with full frontal view of the South China Sea.

海型豪华度假酒店。 三亚凯莱度假酒店依偎在风光旖旎的亚龙湾畔,居此 您既可沉浸在悠然自得的私密花园,又可享受与众多


Gloria Resort’s modern architecture and interior design are unique to this region. The landscaping is a pleasant mix of greenery, accentuating the beauty of Hainan’s natural flora, and a practical use of open spaces. The interior of the hotel is a luxuriant composition of warmth, spaciousness and pleasing furnishings, all set to welcome guests and make them feel at home the moment they step into the hotel.


Gloria Resort Sanya: A good place to be!

旅游景点近在咫尺的便利。 酒店现代的建筑外观和别致的室内设计,给您带来新 鲜的视觉冲击。怡人的自然地貌融海南岛土生的热带 花卉、植被于一体,造就出视野开阔的实用绿地空 间。酒店内部设施崇尚宽敞温馨的装饰风格,让您深





/ 三亚



Cactus Resort Sanya


Located in Yalong Bay National Resort District of Sanya, the tropical seaside city in the southern tip of China, Cactus Resort Sanya nestles amidst meandering mountain ranges and faces the bay with silver soft beach, gentle waves, and crystal clear blue water. One could not afford to miss the charm of the tropical scenery.

亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假区。背依巍巍青山连绵起伏,面呈海湾波平 浪静,湛蓝的海水清澈如镜,柔软的沙滩洁白如银,挥不去的热带风 情令人神往。 将异域神秘的墨西哥玛雅文化和现代风格完美结合,打造出玛雅文化 的本质特征——崇尚自然。 600 间精心设计的客、套房,无论是饱览 翠绿热带山景亦或壮阔海景,谁都无法拒绝她的独特魅力。 三亚仙人掌度假酒店,轻松惬意之选!


Cactus Resort Sanya combines the exotic Mexican Maya civilization perfectly with modern style to create the essential characteristics of Maya civilization - to advocate nature. It boasts 600 well-designed guestrooms and suites where no one can resist the temptation of its unique glamour, either for enjoying the beautiful tropical mountain view or indulging in the immense and magnificent seascape. Cactus Resort Sanya: A good place to be!



我觉得美食对我来说 像飞鸟一样,可以自由 自在,任意发挥 I can freely explore myself in the world of Culinary, just like the freedom of a bird

表情是身体的情绪,美食是思想的情绪。 食物的品质是凯莱诚意的体现,体验味觉下的凯莱, 感受最“食尚”的风情。

Expression is a feeling from the body; Culinary is a thinking cap of your mind. Gloria presents the best culinary experience on food quality, taste and experience with sincerity.

刘家雄 Liu Jiaxiong

Group Executive Chef – Chinese Cuisine of Gloria Hotels & Resorts with the honor of Chinese Master Chef in China, First Degree Judge for Skill Competition in Food & Beverage Industry, China Senior Examinator for Skill Level Rating on Chinese Culinary. Chef Liu is a friendly and easy going person who has 35 years of experience. He is hardworking, responsible and full of curiosity on new trends. Chef Liu also has kept his personal recipes secret especially the soup base of the Big Bowl Lamb, the recommended dish. Chef Liu always said: “Learning always keep you up to date.” That is the reason why his recipes are always filled with creativity.

大碗羊肉 Big Bowl Lamb

Orig 人最 秘制汤 常 in 料, and al Hou 点 se R Gue e st’s Favo cipe urite


Q: 酒店中外国客人点餐有 什么忌讳吗? A: 大部分外国客人不吃内脏

凯莱酒店集团中餐行政总厨 中国烹饪大师,国家餐饮业技能竞赛一级评委,国家职业 技能鉴定高级考评员。拥有35年从业经验的刘师傅为人 谦和,对新鲜事物总保持着旺盛的好奇心,勤奋好学的他 通过多年的努力积攒下丰富的司厨经验,私家汤谱更是让 人求之不得,这次介绍的汤水,就是刘师傅多年总结的精 华,刘师傅常说:“要时刻学习才能跟上食客的进步。” 所以他的菜谱也在随时更新,时刻追求新意。

Reco 主推菜 品 mm 大碗 enda 羊肉 tion : 此菜 Big 为自 Bow l Lam 己独 门 b 客

Q: 给什么人做菜的印象是 最深刻的? A: 杨尚昆

材料 : 黑山羊一只约 25 斤重 羊肉汤底 : 羊骨头、扇骨、瘦肉煲成汤 酱料 : 腐乳、指天椒、蒜头、豆豉,打烂调成汁 制作方法 : 剃净起骨备用,皮肉烧毛,用清水漂 1 小时去血水, 用姜葱飞水后煲 1 小时焾,将羊肉过冰后,用白卤水浸住备用 , 将煲好的羊肉切成片,用羊汤煮滚淋在银芽上,加芜茜、红 葱头、葱花晒面跟羊肉酱料沾食

Ingredients:Whole Lamb 25grams Soup Base:Lamb bone, rib and lean meat Condiment:A blend of preserved beancurd, chilli, garlic and black bean Cooking Method: Firstly, debone the whole lamb, clean the skin and soak into clean water for an hour to release the blood. Secondly, use boiled water with garlic and onion to clean the lamb and then cook for an hour in pot. Thirdly, put the cooked lamb on ice and then slice the meat. Then, pour over the mutton soup on the bowl with bean sprout and the sliced meat. Lastly, use fresh Chinese coriander, sliced shallots and sliced onion as a touch on top of the soup.

Q: 您自己最难忘的一次美 食体验? A: 改革开放后第一次吃到 生猛的澳洲龙虾 Q: 如果把美食比作一样事 物,会是什么呢? A: 飞 鸟, 可 以 自 由 自 在, 任意发挥

Q: 烹饪起来最讲究的一道 菜是哪个,为什么? A: 生炒菜心,讲究烹饪技 巧,越简单越难 Q: 对商务人士有什么滋补 养生类的菜品推荐吗? A: 汤, 各 式 各 样 的 汤, 能 按客人不同需求合理安排

Q: 您平时喜欢吃什么? A: 鱼

Q: 您从业期间经历过最特 别的事情是什么? A: 入行初期师傅的打骂

Q: 酒店中哪几道菜被点次 数的最多? A: 牛 尾、 客 家 豆 腐、 豆 豉 五花肉、浓汤翅

Q: 您认为怎样才能成为优 秀的烹饪大师 A: 享受烹饪、有道德、有诚信

Q: Who is the person you have cooked for that impress you the most? A: Yang Shangkun

Q: What is your most impressive dish that you have ever experienced? A: When I first ate a fresh Australian Lobster during the time when the door of China opened to the world. Q: If we take Culinary into

another angle, what do you think it will be? A : Bird, because it has the freedom to explore. Q: What do you like to eat

normally? A: Fish Q: What are the dishes in

the menu that have the most order in the hotel? A: Oxtail, Stuffed Beancurd with Minced Pork and Salted Fish, Pork Belly with Black Bean Sauce, Shark’s Fin Soup Q : Is there anything that

foreigners want to avoid or

request when ordering the dishes in the hotel? A : Most of the foreigners do not take animal internal organs. Q: What is the dish that is

the most difficult to prepare and why? A : Wok Fried Choy Sum. This dish looks easy to cook but it needs real skill because it cannot overcook and the colour must be fresh. Q: For people who work in

office, what dishes do you recommend them to eat in order to keep healthy? A: All types of different soup, can be prepared as request. Q: What is your most special

encounter during your years in culinary experience? A : I was scolded badly by Chef during my first job. Q: What is your advice to

become a well being Chef? A: Must enjoy Culinary, person with principle and trustworthy.


当时我就像一个西部牛 仔在美食之旅中探险! I was an adventure cowboy at the Culinary Journey! Q: 给什么人做菜的印象是 最深刻的? A: 我的母亲

Farouq 凯莱酒店集团西餐行政总厨 来自马来西亚,曾在澳洲、美国、加拿大、欧洲及东亚各 国的4、5星级酒店担任行政总处一职,经验丰富。Farouq 总厨一直放很多心思在创意方面,他独特创作的主题茶歇 “老北京特色茶歇”赢得2007年中国商务会奖旅游创意榜 之最有创意酒店餐饮服务奖。 Farouq总厨也相信简单就是美的概念,他很注重食品的质 量,简单的摆设和新鲜的出品。

Group Executive Chef – Western Kitchen Originally from Malaysia, Chef Farouq obtained abundant experiences as Executive Chef in various 4 and 5 star hotels in Australia, USA, Canada, Europe and most of the South East Asian countries. He is always on the top of creativity; his creation of “Old Beijing” theme tea break has won the “Most Creative Hotel Food & Beverage Service of 2007 MICE Creative Board “by E-Media Company. Chef Farouq always believes in K.I.S.S principle (Keep It Strictly Simple) and always keeps his presentation simple, fresh and in top quality.

拉萨 Laksa 拉萨是峇峇娘惹文化(土生华人)的一种最受欢迎的香辣面条 汤。其综合了马来西亚和新加坡华人与马来人彼此的烹饪特 点以制作出来的精品。主要原料是以椰子制成的咖喱汤。以 豆腐泡、鱼丸、虾及扇贝等制作而成。

Reco 主推菜 品 mm enda t ion: 此菜 拉萨 为峇 L a ksa 的一 峇娘 One 惹文 种

受欢 化 mos 迎的香 ( 土生 t we 辣面 华人 ll k soup ) in th nown s 条汤 p e i cy n cult of P oodl (Stra eranaka ure e n its C hine se)

of th e


Laksa is a popular spicy noodle soup from Peranakan (Straits Chinese) Culture, which is a merger of Chinese and Malay elements found in Malaysia and Singapore. Laksa is a coconut-based spicy soup. The main ingredients include tofu puffs, fish sticks, shrimps and cockles.

Q: 您自己最难忘的一次美 食体验? A: 到澳洲北部的美食之旅, 去品尝当地特色美食,当时 我就像一个西部牛仔在美食 之旅中探险。

Q: 酒店中外国人点餐有什 么忌讳吗? A: 外国人对油大的食物比 较忌讳,尤其是欧洲人。 Q:烹饪起来最讲究的一道菜 是哪个,为什么? A:鹅肝,因为鹅肝需要很多 道手续去做,而且每个环节 都很重要。

Q: 如果把美食比作一样事 物,会是什么呢? A: 一个游戏,可以从中得 到乐趣和享受。

Q:对商务人事有什么滋补养 生类的菜品推荐吗? A:沙拉,因为沙拉的特点是 健康、热量低。

Q: 您平时喜欢吃什么? A: 福 建 炒 饭、 海 南 鸡 饭, 因为在年轻的时候吃过福建 炒饭给了我非常深刻的印 象,所以就一直喜欢。

Q:您从业期间经历过最特别 的事情是什么? A:在美国,和 20 个不同国 家的厨师一起工作。

Q: 酒店中哪几道菜被点次 数的最多? A: 三明治、星形汉堡

Q:您认为怎样才能成为优秀 的烹饪大师? A:要自己很喜欢这个行业, 并且要勇于创新

Q: Who is the person you have cooked for that impress you the most? A: My Mother

request when ordering the dishes in the hotel? A: They do not like oily food especially the Europeans.

Q: What is your most

Q: What is the dish that is

impressive dish that you have ever experienced? A: I was just like an adventure cowboy who tasted the entire local culinary during the journey at Northern Australia.

the most difficult to prepare and why? A : Goose Liver. Because Goose Liver needs a lot of steps to prepare and every step is very important, this can influence the taste of the entire dish.

Q: If we take Culinary into

another angle, what do you think it will be? A: It is a game to enjoy... Q: What do you like to eat

normally? A: Hokkein Fried Rice and Hainan Chicken Rice. Both of them are my favourites since I was at very young age. Q: What are the dishes in

the menu that have the most order in the hotel? A: Sandwiches and Star Beef Burger. Q : Is there anything that

foreigners want to avoid or

Q: For people who work in

office, what dishes do you recommend them to eat in order to keep healthy? A: Salad. Because it is less heaty for body. Q: What is your most special

encounter during your years in culinary experience? A: Working with 20 different country chefs when I was in USA. Q: What is your advice to

become a well being Chef? A :Must love the job and always on top of creativity.


凯莱之星 / Gloria’s Stars


Miss Gloria Ambassador, Betty Xin




庭已近 2 年了。从一个对酒店产品毫无常识的小女孩







决赛当晚在 T 型台上,所有人的目光集中在我们身













了问题。同事们为了不耽误我比赛,大家从下午 6 点








My name is Betty Xin. I am 21 years old. I have joined Gloria Hotels & Resorts for nearly two years. I entered the ‘Gloria Family’ without any understanding of the hospitality industry, but through the support of my colleagues and management, I managed to improve my knowledge. I would like to take this opportunity to give all those who have helped me along the way a big ‘thank you’. When I was chosen to represent Huanhai Gloria Inn Qingdao at the Gloria Hotels & Resorts’ Inaugural Miss Gloria Ambassador Competition, I felt very excited and nervous at the same time and spent many days in perfecting my presentation with the help of my colleagues. But with two days left before my departure to Beijing, the CD I had prepared for the competition could not function.

Luckily, my group of colleagues helped to solve the problems for me in time. It was very touching for me and I told myself that I must not let them down. During the competition, we had a few days to get to know the other contestants from the sister properties and valued our friendship much. Though we were all tired after the rehearsal, we still spent time together and shared our experiences and stories. We took the competition seriously. However, it did not really matter if we won the competition or not, as long as we tried our best on the stage. Being crowned as the Ambassador of Gloria Hotels & Resorts, I was grateful for my parents’ and Gloria’s support as well as my friends’ and colleagues’ encouragement.


凯莱之星 / Gloria’s Stars

STARS! 凯莱之星 / Gloria’s Stars

姓名: 蔡文代 酒店: 三亚凯 莱度假 职务: 酒店 工程部 维修工 入职本 酒店8年 以来, 不怕脏 蔡文代 、敢于 工 挑战, 店开业 每项工 作勤劳、不怕 至今, 作都冲 吃苦、 锅炉设 计划进 在前沿 备陈 行 好。特 保 养 、 维 修 , 旧老化,他每 。由于酒 别是洗 月都按 使锅炉 衣房设 工 至今运 都能及 备经常 时处理 行得如 作 出 , 现 此完 工种, 把成本 跑冒漏 但他一 控制到 滴现象 有空就 最低。 ,他 不怨苦 协助各 虽然属 。 班组完 于特殊 成各项 任 务,从 Name: Ken Hotel: G t Cai loria Res ort Sany Title: M a echanic Kent C ai h ago. He as always been diligent is since he He like hard working and he s the c can work joined 8 years h a llenge at the under p o front. S ressure. ome ho f each work a many y nd tel’ ears an d gettin s equipment h always stand maintain as been g old. ing the He pers used so m e q u ip m ists on e n t a lw at regular time fixing a a . y E he can s o cc u rs speciall resolve y the la nd th e a b n it timely undry o rm a l p a low c . What ost pric ro b le m is e. Alth s, m enginee o but re , he could ough h ring, as e sp do it at long as to finish he has th ecializes in on their wo e area o e time, rk with f he will much p help oth leasure. ers


姓名: 丛培林 酒店: 北京凯 莱酒店 职务: 保安部 主管 自2 0 07 年入职 以来, 迅速成 丛培林 长,很 从一名 快就成 奋好学 为了部 普通的 的进取 门的业 保安员 精神, 为主管 务骨干 爱岗敬 。保卫 ;凭着 业的工 部主管 保证酒 勤 作态度 的工作 店大型 又被提 范围广 活动及 导,还 升 、责任 会议期 要定时 重, 间酒店 对各区 决。要 外 部 的 既要 域进行 督导本 巡视, 车辆疏 班员工 作情况 发 认真履 现问题 ,及时 行岗位 及时解 纠正存 控及其 职责, 在问题 它各项 检查其 ;要熟 设备的 类似事 运 练掌握 使用, 件时, 中控室 当客人 能够及 的财物 监 报失或 时地进 损失; 发 行 生 要 调查, 其他 包括火 及时处 避免住 警处理 理在酒 店客人 、散发 店发生 月及重 小广告 的紧急 大节日 人员的 事件、 前的安 事项; 抓捕; 全检查 经理不 要完成 工作和 在期间 政府机 每 经理交 ,还要 关的人 办的其 负责接 员并对 外,还 他 待公安 下达的 要负责 、 紧 消 对新到 急工作 防等 员工共 岗员工 及时布 同进步 的岗位 置。另 等。丛 岗位上 技能培 培林很 工作游 训 快便进 ,督促 刃有余 入角色 ,表现 ,在主 出色。 Name: 管 Cong P eilin Hotel: G loria Pla za Hote Title: Se l Beijing curity S uperviso r Cong P e il in , th e S e c u ri Hotel B ty S u p eijing, e rv is o r has wo 13 Septe rked fo o f G lo mber 2 r one a 007. D made a nd a ha ri a P la z a uring th great p lf year e short rogress since and du period with his e to his of ti hard w attitude he was ork and me, he of profe promote diligenc ssionali d to be responsi e sm a a su bility is n umerous pervisor. The se nd dedication the traff cu and heav ri ic order ty su p y. It is nec ervisor’s du held in essary to the hote ri n g th e p u b li guarante c l, and a the reg e lso to c e v e n ts a n d m ion and e e ti n ond fin supervis e the st d that any issu uct an inspecti g s a o ff to co es be se check th n of nscienti eir ope ously fu ttled in time; ratio m a n n e r; lfill the b e sk il le n and correct ir duties, control problem d to u se equipm s th e se c en u ri ty m in a timely lo ss o f th e g u e ts and others o n it o ri n in orde st s’ v a lu as soon r to pre g a n d a b le s; d as poss vent th e a l w it ible suc handbil e h h th ls in th as stop e hotel; ping dis e e m e rg e n c y security receive tributin organiz th g illega e office ations a the man l rs from nd fire age the pub contr the train r is absent. In lic addition ol institutions ing of th , w e outstan also be hen new sta ding an responsi ff. Cong d he qu ble for Peilin’s ickly ad perform apts to ance is the job of Super visor.

姓名: 徐洪宇 酒店: 苏州凯 莱 酒店 职务: 员工餐 厅厨师 长 在苏州 凯莱酒 店已服 一名优 务了7年 秀炉头 多。徐 主管, 调到了 洪宇本 由于酒 员工餐 来是中 店工作 厅 主持日 部门员 厨 需要, 常工作 工的日 他从中 。 常工作 厨房 平时, 好食品 , 他既要 要妥善 安全, 安排好 完成员 还要提 的把握 工餐费 高员工 ,他为 标准、 餐的质 酒店节 经过他 搞 量。通 约了数 的努力 过 日常细 以万计 ,员工 节 的食品 餐厅的 成本, 员工流 而且 失率大 Name: 大降低 Jerry X 。 u Hotel: G lori Title: Sta a Plaza Hotel Suzhou ff Cante en Chef Jerry X u, Chef of Staff Hotel S Canteen uzh , has be Sampan ou for 7 years. en in G He was kitchen loria Pla an exce before h due to za llent su e was tr hotel d pervisor ansferre emands. arrangin in d H to is g staff can main re te standard daily work of sponsib ilities in en staff ca s of sta ff meal nteen, clude his hard and ensu making work, st rin control aff mea time ev l cost w g food safety. T aluation ent dow hrough in food n and a quality t the sa improve me d greatl y.

姓名: 杨艳 酒店: 大连凯 莱酒店 职务: 销售部 宴会协 调 杨艳毕 业于东 北 财经大 1 月起在大 学酒店 连凯莱 管理专 多。杨 酒店实 业,自 小姐曾 习,至 任大连 20 今已在 销售部 凯莱酒 酒店工 0 7 年 宴会协 店 作两年 餐饮部 调员。 待及协 秘书一 主要负 调工作 职,现 责宴会 。 任 、会议 及婚宴 的接 Name: Ellen Ya ng Hotel: G loria Pla za Hote Title: C l atering Coordin Dalian ator Ellen Yan g gradu ated fro Econom m Dong ics, majo bei Univ ring in 2007, sh ersity of Hote e has bee Finance n workin l Managemen worked and t. Since g in the as the S Ja ecretary hotel fo Through r two yea nuary of Food her effo and Bev rs. Ellen rts and Caterin erage d her le gC epartmen the hote oordinator of S aders’ supports, t. l. Her m ales & M now she ain arketing is banquet , compan work is the rece departm the ption an y meetin e d coordin nt at g and w edding. ating of

姓名: 刘靓珂 酒店: 南昌凯 莱大饭 职务: 店 行政酒 廊领班 刘靓珂 自 踏实实 2004 年入职南 、勤勤 昌凯莱 恳恳地 大饭店 一位客 对待每 以来, 人。2 一项 一直踏 008年1 廊是星 0月酒店星 工作,热情地 评人员 接待每 用餐及 级 重中之 复评期 开会的 重,因 间 ,行政 主要地 为它直 象,为 酒 方, 接影响 此,作 到星评 接待工作更是 为行政 重大, 人 酒 员对酒 廊的领 积极协 店的印 班,她 助工程 卫生, 深感肩 部改造 擦拭灰 上的责 会议室 尘,检 安排好 任 ,更新 查各个 人手维 地 毯,打 细节, 持行政 达酒店 扫 克服各 酒廊的 时,为 种困难 正常营 了确保 ,并 加班加 业。在 万无一 点,直 星评人 失,她 到完美 员抵 酒廊迎 便 一 完成任 直 来了在 坚 守 务;2 岗位, 南昌参 们,她 008年1 加“春 负责其 2 月,行政 兰杯” 早餐接 了一系 围棋比 待服务 列细致 赛的选 ,选手 周到的 好,为 手 入住 个性化 他们准 服务, 期间为其提供 备了适 得到了 按 合 照 个人口 棋手们 棋 手 们 味的早 的一致 的喜 餐,优 好评… 质的服 … Name: 务 Rita Liu Hotel: G loria Gra nd Hote Title: E -Loung e Shift L l Nanchang eader Rita Liu joined G loria Gra She alw ays serv nd Hote es the g l Nanch every ch uests w ang from allenge. ith pass 2004. In the hote October ion and l assessm 2008, d ent for uring th dare to face place fo five star e first p r meeti eriod of rating, ng and would E-L lun give th e first im cheon. This w ounge was the She too as the p pression k this m lace tha to the atter un the asse t assessm de ssment ent tea team arr r her responsi team to m. b iv ility an ed, she retouch d before assisted the Mee conduct th ting roo ed thoro m and ch e Engineering ugh cle regardin aning a a n g g the a e the carp nd check ssessme At the et, ed all of nt team same ti the deta checkin me operati ils g in to ng norm , she ensured th e th hotel. ally to at E-Lo the asse the gue unge w ssment sts. Du as still team, sh all their ring th e made needs a e arr sure tha nd team le t she att ival of ft the h worked over ti ended to me, unti otel. In welcom l the ass Decem ed more essm ber VIP gues Chunla ts, the ca 2008, the E-L ent nC ndidate ou was in ch up World Pro s for the “S nge fessiona arge of lG eventh th In orde r to anti e candidates m o Competition ”. She orning cipate th the bre breakfa e guest akfa st servic s’ needs, made su st menu were sh e a re that s per th ensured e. guests’ e guest that the end every n s’ favori , the gu e tes. She e ests were ds were looked very sati after. In sfied by the serv ice.


凯莱资讯 / Gloria Flash

Dragon Spring Hotel Beijing The Good Place for Business & Leisure Travelers

凯莱品牌新增成员 北京龙泉宾馆拥有温馨舒适的各种房型共287间套, 另辟独立的别墅阁楼尽享私人空间。宾馆特设有中餐 厅、西餐厅、风味餐厅、秦淮楼等多处餐厅,可容纳 数千人同时用餐。名家主理的粤、湘、川、瑞士珍肴 名菜和地道的农家菜、各式火锅,因博采众长而备受 讲究饮食人士的青睐。可容纳近2000人的会展中心拥 有数十个不同规模的会议室,可举办各种国际国内会 议。先进的视听设备,高速的信息传送系统,快捷的 多媒体视觉享受,辅以优质的通讯支持和专业的秘书 服务,使您的会议更加高效圆满。 在中国本土急速扩张的凯莱酒店集团,近日又在北京






区,占地面积 16 万多平方米。整体采用中国古典宫










Gloria Hotels and Resorts, the rapidly expanding regional hotel group in China, announced the management of Dragon Spring Hotel Beijing. Located at the picturesque western area in Beijing, Dragon Spring Hotel Beijing occupies 160,000 square meters and is renowned as the “Miniature Summer Palace”. The hotel boasts its beautiful royal garden environment with rooms, restaurants, meeting center and other facilities connected through a 300-meter corridor.

ensure of the events great success. Numerous recreational facilities ranging from bowling, tennis, badminton, table tennis, billiard, swimming, gymnasium and dance hall are available within the hotel. The hotel specially features the Hot Spring Bath Center, Spa Center. The unique team-building facilities are also available providing alternative options for the event planners.

287 guest rooms and private villas are dotted at the clusters of pagoda-style buildings. The hotel has various style restaurants featuring Cantonese dishes, Western dishes, Qinhuai style, Chinese home style and many others. The convention center has more than 10 conference halls and function rooms that can cater up to 2,000 people, fully equipped with first class facilities at the hands of experienced meeting-planners to


此 凭



可 级 假 政 获 期 策 得 , 不 逾 得 北 期 与 京 无 其 G 效 他 龙 ift 推 *请 广 泉 Vo 提 同 宾 uc Fr 前 时 馆 ee 预 使 he Ro 订 入 r om , 用, 住 并 U * 于 不包 期 pg Ca 前 括 r a de 台 套 间 red n n 客 入 房 to ee ot b 住 th * mab e u eN 时 ,不 房 Va le se 免 提 ex 交 可兑 费 ex lid for c d w tC 礼 换 te til as ith at n h 券 现 升 eg ot * sion l 27 一 原 金 or he Ad e th y 件 rp 级 at or van nter Sep ro D *升 *有 ig c ta t m ra em in e o i 效 n g 级 t a * R l r e ed b ion on 期 确 c s e s, oo op er r2 Sp 认 至 m y va no rin 00 视 20 up up tio ti g 9 酒 09 gr on n nc H (e 店 年 ad c is lu ot xc e i he r s 房 9月 el ive ep s s ck eq B 态 2 ub in u tP eij of 而 7日 jec g- ire in ub su 定 , t t in d g ite lic ;p oa 不 ro va H le 适 o ila ol as m bil 用 i e d s ity ay 于 pr an s), es d 公 en n 共 no ot t


凯莱资讯 / Gloria Flash

荣誉奖项 Accolades

北京凯莱酒店荣获北京市旅游局表彰奥运会残 奥会服务接待工作先进集体,咖啡亭主管隆重 先生荣获先进个人。 Gloria Plaza Hotel Beijing recently has been honored as one of the “Excellent Members of the Beijing 2008 Paralympics Service Hotels”. Mr. Steven Long, the supervisor of the Atrium Café, has been selected as the “Excellent Individual”.



——《TravelWeeklyChina 旅讯》2008中国旅游业界奖


“Best Hotel Group (Domestic) - Inbound” - 2008 TravelWeeklyChina Travel Industry Awards

“The Most Influential Hotel Management (Group) Brands of China in 30 years” – Hotel Modernization Magazine


Gloria Plaza Hotel Beijing has been selected as one of “The Hotel That Best Defines Hospitality” on the Hospitality Torch Award.





“The 20 Most Influential Hotel Management Brands of China”– Global Hotel Magazine

China Top Ten Hotel Management Companies – China Hotel Industry Leaders Summit






Gloria Plaza Hotel Shenyang was awarded “Liaoning Top 10 Popular Brand Hotels” and the General Manager Mr. Wilson Liu was honored as “Liaoning Top 10 Hotel Administer Managers”.

Six chefs of Gloria Plaza Hotel Shenyang won 3 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze medals at the National Cooking Competition.


Gloria Plaza Hotel Beijing was recently honored as one of “The Outstanding Contribution Hotels of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games in Jianwai District” .



三亚凯莱度假酒店西餐行政总厨Mr. Peter How






Gloria Resort Sanya honored - Top 10 Resort Hotel China 2008 “Golden Rabbits Award”.

Mr. Zhou Huaqing of Gloria Resort Sanya honored as “China Excellent Farmer Worker”.

可 级 假 政 获 期 策 得 , 不 逾 得 北 期 与 京 无 其 G 效 他 凯 ift 推 *请 广 莱 Vo 提 同 酒 u Fr 前 时 ch 店 ee 预 使 er Ro 订 用 入 om , , 住 并 不 U * 于 包 期 p g Ca 前 括 ra de 台 套 间 red n n 客 入 to ee ot b 房 住 t he * mab e u 时 ,不 房 N Va le se 免 提 e xt 交 可兑 费 ex lid for c d w Ca 礼 换 te til as ith n te h 券 现 升 ot g * sion l 27 一 原 金 or he Ad e th y 件 rp 级 at or van nter Sep ro G *升 *有 ig c ta t m lor em in e o i 效 n 级 t i a * R l r e ed b ion aP 期 确 c s e s, oo op er r2 laz 认 至 m y va no aH 00 视 20 up up tio ti 9 酒 09 ot gr on n nc (e 店 年 ad c is el lu xc e i he r B s 房 9月 ive ep eij s s ck eq 态 2 ub in u tP in of 而 7日 g jec g- ire ub su 定 , t t in d i lic te ;p oa 不 ro va H le 适 o ila o a m lid se bil 用 s ity ay 于 pr an s), es d 公 en n 共 no ot t


Mr. Peter How, the Executive Chef Western Cuisine of Gloria Resort Sanya recently awarded as the “Chef of The Year 2008”.


此 凭



凯莱资讯 / Gloria Flash

全国政治思想工作科学专业委员会座谈会在南昌凯莱 大饭店隆重举行。

Gloria Grand Hotel Nanchang, host of National Scientific Professional Committee Conference.


Gloria Hotels & Resorts Annual Conference 2008-2009 was recently held at Paradise Gloria Grand Hotel Beijing.


Ms. Song Zuying performed at Gloria Grand Hotel Nanchang.

第七届春兰杯世界围棋锦标赛八强赛与半决赛 在南昌凯莱大饭店举办新闻发布会与欢迎晚宴。

Seventh Chunlan Cup World Professional Go Competition Press Conference and Welcome Dinner at Gloria Grand Hotel Nanchang.


Gloria Training Center invited Ms. Ng Lee Li, a lecturer from the Tourism Academy of Singapore, to conduct a workshop session in Beijing. 皮兹克夫妇荣获2008年大连市“星海友谊奖”,受到了大连凯莱酒店总经理韩基鹰(右)的热烈祝贺。

可 级 假 政 获 期 策 得 , 不 逾 得 北 期 与 京 无 其 G 效 他 海 ift 推 *请 广 冠 Vo 提 同 凯 u Fr 前 时 ch 莱 ee 预 使 er Ro 订 用 大 om , , 饭 并 不 U * 于 包 店 p g Ca 前 括 ra de 台 套 入 red n n 住 入 to ee ot b 房 住 t he * mab e u 时 ,不 期 N Va le se 间 提 e xt 交 可兑 客 ex lid for c d w Ca 礼 换 te til as ith n te h 券 现 房 ot g * sion l 27 免 原 金 or he Ad e th y 件 rp 费 at or van nter Sep ro Pa *升 *有 升 ig c ta t m ra em in e o i 效 n 级 一 t d a * R l re ed b ion ise 期 确 c s e 级 s, oo op er r2 G 认 至 m y va n l or 00 视 20 ot up up tio i aG 9 酒 09 in gr on n (e clu 店 年 ad c is ra xc e i he r 9 s 房 n ive ep s s ck e q d 态 月2 H ub in u tP of 而 7日 ot jec g- ire ub su el 定 , t t in d i lic te Be ;p oa 不 ro iji va H le 适 ng om ila ol as bil 用 i e d s ity ay 于 pr an s), es d 公 en n 共 no ot t

The Pietzkos, honored with “Xinghai Friendship Award”, was warmly welcomed by Mr. Eddie Han (right), General Manager of Gloria Plaza Hotel Dalian. 由中国旅游饭店协会主办,凯莱酒店集团培训中心协办的“财务




In conjunction with the China Tourist Hotels Association (CTHA), Gloria Training Centre conducted a finance workshop entitled “Hotel Management through Financial Data” in Beijing.

The Japanese guests enjoyed their New Year’s Eve by making dumplings with Gloria Plaza Hotel Dalian’s staff.


此 凭



凯莱资讯 / Gloria Flash

西安天域凯莱酒店对全体员工组织开展了 “西安天域凯莱酒店升五星动员大会”。

Tianyu Gloria Plaza Hotel Xi’an organized a conference to motivate staff enthusiasm in their application for 5-Star Hotel Rating.






National Ballet Dance Troupe stayed at Gloria Plaza Hotel Suzhou. Pictured here are Mr. Huang Minxuan (left), the National Ballet Dance Troupe Manager with Mr. Li Ningan (right), Hotel Executive Assistant Manager.

Pictured here is Mr. Shen Xiangfu (left), former Head Coach of Chinese Olympic Football Team at Huanhai Gloria Inn Qingdao.


Mr. Wang Lihou (1st left), General Manager of Gloria Holiday Villas Qinhuangdao made dumplings with long stay guests and staff to celebrate Spring Festival.



上海足球界旗帜性人物徐根宝先生(右)率上海东亚足 球队入住青岛环海凯莱商务酒店。

Mr. Xu Genbao (right), an eminent figure in Shanghai football circle, led Shanghai East Asia Football Team to stay at Huanhai Gloria Inn Qingdao.


Double Star Basketball Team at Huanhai Gloria Inn Qingdao.

三亚市政府在三亚凯莱度假酒店的总统别墅花园,设宴盛情款待广州市 政府考察团。

Mr. Zhang Guangning (middle), the Mayor of Guangzhou and his delegation warmly welcomed by Gloria Resort Sanya.


此 凭



可 级 假 政 获 期 策 得 , 不 逾 得 三 期 与 亚 无 其 G 效 他 凯 ift 推 *请 广 莱 Vo 提 同 度 u Fr 前 时 ch 假 ee 预 使 er Ro 订 用 酒 om , , 店 并 不 U * 于 包 入 p g Ca 前 括 ra de 台 套 住 red n n 期 入 to ee ot b 房 住 t he * mab e u 时 ,不 间 N Va le se 客 提 e xt 交 可兑 房 ex lid for c d w Ca 礼 换 te til as ith n te h 券 现 免 ot g * sion l 27 费 原 金 or he Ad e th y 件 rp 升 at or van nter Sep ro G *升 *有 一 ig c ta t m lor em in e o i 效 n 级 级 t i a * R l re ed b ion aR 期 确 c s e s, oo op er r2 es 认 至 m y va o n 00 rt 视 20 ot up up tio Sa 9 酒 09 in gr on n ny (e clu 店 年 ad c is xc a e i he r siv 房 9月 ep s s ck e q eo 态 2 ub in u tP 而 7日 f jec g- ire ub su 定 , t t in d i lic te ;p oa 不 ro va H le 适 o ila o a m lid se bil 用 s ity ay 于 pr an s), es d 公 en n 共 no ot t

Hong Kong famous TV stars, Mr. Lawrence Ng (middle) and Mr. Jackie Lui (left) at Gloria Resort Sanya.

凯莱资讯 / Gloria Flash 北京龙泉宾馆 总经理 韩永和先生


Mr. Kelvin Han

销售总监 李承恩先生


General Manager of

Mr. Peter Li

行政副经理 王晨先生

Dragon Spring Hotel Beijing

Director of Sales of

Mr. Wang Chen

Dragon Spring Hotel Beijing

Executive Assistant Manager of


Gloria Plaza Hotel Shenyang

财务总监 周明秋女士 Ms. Jane Zhou


Financial Controller of

销售副总监 何丹女士

Dragon Spring Hotel Beijing

Ms. Wisda He Assistant Director of Sales of Gloria Plaza Hotel Dalian 大连凯莱酒店 前厅经理 王金刚先生 Mr. Jim Wang Front Office Manager of Gloria Plaza Hotel Dalian 青岛环海凯莱商务酒店 行政副经理 张宁先生


Mr. Stan Zhang

总经理 沙英国先生

Executive Assistant Manager of

Mr. Mike Sha

Huanhai Gloria Inn Qingdao

General Manager of Gloria Grand Hotel Nanchang

青岛环海凯莱商务酒店 市场销售总监 任静女士


Ms. Connie Ren

市场销售总监 朱玉石先生

Director of Sales & Marketing of

Mr. King Zhu

Huanhai Gloria Inn Qingdao

Director of Sales & Marketing of


Gloria Grand Hotel Nanchang

房务总监 林丽女士 Ms. Sandy Lin Director of Rooms of Huanhai Gloria Inn Qingdao

苏州凯莱酒店 餐饮总监 刘德伟先生 Mr. David Liu Director of Food & Beverage of Gloria Plaza Hotel Suzhou

可 级 假 政 获 期 策 得 , 不 逾 得 三 期 与 亚 无 其 G 效 他 仙 ift 推 *请 广 人 Vo 提 同 掌 u Fr 前 时 ch 度 ee 预 使 er Ro 订 用 假 om , , 酒 并 不 U * 于 包 店 p g Ca 前 括 ra de 台 套 入 red n n 住 入 to ee ot b 房 住 t he * mab e u 时 ,不 期 N Va le se 间 提 e xt 交 可兑 客 ex lid for c d w Ca 礼 换 te til as ith n te h 券 现 房 ot g * sion l 27 免 原 金 or he Ad e th y 件 rp 费 at or van nter Sep ro Ca *升 *有 升 ig c ta t m ct em in e o i 效 n 级 一 t u a * R l re ed b ion sR 期 确 c s e 级 s, oo op er r2 es 认 至 m y va n o 00 视 20 ot rt up up tio 9 酒 09 Sa in gr on n (e clu ny 店 年 ad c is xc e i he r a 9 s 房 ive ep s s ck e q 态 月2 ub in u tP of 而 7日 jec g- ire ub su 定 , t t in d i lic te ;p oa 不 ro va H le 适 om ila ol as bil 用 i e d s ity ay 于 pr an s), es d 公 en n 共 no ot t

苏州凯莱酒店 销售总监 万丽女士 Ms. Aleen Wan Director of Sales of

Gloria Plaza Hotel Suzhou

Ms. Fiona Shi, Group Director of Sales & Marketing

Mr. Francis Ong, Group Director of Food & Beverage

Ms. Maggie Ge, Group Senior Training Manager

Ms. Annie Meng, Group Senior Training Manager

三亚仙人掌凯莱度假酒店销售副总监 张智辉先生 Mr. Dowson Zhang Assistant Director of Sales of Cactus Resort Sanya


Mr. Willie Ooi, Group Executive Vice President

集团高级培训经理 孟蕾女士

Mr. Francis Ong

集团高级培训经理 葛那佳女士




Mr. Willie Ooi

集团市场销售总监 石欣女士


平衡生活 有奖问答 Search & Win


Life is all about Proper Balance

1.本期食神中的刘师傅从业年份有多久? In this issue feature of “God of Cuisine”, how many years of experience does Chef Liu have? ______________________________________________ 2.凯莱形象大使的年龄是多大? How old is Miss Gloria Ambassador? ______________________________________________ 3.北京龙泉宾馆是位于北京东部吗? Is Dragon Spring Hotel Beijing located in the eastern area of Beijing? ______________________________________________ 4.本期凯莱之星中哪位员工的工作年份最长? In this issue feature of “Gloria’s Stars”, which staff has the longest working experience? ______________________________________________ 5.本期介绍了那两位香港明星莅临三亚凯莱度假酒店? Which are the two Hong Kong celebrities who recently visited Gloria Resort Sanya? ______________________________________________

姓名 Name: ____________________ 职位 Title:___________________________________________ 公司名称 Company’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ 通讯地址 Office Address: ______________________________________________________________ 邮编 Post Code:_________________ 电话 Office Tel:_______________________________________ 传真 Office Fax:_________________ 电邮 Email: ________________________________________ 填写正确答案,并沿虚线剪下回寄至:凯莱酒店集团 市场传讯部 地址:中国北京建国门南大街2号 邮编:100022 抽取的两名幸运得主将获得北京龙泉宾馆三晚免费住宿礼券(含自助早餐)。 细则:截止日期至2009年5月10日前;请填妥正确答案,并完整寄回者方可参加抽奖;幸运得主名单将在下期



Answer these questions, fill in your particulars, cut out the questionnaire and return by mail to: Marketing Communications Department, Gloria Hotels & Resorts Address: 2 Jianguomennan Avenue, Beijing 100022, P. R. China Two lucky winners will be drawn from all received entries and both will receive three nights accommodation vouchers (including breakfasts) sponsored by Dragon Spring Hotel Beijing. Terms: The closing date for all lucky draw entries is 10 May 2009. Incomplete questionnaire returned will not be eligible for the draw. Winners will be notified by mail and named published in the next issue of Gloria’s. Draw decision will be final. All rights reserved by Gloria Hotels & Resorts.

Gloria Hotels and Resorts: A good place to be! 沈阳·大连·秦皇岛·北京·青岛·西安·无锡·苏州·上海·重庆万州·南昌·湖南吉首·海口·三亚

S h e n y a n g · D a l i a n · Q i n h u a n g d a o · B e i j i n g · Q i n g d a o · X i ’ a n · Wu x i · S u z h o u · S h a n g h a i Wa n z h o u , C h o n g q i n g · N a n c h a n g · J i s h o u , H u n a n · H a i k o u · S a n y a

上期获奖名单 Winner @ Gloria News (last issue) 裴文婷




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