Worship Directory

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Worship ECDF

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Index of Churches 2013 All Saints Lutheran Church, Wakefield ......................................................page 3 Apostolic Lutheran Church, Ironwood ......................................................page 4 Assembly of God, Ironwood ........................................................................page 5 Calvary Baptist Church, Wakefield.............................................................page 6 Christ Community Church of Seventh-Day Adventist, Bessemer .........page 7 Christ Lutheran Parish, Ironwood ..............................................................page 9 Church of the Transfiguration – Episcopal, Ironwood ..........................page 10 Cornerstone Church, Ramsay ...................................................................page 11 Faith Lutheran Church, Mercer.................................................................page 12 Good Shepherd Community Apostolic Lutheran Church, Hurley ......page 13 Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Wakefield ...........................page 14 Immanuel Lutheran Church, Ironwood...................................................page 15 Living Hope Church, Winchester..............................................................page 16 Living Water Missionary Assembly, Ironwood .......................................page 17 Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Bessemer ...........................................page 18 Range Community Bible Church, Hurley................................................page 19 Saint Ann’s Catholic Church, Saxon .........................................................page 20 St. Catherine Catholic Church, Marenisco ..............................................page 21 St. Mary of the Seven Dolars, Hurley .......................................................page 22 Saint Paul Lutheran Church, Hurley.........................................................page 23 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church-ELCA, Mass City .........................................page 24 St. Sebastian Catholic Church, Bessemer.................................................page 25 Sharon Lutheran Church-ELCA, Bessemer.............................................page 26 Trinity Lutheran Church, Bergland ..........................................................page 27 Wesley United Methodist Church, Ironwood .........................................page 28 White Pine Community United Methodist Church, White Pine .........page 29 Woodland Church, Ironwood ...................................................................page 30

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All Saints Lutheran Church 1202 Putnam Blvd. Wakefield, MI 49968 906-224-8421 E-mail: aslcwake@gmail.com Pastor: Rev. Bill Jacobson

Worship Services Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Sunday: 10:15 a.m. Fellowship: 11:15 a.m. Communion: Every Sunday Bible Study: Sunday 9:00 a.m. All Saints Lutheran Church is a gathering of God’s people with a history of being a community within and for the community in which it serves. Formed in the uniting of the congregations of Immanuel Lutheran Church and First Lutheran Church in 1980, All Saints is a diverse community of faith with ties to the Swedish and Finnish heritage of the past. Known by many to be a welcoming community, the mission statement of All Saints Lutheran Church is, “A Christ-centered congregation with a heart of acceptance”. Having made a commitment to being a place of healing and reconciliation, All Saints Lutheran Church continues to welcome any that desire to be a part of our community of faith. Our worship style is traditional and lively as we gather to praise God and to seek God’s will. We are open to new ministries that challenge us and help others to see Jesus through our work together. You are invited to join us for worship or study at any time.

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Apostolic Lutheran Church 326 West Aurora St. Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-3465 www.alcironwood.org Pastor: Bruce Estola

Worship Services Echoes of Mercy Radio Broadcast: Sunday 7:00 a.m. on AM 590 Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Adult Class: 10:00 a.m. Sunday: 10:45 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study: Thursday 1:00 p.m. Youth Group: Thursday (every other week) 8:00 p.m. Communion: First Sunday of the Month Community Night Meal: Last Saturday of every month 5:00 p.m. Mission: To fulfill the great commission that Jesus gave. To preach repentance and remission of sins. We believe in the triune God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, which brings faith to man so that he can be saved. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who became flesh to redeem mankind. There is salvation in no other, for there is no other name that can save. We preach and teach from the King James Bible, which we believe to be an accurate translation from the original languages. We believe that man is saved by grace, through faith, which is a free gift from God, and that God calls us to lead holy lives, for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. The Apostolic Lutheran Church of Ironwood is part of an international federation of congregations (www.apostoliclutheran.org). It has its roots in Scandinavia and came to America with the immigrants in the late 1800’s. The congregation met in homes until building a church on Sutherland Street which was occupied until 1981. We purchased and renovated our current building, the former National T store on Aurora Street. This building was dedicated on July 19, 1981 and has undergone exterior renovation in the last 10 years.

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Ironwood Assembly of God 2100 E. Cloverland Drive Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-1575

Pastor: Rev. Mark Ortman

Worship Services Sunday Morning Worship: 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, Mid-Week Service: 6:30 p.m. The mission statement of Ironwood Assembly of God is to “reach, love and grow people for the Kingdom of God” and has been its focus since the Church began in early 1930. The mission statement of the Church continues to be its focus and is being fulfilled through missions, fellowship and the preaching of the Word of God. Ironwood Assembly began in a tent on the corner of Ayer and Lake where revival services went on for 2 years with an itinerant evangelist. After meeting in that tent for 2 years, the new, fledging Church moved to South Suffolk Street, and rented a modest upstairs hall. With growth came a need for more space, and the congregation moved to a downstairs hall on Suffolk Street. In 1936, the Church officially incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan, and affiliated with the Wisconsin Northern Michigan District of the Assemblies of God. At that time, the congregation built a new sanctuary with the pastor’s residence attached on the corner of Greenbush and Harding. Sensing the need for a bigger building due to growth, in the fall of 1951, the Church purchased the Swedish Methodist Church on the corner of McLeod Avenue and Curry Street and the building on Greenbush and Harding was sold. There were a number of pastors that served the congregation, but in January 2000, Rev. Mark Ortman was voted in as pastor and began serving as pastor in March 2000. Rev. Ortman and his wife, Ruth, have served the Church since that time. The Church moved to its present location in 1998 and 13 years later, in 2010, the debt was retired. The congregation gives all the credit to God for His faithfulness in helping them eliminate that debt. Early in 2013, the Church sponsored 2 young adults for a missions trip to Uganda, Africa. Several people from the Church have answered to call to full time ministry and are serving the Lord in various places around the world. Ironwood Assembly is a traditional Pentecostal Church that is sensitive to the Holy Spirit, exalts Jesus Christ, and desires to honor God in all they do. You are invited to join us for a service or call the Church office for more information.

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Calvary Baptist Church 1201 Peters Street Wakefield, MI 49968 Church phone: (906) 229-5207 www.baptistwakefield.org Email: pastor@baptistwakefield.org Pastor: Michael Riley

Worship Services Sunday School: 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Afternoon/Evening Service: 1:30 p.m. (Nov-Apr), 6:00 p.m. (May-Oct) Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. Our core commitment is that the church is not our invention; the church belongs to Jesus Christ, and his Word, the Bible, is our authority. For that reason, we seek to submit to Scripture in every aspect of church life. Our agenda is not set by our preferences, but by the Word of God. Because we believe that the Bible is the authority for the church, our services are characterized by thorough teaching from Scripture. Our goal in each sermon is to take the biblical text and explain what it means, in context, and how that applies to us. We also make much of theology: because we believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, we are convinced that there is value in seeking to understand how it all fits together. But the goal of Bible study is not academic: the first and greatest commandment is to love God with our whole beings, and the second is to love our neighbors as ourselves. We believe that the Bible reveals God’s plan of redemption: that God’s standard is perfect holiness, that we all sin and fall short of his requirement, and that Jesus Christ has met that standard in our place, taking the punishment that we deserve and offering to us his righteousness, to be received by faith. This gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, is the most important message of our church. Our goal is to proclaim this good news so that people are converted to Christ. Then, we work to help Christians grow in spiritual maturity, in their knowledge of Scripture, so that they too are equipped to do the work of ministry, so that the whole church is involved in building one another up in Christ. We seek to grow in love for God, exalting him in worship that is reverent, so that we learn to prize his kindness and his majesty. We believe that the church is central to God’s work in the world today, and that being part of the church is not merely optional for people who believe Jesus. In the church, we find encouragement to continue in love and good works, accountability, and a community in which we can show the love of Christ to one another. Ephesians 3:21: “To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

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Christ Community Church of Seventh-Day Adventist 507 Cinnebar Street, Bessemer, MI 49911 906-663-6959 Pastor 906-224-1801 bessemerchristcommunity22.adventistchurchconnect.org E-mail: rholmes@misda.org

Church Staff and Officers: Pastors: Dr. C. Raymond Holmes, Pastor Elder Gordon Frase (906-932-2479) Head Elder: Joseph Hellman Head Deacon: Nathan Stone Head Deaconess: Winona Hollenbeck Treasurer: Shar Buck Church Clerk: Connie Cvengros Sabbath School Superintendent: Merrie Beth Hellman Personal Ministries: Winona Hollenbeck

Worship Services Sabbath School: Saturday, 9:30 a.m. Saturday Worship - 11:00 a.m. Midweek Prayer Service - Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.

Bluff View Christian School K-8th Grade 507 Cinnebar St., Bessemer, MI 49911 • 906-667-0939 bluffviewchristianschool.com Principle/Teacher: Merrie Beth Hellman Mission: Christ Community Church is a Seventh-day Adventist congregation confessing Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world and the Lord of life. It seeks in its proclamation and witness to help individuals know Christ as personal Savior, become like Christ in attitude and character, and prepare for the triumphant return of Christ to earth upon the completion of His heavenly ministry as High Priest. Christ Community Church is “Church” in the biblical sense of the word. “Church,” derived from the Greek term ecclesia, means the “called out ones,” the spiritual fellowship of the family of God created by the Holy Spirit who testifies of the mighty acts of God recorded in the Bible. In response the Church gathers for worship and study on the seventh-day Sabbath -- Saturday, the biblical “Lord’s Day” -- to praise Him for His acts of creation and redemption, and the members are empowered for mission and ministry. Wherever the Holy Spirit unites those who “obey God’s commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus” (Rev. 12:17), there is the Church.

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The history behind Communion hosts Young Christians further solidify their relationships with God and the church by receiving their first Holy Communion, also known as Holy Eucharist. Many Christian denominations classify receiving Eucharist as a sacrament. Some Protestants prefer to call it an ordinance. In order to receive the Eucharist during regular mass, many Christians must first receive it as part of a special ceremony. Catholics typically receive First Holy Communion when they are eight years old or when the child is in the second grade. The youngster must have already been baptized into the church, and it is usually required that he or she has confessed his or her sins through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Communion during standard mass is an important component of the religious celebration. It marks the time during Jesus' Last Supper, when he broke bread and shared wine with his disciples, offering his body as a sacrifice for their sins. The word "host," which is given to the Communion wafer or other forms of bread, is derived from the Latin hostia, which means "sacrificial victim." Catholics believe that when the priest prays over the bread and

the wine, the bread and wine then becomes the body and blood of Christ. Many other Christians believe it is a symbol of Christ's selfless act. Several religions use wine and bread in some fashion during mass. According to Catholic canon law, during Roman Catholic masses the communion host must be made from unadulterated wheat flour and water only to form an unleavened bread. The wine must be produced from fermented grapes. After Vatican II in the mid-1960s, the Church allowed the use of a darker, thicker host that tasted more like bread. In certain instances, a lowgluten host can be used to accommodate communicants with celiac disease, which is exacerbated by consumption of wheat protein. Orthodox religions as well as various sects of Christianity may use anything from leavened bread to soda crackers to matzo for their communion bread. In many cases, the hosts are made by orders of nuns as a means of supporting their religious communities. Hosts are made so that they will not spoil and can be sent to churches around the world. In the early days of production, wheat dough


was rolled out and cooked between two heated iron molds, similar to a waffle iron. The communion wafers were made in small batches. Today, even operations controlled by nuns use hightech equipment to produce the number of communion wafers required to be shipped. One of the first groups of sisters to produce Communion hosts was the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, Miss., near Kansas City. Their monastery, which is still in operation today, has become the nation's largest religious producer of altar bread, serving parishes in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Australia. The Cavanagh Company, which is based in Smithfield, R.I., is another major producer of religious hosts. The family-run business estimates it serves 80percent of the United States and Canadian market. Many of the hosts are sold wholesale to religious supply centers, which then resell them to local parishes. The Eucharistic host remains an important component of Christian religious celebrations. Many people are unaware of just how significant the Communion host is to practicing Christians across the globe.

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Christ Lutheran Parish 333 E. Aurora St., Ironwood, Michigan We are a partnership of four Evangelical Lutheran Churches in America (ELCA) congregations www.christ-elca-ironwood.com Find us on Facebook.

Salem Lutheran Church

Zion Lutheran Church

333 E. Aurora Street Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m. (906) 932-1510

100 W. Midland Street Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m. (906) 932-1320

St. John’s Lutheran

St. Paul Lutheran Church

E5071 Airport Road Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. (2nd and 4th Sundays)

111 S. Curry Street Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. (906) 932-0601

Christ Lutheran Parish Praise Worship: Saturday 5:00 p.m. Hosted by Zion Lutheran Church 100 W. Midland Street, Ironwood, MI 49938 Pastor: Mary Beth Kovanen Pastor: Kurt Kovanen On the 3rd Sunday of the month, all four congregations come together for one worship service. The location rotates among the different churches. Please call the Parish office at (906) 932-1510 for information concerning the 3rd Sunday joint parish worship schedule. Salem, St. John’s, St. Paul and Zion each live out the story of Jesus in a particular way, seeking to follow God’s call with joy and thanksgiving. Faith and Fellowship for Youth is offered through an after school Wednesday “Kid’s Club” and confirmation ministry held at Salem Lutheran Church, 333 E. Aurora St. (Sept.-May) from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.

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Church of the Transfiguration - Episcopal 336 East Aurora Street Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-4395 Pastors: Rev. Manuel Padilla - regional missioner Rev. Gil Kangas Rev. Geri Sola

Worship Services Sundays: 10:00 a.m. Fellowship: Following Sunday Service Bible Study: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 1:30 p.m. In the fall of 1888, seven years after Al Norrie sank the first mine shaft in Gogebic County and one year before Ironwood was incorporated, some women of Ironwood formed The Episcopal Ladies Society. In the spring of 1889 the Mission of St. Paul was organized and services were held in rented rooms. A rector was called and plans made to secure a building. Two lots on the corner of Aurora and Marquette Streets were purchased and a building moved to the site. On Easter Day 1890 members attended the first service in the new St. Paul’s Mission. Mr. Al Norrie promised the Episcopal Ladies Society a donation of $1,000 towards the building of a stone church and a fund drive began. All materials and labor for the building were secured locally with trap rock quarried north of Ironwood and wood from The Montreal Lumber Company. On July 7, 1896 the cornerstone was laid and the following year the building was completed at a cost of $8,000. At the service of consecration the name was changed to The Church of the Transfiguration. Through the years many changes have improved the church property which include an electric pipe organ 1925, a memorial rose window in stained glass in 1937, as well as other stained glass windows. The young church was included in the missionary jurisdiction of The Diocese of Northern Michigan which was constituted in 1892. We follow a Mutual Ministry set forth by the diocese in which the members of Transfiguration in 1995 went through a process of selection and called a group from the membership to go through a 3 year training by our regional missioner and the Diocese. At the end of that training the group called from itself 2 priests, 2 deacons, 2 lay readers as well as other support roles. It is a ministry of the people, by the people. This ministry support was commissioned and the priests ordained on May 31, 1998 by Bishop Thomas Ray of the Diocese of Northern Michigan. Our Regional Missioner, who travels the extreme Western Upper Peninsula, rotates visits with 7 congregations and leads bible study at Transfiguration twice a month on the second and forth Thursdays at 1:30. Communion Services are offered at least twice a month alternating with morning prayer.

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Cornerstone Church

N10344 Mill Street, Ramsay, MI 49911 We are located between Bessemer and Wakefield. Turn at the flashing light and go south 1 mile to downtown Ramsay. 906-663-4700 www.c-stonechurch.com E-mail: cornerstone@c-stonechurch.com Find us on the Radio! Sunday Mornings: 7:30 a.m. on WUPY 101.1 FM (Ontonagon station) and 8:00 a.m. on WCQM 98.3 (Park Falls)

Worship Services Saturday: 6:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Family Night: 6:00 p.m. (Free, home-cooked, sit-down dinner every Wednesday night!) Mission: At Cornerstone, our goals are to love God, love people, and serve the world. We are a Non-Denominational, Family, Christian, Training, Praying and Counseling Church. With a strong emphasis on prayer, we endeavor to follow the Spirit’s leading in all that we do. Not only are we focused on being obedient to the Lord, but we are having fun doing it! Here are some of the ways we're ministering: • Camp Cornerstone, now going on its 17th year! • Outreach events with our newly-formed women’s ministry, "SOUL Sisters" • Wednesday Family Nights (starting at 6pm with a free, home-cooked, sit-down meal, followed by various ministries: Explorers (ages 4-6 & 7-12), YOUTH (ages 13-18) & Adult Bible Study (ages 19-109) • Praise in the Park worship events • 4th of July popsicle ministry • “Around the Clock” prayer gatherings and citywide prayer walks We love supporting our missionaries, as well as going on mission trips to Honduras, and to other places around the world. Between our various Bible Studies, prayer groups, and of course our weekend gatherings, we are having an absolute blast loving God, loving people, and serving the world! Our worship is a mix of contemporary and traditional music that ALWAYS exalts Jesus; and our fellowship is constantly growing both in number and in quality. We believe the Word of God is paramount, and we acknowledge that prayer is absolutely essential- the very foundation upon which every ministry is firmly planted. If you come to Cornerstone, dress casually, and be prepared to be welcomed with open arms by a group of people who believe that God can do anything! We’ll see you at Church!

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Faith Lutheran Church

2701W Kichak’s Landing Road Mercer, WI 54547 Phone numbers: Office 715-476-2626 Pastor 906-932-0389 E-mail: faithlutheranchurch@centurylink.net Pastor: Deacon Larry Oehlerking

Worship Services Sunday worship: 9:00 a.m. Fellowship immediately following the service Communion 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of each month Bible Study: Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mission: Our mission is to fish for souls in the Mercer area, reel them in to the family of faith, and release them to spread the word of Jesus Christ. The Lutherans of Mercer met in houses and community buildings from 1910 to 1927. In 1921, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod sent a missionary to Mercer and the congregation became affiliated with the Wisconsin Synod. In 1937, they incorporated to form Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. In 1966, a portion of the membership decided to form a new congregation under the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and in 1967, the name of their new church became Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church. The dedication of our current building was in 1970. The building became handicap accessible with the addition of the fellowship hall in 1997. The church bell was acquired in 1942 from the old Winchester school and was moved to a tall wooden bell tower when the new church was built. Due to safety concerns, that tower was torn down in 2010. We celebrated the ringing of the bell once again in 2013 at the dedication of our new bell tower. Some of Faith Lutheran Church's activities include lending support to the Mercer Food Pantry, mission outreach to the Orphan Grain Train and to the New Beginnings Pregnancy Services. An enthusiastic women's group meets the first Monday of the month at 1 pm. There are special services held during Advent. On Christmas Eve, we hold a beautiful candlelight service. We hold Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services, and our Easter celebration is traditionally followed by Easter breakfast. We love potlucks! Please be sure to call our church office at 715-476-2626 for all special service times; we would love to have you join us. Visitors are always welcome. Please come, we'd like to meet you!

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Good Shepherd Community Apostolic Lutheran Center Drive Hurley, WI 54534 Office: 715-561-2773 Pastor: 906-932-2481 Pastor: Rev. Norman Kangas

Worship Services Sundays: 10:30 a.m. Communion: 1st Sunday Monthly Bible Study: 10:00 a.m. Sunday Contact persons: Steve Estola 715-562-0227 Marvin LaGrew 906-458-5004 Good Shepherd is a church that shares a message of hope in Jesus Christ. Positive change begins with a personal relationship with Him. As individuals we would experience forgiveness through His death on the cross, be changed, and transformed into a new life in Him. This relationship with Jesus Christ is able to affect our thoughts and actions. We encourage people to continue in this life in Christ by studying the Word of God and applying it to their lives. We believe that for a church to affect society, it must be made up of individuals and families that are passionate about growing and learning the ways of the Lord through His Word. We encourage men and fathers to rise up and assume their God given responsibilities as men and as leaders of their homes. The message of John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.�

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Immaculate Conception Catholic Church In Celebration of 100 Years of Faith September 1, 1913 – September 1, 2013 407 Ascherman, Wakefield, MI 49968 Tri-Parish Office: 906-667-0952 Pastor: Fr. Ben Hasse

Weekend Mass: Saturday: 6:00 p.m. Sunday: 10:30 a.m.

Welcome to our Catholic Community! Our Catholic Church offers many opportunities to grow in the Catholic faith!

Confessions: • Daily by appointment • Monday: during Holy Hour, 7-8 p.m. • Saturday: 2:30 p.m.

Eucharistic Holy Hours: • Monday:

Mass 6:15 p.m. Holy Hour 7-8 p.m.

Services to our Catholic Community • Marriage preparation or Blessings • Annulments • Baptisms • Funeral Services Visitations: • Homebound • Nursing Home • Hospital

Religious Education Classes Wednesday: K-8 grade 3:30-5:00 p.m. Adult Education: Catholic enrichment programs are offered throughout the year.

Father Daniel Hall: • Event rental space available • Winter Walking - October 14-April Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Fundraising Activities: Dinners, Luncheons & Funday Bingo - are offered throughout the winter months. Everyone is welcome to attend! Please visit: Fr. Ben’s Blog: snowshoetracks.blogspot.com Diocese of Marquette Website: www.dioceseofmarquette.org

For more information please contact the Tri-Parish office at 906-667-0952

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Immanuel Lutheran Church “The Little Church by the Big Lake” E1898 Brace Road – Little Girl’s Point Ironwood, MI 49938 Office: 906-932-6320 Pastor: 906-932-0389 Deacon: Larry Oehlerking

Worship Services Saturday: 5:00 p.m. with Bible Study at 4:00 p.m. The Christian religion was brought to Little Girl’s Point by the earliest settlers, Sunday services were held in the homes. In 1938, the Lake School teacher and some of the other young adults of the area began a Sunday School at the school house. In 1946, an adult class was formed. Following the adult confirmation in June, the first communion service was held. Later that year, a meeting was held for the purpose of forming a congregation. The name of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church was adopted, and this was the beginning of our affiliation with the Missouri Synod. There were twelve voting members. God has provided for this congregation for over 67 years, we give Him praise and thanks for all His mercy and goodness. His is the Glory Forever and Ever, and we have faith that He will continue to bless His people at Immanuel and in this community in the coming years.

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Living Hope Church

1010 County Road O Winchester, WI 54557 715-686-7650 livinghopesermons.com E-mail: livinghope4@centurytel.net, jbnuce@gmail.com Pastors: Richard Krenz, John Nuce

Worship Services Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Thursday Bible Studies: 7:00 p.m. Communion: Last Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Mission: We are a Christ-centered, Bible preaching church whose purpose is to encourage and equip the saints to take the saving message of Jesus Christ to our community and to our world. In 1993 the Lord established Living Hope Church in Winchester, WI, first as a Bible study on Sunday evenings, developing soon after into a rejoicing fellowship of believers. Pastor Richard Krenz was the founding Pastor and continues to faithfully preach God’s Word. In recent years he has been joined by Pastor John Nuce, who shares in the privilege of teaching and preaching. Living Hope Church believes in what the Apostle Paul called the simplicity of Christ. The Name of our faith is Jesus Christ, and it is our desire to exalt, worship and praise Him first and foremost. It is the saving truth that God gave His Son, Jesus, to become a man and dwell with us here on this earth, to die in our place for our sins, and to rise again the third day; every man must hear and believe this truth to be saved and secure in Christ forever. We focus on this simple message as we work line by line, verse by verse, book by book through the Bible on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings. Our worship services consist of singing hymns and choruses that exalt and praise our Savior, followed by the preaching of God’s Word. Our midweek Bible studies are on Thursday nights at 7:00. In these informal studies, we take a book of the Bible and study together verse by verse, striving to observe what God says, trust and believe Him, and apply these truths in our lives for His glory. Our sermons are available at livinghopesermons.com free of charge for your edification. We invite you to join us on Sunday mornings for worship at 9:30 a.m. at the corner of Highway O and W in Winchester, WI.

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Living Water Missionary Assembly 236 S. Mansfield St. Ironwood, MI 49911 906-932-5538 www.lwmissionary.org

Over 35 Years of Faithful Service Pastor: Rev. Gary Grabow Children/Youth Pastor: Leo Arnestad

Worship Services Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sundays: 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Summer - May 9:30 a.m. Mid week: Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Living Water Missionary Assembly is leading people into a dynamic relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are a church with biblical balance and a church with a vision and a mission (Mark 16:15-20) – To build people committed to Old and New Testament Biblical principles of church life and kingdom values, who are knit together through dynamic prayer, worship and relationships. Our Goal in Serving: Teaching – What the Bible says, what it means and how it applies to life. Reaching – Beyond ourselves to impact our communities and the world with the Word of God. Providing – Quality Bible-based resources and services. Involving – People personally and financially in God’s work. Honoring – God through excellence and integrity in lifestyle and ministry operations.

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Our Redeemer Lutheran Church E8223 Sanders Road Bessemer, MI 49911 906-663-4318 Pastor E-mail: GogebicShepherd@Charter.net Pastor: Rev. Timothy J. Steckling

Worship Services Sundays: 10:15 a.m. Holy Communion being celebrated on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays of the month. Fellowship Meal follows all Sunday Services (except during July and August) Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. from September thru May Midweek Services (offered During Advent and Lent): Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Weekly Bible Studies: Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. (except during Advent and Lent) and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. It was October 17, 1971, that Trinity Lutheran Church of Bessemer, and Bethany Lutheran Church of Wakefield, became Our Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church. Our combined family has been worshiping in the current building since its dedication in 1974. As the center of focus in our sanctuary, a simple cross of wood reminds us of the humble service our Lord has rendered — dying to make us His own. Worship is central to our life as a family of God. Fellowship is also a very important part of the life of our congregation. We enjoy visiting over a cup of coffee or a meal. A Daycare and Learning Center was established in 2003, and operates Monday to Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Enjoy quilting? We have a quilter's group that meets each Wednesday. As a member of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, our congregation holds to the Holy Scriptures as the inspired Word of God, the only rule and norm of our faith and life; and to the Lutheran Confessions as the true exposition of that Word. We are a liturgical church, enjoy singing the hymns of the faith from the Lutheran Service Book, and observe the historic festivals of the church year. Join us for worship; pull up a chair for lunch after the service; give thanks to God with us for the gifts He gives us in Jesus Christ our Lord!

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Range Community Bible Church Disciples making Disciples of Jesus! 610 Hwy. 51 S. Hurley, WI 54534 715-561-4355 www.rangebible.org Email: contactrcbc@rangebible.org Staff: Neal Schroeter, Senior Pastor Gerald Deppa, Administrative/Pastor of Care Danial Borth, Associate Pastor of Family Ministries Tyler Salvey, Associate Pastor of Discipleship Ministries Diane Filz, Administrative Assistant

Worship Services Sunday: 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sunday sermons & schedules – www.rangebible.org The goal at the RCBC is to become followers of Jesus & help others follow Jesus. This all begins by trusting in Him as Savior with a life-changing, personal relationship with the living God through faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus lovingly died so that our sin can be forgiven. He rose from the dead to prove He conquered death. Anyone can now become a child of God and live with Him forever by trusting in Jesus’ sacrifice for sin. Jesus lovingly invites everyone to trust & follow Him! Life as a follower of Jesus is a life of ongoing growth and development. Such growth is only possible through prayer, Bible Study, fellowship with other disciples & worship, as provided in the local church. As we grow in love for God, we live to serve Him, & help others to know the blessings of a relationship with Jesus. This September, will mark the 25th year for the RCBC. The church held its first Sunday morning service on 9/25/1988 in the Iron County Courthouse. It formed through the efforts of a home Bible Study held at the home of Doctors Neal & LeaAnn Schroeter. Worship services on Sunday mornings are at 9:00 & 10:30. There are children’s ministries & smaller Life Groups that meet during these times, as well as nursery for younger children. Small group Bible studies meet in various locations throughout the week. AWANA club for children & teen groups meet at the church on Wednesday nights. Further details, Sunday sermons & schedules can be found at www.rangebible.org

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Saint Ann’s Catholic Church 14233 N Church St., P.O. Box 100 Saxon, WI 54559 Office Phone 715-893-2236 *messages only

Pastor: Father Frank Kordek, OFM Contact at: St. Mary’s Rectory in Hurley at 715-561-2606 Volunteer Staff Members Religious Education Coordinator: Monica Kolpin Bulletin Secretaries: Deb Swartz & Bobby Massoglia Public Relations: Deb Swartz

Worship Services Sunday Mass: 8:45 a.m. / Holy Days - times scheduled throughout the year Mission: St. Ann’s Parish of Saxon is a Catholic faith community that makes the Eucharist the primary celebration of our unity in Christ. We are committed to nourishing spiritual needs and to responding with our gifts to Jesus’ call to stewardship both locally and in our world. St. Ann’s Parish was founded in 1886 in Saxon, Wisconsin, where a log school house served as the home to a founding congregation. In 1908 the current church was constructed to house a growing membership, at the highest location in the Town of Saxon, where it stands today. The church’s location is a key to its welcoming, soaring bell tower, inviting all to join who may be passing through or looking for a church home. The 1950’s ranch style home, which stands next to the church, served as the Rectory and home for many priests through the years, until the parish was clustered together with other parishes. The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carandolet then took up residence to provide service to the parish and local community. The former Rectory/Convent has now become the Parish Office and newly refurbished Parish Activity Center. The new Activity Center serves as a meeting place for an active St. Ann’s Service Club, the Catholic Christian Doctrine (CCD) Center for the youth of our parish, and the Parish Religious Library. The pride in maintaining the 100 year old church building continues with the restoration of the beautiful stained glass windows, and the continuation of upgrading the church structure itself. Recently St. Ann’s parishioners distinguished themselves by reaching 100% of its monetary goal for the Superior Diocese in its “Faith in Our Future” Campaign; to provide funding for support of our local parish needs, an endowment fund for medical expenses of retired priests, and the education of seminarians. St. Ann’s Service Club sponsors an Annual Fall Festival each September. Funds raised are used to benefit local community groups and individuals in need of assistance. Through the generosity of local businesses, parish members, and Fall Festival attendees, we are able to donate to several charities; locally, regionally, and around the world. St. Ann’s Parish holds a monthly Family Day Mass, with the youth involved in the ministries of the Mass. A coffee social brunch is also served once per month, usually following the Family Day Mass on the last Sunday of each month. We invite you to join us for Sunday morning Mass at 8:45 a.m. All are welcome, in this place; St. Ann’s Parish, Saxon, Wisconsin.

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St. Catherine Catholic Church 407 Main St. Marenisco, MI 49947 Tri-Parish Office: 906-667-0952

Pastor: Fr. Ben Hasse Resident Priest: Fr. Raymond Moncher

Sunday Mass: 8:00 a.m.

Welcome to our Catholic Community! Our Catholic Church offers many opportunities to grow in the Catholic faith!

Confessions: • Sunday before Mass

Religious Education Classes Student, Youth, Adult and College programs are offered through:

Services to our Catholic Community Contact: Tri-Parish office at 906-667-0952 • Marriage preparation or Blessings • Annulments • Baptisms • Funeral Services Visitations: • Homebound • Nursing Home • Hospital Prison Ministry: • Ojibway Correction Facility

Immaculate Conception, Wakefield & St. Sebastian, Bessemer Please visit: Fr. Ben’s Blog: snowshoetracks.blogspot.com Diocese of Marquette Website: www.dioceseofmarquette.org For more information please contact the Tri-Parish office at 906-667-0952

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St. Mary of the Seven Dolors 404 Iron Street Hurley, Wi 54534 715-561-2606 www.stmaryshurley.org E-mail: stmary7dolors@gmail.com

Pastor: Father Frank Kordek O.F.M.

Worship Services Weekday:


Monday – Communion Service 8:00 a.m. Tuesday – Mass 5:30 p.m. Wednesday – Thursday – Friday Mass 8:00 a.m. Saturday – Vigil Mass 4:00 p.m. Sunday – Mass 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

In the booming, brawling Hurley area community of 1885 and 1886, the missionary priest Fr. Chrysostom was the first visiting presence of the Catholic Church. In 1887 Father Gilbert Nuono gave the fledgling St. Mary’s parish its firm footing over the next 18 years. In 1891 St. Mary’s school opened to 120 students and served the Hurley community for nearly 100 years. In 1905 the new Diocese of Superior was formed and one of the first requests that came to the new bishop was from Fr. Nuono to build a new church for St. Mary’s. The church with the cornerstone was laid in 1906 and wasn’t finished until 1908. With the mines and the bustling lumber industry, Hurley had seen its heyday. With the decline of these economies, the Hurley area had become more dependent upon smaller industries, winter recreation and a service economy. St. Mary’s has shared in the communities lessening population as it falls in number while increasing in age. St. Mary’s church faces the same challenges and opportunities as the rest of the churches of the Diocese of Superior and of the United States. The shortage of priests has made us look directly at the need for consolidation and co-operation with other parishes. The church is actively recruiting and training parishioners to assume roles of leadership and ministry in our parish. Whatever direction of the Spirit leads us, we can be thankful for the faith and the efforts of those who have made St. Mary’s into what it is to-day. St. Mary’s 300 plus members church has several involved organizations and ministries. They have a group of dedicated lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers and several lay ministers. They have an active communion distribution group for shut-ins and they provide many other ministries. They have an active music ministry, which is led by Jody DeCarlo-Schneider, Choir Director. The Religious Education Department is headed by Julie Pecotte. They also have an active Prayer Shawl Ministry headed by Donna Putzer.

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Saint Paul Lutheran Church 309 2nd Ave. N Hurley, WI 54534 715-561-3242

Pastor: Bobby Oberg

Worship Services Sunday School: Pre-K–8 9:30 a.m. (fall-spring) Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m. Communion: 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month Bible Study: 2nd and 4th Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. What is it you need?… Jesus forgives all who need. We, St. Paul Lutheran, have our needs filled by Jesus. We thankfully reach out to all who share a deep spiritual need for forgiveness and a new life. Jesus not only heals, he helps and promises to take direct interest in each and every soul. Jesus is someone we share. If you care to listen God speaks to all when Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life.”(Jn 11:25) His perfect life replaces our less than perfect lives. His death removes the guilt that we have built. Jesus’ resurrection renews every weak and wilting soul. Eternal life is free in Jesus’ name! We pride ourselves with personal attention. You are not a number… you have a name that God knows by heart. Please visit our Facebook page for up-to-date service times and seasonal specials. We are located at the southwest corner of Hwy 51 and Poplar St. The little white church with the green metal roof. You are always welcome at St. Paul Lutheran. Come and hear the gospel good news that Jesus is for all.

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St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (ELCA) 1409 Ridge Ave., P.O. Box 9 Mass City, MI 49948 Office - 906-883-3602 Pastor - 906-883-3450 www.lutheransonline.org/masscitystpauls E-mail: nilp@jamadots.com Pastor: Pastor Kristin C. Rice

Worship Services Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. (EST) Sunday School: Wednesday, 4:15-5:15 (EST), beginning September 25 Communion: Weekly, in worship Bible Study: Tuesday, 3:30-4:30 (EST) St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Mass City, founded in 1901 by Finnish immigrants, is part of the Northern Great Lakes Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We gather in worship weekly, centered on God’s word and God’s meal. Whether you come to church on your own, with a significant other, or with a family in tow, you are invited to come and see God’s work in your life and in the life of this community. There is a weekly opportunity for bible study with Pastor Kristin, Tuesdays at 3:30 at the church. On the third Monday of every month, our church basement is transformed into a family dinner table as we host a FREE, home-cooked meal where everyone is welcome. Food is cooked on-site and is served from 3:00-6:00 (EST) – we even have takeaway containers if you want to bring some home or to share with a neighbor. Starting September 2013, all children age 4 through sixth grade are invited to attend the Wednesday Afterschool Bible Adventure, a weekly hour-long program full of fun and snacks. Together we learn the stories of God’s love for God’s people and build a sense of faith and community. St. Paul’s also hosts an active group of quilters on Wednesdays starting at 10:00. Even if you can’t thread a needle, you are welcome to come, learn, and get to know some fantastic women as you do God’s work with your own hands. St. Paul’s seeks opportunities to serve our neighbors, both across the street and across the globe. Simple Gifts, the collection of all the loose coins in the Sunday offerings, is sent to the Ontonagon St. Vincent de Paul Society. The annual ‘mitten tree’ collects hats, mittens, gloves, and scarves for the St. Nicholas Project. The annual Harvest Dinner provides funds for donations to area charities. The Malaria Net Project, a monthly after-church fellowship begun in 2008, raises funds to provide insecticidal nets for the Eastern and Coastal Diocese of Tanzania. Our congregation is in partnership with two other area Lutheran churches, Siloa Lutheran of Ontonagon and First Lutheran in Winona. The collective is known as the Northern Lights Lutheran Parish, together since 2012. We gather in worship together 3-4 times a year. Pastor Kristin Rice came to serve the congregations of the parish in the fall of 2012 after graduating from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (ELCA).

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St. Sebastian Catholic Church 210 East Iron St. Bessemer, MI 49911 Tri-Parish Office: 906-667-0952 Pastor: Fr. Ben Hasse

Weekend Mass: Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m.

Welcome to our Catholic Community! Our Catholic Church offers many opportunities to grow in the Catholic faith!

Confessions: • Daily by appointment • Tuesday: during Holy Hour, 7-8 p.m. • Saturday: 11 a.m.

Eucharistic Holy Hours: • Tuesday:

Mass 6:15 p.m. Holy Hour 7-8 p.m.

Services to our Catholic Community • Marriage preparation or Blessings • Annulments • Baptisms • Funeral Services Visitations: • Homebound • Nursing Home • Hospital

Religious Education Classes Wednesday: K-6 grade 3:30-5:00 p.m. 7-12 grade 6:30-8:00 p.m. St. Sebastian also has a Youth Group program with many Christ centered activities offered for our youth throughout the year! College Students of GCC:

The Newman Club

Adult Education: Catholic enrichment programs are offered throughout the year. Fr. Ben’s Blog: snowshoetracks.blogspot.com Diocese of Marquette Website: www.dioceseofmarquette.org For more information please contact the Tri-Parish office at 906-667-0952

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Sharon Lutheran Church, ELCA 100 East Sellar Street Bessemer, MI 49911 Office: 906-667-0891 ~ Parsonage: 906-932-0049 Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Monday-Friday email: sharonlutheran@sbcglobal.net website: http://www.sharonlutheran.net Interim Pastor: Rev. Francis Strong Secretary: Sandra Rowoldt Council President: Scott Pospeck

Worship Services Saturdays: 5:00 p.m. Sundays: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School: Wednesday 5:00 p.m. Fellowship: 10:00 a.m. following Sunday Service Communion: Every Saturday and Sunday MISSION STATEMENT: We are a welcoming family of faith, redeemed by Christ and called by the Holy Spirit to teach, learn, and share God’s Grace. Sharon Lutheran Church has thrived as a fruitful Christian organization in the area community since 1889. Over the years the church has been a figure of God’s Light for many Lutherans and all Christians alike. And through God’s Grace, Sharon Lutheran continues to be a key component and resource in the development of virtuous character and as a foundation of numerous families’ moral structure and ethical backbone. Always welcoming patrons of diverse backgrounds and location, Sharon Lutheran Church’s door is at all times open to newcomers, visitors of the area, and those who seek baptism or a place in the church. The orthodox renaissance style architecture, its beautiful artistic stain glass imagery along with a touch of the modern gives attendees a blend of nostalgic and contemporary enthusiasm. The collective action by the zealous ministry and congregation is always looking to membership and community prosperity. Along with their weekly Saturday evening and Sunday morning worship services, as a Church of Christ, Sharon Lutheran has various other programs and gatherings to offer both adults and children. These comprise of adult bible study, Sunday school, Kids Club, youth group, Fortune Lake Bible Camp, Holy Communion classes, confirmation classes, as well as Charity and Community service, Sharon Lutheran Women activities, Social Ministry activities, Stewardship Growth, and Congregation Council meetings. You are always welcome to come and join any of the worship services and/or Church events and I am sure you will find the Christian hospitality, friendship, and spiritual enlightenment you are for. The congregation accepts the Confession of Faith and agrees to the Purposes of the Northern Great Lakes Synod and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

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Trinity Lutheran Church 401 Birch Street Bergland, MI 49910 Pastor – (cell) 906-285-3452 Pastor E-mail: GogebicShepherd@Charter.net Pastor: Rev. Timothy J. Steckling

Worship Services Sundays: 9:00 a.m. (EST) Holy Communion celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month Fellowship Meal follows all Sunday services, except on holiday weekends Midweek Services (offered during Advent and Lent): Tuesdays at 5:30 (EST) Weekly Bibly Study: Tuesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. (EST) The history of Trinity Lutheran Church of Bergland, begins at the inception of the village itself. In the year 1902, as the Village of Bergland came into existence, Mrs. Anna Stindt began operating the Bergland motel. She was instrumental in establishing Lutheran services and encouraging mission work to be done by Lutheran pastors in the area. In 1922, it was decided that a church building should be constructed, which was completed and ready for dedication in the next year. Several pastors served the gathered worshipers, in their early years. It was under the able leadership of Rev. Seeliger, however, that the assembly was ready to officially organize as Trinity Lutheran Church, in 1933. After many years of steady growth, and in response to the need to relocate the church building away from Highway M-28, the current building was constructed. Since its dedication, in 1967, God has granted His Word to be preached and sacraments to be given in this place even unto today. As a member of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, our congregation holds to the Holy Scriptures as the inspired Word of God, the only rule and norm of our faith and life; and to the Lutheran Confessions as the true exposition of that Word. We are a liturgical church, enjoy singing the hymns of the faith from the Lutheran Service Book, and observe the historic festivals of the church year. Join us for worship; pull up a chair for lunch after the service; give thanks to God with us for the gifts He gives us in Jesus Christ our Lord!

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Wesley United Methodist Church 500 East McLeod Ave., P.O. Box 9 Ironwood, MI 49938 906-932-3900 Toll free 1-866-747-5676 www.ironwoodwesley.org E-mail: iwumc@charter.net Pastor: Rev. Rosemary DeHut

Service to the Community Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Communion—First and Third Sunday Adult Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Sunday Bible Studies with the pastor. Contact the church for information. Choir practice—Tuesday 5 p.m. Christian Kids Club Wednesday during the school year—3:30 to 5 p.m. Women’s prayer group—Wednesday 10 a.m. Stepping Stones—Jail support ministry support group –Thursday 10 a.m. United Methodist Women—Last Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Men’s Prayer Breakfast—Last Sat. of the month—8 a.m. Open hearts – Open minds – Open doors Our mission statement is “To welcome people into the family of Jesus Christ: growing together in our faith journey, witnessing to God’s blessings, serving Christ and glorifying His name.” Methodism took root in Ironwood over 125 years ago with the founding of the Swedish Methodist Church (later Grace Methodist) in the spring of 1886. Later in that year, several English families began meeting in a house on Vaughn St., leading to building in 1887 of the First Methodist Church across from the present day Memorial building. A new church was erected in 1892 at the location of the present church. A fire destroyed that church and today’s church was built in 1910 of granite from the hills south of the city. The Newport Methodist Church (also known as the English Methodist Church) was organized in 1886, with a church being built in the early 1900s. At one time there was also a Finnish Methodist Church, of which minimal history has survived. Multi-cultural traditions came together when in 1950 Grace joined with First Methodist, and then in 1960, the Newport Methodist Church merged with the other two. The combined churches became Wesley United Methodist Church. Although numbers have decreased, the congregation has remained steadfast through the years in professing God’s love. The worship service is enhanced by beautiful music played on the Moller Pipe Organ, known for its solid foundation of tones and orchestral voices from the pipes. Wesley United Methodist has reached out to the neighborhood surrounding the church, with Christmas parties, picnics, and by sponsoring campership scholarships for area youth. Everyone is welcome to come and worship with us.

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White Pine Community United Methodist Church 9 Tamarack Street, P.O. Box 158, White Pine, MI 906-885-5419 www.whitepinecommunityumc.org E-mail: upcumc@yahoo.com Pastor: Rev. Rosemary DeHut

Worship Services Sunday: Praise Singing 8:45 a.m. • Service 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time

Making Disciples for Jesus Bible Study Sundays at 4:00 p.m. Youth Group Sundays at 6:00 p.m. Christian Kids’ Club (Christian education for elementary children) after school on Mondays Confirmation Class after school on Mondays

Ministries Good Neighbor Fund, help with food, gas, utilities Many opportunities to support missions worldwide Love boxes for soldiers United Methodist Women Men’s Prayer Breakfast Friendship Tea for Missions Vacation Bible School Worship on the Mountain (last Sunday in September at the Porkie’s Ski Chalet) The White Pine Community United Methodist Church opened for worship in 1954. Originally known as the White Pine Community Church, it was the first church in White Pine. The Methodist Church was the only church willing to send a pastor into the wilderness known as White Pine, thus it became the Methodist Community Church. Membership and ministry has fluctuated with the growth and the decline of the White Pine Copper Mine and the White Pine Community. Today the church is thriving, with ministries for all ages. Sunday morning worship is led by a praise team of guitar, key board, percussion, flute and cornet. The music is a blend of contemporary and traditional hymns. The preaching is from the Word of God. Communion is twice a month. The White Pine Community United Methodist Church is known for “Reaching out into the community with the love of Jesus.” The church is a people who practice the United Methodist theme of ‘Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Doors.’ You are invited to worship and to join any of the ministry programs. Check us out at our website for ongoing programs times and dates.

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Woodland Church

N10234 Curry St. Ironwood, MI 49938 Office: 906-932-1102 Pastor: 906-364-0393 www.woodlandchurchironwood.com E-mail: pastormike@woodlandchurchironwood.com Pastor: Mike Hill

Worship Services Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Sundays: 10:00 a.m. Fellowship immediately after the service Mid-Week Get Real Bible Study Discussion group: Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Communion: First Sunday of every month Mission: The Woodland Church exists to acknowledge God as supreme, to enjoy, cherish and honor Him in order to accomplish His purpose. To embrace the new life in Christ according to 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ, he/she is a new creation, the old has gone, and the new has come.” We are a Baptist Church and are affiliated with the Converge Great Lakes Baptist Conference and the Converge Baptist General Conference. We have an open door policy; we welcome and encourage all to join us for our services and fellowships. Our Wednesday night Bible Study is open to everyone. It is led by Pastor Mike and he strongly encourages questions and discussion from the group. The purpose of our studies is to gain a greater understanding of why we (a protestant church) believe as we do by using the Word of God as the ultimate guide for what we adhere to as the Truth. What should I wear? We invite you come to Woodland just as YOU are. We are very casual, some will be wearing jeans and some will be dressed up a bit more. You might find our Pastor wearing a suit or jeans or slacks and a casual shirt. So if you have a funky hair style or tattoos don’t feel like you need to change that or cover them up before you come. Will I stand out in the crowd as a new person or be asked to do anything weird? Rest assured you won’t. We want your time with us to be enjoyable and we will not do anything to put you on the spot, make you feel uncomfortable or cause you to stand out in the crowd. Is there a Nursery and/or Children's Church? A well staffed nursery is available during the service for newborn through pre-K. Children’s Church is a fun way for the kids to learn about many Bible stories. Your children are more than welcome to stay in the sanctuary with you during the worship service as well if you’d like.

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Explaining the Christian holy season About one-third of the planet, or roughly 2.1 billion people, are Christians. Each spring, this large subset of the population celebrates the religious miracle that is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Lenten season is one of the holiest times of the year on the Christian calendar. This is a period of 40 days and nights that begins with Ash Wednesday at the beginning of Lent and lasts through Easter Sunday. Many Christians celebrate Easter but may not know the significance or meaning behind certain days on the Lenten calendar. Here is a primer on the Lenten season for Christians and non-Christians alike. Ash Wednesday In the Roman Catholic Church, Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, the season when one prepares for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Ash Wednesday always falls 46 days before Easter and will vary according to the calendar. Ash Wednesday is a Holy Day of Obligation, which means parishioners are expected to attend mass to mark the beginning of the holy season. During the mass, celebrants receive ashes in the form of a cross on their foreheads. The ashes are made from burning the blessed palm fronds from last year's Palm Sunday mass. In ancient times ashes were worn as a symbol of sorrow, repentance and acknowledgment of sins. Nowadays, ashes allow Christians to humbly display an outward sign that they are aware of their shortcomings and are cleansing their souls in the preparation for the celebration of Christ's resurrection. Palm Sunday Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week and it is a day of obligation when Christians attend mass, and they receive fronds of blessed palms. Occurring a week before Easter, Palm Sunday commemorates the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. The gospels record the arrival of Jesus riding into the city on a donkey, while the crowds spread their cloaks and palm branches on the street and shouted "Hosanna to the Son

of David" and "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord" to honor him as their long-awaited Messiah and King. Holy Thursday Holy Thursday is the Thursday preceding Easter Sunday. It marks Jesus Christ's last supper with his disciples. His act of breaking bread and offering it as His "body" and sharing wine as His "blood" has become an integral part of the Christian mass. It is representative of Christ giving up His life in place of our sins. Good Friday Good Friday is also known as Black Friday but should not be mistaken with the post-Thanksgiving Black Friday. It is the day that Jesus had to march to his crucifixion site while carrying an

extremely heavy wooden cross. Jesus was mocked, spit on, tortured, and forced to wear a crown of thorns during His journey after being arrested by Judas and then suffering at the hands of Pontius Pilate. After being nailed to the cross at His palms and ankles, Jesus suffered for six hours before He died. Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the people. Easter Sunday The holiest day of the season is Easter Sunday. On this day, Jesus rose from His tomb. Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and found Jesus missing. Jesus then approached her and showed how he was again alive. His disciples were shocked at the appearance of his resurrected self, furthering their faith in him as the Son of God.


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