ironwifey MAGAZINE
Page Twenty
Garden Tomb, Jerusalem
He is Risen!
One man endured torture, crucifixion, and resurrection. This tomb represents the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. ...continued on pg 22.
Which Seed Are You? Page Eight
This is the Good News
about Jesus the Messiah,
the Son of God.
(Mark 1:1 NLT)
Thank you for reading the "Good News" issue of Ironwifey Magazine.
This issue brings me great joy because I believe the Lord called me to be a Kingdom Reporter. My purpose is to spread the Good News of Christ and lead souls closer to the Kingdom. Ironwifey is an outlet for that, but it wasn't until the Lord revealed that I would be using my skillset to glorify Him, that I truly learned the importance of news. I have a background in journalism, yet I avoided pursing a career in my field because of the impact that bad news had on my spirit. I know I'm not alone. I've heard many speak about how the News is terrible, depressing, and how there really is no point in watching it, but I hope this issue will change your perspective. All news is not bad news. The Bible is the ultimate storybook, detailing the news of biblical times and the life of Jesus Christ. Each writer is a reporter for the Kingdom, and as followers of Christ we are constantly in the Word of God, learning about God's News. If there were televisions during biblical times, I would like to believe that every night we would all be huddled around the television watching the nightly news of the miracles Jesus performed. The news is noteworthy information, and the Bible holds the most important information we need to know! Enjoy this issue of Ironwifey as we dive into the Good News of Christ. As you read, I pray that the Lord manifests Himself to you and that you receive all of the News that He has for your life. May the Lord be with you and bless you! With Love,
-Micayla Founder & Editor-in-Christ, IronWifey Magazine
NEWS /n(y)ooz/
newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events news. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved August 4, 2018 from website
As iron sharpens iron, so one woman sharpens another. August 2018, Issue 14 The Good News Issue CEO: Jesus Editor-in-Christ & Designer: Micayla Robertson Editorial Editor: Denise Dandridge Contributing Writers: Chriscynthia Calhoun Joanne Christian Denise Dandridge Ncediwe Mdlulwa Adebosoye Olagbegi Elsonia Swarts Melissa Volmink Interview Feature: Alexis Rogers
Section A Relationship
Don't Take The Good News For Granted | pg 6
Section B Growth
Which Seed Are You? | pg 8
Section C Death
Good Or Bad News? | pg 9
Section D The Gospel
The Gospel | pg 12
Section E Salvation
Wheel Of Salvation | pg 14
Section F Purpose
A Sharpening Session With: Alexis Rogers | pg 15
Section G Health
What Does It Mean To Be Truly Thankful? | pg 20
Section H Breaking News
God's News Is Good News | pg 22
The Lord gives the word, and a great army brings the good news. - Psalms 68:11 God promised this Good News long ago through his prophets in the holy Scriptures. - Romans 1:2
So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. - Romans 10:17
By: Adebosoye Olagbegi
Don't Take The Good News For Granted Can you imagine we were once called enemies of God? I grew up in church and I've been a Christian for as long as I can remember. But there was a time when man was separated from God and we couldn't experience the relationship with God we freely get to experience now. When I think about this, it makes me so grateful that God would send his only son to die for me. My relationship with God allows me to go through life with a supernatural covering. In situations where other people might give up, I can keep going because when my strength ends, God's strength can sustain me. I'm at peace during times it doesn’t make sense to be at peace and I honestly don't know how I would live my life without the Holy Spirit. His love is the most incredible thing I have ever experienced. I can’t imagine having to live separate from God and being called his enemy. But now, we are no longer enemies. God has called us into his presence and we are holy and blameless as we stand before him without a single fault. How awesome is that? I love the Good News that we are now considered friends of God. We are called into the presence of God and we get to experience intimacy with the Holy Spirit which once wasn't possible. God himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee he has given us his Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians. 5:5). The Holy spirit is always present and wants to communicate with us, but it's hard for us to hear from Him if we're not being intentional about spending time with Him. The Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life (John 3:6 NLT) and helps us in our weakness (Romans 8:26 NLT). We shouldn't take this special relationship for granted. There is so much power available to us through the Holy Spirit, but we can't connect to it if we don't have a relationship with God. Growing in our relationship with the Holy Spirit is also an opportunity for others to see God working in our lives.
For the Good News must first be preached to all nations. - Mark 13:10 NLT We should look for opportunities to spread the Good News of being reconciled with God. Everybody on earth needs to hear the Good News and it’s essential toward experiencing an amazing relationship with God on Earth, and spending eternity with Him in heaven. It's definitely easier to share the Good News with others if we have a personal relationship with God for ourselves, so don't take the Good News for granted. Don’t choose to be God’s enemy again when He has already called you his friend. Seek His friendship, experience an intimate relation with God for yourself, and share what is available to us through Christ with others.
And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. - Mark 16:15 NLT IRONWIFEY.COM | PAGE 7
WHICH SEED ARE YOU? By: Elsonia Swarts
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. - Genesis 1:1 KJV The book of Genesis gives an account of the beginning of all creation. We learn how God brought everything into being and how He spent six days creating the Heavens, Earth and everything in them and rested on the seventh day. Of all his creations, God took great pride in the creation of Man, making us in his own image (Gen 1:27) and after each day of creating, God admired his creations and found great satisfaction in all that He had made. "And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day." - Genesis 1:31 KJV Not only did God create human beings but he gave us something of utmost value: SEEDS. God instilled within each and every one of us a seed that we need to nurture and grow into fruit that will be beneficial to others. He planted the seed of the good news of Christ in our hearts, minds and souls. He provided us with the tools needed to water that seed, the fertilizer to grow in our faith and belief, and He desires to witness His seeds sprout into life giving fruit and produce a harvest of seed-bearing souls. The Good News of Christ needs to be understood and accepted by us as believers and shared with others. In Matthew 13:18-23 NLT, we are given an explanation about the farmer planting seeds. We all need to reflect and identify which seed we are from the parable. PAGE 8 | IRONWIFEY MAGAZINE
The seed that fell on the footpath represent those who hear the message about the Kingdom and don’t understand it. Then, the evil one comes and snatches away the seeds that are planted in their hearts.
The seed on the rocky soil represented those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long and they fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God’s word.
The seed that fell among the thorns represents those who hear God’s word, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth, so no fruit is produced.
The seed that fell on the good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s Word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty or even a hundred times as much as had been planted. From the ground we were planted and cultivated by God and our roots are naturally buried in Christ, but it’s our choice to decide if we will produce a harvest. With God being the farmer in the parable and we being his seeds, ask yourself: WHICH SEED ARE YOU?
In the past, it would take time to share information or hear about good or bad news. But in our technology world today, we seem to get news faster than we ever had. Earlier this year, my son’s friend since grade school was tragically killed. I remember being at the basketball game and receiving an alert on my phone that prompted me to check my inbox. Upon doing so, I learned of this tragedy and immediately felt numbness consume my body. The game was still in process and they were competing for the district championship. As I looked out in the crowd, I could visually see how the students’ faces went from cheering on a game; to running out in tears. The news spread like wildfire, but the players working to win the game still didn’t know. After winning the game and proceeding in the tournament, the principal, teachers and parents rallied around the team to share this devastating news. Their pure excitement from winning quickly diminished after finding out their classmate and friend was gone. We ended up spending the next couple of hours in the locker room comforting and consoling them.
The main question asked was, “Why did God allow this to happen?”
Everything in life has good news and bad news associated with it. The entire truth is generally found in a combination of both. Emphasizing one side to the exclusion of the other is not the whole truth, and the same is true of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this instance, God is able to bring good out of even the most senseless tragedy. What do I mean? Some people may live their lives never thinking about God or doing anything to prepare for the inevitable moment when you die and meet God. This tragedy caused me to have a very real, yet vulnerable and truthful conversation with my sons about our own need for God. The main question asked was, “Why did God allow this to happen?”, and too often this is the same question that runs through the minds of family and friends when tragedy occurs. If we allow God to speak for Himself, we can find answers in the pages of His Word. Hebrews 2:14 says “Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death —that is, the devil." ,.
AS IRON SHARPENS IRON, SO ONE WOMAN SHARPENS ANOTHER God shares in our pain from tragedy and felt it first hand with the sacrifice of Christ: The Good News. Until we know the bad news, we can’t truly appreciate the good news. In the New Testament “good news" is a Greek phrase that is translated as "the gospel". Jesus Christ is the light of the World, and through His light we can get through any dark time by knowing: God is not the creator of evil. Though suffering is not good, God can use it to accomplish good. The day is coming when suffering will cease and God will judge evil. Our suffering will pale in comparison to what God has in store for us as his followers. We decide whether to turn bitter or to turn to God for peace and strength.
Is death good or bad news?
When I think about what good news came out of such a tragedy, I can say it showed me as a Mother that the teaching of Jesus’ love reflects in my sons’ strength today as they move forward without their friend. They were both able to give remarks at his Mass of Christian burial and they shared stories about how their friend really impacted them and made them aware of the true friendship and brotherhood they had. They mentioned his favorite scripture Psalms 118:14 “The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation.” Now ask this question? Is death good or bad news? Because of Jesus’ death on the cross He quenched God’s wrath against sin and satisfied the sovereign demand for justice; and through His resurrection He is victorious over ALL sin and death. All of this is done on behalf of sinners in need of redemption and is offered to all who believe. I would consider this, VERY “good news"! Jesus’ life is good news, for his obedience to the Father and fulfillment of the law is for us. Jesus’ death is good news because his death was a payment for our sin, and by it we are cleansed from our guilt and released from condemnation. Jesus’ resurrection is good news because his victory over death is ours and through it we look forward to a resurrection of our own. The gospel “meaning Good News” changes any perspective of Bad News and through death, we gain a deeper appreciation for life. Rest on Gregory!
The amazing news of the Gospel Is not that we can receive Jesus into our lives But that He's already received us Into His In my own life, it means forgiveness When I know I deserved the fall It called me out of my darkness And carried me to the Cross In a moment, my eyes were opened In that moment, my heart was changed Like a blinding light, in the dead of night It's the Gospel… “The Gospel” by Ryan Stevenson”
We live in a time when everyone wants to hear good news, and will look far and wide to do so. Today, in a society where social media is very much a part of our lives, folks will troll the internet for hours seeking anything that will give them a good feeling; even if it is only for a moment in time. Then, they are off to the next “feel good” item. So, here is the good news, the gospel truth, Jesus Christ lives and He is Lord. This is the fundamental truth, that has fueled the fiery spirit of God in the hearts and minds of His people for over two thousand years. In an effort to bring “salt and light” to those I love, I have learned to send messages of grace, mercy, encouragement and the good news that Jesus loves us all. “Like cold water to a weary soul, so is good news from a distant land” - Proverbs 25:25 (NIV). It is clear, that the Bible or “The Gospels” are filled with stories, parables and historical events that prove beyond all doubt, that He is our omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient deliverer who cannot, and will not fail! It is indeed wonderful to know that He is always there, protecting and guiding us through any situation or circumstance as we go forth to declare His name and offer our testimonies.
THE GOSPEL By: Chriscynthia Calhoun
Like anything in life worth possessing, it takes time and determination to understand and formulate a relationship built on trusting the good news of the scriptures. For many of us, that special faith was formed when we were children, as our parents read from the Bible. They impressed upon us the importance of trusting God first, and then them, to take care of us and our needs. Jesus has always been a part of my childhood, and in times of trouble or uncertainty, I believed in His divine power to save and deliver those who hear and embrace His word.
Moreover, we go forth, understanding that this news of everlasting life and redemption must be declared throughout our neighborhoods and beyond. The scriptures give testimony to the fact that the prophets and disciples faced many of the challenges we encounter today, but continued to count it all joy to preach the gospel. “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation" – Mark 16:15 (ESV).
Therefore, I look forward to one day reaping the rewards of a life based on proclaiming Him as “the King of Kings.” Equally, as Christians, the especially good news is that we will surely be caught up to meet Him in the air. For, one glorious day, all this trouble, turmoil and strife will soon be over and we will take heart, as we are reminded of the soul-stirring words of the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Galatians, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” - Galatians 3:28 (NIV). Selah!
The Wheel of Salvation: Experience God's Love and Grace
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By: Ncediwe Mdlulwa
L o r d
Pr Fell ayer & o w s hi p Bel w ith i e v e rs
Through the good news, Salvation came into existence After listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation, I confirm that when you believe in Christ, he identifies you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago. -Ephesians 1:13
Through acceptance of the good news of Jesus Christ, God set's his Will/ (wheel) for our lives in motion and opportunities for participation in Christ shape our lifestyle
For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end. -Hebrews 3:14
As we seek God, he spins his wheel for our lives and we receive what we need in that season, according to His will! For God has plans not to harm us, but to prosper us. PAGE 14 | IRONWIFEY MAGAZINE
A sharpening session with
Alexis Rogers
Woman of God
This month ironwifey caught up with WLWT News 5 Reporter and Anchor, Alexis Rogers. Tune in to the Ironwifey Podcast for the full interview:
Q. Is News and Media something you always saw yourself doing, or something you fell into? A. I had a broadcast journalism program in high school and that's what prompted me to want to do it in college. A lot of people had a yearbook club or newspaper, but we had a full program where I anchored and executive produced the show. We even won awards from the National Association of Television and Sciences (N.A.T.A.S.) and it allowed us to be exposed to excellence in journalism. And honestly, I lived in a household where we sat and watched News as a family. Their thing was, you can’t grow up in a city or environment where you don’t know what’s going on. @AlexisWLWT @IAmAlexisRogers
Q. How do you cover bad news without allowing it to take a spiritual toll on you? A. I always tell people that I’m a woman of faith first. If you go into the news room and you ask anyone something about me, they’re going to tell you that I love God a whole lot. I wear God on my sleeves because it’s a part of who I am, and in the same token, having a heart for people is who I am. I had to be honest with myself about what I could and could not control and what He does; because without that I was putting unrealistic expectations on myself, so therefore it was putting unrealistic emotions inside of me as if I had any control over it in the first place. I think that you find power in being able to help people find their power. And there’s power in that. PAGE 16 | IRONWIFEY.COM
News Anchor Q. Do you believe you’re walking in your purpose? A. “Absolutely! So much so, that sometimes I’m out here fighting with God. I cannot count the amount of times, I have to ask God - “Really? For real God? Why do I have to do it? Why does that have to be my plight?”. I used to do a call and response with my mentorship girls where I ask them, “Who are you to do XYZ?”, and the girls would respond: “Who am I not to?” I would have this call and response with myself and say, “Who am I to be out here doing XYZ, or talking to XYZ?”, and I feel like I heard God clear as day say: “But who are you not to? Do you understand what I brought you through? Do you understand that wasn’t just for you? That was for somebody else. So who are you not to do that thing that I asked you to do.” Why do you think that God would put anything in you just to be there? I truly believe that we’re supposed to leave this world empty, so in order to do that, we have to empty ourselves. You can’t get to your destination if you don’t start walking. Q. How do you exercise your faith? A. I’m a believer of being an example as best as I can and attracting that energy. I try to be as genuine and authentic as possible, and that’s at my core.
I want to be in a space where I’m creating other leaders because I believe that’s what leadership is. Leaders create other leaders, and I don’t want any place that I am, to not be better after I left. -Alexis Rogers
Woman of God
News Anchor
Q. At what point in your spiritual journey did you get to the place where you were comfortable enough to be bold in Christ?
Q. How do you remain neutral in News?
A. I’d love to sit here and tell you that I’ve always had it like that, but I didn’t. I think there was a long time where I hid my adoration for God as I was hiding my purpose. I was literally running away from both. I started to measure myself based on the world’s expectations rather than His expectations and that was not very fulfilling.
A. We all have different perspectives and they’re all equally important. We have a job to do, and I have a duty to the public. Even the public that doesn’t like me, I still have a duty to them to be as fair as I can, and as responsible as I can. Sometimes you succeed and sometimes you don’t. There’s always a gray area, and it’s never black and white.
I think it honestly took my mom getting sick and passing because it was then that I went through my darkest season. I always loved God, but I never had a reason to be mad at him for real. I remember sitting in that hospital room waiting for the miracle to happen, expecting it happen, because I still needed her. And when that didn’t happen, it was like those moments in movies where there’s this deafening and earth shattering silence. . .and everything changed.. . That was my turning point. Q. What is one story you covered that truly brought you fulfillment? A. For a while, I had been trying to do an organ donation story and we were looking for a family that would be interested in documenting the process. One day, I get a call from a contact of mine that found a family interested. I didn’t know at the time that it was a young lady that was about to die after being involved in the Monroe-Teen Prom Crash. She made a decision, at the age of 15, that she wanted to be an organ donor; and before they could even have her funeral, I was at the hospital with the family doing something that the hospital, the family, and the donor center never thought would happen. We were able to follow her family’s journey, and we’re still following it. So much so, that the hospital said that they have never given anyone that much access. To see that we were able to capture their pain and joys, in the true human form, and educate people on how this girl saved 7-8 lives and touched more than 52 lives with her organ donations all from saying Yes, was very fulfilling. We have a backstage pass to life, and we cannot treat that access lightly.
Q. How do you Sharpen other women in Christ? A. By holistically, and relentlessly, and unapologetically, loving and supporting them. It all goes back to understanding the capacity of our friendships and understanding how to love, who to love and how to support. People talk a big game, but then they don’t show up. I believe I’m that friend, that colleague, and that supporter that will show up. And from me showing up, it will help you that much more and vice versa. I truly pour into people that I believe will pour into others.
Q. How do you see the Good News of Christ in your life? A. Well, I’m here. I see a lot of people getting out of this business, I see a lot of discouraged people, and everyday I see people beating the odds. I meant it when I said I have a backstage pass to life. I see God’s grace every single day. PAGE 18 | IRONWIFEY MAGAZINE
SECTION G - HEALTH By: Melissa Volmink Thankful. (n.d.). Retrieved August 15, 2018, from
n a world that is fast paced, we go through the day forgetting that we have so much to be thankful for. We’ve become so emerged in our own world that we forget to take a step back and truly focus on how far we’ve come, all the blessings we’ve received and how much we truly have to be thankful for. But how do we stop focusing on what we don’t have or on all the negative aspects of our lives and truly focus on just how blessed we are to even be alive? If you really think about it, the fact that you’re still here today, breathing and being able to impact others, is a blessing in itself.
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. -Psalms 107:8-9 PAGE 20 | IRONWIFEY.COM
The dictionary defines being thankful as being ‘happy or grateful because of something’ or ‘glad that something has happened or not happened, or that something or someone exists, etc. If I take a step back and look at my life and how things have turned out, I can truly say that I have so much to be thankful for. By this, I mean not just taking a glance, but truly looking and reflecting on how far I’ve come and all the things I’ve accomplished, as well as all the trials I’ve overcome. You see, so many things could have gone wrong and yet, God has kept me under his wings and he has been faithful through not only my triumphs, but through my trials and tribulations as well. It’s so amazing to think that we have a Father in heaven who is constantly watching over us. A Father who always has our best intentions in mind, even when we don’t understand what’s going on or when we feel as though we’re being ignored by God.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6-7
About 2 1/2 years ago I was diagnosed with a chronic illness. At that point in my life, I didn’t know how I was going to live with the illness and I saw it as a burden. I questioned whether I was being punished by God, but as I sit here today, I can genuinely say that even though at times I take so much for granted, I have so many things to be grateful for. The first occurred about 6 months after being diagnosed with the illness. I had gone for my regular blood test to see whether my medication had been doing its job and after receiving the results, the doctor informed me that even though the virus was still in my body, it was undetected, meaning that the machines were not able to pick it up. So basically, the virus wasn’t causing any damage and it wasn’t transmissible. Back then, I didn’t fully grasp just how blessed I was to have gone through something as life-changing as that, and witness a miracle only six months after having gone through it. This is an example of the kind of God we serve. You see, God lets you go through trials not to break you down, but as a means to let you grow through them. He never lets you go through something unless He knows that you are able to overcome it; and through it all, He is always walking right beside you to help you out along the way. So what does it mean to be truly thankful? Being thankful shouldn’t be about expressing gratitude just for the sake of being thankful and because it’s the polite or right thing to do. It should be about experiencing that overwhelming joy that makes you realize just how blessed you are to have a Father in heaven who provides for your every need and who is always there for you. (Even when you push Him aside and forget to give Him all the glory). Being thankful is that feeling of joy and satisfaction that you experience when you’re giving God all the praise and glory for all He has done and has yet to do. It’s also the immense feeling you experience when you take time to forget about what’s going on around you, and just fully open your heart to God in praise and worship. In that moment, it’s just you and God.
By: Denise Dandridge Growing up I can recall hearing the cliché, “No news is good news.” In fact, I was even guilty of repeating those same words as well. This proverbial phrase that was said to have originated with King James I of England (1616) stated: “No news is better than evil news.” Either version was intended to remove any angst or worry that an individual may be experiencing regarding someone or something. It was thought that “hearing nothing” was an indication that something having gone wrong or amiss was unlikely. Unfortunately, this mindset relied upon happenstance instead of putting one’s trust, faith and belief in our Heavenly Father who promised to never leave nor forsake us, and who’s love and protection were and always will be never failing.
/ No News is good News
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While no negative news can be relieving in an earthly sense, God’s news is not merely good news, it is absolutely, remarkable news. Just the thought of John 3:16 should make any person, especially a Christian, shout from the rooftops proclaiming the goodness of our Lord. The fact that Christ sacrificed himself for us and allowed us to receive God's grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit, should evoke feelings of exuberant joy For God so loved the world that He in every heart. God's promise, gave His only begotten Son, that that through our belief and whoever believes in Him should not obedience he would give us the perish but have everlasting life. keys to the Kingdom, is John 3:16 NKJV intended to elicit the desire to witness in each of us. PAGE 22 | IRONWIFEY MAGAZINE
“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19 ESV).
Or the conviction of John the Baptist, as he preached God's news preparing the way for the coming of the Kingdom (Matthew 3:3). God's good news, which is Christ, is a refuge from the mightiest storms of life and our belief in him ensures immeasurable peace and the promise of everlasting life.
The good news of Christ was not meant to be kept secret or silent, but as children of God it is our responsibility to trumpet God's word throughout the Earth. Mark 16:15 states, "Go into the world and The good news of God's love proclaim the gospel to the was affirmed by many whole creation". Luke 4:43 throughout the Bible because adds, "I must preach the it was strong enough to bind good news of the Kingdom the broken-hearted and of God to the other towns as provide comfort in times of well for I was sent for this sorrow. I cannot begin to purpose". imagine the joy that Mary Magdalene must have felt " And regardless of our when she saw the risen Christ circumstances, "we should and delivered the good news tell of God's word and always about his resurrection to the be ready in and out of disciples. season." (2 Timothy 4:2).
The test and trials that occur daily in each of our lives give way to some astounding testimonies. It presents the ideal platform and affords us a plethora of opportunities to lift up our Lord in praise, worship and thankfulness for his forgiveness, his covering, his protection, his grace, his mercy and his deliverance. The good news about our Heavenly Father that we render to others, can unknowingly be an essential life line for someone engulfed in sorrow or darkness. God's good news is redeeming and his word is beautiful. Whether you deliver it via radio, television, in print, or through personal presentation, the good news of Christ is and will forever be not just good news, but the best news anyone could ever receive.
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness and who publishes salvation. Who says to Zion your God reigns". -Isaiah 52:7 ES. ,. ,.
Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will come again. Â IRONWIFEY MAGAZINE | PAGE 23