Stepping across the pond In the first of three articles in our special North American focus, we look at how IRM is expanding its reach into the market. In the second, US guest author Mike Lutomski shares his experiences of risk managing at NASA, and in the third US guru Michael Rasmussen extols the virtues of GRC BY CAROLYN WILLIAMS
hen IRM first launched its new Digital Risk Management Certificate last year, we were pleasantly surprised to see an unexpected number of enquiries and webpage visits from the United States and Canada. Although IRM has had some active members in both these areas for many years, the number is very small in relation to the overall size and maturity of the market. The interest in our innovative new Digital Risk Management Certificate indicates that there could be some interesting opportunities for IRM education in that region – we don’t believe that there is an equivalent distance learning course of this level anywhere else. At the same time the enquiries coming into IRM from North America about qualifications and training are starting to rise. The IRM Board’s strategy to “internationalise and diversify” includes an objective to examine whether IRM can do more for the North American market. One historical obstacle to potential students has been the very small number of examination centres that IRM could offer in the US and Canada, meaning that students might have to travel long distances to take their exams. This has now changed, with IRM’s new partnership with Pearson VUE providing hundreds of test centres across the region. Other
There has been a sharper focus on managing enterprise risks in the US government, moving beyond financial risk controls to a broader approach looking at all types of risk
Enterprise Risk