iRun ISSUE06 2015

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TECH The next earbuds | NUTRITION Beer, beer, beer! | SHOES An illustrated guide | PLUS Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Salute!

RACHEL HANNAH The sky’s the limit for Canada’s surging track star who wowed the world at the Pan Am Games and now sees the 2016 Rio Olympics in her horizon By Kelly Steele ISSUE 06 2015


2015 ISSUE 06




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STAFF WRITER Megan Black CONTRIBUTORS Andrew Chak, Krista DuChene, Rick Hansen, Rick Hellard, Karen Karnis, Patience Lister, Joanne Richard, Erin Valois, Ray Zahab CREATIVE DIRECTOR & DESIGN Geneviève Biloski, Becky Guthrie CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Darren Calabrese


ILLUSTRATOR Chloe Cushman STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Solana Cain iRun is a publication of Sportstats World

The history of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon mirrors the rise of Canadian running — an in-depth look at how runners have conquered the country, one medal at a time

CEO Marc Roy Canada Post Publications PM42950018 Sportstats 155 Colonnade Rd. #18 Ottawa, ON K2E 7K1 (Canada) 613.260.0994

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DON’T MISS ANOTHER ISSUE! Go to for a complete list of the country’s best independent running stores where you can pick up your next copy of iRun for free!

Natasha Wodak on how the 45 minutes before the start gun can help you ace your next race

Earbuds hidden in a washable headband? Everyone wins! Erin Valois reports

From the Beer Mile to our own post-race favourites, the iRun salute to everything suds

What’s a speed racer thinking at 38K? Comfortingly (ouch!), it’s the same thing as you

Luke Doucet, Canada’s fastest rock star, on new fatherdom, his hit record with Whitehorse and chasing a 2:45 PB




iRun to eat anything and everything, and I guess I’m good at it too. — Brendan Hancock, Ontario





2015 ISSUE 06

iRun because lorem ipsum something goes here tktk. — Name Name, Province



SLOW FIRST, THEN FAST AND FURIOUS Participating in an event this fall? Karen Karnis unearths an age-old method for hitting your top speed at just the right time


here’s a saying that you should never judge a run by the first kilometre. We’ve all had that experience, where you head out the door and for the first little while, you feel sluggish and out of breath, and your pace does not match your perceived effort. That, friends, is the simplest answer to the question of why it is beneficial to warm up before a 5K race. Getting

that first ugly bit out of the way before you hit the start line means you will feel better right from the gun. Canadian elite runner Natasha Wodak, whose 5K personal best is 15:44, swears by her warm-up. “If you just show up on the start line and start running fast from the gun, you’re likely to injure yourself,” she says. “Muscles need to be slowly warmed

up by an easy few kilometres of jogging and then some active stretching and drills.” Rejean Chiasson, head coach at Pace & Mind and the Nike+ Run Club in Toronto, agrees. “A proper warm up will allow your body to work more efficiently, increase range of motion, and reduce the chances of injury. It’s also a great way to ‘turn your brain on’ to be mentally ready

iRun for fun, and to stay healthy. — Valerie LaFramboise, Quebec

for your race.” But why is that? Simply put, warming up eases the body from a state of rest and prepares it for the effort you’re about to put in. Increasing your heart rate increases blood flow to the muscles, and warming up gets your body circulating oxygen and burning fuel. That means your body is receiving everything it needs right from the beginning of the race, and you don’t lose precious time to sluggish legs and oxygen debt. Laura Hutchinson, who recently started as the team physiotherapist for the National Track and Road cycling teams with the Canadian Sport Institute of Ontario, believes that dynamic

stretches – which use motion and momentum to increase range of motion – are a better choice than static stretches. “My recommendation?” says Hutchinson. “Do whatever makes you feel physically and mentally ready to race. I like to do a short run, a few dynamic stretches, and strides.” “Figure out a routine that works for you by practising in workouts. Don’t try anything new on race day,” says Wodak. She adds that most run groups teach proper warmups, so if you’re curious about how to do strides, attend a few sessions. Remember, this is supposed to be fun! Karen Karnis writes the Endorphin Junkie blog on

√ Make sure your warm-up has intent. Coach Rejean Chiasson’s recommendation: The intensity of your warm up should be a progression. Begin 45 minutes to an hour before your race start, to give you time to get warm and get to where you need to be to start. 1. Start off with a very easy jog – from five to 20 minutes – building up so the last 2-3 minutes are at a fast but controlled pace. 2. Follow this with some dynamic stretches and form drills. 3. End with 6-8 x 20-second strides. √ Add strides to every run. Within a period of 20 to 30 seconds, start out at a jog, then accelerate to about 90-95% of your top speed, then gradually slow to a stop. Take a very short rest, then repeat. Strides help increase range of motion, work out tightness, and improve leg turnover by training your neuromuscular response. They teach your legs to move fast so you can turn all of that strength you’ve been building into speed on race day. — K.K.


“THE WORLD WE LIVE IN NOW FOR RUNNERS—IT’S THE BEST IT’S EVER BEEN.” Decades ago, the world of running was a very different place. To find out more about the sport’s evolution, we dialed in a trio of iconic runners for an inside look at the revolution that’s taken the whole world by storm. As told to Anna Lee Boschetto iRun: How has the sport changed since you were running competitively? SWITZER: From being one of the only women long distance runners I knew to there being now more women than men running. It’s a social revolution because it changed everyone’s perception, men and women, boys and girls. GALLOWAY: I have a different perspective as I got started early in 1958, running wasn’t on anyone’s radar. This was for the males who couldn’t do other sports but wanted to do a sport. I was a fat, lazy 13-year-old kid so I opted


2015 ISSUE 06

for winter cross country, because the other kids said I could hide in the trees at the edge of the school and no one would notice me. iRun: What was it like to compete at an elite level at the time, especially as an Olympic athlete? GALLOWAY: The revelation I had, as I was traveling back from Munich, was that running was transforming me in a way that I wanted to teach to others. So the force in my life to that point became understanding more about what this is and that I want to give people an opportunity to move

forward and experience this for themselves in a way that empowers them. Transformed.

very proud of their moms for running and their attitudes about women’s capabilities is changing.

iRun: How has women’s involvement in the sport really shifted the dynamics for the everyday runner with a family?

BEARDSLEY: In 2014 my wife Jill made a goal of running every single day. And when our middle son Christopher, who was a couch potato, heard he had the opportunity to go to London with us because Jill was running the London Marathon, he decided to run the marathon with his mom. He knew I’d been a runner, but it never nudged him, but as soon as he saw mom out there he was inspired.

SWITZER: These women are leading and creating a role model in their family. When a kid wakes up and sees their mom coming back from their run, this is a seed change. It used to be that dad would go out jogging but mom was always in the kitchen, and this is huge. Little boys are

iRun: What do you think

CAST KATHRINE SWITZER Eight time Boston Marathon runner, winner of the 1974 New York City Marathon, bestselling author, activist, first woman to run the Boston Marathon JEFF GALLOWAY US Olympian, trained over 350,000 runners including Steve Prefontaine and Bill Rodgers, inventor of the Galloway runwalk method, bestselling author DICK BEARDSLEY Broke the American marathon record at the 1982 Boston Marathon, motivational speaker, best-selling author

iRun to relieve stress and be happy. — Kathy Thomas, Ontario

STARTLINE that will continue. SWITZER: Let’s not forget, everyone said at one time that if anyone breaks a four-minute mile, their heart will burst. When Roger Bannister broke that, it opened the floodgates for people running faster and faster. The human body is capable of things that we can’t even imagine. FIRST IN CLASS: FROM LEFT, KATHRINE SWITZER IN HER GROUNDBREAKING 1967 BOSTON RUN, JEFF GALLOWAY, BRINGING STREET RUNNING TO THE MASSES, ONE PUZZLED ONLOOKER’S FACE AT A TIME, AND DICK BEARDSLEY RUNNING THE 1981 GRANDMA’S MARATHON IN 2:09:37. PHOTO BY HARRY TRASK / BOSTON TRAVELER / AP IMAGES; AUTHOR SHOTS PROVIDED BY OUR RUNNERS

about the latest innovation in running gear?

SWITZER: The development of the sports bra has enabled many women to run and exercise. Also, they didn’t have shoes for women runners. I used to order my shoes from Germany in the smallest men’s size but I still got blistered feet. GALLOWAY: Going into running stores today, there’s still a great deal of confusion over choosing your gear. Generally the equipment has gotten better if you get the right equipment for your feet. BEARDSLEY: I remember back at the 1982 Boston marathon, New Balance had made me my custom racing shoes, but if you would compare those shoes to now what runners are using, they were like army boots. iRun: Why do you think that running has become

so popular?

BEARDSLEY: I can remember running in South Dakota in the late 1970s, on these rural roads and people would see me and stop and ask if I needed a ride back to town. It’s now a normal sight to see. The world we live in now for runners — it’s the best it’s ever been. SWITZER: For women, who are working, have a dog, kids and are cleaning a house, running is incredibly time efficient. No matter how sh--ty your day is, this is a victory you have under your belt and no one will take that away from you. iRun: What did you guys think of Kathrine’s historic run in the Boston Marathon? GALLOWAY: The rule at the time was that women were not allowed to run more than 800 metres. What Kathrine did was uplifting and needed to be done.

iRun to keep in good health. — Eleanor Hastings, Ontario

BEARDSLEY: A lesser person would have walked off the course. It was Kathrine who really put the women’s running scene where it is today.

BEARDSLEY: I don’t know how many times I’ve ran the Victoria Marathon. I also ran the Manitoba Marathon the very first year they had it in 1979.

iRun: Kathrine how about you, did you realize how much of a game changer running Boston would be, not only for you, but for all female athletes?

GALLOWAY: My friend John Stanton has invited me to Edmonton and those trails along the river valley are absolutely fabulous. What Dick said is true, Victoria is another beautiful city and I also love the Vancouver Marathon. They’ve done a tremendous job with that.

SWITZER: We all have moments in our lives, but it is all about what we do with the responsibility we take from those incidences that make all the difference. After Jock Semple jumped on me, for a split second I did feel like walking off the course, but I knew if I did that, no one would believe in women and no one would take us seriously in running. So my whole attitude had to change and it did. It was a moment that changed my life. iRun: Favourite Canadian running event?

SWITZER: I agree with the guys, you know both Victoria and Vancouver are outstanding and we have great friends that we’ve made there, which is interesting. Also, Jay Glassman’s Toronto Marathon, I really love the race and the course and it has a fun charm. iRun: Is it possible for runners to get any faster? GALLOWAY: Certainly, there is always a second that can be shaved off a record and

iRun: After all of these years, for some of you 50 plus years, why do you keep running? BEARDSLEY: It has been a big part of my sobriety. I go to bed at night and I can’t wait to get up in the morning. It’s all about effort. GALLOWAY: Running gives me control over my attitude. It allows me to figure out the rest of my life. I approach each run as it has the power to improve the quality of my life and it does it. It’s incredibly restorative. SWITZER: I’m meeting women who are 75 and only starting to run. And they’re the reason I decided to compete in a marathon again at 62. I was curious if I personally could get back and feel that very wonderful wave of satisfaction. It took me about 18 months, and it was unbelievable. Anna Lee Boschetto is the managing editor of iRun. She writes frequently about travel, beauty and health at


SEEK YoU sHalL lEAvE bEhI n d lIMIts you. and

Eduardo Garcia

Foraging chef, currently seeking to embrace life’s challenges and run with them

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BEST SPLURGE $219.95, APPLE As soon as I put on the Beats Solo2 headphones, I felt... cool. Is this how it happens? They are bright and fun, fit comfortably with an ergonomic design, and the sound is amazing. Even better, they fold up into your gym bag so it’s easy for when you are on the move. These headphones are best for off-day runs and roaming around the weight room. When it comes for long runs, I prefer earbuds. It’s not the cheapest pair on the market, but it is one of those “treat yourself” purchases that will last you a long time.

For endurance training, the Jaybird Freedom Sprint Bluetooth headphones are a great asset because the earbuds fit snugly and the cord is not bouncing around for 15 kilometres—it’s lightly draped on the back of your neck. The other neat aspect of the Jaybird headphones is that they are specially designed to “eliminate listener fatigue during long workouts”—essentially, your best friend during marathon training. The sound is fantastic, and it helps me keep my mind off the lactic acid in my legs.


Finding a pair of good earbuds for your run can be equally as exciting as picking up a new pair of shoes. Whether you’re looking for something new to try out, a great price point, comfort, or all of the above, let us help set your training program to a thrilling soundtrack. But keep it down when you’re on the road—many of the wireless options can channel your phone calls through the speakers, and the volume should be low enough so you can monitor any potential disruptions. MOST INTERESTING CONCEPT $99.95 (US), RUNPHONES.COM

BEST FOR TRAINING HARD $119, SPORTING LIFE I’m always fighting with the cord or placement of the earbuds when I’m doing sprint training, and I started leaving my music at home because I was so frustrated with the logistics that come with other headphones. The LEAP™ Wireless Earphones from Yurbuds are comfortable, but also manage to be stuck into your ears like glue. They are sweat proof, which should make every runner jump with joy. This pair also allows for ambient noise, which is always my first concern when running on the road.

I’m always fiddling with the buds on my run—I normally opt for the cheapest pair at the store. So, RunPhones are for people like me: it’s a headband that doubles as headphones. My hair always ends up tangled in the earbuds and I’m often uncomfortable when I have to run quickly because the cords are always flapping in the wind, but this kills two birds with one stone for me. I feel faster already, and stylish! Also, you can wash the headband. Everyone wins.

Erin Valois is the executive producer of digital at the National Post. Clothing provided by Sporting Life. iRun to inspire my son Emile. — Emile. Eric Hardy, Quebec



2015 ISSUE 06

iRun because WOMEN’S HEALTH MATTERS!! — Viola Hoo, Ontario

iRun 4 my life! — Shawn Butt, Nova Scotia



PROTEIN POWER Everything you need to know about strength and fuel


ou run home, stretch, and down a glass of post-run chocolate milk — unaware of the complex process that will metabolise this milk into key physical elements. Once swallowed, the milk is exposed to digestive juices and enzymes that gradually unfold and dismantle its proteins into amino acids. These are absorbed through your intestinal wall to your blood, filtered through your liver, and finally transported to tissues where they’re mix and matched into new combinations to build your muscle fibres, hemoglobin, heart tissue, immune system cells, hormones, and more. To maximize this process and strengthen your performance, you need to eat ample protein from good quality sources at the right times.

RUNNERS NEED PROTEIN Long runs and intense training can stress your immune system, making you more prone to upper respiratory tract infections. Protein-rich foods are important in preventing infection because they help strengthen your army of immune system cells. As with runners, researchers at the Universities of Bath


2015 ISSUE 06

and Stirling found that cyclists who ate a high protein diet during times of high intensity training had fewer symptoms of respiratory tract infection than cyclists who ate a moderate protein diet. When carbohydrate stores run low, your body also turns to protein for energy. If there’s not enough available from

by showing that elite orienteering runners who drank a protein drink before and a protein/ carbohydrate drink after each training session performed better and experienced less muscle damage.

ARE YOU GETTING ENOUGH? According to Health

Canada, the average adult needs 0.8 g of protein per kg of body weight each day. If you regularly exercise, you should up this intake to 1.2 – 1.4 g. If you’re a recreational runner you don’t necessarily have increased protein needs, but should pay attention to when you eat it. That post-run glass of chocolate milk is most effective at building and repairing muscle proteins when you drink it within 30 minutes of finishing your run. New evidence also indicated that eating a moderate serving of protein with each meal throughout your day,


from soy, rice and peas. Because each source varies in its amino acid content and the rate at which your body metabolises it, choosing the best option is not cut-and-dry. There are 20 amino acids that make up your body’s proteins. Nine of these are called essential because they must come from your diet, while the rest are non-essential because your body can make them. The proteins in meat and dairy products are complete, while plant proteins are often incomplete because they lack at least one of the essential amino acids. According to the Dieticians of Canada, your body does not digest plant proteins as well as animal protein. However, vegetarian and vegan athletes with high protein needs can overcome this by upping their intake by 10 per cent. Canada’s elite long distance runner Dylan Wykes has successfully maintained a vegetarian diet throughout his Olympic career and training for top international marathons. Fall race season is here and it’s time to get strong. Whether you eat meat or not, including a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet is critical to optimizing your power for the long run.

In addition to meat and dairy, there are plant sources, such as hemp, quinoa, soy, almonds, and chia, as well as commercial products fortified with whey and casein, or protein extracts

Patience Lister is a food scientist and natural health product researcher. She writes frequently about health and nutrition at iRun. Her website is

LENTIL PIE Lentils are a versatile ingredient and a delicious way for runners to boost their intake of low-fat protein, iron, and fibre. INGREDIENTS: 2 tbsp. olive oil 1/2 cup red onion, finely chopped 1 cup cauliflower, finely chopped 1 1/2 cup red lentils 750 ml water 1 egg, beaten 1/3 cup large flake oats 1 1/4 cup grated cheddar your diet, it’s pulled from your muscles. One reason that a post-run glass of chocolate milk boosts muscle recovery is that the proteins whey and casein help repair damaged muscle, build new muscle, and form more of the energy producing cells called mitochondria. A 2015 study published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism highlighted these benefits

cheese 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp pepper 1/2 tsp chilli powder

DIRECTIONS: In a pan, sauté the oil, onion, and cauliflower on medium heat for 5 minutes. Stir in the lentils and water, then cover and allow to simmer

PROTEIN RICH FOODS* Food Protein Sockeye salmon, 85 g, cooked 22 g Turkey, 82 g cooked 22 g Soybeans, 1 cup cooked 22 g Beef, 85 g cooked 21 g Cottage cheese, 1%, 1/2 cup 21 g Greek yogurt, non-fat, 1/2 cup 17 g Lentils, 1/2 cup 13 g Eggs, 2 cooked 12 g Milk, 1%, 1 cup 9g Almonds, 28 g 6g Chia seeds, 28 g 5g *SOURCE: USDA NUTRIENT DATABASE

until all water has been absorbed and the mixture is soft enough to mash gently. Remove from heat and stir in the remaining ingredients. Transfer to a greased 9” round pan and bake at 375 °F until crust is golden and centre is hot (about 30 minutes). Enjoy warm or cooled. Serves 4-6. rather than just eating protein at dinner, can increase your rate of muscle protein formation by 25 per cent.

iRun because to relieve stress and be happy. — Kathy Thomas, Ontario

DEPT. OF CELEBRATIONS The Calgary 5K Run and Beer Fest offers unlimited craft beer after the event for $39.99. And at the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon, Village Brewery has been an eager sponsor. Expect their brewery to be jammed after the race. Meanwhile, down the road, Big Rock Brewery also greets runners with open brews.


There’s conflicting studies about beer as a recovery drink. Does it help with re-hydration or are you undoing the positive effects of your run? Well, the truth is a beer after running isn’t going to do you a world of harm, nor is it going to make you Reid Coolsaet. So just drink it and be happy. Here’s some things you can ponder about how beer and running go together like socks and shoes. By Dan Grant, co-founder, RunTOBeer

“All I want to do is drink beer and train like an animal.” That’s a quote attributed to Bill Rodgers, who won the New York and Boston Marathons each four times. Know who else loves beer? London, Ontario’s Lanni Marchant, the fastest Canadian female marathoner of all-time.

This year’s Fredericton Beer Run attracted more than 300 runners, who ended their race at a festival featuring 18 breweries. “The run came out of the idea of pairing our love of beer with our love of running,” says event spokesperson Lloyd Chambers. “It just took off.”

At the Bridge Brewing North Shore Growler 10K, runners carry two 1.89l growlers (of water). Awesomely, 24 of the 25 registrants finished, entitling them to one month of two growlers being refilled (with beer). BeerMeBc. com calculated that as “363 litres of beer given away, not including pints consumed at the event.”

Shoutout to the Canada Beer Run, which does its Toronto leg in September, starting and ending at the Mill Street brewpub. It sold out all 500 spaces for the 11.5K route, which pauses at Steam Whistle Brewery, Amsterdam Brewhouse and 3 Brewers. Costumes are encouraged. Jay-walking isn’t, since they don’t close down streets for this one.

The East Van Running Crew hits different breweries at the finale of each journey. Ryan Chilibeck says EVRC tested other meeting points before breweries, but the magic just wasn’t there. “We tried Parallel 49 Brewery on a Monday night in June and it just felt right. People got beer after their run—it was perfect.”



2015 ISSUE 06

iRun to show my kids that I can and that they should too! — Kim Murray, Ontario

Beer Miles happen all over Canada, but the best might be the Trail Beer Mile an hour north of Ottawa...which means Québec, so 18-year-olds are welcome to join (actually so are the children, but they drink root beer, instead of the full-strength beverage from Ottawa’s Broadhead Brewing). Unlike a “traditional” beer mile contested on an oval track, this one loops a path in the woods.

In 1997, Canada’s Seanna Robinson set the Women’s Beer Mile world record in 6:42. Her mark held until 2014. In the men’s division, Mississauga’s Lewis Kent is grand champion. His 4:55.8 is the fastest Beer Mile of all-time. (Also, James Neilson, who ran sub-5, is Canadian). We rule!

Another stop for the Canada Beer Run is coming next year to Kitchener-Waterloo. Maybe you’re thinking to yourself, doesn’t that region already have a run that coincides with the largest Oktoberfest outside Germany? They do. They have the K-W Oktoberfest 5K fun run. Oddly, it has absolutely nothing to do with beer.

Dave Emilio lives in Toronto and ran the 2014 Boston Marathon when his hip injury flared up and he had to walk at 15K. That’s when he met spectator Danny Langan, and the men shared a beer. Emilio finished the beer and the race. They met again at the Marathon in 2015 and shared another beer. Emilio and Langan plan to continue their Boston Beer tradition this coming year.

In Saint John, they saw the success of their New Brunswick neighbours and pulled together the first Port City Beer Run in May of this year. Distances for that race were 3K, 5K and 10K. 100% of the proceeds raised at the event were donated to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Beers and runners coming together for a good cause. Who can forget the beer that launched a TV career? Honourary mention to Jon Montgomery, the Olympic gold medal winner who drank from a pitcher in Whistler and charmed the nation to such a degree, that he’s now the host of Amazing Race Canada.

Beer Runs keep growing, with an event in Collingwood set to debut in early October. Featuring stops at Side Launch Brewery, The Collingwood Brewery, Northwinds Brewhouse and a station serving MacLeans ales (from nearby Grey County), the actual route should be announced shortly.

The fastest Canadian marathon time is held by Jerome Drayton: 2:10:08 in 1975. How did he recover? This is what he told the Toronto Star. “I did my own massage: a hot bath, a glass of shandy, half beer, half ginger ale and put some music on.” Guess what? His record still holds to this day.


iRun to prove there’s a life after a stroke. — Barbara-Anne Kearney, Quebec


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The story of a man and his pit bull traversing the mountains in the name of cystic fibrosis


t’s true what they say, that a dog is a man’s best friend. From the time Stevie was just about a year old we’ve shared countless adventures together. Although she’s one of the laziest dogs at home, when she hits the trails she comes alive. Stevie is 80 pounds and large in stature, but she fears running water. One day, we’d done a long run through the mountains and encountered a river crossing. The water wasn’t fast moving, and it rose to be about waist deep. Stevie could not cross the river. Instead she watched me start to cross and let out a whaling sound that resembled a

trucker’s horn. Obviously I couldn’t leave my dog on the other side, so I ended up virtually piggy backing her across the water. Fortunately for Stevie, her paws remained completely dry. I have a love for photography and trail running has given me the opportunity to capture moments in places that most people can only dream of reaching. cystic fibrosis has been a large part of my life. My friend Danger Dan has undergone not one, but two double lung transplants in his mere 30 years of life due to cystic fibrosis. Because I am actively involved

iRun to inspire my family. — Pierrette Boutin, Nova Scotia

with the group, I was fortunate enough to receive green Cystic fibrosis flags. Regardless of the mountain that Stevie and I conquer, we always take a picture of us waving and wearing our green cystic fibrosis flags. Stevie has become an ambassador for cystic fibrosis, and wears her flag with pride. Her pictures have gone so far as to reach a man in Colorado who was recently diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. He requested to have a flag of his own—his goal is to summit mountains; to not let the disease control his life and his passions. One dog, one

flag and a couple of photos on a long run have brought connection and, for me, a sense of appreciation. I have the ability to run. I have the ability to breathe. This is something so many people take for granted. My passions have provided me the opportunity to see so much beauty. Although running is solitary, there’s something so incredibly special about looking over your shoulder and seeing your dog appreciating what you’re doing just as much (if not more than) as you do. They may not look at the same view and appreciate it at the same level. But they’re with you,

and it’s a moment. And it means something. It’s yours, shared. Since I’ve started running with Stevie she’s forced me to slow down. After a long day of work when the couch is calling my name, she’s always waiting for me to take her out, encouraging me to get out there on days that I might not have. There isn’t a day that I want to run without my dog or see a mountaintop without her standing beside me to share that moment. I truly recommend it and you will never forget those moments—especially if you can tie in a cause close to your heart.



EVERYBODY TO THE STARTING LINE Emma Prestwich explores the growth of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon and discovers a parable for the entirety of running’s success


cross the country, running skyrockets. The Vancouver Sun Run had 3,700 runners in 1985. It had more than 40,000 participants last year. The Calgary Marathon began life in 1987 with 187 runners. It now draws 15,000 racers. And in Montreal, a race that had 17,600 runners in 2004, now draws 35,000 participants. Why are these races exploding? The answer might lie in the success of the Scotiabank Toronto


2015 ISSUE 06

Waterfront Marathon (STWM). Michal Kapral had run multiple marathons, but when he finished STWM in 2005, he was in more pain than he’d ever been during a race. He juggled the whole 42K. “I think I was the first person to ever grab my arms after crossing the finish line,” he says. “My arms hurt more than my legs.” The stunt wasn’t something that he assumed the race

organizers would allow. “They could have easily just said, ‘Sorry, this is a serious race and we just want serious runners.’” Support for those looking to set new records is something the event has become known for over the past 25 years. Both elite athletes and those looking to run in a telephone box costume want to participate, which shows how desirable it has become. Outside organizations have recognized this too. The International Association of Athletics Federations awarded the marathon Gold Label status this year — one of only four races in the Americas and the only one in Canada of that calibre. Indeed, “something for everyone,” could be running’s motto in 2015. Canada Running Series race director Alan Brookes can truly brag about how far his sport has come. He

was running the show back in 1990, when the event existed as the Coors Light Toronto Half-Marathon and only about 1,500 people showed up. Last year it drew 26,000 participants from 60 different countries and participants could fundraise for dozens of charities through the Scotiabank Charity Challenge. “Alan has made sure that he and his team have developed a product that’s appealing to everybody,” said Running Room director John Stanton. “He’s an entertainer, he understands the importance of making sure that an event is fun and it’s reflected in everything that he does.” Look at the rise of the Rock ‘n’ Roll race series, the Color Runs and Tough Mudders and you’ll see that running is no longer just about a few crazies putting on events for them and their friends. The sport is

iRun because it’s peaceful. — Shauna Switzer, Ontario


communal and whether you’re a fan of elite talent or a runner lacing up for their first 5K, everyone agrees: growth is good. While the STWM has attracted top international talent, homegrown stars like Eric Gillis, Lanni Marchant and Ed Whitlock have provided some of the best stories. Meanwhile, the race maintains a friendly rivalry with the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend, which takes place in a smaller city, but has almost double the turnout. The Ottawa race, started in 1975, was the first to attach prize money to the Canadian soil record, but the Toronto race soon grabbed the men’s title. Ottawa snatched it back in 2014, but the STWM still holds the women’s record. But while the marathon distance fuels a lot of the excitement, it’s half-marathons that now see the highest turnout.

iRun because I’m fat. — Willem Tam, Ontario

The 21K race is far more accessible for many people, who may not have either the time or the commitment to train for a full. Stanton, who popularized the ‘10 and 1’ interval style of running races, said both he and Brookes get accused of “dumbing down” running by making the sport more inclusive, but he sees that as only a good thing. “From an aspect of Canadians’ health and welfare, we’ve engaged far more people in this very positive experience of being athletic, regardless of your age, regardless of your body size or shape,” he said. “If you make the party bigger, you make it more fun and it’s not only more enticing for the elites, it’s more fun for everybody.” Brookes has to take a lot of the credit for its success. In 1997, he brought on Scotiabank as a sponsor, which has provided much of the financial stability for a mega-event that blocks off much of downtown Toronto for most of a day and requires the presence of both police and medical services. University of Ottawa associate professor Milena

Parent thinks that having a loyal sponsor is essential for big sporting events, not only because governments are willing to dole out less, but also because security and risk management are now bigger factors in decision-making. Budgets have skyrocketed as a result. For Scotiabank to stick around says something about the return on investment it feels it’s receiving, she said. “Clearly the organizers are doing something right,” Parent says. That isn’t to say that it hasn’t had a few hiccups. The baggage pickup process in 2011 could only be described as a mess. The organizers knew they couldn’t use Nathan Phillips Square, usually the finish area, that year, but the temporary baggage area was very small and close to the finish line. Those finishing soon piled up behind the tent, and some runners waited upwards of 90 minutes to grab their belongings. Toronto resident Keith McArthur, who ran the half-marathon that year, wrote on his blog that he fainted in the lineup. But Brookes quickly

addressed what went wrong. In a post on the event’s website, he explained which factors had led to the “meltdown” and apologized to participants. “This year’s baggage was an ENORMOUS disappointment for me and the entire team. We took it very personally.” He wrote at the time. He’s been a race organizer for 30 years, and now leaves the most practical aspects of race day to his staff and volunteers. But every year, he still leaves his Queen’s Quay condo at 3 a.m., biking through a quiet city peppered with partygoers stumbling home from the night before. Soon, the streets will be full and he’ll be able to see the massive party he’s helped create. “It’s becoming more than just a handful of people taking their tracksuit off on Sunday morning going for a run and going back home,” he said. “It’s a community festival.” In a lot of ways, Brookes just described the entirety of the Canadian running scene. Emma Prestwich is a reporter for Huffington Post Canada. She’ll be at STWM running the half.




Krista DuChene is poised to run the marathon in Rio for her country. What goes through her mind when she’s racing? Comfortingly, she’s thinking the same thing as you 42.2 That loud and long start horn is always so intense. Gripping. Time to get near my pacer and lock my eyes into his back. For a long time.

39 Only 39K more to go!

27 I love running. Stick to the beat, Krista. Enjoy this part of the race. You know the pain will come.

28 Arm sleeves are definitely staying on.

24 Ugh, not feeling so comfortable with the pace after that last station. Just give it a moment and it will pass. Relax the shoulders.

23 I wonder if you can tell I have two gels stuffed in my racing bra top. Sure is handy.

5 One more 5K race and this thing is over. Everyone is hurting. Not just you. Think nothing. 4 Childbirth is much worse. Much worse. This is not fun. No regrets. No regrets. This is my race. Anyone can run 4K. Maintain control. 3 Oh, the bridge. The hardest part. Keep it together. Almost over it. Wait for it. Wait for it. Phew. Glad that’s done. Ugh, now the headwind.

34 Do not think about much of anything. Just enjoy yourself.

37 Good stuff. The first 5K averaged to just a touch faster than goal pace. I’ll be glad to have those seconds banked, later on in the race. Shouldn’t get too much ahead of myself now.

6 Not caring at all about what I will eat tonight. Keep the pace. Stay controlled.

2 It hurts so much. I can’t even look at my watch. But I need to look at my watch to know how close I am to my goal time. Do the math. Do the math. You can do this. May just get my goal time by a hair. Can’t slack.

31 That second five kilometre part was a bit fast. 30 I think the pacers also noticed it Ahhh, that feels and have settled the pace a bit. better. Rhythm. Let your They are doing body do what it has been trained a good job. to do. Save your mind for later. It’s all about physical control right now.

29 Don’t think I need these gloves anymore. Time to toss them. Might as well aim to have someone catch them. But I do like these gloves, maybe I’ll tuck them into my shorts. Should I put one glove on each side or both in the middle? Maybe I’ll keep them on for a bit longer. I do like them. No, it makes it difficult to grab my bottle. Toss ‘em. Done.

21 Nearly missed that bottle this time. It can get tight. You really have to pay attention and check the traffic flow. Open the chest. Stay controlled.

32 Loving the fans and the sunshine on this beautiful fall day.

33 One more K to go and I’ll know my 10K split. Feeling pretty good.

17 That post race shower and meal will be so great.

20 Half marathon split was again fast like STWM 2013 when we went through at 73:00. That is OK. It’s normal for this race with a fast first half. Wow, that’d be a great finish time if I could duplicate it. Nope, be wise and stick with the plan. Steady Eddie is my game. Do what you trained yourself to do.

7 Yep, my 12th marathon and there it is. Still hurts.

8 Wow, only 8K left. We are getting closer!

15 Ten more miles. Breathe. 13 Hmmm, I wonder what I will eat tonight. Some sort of chocolate and peanut butter combination. For sure. 12 Ugh, just got a little uncomfortable twinge. Wait for it to pass. Wait a bit more. OK, much better.

9 Just think nothing. Just run. You can do this. You will do this. Take in the support from the streets of Toronto.

1 Pain. Oh, the pain. But finishing with a broken leg is much worse. Quick shoulder check before turning the corner to see the finish line. .2 Come on! That last 200 metres might as well be an entire kilometre! I love the cheering Krista and screaming fans. Deafening but DuChene holds somewhat distracting from the pain. the second fastest female Powerful. Push through marathon time in Canadian the pain. history. Her website is

AND—42.2K, DONE. Done. DONE! I am so elated. Exhausted. Proud. Spent. I did it. I accomplished my goal! This feeling is incredible. Thank you, God! I can’t wait to hug Alan Brookes, Coach Rick and especially Jonathan and the kids. But I need to puke first, somewhere. Anywhere! Wow, I did it! Breathe. Let go. No more control; cry, smile, laugh. You did this!

Kristaduchenerunning. 22

2015 ISSUE 06

iRun so I can eat, and eat, and eat, and. . . — Linda Lawrence, Ontario

Every step helps build our community October 18, 2015

When you register to run in the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon and for the Scotiabank Charity Challenge, every kilometre makes a difference. Just last year, the Challenge raised $7.3 million, strengthening communities across the country. Register for the race and the Scotiabank Charity Challenge, at

#stwm #runScotia

Registered trademarks of The Bank of Nova Scotia.



Meet the heroes who race around the country as part of the Scotiabank Charity Challenge to raise funds and awareness for their communities. By Megan Black The Scotiabank Charity Challenge is a national initiative, designed to let active participants help their communities as they pursue their passions. The Challenge is a part of each of the six Scotiabank-sponsored marathon events across Canada. “We’re thrilled to see the communities where we work embrace fundraising as such an important part of their endurance races,” says Kyle McNamara, Scotiabank EVP and avid marathoner. Enjoy reading about these six heroes who embody the spirit of the Scotiabank Charity Challenge—a passion for running and their communities.





LESLIE SCOTT Distress Centre Ottawa & Region AMOUNT RAISED: $48,000

SHAWN AVERY Asperger’s Society of Ontario AMOUNT RAISED: $18,200

Leslie Scott is the Community Relations Coordinator at the Ottawa Distress Centre. The Distress Centre provides an integral service to the Ottawa community. iRUN How does running impact the Ottawa Distress Centre? SCOTT Our runners from the Distress Centre, including myself, use running for our own mental health. Many of us are able to get through bad times with running and work through our problems. iRUN What do you see for the future of the Distress Centre? SCOTT We are definitely participating in the 2016 Scotiabank Charity Challenge! This year I asked all of our runners to raise $500 each and each one of them met or completely exceeded their goal. For next year we have approached our 200 volunteers, with an overwhelming response of runners who want to return or join our team! We’re hoping that we can hit $20,000 next year.

“Running has become my coping tool,” says Shawn Avery, who suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome and uses the Scotiabank Charity Challenge to raise money for the Asperger’s Society of Ontario (ASO). “If I ever feel anxiety or anxiousness, going for a run or going to the gym relieves my symptoms.” Avery has been a longtime volunteer of the ASO. He says he has used running not only as a personal tool for mental health, but also to inspire others with Asperger’s Syndrome. “If I can do it,” he says, “I know that other people also can.” Avery was bullied throughout school and has turned those negative incidents into a teaching experience for others, travelling to local schools to create a safe environment for students seeking support. “What do I think about running for charity?” he asks. “It’s awesome!”

Blaine Penny has always been a runner. But when his son Evan was diagnosed with a mitochondrial disease at 4-years-old, Penny’s running took on a new meaning. It was now a way to raise money. “Running’s almost a necessity for stress relief,” says Penny, who started the MitoCanada Foundation in 2010. “My running now has meaning and purpose.” At the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon, Penny runs with a team of 150 to raise funds. For Penny, the fundraising is a natural component to his hobby—he finds inspiration in Evan, and it powers him in acts of endurance and strength. Life hasn’t always been easy, but through his charity work, he’s able to avert feeling powerless. He runs on behalf of Evan—and everyone else suffering from a mitochondrial disease. “At the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon,” Penny says, “I’ve felt the support of the whole city behind us.”

THE FAMILY ALL-STARS SALLY WILLIAMS AND KATE DUNSWORTH CASEY Pathway to Progress Nicaragua AMOUNT RAISED: $16,562 Sisters Kate Dunsworth Casey and Sally Williams ran 10K in this year’s Scotiabank Blue Nose Marathon on behalf of Pathway to Progress Nicaragua. Running for P2P; an innovative scholarship program for children living in poverty started by their parents, the girls believe the Scotiabank Charity Challenge engaged them on both a spiritual and physical level. “To have the opportunity to share my love of running with a friend is amazing,” Williams says. “ Combining running with fundraising is truly an over-the-top feeling.” On May 17, the two sisters were proud to join their parents as part of the 10-member team that won first prize for most funds raised per team member in the 2015 Scotiabank Charity Challenge in Halifax!




GAVIN LUMSDEN Boys & Girls Club (Walk This Way) of Ottawa AMOUNT RAISED: $50,000

Giant Steps School offers therapeutic, individualized academic programs to students with autism. Their goal is to empower autistic students to become independent contributing members of society. Elaine Lalonde, General Director at Giant Steps, has a personal connection to the foundation: her son was born with autism. Lalonde’s son, now 18, attended Giant Steps for nine years. “It offered the support we required for my son to receive a holistic education,” she says. Lalonde credits walking to be her remedy for coping with stress. Through Banque Scotia 21K de Montreal, Giant Steps has raised over $900,000 in the past 10 years to fund its hands-on therapy programs. They organize walks for parents and children to promote wellbeing, togetherness, happiness and fun. “Running is a great equalizer,” Lalonde says. “Anyone can do it, and they should.”

Gavin Lumsden is a longtime volunteer with the Boys and Girls Club and creator of the youth walking group “Walk This Way.” In 2008, Lumsden brought the walking program to the Boys and Girls Club to engage intercity kids in more active lifestyles. “Walking is a great equalizer,” he says. “It puts everyone on the same playing field.” Lumsden preaches and practises the power of physical activity on achieving a healthy lifestyle. He’s completed 50 marathons. “There’s no feeling in the world like crossing the finish line after training for something after a long period of time.” The opportunity for children to be included in this experience is incredibly close to his heart. “I want to offer all children the opportunity to be cheered on by complete strangers,” he says. “It’s incredible.”

* For more information on the Scotiabank Charity Challenge, and to learn how you too can run to raise funds or awareness for a cause, please see 24

2015 ISSUE 06

iRun for fun. — Madeline Bongers, Ontario



BY THE NUMBERS $42,600,000



535 16



Amount the Scotiabank Charity Challenge has raised since its inception in 2003 to June 30, 2015 Number of charities the program has raised funds for nationwide Number of girls the Aninga Project sent to grade school for a year in Uganda, with all expenses paid for via funds raised at the 2014 Scotiabank Blue Nose Marathon Number of children, teens and adults with complex disabilities that receive services from Ontario’s Aptus Treatment Centre from funds raised at the 2014 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Number of races participating in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge Number of races that participated when the Scotiabank Challenge launched in 2003

153 6 1


Number of children living in poverty that the Pathway to Progress Nicaragua sent to school with funds raised at the Scotiabank Blue Nose Marathon Amount raised by Princess Margaret Cancer Centre at the STWM Number of different cancer research areas that received funding through the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Scotiabank Charity Challenge fundraising drive Number of children participating weekly in the Walk This Way Boys and Girls Club program with funds from the Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5K




Amount raised at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Charity Challenge in 2014


Amount raised by the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation at the Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5K, enough to purchase a jet ventilator for the Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit at Royal Columbian Hospital

Number of phone calls the Ottawa Distress Centre received in that same year


Amount raised in 2014 by the Ottawa Distress Centre at the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend


Number of charities participating in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon

Number of children Canadian Humanitarian aims to provide with healthy meals and medical care based on funds raised at the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon Number of people with disabilities that Between Friends helped send to camp this summer with funds raised at the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon


Amount that Between Friends raised to make that possible Number of kids that KidSport Calgary enlisted into organized sport Number of hours of musical therapy that Music Heals provided from money raised at the Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5K

45 390 $400

Average amount collected by each participant of Montreal’s Leucan Foundation at the Banque Scotia 21K et 5k de Montreal in 2015


Per cent of the proceeds raised by every charity that participates in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge that go directly to the charity

iRun because I love to hear the birds sing! See the coloured leaves; feel the snow crunch under my feet and smell spring coming. — Liz Spellen, Ontario






2015 ISSUE 06

achel Hannah has run competitively for most of her life. So when her coach and boyfriend David Korell suggested tackling the marathon, she jumped at the challenge. “We made the decision to sign up for the Ottawa Marathon a week before the race,” she said, with a laugh. “I had been focusing on 10K, but had been ramping up my miles and when David mentioned it I thought I’d give it a try. He had confidence in me and my training and my gut was to go for it.” Hannah’s gut was right. She came across the finish line of the Ottawa race in 2:33:30 and was the top Canadian female finisher. The 28-yearold runner had hoped to run under a 2:35 so she was pleased with her performance. “I was nervous at the start because I didn’t know what to expect,” she said. “I was worried about my fuel and of course about hitting the wall. But it was OK. I had some GI distress which made me feel pretty sick, but there was a lot of positive energy which pulled me through.” Coach Korell credits one thing to her success. “She is very competitive,” he said. “A lot of people look at her and she comes across as very calm and collected, but the beast comes out of her on race day. She has the drive to get the most of her body.” Prior to the Ottawa marathon, Hannah was already tearing up the 10,000 metre circuit with a handful of notable performances. But Hannah wanted to participate in the Pan Am Games in Toronto this summer and her best chance was the marathon as Lanni Marchant and Natasha Wodak had already claimed the two spots for the 10,000 metre distance. “We viewed the marathon as a chance for her to qualify for the Pan Am Games and she did that,” he said. “Her long runs leading up to the race suggested she could do it.” Hannah qualified for a spot in the Pan Am games and last month toed the start line with some of the top athletes from around the world. She crossed the finish line in 2:41:06, which earned her fourth place. “The Pan Am Games was an amazing experience,” she said. “I started to fall off at 25 kilometres and again was battling some GI distress. It was really humid and that along with a very challenging course made it difficult. But the crowd was fantastic and being out front and listening to the cheering was the

iRun because of how terrific I feel afterwards. — Jackie Poole, Ontario

PHOTOS BY DARREN CALABRESE iRun to lorem ipsum something goes here tktktktk. — Name Name, Province


COVER STORY motivation to get me across the finish line.” Competing is nothing new to Hannah. She’s been running since Grade 4 when her teacher had the class do laps on an old gravel track. She fell in love with the sport, joined a track and field group and years later accepted an athletic scholarship for Georgia State University. At University she made the decision to become a registered dietician. “I’m really very passionate about teaching people to eat healthier,” she said. “You start to realize the impact and importance of eating healthy, especially if you are an athlete and expect your body to perform.” Hannah has put her dietician background into use and works full time at MedCan clinic in Toronto. She admits it can be a challenge juggling a full-time job along with a gruelling training schedule, but she finds a way to make it all work. “It definitely is a balancing act,” she said. “I’m lucky that work is very flexible and it works well that my coach is my boyfriend. I pretty much work and train. Often I will start my warm up from work. It’s all about finding ways to be more efficient. You just find ways to make it work.” Hannah now has her sights set firmly on the Rio Olympics in 2016 and her coach has confidence she’ll be there either for the marathon or 10,000 metre distance. “She is someone to definitely watch,” Korell said. “I’m a big believer in stepping stones and she’s already checking the correct boxes. If she works at it, there’s nothing she can’t do. There’s good things ahead for her.” For Hannah, the Olympic dream is exciting and she’s not backing down on the work to get there. She’s headed to the Houston Marathon in January. Canada will send three Canadians to the Olympics, fellow runner and friend Krista DuChene has already snatched one spot. In Houston, Hannah needs to run better than a 2:29:50. Her current personal best is 2:33:30. “From the first time I raced I loved it, loved the challenge,” she said. “I love the marathon distance because it’s so mental, it teaches me stuff about myself and especially about not giving up and having patience. It’s all about being in the moment. But most of all I believe running makes me a better person.” Kelly Steele is the fitness reporter for the Windsor Star. This is her first story for iRun.


2015 ISSUE 06

WE KNOW RACHEL HANNAH HAS TALENT By Krista DuChene Rachel won national titles in cross-country, 10K and half-marathon championships, and represented Canada at the IAAF world crosscountry championships. Perhaps the most impressive accomplishment is her lastminute decision to run her first marathon, which she did in a blistering time of 2:33:30 at the 2015 Ottawa Marathon. And she hardly looked fatigued upon finishing! Only one other Canadian has debuted faster. And I doubt she looked as good as Rachel! But did you know that she has incredible character and depth? Rachel and I had an instant connection once we got to know each other when racing. Likely being dietitians and runners had a lot to do with it, but it was more about her demeanor, her maturity, her overall presence. Let me describe her, from my perspective, so that you too can appreciate more than her amazing athletic accomplishments! She is well-spoken. Have you ever listened to or read one of her interviews? Rachel answers the questions with intelligence. #pleasestheaudience She is grounded and independent. Living on her own while successfully balancing two busy careers, Rachel knows what it takes to get the job done. #efficient She is wise. Rachel methodically chooses all her races for all the right reasons. There are a lot of factors to consider and she seems to pick the right ones at the right time. #methodical

She is kind and caring. After winning her first Canadian Half-Marathon Championship in 2014, her first concern was for me. Apparently some of the media was bothered by the fact that they had to wait for her, for interviews and photos, because she was with me immediately upon my finish. #thatlookonherface She is tactical. I call Rachel the “back pocket” runner. She knows how to keep pace with the leaders and make her move at the right time, leaving others in her dust. #speaking fromexperience She is a force to be reckoned with. When walking to the start

women, young and old. I hope I can be even a bit as committed and dedicated as you to the task at hand, driving forward with inspiring passion. I can say that at the 2014 Banque Scotia 21k de Montreal I was very worried for you upon finishing the race. The true will of an athlete is to compete yet also offer unconditional support to his/her competitors. While concerned for your safety at that time, your return has motivated me to keep going too. Your race in Rotterdam this spring proved that if you set your mind to something, you can make it happen. Balancing diverse life pursuits


line for the 2015 National 10K championship in Ottawa, there was a sigh of relief from several women upon discovering Rachel would not be toeing the line with us. #phew She is humble, reserved, and perhaps the last person to post on social media after a big race. #rolemodel RACHEL RESPONDS: Krista, you have been an inspiration for me! The way you balance family, sport, career and public activities is a role model for all Canadian

is very possible. Working full-time and training/racing is possible. I’m fortunate to have a strong support network which helps cover the background tasks so I can focus on what I need to improve on. I look forward to building my mileage and long runs, continuing to get strong in the gym and keeping a steady diet of varied training surfaces. Running is a sport, an inspiring sport of will power and endurance, and I hope we can both contribute to inspiring more young women and men to achieve their dreams.

iRun because I like to grow and be with my family and friends. — Andrew Ozjam, British Columbia


All hail matchy-matchy: purple on purple but with a pop of red FTW. Love it.

White isn’t always the most forgiving colour for tights, but mix in purple for a flashy print, and it works! Fashion Tank and Premium Performance Tight Print both by New Balance and available at

iRun to save myself. — Jeanette Nicholson, Ontario

KAREN KWAN’S HEALTH & SWELLNESS A GUIDE TO FASHION, FITNESS AND MORE “I’m so stoked to be sharing the coolest things I come across in sportswear with Canada’s running community. For now, here’s a must-have running outfit I love.”





Luke Doucet is a songwriter, 2:45 marathon man and a member of Whitehorse, a whitehot country rock band he plays in with Melissa McClelland, his wife. Ben Kaplan caught up with the country’s fastest rock star. iRun Say your house catches on fire. Which do you save—guitars or shoes? DOUCET Apparently you can run barefoot. Air guitar? Not as cool. iRun How did you start running? Why? DOUCET Melissa made one little innocuous ‘muffin top’ joke and my vanity spun out of control. Also—I suffer from fairly acute insomnia. Exercise is something I thrive on and always have. I need to burn fuel. After running sporadically for about a year, I decided to run every day one week. I did 5-8K daily runs until Sunday, when I set out in Hamilton with the goal of running until I was exhausted and then turning around and running home.


2015 ISSUE 06

iRun How’d you do? DOUCET Good, I had no distance in mind other than to see how far I could get. I ran a half marathon that day, and have done so every week since—300+ and counting. iRun True or false, because I’ve been attributing this to you for years. Did you say, “We’re all allotted 10,000 beers. My problem was I tried to drink all 10,000 in one night.” DOUCET I’ve said we each get 10,000 beers in life. If you drink them all in your 20s…you’ll have to die or get sober. How this relates to running? I like to have a drink. I like solitude. I like the city. However, as you approach 40, you realize that that lifestyle is only sexy in your 20s and maybe your 30s and

iRun pour le plaisir et pour la forme! — Erika D., Quebec

then it starts to take its toll on you. Running not only adjusts the physical, but also resets the mental clock. It gives me new priorities and an opportunity to meditate. iRun Tell me about your current running program. Training for something? DOUCET I’m eight months into my “year off,” meaning I’m not marathoning this year. I put in six hard years of 5-7 day weeks, clocking between 80 and 160K/ week, running seven marathons, ten halves and a few 10Ks (hate them—too hard!) before I realized that I needed a slower year to recover. iRun Man, I knew you were fast but I had no idea that you ran that much. DOUCET I sustained a hamstring injury at the Road To Hope Marathon and I’m still trying to sort it out. So I’m logging 6070K/weeks with minimal speed work and no long runs beyond 25K. My plan is to start training hard again this fall while we tour. I’ll likely run a marathon in the spring of 2016 as a training run and a big effort in the fall of 2016 to try to beat my 2:45 PR (Hamilton 2014). iRun Whitehorse has taken off. Does that change your running? Are you busier? Happier? And do those things affect you as a runner?

DOUCET I’m both busier and happier. We also have a new baby and so now when I take the time to run, Melissa is alone with Jimi. My running didn’t have consequences before Jimi because Melissa and I work together—we spend more time together than other married couples (yes, all of them), so the “marathon widow” concept didn’t ring true for us. “Honey, I’m going to run for 2 hours every day… is that ok?” was met with “Bye!” Now

DOUCET • Get Out, Sloan • There She Goes, The La’s • New York, New York, Ryan Adams • Can’t You Hear Me Knocking, Rolling Stones • Go It Alone, Beck iRun What gear do you wear? DOUCET Shoes? I swing back and forth between New Balance (890 for daily runs, 1400 for racing/speed) and Mizuno (Wave Rider & Sayonara

I hit my target exactly and running along the Niagara Escarpment was breathtaking. The descent towards the lake involved a headwind that was fairly aggressive, but it meant that instead of putting the breaks on for those 6K of descent, I was able to just fall into the wind. I lived in Hamilton when I started running so it was pretty special to PR there, where it all started. iRun So you’re taking a year off from racing to be a father. Does that mean,

“Running not only adjusts the physical, but also resets the mental clock. It gives me new priorities and an opportunity to meditate.” that we have a baby, time is of the essence. iRun You don’t listen to music when you run. Why not? DOUCET Running is rhythmic and I need to allow my lungs, my energy, my goals for the day, to dictate my pace, not someone else’s song. I did listen to an entire Elliot Smith record on a run, but it was so dramatic that I had those songs in my head for a month. It started to cost me sleep. That’s too heavy. iRun Can you make us a running playlist?

iRun to feel good about myself and the world I live in. — Mathieu Lalonde, Ontario

for dailies and Hitogami for racing/speed.) They’re very different philosophies (the NBs are soft and spongy, the Mizunos have the wave plate technology so they are fairly stiff), but I enjoy them both. iRun Tell me about your greatest run. Was it at a race? DOUCET My PR was my last race in Hamilton. I was coached by Tania Jones and the amount of work I did to go from 2:48 (Carmel, Indiana 2013) to 2:45 was astonishing. I added 30K more distance in my tough weeks. It was brutal, but it worked.

when you return, you’re trying to beat that PB?

DOUCET I don’t know if beating that’s possible. I’m 42 and have a nagging hamstring injury. I have a busy touring schedule and a new baby. My fantasy is to someday make a run at the Manitoba Marathon. It’s been won in 2:36. Can I knock nine minutes off my PR? It’s a terrifying prospect, but I may give it a go. We’ll see. Luke Doucet, with his wife Melissa McClelland, record and perform as Whitehorse, and they tour Canada this fall. For dates, see




2015ISSUE ISSUE06 06 2015

iRun because I couldn’t and I wanted to prove to myself that I could. Guess what? I CAN! — Gabriella Visciano, Ontario

good luck to everyone running the scotiabank toronto waterfront marathon!

27 Countries

5 884 893 results

Where results live forever You might not know who we are, but we’re in your corner on race day. Sunday morning, when you lace up for that starting line, it’s going to be us keeping track of your time. And you have our assurance that, like you, we're going to give it everything we've got. So check your results on our revamped website, where you can not only find all your race times, but start a membership and earn free rewards. We're on your side, keeping score. sc

We‘re excitied to introduce our MAP tracking for the STWM Marathon and Half-Marathon. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for more details.

Claim your results and register for a free account on


iRun to lorem ipsum something goes here tktktktk. — Name Name, Province



2015 ISSUE 06

iRun because I want to and I love it. — Merced Cote, Quebec

Help Bring them Home #EndKidsCancer


Inspire Encourage


OTTAWA OCTOBER 3 iRun for happiness. For others who cannot. For myself. We run things!. — Zwena Gray, Detroit, Michigan



FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 Vancouver Night Race Vancouver, British Columbia SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Walk Run and Rollin for Rett Syndrome Port Coquitlam, British Columbia SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 Praetorian Obstacle Race Langley, British Columbia SATUDAY, OCTOBER 10 BMO Okanagan Marathon Kelowna, British Columbia

SUNDAY, APRIL 3 BMO Sunshine Coast April Fools Run Halfmoon Bay, British Columbia SATURDAY, MAY 7 Shoppers Drug Mart Run for Women Vancouver, British Columbia

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 Night Race Edmonton, Alberta SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Run for Calgary Calgary, Alberta SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Heartbeat Run Calgary, Edmonton and Saskatoon, Alberta

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Adrian Oliver Memorial Run Burnaby, British Columbia

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 Spruce Meadows Oktoberfest Run Series Calgary, Alberta

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Moustache Miler North Vancouver, British Columbia

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 Turkey Trot Edmonton, Alberta site/?raceId=11478

SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 Hypothermic Half Marathon Abbotsford, British Columbia SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Hypothermic Half Marathon Vancouver, British Columbia


2015 ISSUE 06

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Nutrience Oakville Half Marathon Oakville, Ontario

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Hypothermic Half Marathon Edmonton, Alberta

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Run For The Grapes Half Marathon and 5K Vineland, Ontario grapes


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 BMO Okanagan Marathon Kelowna, British Columbia

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 Santa Shuffle British Columbia: Abbotsford, Kamloops, Kelowna, Vancouver, Victoria and more!

Toronto, Ontario

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 Santa Shuffle Alberta: Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge and Red Deer

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 Run Without Borders Edmonton, Alberta SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 Dash of Doom Calgary, Alberta SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Sight Night Calgary, Alberta

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Hypothermic Half Marathon Calgary, Alberta

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Toronto 10-Miler and 5km Toronto, Ontario

SATURDAY, MAY 14 NSTEP Step UP 4 Students Calgary, Alberta SUNDAY, MAY 15 Shoppers Drug Mart Run for Women Calgary, Alberta

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Toronto, Ontario

SATURDAY, MAY 28 Shoppers Drug Mart Run for Women Edmonton, Alberta

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 Toronto Womens 8K and 5K Toronto, Ontario

SUNDAY, MAY 29 Scotiabank Calgary Marathon Race Weekend Calgary, Alberta

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 Niagara Falls International Marathon Niagara Falls, Ontario


SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 Downtown Dash Burlington, Ontario SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Island Girl Half Marathon and 5K Toronto, Ontario SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 MEDLIFE McGill 5K Taking Steps Run Montreal, Quebec SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Toronto Pearson Runaway Run

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 Monster Dash Toronto, Ontario SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Angus Glen Half Marathon Markham, Ontario SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Downsview Airport 8K-5K Toronto, Ontario SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 Santa Shuffle Ontario: Barrie, Hamilton, Cornwall, Guelph, Kingston, London, Newmarket, Oakville, Ottawa, Peterborough, Sarnia,

iRun to set an example for my kids. — Kristi Raz, Ontario

Sudbury and Thunderbay

Charlottetown, PEI

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 Santa Shuffle Quebec: Montreal, Quebec and Sherbrooke

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Run the River Nackawic, New Brunswick

SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 Dion Ignite the Night Snowshoe Race Morrisburg, Ontario SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Hypothermic Half Marathon Sarnia, Ontario SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Hypothermic Half Marathon Montreal, Quebec SUNDAY, APRIL 3 Around the Bay Road Race Hamilton, Ontario SATURDAY, APRIL 30 Mississauga Marathon Mississauga, Ontario

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Light Up the Lake Saint John, Brunswick SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 Santa Shuffle New Brunswick: Fredericton and Moncton SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Hypothermic Half Marathon Moncton, New Brunswick SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Lorneville Loop 13K Run-Walk Saint John, New Brunswick SUNDAY, MAY 1 Shoppers Drug Mart Run for Women Moncton, New Brunswick [ U.S. ]

SUNDAY, MAY 1 GoodLife Fitness Toronto Marathon Toronto, Ontario [ EAST ]

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Run, Walk or Roll for Ataxia Lakeville-Westmorland, New Brunswick SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 The Dam Run Perth-Andover, New Brunswick SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 BMO Nesbitt Burns PEI Marathon

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 XTERRA Trail Running National Championship Ogden, Utah SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Maui Marathon Maui, Hawaii SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Hamptons Marathon and Half East Hampton, New York SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 Lake Tahoe Marathon Lake Tahoe, California

iRun so I can get out of my house (and so I can eat, lots). — Ann McIntosh, Alberta

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 Portland Marathon & Half Marathon Portland, Oregon SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 Bank of America Chicago Marathon Chicago, Illinois SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 The Under Armour Baltimore Marathon Baltimore, Maryland SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 Wild Life Marathon Concord, Michigan SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 Marine Corps Marathon Arlington, Virginia SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 TCS New York City Marathon New York, NY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 NYCRUNS Brooklyn Marathon Brooklyn, New York SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas Marathon Las Vegas, Nevada SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Catalina Island Eco Marathon Avalon, California SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 Holualoa Tucson Marathon Tucson, Arizona FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 Metal Saw Texas Marathon Kingwood, Texas

SUNDAY, JANUARY 3 New Year’s Race Los Angeles At Night Half Marathon California, Los Angeles THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Florida, Orlando [ INTERNATIONAL ]

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 Scottish Half Marathon Edinburgh, Scotland SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Patagonian International Marathon Patagonia, Chile SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 BMW Berlin Marathon Berlin, Germany SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 Turin Marathon Rome, Italy SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 Osaka Marathon Osaka, Japan SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon Dublin, Ireland SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Athens Authentic Marathon Athens, Greece WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Volcano Marathon San Pedro de Atacama, Chile




NO PARTICULAR PLACE TO GO Sometimes the best runs happen when we let the road tell us where to go


t’s a bright but cool August morning in Edinburgh and I’m about to do one of my favourite things: run somewhere unfamiliar. I’m on a family vacation in the United Kingdom and I’ve already had several enjoyable outings on foot. I mapped out an 8K route in suburban Manchester but after a wrong turn, I ended up doing 12K instead. But I wasn’t complaining: the sun was setting, the temperature was perfect and finding my way home was a little adventure. And here in spectacular Edinburgh, I’ve enjoyed a series of runs heading west along the beach in Portobello, on a three-kilometre promenade overlooking the expansive Firth of Forth. It’s an ideal running location: the path is wide and straight and there are no intersections to worry about (the backwards traffic in the U.K. makes sorting out who’s going where at each crossing a minor mental challenge). But today, on the spur of the moment, I decide to run in the opposite direction. I haven’t consulted the map. I don’t even know


2015 ISSUE 06

Marketing Edinburgh

what’s ahead of me. This is one of the great joys of running away from home: making it up as you go along and discovering a part of the city you wouldn’t experience as a tourist. Before long, I’m on a trail that passes through a giant field, then alongside a schoolyard, then past some old stone buildings. And then my eastward journey is blocked by what appears to be a canal (I find out later it’s the River Esk). I turn to the south and start running on a path right next to the water. Soon, I’m away from the mouth of the sea and entering a bustling neighbourhood that is coming to life on a weekday morning.

Thanks to the running gods, I reach 5K just as I approach a major intersection. I turn around and begin savouring the challenge of making all the right turns to retrace my steps. When I reach the river again, the sun is shining on the coastal hills of Edinburgh, giving me a breathtaking vista for the final stage of my run. Before too long, I see another runner two hundred metres ahead of me. He doesn’t know it, but he’s thrown down the gauntlet. I decide to

pick up the pace to try to catch him. The next two kilometres are everything a runner dreams of: a target to push for, a sense of picking up speed and feeling strong, a stunning view, and a general lightness of being. I am in the moment and enjoying the fresh air and surroundings. The other runner eventually turns off the route just as I’m catching up to him and I coast into the final

stretch. As I come to a final stop, I look back on an ideal 10K that confirms the unique adaptability of our sport. The cost is minimal— you don’t have to pack much other than your shoes—but the benefits are plentiful. On a business trip or family holiday it’s precious and therapeutic time alone. It’s getting out earlier and later than the typical tourist. It’s adding to the list of experiences, packing more into the day. It’s giving you mental strength and energy for the rest of your journey (with two kids in tow). In a few weeks, I’ll be working with a much different dynamic: squeezing running into an overflowing fall schedule. And it will be mostly confined to the short list of familiar, routine locations. But for now, I’m relishing the portability of running and the delight of improvising and exploring new places on foot. What a glorious way to travel through life.

Mark Sutcliffe is the founder of iRun and the author of Why I Run: The Remarkable Journey of the Ordinary Runner. DOWNLOAD the iRun Podcasts: LISTEN to iRun | The Running Show: FOLLOW him on Twitter: @_marksutcliffe SEE excerpts of his book:

iRun because it feels good. — Duane Kennedy, Alberta

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