International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Volume No.3 Issue No.5, pp : 491-494
(ISSN : 2277-1581) 1 May 2014
Pharmaceutical Assistance in Mobile Environment Bipin. D, Dr.M.S. Saravanan Vel Tech University, Avadi, Chennai, INDIA. 1 E-mail: bipinjkz@gmail.com, 2mssaravanan@veltechuniv.edu.in Abstract--“Pharmaceutical Assistance in Mobile Environment” is an Improvement of the quality and efficiency of healthcare. The widespread adoption and use of mobile technologies is opening new and innovative ways to improve health and health care delivery. The patient can easily use this system at anywhere and anytime. This will be more helpful for the trace the medicines and the medical stores. The patients and hospitals can need some medicines in any emergency case it will helpful for finding them. The user can easily trace the medicine where it is available and where it will get from nearest to the patient or hospitals. So the people can save their time and money respectively. Each and every person can utilize this system in emergency time and when they need. The systems that can be obtain the accurate patient medical information in situations where it may not otherwise be available. Otherwise the people get suffered to find the medicine where it gets. Even they don’t want to roam the entire medical store to search the medicine. It will help them to provide accurate and perfect solution for the availability of the medicines and the route.
Millions of people suffer from medical conditions that should be made known to healthcare practitioners prior to treatment. Paramedics and emergency room Doctors cannot provide optimal care without sufficient Lacking patient information Such as allergies, current prescriptions, and preexisting conditions, medical professionals are often forced to either delay treatment or rely on instincts. Medical mistakes in situations like these kill thousands of peoples. Here we can individuals to store personal medical information using portable electronic device.[2]
Keyword:-EMR-Electronic Medicine Record, Medicine, GPS-global positioning system, GPRS-general packet radio service
They where roam each and every medical store to buy that medicine. We cannot access this from remote area. In the present scenario the medicine sometimes is not available in the stores also. Many patients are troubled in hospitals on the shortage of medicines or misleading by them the patient does not get proper service. The rural area doesn’t have much more medicines and to provide medicine availability in different medical store.[2]
1. Introduction It has been optimized for your Smartphone! Now it's easier than ever to access trusted health and wellness information anytime, anywhere. The user can track his location and the medical store through the route mapping between user and the destination. The system can integrate the Google map through the GPS system. It provides valuable health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information. You can trust that our content is timely and credible. The “Pharmaceutical Assistance in Mobile Environment” is designed to provide a flexible, scalable method of storing and communicating critical electronic medical record information using personal handheld electronic devices. The first phase of development has succeeded in: designing the architecture for a wireless, power-efficient smart phone to store and communicate medical information incorporating GPRS technology with identification of to trace the location to find out where the medicine is available; and selecting a platform and creating application software for a handheld computing device used by healthcare providers. The Pharmaceutical Assistance in Mobile Environment system assists medical personnel in obtaining accurate patient medicine information in situations where it may not otherwise be available. In this manner, This technology will improve the quality of care delivered in emergency situations.[1]
2. Research Problems In this system on this project is that if a patient wants to buy a medicine from his nearest area. He doesn’t have much idea about where the particular medicine will be available. Once the patient knows what disease he/she is having the application retrieves a list of the medical shops nearby him at the current time which has the particular medicine with the actual price and also generates a map leading to the shops.
In this system patient are need not to move from different medical stores. The patient are going link through system to one another. This system also will give an opportunity to setup a network of all medical stores and medicines where they can get this for critical patients.
3. Motivation At present caring our health is a main problem which we can’t cared at any place and time whenever we required. The main reason behind is the availability of medicines. Hence to solve such problems medicine for mobile clinic were started. The widespread adoption and use of mobile technologies is opening new and innovative ways to improve health and health care delivery. Help patients/users self-manage their disease or condition without providing specific treatment suggestions. Improved efficiencies and lower health care costs by promoting preventative medicine and improved coordination of health care services, as well as by reducing waste and redundant tests.[4] Pharmaceutical Assistance in Mobile Environment means mobile clinics which will be used in giving the mobile solution to the societies.
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