Company Presentation 2015
A short introduction to APINEC GmbH & Co.KG
The Company: ü Founded 2010 and located in Germany ü VAT-no. DE300482984
Turnover, Target figures in 2015, 2016: ü 2015: 2 Mio € ü 2016: 4 Mio € Main Focus, Activity: Import and Export of food Whole sale for food industry East European Countries (Ukraine, Republic Moldova) Auditing beekeepers and suppliers in order to inspect extracting and homogenizing plants as well as their laboratory facilities to ensure due diligence ü APINEC has an extensive knowledge of the honey market worldwide and control their suppliers. ü ü ü ü
Company Presentation 2015
A short introduction to APINEC GmbH & Co.KG
The Product: ü Raw Natural Bee Honey ü Raw Natural Bee Honey Products for Food Industry
The Packaging and Labelling: ü 300 kg new or first-class reconditioned drums. ü The metal drums we are using are covered with lacquer which is appropriate for foodstuffs and is permitted by EC-Law in accordance with all EC-Regulations and EC-Directives in this respect especially EC Regulation Nos. 1935/2004, 1895/2005, 2023/2006 (Iatest version).
The Quality and Specification: ü Certifications: U.S. FDA Registration19901762230 ü Analysis in best laboratories: ü Specification: according to the approved analysis methods and their lower detection limit the sample corresponds to the EC regulation VO (EG) 470/2009 in connection with VO(EU) 37/2010 with externally accredited laboratories.
Company Presentation 2015
A short introduction to APINEC GmbH & Co.KG
Contact: Legal Address: Bodelschwinghstr. 47 67227 Frankenthal Germany T: +49 (0) 62 33 / 32 56 75 F: +49 (0) 62 33 / 12 58 839 E: