Orwell Engineering Bath Equipment 2014
The purpose of this catalogue is to provide the float glass industry with a comprehensive and accessible spares system.
Most components in this catalogue are kept in stock by Orwell Engineering Solutions as finished or part finished items, and can be dispatched within 72 hours to anywhere in the world. Components not falling within this remit have availability information stated in the ‘additional information’ notes.
All aspects and options of importing & exporting can be carried out by Orwell, from ex-works to delivery into your stores.
This catalogue offers everything from the supply of complete equipment packages to all the spares and consumables required to keep the equipment in service.
If you do not see a particular item you require within the catalogue, please let us know. Just fill out the ‘unlisted items’ form in the rear of the catalogue and send it to us. We will supply the item, and will add it to the next edition of the catalogue