UFO Extraterrestrials Gold

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UFO Extraterrestrials Faq/Walkthrough Version 1.1 – May 30, 2007 By Shanrak (Shanrak at gmail dot com) Version History 1.0 First version (5/17/07) 1.01 Updated Research Tree, Fixed Some Typos. Added some information about Bman's mod. (5/19/07) 1.1 Fixed lots of errors, added equipment strength requirements Added weapon shot accuracy and time consumption information (sec 6.6) Finished alien experience information in ufopedia. (5/30/07) ----------------Table of Contents ----------------1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


7. 8. 9.

Introduction Differences Between UFO ET and X-Com Walkthrough 3.1 Initial Steps 3.2 Organizing Your Troops 3.3 Planning Your First Attack on an UFO 3.4 Developing Your Bases 3.5 Obtaining Funding 3.6 Research & Development 3.7 Capturing Commanders 3.8 Midgame 3.9 Lategame 3.10 Heading to Earth Research Tree Ufopedia 5.1 Buildings 5.2 Vehicles 5.3 Weapons and Armor 5.4 Aircrafts 5.5 Aircraft Equipment 5.6 Alien Life Forms 5.7 Alien Vessels & Equipment 5.8 Alien Intentions 5.9 Centaurus Tips and Strategies 6.1 Training and Equipping Your Troops 6.2 Selective Researching 6.3 Terrain Considerations 6.4 Salvaging UFOs 6.5 UFO Layouts 6.6 Equipment Stats 6.7 Misc Strategies Mods and Cheats FAQ Credits and Legal Stuff

*Copy/Paste section number and title for easy navigation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to the planet Esperanza: a world full of strange looking golf courses, empty but fully operational scientific buildings, deserted desert fuel stations, and of course, the target of tons and tons of alien invasions. Luckily, the 'emergency council' of the planet was smart enough to appoint YOU

as the leader of the Counter Alien Force (CAF) to lead the best and brightest soldiers (scoff), engineers, and scientists in defeating the aliens. Unfortunately, you start out with the best and brightest technology there is to offer... the ultimate and awesome pistol and rifle. It is up to you to fight tooth and nail and rip weapons from the hands of dead aliens and put them into the hands of soldiers who can't hit the blind side of the barn while standing 3 feet away. Good luck too all those bystanders *laugh*. Luckily, this guide will help you achieve the ultimate goal if kicking some alien ass and then some. This guide, however, will not be covering the materials available with the game manual, so if you have any questions about the interface and stuff, go read that instead. There are also some work in progress sections in this guide, which just means that I have not gotten around to replaying the game enough to look for those values in particular but I will be adding them in future updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Differences Between UFO ET and X-Com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ah yes, the question that will most commonly be asked is: is this game related to UFO Defense? Well the short answer would be no. This game has no legal relation with a copyrighted game that is owned by a different publisher. The long answer though, is that the developers of this game obviously ripped off a lot of concepts from the original game, slapped on some additional stuff and updated the graphics and tried to sell it to you for 40 bucks. Any old hand at the original awesome game known as X-Com UFO Defense will see striking similarities between the two, and will also notice some major differences as well. The following is just a short list of some of the major differences. 1. Soldiers will no longer die, since this game takes place in a more 'advanced' time period, technology allows the revival of dead soldiers and the complete regeneration of them from small portions of cells. However, they have a chance to permanently lose some attribute points, strange huh? 2. Your primary base is the only base capable of housing soldiers as well as R&D unless you choose to mod the game. Secondary bases are there only to house more fighters and provide detection, so no more creation of research bases or workshop/storage bases. Oh, and also storage seems to be unlimited and take up no space as near as I can tell. 3. No more recruiting soldiers. In this game, you'll have a limited amount of soldiers and you'll get a few new soldiers on a regular basis. Since soldiers never completely die unless you kill them intentionally by sending them on a mission and letting the craft blow up, you won't need that many more. This means that you are no longer able to recruit 200 soldiers, pick out the ones with the highest stats, send those through psi training, and then picking only the ones with high psi stats for your army. 4. More technology, there is a ton more technology and vehicles/equipment available for research. 5. Its possible to actually take back infiltrated countries now by locating and invading the alien base in that country. 6. Aliens do not take advantage of the terrain nearly as much such as hiding in barns, shooting from rooftops. Most of the time they just stay in the open or clutter in their UFO. 7. No more psi attacks for humans. While aliens can still do terror attacks among other things, humans no longer have the ability to control aliens and

visa versa, and the psi attribute is completely eliminated from soldiers. 8. Where's the flaming wreckage? UFOs that was shot down do not show any signs of damage nor will you find dead aliens. UPDATE: Good news to all UFO Defense fans! There is a mod out there made by bman that fixes many of these differences to make the game feel more like UFO Defense. See section 7 for details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh no, they killed Jane!!! Anyway, after that bit of pathetic but funny voice acting you are ready to start the game, so go ahead and make one, pick any difficulty you want. To repeat the intro section: in this walkthrough I will not tell you how to do stuff, you want to know how to do something, go look it up in the manual. What I will tell you though is what you need to do in order to beat the game and give you general guidelines on how to get there. So here we go.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.1 Initial Steps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------First thing you want to do is go into your base and start a project for research, every second counts and the clock never freezes completely, except in your base. Go ahead and pick either laser or advanced cannon technology and assign 10 scientists to research it Either one allows you to research medkits. You can also do both by assigning 5 to each if you want (but I suggest laser). Next thing you want to do is start construction on an interrogation room so you can research live aliens (namely commanders) as early as possible for better technology. Finally, feel free to build another laboratory for faster research. Don't build more than two though as you'll be needing funds for the rest of the month for maintenance, salary, and buying stuff. *If at any point you feel as if you are being overwhelmed by the enemy, read section 6 for tips on how to make the game easier for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.2 Organizing Your Troops ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take a close look at your troops, notice how their initial stats as rookies vary a little? Their initial stats will reflect on the maximum possible stats of a soldier. If your soldier's initial shooting stat is say, 46, then their maximum shooting stat will probably be higher than a soldier with initial shooting stat of 33 (Thanks to Cluecat who verified this). Anyway, go ahead and unload all your troops and the tank from your vehicle so you can assign them yourself. Using tanks is generally a bad idea in the beginning as they do not improve with experience and they take up 4 slots on the aircraft. Cluecat writes: You can only have 20 soldiers in your base so its a good idea to get rid of some of the worse ones so you don't fill up and are unable to get new, better, soldiers. What I do is take them out on a cheap mission kick them out of the transport and then leave. >Go ahead and sell that extra tank for more cash if you want, along with the >extra aircraft weapons and shielding. Buy some more grenades and maybe a >second rocket launcher The next thing you want to do is to assign roles to your soldiers (see section 6.1 for more details).

For early game, I suggest sticking with the rifle for most troops, and shotguns for the ones with higher accuracy. However, you should also stick a rocket loaded with a stun rocket and a backup stun rocket onto whoever that has enough strength (40) to use it. You do not have to fill up your vehicle with 8 soldiers, if any of them have really bad attributes, just leave them at the base until you get better recruits or you can restart the game and see what else you get. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.3 Planning Your First Attack on an UFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go back to the world screen and advance your time while doing research until your first UFO shows up. Set your fighters to aggressive mode so they close within cannon distance faster and shoot it down and then prepare for your first assault on the scout (hopefully, the first UFO I detected when I played was actually a fighter and it was on an underground map!). If it wasn't flying but started out on the ground, you still should send your people over to attack it. General tips when in combat mode: -Do not open doors or go around corners unless your AP bar is almost full. -Take an extra turn if you wish for stragglers to catch up to the squad before proceeding. -Always make sure the moving unit has at least 1 other soldier that can cover them with their shot. -The majority of aliens will be hanging around close to their UFO waiting for you so you can ignore buildings most of the time and go straight for the UFO to end the mission quicker. -SAVE OFTEN AND IN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS. You never know when you'll need to go back 2 turns because you rushed into some room blindly and got shot up. -Pay close attention to walls that are facing away from you, there may be doors on there that you cannot see. Just hover your pointer over them, if you see a hourglass icon instead of the usual negative icon, then here is a door there. -Look at the alien movement bar on their turn. If it takes a long time then there are lots of aliens left. If its very short there are only one or two left. Some people think that the number of pauses in the bar tells you how many aliens are left, I do not think that is true though. -Spread out your troops, bunching them up means that near misses from aliens will probably hit someone else, not to mention a single chemical shot from a larva can hurt a lot of soldiers at the same time. However, make sure they can still cover each other in their field of fire. -As near as I can tell, blowing up equipment inside the UFO does not affect what you salvage, so feel free to use those rockets and grenades inside. -Manipulating inventory does not cost AP (though it should), so feel free to swap things in and out at your leisure. Stunning aliens on this mission is probably pointless if your interrogation room is not finished yet, but if it is, go ahead and capture one to begin the research into living aliens. Once you kill or knock out every alien, the mission is over. Hopefully, one or more of your troops has leveled up to private. I suggest for the first level to put all the points into shooting accuracy (or throwing if they use grenades instead) to make them decent shots. Once your raider returns to your base, you'll notice in your buy/sell section alien artifacts that you can sell. Do not sell them yet as you'll be able to sell them for way more money after researching them first. Selling these alien components will be the major source income for your little fights. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.4 Developing Your Bases ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Early on, there won't be enough funding for you to use for additional bases, but after a few months has passed and the countries nearest you have increased your funding, you should begin thinking about putting another base on a nearby country. I pick nearby countries since this minimizes the time it takes to salvage UFOs that appear over them and allows you to deploy more fighters to support each other against soon to be appearing cruisers. For now, just leave the countries furthest away from you alone and only retake them once they have been taken over (this mission nets you a cool 400k each time.) As for placing your first secondary base, just see which nearby country is giving you the most money currently and put one there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.5 Obtaining Funding ------------------------------------------------------------------------------If at least one month has passed then you'd have seen the monthly report screen where it tells you how much you gain in terms of funding from each country and the expenses. If a country likes you more (such as you defending it from UFOs and terror attacks), they will raise your funding to a maximum of 780k (on easy). If its recently been taking over, then the funding will probably be very low. This is not your primary source of income, however, as even if you max funding from every country you'll only obtain a little over 8 million per month in the late game, and that's definitely not enough (by then your base upkeep alone will be that much). And I can guarantee you you'll be losing funding from some countries between now and then. So what is the best source of funding? Why selling the UFO equipment of course, each piece of UFO alloy sells for a nice 25k each, meaning each salvage of a UFO can net you a few hundred K, so you definitely want to salvage as many UFOs as possible to expand your organization. Cluecat write: Funding, the best way to get funding is to make bases in the countries. As soon as you put a base there and let it get built then your funding will jump to max pretty much immediately. The max funding depends on difficulty level. Normal is 624k, easy is 780k, hard is 500k. The difference is 25% plus or minus from normal setting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.6 Research & Development ------------------------------------------------------------------------------By now, you should have quite a few research topics like medkits, various alien vessels and various dead aliens (maybe even a live alien if your interrogation room is done). Some particular interesting research items for early on are Larva, Medkits, Beekeeper Armor and Lightning. See the research tree on how to get there. Focusing your research helps you develop faster and thus stay ahead or at least keep up with the aliens. If you ever fall behind, such as using only plasma against phantoms, you will be in a world of trouble. This game uses several triggers for advancing 'AI Game Periods'. the Plasma Cannon, the AKEW Cannon, and the EEEW Shield.

They are:

However, these triggers are not absolute as the AI period can advance because a certain amount of time has passed. The dawn of the new period brings additional enemies, UFOs, and weapons for you to research. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.7 Capturing Commanders ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Commander units are extremely though, if you run into one, chances are he'd already taken a pot shot at your unit. However, the first thing you have to do is to identify commanders. Commanders can only appear as 3 alien races, Vipons, Phantoms, and Preachers. They often appear in a different color from

the normal form, Vipon commanders are green instead of orange, Preacher commanders are green instead of brown, and Phantom commanders are have blue capes instead of gray. Commanders typically have a lot more health and AP available for them to do lots of damage to your squads. The best way to tackle one is with stun grenades from behind a HWP or from around a corner. What you want to do is toss a stun grenade and make sure they end up in the smoky area. Afterwards, send in a heavily armored vehicle to keep his attention while he suffocates. Sometimes, you can speed this up by shooting them a few times with weaker weapons to stun them faster. Also, if you manage to hit a commander with a stun grenade, it will do the most damage and knock them out almost immediately. On a side note: Preacher commanders also shoot a yellow flaming fire shot instead of the typical orange, so if you see yellow/greenish fire or smoke in an area its probably a preacher commander. Cluecat writes: Commanders, you didn't mention that commanders show up on terror missions, UFO missions of cruiser level and higher, and alien bases. I don't know about attacks on your main base because that has not happened to me yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.8 Midgame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------The main goal of the midgame is to develop and research your weapons and spread out bases to every country on the planet. During this time, battlecruisers are probably extremely common as well as alien terror missions. Just tackle them one at a time, sell the loot, and build up until the late game. Note: Terror missions show up after a spike in alien aggressiveness, usually caused by shooting down one of their UFOs. The bigger the UFO the higher the jump of alien aggressiveness and the more likely you'll have terror missions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.9 Lategame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------During this phase, the majority of your research should be done and you should have one base on every planet with one or two fighters in each. Any alien ship that appears over your planet should be killed and salvaged. Your technology level should be at least at EEEW levels as particle weapons and other UFO equipment will be showing up on battleships very soon. Luckily a lot of the UFO equipment on the battleship are very valuable and can sell for 100k each, making money making during this period pretty easy. The only thing you have to watch out for is retreating weakened fighters to save them from destruction. Your main goal of this phase is to capture commanders, interrogate them, and build the Centaurus. ---------------------Building the Centaurus ---------------------The total cost will be a ton of research, long periods of production and a whooping 5,150,000 total credits. Completing the Centaurus requires you to go through a lot of alien commanders and picking their brains apart for their technology. Be patient and soon your goal of killing the aliens will soon be complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.10 Heading to Earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Once the Centaurus is complete, a button on the lower left will show up and your Devil Fish equipped with a 'army' consisting of 2 tanks and 10 troops and 10 scientists will be sent to earth via a fancy CGI rendered movie.

BEFORE YOU GO, HOWEVER, MAKE SURE YOU DO THE FOLLOWING: Fill up every empty slot on your troops with packets of ammo, grenades, and whatever. Leave the big heavy (space consuming and low number rounds per clip) guns at home and use only particle rifles if possible. Once you are on planet Earth, you will have to go through a minimum of 4 (possibly as many as 6 or 7) missions with NO chance of building more clips or even salvaging items from the enemy. And remember, if you shoot that rifle even once, the clip is gone after the end of the mission, really annoying if you ask me. Your hammers though have their ammo recharged after every fight so you might want to rely on those for once in taking out enemies. The only good news here is that there is still a hospital available so soldiers do not die permanently here either. -------------------------Obtaining the SRO-2 Device -------------------------This is the first mission, you are sent down to some old sewers infested with phantoms and terror floaters. Just craw through the rooms slowly and carefully and take out everything to finish the mission. -------------------Finding the Starport -------------------This is another mission involving you killing every alien you find. same thing as you did in the previous mission and you'll be fine.

Do the

------------------Defending Centaurus ------------------This may or may not appear (its possible you have to defend more than once as well). This fight will take place on the Centaurus and you can go through the ship one room at a time to kill the invading aliens (more phantoms and terror floaters). If you go to the far northeast side of the map, you'll get to see your devilfish troop carrier, which is a nice touch. -----------Infiltration -----------Ignore the 3 elevator pads next to you, they don't go anywhere. This mission ends when at least one unit reaches the shuttle that sits at the center of the complex and you click on the "fly from the starport" button that appears at the top right part of the screen. This map is somewhat like a spiral, you start out at the top left corner of it and you must work your way clockwise until you reach the center where the shuttle awaits. Early on you'll encounter only phantoms for a while, but beware as you approach the bottom sections, bigger enemies (namely terror floaters and the occasional destroyer) will appear. ------------------------Assaulting the Mothership ------------------------After another cool cut-scene, you arrive at the mothership and your goal is to find and kill the brain at all costs. First of all, this map is HUGE, be prepared to face many phantoms and terror floaters as usual. The map looks somewhat like this square, with the 'west' corner pointed to the left (Follow the dots) ------------------------------

|N . . . . . . . . . . . . .E| | .-----------------------. | | . | |. | | . Brain. | Huge |.-| | . . . . . | Room . | | | . | | | . | | |-----------.-| | | . | | | . | | | . | | Start | . | | . | Command. | |W . . . . .|. . . . . . S| ------------------------------

Your starting position its fairly close to the west corner of the map and you must work your way south until you reach the command center. The center should be easily recognizable with its large number of display stations, command posts, and chairs. From the command center, you head east until you reach a HUGE room filled with large tubes and pods with blue stuff in them. Watch out for enemy ambush here as there are lots of dark spots available for hiding. From here, you want to look for a door to a smaller room filled with cryogenic pods. This room is the eastern most room of the entire map. Hug the wall to your right and head north until you reach the northern end of the map, make a left turn, and then head into the door to the south. Inside, you'll see 3 big blue pods with tubes connected to them, and some kind of ... thing at the southern side of the room connected to three dead animals. This is the mother brain. Work your way to the south side and you'll see brainish looking material and an eye of some kind. Just start shooting at the fleshy parts with everything you got and it'll eventually die. For a big brain it sure is hard to kill (took me about 10 stasis grenades 50 rounds of particle rifle shots). Watch the disappointing end movie and give yourself a pat on the back for beating the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Research Tree ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Work in Progress* I know I probably missed a few connections and relations as the research is pretty interconnected. It's rather hard to draw a tree with limited spacing so sometimes I had to break it up. For example, researching laser technology unlocks both laser pistols and medkits, and once you research heavy laser, you unlock laser cannon, but I have to start a new line since I'm out of space. Also, some technologies require multiple technologies to be developed and that relation is very hard to show so sometimes I might miss a few. Laser Technology

-> Laser Rifle

-> Heavy Laser

Heavy Laser

-> Laser Pistol -> Medkits -> Laser Cannon

-> Laser Defense

Advanced Cannon

-> Tank Cannon

-> Fire hammer

-> Laser Shield -> AKEW Technology* -> Tank Rocket Launcher

Tank Rocket

-> Advanced Rocket

Launcher Plasma Technology*-> -> Heavy Plasma ->

Ion Technology (Requires Heavy Plasma and Dead Destroyer) Heavy Ion

AKEW Technology AKEW Cannon

EEEW Technology

Particle Technology Particle Cannon Scout




Defense Plasma Grenade Plasma Pistol Plasma Cannon

-> Plasma Rifle -> Desert Hunter -> Plasma Defense

-> Ion Pistol

-> Ion Rifle

-> Ion Cannon

-> Ion Defense

-> Heavy Plasma -> Green Thorn Launcher -> Ion Technology -> AKEW Technology* -> Heavy Ion

-> AKEW Technology* -> Ion Shield -> Thunderbolt Launcher

-> Cyclops (also requires UFO advanced craft armor) -> AKEW Pistol -> AKEW Rifle -> AKEW Cannon -> AKEW Defense -> EEEW Technology -> Anaconda (Also requires UFO Craft Armor) -> Stasis Grenade -> EEEW Rifle -> Long Lance Launcher (Requires Trilobite) -> EEEW Shield (Requires Trilobite) -> Particle Technology (Requires Phantom) -> Particle Pistol -> Particle Rifle -> Particle Cannon -> Hammer -> Particle Defense -> Particle Shield -> UFO Flight Control -> Advanced Detection System -> UFO Craft Armor -> Beekeeper BK01 -> Thunder -> Lightning -> UFO Alien Berth -> Surgery -> Advanced Laboratory -> Advanced Medkit -> UFO Power -> Distribution Distribution Point -> UFO Gravity Control-> Nightwolf* (also requires UFO -> Exterminator* gravity engine) -> UFO Reactor -> Exterminator -> UFO Energy -> Engine Accumulator -> UFO Advanced Flight Control -> UFO Advanced Craft -> Desert Viper Armor -> Spaceship Alloys-> Jag D1 -> Project Centaurus -> Desert Tortoise -> Exterminator


-> UFO Space Flight -> Computer -> UFO Freezing Unit -> Spaceship Alloys -> Project Centaurus -> Jag D1 (also requires UFO Gravity Engine-> UFO Gravity Control-> -> UFO Energy -> Accumulator (Also requires UFO Reactor) -> Stormbringer -> Dead Larva

-> Chemical Grenade -> Chemical Rocket

Ignitable Rocket -> Dead Chaser -> Dead Vipon -> Dead Inquisitor -> Dead King Larva -> Dead Observer -> Dead Sentinel -> Dead Terror Floater Dead Preacher -> Dead Hallucinoid -> Dead Telemat -> ->

Dead Phantom Dead Destroyer Dead Trilobyte Live Alien Commander*

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

Navigation Room Hibernation Room Engine and Pilots Cabin) Exterminator Engine

Sky Diver

-> Stun Grenade -> Ignitable Rocket -> Chemogun

Flamethrower NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING -> NOTHING Advanced Mind Shield Mind Shield Advanced Chem Grenade Waspkeeper VK02 -> Desert Tortoise (also requires (also requires Avonium) spaceship alloys) Particle Technology Ion Technology (also requires Plasma Defense) EEEW Shield Long Lance Rocket Living Aliens Alien Origins The Alien Mothership Avonium -> UFO Gravity Engine Alien's Attack on Earth Avnoium Supply Container Energy Crisis Avonium On Esperanza Starport Shuttle SRO-2 Device -> The Infiltration Plan Revolt on Earth Vampire Engine -> Generator

Project Centaurus* Engine -> Jag D1 -> Landing and Storage-> Living Quarters Platform -> Engine Injector Hibernation Room -> Advanced Workshop Distribution Point-> Laboratory (also requires advanced laboratory) Navigation Room -> Pilot's Cabin -> Nightwolf* Generator Completion of Centaurus Research -> Centaurus Intergalactic Spaceship * Plasma Technology requires Alien Origins (research a commander). * Each commander you research unlocks one topic.

* All Centaurus research requires Project Centaurus before its researchable. * The Exterminator requires the following technologies: UFO Advanced Craft armor, UFO Gravity Control, UFO Reactor. * The Nightwolf requires the following technologies: UFO Energy Accumualtor, UFO Gravity Control, Pilot's Cabin * AKEW technology requires plasma defense, laser defense, and ion defense. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Ufopedia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most of this section is obtained directly from the in-game Ufopedia files with typos and all; comments about each item from me (Shanrak) and helpful players are posted below each entry. If you want to know how to obtain a particular research topic, look it up in the research tree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.1 Buildings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the stuff that your bases are made out of. In particular, base defense buildings are utterly worthless and a huge waste of money. Unless you fill your entire secondary bases completely with the best base defenses, your base WILL be taken over if attacked. It's much easier (and cheaper) to simply intercept the alien ship and blow it up before that happens. -----Hangar -----Cost: 50000 Monthly cost: 5000 Days to Build: 12 The Hangar is designed to accommodate 1 CAF craft at a time, which means that there can be only as many crafts as hangars in a CAF base. A hangar also protects craft from unfavorable weather conditions and enemy surveillance, and serves as a repair and storage facility and refueling doc. The craft exists the hangar through opening doors in the roof, and is raised out of the structure via a hydraulic lift to the take-off position. Comments: You have to have them to launch ships, simple enough. base, 2 in each secondary base.

Keep 3 in your main

---------------Detection System ---------------Cost: 40000 Monthly cost: 5000 Range: 4500 Days to Build: 20 The Radar Detection Station monitors its immediate surrounding space. Its primary purpose is to detect and trace UFOs and provide our air-fighters with the obtained intelligence. The topmost radar bears surface-antennas AESA (Active Electronically-Scanning Array) on all of its four walls, each of which incorporates 32 small transmitter/receiver units operating in coordination. Most of the time the Detection Station operates in passive mode ensuring the base's location is not given away. Only if a UFO is being traced does the facility resort to a 0.5ms long irradiation of the target in search for further detailed information on it (i.e.: altitude, velocity, direction, etc.). An exposure this short is highly unlikely to be detected in Esperanza's atmosphere, which is full of radio waves. The station is also capable of continually receiving data from all accessible civilian and military radars and satellites. The information is then processed in the facility where the brain of the whole system resides. The central mainframe faces a difficult task, as

it has to plough through immense amounts of data while looking for obscure signals of dangerous enemy UFOs. The numerous measures that the aliens take to make their vessels invisible to our systems do not make it any easier and an already identified enemy ship is not a reason for celebration as it may still escape our sensors by using detection countermeasures and evasive maneuvers. Comments: Build 1 in each base early on, replace with advanced detection system once its available. ------------Energy Center ------------Cost: 900000 Monthly cost: 50000 Days to Build: 5 The Energy center provides the base with a continuous supply of power. The advanced, automated reactor which forms the system's core is very difficult to detect, due to the minimal radioactivity it emits. A sophisticated operationcontrol system monitors the base's power requirements and adjusts the base's activities so that its rate of energy consumption can be reduced to a minimum when additional power expenditure is unnecessary. During emergencies, the Center's energy output can be increased to 350% higher than normal operating mode. Located within the Center's operations room are a machine which manages current-distribution, computer-controlled fuses, and filters controlling energy level output, eliminating peaks and drops in this output in order to protect the base's delicate apparatus and electronics. Another state-of-the art device is the automated monitoring system, which ensures the safe and flawless operation of the entire energy center. The Energy Center is the heart of every base, and provides power for all machinery in need of it. Comments: Each base needs one, and they are extremely expensive, nuff said. -------------Command Center -------------Cost: 10000 Monthly cost: 5000 Days to Build: 1 The Command Center serves the function of collecting information. It is located exclusively within our main base. The center gathers information from other bases (especially from radar) allowing both command and operation's control to be performed from a single point. The main base has the best protection from alien attack, and its location helps it to remain more discreet than regular bases. The purpose of the base's equipment is to receive and, most importantly, decipher messages. The messages are encrypted via an asymmetric cipher and a highly effective compression algorithm, making decipherment a most intricate process. There are 32 computer servers in the Center, which enable real-time data processing. Normally, the Center can be sufficiently managed by a single operator. In times of crisis however, the Center may be managed by up to four. Four operators are not usually necessary, because of advanced AI technology which is usually capable of supplementing the capabilities of a single crewman. The Command Center is the brains of our offense against the aliens, and performs the tasks of collecting and sorting the most important classified data. Therefore, it must not be destroyed! Comments: So you need one, big whoop. ---------------Hospital Section ----------------

Cost: 100000 Monthly cost: 10000 Days to Build: 10 The hospital possesses the most up-to-date medical equipment. Observing the DNA pattern of a soldier we are now able to graft the particular tissue that has been lost or damaged so that the soldier can return to duty within a few days. Desperate times require radical measures and the CAF have therefore ventured even further. Due to the classified research of the Rock Hills University an even more revolutionary method has come into use. A new feature on our armor allows the important parts of brain can be sustained even after the soldier's death. In the Hospital section such a preserved body can be then literally resurrected as new cloned body tissue can be grown to host the conserved brain. The process is, of course, very time-consuming (depends on the particulars of the damage) and it is not always successful. In the worse case scenarios the patient's memory ends up impaired and the overall condition may not allow a normal future life. As the opportunity of further recruiting for the CAF is considerably limited, sustaining the vital health of our current soldiers is a necessity. The Hospital serves this purpose better than well and is an essential facility of our base. It can revive even the dead if they are brought back in time. Comments: Regeneration of dead soldiers, fun stuff. --------------Living Quarters --------------Cost: 10000 Monthly cost: 5000 Days to Build: 1 Living Quarters are the on-base facility designed to provide the crew with restful sleep. Considering the difficult lives and demanding duties of soldiers, a place of rest is a necessary provision. The Living Quarters have been designed to allow for excellent rejuvenation as well as a place of privacy away from the stress of missions. Comments: You only get one in your main base and that's all you will need. ---------Laboratory ---------Cost: 180000 Monthly cost: 80000 Days to Build: 18 The Laboratory serves above all as a place for research of new technologies and examination of alien artifacts. It includes a wide variety of the most up-todate equipment, particularly the extra accurate space and material scanners that feed the obtained data to a central mainframe for simulations. The Laboratory is connected to an interplanetary network of scientists, who may help contribute to the solution of a task. Nevertheless, the alien technology is often so sophisticated that only the best can decipher its secrets. However, even with all the computing power and AI at their disposal, it is only humans who have appeared to be capable of the innovative thinking necessary for breakthroughs on alien technology. For this reason the number of the best scientists working in conjunction on a particular problem is the main operative factor for a lab's efficiency. Inventions and research are a must in this war against the aliens, as they still seem to be miles ahead of us in this area. Comments: 10 scientists per lab, build more for more scientists. 2 or 3 early on since advanced laboratory is much better. -------Workshop

No more than

-------Cost: 180000 Monthly cost: 80000 Days to Build: 16 The Workshop is the place where hi-tech alien instruments, and our products modeled on these instruments, are manufactured. It allows us to produce things which would be hardly assembleable elsewhere. The Workshop contains everything necessary for the single-run production of hi-tech devices, particularly universal computer-controlled mechanical tools drawn from the peak of human technology. Semi-finished products are finished by both plasma and lasers within anti-gravitational fields. The anti-gravity field eliminates the threat of damage to the materials and tools by eliminating the need for the use of clamps in stabilizing these materials. Thanks these valuable machines, we're able to manufacture virtually anything from microprocessors to energy weapons. The Workshop is the cornerstone of our fight against the aliens, for here we can create the weapons and equipment we need in order to compete with their technological superiority. Comments: 10 workers per lab, build more workshops for more workers. are all you need until advanced workshops.

2 or 3

-----------------Interrogation Room -----------------Cost: 80000 Monthly cost: 5000 Days to Build: 15 The Interrogation room is a facility intended for research and interrogation of living aliens. They may be captured during tactical missions when they are only stunned by means of stunning ammunition or injured and subsequently stunned. The room is equipped with beds with firm restraints, detecting instruments, sensing heads, surgical instruments and a camera that records the course of each interrogation. At first the constitution of each race is examined. Then tissue samples are taken to be analyzed for the tissue-resistant and tissuedamaging substances. The latter are used for development of chemical, explosive ammunition. After that follows the interrogation itself. At first the basic features of alien language are detected with the use of a special computer on the basis of neuron net. Then the aliens are interrogated, often by means of coercive measures. The research should be mainly aimed at highly positioned aliens so that we can learn about alien intentions, strategy and technology. The objective is to understand the aliens' means to get an advantage in the fight against them. Comments: Build one to capture live aliens then forget about it. -------------Rocket Defense -------------Cost: 50000 Monthly cost: 5000 Damage: 35-65 Accuracy: 40% Days to Build: 8 Rocket defense is a surface-to-air missile system designed to defend CAF bases against attacks from enemy vessels. Rocket defense provides some protection against enemy vessel raids. Comments: useless ------------Laser Defense -------------

Cost: 60000 Monthly cost: 10000 Damage: 81-100 Accuracy: 60% Days to Build: 25 Laser Defense is a means of offensive protection for military bases, utilizing Laser Technology as its main component. Thanks to the invention of the HELL technology that remarkably decreases the energy requirements of a laser gun, we have been able to create a battery of multiple lasers while keeping the power consumption at an acceptable level. In order to increase the controllability of all those lasers, we've had them linked so the whole system may function as though it were composed of 6 extremely powerful ray guns. Laser Defense provides somewhat improved protection against medium sized alien vessels. Comments: still useless -------------Plasma Defense -------------Cost: 150000 Monthly cost: 15000 Damage: 51-150 Accuracy: 70% Days to Build: 30 It must be expected that a weapon originally designed to be used on-board fighter aircraft would find its primary use in the area of military base defense. The Plasma Defense is composed of 6 individual, synchronized cannons. The system provides surface-to-air protection to the CAF base, implementing plasma technology. The Plasma Defense system is an effective method of taking down particularly strong enemy aircrafts. Comments: Yup you guessed it, useless ----------Ion Defense ----------Cost: 200000 Monthly cost: 25000 Damage: 71-220 Accuracy: 80% Days to Build: 40 The Ion Defense is an implementation of the Ion Technology in the area of military base defense. It is a defense device composed of 6 strengthened Ion Cannons and a discharge router. The Ion Cannons are fed with charged particles by high-density ion generators attached to them. When in idle mode, the cannons' muzzles are retracted and protected by hinged lids. In standby mode the muzzles are ejected and the lids have protective function as they shield the surrounding shafts from the adverse effects of the ion discharge. Like the other defense systems, the cannons can be operated both separately or in synchronization. The cooperative mode is enabled by the central discharge router, which fires special missiles at the target. The missile leaves a track of special gases behind, which routes the discharge to the target and simultaneously increases the efficiency by amplifying the air conductivity in the track line. Comments: Why waste money on these? -----------AKEW Defense -----------Cost: 140000 Monthly cost: 20000

Damage: 51-170 Accuracy: 75% Days to Build: 35 AKEW defense is an air defense system of 6 synchronized AKEW cannons located in a CAF base to protect it from attacks from alien vessels. The guidance system aims at an alien attack ship and simultaneously controls the cannon muzzle position to track the enemy. Comments: stats are actually slightly worse than ion, so worse than useless. ---------------Particle Defense ---------------Cost: 500000 Monthly cost: 30000 Damage: 101-230 Accuracy: 85% Days to Build: 45 As an application of the Particle Technology in the area of military base defense a battery of six Particle Cannons has been designed and simply named the Particle Defense. The strengthened Particle Cannons are supplied by a central cyclic accelerator feeding them all with pre-accelerated plasma that is further accelerated and concentrated in the cannon barrels so that the eventual discharge is even more devastating. By using the control unit the cannons can be set to either operate separately or to pull together making the beams meet on a pinpointed position. When in cooperative mode, a discharge of such intensity is created that no material impervious and even an electromagnetic shield is not of much help. The synchronization may be sometimes difficult, though, especially when the target is moving. But if the synchronized attack is achieved, the consequences for the target are most devastating. Comments: Usel... actually slightly useful if you fill up your entire secondary bases with these, which will cost you quite a lot of cash. ----------------------Advanced Rocket Defense ----------------------Cost: 90000 Monthly cost: 80000 Damage: 51-60 Accuracy: 70% Days to Build: 15 Advanced Rocket defense is an improved version of a surface-to-air missile system designed to defend CAF bases from enemy vessel raids. The Advanced rocket defense features improvements in missile speed, guidance, accuracy and warhead potency. The advanced rocket defense consists of six missiles. The radar can guide all the 6 missiles against a single target simultaneously. Each missile is launched by 3 solid-fueled strap-on rocket boosters. After they drop away it fires a dual-thrust solid-fueled rocket motor. The missile uses radio illumination mid-course correction to fly towards the target with a terminal semi-active radar homing phase. The advanced rocket defense provides adequate protection against some medium alien vessels. Comments: Oh boy, an advanced version of useless, what do you call that? ------Surgery ------Cost: 200000 Monthly cost: 20000 Days to Build: 15 Research of alien medicine has brought about new possibilities. The Aliens use

a thick solution to fixate a patient so that millions of tiny nanobots can begin the healing process. Our first experiments with nanobots were rather unsuccessful as the nanobots lacked the required intelligence to be effective healers. Further research however discovered that the alien nanobots were not actually intelligent but controlled by a computer that coordinated the healing processes and computed the necessary calculations. Nevertheless, we have not been able to master the nanobots' coordination as the aliens have and the components miniaturization in particular was a serious problem. A standard room has not appeared to be able to contain more than just one such a computer with all its necessary accessories. This seems sufficient, though, as the Surgery has been always meant to be only an extension of the Hospital with intensive care where a patient is not to stay for long. The Surgery makes use of the discovered alien healing methods and has thus achieved a considerable increase in medical treatment ability and rehabilitation speed. This may help us with a vital factor for our long-awaited victory over the aliens. Comments: Great building, get one if you can afford it. ------------------------Advanced Detection System ------------------------Cost: 100000 Monthly cost: 10000 Range: 6000 Days to Build: 25 This advanced Detection Station monitors its immediate surrounding space. Its primary purpose is to detect and trace the UFOs and subsequently guide the airfighters. The Detection Station 2 originates from its previous version yet some new features have been included. Thanks to the research of the alien vessels' stealth technology we have been able to determine its principles and utilize this knowledge to build new, more effective radar systems with new detecting algorithms enabling us to pinpoint locations of sources emitting seemingly insignificant indicators. Nevertheless, radar is no longer the core apparatus of the system. The alien's locomotion is based upon continual changes in the gravitational field. Led by this finding, we managed to engineer a means of detection anomalous gravitational changes, which reliably gives away any alien vessel's position as they are inseparably bound to the fundamental engine operation. This device considerably increases the accuracy of detecting and monitoring. With an increased data flow, the facility's capacity had to be extended accordingly. Now it comprises 3 different supercomputers while one is designated for processing gravitational anomalies data, another tends to the radar and the last one provides global system integration. Comments: Replace the old detection system with this once you get it. ------------------Advanced Laboratory ------------------Cost: 400000 Monthly cost: 200000 Days to Build: 25 The Advanced Laboratory serves as a place for research of new technologies and alien artifacts. Unlike the previous version this one makes a wide use of the alien technologies along with ours. Just like we managed to employ the nanobots for curing injuries and diseases we managed to use them to help us investigate the alien machinery. The possible goals of such research are obvious as the nanobots can penetrate the hull of the alien weapons and examine their inner functions even during operation. But before the nanobots could be used this way, some necessary adjustment had to be taken to assure viable locomotion in quite a different environment. Unlike the first nanobots, the redesigned version has to be capable of movement in the air instead of bodily

liquids. Therefore they have been given microscopic anti-gravity motors that are operated by an external macroscopic computer. Unfortunately, this computer has successfully resisted any attempt for miniaturization and the Advanced Laboratory is thus quite bulky, as it has to provide space for all this equipment. Nevertheless, the Advanced Laboratory remains a significant step forward which not only speeds up our research but also helps increase the accuracy of our tests and simulations immensely. It is a big asset in our war of technology against the aliens. Comments: Holds 30 scientists and takes up 2 building slots, so in effect 50% better than the old one. Extremely high monthly cost though. ----------------Advanced Workshop ----------------Cost: 400000 Monthly cost: 200000 Days to Build: 25 The Advanced Workshop provides us with means of rapid manufacture of sophisticated weaponry. Our recent observations of skirmishes, and our examinations of alien artifacts acquired on missions, have allowed us to perfect the Workshop. The major aspect of the Workshop which has been enhanced in this Advanced Workshop is undoubtedly the improved anti-gravity force fields, which complete the formation of products and greatly speed up the process of production. The Advanced Workshop as well takes up more space, which will undoubtedly prove advantageous in the manufacture of new air-fighters. The Advanced Workshop represents a leap in production efficiency, something every good manager should try to achieve. More advanced weapons which used to be unavailable to our soldiers may now aid us in our fight against the aliens. Comments: Same as advanced lab. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.2 Vehicles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vehicles are generally not as good since they take up the space of 4 soldiers. However, the most advanced troop carrier, the Devil Fish, have two special slots that can only carry vehicles, which makes them okay, but by the time you get that, your troops will generally have the same amount of movement points and comparable armor anyway. So in the end, use one if you want on earlier crafts for a heavily armored scout, but ditch it once you get better armor. ------------Desert Spirit ------------AP: 100 HP: 80 Armor: 55 Weapon1: Rocket Launcher Damage: 95 Accuracy: 190 Weapon2: Projectile Gun Damage: 75 Accuracy: 145 Price: 40000 Production Difficulty: Can't produce, buy this The Desert Spirit CV1 is a combat support vehicle. The CAF engineers constructed it based on their battlefield experience. The troops required a vehicle combining a cannon and rocket armament along with excellent speed. The Desert Spirit is just the thing. The CV1 is armed with an automatic magnetic cannon, using armor-piercing ammunition and with a twin 100 mm. rocket launcher. There are only two rockets with a lighter warhead, but they are

guided which gives them a very high hit probability. The rockets together with the guidance system dominate its left side. The vehicle is powered by a DT-500A engine. The wheeled chassis allows for great speed. The wheels are hidden under the armor and they are pumped up by an automatic unit. The Desert Spirit CV1 is covered with laminated armor made of solid ceramic plates that protect it from most medium alien arms. It turned out that even strong armor does not save our vehicles from heavy alien fire. Only one crewmember is required to control the Desert Spirit with the assistance of a computer. All weapon functions are automated. The operator only designates the target that is to be attacked. Comments: Must be boring driving this thing, all you do is point and click. ----------Tank Cannon ----------AP: 90 HP: 90 Armor: 75 Weapon1: Projectile Cannon Damage: 100 Accuracy: 155 Price: 100000 Production Difficulty: Doable The CT-8 is a heavy combat tank. CAF engineers have constructed it to support CAF ground assault forces. It destroys sturdy targets, enemy discs and buildings with the great power of its two magnetic cannons. Thanks to a caterpillar chassis it can be used in rough and adverse terrain as well as open terrain. Relatively short cannon barrels enable the tank to turn the turret and maneuver in cramped spaces, for example in side larger buildings or even inside larger UFOs. The CT-8 is powered by a first-rate DT-510 engine with low heat emissions. For maximum firepower the CT-8 is equipped with dual magnetic cannons. This powerful tank is covered with laminated armor made of ultra-solid ceramic plates that protect it from the effect of most alien weapons however on the battlefield it turned out that alien heavy weapons can destroy the CT-8, despite its advanced armor. Comments: Pretty useless -------------------Tank Rocket Launcher -------------------AP: 90 HP: 90 Armor: 75 Weapon1: Rocket Launcher Damage: 120 Accuracy: 150 Price: 120000 Production Difficulty: Doable The RT-9 Desert Sun is a heavy combat, rocket launching tank. The rocket launcher turret is mounted on CT-8 chassis. Armor protection of the RT9 was strengthened in comparison to its predecessors. Fuel and ammunition are in armored compartments with blowout panels to protect the crew from cooking as result of a direct hit. The RT-9 is powered by a DT-510A engine with low heat emissions. Comments: See Above ------------Desert Hunter -------------

AP: 120 HP: 85 Armor: 70 Weapon1: Plasma Cannon Damage: 115 Accuracy: 150 Weapon2: Plasma Machine Gun Damage: 90 Accuracy: 120 Price: 150000 Production Difficulty: Hard Desert Hunter is a combat support vehicle. It is covered with laminated armor made of solid ceramic plates. The Desert hunter plates are thinner in comparison to the tank plates, keeping the gross weight of the vehicle down. The thinner plates mean less protection against enemy fire. On the other hand the desert hunter can reach better speed. The Desert hunter is armed with a plasma cannon and plasma machine gun both mounted on the turret. The plasma cannon functions entirely in single shot mode whereas the plasma machine gun works entirely in auto-shot mode. The vehicle is powered by a DT-525S engine, a smaller version of the tank engine. The DT-525 S needs less fuel and allows for better acceleration. Comments: The turning speed on this thing is soooooooo sloooooow.

Good AP.

------Cyclops ------AP: 69 HP: 99 Armor: 90 Weapon1: Rocket Launcher Damage: 125 Accuracy: 190 Weapon2: Heavy Ion Cannon Damage: 120 Accuracy: 140 Price: 180000 Production Difficulty: Hard Cyclops is a heavy combat robot. It was created as a support weapon of the infantry, fit for accompanying soldiers to large UFO incursions. Cyclops is approximately 2m tall. It belongs to the group of human-controlled robots known as the Walkers. These robots are designed be operated by a human inside who controls the machine much like a driver controls a car. The operator is situated in an egg-shaped chamber that is well protected from both aggressive chemicals and extreme temperature conditions outside. Unlike the first generation, the current models are not operated by limb movements anymore, but rather by thought commands coming from the operator's brain. Thanks to this solution the robot could be further miniaturized and its speed of both movement and operation increased. Sure enough, the velocity is not as high as that of a vehicle, but its outstanding firepower makes up for that. One arm conceals a rocket launcher with 6 guided missiles. The other is equipped with a powerful Ion Cannon capable of using the auto shot mode. Furthermore, the machine possesses an excellent aiming system, able to respond to a target being in the viewing field with instantaneous fire. Although the Cyclops is rather slow, its toughness along with its outstanding firepower represents invaluable support for the CAF. Nevertheless, we must keep in mind that Cyclops is not indestructible and that the aliens' combat means may keep getting better. Comments: A pretty cool vehicle as far as looks go, reminds me of one of those mechs from the mechwarrior games. The Cyclops has pretty decent armor too, but a little low on movement points. Great animation speeds and looks make this my favorite vehicle.

-------Anaconda -------AP: 120 HP: 110 Armor: 100 Weapon1: Rocket Launcher Damage: 140 Accuracy: 190 Weapon2: AKEW Cannon Damage: 140 Accuracy: 150 Price: 260000 Production Difficulty: Hard CH-1 Anaconda is a combat support hovercraft that elevates itself some distance from the ground through repulsion technology taking advantage of short-range anti-gravity principles. The hovercraft is covered with UFO craft armor made of alien alloys and is armed with 6 guided missiles and an AKEW cannon. Comments: High armor, but you are back to the horribly slow turning speeds. -----Hammer -----AP: 120 HP: 120 Armor: 120 Weapon1: Particle Cannon Damage: 150 Accuracy: 170 Price: 380000 Production Difficulty: Intense The CH-2 Hammer is a combat support hovercraft based on the construction of the old CH1 Anaconda. The CH- 2 Hammer is covered with advanced ultra solid UFO craft armor made of alien alloys and is armed with one particle cannon. Comments: Best vehicle, might as well carry 2 on the Devil Fish. though, too bad.

No rockets

------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.3 Weapons and Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: Cluecat has pointed out to me that despite all the fancy flavor text, there are only 3 types of damage in this game: Mechanical, Chemical, and Fire. Certain enemies are highly resistant to one or two of these types and thus will seem like they are resistant to certain weapons (Read: Destroyer). When that happens, however, just use a heavier weapon to take them out. ---------Desert Rat ---------Against Mechanical: 35 Against Chemical: 20 Against Fire: 20 Price: 30000 Production Difficulty: None. All soldiers comes with one, why would you want to buy any more? Desert Rat PCA-1 is Personal Combat Armor. Its construction is based on the armors used by Esperanza police, but the CAF engineers have added their own improvements. It gives the maximum protection available using our current technology in a way that preserves the soldier's mobility. The armor consists

of solid ceramic plates put on the latest generation of flexible, impact resistant polymers. Experimental blasting proved at least 50% higher resistance against kinetic ammunition than the original police armor it is based on. You can assume that this armor will resist most of the light alien weapon attacks. The plates fit together in such a way that enables the entire range of physical combat moves. There is a micro-sandwich structure under its own protective coat providing the ideal life support conditions. It collects sweat, maintains optimal temperature depending on the physical functions of the bearer and it monitors his vital signs. The Desert Rat PCA-1 is a unique armor with excellent properties, but it will be necessary to research and develop even stronger types of armor to give our troops a fighting chance against heavier alien weaponry. Comments: Basic armor, wish I can take this off of the new recruits and sell it for money. -------------Beekeeper BK01 -------------Against Mechanical: 50 Against Chemical: 60 Against Fire: 55 Price: 80000 Production Difficulty: Doable This anti-chemical Personal Combat Armor was invented by the CAF scientists to counteract the alien's toxic ammunition. The armor is made with a coated surface layer that offers enhanced acid and toxic substances resistance. This was achieved thanks to an advanced lead based alloy. However, the alloy enriched with lead loses its strength and that is why only the surface layer of the armor can be made from this alloy. The life support systems are contained in an apparatus pouch carried on the back. The Beekeeper armor gives the CAF soldiers protection against toxins, acids and other corrosive substances and obviously some protection against traditional physical attacks. Comments: Your first new armor, you'll be using this for a long long time. -----------Desert Viper -----------Against Mechanical: 85 Against Chemical: 20 Against Fire: 70 Price: 150000 Production Difficulty: Hard PCA-3 Desert Viper is a Personal Combat Armor based on the construction of the old PCA-1 Desert Rat armor. In this version the old ceramic plates were replaced by plates made of alien alloys. These plates proved to be excellent defense against armor piercing or explosive ammunition, on the other hand the plates cannot cope with aggressive toxics acids. Comments: After a long wait, you get the upgraded version of the desert rat, lower chem defense compared to the Beekeeper but higher overall defense, not too bad. --------------Waspkeeper VK02 --------------Against Mechanical: 90 Against Chemical: 80 Against Fire: 85 Price: 250000 Production Difficulty: Hard

The Waspkeeper PCA-4 is a newer version of our previous anti-chemical armor; it is has been considerably upgraded and provides better all around protection. Enemy fire used to cause damage to the upper lead layer of the old PCA2 Beekeeper. This led our scientists to research new armor with active chemical protection (ACP) .The active chemical protection consists of a neutralizing environment in the shell layer of the armor. The ACP is a system of small jets and sensors located in the collar and knee pads controlled by a processor unit. Depending on the nature of the chemical attack, to the exterior of the armor, the jets spray concentrated alkaline or acid agents. ACP can be activated manually by the soldier or automatically according to the detection information received by the sensors. Mix, concentration and direction of the neutralization agents are controlled by the processor unit and adjusted for external actual environment conditions such as wind for instance. Comments: Best armor IMO, good overall defense. --------------Desert Tortoise --------------Against Mechanical: 100 Against Chemical: 30 Against Fire: 70 Price: 400000 Production Difficulty: Intense PCA-5 Desert Tortoise is a heavy personal combat armor. The armor plating consists of heavy plates made of alien alloys. These plates are connected by joints in an overlapping manner so that the armor doesn't have any weak points. The full armor is quite heavy and it is could be difficult for weaker persons to wear it. The armor does not provide effective protection against toxins and acids however it is our best defense against standard weapons. Comments: For the 'ultimate' armor it's not that great. Good physical resistance but much lower chemical and fire resistance than the Waspkeeper. The second major draw back with this armor is that it slows down your soldiers to the pace of a walk. I only use this on my guys who carry heavy arms and can't run anyway. At 400k a pop, this thing ain't cheap either. ----------Mind Shield ----------Psi Defence: 30 Price: 29000 Production Difficulty: Doable We have determined that some alien species have psionic abilities. Their brains can emit high amplitude electromagnetic impulses. These impulses can control life forms in the immediate area. The impulses can directly influence human nervous systems. Once the impulse hits human nervous tissue the impulse is led by the nervous system to muscles where it causes a muscle to contract. The victim is immediately stunned, unable to move until the spasm fades away. Although the full extent of alien psionic ability hasn't been researched, some important aspects for each psionic attack have been revealed. The psionic attacks seem to lose their intensity in inverse proportion to distance. The intensity of the impulse also is dependant on the physical condition of the alien. Our testing has revealed that the intensity of the impulses can be lowered by an alloy of wolfram and iridium. To defend against psionic attacks we have created mind shields (MS-1) constructed of this alloy and they seem to be resistant to all but the highest level of psionic impulses. All field soldiers are strongly urged to carry one of these in their combat load out in case of psionic attack Comments: Some people say this thing is useless before the arrival of preachers and phantoms while others say this thing is a life saver. It all depends on

your playing style. For the type who likes to keep squad sizes small and spread them out around the map this thing is great since you can't afford for your units to be zapped to paralysis by hallucinoids. If you tend to bunch your troops closer together, the loss of one unit isn't too big of an issue... usually. See the hints section on how to get the most out of one or two of these. -------------------Advanced Mind Shield -------------------Psi Defence: 60 Price: 60000 Production Difficulty: Hard Whereas the first generation mind shields worked on basis of passive absorption, the new generation of mind shields works on a principle of active protection. The active protection consists of generating very high amplitude, reversed polarity electromagnetic impulses to counteract alien psionic impulses. Ideally, the generator would generate reversed polarity impulses as soon as the alien brain emits the psionic attack impulse, however there is some reactionary lag as the shield has to identify, interpret and respond to the impulse. So it might happen that alien impulse is not eliminated in time. In this case the attack can be successful in stunning the subject. Psionic abilities add a whole new dimension to the aliens as dangerous opponents. Make sure that all soldiers have a helmet in their combat load out in case of psionic attack. Comments: You WILL need these or your troops will be destroyed in no time by preachers and phantoms. -----Pistol -----Accuracy: 120 Damage: 45 Capacity: 20 Price: 220 Production Difficulty: None, buy it The Projectile Pistol is a powerful weapon. This generation of firearms represents the peak of classical development of kinetic guns. Many people could consider this an archaic weapon, but the firepower and accuracy of these pistols has to convince even the most skeptical critics. A renaissance of these guns methods has arisen recently thanks to an invention of new ammunition (using light gases) that is remarkable for its significantly higher efficiency. The pistol uses fully burnable so-called "telescopic" cartridges made of tungsten carbide. These cartridges have the bullets hidden inside and are shaped like long darts. Because there was no need to keep the topside of the barrel for the aiming sights, the magazine could be placed there instead, as positioning on the handle would be impossible due to the length of the cartridges. The projectile leaves the barrel at nearly 2.5kph and kickback is efficiently inhibited by an entirely new dampening system which also serves as a silencer. For safety reasons the gun does not support an autoshot mode but for a short-range fight it is more than suitable. Comment: Hehehe that's a mighty tiny gun you got there... ----Rifle ----Accuracy: 160 Damage: 50 Capacity: 20 Price: 480

Production Difficulty: None, buy it The Projectile Rifle is a more powerful version of the Projectile Pistol. The resemblance to the previous model is understandable as both of them are manufactured by the renowned Classic Firearms Company. The barrel has been elongated which increased the escape velocity of the shot to 2.7kph. Both the energy of a shot and its destructive power has therefore risen accordingly. The magazine has kept its original position on the topside. For aiming purposes we are using laser point projection as well as the standard wireless technology of the target's image appearing in the CAF special glasses. The gun's construction has also been strengthened in order to endure the increased pressure and heat inside. Thanks to this improvement, an option of auto shot mode could be tacked on. The light alloy body makes the gun very easy to operate and has certainly helped its good approval during tests where it managed to beat the competition. The weapon has the very best penetration of all available designs yet we cannot be sure of the effect it will have against the alien's armor. This gun is known for the great favor it has gained amongst our soldiers. Comment: The best weapon you can use early on, damage comparable to a laser rifle and you don't even need to manufacture the clips. ------Shotgun ------Accuracy: 150 Damage: 70 Capacity: 16 Price: 2000 Production Difficulty: None, buy it The Projectile Shotgun is an effective projectile weapon. It is made by a rival company, (Gunpowder Automatic Guns) and its construction is therefore quite different. The weapon's design reminds you of the historical models intentionally emphasizing its remarkable firepower. Purchasers mainly appreciate the historical appearance of the gun. This feature, obviously, didn't matter for the CAF who were interested in the firepower above all. Therein they were more than satisfied for the shotgun series had become famous just for this characteristic. The weakness of the shotgun is in the unbearably high recoil. This was successfully eliminated by the use of revolutionary system of force field based cushioning. Thus the shooting is comfortable, accurate and the soldiers appreciate the feeling of a sturdy weapon in their hands. Unlike heavier weapons this gun does not limit the shooter's mobility and therefore creates a suitable accessory for fighting tough targets. Comment: Great damage but no autoshot ability. Give these to soldiers who have high accuracy for snap shots. Funny thing about this 'shotgun' though is that it works great at long range too. --------------Rocket Launcher --------------Accuracy: 170 Price: 18000 Production Difficulty: None, buy it The Rocket Launcher is a portable infantry carried launcher for various kinds of rockets. Its weight makes it necessary for the weapon to be borne on the left shoulder. A scope is also available allowing the sight to zoom up to 4x and display the essential firing data using a special computer. The front segment of the launching tube can be retracted making it more compact for storage. The weapon when in this configuration it is shorter than the rockets used as ammunition. Five inch rockets are used as ammo and thanks to their modular conception, warheads of various effects may be fabricated. The rockets flight is powered by two distinct stages using solid fuel. The first stage burns out in the launching tube itself blasting the rocket off. The second

stage is constructed to ignite a safe distance from the shooter keeping him out of danger. Accuracy of this weapon is impeccable, but aiming is rather slow. Although a shooter can only bear a finite amount of ammo, which is to be reloaded after every single shot, this weapon's tactical advantage remains in the versatility of the warheads. Comment: Makes the wielder extremely slow and takes up a lot of time units to shoot, but it's the best explosive weapon you have early on and the only way you can stun units with until the development of the stun grenade. ---------------Explosive Rocket ---------------Accuracy: 170 Damage: 85 Capacity: 1 Price: 420 Production Difficulty: None, buy it The Explosive Rocket is the elementary missile of the infantry for use against multiple targets. It serves as ammunition for the 5-inch Rocket Launcher, which has to be unfolded in advance, for its length, is shorter than that of the rocket when it is assembled for transportation. As any other rockets designed for this kind of weapon, the Explosive Rocket comprises of two propel stages using new-generation solid fuels and a warhead. The rear stage is 5-inch in diameter as well as the warhead and contains a special booster charge creating the initial pulse that propels the rocket out of the launching tube. This stage is also equipped with a set of fins that are deployed in flight to stabilize the missile in air. The main sustaining rocket motor, situated in the second stage is to be ignited at a safe distance from the operator protecting him thus from the dangerous exhaust gases arising during the burning process. The warhead is aerodynamically shaped and bears the explosive payload. The original fragmentation filling has been relinquished and supplanted by more efficient gel fuel-air explosive known for its remarkably strong blast-wave at detonation, which has proven significantly more deadly than the fragmentation weapons. In order to make the ammunition rockets apparently distinctive, each of them has been assigned a particular color - in case of the Explosive Rockets it's red. The Explosive Rocket is a valuable means of clearing up the battlefield, even though the fire time is rather slow. Comments: Goes boom ---------------Ignitable Rocket ---------------Accuracy: 170 Damage: 95 Capacity: 1 Price: 1400 Production Difficulty: Easy The Ignitable Rocket is a missile capable of contaminating vast areas with fire. In fact, it is something like the next step in the development of the Chemical Rocket. Fire has been known to pose a great threat to the alien units, especially those that have been made up of organic warriors using chemical substances as their essential natural weapon. An intense heat-up causes a massive breakdown of their internal balance eventually leading to their death that is brought on by their own combat toxins, as a matter of fact. For this reason the CAF has designed this rocket that is yet more universal than her chemical sister. The construction copies the previous models except for the special warhead and a yellow color designation that make this rocket unique. The active ingredient's distribution is provided by a computercontrolled explosion that assures its even dispersal. Once the ingredient is deployed its adhesive granule particles self-ignite in less than 0.1s due to

their reaction with atmospheric oxygen. The internal temperatures of the following fire can reach up to 2300K which makes the Ignitable Rocket even more imposing form of ammunition than the Explosive Rocket. It is understandable that these rockets must be operated with caution, as even our armor is not of much help against the hell-like conditions arisen in the area of effect. The inflammable substances have always been a horrendous weapon. It has been plentifully used in human history as well. Now we think that it is time the aliens were given a lesson in human warfare. Comments: Never used, but probably useful against enemies weak to fire. --------------Chemical Rocket --------------Accuracy: 170 Damage: 95 Capacity: 1 Price: 1400 Production Difficulty: Easy The Chemical Rocket is a missile bearing aggressive chemical agents designed to either contaminate the enemy territory or the enemy warriors themselves. The substance inside is much like its alien equivalent composed of both acidic ingredients and an intensively poisonous chemical that can cause death even through skin upon which it is easily delivered once the caustic agent has penetrated the armor. Sure enough, much greater effects are achieved, if the agent strikes blood or airways directly. Either way it causes a very painful death. For this and other reasons the chemical weapon agents have been long considered an inhumane means of killing and prohibited by the Interplanetary Council for Humanity. Nevertheless, the tremendous supremacy of the aliens to us in the area of biochemistry, forced our political leaders to change their mind about this means of war and permit them as a temporary resort which would be at least a little help to save humankind. A rocket has proven an effective means of delivery for these chemical weapon agents as it can reach even distant targets and prevent the aliens from possible reprisal. The Chemical Rocket is not much unlike the previous models and hence it uses green-colored striping for distinction. This kind of ammo has turned out to be extremely effective against the organic alien units. However, for its dangerousness it is necessary that they're used in conjunction with appropriate protective suits that can ensure the shooter's safety. Comments: Never used, but probably useful against enemies weak to chemicals. ----------Stun Rocket ----------Accuracy: 160 Damage: 70 Capacity: 1 Price: 1500 Production Difficulty: None, buy it The Stun Rocket is a combat missile of apparent purpose - to knock out the enemy. The CAF soldiers can use this kind of rocket to obtain specimens of new alien warriors for study. There are no significant changes in design as far as the delivery system is concerned. The difference is in the warhead. In order to ensure an easy distinction from the other ammo the Stun Rocked has been marked with a blue color. The stun effects are based on a combination of multiple factors. Stunning of the organic targets is provided by extreme noise (195dB of high-frequency sound), light (56 mil. cd) and dispersal of a paralyzing substance. Machines, on the other hand, are disabled by an EMP. Once a Stun Rocket is launched, it automatically transmits an encoded warning signal causing all CAF helmets in close proximity to make the necessary adjustments protecting the CAF soldiers and electronics from the adverse

effects of the Stun Rocket's explosion. (i.e.: field for view on the CAF helmets is darkened, audio input is decreased, etc.). Similar precautions are taken by the endangered vehicles and machinery. (e.g.: the electronics are temporarily disabled). The rocket is able to reliably stun any man and we can assume that it will have the same effects on most alien units. Nevertheless, we can't be sure until it's tested on them. Without the aid of the Stun Rocket we would be hardly able to ever arrest any dangerous alien warrior. The knowledge of alien soldiers will certainly be necessary in furthering our scientific research. Comments: Keep one or two for early on stunning of alien commanders for research. -----------Flamethrower -----------Accuracy: 120 Damage: 130! Capacity: 6 Price: 40000 Production Difficulty: Doable The Flamethrower is an effective destructive weapon intended to be used mainly against living organisms yet it can be used to fight armored machinery as well. The greatest efficiency is achieved in close-in combat, where the effects are most formidable. The flamethrower's fuel is most often napalm or gasoline, which feeds the "eternal flame" at the end of the muzzle, when in standby mode. Once the gun is triggered, strong fuel flow is propelled to the muzzle by compressed nitrogen, dispersed and eventually ignited forming a destructive infernal cloud. The cylinders containing the fuel and the compressed nitrogen are worn on the operator's back. The flamethrower's disadvantage is the short range of fire. Comments: Slow and extremely short range, hard to use but high damage. things weak to fire in 1 shot.


-------Chemogun -------Accuracy: 120 Damage: 130! Capacity: 8 Price: 40000 Production Difficulty: Doable The Chemogun is another excellent weapon designated for fighting organic enemies. The weapon shoots out a needle-thin extremely fast stream of chemical agent that is composed of various constituents. In fact, it is a sophisticated mixture of both highly caustic substances and nerve toxins causing virtually instantaneous death to the enemy warriors. The components have been carefully selected to be able to penetrate the widest variety of alien armors and kill the most effectively. As evidence suggests, we have been successful and our detailed research of both the alien armors and physiology has borne its fruit. Once the gun is activated the mixture is continuously pushed out by a fierce gas-producing cyclic chemical reaction that runs at the weapon's back and is sustained with an energy stream from an adjacent portable mini-ion-reactor. This allows the strongly caustic stream of liquid to come out at impressive speeds so that it can corrode the armors of the enemy and deliver the toxins. Interestingly enough, the combination of causticity with high speed alone had proven so destructive, that we were unable to find a material for the weapon's muzzle that would withstand both these destructive factors ourselves and had to come up with another solution. Thus in the weapon's current design the muzzle is constantly etched and rebuilt at the same time and the Chemogun's integrity is maintained. Thanks to its efficiency, the Chemogun is especially useful

against numerous alien troops. Comments: Send in a heavily armored trooper into a tiny room and watch this guy kill all the aliens inside. For other times, have the guy use a different gun and keep this in the backpack. ---------------Laser Technology ---------------Laser based guns make use of a strong energy ray to destroy a target. A chemical laser capable of sustaining a strong enough ray for a sufficient period of time has been the sole technology used in laser weaponry so far. But now our scientists have come up with an entirely new solution eliminating the main disadvantage the chemical lasers had, a bulky size. This prevented ground soldiers from being able to use laser weapons easily in combat. CAF scientists managed to create a unique red-colored crystal laser, light enough to be powered up by a small portable battery pack. The weapon's body is composed of several pulse generators linked up together in order to charge the ray gradually. This special process earned this laser the nickname "HELL" as an abbreviation for High Energy Linked Laser. The efficiency is nearly 5 times higher in comparison to the bulkier previous generation. Comments: Unlike UFO Defense, lasers actually require clips, which drastically reduces their usefulness. -----------Laser Pistol -----------Accuracy: 130 Damage: 50 Capacity: 12 Price: 4000 Production Difficulty: Easy LG-707 is a light and compact personal laser pistol, emitting strong laser beam. The damage is relatively low and it is only suitable against targets with little protection. The absence of weapon kickback is a real advantage, giving the soldier greater control and accuracy in contrast to common projectile weapons. The accumulator is located in upper part of the weapon, supplying the laser emitter. Comments: Lazars go PEW PEW!!! ----------Laser Rifle ----------Accuracy: 160 Damage: 65 Capacity: 20 Price: 12000 Production Difficulty: Doable LG-1202 is an attack laser rifle tailored to fulfill a design request of the Counter Alien Forces demanding a light, accurate and efficient laser weapon with the ability to fire auto shots. The laser emitters are protected by a chassis made of durable alloys. The accumulator is located in the central part of the gun. During product testing, some problems with accumulator overheating appeared. Because of this, the laser strength had to be reduced, however the beam strength should be enough for puncturing most known infantry armor types. Comments: Good accuracy and decent damage for early on, but don't make too many of these since you'll be going through clips extremely fast and early on you can't afford to waste too much manufacturing time on them.

----------Heavy Laser ----------Accuracy: 155 Damage: 95 Capacity: 9 Price: 18000 Production Difficulty: Doable LG-2303 is a heavy laser infantry weapon made by Star Light Systems Ltd. It features reinforced durable construction and is carried across the front of the body. The gun is aimed by the left hand and shots are triggered by the right. The sturdy muzzle made of light alloys projects an extremely powerful laser beam. The cooling system, centralized beneath the grip for balance, is necessary to prevent overheating of the accumulator while in auto-cannon mode. A high capacity battery accumulator is located at the rear of the gun. Comments: Wow, a heavy weapon with autofire mode, how interesting. the clip size is extremely small.

Too bad

Mzuz tells us: I found great success with heavy lasers, they would take out destroyers in 2-4 shots consistantly on normal. This makes them more useful than plasma rifles then. ----------------Plasma Technology ----------------The Plasma weapons originate from the aliens. Plasma is estimated to make up over 99% of the visible universe and yet the humans keep failing to harness its power to create plasma-based weapons. Plasma is defined as a state of matter for which a presence of free-moving electrons and ions exist, along with a high temperature level. Plasma can contain a big amount of energy and can be controlled by the Maxwell-Boltzman electromagnetic field. The trouble is that if the environment is unable to sustain the high-energy state then the charged particles tend to recombine and turn the plasma back into ordinary matter. The aliens seem to have been able to keep the high temperature plasma using force fields created by the Avonium particles. When such a plasma shot hits its target the fields holding the contents together are breached allowing the plasma inside to escape. Consequences are then most devastating. Comments: Plasma used to be the best you can get in UFO Defense, but here its pretty worthless as there are lots of enemies who are highly resistant to it. ------------Plasma Pistol ------------Accuracy: 120 Damage: 55 Capacity: 18 Price: 5000 Production Difficulty: Easy The Plasma pistol is a compact alien weapon. Our scientists have reverse engineered the plasma weapons and have written this brief analysis of the underlying technology in layman's terms. The plasma weapon is fed by a small magazine containing the raw plasma chemical agent which is held in stasis by an electromagnetic field. When the trigger is pressed, the electromagnetic field is interrupted for a fraction of a second allowing the plasma to enter an acceleration chamber. From there a plasma concentrator module compresses the plasma and simultaneously mixes a small amount of avonium with the plasma. The plasma instantly melts the avonium element down, causing a chemically triggered explosion. This explosion forces the plasma down the acceleration chamber and out of the muzzle at a velocity of 3km/sec. A nice feature of these weapons is

that the current state of ammunition is indicated on the chassis, allowing the soldier to quickly view their ammo status. Comments: Why do pistols even exist? -----------Plasma Rifle -----------Accuracy: 140 Damage: 80 Capacity: 30 Price: 12000 Production Difficulty: Doable The plasma rifle is a standard issue alien weapon and its core technology is the backbone of the alien ground attack arsenal. In contrast to the plasma pistol, the plasma rifle has a bigger acceleration chamber. The extended chamber allows for more plasma and a higher acceleration velocity, which subsequently causes more damage. Aiming this weapon is quite difficult for humans although the adjustable stock seems to aid in this process. The superheated plasma bursts achieve a muzzle velocity of 3.5 km/sec, and are very destructive to any material in its path. Comments: Pretty decent weapon for a while until you get ion. -----------Heavy Plasma -----------Accuracy: 140 Damage: 110 Capacity: 12 Price: 20000 Production Difficulty: Doable The heavy plasma is the strongest weapon in the plasma infantry series. Some alien soldiers seem to be wearing stronger armor than what we originally encountered in early battles. Many of our standard issue weapons seem to be obsolete as far as damage is concerned against this new armor type. Fortunately the heavy plasma was researched and provides sufficient damage to pierce all newly used alien armors. The heavy plasma is based on the plasma rifle technology with a few modifications. The heavy plasma is larger and more cumbersome compared to the plasma rifle, due to its robust acceleration chamber that can now take more plasma, thus delivering more damage to the target. The weight of this powerful weapon means it has to be carried low across the body and requires a stabilizing handle located over the central pivot point. CAF engineers attempted to enable auto-shot mode in prototypes of this weapon but the acceleration chamber was unable to bear the extreme heat. After many attempts the acceleration chamber continually ruptured despite the improved cooling system and auto-shot mode had to be abandoned. Comments: No autofire, nuff said. description)? :P)

(BTW, what's a plasma infantry (see

-------------Ion Technology -------------Ion Technology-based weapons in general operate using ion generators that ionize inner gas to high levels and use the discharged matter for various purposes. This discharge can cause burns and even death to living targets, and adverse effects to electronics if sufficient intensity is achieved. The intensity of the discharge mostly depends on the volume of ionized gas which the gun is able to store. However, the bigger the gun is, the less suitable it is as a handheld weapon and the longer it takes to charge. For this reason, there has been much quarrelling amongst our scientists concerning whether ion

gun designs should be more focused on power of discharge, or on their serviceability as handheld weapons. It has been suggested that we equip airfighters and combat tanks with the heavier ion guns, so as to fully utilize the potential of this technology. Quite recently, a project has also been proposed to apply ion technology in the area of protective shields. This idea evoked certain agitation among our engineers, as it was an entirely new way of designing shields. Despite the fact that some think this idea has no future, others say it may pave the way for an new generation of extremely powerful protective shields. Comments: Ion rocks, does good damage and has decent clip size and accuracy. ---------Ion Pistol ---------Accuracy: 125 Damage: 65 Capacity: 13 Price: 8000 Production Difficulty: Doable The Ion Pistol is a light compact handheld weapon designed for use against enemy soldiers and light machines. The pistol's core is composed of an ion generator which ionizes the gas filling inside. These produced ions are then stored in the barrel until their tension is strong enough to burst through the disruptive strength and spring out as an electric discharge which looks similar to lightning as it comes out of the weapon. The gun destroys electronics effectively and the discharge burns and shocks living targets. Although the Ion Pistol is a short-range weapon we expect it to become a favorite personal gun because of its light weight and effectiveness. Commments: Actually useable for soldiers who don't have the requirements for the rifle. They are better off throwing grenades though, but this is a good backup once they run out. --------Ion Rifle --------Accuracy: 145 Damage: 100 Capacity: 20 Price: 20000 Production Difficulty: Hard The Ion Rifle is more robust version of the Ion Pistol. A larger chamber and more intensive ion accumulation in the barrel provide faster charging and longer shot-range. Furthermore, the Ion Rifle does not only pose threat to living organisms, but to light-shielded electronics as well. Thanks to the extraordinary performance of the new ion generator implying faster ion production, the efficiency has increased enough for an auto-shot mode to be tacked on. With this feature the Ion Rifle is an immensely devastating weapon, and is certainly going to find a favored place among our equipment load outs. Comments: Sleek and effective makes this a great weapon, a couple of shots will kill a destroyer and just about anything else. --------Heavy Ion --------Accuracy: 145 Damage: 120 Capacity: 9 Price: 30000 Production Difficulty: Hard

The Ion Heavy is a heavier handheld weapon based on the Ion Technology. Unlike the previous Ion Rifle this model has an even bigger ion generator which is capable of generating and sustaining electrical charge for a short period of time. Once the charge is generated it is immediately fed to the barrel where it bridges over the barrier layer and to the target while manifesting itself as lightning. The effects on living organisms are almost one hundred percent lethal and as far as electronics are concerned, not even strong shielding is much help against its destructive power. The disadvantage of the Ion Heavy is the slow charge up time, which removes the ability of an auto shot mode. Nevertheless this weapon has gained an irreplaceable post in our arsenal. Comments: No autofire, high time consumption for shooting (aimed shot takes ~60% of your AP!!!), all that for only 20 more damage per shot? Avoid. --------------AKEW Technology --------------Akew technology came into existence as a merger of the Plasma and Laser technologies. The main unit is made of a pulse generator and a strong superconductive coil that compresses plasma to a density close to that of the core of the Sun. The weight of the coil can make the weapon unbalanced and it is not easily wielded. Comments: While AKEW sounds cool, the low clip sizes make this really annoying. ----------AKEW Pistol ----------Accuracy: 125 Damage: 80! (Noisy cricket levels of damage!) Capacity: 7 Price: 20000 Production Difficulty: Hard Akew pistol is a personal weapon used for a close fight. The magazine is located in the central part of the weapon. The powerful new generation accumulator is embedded in the grip handle. Rear part of the weapon contains pulse generator, generating pulses into a coil. Despite the powerful accumulator, the magazine is limited to just a few shots, but the power of the punch exceeds that of the plasma rifle. Comments: Pretty darn good damage for a pistol, comes at a cost of only 7 shots per clip. ---------AKEW Rifle ---------Accuracy: 155 Damage: 125 Capacity: 15 Price: 40000 Production Difficulty: Intense Akew rifle is the bigger sister of the Akew pistol. The construction is very similar however in contrast to its predecessor the acceleration chamber was inserted between magazine and the coil so the weapons power was strongly increased. This makes the Akew rifle one of the most compact weapons combining auto shot capability, decent accuracy, destructive firepower and a comfortable amount of ammo in the magazine. Comments: Good rifle, mixing your soldiers with this and ion will last you until EEEW tech comes around. ---------------

EEEW Technology --------------Thanks to an intensive research the plasma particles accelerating solenoids based on the AKEW technology have been completely redesigned. Now the plasma fireball has an additive angular momentum, which creates a strong electromagnetic field around it. The bulkier the fireball is, the greater the effects are. When a certain volume is achieved the plasma is thickened up enough to trigger a nuclear fusion inside, leading to an even more destructive impact. Furthermore, the electromagnetic field has an adverse affect on all electronics in the vicinity, similar to an EMP. This disrupts the electronic alien technology that a shot passes by. There are some disadvantages of the EEEW. For instance, significantly more plasma is required per shot as well as the need for a larger coil. This prevents us from miniaturizing these types of weapons and making them any more compact. Comments: Great stuff. ---------EEEW Rifle ---------Accuracy: 160 Damage: 130 Capacity: 16 Price: 30000 Production Difficulty: Hard EEEW Rifle is by far the most compact EEEW weapon. It is a hybrid of the AKEW Rifle with an enlarged chamber, bigger plasma dose and a completely redesigned acceleration coil. The control mechanism has been improved as well. A builtin CPU regulates the field generated by the acceleration coil in order to achieve a periodical pulse sequence, giving the plasma ball the desired angular momentum. Then, as a result of the rotation the plasma's density is dramatically increased which supports the nuclear fusion inside. Along with the density increase the plasma fireball begins to emit electromagnetic radiation harmful to all electronic machinery. For this reason the rifle is reliably shielded preventing it from endangering our own equipment. An efficient gun with the added benefit of the electronic jamming effect, the EEEW Rifle is especially suitable for use against medium to heavy-armored targets incorporating sophisticated electronics within. Comments: Clip size takes up 2 slots and you only get 16 shots per clip, but other than that this is a great weapon. ------------------Particle Technology ------------------Particle weapons in general derive benefit from a beam of charged particles (i.e. electrons, protons or ions) accelerated to high speeds by an electromagnetic field by a linear accelerator. Thanks to its tremendous energy a particle stream is capable of fierce heating, melting or directly vaporizing the target. As a particle source, plasma made of virtually whatever matter may serve. The heavier the plasma ions are, the greater the destructive powers it can deliver. Disadvantages of heavy particle plasma lie in the difficulties connected with accelerating it to acceptable speeds which allow for longer flight distances, and ultimately a weapons effective range. Comments: Best weapon tech period. --------------Particle Pistol --------------Accuracy: 140 Damage: 100! (That's a LOT of damage for a weapon that has no str reqs)

Capacity: 18 Price: 25000 Production Difficulty: Doable The most elementary utilization of the Particle Technology is the Particle Pistol. In order to meet the requirements for a weapon compact and light at the same time we had to reduce the main particle accelerator as the biggest component of the gun. The ensuing performance drop has been dealt with by the usage of light-particle plasma along with the elongated charging delay. A direct hit by a Particle Pistol's shot melts down the armor and in case of an unprotected living organism it causes bad burns or even death. The Particle Pistol is a short-range weapon. For both its small size and deadliness we expect the Particle Pistol to soon become a weapon of choice for our soldiers. Comments: Pistols are still more useless than rifles, but if you have to use one, might as well use the best. -------------Particle Rifle -------------Accuracy: 180 Damage: 145 Capacity: 30 Price: 30000 Production Difficulty: Hard The Particle Rifle is a more advanced implementation of the Particle Technology. Unlike the Particle Pistol this gun is equipped with a more powerful accelerator giving the weapon the ability to make use of denser plasma as a particle source. The destructive power has thus risen accordingly. Another enhancement was the acceleration chamber's extension implying a heavier eventual mass of a shot associated with a longer firing range. Furthermore improved accuracy has been achieved due to the use of a longer barrel. All these features make the Particle Rifle a good choice for missions where tough resistance is expected. Comments: A whooping 30 rounds per clip and insane damage. The only reason why you wouldn't use this is because you don't have enough rifles/clips to go around. -------------------Defense Grenade G-25 -------------------Accuracy: 125 Damage: 85 Price: 500 Production Difficulty: None, buy it The G-25 is a powerful defensive fragmentation grenade. For the purposes of the CAF it was chosen along with other devices for the effect it had on tough targets. It can be used against both heavy armored persons and lightly armored vehicles. It is equipped with a fuse that allows switching between impact and timed mode. The G-25 is a highly reliable grenade. The explosive ingredient ATHX creates a strong blast wave it projects several heavy jagged fragments with great efficiency. The G-25 is pre-fragmented to ensure a reliable formation of these shreds and their proper spreading. Although the casualty producing radius of the Defense Grenade is quite small because of the limited number of fragments within, the shock wave along with the casing fragments provide a significant devastating effect on a target. The grenade is suitable especially for close quarter fights in or around buildings, as opposed to in open, spacious areas. Comments: Basic grenade, good damage and great for blowing up walls. pack a few.


-----------Stun Grenade -----------Accuracy: 105 Damage: 60 Price: 420 Production Difficulty: Easy The Stun Grenade is designed for stunning aliens for their capture. The Stun Rocket has been shown to be effective on the battlefield, however it also proves quite cumbersome. The Stun Grenade was designed in response to demand by soldiers for a portable stun weapon. The stunning effect on organic targets is produced by a combination of extreme noise (185dB high-frequency sound), light (50 mil. cd) and the dispersal of a paralyzing substance. The effect on machines, on the other hand, is disablement caused by an EMP. Once a Stun Grenade is thrown, it automatically transmits an encoded warning signal which causes all CAF helmets in close proximity to make the necessary adjustments to protect CAF soldiers and electronics from the effects of the explosion. (e.g.: the view field of the CAF helmets is darkened, audio input is decreased, etc.). Similar precautions are made for vehicles and machinery within the vicinity. (e.g.: electronics systems are temporarily disabled, etc.) The introduction of the Stun Grenade has considerably expanded our units' abilities. Although a short-range weapon, thanks to its compactness and efficiency, the Stun Grenade is more than a mere complement to the Stun Rocket, and is particularly impactful when used in urban areas. Comments: Bigger area of effect than the stun rocket, not to mention takes up a heck less space and you can throw more per turn, what's not to love about this. Each soldier should carry at least 2 once this is researched for commander capturing. -------------Plasma Grenade -------------Accuracy: 110 Damage: 110 Price: 2800 Production Difficulty: Easy The Peggy is a powerful alien grenade. The nickname originated by our soldiers as an abbreviation for PG, meaning Plasma Grenade. The weapon is very easy to use and famous for its remarkable reliability. The core consists of a small alien fuel cell that is purposely unstable. At detonation the energetic gas within is turned into high temperature plasma. The outer shells perforation helps the plasma dispersion. The lab tests have confirmed the field observation that the blast wave generated can pierce armor and the plasma itself causes some very painful burns. Equipment can also be damaged by the plasma's effects as well. Fortunately, the armor of our combat vehicles is strong enough to prevent the plasma from penetrating and thus endangering the electronics inside. A little jut on the grenade's surface is present to make carrying easier. This alien grenade is far superior to the human-made grenades. Its effects are distinctive especially when used in close quarters, where the damage is the most effective. Comments: OO look, shiny green balls!

*alien dies*

----------------------Nerve Gas Grenade G-12N ----------------------Accuracy: 115 Damage: 70 Price: 800 Production Difficulty: Easy G-12N is a nerve gas filled grenade. Following the results of our intensive

research of various alien species physiology we have been able to develop a substance which attacks their nervous system directly. This grenade's body contains the nerve gas NW under an explosive cover that is activated when the grenade hits. Thanks to this configuration the gas dispersion is quick and even. Aspiration paralyses the nervous system of the victim and causes uncontrolled muscle constriction resulting in physical agony and eventually death. High concentrations may even cause an immediate heart failure. The death is virtually instant. Even small concentrations make fighting impossible, though, as the victim is not capable of aiming. Humans appear to be quite resistant against this gas, yet not immune and high doses can be lethal. This grenade provides us with a means to partially eliminate the technical advantage the aliens have over us, but it is only effective against unprotected organic targets. We must proceed with caution when using this weapon in inhabited areas where civilians may be put in danger. Comments: Never used this much, slow killing grenades don't seem that great to me. ------------------------Advanced Chemical Grenade ------------------------Accuracy: 115 Damage: 80 Price: 1000 Production Difficulty: Easy The G-13A is a grenade containing nerve gas which is an improved version of the NW gas. Our newly gained intelligence and progress in combat gas research allowed our engineers to improve the previous grenade G-12N. The main distinction between the G-13A and its predecessor is the usage of a strong caustic component. The grenade's body contains the nerve gas ANNA (Advanced Nerve Neutralizing Agent) enriched with the acid-based admixtures hidden under the explosive cover that is activated by impact. The gas dispersion is quick and even. The vaporized acid solution compromises the enemy's armor, thus allowing the nerve gas to penetrate. During our experiments the grenade repeatedly succeeded in getting through all the catalogued helmets the aliens wore. The ANNA has proven nearly 2.5 times as efficient as the NW. You are not advised to use this grenade without an appropriate protective suit because of its extraordinary danger to humans as well. If all the safety rules are observed, however, this weapon may be an effective means to defeat a platoon of alien soldiers. Comments: See above. with a...

For a platoon of soldiers, I'd prefer to blow them up

-------------Stasis Grenade -------------Accuracy: 120 Damage: 140! Price: 4000 Production Difficulty: Easy The Stasia is the most powerful grenade of the aliens. Its technology overcomes anything and everything the humans have so far constructed in the area of military explosives. Interestingly enough, the Stasis Grenade does not even contain an explosive. In fact it uses a stasis field to surround a miniaturized plasma-enriched thermonuclear explosion in advance conserving thus its destructive powers for the moment the grenade is activated. The stasis field makes use of small amount of Avonium for an extreme time deceleration in the confines of the grenade. Once the grenade is detonated, the time field collapses and unleashes the horrible hell inside. An experimental explosion in our laboratories managed to ruin the whole testing room leaving nothing but the most resistant combat vehicles behind. The Stasia poses a great threat to our

soldiers. The extent of damage caused by these grenades can only be eliminated by fighting off the enemy from far distances with heavy tanks while having the soldiers strategically deployed outside the effective range of the Stasia. Comments: Highest area of effect and best damage grenade, a few of these can kill just about anything, great to have. -------Stimpack -------Capacity: 35 Price: 120 Production Difficulty: None, buy this Stimpack is a compact standard first-aid-kit increasing a soldier's odds for survival. All CAF armors incorporate essential functions sustaining the wearer's life in case of injury. Their most significant advantage is the immediate reaction, which usually eliminates an imminent threat of death. The provided aid is only basic and more serious injuries must be further treated. The Stimpack is the staple of such treatment. With the aid of a Stimpack, pain can be subdued, bleeding stopped and the user's health state generally stabilized. One of the biggest advantages this healing device has is its compactness implying that it can be used even when carrying considerable amounts of equipment. However, its capacity is therefore rather limited and more serious injuries are thus out of reach from being treated by a Stimpack. For this reason it is quite obvious that we are going to need something more substantial to be carried into the field of battle. Nevertheless, the Stimpack remains the very basic means of first-aid treatment and it should not be absent in any soldier's equipment. Comments: Always carry at least one or per soldier. Let the medpacks heal up the critical wounds and fill up the hp loss with this baby instead. -----Medkit -----Capacity: 50 Price: 40000 Production Difficulty: Doable Medikit is a healing device designed for immediate use in fight. It can deal with considerably wider variety of injuries than its compact predecessor, the Stimpack. Our combat experience revealed the limitation of the Stimpack to treating casual injuries. Its disability to treat a kind of more serious injury threatened the fighting capacity of our troops. Now, we have a more thorough solution. A thorough examination of a captured alien provided our scientists with new intelligence eventually leading into an entire revolution in field medicine. The aliens proved capable of employing stem cells in order to quickly and effectively repair damaged tissues. Something we had long applied yet it had required both hospital conditions and a very long time. The direst injuries still require an equipped infirmary, however, the new Medikits based upon the newly obtained alien stem-cells technology are coping with most wounds remarkably well. The device incorporates a quality vital-functions' analyzer, encompassing genetic data of all soldiers on duty for a time being. It is easily operated, without any need of medical knowledge. The stem-cells are directly applied to a wound. The medikit sees to it that they have been properly adjusted to focus on the damaged parts of the body. Unfortunately, the amount of stem-cells in a Medikit is limited. The Medikit is a revolutionary and highly effective solution for treating serious injuries during fight. Comments: Get this as early as possible and use it to treat critical wounds. --------------Advanced Medkit

--------------Capacity: 70 Price: 60000 Production Difficulty: Hard The Advanced Medikit is an advanced healing device designed for immediate use in combat. It can deal with significantly wider variety of injuries than its predecessor. Although the first Medikit meant a revolution in medical scope, employment of more and more powerful weapons by the aliens has exposed its shortcomings. Above all, the stem-cells treatment capacity was not satisfactory. After extensive research this has been solved, although not easily achieved as a variety of sustaining mechanisms had to be employed. The application methods have been improved as well so the healing process is now significantly faster. The capacity increase meant inevitably a larger total mass of the device; this is a minor price to pay when considering the new advantages. One advantage inherited from the original Medikit is the ease of use. Given our current level of technology we do not expect we will be able to further improve this device for quite some time. The Advanced Medikit makes use of the most current knowledge and provides considerably better overall medical care than its predecessor. Comments: You get 20 more 'points' of healing than the normal medkit, but if you use it only to treat critical wounds and use stimpacks to fill up blood, you do not need to get this right away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.4 Aircrafts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------You need these to shoot down UFOs and to send troops to collect them. -----Raptor -----Armor: 90 Speed: 2200 Fuel: 25000 Monthly Cost: 60000 Price: 180000 Production Difficulty: None, buy them The Raptor is an air superiority fighter built by the renowned Richarius Fighter Planes Company. Although the Raptor is an excellent fighter, it had long served only as a police accessory. However, after the threat of alien attack arose, CAF authorities immediately required a fast and highly maneuverable interceptor for use against alien vessels. The Raptor was just the thing. It fulfils CAF's demands on the speed, range, maneuverability and above all shield generator can be tacked on. The Raptor has been designed to carry air-to-air missiles and have high rates of fire from the CX-100 cannon. Comments: The basic slow and useless fighter plane you start off with, watching this thing chase a scout across the globe only to turn back since you are low on fuel is really frustrating. --------Lightning --------Armor: 150 Speed: 2400 Fuel: 27000 Monthly Cost: 80000 Price: 240000 Production Difficulty: Doable The Lightning is an advanced fighter aircraft of the CAF forces intended for averting the alien impact on Esperanza. The fuselage is made of a solid alien

alloy. The Lightning has two advanced Pulse Detonation engines that have enabled an increase to the in flight top speed however, due to the heavy alien alloys forming the crafts fuselage, the speed increase hasn't been remarkable. The Lightning has been designed to carry air-to-air missiles for a long range attack and a cannon to counteract alien vessels at close range. Comments: You'll be using this for a while since there's a gap between this fighter and the next 2. -----------Stormbringer -----------Armor: 200 Speed: 2650 Fuel: 29500 Monthly Cost: 100000 Price: 360000 Production Difficulty: Hard After some technical and mechanical obstacles we have finally managed to design a second-generation aircraft fighter, the Stormbringer. It is fitted with 2 modified alien gravity engines which results in increased maximum speed, great maneuverability and faster climb rate then the Lightning. The usage of the gravity engines allows the aircraft to turn tightly, and perform dog fighting maneuvers such as the J-Turn. The fuselage is made of solid alien alloys consisting of two layers. The Stormbringer has been designed to carry air-toair missiles for long range and a cannon for up close combat. Comments: The Exterminator is just around the corner so might as well stick with lightning for a bit longer. -----------Exterminator -----------Armor: 240 Speed: 2900 Fuel: 36000 Monthly Cost: 120000 Price: 540000 Production Difficulty: Hard The Exterminator is a CAF long distance fighter aircraft developed from its predecessor the Stormbringer. The Exterminator is fitted with 2 gravity engines and an alien reactor. The gravity engines guarantee extremely good maneuverability however it cannot exceed some speed limits that come from the principles of gravity engines. For this reason a reactor was incorporated into the power plant systems. The reactor provides additional power that increases cruise speed and flight range. The fuselage is made of advanced craft armor. The advanced craft armor provides passive and active protection and consists of 2 layers. Laminated Heavy alien alloys in the outer layer of the armor results in heavier aircraft weight. The maneuverability of the Exterminator is slightly reduced compared to the Stormbringer. The Exterminator is designed to carry air-to-air missiles for long range attack and a cannon to dog fight alien vessels at close range. Comments: This is a very nice fighter to use and there's quite a gap between this plane and the next two so you'll stick with this one for a while. --------Nightwolf --------Armor: 280 Speed: 3200 Fuel: 29000

Monthly Cost: 140000 Price: 660000 Production Difficulty: Hard The Nightwolf is a superior air attack fighter. Although the Nightwolf retains the Exterminator's engines an important improvement was made when ASCEA the energy accumulator was incorporated into the power plant systems. Its purpose is to provide a temporary increase in thrust for situations such as take-off or when intercepting alien vessels. The ASCEA can be charged when the fighter is in flight or on the ground. ASCEA stores energy in pure electromagnetic form for the gravity engines. It releases energy when it is important to have as much thrust as possible. The ability of the fuselage to withstand the stress and heat from the friction created when the ASCEA activates was a key factor for the ASCEA utilization. The Nightwolf has been designed to carry air-to-air missiles for a long range fight and a cannon to counteract alien vessels at close range. Comments: Why do they always put two planes so close together in the tech tree, by the time you finish making enough to use, the ultimate plane will be available. -----Jag D1 -----Armor: 350 Speed: 3500 Fuel: 30000 Monthly Cost: 160000 Price: 820000 Production Difficulty: Intense Jag-D1 is a third-generation ultimate fighter aircraft intended for the air superiority role. Compared to its predecessors, it features a strengthened fuselage, a vastly updated cockpit, and a more powerful engine resulting in superior durability and combat capability. The aircraft's power plant incorporates a smaller version of the Centaurus engine that combines high speed and high combat maneuverability. The fuselage is made of extremely solid Centaurus spaceship alloys. The Jag-D1 is designed to carry air-to-air missiles in internal bays to avoid decrease of maneuverability, speed and range. Launching missiles requires opening the weapons bay doors for less than a second; as the missiles are pushed clear of the airframe by hydraulic arms. Unfortunately both the price and the construction time of this aircraft-fighter reflect its quality and are very high as well. The Jag-D1 has been designed to carry air-to-air missiles for long range attack and a cannon to counteract alien vessels up close. Comments: The ultimate plane, make only this once you get the tech. ---------Red Raider ---------Armor: 200 Speed: 1900 Fuel: 4000 Places for Units: 8 Monthly Cost: 64000 Price: 260000 Production Difficulty: None, buy it TA01 Raider is a dual engine tactical air transport that has a main function of delivering material, weaponry and personnel over long distances. It is the first generation armored troop transport for the CAF and should remain out of enemy crafts fire range fire until a ground assault is needed. The Raider is protected by strong ceramic armor, has good maneuverability, is very durable and requires little maintenance. The strong ceramic casing inhibits the

transport from reaching satisfactory speed. Due to its slow speed and lack of offensive weapons, escort protection by interceptors is suggested during flight time if the Raider is being brought in while alien fighter craft are present. In the air, the raider is unfortunately just an armored sitting duck. The ceramic armor will not last long under alien fire. The Raiders load capacity allows 1 heavy weapon platform and 4 fully equipped soldiers or 8 fully equipped soldiers. This transport capacity allows the Raider to be used in smaller conflicts. Comments: Your basic trooper carrier, no reason to upgrade for a while unless you want to send more units. ------Thunder ------Armor: 280 Speed: 2000 Fuel: 42000 Places for Units: 10 Monthly Cost: 110000 Price: 880000 Production Difficulty: Intense TA02 Thunder is the bigger brother of the TA01 Raider tactical air transport. It too sports dual engines but is better armored and has a larger payload than its predecessor. Engine tests prove that the stronger propulsion engines have enabled an increase the useful load capacity however no remarkable speed increase is gained. Troops are sure to complain as well about the increased noise that the engines produce during flight. This will pose a problem during the pre touchdown tactical planning session, which normally takes place in flight due to the nature of the CAF quick response requirement. The crafts construction corresponds to CAF forces ultimate concern of maximum safety for carried troopers and mechanized units. UFO craft armor made of solid alien alloys was used to armor the fuselage and both engine mounts. The engines were placed quite far from the fuselage so if enemy fire blows up an engine the main cabin will not take serious damage. TA 02 Thunder can transport 2 heavy weapon platforms and 2 fully equipped soldiers or 1 heavy weapon platform and 6 soldiers. This transport delivers a big enough payload to match the alien threat in small to medium conflicts. Comments: A little bigger but still slow and can't carry weapons, ignore and skip straight to... --------Sky Diver --------Armor: 350 Speed: 2200 Fuel: 450000 Places for Units: 12 Monthly Cost: 180000 Price: 1800000 Production Difficulty: Intense The TA03 Sky Diver is a third generation tactical air transport and takes advantage of some newly found alien technologies. Two UFO gravity engines are used to power the Sky Diver. The huge power capacity of the alien gravity engines allows for several improvements that the CAF troops and administration alike have been clamoring for. The improvements over its predecessors are; much better top speed, improved maneuverability, stronger armor and also a bigger useful load capacity. The Sky Diver can carry 2 heavy weapon platforms and 4 fully equipped soldiers or 1 heavy weapon platform and 8 fully equipped soldiers. This craft can transport enough forces to cope with enemies in bigger conflicts.

Comments: Good to use until the devil fish comes around, higher speed means you can reach targets faster. ---------Devil Fish ---------Armor: 700 Speed: 3200 Fuel: 50000 Places for Units: 18 (8 of which is reserved for HWPs) Monthly Cost: 220000 Price: 2500000 Production Difficulty: Nightmare! SA01 Devil Fish is a strategic transport carrier that renders all our former transports obsolete by comparison. It is simply put, bigger, faster, and stronger. It was originally based on the TA03 Sky Diver however; the Devil Fish sports a fuselage made of advanced UFO craft armor providing the best possible protection. The Devil Fish is powered by 4 engines that are light versions of the Centaurus galaxy engines. The Devil Fish has the greatest airlift capacity of any transport the CAF has in its arsenal. The gain in power of the engines is so great that our engineers were able to rig 2 weapon mounts on the nose of the transporter. The transport or to be more precise, the flying fortress, can be used not only to match enemies in ground conflicts but also to ensure air superiority. The Devil Fish can deliver 3 heavy weapon platforms and 6 fully equipped soldiers or 2 heavy weapon platforms and 10 fully equipped soldiers to the front lines with blazing speed. Now that this transport is available, the joke around the barracks is "I would not be caught dead in anything less than a Devil Fish". Comments: Those who played UFO Defense will remember that the ultimate carrier there can be equipped with weapons, as can the Devil Fish. Unfortunately, you can't transfer these to your secondary bases to use as empty fighters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.5 Aircraft Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Comments: Unlike UFO Defense, you cannot equip an aircraft with 2 cannons or 2 missiles as all planes can only use one of each plus a shield. This makes researching both types of weapons important. Also, while cannons vary in terms of reload rate and number of rounds, missiles do not so while its okay to go with a cannon that's not the highest tech wise (namely AKEW instead of Particle), you always want to get the best missile. -----Cannon -----Accuracy: 27 Damage: 6-12 Range: 150 Reload Time: 180 Capacity: 80 Price: 22000 Production Difficulty: None, buy it It is a twelve-barreled Gating aircraft cannon capable of high-volume rates of fire. For the modern rotating-barrel cannon, electric motors were used to rotate the barrel. Comment: Get the advanced cannon as fast as you can so you can ditch this one. --------------Advanced Cannon

--------------Accuracy: 29 Damage: 11-18 Range: 175 Reload Time: 200 Capacity: 60 Price: 42000 Production Difficulty: Doable This weapon is a single-barrel, gas operated aircraft cannon. It fires a substantially harder-hitting projectile, more than twice the weight of the Cannon CX-100, 23 mm shell. The advanced cannon requires a muzzle brake with an integrated flame damper to prevent airframe damage from resulting due to its firing. Comment: Great to use, doesn't take long to research either. -----------Laser Cannon -----------Accuracy: 33 Damage: 21-30 Range: 200 Reload Time: 340 Capacity: 50 Price: 70000 Production Difficulty: Doable LG-6000 is a ship board heavy weapon designed for dog fighting alien vessels. It is a quite bulky because of its need for huge cooling systems however it can be mounted on any interceptor. The laser emitters are protected by a chassis made of durable alloys. The laser beam has to be fired in pulses to prevent it from overheating. Comments: If you are far from plasma, use these but I'd prefer to wait until ion before going through all the trouble of building new guns. ------------Plasma Cannon ------------Accuracy: 39 Damage: 26-40 Range: 225 Reload Time: 420 Capacity: 35 Price: 98000 Production Difficulty: Doable The Plasma Cannon is the most formidable weapon of the plasma technology group. It is based upon Avonium being injected into a plasma filled combustion chamber. In order to compensate for the instability of Avonium a two-chamber system has been designed making sure the critical amount is formed just before it escapes the weapon. Great destructive power, long flight distance and high density resulting in longer lifetime are all characteristics of the Plasma Cannon shot. These excellent firing features have however taken their toll in reload speed. The process of filling up the combustion chamber and for the ignition of the Avonium, makes for a lot of down time between shots. Destructive power and increased range are a big advantage more than making up for the flaws. Even though the Plasma Cannon was originally designed to be a ship board weapon we expect it to be used also as an accessory of heavy ground combat. Comments: Ion is just around the corner so to speak. ----------

Ion Cannon ---------Accuracy: 46 Damage: 31-50 Range: 250 Reload Time: 480 Capacity: 30 Price: 130000 Production Difficulty: Hard The Ion Cannon is the most powerful implementation of the Ion Technology in our weaponry. It contains a two-segment ion generator capable of accumulating huge electrostatic charges. The charging process consists of two steps. First, a sub critical amount of ions is formed in the front segment and then a subsequently generated charge is injected in it initiating an immediate breakthrough of the particles out of the barrel. The following lightning-like discharge is powerful enough to take down practically any flying object that is not electrically protected. The disadvantage of the cannon lies in its massive size along with a long charging delay. The weapon is therefore suitable only for air-fighters and heavy combat machines. Comments: Great weapon to use ----------AKEW Cannon ----------Accuracy: 52 Damage: 41-60 Range: 290 Reload Time: 580 Capacity: 20 Price: 180000 Production Difficulty: Hard The AKEW cannon is the most powerful AKEW technology based weapon. In contrast to other AKEW weapons this cannon includes a bicameral pulse generator. The bicameral generator allows for an increase the total amount of plasma entering into the acceleration chamber. For that reason the acceleration chamber size was also increased and the coil winding was stratified. The AKEW cannon is too heavy and cumbersome to be used by ground troops, it can be mounted only on interceptors or some heavy weapon platforms. Comments: I actually like the AKEW cannon more than the particle cannon as it has a higher rate of fire (See section 6.6) --------------Particle Cannon --------------Accuracy: 60 Damage: 81-100 Range: 320 Reload Time: 2400 Capacity: 10 Price: 300000 Production Difficulty: Hard The Particle Cannon is a mighty Particle Technology-based weapon. It is equipped with an unusually powerful accelerator providing two-phase charging. First the plasma serving as particle source is evenly spread along the acceleration line by a weak field generated by the weapon, and then in the second step the particles are fiercely accelerated starting off a collision chain reaction. This mechanism leads to the creation of a remarkably dense particle pulse with extremely destructive powers. Moreover the durability of such a beam in both vacuum and atmosphere is significantly better providing the gun with the ability to burst through strong armors over considerable

distances; let alone living organisms upon which the effects are most destructible. The exceptional features of this weapon have been however achieved at the expense of long charging delay connected with the first phase. Nevertheless, the Particle Cannon remains a mighty weapon that will undoubtedly be disseminating horror and dread among the enemy warriors for quite some time. Comments: The 'ultimate' cannon, with only 10 rounds and a ridiculously slow reload time. -----------------Red Sting Launcher -----------------Accuracy: 45 Damage: 21-25 Range: 280 Reload Time: 1600 Capacity: 4 Price: 30000 Production Difficulty: None, buy it Red sting is a heat-seeking, short-range, air-to-air missile. The missile consists of four main sections: the guidance system, the IR detector, the warhead, and the rocket motor. The missile is guided by the IR detector. The blast-fragment based warhead is made of a conical steel casing and filled with 5kg of pbxn3 designed to automatically detonate an explosive when distance to target becomes smaller than a predetermined value, or when the missile passes through an alien vessel, in case of proximity-assessment failure. Comments: Basic missile -------------------Fire Hammer Launcher -------------------Accuracy: 48 Damage: 31-40 Range: 300 Reload Time: 1800 Capacity: 4 Price: 66000 Production Difficulty: Doable Fire Hammer is a heat-seeking, short-range, air-to-air missile. The missile guidance system is armed with a sensitive, cryogenic cooled IR detector. The blast-fragment based warhead is made of a conical steel casing and filled with 10kg of pbxn3 designed to detonate an explosive when the missile passes through a target vessel. The warhead is laced with about 2 kg of depleted uranium to increase the penetrating power of the warhead. Comments: Stronger, so use it. -------------------Green Thorn Launcher -------------------Accuracy: 55 Damage: 46-55 Range: 360 Reload Time: 2000 Capacity: 4 Price: 98000 Production Difficulty: Doable Green Thorn is a medium range air-to-air missile guided by semi-active radar. The missile is guided by information transmitted from the launching aircraft, which receives information on targets from its radar system and thereby directs the missile's motion. The missile receives data from its launching aircraft

through a highly sensitive antenna, and is also equipped with its own radar guidance system, allowing it to self-navigate in the case of the destruction of the launching aircraft. The rocket stems from the Red Sting model. A more compact plasma warhead has enabled the fuel supply to be increased. The rocket's disadvantage lies in the necessity to manually input the target's parameters when firing from afar, which slows down the firing speed. The plasma warhead contains a significant amount of plasma enveloped within a forcefield. On impact, this field collapses and unleashes the destructive plasma inside. Comments: See above -------------------Thunderbolt Launcher -------------------Accuracy: 64 Damage: 61-80 Range: 380 Reload Time: 2200 Capacity: 4 Price: 144000 Production Difficulty: Doable Thunderbolt is a medium range air-to-air missile combining radar and infrared guidance systems. When launched, the missile is guided via information from the launch-platform aircraft. As the missile closes in on its target, the missile is guided by a Nitrogen-cooled high sensitivity IR detector. The Thunderbolt rocket is equipped with an ion warhead, which is actually a more advanced version of its plasma equivalent. Unlike its predecessor, however, it doesn't contain electrons, which have been removed so that only heavy ions remain, causing the explosion to be even more destructive. Furthermore, the warhead generates a strong EMP wave which, when detonated, leaves no UFO components behind. Comments: See Above ------------------Long Lance Launcher ------------------Accuracy: 95 Damage: 41-60 Range: 600 Reload Time: 1600 Capacity: 4 Price: 210000 Production Difficulty: Hard Long Lance is a radar-guided air-to-air missile. The missile is designed to cover vast distances. The Long Lance's guidance system consists of two stages when fired at long range: the Interception Course Stage, during which the missile is guided by the launching aircraft, and the Terminal Stage, during which the missile enters self-guidance mode, activating its independent radar system in order to locate the target. If the target is within proximity of the expected location, the missile will self-navigate to the target's position. The advanced EEEW warhead triggers a small nuclear fusion when the plasma is released. This increases the explosion's effectiveness and simultaneously creates a strong EMP wave destroying all debris. The plasma's rotation within the EEEW warhead ensures that the target is penetrated by. aggressive beams of plasma. This is an important offence against the highly resistant materials of UFO's. Comments: Lower damage, but extremely accurate and faster shooting time, use it if you want to but not necessary. ------------------

Imperator Launcher -----------------Accuracy: 82 Damage: 121-140 Range: 400 Reload Time: 2800 Capacity: 4 Price: 250000 Production Difficulty: Hard The Imperator is a heavy air-to-air missile. During its first flight phase, it is navigated by the command system of the launching vessel. During its second flight phase this control is taken over by a cooled IR warhead. The missile is maneuvered by aero-dynamical steers in the missile's front segment. However these steers have only an auxiliary function during flight, as the missile is propelled by a small gravitational engine of omni-directional maneuverability. As far as flight distance is concerned, it is only out-flanked by the Long Lance missiles by a small margin. The explosive warhead is also impressive. Unlike the spherical explosions of previous rockets, the Imperator's explosion is focused in a single direction, in order to cause damage that is as severe as possible. The explosion's energy is thus not wasted on the external energy wave, but entirely focused as a beam (1m in diameter and several tens of meters in length). This technology surpasses everything in our possession. The antimatter particle shower vaporizes everything in its way. In the second flight phase, the missile's computer employs a gravitational engine to fire the shot precisely at the enemy UFO, and then activates the warhead. This missile is the very best weapon we have against the aliens. Comments: Strongest missile so use it. ----------------Energy Shield ES1 ----------------Armor: 30 Price: 37000 Production Difficulty: None, buy it The recently found super conductive alloy know by its codename P3YZ01 proved to be a satisfactory material for building the Tisnovsky's Coils allowing us to generate electromagnetic force fields strong enough to repel the enemy's ion and plasma based weapons. We have slightly modified an A03 Plutonium power generator which makes it light enough to be placed even on smaller vessels such as attack gliders. These shields are powerful enough to fortify our Raptor class craft defenses. The defense efficiency's increase was not quite breathtaking though as it only made our Raptor class ships approximately 30% tougher but even an increase like this is a significant step forward. Comments: Horray... basic shielding -----------Laser Shield -----------Armor: 80 Price: 67000 Production Difficulty: Doable The advance in laser miniaturization, leading eventually to the birth of HELL class weapons, allowed us to use this technology in the area of defense systems where the use of sufficient number of lasers had been energetically unbearable. But now with the HELL technology at our disposal we have been able to put together a battery of lasers, which, in conjunction with light-bending fields, creates a super dense 3D net of laser rays around the host ship, while the energy consumption level stays pretty low. A material object having flown into such a field is immediately burnt up. Despite the fact that the power expenditure is now significantly lower, it is, however, still rather high and

this technology appears to have certain bugs such as almost no effectiveness against stronger energy based weapons. It seems like another new design will be necessary eventually, nevertheless, these shields are still coping with the enemy firepower better than their predecessors so they will probably stay in our arsenal for some time. Comments: Get this if you want to, not too important though. ---------Ion Shield ---------Armor: 120 Price: 120000 Production Difficulty: Doable It was obvious that a technology with such a potential as the Ion Technology was certainly going to find an application in the area of defense. Sure enough, it has. As its predecessor - the Laser Shield, seemed more and more to be a dead end of the protective barriers' development, another new design was desperately needed. The Ion Shield in fact, is not entirely new, though. Actually it exploits the principles of the old good ES1 shield to create a force field. The new thing is that such a force field does not only serve as the ultimate protection but rather as an instrument that controls the charged ion particles coming from a generator and forms them into a protective layer. This solution has proven to have many advantages. It doesn't only have the power of the old ES1 shields brought along by the usage of the same core, but it is also further strengthened by the destructive power of high-speed ions in the layer, that cause most electronic missiles to explode once they engage the barrier. Nevertheless there are also some disadvantages of the Ion Shield Technology. Some of our scientist think we should try to improve the shields that are based solely on the force fields and reckon that adding charged particles has no future, others believe this is a vital technology, which may serve as a means of creating incredibly strong shield, once the aforementioned problems are solved and possibly the ions are replaced with lighter charged particles. Comments: This'll last you until EEEW comes around. ----------EEEW Shield ----------Armor: 180 Price: 200000 Production Difficulty: Hard A strong electromagnetic field generated by a plasma discharge of some EEEW weapons turned out to have a shield-like quality when adjusted to certain level. During tests it reliably endured, diverted or at least weakened most of the existing energy shots. Therefore the EEEW technology has been modified to give birth to the EEEW Shield designated for protection of smaller ships against enemy firepower. The shield is designed to be placed in the middle of a ship predetermined for use in conjunction with this technology. The device's body is composed of a sphere-shaped chamber with a plasma injector. When activated, a massive ball of rotating plasma is generated in the middle of the device forming a central force field that is further spread by a system of canals throughout the host ship and emitted into a buffer zone surrounding the immediate area around the ship. The enemy fire is then crushed on the shield without the slightest chance to harm the ship or its crew. Comments: Use it if you want, or stick with ion until the particle shield. --------------Particle Shield ---------------

Armor: 220 Price: 300000 Production Difficulty: Hard The amazing destructive powers of a particle beam made some of our scientists think about utilization this kind of technology to neutralize enemy firepower. The eventual product was the Particle Shield. The core of this powerful defense mechanism consists of a computer-controlled generator that creates a modular dynamic electromagnetic field that can control the charged particles and form them into a layer that coats the outer hull of the host vessel. Due to the automatic changes in the field structure the particles are pushed along the layer at very high speeds. When a material object hits the layer it is instantly destroyed by the particle stream. Furthermore, the computer detects the deceleration of particle flow caused by such an object trying to penetrate and immediately adjusts the control field to intensify the stream in the location of the disturbance. In the case of a charged object on a collision course, the control computer detects the disturbance and according to the object's mass, charge, velocity and other characteristics calculates the best stream adjustment leading to either the object's diversion or destruction. The Particle Shield is by far the most efficient shield we have designed. The biggest advantage of this technology is flexibility - thanks to the computer in control, this device is able to form a layer of practically any shape with custom intensity in every zone. Comments: Best shield, use it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.6 Alien Life Forms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Each type of alien gives a certain amount of experience when killed. If you wound it in some way such as shooting or with a grenade, you'll gain 1/5th of the xp its worth. This will not lessen the amount of xp you get from a kill though. For example, a Destroyer is worth 20xp, and each time you shoot it you will gain 4xp. Soldier A can shoot the destroyer 5 times, gaining 20 xp in the process without killing it and then soldier B can shoot it once to finish it off. Soldier B will then also gain 20 experience points, for a total of 40 from one alien. Also, commander versions of the aliens may be worth more points (unverified). Note: The value of the experience of each alien is what I can recall from memory so they may be inaccurate or incomplete. I will fill in the correct values as I get them. --------Destroyer --------Value: 20 experience The Destroyer is a heavy combat robot. It is used by the aliens to destroy resistant targets such as buildings and support vehicles of the CAF. The machine is 2m tall. It is covered with hard armor plates made of various alien alloys. The plates fit into each other and thanks to their inclination it was able to gain considerable respect during our tests as this layout proved utterly impervious for whatever projectile weapon we used. Blast wave, explosive ammo, fire and caustic agents, none managed to cause any significant damage to the Destroyer. The robot is powered by a generator based on Avonium 118. An interesting feature that we called the Automated Repair Unit (ARU) is worth notice as it repairs the damaged parts even in fight. There are sensors located on the head, providing hi-tech thermo vision, superior audio detection, and target seeking sonar. Also located on the head is a communication device used during missions for transmitting recon data to other alien units. Communication can only be terminated by destroying the transmitter. The destroyer is equipped with a single pulse-ion-cannon which reliably destroys our support vehicles.

Comment: This guy has insane armor against mechanical damage so use burning or chemical attacks to take him down. I've also managed to take one down before with a single incendiary rocket. --------Trilobite --------Value: 25 experience Trilobite is an alien heavy offense unit. It is in principle a small UFO of an average of 3 metres in diameter. It is armoured with thick, well-formed plates made of alien alloys. Only our heaviest weapons have a real chance to penetrate such armour. Ordinary gunfire does no harm to it. During tests, it was proven that chemical weapons confirmed have the ability to damage heavy alien armours, but a significant concentration of energy is necessary. Flammable weapons don't cause any greater damage. The strongest materials have threefold backup, and that is why even penetrating the armour of a combat robot isn't sufficient to destroy it. Trilobite's sensors for battlefield surveillance and precision aiming are located within a protective slit in the upper part of the Trilobite's armor, which decreases its ability to detect and react to attacks. Trilobite has powerful fuel antigravity units, and therefore good acceleration and mobility. It also uses a powerful EEEW cannon. Because of its short barrel we expected it not to be very accurate, and tests proved that it is not suitable for shooting long distance. Trilobite represents an almost perfect tank. In all the important factors of success on the terrestrial battlefield gunpower, resistance, and mobility – it ranks superior. Comments: Very annoying to kill, reminds me of those plasma discs in UFO Defense, except these don't explode when they die (thankfully). ------Phantom ------Value: 30 experience Phantom is a 2m tall monster veiled in a mantle that covers everything but its prolonged head. The mantel conceals a slim creature with atrophying muscles. All of this stays several feet above the ground via an anti-gravitational implant located above the haunches. The whole body serves one purpose - to supply energy to a large brain and several robotic implants. The most important of them is a weapons system that is a perfect miniature of original particle weapons. Its large, artificial eyes aim the weapons; enabling rapid and accurate targeting. The whole system is extremely destructive. Phantoms communicate among themselves by means of telepathy. According to interrogations, those Phantoms which we call Commanders have extraordinarily developed mental abilities. Thanks to these abilities, a Commander can paralyze our soldiers just like Hallucinoid. A Commander's attack is, however, significantly stronger. It doesn't even need to see a target, as any other Phantom can serve as its temporary remote eye. The Commanders are distinguished from other Phantoms by their blue mantles. A Phantom's body is rather vulnerable, but it is usually protected by an efficient force field produced by hidden generators on its shoulders. According to our intel, Phantoms are one of the whole invasion's leading species and have constructed many other alien warriors. Comments: Beware as in late game, these guys can take a huge beating (up to 4 particle rifle shots!) Their commander is even worse, taking more than 6 stasis grenades to kill ----Larva ----Value: 5 experience Larva is an alien attack unit.

The nearly 1 meter tall creature resembles a

larva or cocoon. For a long time, our scientists have failed to determine its origin. Now we know that a biological being undoubtedly makes up the substantial part of the monster. Much like other alien life forms we encounter in battle, the Larva has been born purely for war. The thick and sturdy outer skin envelopes a rather primitive creature only consisting of the most vital organs and a rather intelligent brain. Larva seeks out its victim in a quite unusual manner. The conventional senses are rather subdued and replaced by variety of chemical and pressure detectors that are guessed to have their centers in the horn-like protuberance on the Larva's head. Huge storage pouches filled with strongly caustic venom are also worth notice as they represent the Larva's most formidable weapon. When in danger, the Larva uses a pressure mechanism to squirt an amount of this substance at the enemy, whose armor is then melted allowing the toxin to penetrate and ultimately kill the victim. Immunity to the chemical weapons is understandable as the Larva are chemical weapons themselves. This creature's existence undoubtedly indicated the aliens' superiority to us in the area of biochemical engineering and although the Larva is already a dangerous adversary notorious for terrorizing our civilians we must be prepared for encounters with yet more advanced models. Comments: Small and weak, but can wreck havoc if your troops are bunched up. ------Telemat ------Value: 15 Experience The Telemat is another alien attack unit. The nearly 1.5 meter tall creature resembles ‌ nothing, as a matter of fact. According to the soldiers who have fought this creature, it is another step in the aliens' attempt to develop the perfect chemical worm or, in other words, a successor of Larva. Physiologically, there is a resemblance to its predecessor - just a few vital organs, caustic blood, dangerous venom etc.; the slender body and impervious skin make him, however, a far more difficult target of considerably better endurance. Chemical agents are stored in egg-like containers that can be shot out to greater distances with better accuracy. Moreover the acid within is far more concentrated and can cover larger surfaces. The Telemat is known for its remarkable senses and the ability to use telepathic waves for recon scans. Similar to Larva it employs anti-gravitational units to hover. However, these units seem a little overloaded, which would account for the slight bobbing of the Telemat's body that has been noted. Fortunately, we've been able to determine a weak point of this monster - fire. Fire represents mortal danger to Telemats, as high temperature causes its inner balance to collapse and open the Telemat to the lethal effects of its own toxins. Comments: Looks cool ----------Hallucinoid ----------Value: 7 experience Hallucinoid attacks unarmed civilians mostly, but it poses danger even for our soldiers. The Hallucinoid are nearly 2m tall. A Hallucinoid uses three eyes for navigation. Each eye appears to have a particular purpose. One seems to provide thermo vision; the others provide night vision and color perception. Its brain combines these inputs to create a complex view of the outside world. This species uses telepathy to communicate amongst its kin. Its attack has a mental-wave-like characteristic. The affected person is paralyzed. The attack somehow impacts the victim's brain and prevents it from controlling the body. Thus, the limp body becomes an easy target for the Hallucinoid's great pincers, known for their steely hardness. The limit of its psychical powers is not known yet. Their mental wave attack, on the other hand, holds a chance to design a counter measure device emitting inverse waves that will nullify the Hallucinoid's abilities. This creature is a weapon of pure terror posing a

great mental threat. If we manage to construct a counter device of the mentioned features, the Hallucinoid's threat for our troops will drop significantly. Comments: Really annoying against a small number of troops as they'll paralyze them all. -------Preacher -------Value: 20 experience The Priest is a highly advanced alien soldier measuring nearly two meters. Its body is nearly entirely shrouded with a protective mantle, which is both organic and synthetic in origin. This mantle is sturdy, however poses no impediment to modern weapons. Its resistant strength comes mainly from its use of an effective force field. The force field is produced by four hidden generators concealed within its arms. Priest has no legs, and is instead held aloft by the strength of anti gravity generators. A compact weapons and sensors system is embedded in Priest's head, forming a single consolidated robotic system. It appears there are two types of Priest. The more typical of the two uses ion cannons, which fire self-igniting ammunition. For this reason, the mantle of this first type is heavily fire-resistant. The less frequent of the two types holds a place of higher significance in the aliens' hierarchy, and wages highly effective chemical attacks. The mantle of this type is therefore extraordinarily chemical resistant. The brain of this Priest is able to produce waves influencing the neuro-activity of an opponent and, most remarkably, needn't itself see this target in order to strike. It's sufficient for the target to be seen by another Priest. We should take particular caution in combat with these opponents. Comments:

Lots of psychic attacks so be very careful.

-----Chaser -----Value: 5 experience Chaser is a humanoid critter of the approximate height of 2m. Observation has revealed that this creature is actually a cyborg, a hybrid between the organic and mechanical. Sturdy robotic legs with 3 toes and 2 knees each make the Chaser's silhouette distinctively different from ours and also contribute to its specific gait. Unlike the legs, its slender arms only have single elbow joints. The Chaser is known for its agility that makes it a very difficult target for gunfire. Moreover, the body is further protected by a fine layer of mail, which is amazingly effective in spite of its thinness. Fortunately, our detailed analysis of these aliens has revealed that the Chaser's body is already overloaded so we do not have to worry about it ever carrying a kind of heavier weapon or armor. Biological components of the body only provide the essential functions. The digestive system, for instance, is not included and the Chaser has to rely upon intravenous feeding. The brain, however, is rather well developed and provides the Chaser with the ability to learn quickly and is therefore heavily protected by a strong cranium without neck. Because of the powerful brain we can expect the chasers to gradually become more experienced and able to carry more sophisticated weapons. Although the body is protected it is quite vulnerable to fire and stun gases. In spite of that, chemical attacks have not proven as effective as we first expected. Comments: Weak early on, carries EEEW rifles later on, still dies in 1 hit though from good weapons. -------------Terror Floater --------------

Value: 40 experience Terror Floater is an alien attack unit. A big transparent copula containing a living alien might appear somewhat fragile, however the opposite is true. The machine is protected by advanced shielding technology that we have already encountered on big alien spaceships. The aliens are considerably advanced as far as miniaturization is concerned, and demonstrate this by employing their ship shields to protect their infantry. The shield is more effective at deflecting bullets than any other alien armor. A shot can thus no sooner damage the Terror Floater's armor than it can overcome the shield, and by that time almost all its kinetic energy is depleted. Not even the ignitable weapons appear to cause much damage. The chemical weapons, on the other hand, have proven remarkably effective. Once the shield is overcome, there's nothing to prevent our chemical cocktail from destroying the armor and subsequently killing the alien inside. We must hope that we will soon learn the alien weapons technology this machine utilizes. The operator has several assets at its disposal. Not the least of which is a pair of retractable particle cannons on either side that shoot extremely destructive antimatter particle bolts. Moreover it possesses excellent senses that have been further enhanced by cybernetic implants. All these factors make the Terror Floater a very deadly enemy and the perfect tank. The only chance for victory is superiority in numbers. Comments: Be very careful with these things as they shoot an extremely powerful particle cannon shot at you. Also, there is a chance they will still retaliate with a final shot before they die, which is extremely aggravating. ---------Inquisitor ---------Value: 30 Experience Inquisitor is an alien support unit measuring nearly a meter in height. This unit is held above the ground by means of anti-gravity forces produced by an interior generator. While Inquisitor is mostly inorganic, there resides within head a living being. This creature resembles a fat, 30 centimeter-long worm immersed in a life-supporting jelly. It didn't surprise us to find that this worm is totally dependant both on this jelly and on the robot in which it resides. This worm-brain constitutes nearly 80% of the mass of the entire entity, and controls the robot's body. The robot itself is armed with unique ion weaponry, which fire self-igniting projectiles. The Inquisitor's well balanced defence system provides reliable protection from armor-piercing weapons and projectiles. Comments: I didn't run into these much and they didn't seem too hard to kill. --------Kinglarva --------Value: 6 Experience The Kinglarva is an alien attack unit born purely for war. The Kinglarva's constitution originates from the Larva and does not differ too much at first sight; however during our research some improvements over the simple Larva were discovered. The main improvement is in the storage pouch representing the Larva's most formidable weapon. The pouch is thicker and it perfectly serves its purpose which is to withstand the toxic substances present in it. The Kinglarva's skin is sturdier and even more resistant to chemical attacks than the regular Larva's skin. The skin also better protects the Kinglarva from armor piercing ammo but incendiary weapons proved to still be very damaging. Comments: The more annoying version of the Larva, still easy to kill. -------Sentinel --------

Value: 15 experience The Sentinel is an alien combat robot. It is used for guarding strategic positions on the battlefield. Its free legs are considerably bulkier as they incorporate gravitational balance-units that are essential to its mobility. When flying, the machine is slightly inclined and moves along this inclination. Simultaneously, the anti-gravitational units ionize the air ahead and create some pretty amazing fiery light-effects. A Sentinel's great strength is its extreme durability, most of which is accounted for by the armor, yet it remains a pretty tough target to take down even after the armor is disabled. The outstanding endurance is however not the only strength of a Sentinel. It is known to possess an extraordinarily effective means of attack that comprises an Ion gun as its primary weapon and a beam weapon that can emit an intense destructive attack in any direction. The beam has turned out to be superior even to that of our tank cannon. The Sentinel is rather resistant to both fire and chemical attacks. The Sentinel is especially suitable for close combat situations for which, we assume, it has been specifically constructed for. When fighting a Sentinel, you are advised to proceed with extreme caution and try to attack from afar, if possible. Unfortunately, victory is not always certain. Comments: Fairly weak, shoots ion shots. ----Vipon ----Value: 8 experience The Vipon is a tenacious multifunctional alien pawn frequently deployed in tactical missions. This bioengineered species weights approximately 200kg and is 2m tall. It is a biomechanical machine created specifically for combat. Its bio-electronic brain is capable of communication with alien command as well as with fellow warriors in close proximity. The body is a remarkable biotechnical symbiosis. The skeleton is made of an unknown alloy, which provides the body with excellent immunity against bone fractures. The massive leg of this creature conceals a bio-electrical power generator supplying both electricity for the mechanical parts and sustenance for the biological components. Both common food and cellulose may serve as power source. Although the leg is slow due to its considerable width it is instrumental for getting over steep surfaces. A little metal jut on the back operates as an oxygen filter supplying muscles with this essential gas. As far as the senses are concerned the Vipon is infamous for his sharp sight which becomes evident especially during shootouts. The audio detection, on the other hand, is not very good. The thick outer skin has proven very resistant against projectile damage, our tests have however pointed out its vulnerability to chemical agents and fire. The critical sections of the Vipon's body are therefore additionally protected by metal plates that are still too weak to withstand weapons of a heavier caliber. Comments: A straight copy of the snakemen from UFO Defense, down to their death cry. Tough and can carry EEEW rifles, be careful with them. -------Observer -------Observer is an alien reconnaissance unit measuring less than one meter in height. This alien is of entirely synthetic origin, and is able to suspend itself above the ground thanks to an anti-gravity generator. Observer's reconnaissance system is a product of LIDAR technology (Light Detection and Ranging), a process by which distant objects are detected by measuring various properties of light. This unit has a well-balanced defence mechanism for countering fire and chemical attack, and is resistant to armor-piercing projectiles. The unit is also armed with an ion cannon. Observer's properties are however best suited to the purposes of reconnaissance, rather than direct combat. We surmise that this type of unit is not difficult to assemble for the

aliens, and stands as a cost-effective means to accomplish surveillance and spy missions. Comments: I have not run into this alien in my fights so I do not know anything about this thing. Update: I actually found one of these on a terror mission! easily.

They died pretty

------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.7 Alien Vessels & Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Researching these will unlock new advances and the bigger the UFO the harder it is to shoot down. For the UFO layouts, see section 6.5. Always try to shoot them down above land so you have a chance of salvage. Selling alien equipment is one of the primary sources of income, especially late game where certain items are worth 100k each. ----Scout ----The alien scout is a small reconnaissance vessel. The fuselage is made of solid alien alloys and seems to consist of two layers. The outer layer is made up of laminated plates and the inner layer is interlaced with wires of unknown functionality. The engine is located in the center of the vessel and seems to work on the principle of generating anti gravitational waves. The core of the engine consists of a crystal embedded in a pulsating Hadron beam. The purpose of these small nimble UFOs seems to be information gathering, and possibly quick encounters with human or animal denizens of earth on a small scale. Tactical concerns for this craft are minimal. The aliens do not seem interested in putting up much of a fight in these ships, and the scout does not carry enough crew to make a powerful ground attack. Comments: Small and easy to shoot down. completely destroy them.

Stronger weapons have a chance to

------Fighter ------The alien fighter is a small combat vessel. It is approximately four times as big as the alien scout and can carry a decent load of weapons and crew on board. Three Gravity engines keep the Fighter moving. This vessel is equipped with an alien berth to treat injured aliens, which points to its obvious capability of ground attack missions. This craft should be considered a threat and if underestimated could do significant damage. Be sure to send a well equipped attack ship and substantial ground forces when engaging this craft. Comments: Tackle these early game with multiple units to avoid them being destroyed. ------Cruiser ------The alien cruiser is a medium sized combat vessel. With the cooperative effort of four gravity engines, the alien cruiser is a dangerous opponent in dogfights due to its maneuverability and sheer power. The vessel is equipped with a gravity control device to pick up heavy loads and secure them on board. The cruiser is a versatile vessel able to carry a large crew and cargo load. This ship is a serious threat and can be a devastating force in the air as well as cause havoc on the ground with its large attack crew capacity. Comments: Fast and annoying, make sure you retreat fighters low on health to

save them. ------------Battlecruiser ------------The alien battle cruiser is a large combat vessel. The battle cruiser consists of four cylinders connected by corridors. The shape of the vessel does not look aero dynamical however it is this shape that probably allows for good anti gravity waves to be generated. There are two engine rooms in the battle cruiser, one for the four gravity engines and the second one for two fusion reactors. This engine configuration guarantees good maneuverability for such a big vessel. The vessel is equipped with gravity control device to move various material and loot into cargo rooms. An alien berth is situated in the lower level of the vessel. It can treat up to thirteen injured aliens simultaneously. The battle cruiser is well protected by an advanced type of craft armor made of ultra-solid alien alloys. The advanced armor along with its enormous size makes the battle cruiser a difficult target to shoot down. This is by far the most dangerous ship we have encountered to date. Be prepared for a fight when you see this monster coming. Comments: Really big and annoying, but their arrival means the chance to get the Desert Viper armor. ---------Battleship ---------The alien battleship is the big brother to the battle cruiser and is the biggest combat vessel in the alien armada. It is equipped with powerful weapons and a huge crew. The vessel is heavily armored with advanced craft armor and powered with two fusion reactors and seven gravity engines located in the engine room in lower part of the vessel. The battleship can perform escape maneuvers with great agility thanks to the ASCEA device. This device also resides in the engine room and it can store energy for later use when is acceleration needed. The alien berth is split between the upper and lower levels of the vessel and it has the capacity to treat eighteen aliens simultaneously. The alien battleship is a perfect attack vessel suitable for single missions as well as for flotilla leadership. Comments: Oh boy, unless you send in 6 or more Exterminators(or better) with good shields and akew or better weapons, be prepared to lose a few fighters. -----------------UFO Flight Control -----------------Aircraft flight control allows a pilot to adjust and control the alien vessel in flight. The pilot has 3 displays available. The dominant center display shows navigation information and the displays on the sides show combat information about weapons, shields and targets. The flight control can be operated by voice and a manual keyboard. The hart of the flight control is a molecular computer that analyses the pilot's voice and controls the complex gravity engines. Comments: Research, then sell extras for money --------------UFO Craft Armor --------------Alien craft armor protects an alien vessel against physical damage. The armor consists of two layers. The outer layer, made of an alien alloys, is very solid and protects the ship against mechanical damage. The inner layer consists or superconductive wires that generate an electromagnetic field. This field is projected along the surface of ship and deflects enemy fire as well as

space debris that would normally damage the ship in flight. Comments: Research, then sell extras for money, at 25k each they are pretty good money makers early game. -----------------UFO Gravity Engine -----------------The aliens use very advanced gravity engines created with an element not found on earth for propulsion of all UFO craft. The engines work on the principle of the space deformation caused by vibration of gravitational waves. The core of the engine is an Avonium crystal embedded in a pulsating Hadron beam. At the proper beam frequency an impulse gravitational wave comes into existence in the Avonium crystal. The gravitational wave can be modified by the Hadron beam frequency and the level of beam intensity. The gravitational wave gives UFO craft incredible maneuverability which makes them a very elusive target for our conventional weapons in dogfight confrontations. Comments: Research, then sell extras for money --------------UFO Alien Berth --------------Alien berth treats injured aliens. The berth exists in all bigger UFOs with larger crews that are expected to participate in landing missions. The injured crew member is inserted in the berth and is surrounded with a dense fusion emulsion. Nanobots located in the dense fusion perform the required surgical procedures and distribute the necessary pharmaceuticals. The nanobots are coordinated by a central computer that is provided with detailed information on the patient including DNA chains for extensive regeneration. The nanobots are small enough of course to navigate inside the body to execute the necessary operation. A nerve stimulator located in upper part of the berth helps to eliminate trauma caused by the injury and provide anesthetic. Comments: Research, then sell extras for money ------------------UFO Gravity Control ------------------Gravity control is a piece of alien equipment found aboard ships that enables the aliens to in some way remotely control gravity up to a few hundreds meters far from their vessel. Manipulation of heavy objects is the most likely utilization of the gravity control device. CAF Scientists have hypothesized that gravity control units are also used for abducting humans, cows and other animals for experimental purposes. However we still do not know why the aliens seem to choose cows as the target of their experiments. The gravity control has its own energy generator and two gravity alternators that allows movement of two objects simultaneously. The gravity control device is not of much use for us in the fight against the alien threat, however the understanding of some general principles used in these machines has advanced our knowledge in the study of gravity engines and gravitational manipulation. Comments: Research, then sell extras for money ---------------------UFO Power Distribution ---------------------The alien power distribution units distribute energy to all parts of the vessel. Huge output of gravity engines requires special regulating equipment so that the energy can be effectively distributed. The power consumption of various elements of the vessel can fluctuate so in certain conditions one component can consume energy at the expense of other parts of the vessel

causing havoc in the system as a whole. The power distribution units prevent this from being a problem. They contain 6 power conduits: 2 of them are connected to engines, one to the sensors, one to the weapons, one to the gravity device and one to the shield. Comments: Research, then sell extras for money ----------UFO Reactor ----------The alien fusion reactor works on the principle that energy is released by forcing together atomic nuclei. During the process two light atomic nuclei fuse together to form a heavier one. The fusion process releases a large amount of energy. The Esperanza scientists always considered fusion reactors unstable and highly risky devices since an experimental fusion reactor blew up in 2015 in Cadarache, France on planet Earth. Unlike people, the aliens seem to have mastered the construction of fusion reactors. The aliens mount these reactors in their largest Battleships to have an alternate energy source when they run out of fuel for their primary engines. Comments: Research, then sell extras for money --------------------------UFO Advanced Flight Control --------------------------The advanced flight control is an improved version of the flight control intended for bigger alien vessels. The main change consists in the enhanced user interface allowing 2 pilots to control the ship in flight. Comments: Research, then sell extras for money -----------------------UFO Advanced Craft Armor -----------------------Larger alien vessels are well protected by advanced type of craft armor. The advanced craft armor uses the same fundamental two layer approach as the regular craft armor but adds a few improvements. Advanced craft armor takes advantage of laminated plates made of ultra-solid alien alloys forming the outer layer of the armor. Again the inner layer of the armor consists of superconductive wires generating a much stronger electromagnetic field than typical craft armor that protects the alien vessel by deflecting surface impacts from enemy fire and space debris. Comments: Research, then sell extras for money ---------------------UFO Energy Accumulator ---------------------Alien Capital Ship Energy Accumulator is a high capacity energy accumulator. The energy is stored in a pure electromagnetic form so it can be immediately distributed. Alien Battleships utilize stored energy in emergency situations to perform escape maneuvers. Comments: Research, then sell extras for money ------------------------UFO Space Flight Computer ------------------------Alien vessels capable of interstellar travel are invariably equipped with a special molecular mainframe called the UFO Space Flight Computer. These devices, used for both navigation and control of the gravitational hyper drive engines, are biomechanical hybrids. They are produced by controlled mutation

and cultivation of lab-grown brain tissue. Various systems are connected to a fully grown ship computer not unlike senses to the human brain (e.g.: gravitational hyper drive engines, onboard scanners, cameras, radiation sensors, the computer's own eye, etc.). The brain possesses considerable intelligence as well as the abilities of fast learning and vocal interaction with the crew. Its vast memory contains a huge 3D space map of yet unknown extent that allows for virtually immediate location-recognition provided by super fast real time comparison. In hyperspace the orientation is enabled by tracking the relict radiation, which is basically like compass navigation. In operation, the brain receives and processes queries. When a demand for space voyage is received the brain makes sure the most efficient route is calculated and takes over the hype drive engines' control. Then, by a delicate and accurate employment of the engines a hyperspace window is formed and further sustained for the ship to be able to pass through. We assume that without the computing power of this device the Aliens would not be capable of effective space travel. Comments: Research, then sell extras for money ----------------UFO Freezing Unit ----------------The freezing unit is a complex device adjusted for all alien organic species, protecting them from post-hyper jump shock caused by extreme space time curvature. In essence it is a hibernation device used to suppress living functions of the crew during long distance interstellar travel. First the alien is sedated; secondly body temperature is rapidly decreased. This slows breathing, and lowers the subject's metabolic rate. The freezing unit seems to be one of the requisites for interstellar travel. Comments: Research, then sell extras for money ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.8 Alien Intentions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------You gain these most of these techs by researching live commanders, the only one that does not require a live commander is Living Aliens. Researching these can also unlock science advancements, so do not put them off. ------------Living Aliens ------------Alien Society is divided into castes of greater and lesser importance. The aliens of highest importance are Commanders, who are present onboard the larger vessels, such as battleships. They are the only ones who know the strategies and protected secrets of the alien brigade. They are useful assets for us in this respect. These are the only aliens you are to capture alive. Other aliens are of no use to us. Comments: Any capture of a live alien will get you this one, after that only commanders will do. ------------Alien Origins ------------According to our intelligence, the alien life forms invading our worlds do not come from Solar System within the Milky Way, as first suspected. They seem to have found a way to harness a black hole's energy to establish a wormhole from a far-off galaxy that we've been unable to learn much about. Nevertheless, some basic data have been collected. The aliens are led by an enormous, organic cerebrum that is situated in the very middle of their mothership. This brain might once have a corporeal form not unlike the other aliens' or even ours. Due

to years of evolution and most likely genetic manipulation, however, it evolved to the form it's guessed to have today - a creature living in symbiosis with the main ship's computer. This race of aliens reached such a high technical and intelligence level that, having no equal adversary in its part of universe, they came to believe in their own divinity. Because of this conviction, they set off to enslave the many populated worlds of the Universe and force their inhabitants to worship them. Comments: Yay, plasma! -------------------The Alien Mothership -------------------The enormous alien Mothership is the logistic center and brain of the alien colony swarm. The ship is heavily fortified, and serves as the armory and nerve center of the entire alien colonization army. The Mothership provides a seemingly endless stream of new soldiers to the alien colonization army, that they breed in clone vats onboard. Huge stores in the Mothership are full of supplies that are being continually renewed from the materials that the alien army loots and strip mines from the worlds they have conquered. The control center is a heavily protected, glorious module that makes up the hub of the Mothership. The rest of the Mothership is made up of connecting sections containing a variety of colony sustaining elements such as, hatcheries, workshops, storage, laboratories, life support, training centers and a port for their attack fleet, with thousands of docks for all configurations of alien vessels. This Mothership can support the entire Alien armada for an indefinite, if not infinite period of time. It is the single biggest threat to the civilized universe that humankind has ever encountered. The Mothership is literally the horror of mans worst nightmare incarnate. Comments: Take a wild guess at guess where the end level will be. ------Avonium ------Avonium is the most prized crystalline matter and a staple of the entire alien technology. In fact, it is a chemical element of a high atomic mass, which is due to its relatively short half-life, a rather rare substance in the universe. As all the other elements heavier than Ferrum, Avonium traces its origin to the hell-like conditions present during a supernova's end-of-life explosion. Because of its high atomic weight it however tends to decay rather quickly leaving lighter elements behind. This feature causes its fast dissipation. Nonetheless, there is the chance for the Avonium particles to be captured within a certain crystal lattice where the atomic instability can be compensated. Avonium stabilized this way sustains its inner structure for ages. It is however not difficult to violate this stable state using a ray of Hadron particles. When set on the right frequency, the Hadron beam is able to disrupt the crystal matrix while forcing its particles to resonate and subsequently split their nuclei as a part of a massive chain reaction. The process is accompanied by an enormous energy output and generation of gravitational waves used by the Aliens' graviton-based hyper drive engines. Comments: This is what the aliens are after. ----------------------Aliens' Attack on Earth ----------------------The expeditionary spacecraft with secretly in July 2025. Once they to stand in their way to Earth; a attention. Having conquered many practiced invasion procedure. By

the invasion swarm entered our Solar System had passed the Oort cloud there was nothing planet that had immediately drawn their planets before, they promptly started their early December 2025 the attack had begun.

The first fleet of warships struck against Earth's major cities. A vain attempt by the humans to form a resistance was soon repressed harshly by the second fleet that had been standing by. People were being slaughtered without mercy. Sure enough, they were defeated in several days and the Earth was soon infested by hordes of Aliens. But before this happened, the people managed to identify the mothership as the base of Alien operation and during a great battle, succeeded in blowing up a substantial amount of the mothership's fuel, Avonium. Comments: I will have vengeance! -----------------------Avonium Supply Container -----------------------Avonium Storage Container, or ASC, is a strongly armored unit used for both storage and transportation of material. As the name suggests, its main purpose is the storage of spare Avonium that is used for powering up the mothership's engines. The ASCs do not have a driving mechanism and they are usually attached to the outer sections of the mothership. When empty, the containers are detached and taken by a cargo ship to a conquered planet rich in Avonium to be replenished from its mines. By a well-considered nuclear attack on the mothership the people of Earth managed to break the vessel's defenses in a weak-shielded location and subsequently destroy a great many of these tanks. Such an action must have undoubtedly compromised the mothership's vast energy supply. Comments: After this part you'll be able to see how much avonium the aliens have collected. ------------Energy Crisis ------------The Alien Mothership does not have sufficient energy for further spaceflight. The ship is currently resting in a stable position at a Lagrange point, providing a harbor for alien space cruisers, battleships and other vessels. We can say with certainty that further movement is impossible without refueling. Alien scouts have been earnestly searching nearby planets for a source of the crystal Avonium, and their searching has recently met success. These scouts rapidly uncovered the planet Esperanza not long after the attack on planet Earth. This planet is rich in many minerals, including Avonium, the only possible local source of fuel. Comments: Too bad for the aliens Esperanza is also the planet we currently live on so they can't have it. -------------------Avonium on Esperanza -------------------The main reason for the alien raids on Esperanza are to pillage its mineral deposits, especially its Avonium, which they use as an energy source for their ship. The Avonium Storage Containers of the Alien Mothership have been empty for a long time, but they are slowly beginning to be filled with Esperanza's Avonium. Not unlike bees, the aliens have been diligently gathering Avonium from Esperanza's mines, and transporting the yield to their hive - the Mothership. As soon as this huge spacecruiser has received enough energy to resume flight, Esperanza will become its first destination, and will be doomed. In spite of our best efforts, we will never be able to fully eliminate alien activities on our planet. Their technology surpasses ours, and they will always find a way to avoid our sensors, to mine outside our surveillance, and to convey the yield to their Mothership. It seems, therefore, that prevention of alien entry to the planet is not the answer, and that the only way to save our world from impending invasion is by destroying the Mothership while it still

remains suspended in Earth's vicinity, at a Lagrange point. Time is against us. Comments: Sneaky aliens, can't stop them I guess. -------Starport -------The aliens seem to have quickly taken over the whole human population of the planet Earth. All the people there have been forcibly united into a nation of slaves. They are exploited in planetary-wide labor, pushed to grow the Alien flora and fauna and made to serve the aliens by mining minerals for the mothership's needs. The Earth has become a supply depot for the Aliens in this galaxy. On Earth man is no longer at the top of food chain, the Aliens are. For the purposes of transportation of supplies from the Earth, the Aliens have built the Star port. Comments: ------Shuttle ------The Alien Shuttle is a medium sized combat and transport, cruiser class vessel used to carry large payloads such as industrial minerals, food, or even humans to be used as experimental guinea pigs. The shuttle operates at frequent intervals on a route between the star port and the alien Mothership. The Mothership is standing by in the Lagrange point between the Earth and the Moon where the gravitational forces are exactly equal. The Shuttle is equipped with a gravity control device to pick up heavy loads and secure them on board. There is also an identification device SRO2 that enables the shuttle to reply to incoming identification requests from the Mothership. Comments: Do I see a plot hatching? -----------SRO-2 Device -----------SRO2 is an identification device that enables an alien Shuttle to reply to incoming identification requests from the MotherShip. This device is crucial for all vessels shuttling between the starport and the MotherShip. Upon approaching the MotherShip, all vessels are transmitted an identification request, to which an SRO2 chip automatically responds. Without proper identification, no Shuttle is granted entry into the MotherShip, and may even be destroyed upon failure to immediately respond to the MotherShip's request. Only high-ranking alien officers are authorized to activate an SRO2 at the beginning of a flight. A sophisticated security function protects all SRO2 devices from unauthorized access. Comments: Definitely working up to something here... --------------Revolt on Earth --------------Attempts by small bands of brave humans to resist alien oppression have had to go underground. These rebels have centralized their activities in a secret underground base, well hidden from alien intelligence. The aliens have been doing their best to try to uncover the location of this base, and it seems only a matter of time before they eventually find it, however for the time being the base's location remains secure. We have received information that the rebels have succeeded in stealing an SRO2 device, and it's very likely that they are currently working on hacking into its security system. Comments: Death to the rebellion!


-------------Vampire Engine -------------For throwing Motherships into gear the aliens need an enormous amount of energy. It is not possible to generate the energy from a reasonable amount of Avonium by gravity engines. For a colossus like the Mothership the gravity engines are an insufficient energy source. The Alien Mothership uses an alternate energy source. We call this source the Vampire engine. According to what our scientists were able to learn from the alien commander, the Vampire engines are able to somehow suck energy from the substance of space-time by using an array of synchronized Avonium crystals and extreme space time curvature. The effect is called Fake Vacuum Fluctuation. Comments: Allows generator research. --------------------The Infiltration Plan --------------------While we do our best to defend Esperanza from mineral plundering by aliens, the intruders remain successful in stealing Avonium from Esperanza, for their technology surpasses ours, and they will always find a way to avoid our sensors. Prevention of alien entry to Esperanza is not the answer, and the only way to save our world from impending invasion is by destroying the MotherShip while it remains suspended in Earth's vicinity. Centaurus is the vessel best suited to this mission. Centaurus will follow a pre-planned course, manned with the best and most highly trained soldiers, who upon landing on Earth will be in contact with the local rebels in order to obtain information about the activities and location of the StarPort. Hopefully, we will obtain a hacked, decoded SRO2 device from the rebel forces. We will then launch a sneak attack on the StarPort, and after seizing control of the port, we will install the SRO2 device into one of the alien Shuttles. The captured Shuttle will be piloted to the MotherShip, wherein we will instigate the final step of the Infiltration Plan: taking over the MotherShip from within. Comments: Sounds like a good plan. ----------------SRO-2 Device (#2) ----------------We have successfully obtained an SRO2 device, and carefully studied its functions. The device has now been decoded by Earthling hackers, and is ready for use onboard an alien Shuttle. This enables us to activate the device, and use it as a form of identification in communications between the alien MotherShip and our captured Shuttle. We hope that this device will ensure that the MotherShip will open its doors to us, and allow us to land in its docks, thinking we are amongst its brood. But first, we must fly to the abandoned city of Durham, where allies tell us hidden plans for the alien StarPort are concealed. -------------Starport Plans -------------The StarPort lies in Cape Canaveral. On the very place where people used to be launched in spacecraft to the stars, an alien StarPort was founded. The blueprints we found in the abandoned city of Durham were drawn to such precision, that we had reason to believe that the people had agents amongst aliens. These plans show how to enter the gates into the StarPort, the rooms and halls, storage facilities, navigation room and landing platform of the alien Shuttle. Thanks to these blueprints, the infiltration can be accomplished smoothly. Comments: Cape Canaveral, DUH.

Would've been the first place I'd look for a

starport. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.9 Centaurus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------To attack the aliens, first a ship must be built, and doing this requires a heck load of research and money to produce the components. You'll be spending a lot of time on it for sure. ----------------Project Centaurus ----------------The discovery of a UFO Gravity Engine capable of space distortion opens undreamed-of possibilities in interstellar travel. Producing a suitable engine is, however, only one of many necessary steps that must be taken before this project can be accomplished. We can expect to experience both disappointment and triumph on the road towards mastery of this means of space travel. It will definitely be necessary to develop new materials for construction, including a new computing technology able to both immediately determine the ship's location in space, and navigate safely within a distorted environment. At this time, we cannot even say for sure whether the human body will be able to withstand such dangerous conditions. Development of a spaceship capable of spacetravel across incurved space will assuredly be one of the most daunting tasks which humankind has ever undertaken. Once achieved, however, it will be also one of its greatest accomplishments, opening up a plentitude of new possibilities for humankind. Comments: Have spacesuit, will travel. ---------------Spaceship Alloys ---------------As material for both the inner and outer bearing structures of the Centaurus ship an improved version of the Advance Craft Armor has been used to fulfill the need for a material of better mechanical and shielding characteristics required for a construction this big and intricate. The main enhancement was the elimination of the low mechanical consistency of the superconductive threads that had deteriorated the total mechanical compactness. The threads have been replaced with special superconductive large-volume composite. The composite does not only provide a larger cross-section of the conductor allowing for greater currents implying stronger fields for the shields, but also contributes to the increase of the total hull integrity and helps thus protect the ship from the undesirable accelerated stardust particles. Comments:

Tortoise armor... whoopee?

--------------Engine Injector --------------Price: 250000 Production Difficulty: Hard The Centaurus engine needs for its function a source of Hadron. A system of large linear accelerators was shown as the best solution. The accelerators are directed at one point in which the accelerated particles agglomerate and produce a concentration of subatomic particles from which a group of Hadrons is filtered on the basis of matter spectrometer. Owing to the demand on small size and short line of accelerators and their continuous function, the accelerators are constructed for extreme output and are supplied by annihilation source which takes the matter and antimatter from the generator. The matter from the generator is also used for acceleration of which its continuous supply is secured. The injector is a very intricate and powerful component which is crucial for engine functions and thereby also for the

success of the whole mission. Comments:

Another useless component.

------Engines ------Price: 1500000 Production Difficulty: Nightmare! A ship of Centaurus's size and mass requires and extremely strong gravitational engine propulsion in order to render it capable of interstellar travel. In order to meet these requirements, we redesigned the original concept behind alien engines and made them more efficient and reliable, and therefore suitable to our purposes. First it was necessary to increase the Avonium chamber's supply capacity, in order to allow increased Avonium retention and intensify gravitation wave generation. In order to ensure sustained hadron generation, particularly in circumstances of heavy space distortion, we had to insert an additional stabilization hadron buffer into the output injector. This solution required further redesigning of the hadron filter control system so as to increase its reliability. As a result of all our adjustments, we have gained an extraordinarily reliable and powerful gravitational engine, which not only meets all international space-vessel safety and quality requirements, but even exceeds them. When this war is over and the aliens are at last defeated, Centaurus' class of ships will be certainly remain the primary means of exploring unknown parts of the universe. Comments:

Expensive to make and takes a long time to research.

---------------------------Landing and Storage Platform ---------------------------Price: 150000 Production Difficulty: Doable With regard to the Centaurus' size it would be impractical if this colossus had to land everytime a recon is needed. For such tasks we have designed smaller transporters and scout ships, to carry out missions outside of the vicinity of Centaurus' landing site but still within planetary bounds. To accommodate these vessels, a landing platform has been incorporated into the ship's plans so that Centaurus can serve as a harbor for them. This facility can refuel and repair the plane, and it also has a storage capacity sufficient to stock supplies. The platform is located on the very bottom of the ship and is accessible by an external gateway. In order to avoid undesirable pressure drops in the hangar bay, the entrance is protected by a special one-way shield that allows objects from outside to enter but prevents the inner atmosphere from escaping. Comments: -----------------Distribution Point -----------------Price: 270000 Production Difficulty: Doable A ship like the Centaurus contains a huge amount of facilities that need multiple energy supplies. Because of the enormous size of the ship, its overall consumption and distance from the central energy source, energy distribution becomes a problem. For the facilities that require small and medium sized energy supplies, an electric main backup in each ship's section will do. For the facilities with high energy requirements, power supply would be an insurmountable problem because of distribution difficulties and because of the interruptions caused by electromagnetic fields. As a result these facilities were equipped with miniature annihilators and an antimatter supply was designed by a special distribution system. Due to the efficacy of the

annihilation process, only a small amount of antimatter is needed to produce a huge amount of energy. Energy transfer inside the ship's hull does not generate any unwanted fields and its supply and distribution including backup emergency accumulators of antimatter in various sections offers an ideal and very simple solution. Comments: --------Generator --------Price: 500000 Production Difficulty: Hard The Generator is an energy source which utilizes the energy of the very essence of space. At the system's core is a Vampire Engine, producing matter and antimatter particles via united gravitational units based on the desymetrization of spatial fluctuations. The device's output is a disorderly stream of particles and antiparticles.\nThis stream is filtered through the Generator by strong electrostatic fields which separate the matter and antimatter and feed them into either the injectors of driving systems, or into an annihilation cell for energy generation. The Generator is an efficient, reliable energy source that will be used as an auxiliary power source for interstellar travel. Comments: ---------------Hibernation Room ---------------Price: 400000 Production Difficulty: Hard Although the transit through space curved by gravitation motors significantly shortens interstellar travel, a strong acceleration in various directions has impact on the ship. As it is impossible to exclude with certainty the occurrence of acceleration peaks with intensities threatening life-forms, hibernation in a specific hibernation cubicle filled with liquid turned out as the most suitable survival way. Without hibernation, the acceleration effect resembles, a high fall onto a concrete sidewalk. Organs and tissues are deformed and bones may break. With immersion into liquid, inertial force generated by acceleration is transformed and its effect on living organism is like diving into larger depth of water, which the organism can endure much better. Apart from that hibernation cubicles also serve as a rescue means in case of gravitation engine failure when it is possible to reach a destination with sub luminous (infra luminous) flight in several decades or centuries in the state of hibernation. Comments: ------------Pilot's Cabin ------------Price: 600000 Production Difficulty: Hard The nerve centre and brain of Kentaur is the pilot cabin. It consists of the navigation panel, the flight-course computer, the outputs of close-range sensors, and also the status panels of the ship. During subluminous speedflights and in conflict situations, two pilots operate the ship from the pilot cabin. This cabin is used for piloting during the subluminous part of interstellar flights, and to prepare the autopilot to transverse curved space. The main crew consists of a pilot and a copilot, who are together able to operate the ship. If necessary either may also fill the role of flight mechanic, whose position is in the back of the cabin. The flight mechanic can

take over control of the cockpit system, for example during a conflict situation. Comments: Hey cool, new fighter technology! --------------Navigation Room --------------Price: 1000000 Production Difficulty: Hard Centaurus navigation is a modification of UFO space flight navigation, adapted to human needs. The primary components of the Centaurus system are a molecular computer and navigation sensors, which include sensors able to detect relict radiation. This newer system comes equipped with a navigation desk, which has a large-screen panel enabling dual-pilot navigation. The tactical advantages of this panel include increasing maneuvering accuracy during meteor storms and through areas of dense interstellar matter. While the crew is in hibernation during hyperspace jump, Centaurus navigation initiates autopilot communication with the built-in UFO space flight navigation. The autopilot deploys a remarkably intelligent artificial navigation system, capable of solving of actual flight situations, to communicate with the flight-course computer in the place of a human pilot. In the case of an emergency, the autopilot can interrupt the flight and dehibernate the crew. Centaurus navigation is a successful modification of alien technology that, thanks to its capabilities and reliability, ensures a stealthful sneak attack upon an alien-occupied earth. Comments: ---------Laboratory ---------Price: 380000 Production Difficulty: Hard Centaurus Laboratory is intended for the spaceship Centaurus. Thanks to this laboratory, we are able to research new discoveries during Centaurus missions. The Centaurus Laboratory arose out of the original concept for the research laboratory at the CAF base. Nevertheless it was necessary to redesign the original concept. It was necessary to reduce the laboratory's size, and ensure against the interference from Centaurus' other facilities, most of all from the force field while Centaurus enters curved space. On the other hand, the facility has access to the computing capacity of Centarus' central supercomputer. The control unit of the nanobot has been successfully reduced by more than 70%. We have improved the simulation algorithms, and despite the fact that the laboratory has only a limited capacity, the crew of Centaurus will have access to the most modern technologies from our wars with aliens. We don't know what we will discover through Centaurus' expedition, but the onboard laboratory gives us the ability to deal with every challenge. Comments: --------------Living Quarters --------------Price: 100000 Production Difficulty: Easy Centaurus crew members spend time in their living quarters unless they are in hibernation. It is a room in which the crews sleep, eat and relax when their daily duties are over and which provide the crew with necessary comforts. During the central rest period, substituting planetary night, most of the room is filled with folding beds on which the crews sleep. In the morning the beds are folded and set into the ceiling and the free room is used for daily

activities of the crew. Good living conditions of the crew are one of the key factors for keeping up high morale and ultimately mission success. Comments: --------------------------------Centaurus Intergalactic Spaceship --------------------------------The Centaurus is an intergalactic spaceship designed for interstellar travel. The revolutionary hyper-drive gravitational engine is responsible for the extreme propulsion which allows Centaurus to set off on interstellar journeys at breathtaking speed, however it isn't the only mechanism that had to be developed before this ship could be considered complete. An entirely new propulsion system based on artificial space distortion, a technology we basically learned from our enemy, has not only proven an extremely efficient means of space travel, but also an extraordinarily high consumer of energy. Fortunately our scientists came up with another, equally revolutionary new technology capable of producing sufficient energy by extracting power from spatial essence itself. Many other troubles arose while perfecting this truly state-of-the-art means of transportation. We had to figure out the fitting constitution of the hull's composites in order make them able to withstand the extreme conditions caused by distorted space, and we also had to create a new means of navigation in that environment. Finally, we also had to ensure the safety of the vessel's crew, as all our endeavors would have come up empty had we not assured their survival in the first place. We now believe our work has been completed, and Centaurus is ready for boarding. Comments: Awsome, my very own spaceship!

Warp 9!

Err... wrong ship I guess.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Tips and Strategies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.1 Training and Equipping Your Troops ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ranks ----Every time your soldier hits or kills something, they will gain experience, gain enough experience and they'll gain a rank, which allows you to put 5 points any way you want into their attributes. The following is a rank chart and approximately how much experience is required to obtain that rank. As near as I can tell, the amount of experience required actually varies (possibly varies as much on the +/- value). Lowest I've seen a rookie hit private is at 6 experience though, it'd be interesting to try and see a 0 experience private. Rank Rookie Private Private First Class Corporal Corporal First Class Sergeant Sergeant First Class Staff Sergeant Warrant Officer Lieutenant Captain Colonel

Experience Needed 0 15 +/-15 35 +/-37 65 +/-49 110 +/-66 171 +/-91 260 +/-129 530 +/-196 1100 +/-271 1880 +/-399 3060 +/-592 5200 +/-880

-----------------Experience Farming -----------------What is experience farming exactly? Well late in the game, as you get new recruits, you want to be able to keep them alive long enough for them to gain experience since they start out in bad armor and low health against really tough enemies like terror floaters. One way to rank them up is through this method: Equip your new troop with as many normal grenades (and 1 or 2 stasis grenade) as you can and a NORMAL pistol. Take along at least one heavy weapons platform (hammer, anaconda, etc). You want to position your HWP between the rookie and the high xp target and let your rookie blow it up slowly with grenades. This way, they gain 20% of the total xp of the target per turn, on terror floaters, this means they gain 8 xp for every grenade or pistol shot. I pick pistols because they require very small mounts of time units and do relatively few damage. Of course, once you got enough xp, you want to kill the unit for even more xp so that's when you toss a stasis grenade. The HWP should have enough armor to withstand the assault and therefore protect the rookie. ---------Attributes ---------Primary Attributes: Agility – The higher the agility the more action points you have. Vitality – Vitality determines your health total. Bravery – Bravery determines how much morale you start with. Strength – Strength determines what equipment you can use. Reactions – Higher reactions allow better chances at reacting to enemy movements as long as the soldier have action points remaining. Throwing – Throwing accuracy Shooting – Shooting accuracy Secondary Attributes Action Points – Every action consumes action points, be it walking or shooting. Health Points – When your health drops to 0, your soldier 'dies'. Morality – When a soldier reaches 0 health or if they are under a psi attack, your morale will drop. Once this reaches 0, your soldier will be paralyzed for a turn. You regain a small amount of morale each turn. Armour – How well you are defended when you get hit. -------------------Assigning Attributes -------------------The order of importance for attributes generally follows the following guidelines: Top Tier Shooting



- Your soldiers start out with horrendous shooting skills with a 30-40% chance of connecting. Raise this up to 65~70 ASAP. Any more makes it not as useful since around 70 gives you a 99% chance of shooting anything that's within sight range. However, there are special tactics you can use for someone with higher shooting accuracy. (see below.) - More AP means you can move more per turn. Shooting time is based on a percentage of the total amount of APs available to the unit so you will not be able to shoot more with more agility, only move more. - >>>DO NOT NEGATE STRENGTH<<<, it will be much harder to advance levels later on in order to fulfill the requirements for some armor and equipment as it takes more xp and you have to fight

harder enemies. By the time you are a sergeant, you should have at least 60 strength, but do not assign more than 70 unless you have a heavy armor type person, in that case you need 90 strength for tortoise armor. Middle Tier Vitality - More health is always good. Reactions - Some people like to have high reaction time to shoot enemies on their turn, I just prefer to use up all my APs on my turn instead. Put more points into this if you are the former type. Bottom Tier Bravery - Not important at first but becomes increasingly more important late game with increased number of psi attacks and loss of morale from deaths. The higher the rank of the soldier the bigger the morale hit is for others. Vehicle deaths also causes you to lose morale. Throwing - Not important if you don't use grenades, but for a grenadier type soldier you'd put points into this instead of shooting. ----------------------------Assign a Role to Each Soldier ---------------------------->LABEL YOUR TROOPS, click on their name and assign a specific tag, such as Greg >Johnson TR so you know their roles and you don't get them mixed up. As for >how to assign roles, read on. It is generally better for soldiers to specialize than to try to achieve everything at once. Some units such as scouts might forego shooting accuracy for more agility, vitality, strength, and throwing skills since their job is to flush out enemies and destroy barriers in the way of your main squad. The following is a list of some roles I like to assign my soldiers. I originally developed these roles playing UFO Defense and they still work pretty well here. ----Scout ----The scout, as described above, has very high AP for movement, health for taking hits, and strength for wearing good armor. Their main job is to move as fast and far as possible each turn to spot out the enemy units. Whenever there is a door to be opened, it is the job of the scout to open it in order to save AP points for other troops ready to enter the room. Give them a little throwing accuracy and stock them up with various grenades and a pistol and they'll be a good unit to send in to stun commanders as well. Toss a stun grenade at a commander and wound them some with the weak pistol and they'll faint in no time. Remember that grenades can be tossed over low obstacles. One strategy I like to use if a commander is out in the open and I do not want retaliation is to move a vehicle between my scout and the enemy unit. Then I can lob as many grenades over the vehicle as I want and the enemy will not have a line of fire on my scout. -----Sniper -----While most people would say raising shooting skills above 70% is a waste, for the sniper this is extremely useful. My snipers typically carry the most damaging weapons (not heavy though), allowing at least 2 aimed shots with a full AP bar. Raise the shooting skill of this unit up to the max at the expense of agility as this unit will not be moving too often. Their main job is to find a point where they can cover the majority of the map and sit there

as a backup unit to take out anything deadly. With a 95 in shooting, my snipers often can auto-fire at 99% accuracy at units up to 2 screens away, and their aimed shot has a 85% or above accuracy for the entire length of the map. One additional advantage is they are often too far away for enemy retaliation fire to be that accurate. Incidentally, snipers also make great medical units as they do not have to carry grenades and they are usually pretty safe since they usually stay far behind the lines. ------Trooper ------These are the standard units who spread their points out fairly evenly in most categories (except throwing). I like to put a few points into reaction here and use these troops as guards to watch for enemy movement at choke points (such as the door to the UFO). I tend to give them the second best rifles (the best ones goes to the snipers) and a mixture of grenades to go along with their arsenal. ------------Heavy Trooper ------------I'm a little disappointed that there is no version of the blaster launcher in this game. That and the lack of a good late game heavy weapon make this troop not as useful as in the original UFO Defense. These guys are the ones who will be wearing the tortoise armor. I like to send these units in to attack heavily concentrated units who may retaliate since they have line of sight. Once the enemy APs are used up, then I can open up with the rest of my squad for minimal retaliation. Also, one great use for these guys is to pack a chemogun in their pack just to whip it out in tight spots and blast enemies with a spray of acid. Extremely entertaining. -----Squads -----With these 4 basic soldier types, it is possible to create various squads for the task at hand. My squads typically consist of 1 scout, 1 trooper, and 1 heavy unit, with 1 or 2 snipers for support way off in the distance. This way, with a group of 8 soldiers, I can split them up and cover more ground. This comes with certain risks, such as having a soldier paralyzed at a critical moment, but I'd much prefer this than spending a lot more time on missions. Here is a setup suggested by Village Idiot, it's somewhat similar to what I've suggested: Here's the type of squad(s) that I'm currently using: Based upon the 12 Unit Transport: Separated into 4x Squads: Squad 1 & 2 (4x each)- Open Area Recon Use these two groups to roam around wide open areas. Use the Recon units to scout ahead, but don't use the Recon unit to fire. Instead, use the Sniper unit to shoot down any targets the Recon unit sees. The Recon/Support both need high STR and HP in order to use the best armor in the game, which they will need because they'll be the ones most likely under constant fire. 1x Recon 115+ AP 80+ HP ~50 Bravery

High Strength (Aim for 90 endgame so you can wear the best armor) ~50-60 Perception ~50 Throwing 70ish Shooting Rifle, Rifle (different weapon type), 1x Mind Shield, 1x Medkit, 2x Stim Packs, 3x Grenade, 2x Stun Grenade, 1x Nerve Gas Grenade 1x Support 115+ AP ~50 Bravery High Strength (Aim for 90 endgame so you can wear the best armor) ~70 Throwing 70ish Shooting Rifle, 1x Mind Shield, 1x Medkit, 2x Stim Packs, 5x Grenade, 3x Stun Grenade, 2x Nerve Gas Grenade 1x Sniper 100 AP 70 Strength (to use Heavy-type weapon. Not sure if you need more pass Heavy Ion (70)) 80ish Shooting Heavy Laser/Plasma/etc, 1x Mind Shield, 2x Stim Packs, 2x Stun Grenade, backup Heavy Laser/Plasma/etc (in the event that the target is strong VS current weapon) 1x Heavy Weapons 100 AP 60 Strength (to use Desert Viper) 70 Shooting Rocket Launcher /w 1x Explosive, 2x Incindiary, 1x Chemical, 1x Stun, 2x Stun Grenades, 1x Mind Shield, 2x Stim Packs Squad 3 & 4 Shock Troopers (2x Soldiers each) These are your building/base/alien sub attack units. They're fit to tank. Really simple to use, send in the Heavy Assault Trooper first. Find a group of aliens, burn/gas the area. Move on. Repeat. 2x Shock Trooper 100ish AP 100ish HP 50ish Bravery 90ish Strength (to use best armor) 60ish Perception 40ish Throwing 70ish Shooting Flamethrower/Chemical Gun , 3x Grenade, 2x Stun Grenade, 2x Nerve Gas Grenade, 1x Mind Shield, 2x Stim Pack Oh, VS Landed UFOs, switch to mostly Shock Troopers, as the area you'll be fighting in will be extremely cramped and narrow. --------Equipment --------One interesting thing when equipping your troops is that even though a rifle seem like it requires 2 hands, holding something in the other hand, like a grenade, does not affect shooting accuracy at all. So in this game, there is

absolutely no reason why soldiers can't run around with a rifle in one hand and a grenade in the other, assuming you aren't using a heavy weapon that takes up both hands. Crouching, however will drastically improve accuracy so you always want to crouch before shooting. Village Idiot writes: Its silly, but you can carry a rifle in both hands without penalty. Abuse this by equipping two different rifle-type weapons in the event the target is strong against one of them. -----------------------------Using Mind Shields Effectively -----------------------------Generally, enemies like hallucinoids will attack the first unit they see with their psi attacks. This means that if you keep your non-mind shielded troops out of sight, they will not be attacked as much. So early on when mind shields are rare and you can't afford to equip your entire army, put these on the scouts and let them soak up the psi attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.2 Selective Researching ------------------------------------------------------------------------------You don't need to research everything available, since time is extremely important, you should go after key research projects first, namely troop weapons and armor. Laser Technology -> Medkits should be a number one priority though. I'll post more on this soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.3 Terrain Considerations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------You will be coming up against a variety of terrain on your missions. Sometimes, they will take place above ground on wide-open areas; sometimes you'll land at one side of a large building while the UFO is on the other side. Other times you'll be landing in some kind of underground cavern or even an alien base for fighting. Unfortunately, its difficult to determine what type of terrain you will be fighting on ahead of time, but know this. If you save the game during the global view before your ship reaches the target, you can reload and it will have a chance of generating a different type of terrain with different alien units. Basic strategies for terrain: --------------Wide Open Areas --------------Try to send your ending your turn nearest patch of snipers have the

scouting units far out and take advantage of the vegetation by near one, preferably with the vegetation between you and the black area. Always end your turn crouched. On this map most advantage.

-----------------Raiding A Building -----------------On certain maps, you'll be facing off against an UFO that's on the other side of a big building or complex. During this situation, it is often best if you blast your way straight through the building with explosives/gun shots and go straight for the UFO. One good entry point is always at the northern or southern edge of the map. Usually there is one big room at that end and going through that room leads to the outside on the other side where the UFO is waiting. Spending times exploring the rooms will often lead to the aliens

moving into the building with you. If you have killed every alien in the UFO and the mission still have not ended, however, position your troops at the building entrance facing the UFO and carefully open it, most of the time, the last remaining alien will be right inside the door waiting for you to shoot it. -------------Raiding A Cave -------------Unfortunately, there is no good way of avoiding crawling through every room in this place in order to find all the aliens. In this situation, it is good to leave some free AP at the end of each turn and make sure you cover all directions. You never know when an alien can pop out of some door that's nearby. -------------Raiding A City -------------This usually happens during terror missions where you have to go kill some aliens who are bothering the local civilians. Too bad for you the locals are so stupid that they will often run towards aliens or move into the space between you and the alien so they can die faster. Maybe everyone on this planet is suicidal? You will usually begin on one side of a long street, just work your way up the street. Beware of the doors on the side of the streets though, especially the one leading into the police station (why are there so many of them?). Aliens will often come out from there, but you do not have to go into buildings, as they will come after you as long as you stay out in the relative open area. Try to crouch behind the fences on either side of the roads since you can shoot through them and they offer partial protection against stray shots. Important: On certain alien terror maps, there may be one large building in the center with 2 elevator pads that goes up 2 floors. There are often multiple aliens on each of these floors and they may shoot from the third floor down at you. Be very careful on this type of map. -------------Raiding A Base -------------There is not much difference between raiding an alien base and raiding one of your own bases. On this map, there are lots of doors, corridors, and rooms to search. Just take your time and make sure you look into every room and door before moving on. Always keep one unit facing each direction incase something sneaks up behind you.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.4 Salvaging UFOs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------First you must shoot it down. Depending on the weaponry available, you'll have to send multiple (4 or more) fighters against ships the size of battlecruisers and battleships. Try to shoot UFOs down over land as often as possible so you have time to go salvage them. The UFOs will disappear after a while, however, so if there are 2 UFOs to salvage, always go after the bigger one. Sometimes, an annoying terror mission pops up just when you shoot down a battlecruiser or battleship. Usually when this happens I'll go for the salvage if it is close enough and then go for the terror mission, as ship raiding is easier and more rewarding. Salvaging UFOs is your primary source of income in this game for a long long time as the countries supporting your cause are all cheapskates, giving only enough money to cover maintenance costs. When tackling a UFO, always expect to see multiple aliens inside. On UFOs with a 4 square elevator pad, one good strategy to use if all your soldiers are low

on movement points is to move your vehicle unit onto the pad to block all 4 squares, thus preventing aliens from coming down from there. On ships the size of battlecruisers or better, expect to find a commander in the control room of the ship. If he's not there, then you probably already ran into him outside somewhere. Sometimes, there might be two commanding units: one outside one inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.5 UFO Layouts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm not good at ascii art by any stretch of imagination so hopefully these look okay. Remember UFOs can be oriented in four possible directions (NSEW) but the layout is always the same. Legend: O Elevator Pads = Door ----Scout ----Level 1 --/



| \

/ -=-

Comments: A single room, usually with 2 or 3 enemies inside. ------Fighter ------Level 1 --/



| \


/ -=-


\ / = / \

| \ ---

--\ / = / \


\ | / ---



| \

/ -=-

Comments: 5 total rooms, 1 entrance, beware fighters can carry large units (anything that takes up more than 1 square). ------Cruiser ------Level 1 --/



| \


/ -=-

\ /

--\ /


| \

= O = | / \ / \ / ---=--/ \ | | \ / -=-

Level 2 --/



O \

| /

-=Comments: Same layout as a fighter but with an additional room above the center of the craft. ------------Battlecruiser ------------Level 1 ----/ \----------------/ \ | = = O | \ /----------------\ / -----

--/ \ = O = \ / ---

--/ |

O \

--\----------------/ = = /----------------\


\ | / ---

Level 2 ---







/ |


\ O


| /

-=-=| | | | | | | | | | --| | | |------/ \-------| | | = = O = = | | |------\ /-------| | | | --| | | | | | | | | | -=-=/ \ / \ | O | | | \ / \ / -----

Comments: At first glance from the outside, this design looks very similar to the old battleship layout of UFO Defense with the 4 engine pods and the center elevator, but the difference ends there. The center elevator takes you up to level 2 while the ones in the corner of the ship takes you back down to level 1 to explore the other parts of the ship. Expect to find a commander unit in the cockpit room on the second level unless he's wandering around outside somewhere. ---------Battleship ---------Level 1 ??? -------------------/




/ /

\ \

/ | | | | |


\ | | | | | /


> \

-----------\ / \--------/

\ \

/ /


/ -----------=----------

Comments: Haha, just kidding. Real layout: Level 1 --------/ \ /



\ | | /----|----|---|--=---|----\ / | = O | | \ / | |---| | \ | = O | = | \ | | | / \ | | | / \----|--=----||--=---|----/ | | | \ | / \--=--|--=--/ \ / ----=---Level 2 -=/



| \

/ -=-

| | |O| --/ \----------------/ \ | = O = | \ /-----|-=-|------\ / --| | --/--=--\ / \ |---| \ / \-----/ ---

Comments: Very big on the first level, disappointingly small on the second. The elevator pad that leads up to the single room is the where the pilots cabin rests and where a few aliens might wait inside. The south room on the second level is easy to miss as the door is facing away from you, make sure you watch it, as there may be enemies inside that section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.6 Equipment Stats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please read the note in the beginning of section 5.3 about weapon strengths and weaknesses. Many thanks to Mzuz for supplying most of the strength req values. Accuracy values were obtained by looking through the game files.

The TU and

Key: Str = Strength Requirement MechArm = Value of armor against mechanical damage ChemArm = Value of armor against chemical damage FireArm = Value of armor against fire damage Dam = Damage of weapon Cap = Capacity of weapons (clip size) xxxAP = % Cost of ability points when using shot xxx (Aimed, Snap, Auto/Burst) xxxACC = % Accuracy when using shot xxx (Aimed, Snap, Auto/Burst) Note: Weapon's AP costs is given in %, so a weapon that uses 50% AP on a shot will use up 50% of the unit's maximum movement points. Note 2: Some of these values can be found in the ufopedia, I put them here again for ease of comparison. Note 3: Shot/throw accuracy is determined by this formula: (Soldier's Stat) * (Weapon Mode Accuracy) * (Distance Factor) The maximum accuracy value is 99%, which means there is still a one percent chance of a shot missing. So do not assume that walking up to a unit and auto shooting at 99% will land all 3 hits. -----Armors -----Name Desert Rat Beekeeper Desert Viper Waspkeeper Desert Tortoise ----

Str 30 40 60 70 90

MechArm 35 50 85 90 100

ChemArm 20 60 20 80 30

FireArm 20 55 70 85 70

Guns ---Name Pistol Rifle Shotgun Rocket Launcher Explosive Rocket Ignitable Rocket Chemical Rocket Stun Rocket Flamethrower* Chemogun* Laser Pistol Laser Rifle Heavy Laser Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Heavy Plasma Ion Pistol Ion Rifle Heavy Ion Akew Pistol Akew Rifle EEEW Rifle Particle Pistol Particle Rifle

Str 20 26 34 40 50 50 22 36 52 30 48 60 30 52 70 34 54 54 40 55

Dam 45 50 70 85 85 95 95 70 130 130 50 65 95 55 80 110 65 100 120 80 125 130 100 145

Cap 20 20 16 1 1 1 1 1 6 8 12 20 9 18 30 12 13 20 9 7 15 16 18 30

AimAP 25% 40% 45% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 55% 50% 60% 25% 40% 45% 25% 50% 55% 30% 55% 50% 25% 45%

AimAcc 120% 160% 150% 170% 170% 170% 170% 160% 130% 160% 155% 120% 140% 140% 120% 145% 145% 120% 155% 160% 140% 180%

SnapAP 20% 25% 30% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 35% 35% 15% 30% 30% 15% 25% 30% 15% 30% 30% 20% 30% 30% 15% 25%

SnapAcc 80% 120% 110% 100% 100% 100% 100% 90% 150% 150% 90% 125% 105% 80% 100% 95% 80% 105% 105% 90% 120% 110% 100% 135%

AutoAP 30% 35% 35% 20% 30% 35% 35% 35% 35% 20% 30%

AutoAcc 100% 105% 85% 75% 80% 80% 70% 105% 100% 80% 110%

*The Flamethrower and Chemogun have a limited range and can only be used within that range. -------Grenades -------Note: Grenades do the most damage if you hit the target directly with one than by splash damage. Name Defense Grenade Stun Grenade Plasma Grenade Nerve Gas Grenade Stasis Grenade Adv. Chem Grenade

Accuracy 125 105 110 115 120 115

Damage 85 60 110 70 140 80

---------------Aircraft Weapons ---------------DPTU = Damage Per Time Unit, this is for comparison of aircraft weapons. AveClipDam = Average total damage if you empty the entire clip/missile rack on an enemy UFO. DPTU is calculated with this formula: For Cannons: (Average Damage * Accuracy) * ( Range / 320) / Reload Time For Missiles: (Average Damage * Accuracy) * ( Range / 600) / Reload Time The higher the DPTU the more damage you do over time assuming you are within range to fire. I add in a range normalization to take into consideration of the

longest range cannon and missile's (particle and long lance) advantage at having the longest range. AveClipDam is calculated with the following formula: (Weapon Accuracy * Average Damage) * Capacity Name Cannon Advanced Cannon Laser Cannon Plasma Cannon Ion Cannon AKEW Cannon Particle Cannon Red Sting Fire Hammer Green Thorn Thunderbolt Long Lance Imperator

Accuracy 27 29 33 39 46 52 60 45 48 55 64 95 82

Damage 6-12 11-18 21-30 26-40 31-50 41-60 81-100 21-25 31-40 46-55 61-80 41-60 121-140

Range 150 175 200 225 250 290 320 280 300 360 380 600 400

Reload 180 200 340 420 480 580 2400 1600 1800 2000 2200 1600 2800

Capacity 80 60 50 35 30 20 10 4 4 4 4 4 4

DPTU 0.0063 0.0115 0.0155 0.0215 0.0303 0.0410 0.0226 0.0030 0.0047 0.0083 0.0130 0.0300 0.0255

AveClipDam 194.4 252.3 420.75 450.45 558.9 530.4 543 41.1 68.16 111.1 180.48 191.9 428.04

As you can see, the average damage per time unit is actually lower for the particle cannon despite it having a longer range and almost twice as much damage per shot than the AKEW. Its long reload makes its DPTU about equal to a mere plasma cannon. Also, assuming you empty the entire clip on an enemy UFO, on average the Ion Cannon will do the most damage due to its larger clip size than the AKEW and Particle cannons. For missiles, DPTU is not as important due to the limited clip size and average clip damage becomes a much higher priority. From this chart, we can see that the imperator is by far the best missile, and the red sting, fire hammer and green thorn missiles are typically not worth using due to their low damage and accuracy compared to cannons. Just use them if you have them, but don't go through the trouble of making them in particular. ---------------Aircraft Shields ---------------Name Energy Shield ES1 Laser Ion EEEW Particle

Defense Value 30 80 120 180 220

I suggest skipping straight to ION shields and then waiting until particle shielding is available to save money and time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.7 Misc Strategies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Opening Doors ------------Opening doors take up 10 AP, and if you just click on a unit and tell them to move into the door, they will open it AND take a step inside, often resulting in their death if anything is pointing at the door. One way to avoid this is to pause the unit right outside the door, then select the unit and tell them to

move into the door. But when you see the door animation, immediately right click in the direction of the door, that'll stop the unit immediately and the door will open without the soldier taking another step. However, the enemies might not be visible yet. What you need to do after that is to attempt to turn the soldier to the right or the left via right click and then you'll be able to see if there is anything inside. Even with this method, there is a chance you will be shot when you open a door, but it drastically reduces additional reaction shots against you. ----------------The UFO Zerg Rush ----------------At some point in the game, when a hidden value called Alien Aggression reaches the maximum of 100, the aliens will begin to overwhelm you with massive amounts of UFO in an attempt to extract Avonium off of the planet. This usually happens after a long period of time where you simply begin shooting down UFOs without salvaging them. During this period, your puny fighters will most likely be overwhelmed by flying saucers everywhere. Your best bet is to save the game immediately, and the batten down your hatches and ride it out by not sending any fighters out for attack. Once the majority of the UFOs leave the planet, you can begin picking off the stragglers and perhaps assault a landed UFO or two. Chances are, an alien base will have been planted somewhere on the planet (either that or one of your bases was raided), and you'll have to tackle that first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Mods and Cheats ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Infinite Fighters ----------------If you want to be able to send out more fighters than you have, you can do it with this trick: when you click the intercept button, select your fighters and then click the ok button, when the targeting icon comes up, do not click on the UFO just yet. Instead, click on the intercept button again and reselect your fighters. Do this as many times as you want and then click on the ufo and watch a swarm of fighters come out of your base. The draw back of this? All your fighters seem to be using the same fuel tank so your fuel goes down faster depending on how many copies of the fighter you spawned. Mzuz writes: Beware though, when attacking really tough ships or multiple ships, if 1 of your planes dies, then you lose that plane at your base.

---------------Modding the Game ------------------------BMan's Mod ---------There is one mod I'd highly recommend available at: http://www.ufo-extraterrestrials.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1691 This mod adds in many of the old UFO Defense properties such as dying soldiers, damaged UFOs, hire/fire soldiers, etc. NOTE: The author does not condone the hacking of your game and/or save file as this can causes crashes and corrupted save files. If this happens to you,

do not come to me for help in fixing it so MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP EVERYTHING. --------------------Activating Debug Mode --------------------Provided by gideon2525 of the gfaqs boards (who got this from the official forums): Download xbig.exe Look for this yourself Extract system.xbg Type in xbig e system.xbg at the command prompt in the UFOEXT\data directory Rename your system.xbg to a backup file Download a blank version of system.xbg Open up Const.xscr change const bool debugKeys = false; to const bool debugKeys = true; Now here are the debug keys during gameplay: Tactical mode hotkeys: Numpad +- zooms camera in and out. Numpad / and * change camera perspective. Probably between 3/4 isometric and dunno how is the other one called. Shift + arrow keys rotate camera around and change viewing angle freely. Numpad number keys move camera around so you can use them instead of scrolling with mouse. Numpad enter returns camera to defaults. Numpad del resets camera lock-on/center. E.g. when it locks on to follow a bullet or scroll to your soldier starting to move you can tap this Numpad ins centers camera on your selected unit. Instantly regardless of selection scroll settings in Default.cfg Looks like there's a bunch of features related to displaying grid attached to scroll-lock, backspace, home, end. Some of that indicate passability etc. Use pause key to disable that grid/s. PgUp/PgDown switch elevation levels. You can use arrow keys to move your units around, (Un)fortunately you also move through walls and impassable tiles when doing that. Space button - press it during aliens' turn to end their turn immediately. S fully reveals fog of war and grants complete viewing range. L kills all foes instantly. End turn to win. A kinda auto-battle. Pc takes over and plays instead of you. Press space to regain control. 1,2,3,4,5 - equips currently selected soldier in different kinds of armor, 1 beint the worst, 5 being the best. O - if vitality parameter of currently selected soldier is > 35, decreases it by 5 each time you press. P - if vitality is <=95, increases it by 5 each time. U,I buttons - does same things respectively for shooting parameter Q - fully restore unit's AP. K - kill your currently selected unit. B - blasts whole level to smithereens making a level field out of it. All buildings, walls, obstacles get destroyed. Doesn't actually harm any entities. Very fun to see first time. Geoscape: F7 Brings up geoscape debug menu which is very interesting in fact. It shows yours and aliens intelligence scrore in different contries which probably influences chances to find each other's bases. Also displays your exact score country by country, tells you exactly how many and in which countries there're alien bases.

Allows you to generate UFOs and terror sites, edit your finances, increase/reduce alien agression level, enable geoscape debug mode which grants you great deal of power over ufos by just clicking them. But there's no way you can disable it i guess. F9 displays some debug info including FPS. F10 disables displaying of that debug info. A increase alien agression level by 20 points G generates 20 random UFOs. M generates a random ufo. Perhaps also gives you complete radar coverage over entire globe, not sure. B generates ufo with retaliation mission C generates ufo with build base mission V generates ufo with spy mission T generates ufo with terror mission D dumps a bunch of geoscape-related info to files S recruits new soldiers P promote all soldiers, you get to distribute 5 points with each soldier. Even with those of maximum rank. U unlocks whole Ufopaedia Y Adds 10 of every item in your base stores. (Author Notes: From my experience, this sets the number of items for every type to 10, it does NOT give you 10 of every item.) J adds 1000000 of money. You won't notice unless you go to base screen to check. 7,8,9 - presumably instantly starts base defense missions on your first, second or third base. For me game crashed. -----------------Saved Game Editing -----------------Go to the main UFOET directory and type in: ProjectX saveEditor.xscr unpack slot0 Alt+f4 out of the loaded black screen Note: After you are done editing, you repack the save game with this command: ProjectX saveEditor.xscr pack slot0 Now go into your save0 directory and you will notice 3 new files: baseSave.xsv globeSave.xsv metadata metadata is useless, but the other 2 files are text files you can edit with wordpad. In the globeSave.xsv you can edit your money, Gametime, and LOTS of other things including your troops and inventory. Like search for strength and you find: className "CVector" } //rightShoulder shootingACT 86 shootingMAX 86 size 1 strengthACT 92 strengthMAX 92 throwingACT 92 throwingMAX 94 totalDamage 0 unitTypeId "human" vitalityACT 95 vitalityMAX 95 It's the actual (the ACT) amount of the stats and then the maximum- you can

edit those four stats, but the agility and perception is located a little further up. Just search for each of them in wordpad and you can change the stats for each. You can also change what armor they have and so forth. You can search for you trooper names in there as well and the info for them (their inventory, etc.) is around. The "CVector" is a class that stands for a trooper. Now, the baseSave.xsv you can edit what techs are available, what ufopedia stuff is unlocked, etc. For changing the number of items in your stores, do the following: Open globeSave.xsv, find the lines: state 0 storeItems { 0 xx 1 xx 2 xx 3 xx . . . } Where xx is some random number, could be 0, could be something else. The first number in the column is the item id, the second number is how many of the item you currently have. Here is an incomplete list of what items belong to what IDs: 1-45 - weapons (pistol = 0, laser pistol=15, plasma pistol=21, ion pistol=27, etc) #10 - raptor (attack plane), leave this value alone 46-51 - various grenades 52-54 - stimpack, medkit, advanced medkit 55-57 - ??? 58-59 - mind shield, advanced mind shield 60-64 - armor, desert rat, beehive, etc 65-66 - ??? 67-? - Vehicles 95-96 - Troop carrier 97-100 - ??? 101-105 - Aircraft 106-112 - aircraft cannons 113-118 - aircraft missiles 119-123 - aircraft shields 124-135 - Alien artifacts? Be aware of the fact that unless you have researched the technology (ion rifle, for instance), you will not be able to see or equip the item on your soldiers. This does not apply to aircraft parts for some reason. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: Are there mods available to this game? A: Yes there are, just search for them or ask around on the boards. Q: What are the differences between easy and hard modes? A: The difficulty level increases or decreases the health, agility, and shooting stat of all aliens, the "aggressiveness" of aliens, and the maximum funding you can get from countries. Q: How is this different from X-Com? A: See section 2.

Q: How do I rename my soldier? A: Go to the soldier screen and click on their name. Q: I do not understand your steps for editing the saved game, can you explain more? (E.g. you don't know how to use command prompt) A: What I mean by this is to use the command prompt. Here is a run through of the exact steps: Go to the start menu, click on Run... Type in cmd and hit enter A black window will open up, this is your command prompt (aka dos). To navigate folders, you will have to type cd <insert folder here> To go up a directory, type cd .. (notice the space) To change drives, type in the drive letter and a colon, for example, to go to drive e, type "e:" without the ""s. Use those directions to navigate to the directory where your UFO ET is at. After that follow the directions I gave you in section 7. Q: Where can I get the packer/unpacker ProjectX? A: ProjectX.exe is the actual game executable, you should already have it when your game is installed. Have more questions?

Post on the boards or send me an email.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Credits and Legal Stuff -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks -----Many thanks to the following people and organizations: GameFAQs for hosting this guide Chaos Concept for making this game Also many thanks to the following list of contributors who provided valuable information and input: -----------Contributors -----------Village Idiot Gideon2525 Mzuz Cluecat --------------Legal Statement --------------This Faq/Walkthrough may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal and private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site other than the following sites or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited and is in violation of the copyright of this document. Approved Sites: www.gamefaqs.com www.cheathappens.com ----------------------

Copyright 2007 Shanrak ----------------------

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