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Jonathan David: Introductory session. Man is a spirit but he lives in a body and what determines the health of his soul is his mind for as a man thinks so he is. All the strength of man is no good if he challenges God with his mind. Man should never be so confident to believe his mind for to do so will deceive him in his spirit. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me for what we see is that, the spirit must be speaking to the soul and not the other way around. God cannot just speak to you on the natural level he must speak to you on the spiritual level for as he does he pushes you into the spiritual dimensions of God.
Positioned to Finish Your Assignment The bible says; Daniel had determined in his mind, for this is the first thing you have to do for why would God speak to you if you cannot make up your mind? Every aspect of your life will be attacked in order that you will change your mind. God said to the devil that there was no one like Job because in Job’s heart and mind lay integrity and righteousness for nothing could penetrate this man’s heart. Paul also a man like Job said, he was prepared to finish the course set upon his life. The angel said to Elijah ‘wake up and eat, for you need strength for the journey. God by his grace must give us energy strength and protection to finish our assignment here upon the earth for we must be strong in our hearts and minds so we can finish this course. So many people have lost the vision to finish for every vision must have the place called finish. Some people are taken off course by curses and others by blessings either way people are distracted. Matthew 8:18 Jesus gave the order to depart to the other side. God is giving us orders to leave the crowd behind. Many today want to be a crowd pleaser but we have orders to get free from the crowd get free from ministry of fulfilling people’s needs for if you want to finish strong then break free from the crowd. Verse 16 and 17 are about Jesus ministering to people’s needs but then there was a time to leave and cross over to the other side. God said to Abraham, Lift up your eyes and see and Abraham could see all that which God wanted him to see. It is time to lift up our heads and see what God wants you to see. Genesis 13:10‐13 When there was a famine Abraham left and set himself apart. Abraham was blessed because he left the land of Pharaoh. Though Lot had left Egypt Lot was looking for a place like Egypt to be blessed in simply because things had attached themselves to Lots heart leaving him thinking, this is like Egypt. Lot was following Abraham and saw that when Abraham was in Egypt God was prospered him suffering no loss so much so that he wanted the same albeit with no cost even though he kept lying.
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Matthew 8:I8‐22 If you want to finish your assignment then you must raise the
standard in order to make a difference. Teacher I will follow you but Jesus said foxes have holes in other words I am not looking for rest but to finish the assignment. Foxes have holes means that a foxes’ hole means that there is an element of security which is an earthly attachment and as we know earthly attachments cause people to be distracted as they tend to polarise around themselves around that which they have attached themselves too as was the case with the rich young ruler. To raise the standard you cannot follow the way that everyone else follows for you must follow Christ and his standards ethic and principles. The way you live, talk and think must raise the a standard for it is in these things that the standard is seen and tested. You may be a voice now but when you speak your sound your life must make a difference so much so that others can then see and cross to the other side. Our primary role as leaders is to make the mystery that was kept hidden for ages past plain so that no one has any excuse to not cross over to the other side and finish their primary assignment. Matthew 8:27‐28 what kind of man is this? In order to finish your assignment you
are going to need progressive revelation of the one you follow. Every time there is an aspect of God that you do not know you must pursue and get after it so that you can know more of God. Peter James and John whilst in the boat with Jesus was the problem not the one in the boat (Jesus) for the one who told them to get into the boat was already in the boat but because of fear and intimidation being in them the storm came for they didn’t know who they were in him for they did not know who he would become in them. They had no idea of the one who calls us with an assignment for if we can learn who it is that is in our boat then the storm will stop. The enemy was trying to distract them from the one who is within you causing you to doubt the call of both his words and his values. You must have a God factor upon your life for with God and you with him all things become possible this is why we need a new revelation of him. Remember that when preachers harp on about Peters wonder walking walk of faith it lasted about five seconds the issue was never about him walking on water but about him crossing over to the other side so as he could continue on with his assignment. Mathew 8:28 If you want to finish your assignment then your obedience will
open up pathways in the spirit, for what was once shut will now open for you. A man comes to Jesus and says my name is legion for we are many have you come to torment us remembering that Jesus was not looking for Devils but instead devils came to report to him. Don’t waste your time looking for devils if you are on your assignment devils will come looking for you. The devils came and said, we are closing down our business operations in this region now that you are here and we have arranged our own mode of transport called swine taxi cabs LTD. These two men were violent blocking the pathway but if we with our assignment can quickly come into obedience then that which is blocking our
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path will suddenly be removed. Remember that it was the spirit’s themselves that decided to cast themselves into the swine not Jesus as they chose their own mode of transport. If you have an assignment from heaven the pathways will open for us.
If you want to finish your assignment then you must have power to influence the economic powers of the city. We always say there isn’t enough money for us to do that which is in our hearts. When the pigs through themselves off the cliff the economy of the town was affected as there was no more breakfast for the people. The whole city came to Jesus saying ‘if you don’t go we will lose the cows and every other animal so sir please go showing that Jesus had power to affect the economy of the region. The disciples said to Jesus, ‘we cannot feed the five thousand because we do not have enough bread or enough finances there is always lack but you have to find ways to keep in the game.
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Day Two Session one.
Power to prevail so that you can finish your assignment in every type of environment:. Genesis 26: 1‐6 1 If you and I are to prevail then you and I must learn from the mistakes of our fathers and draw from their legacy for today. What they have we must draw from but we must watch and learn from their mistakes being careful not to repeat them. God was saying to Isaac don’t go in the way that is wrong but in the day of famine watch what Abraham did because Abraham did not watch what God was doing and he subsequently went to Egypt but Isaac didn’t do this. Remember that though Martin Luther was a reformer he was also instrumental in bringing persecution upon the Jews. He presented new truth to the Jews and they rejected it and him for when this happened he took a hold of the spirit of rejection and that spirit was hanging around waiting to fall upon the Germans and they took it to a new level. Many of our fathers have two streams good and bad love and lust generosity and greed for example. There can be revelation flowing from our father’s spirit but from that same spirit or well jealousy and all kinds of issues of the heart can flow out of their inner man showing us that both wheat and tares flow out of the same well. In verse five we see that Abraham corrected his wrongs by following God thus changing his background history finishing strong and finishing in total obedience. God doesn’t judge us for what we do as Christians but ultimately he judges us for what we ultimately become. 2 Timothy 1:3‐6. Two dimensions came to Timothy’s life: The best example is Paul and Timothy as we see a generational flow of legacy coming through to Timothy bringing with it two dimensions that of the spiritual and of the natural . The natural legacy 1. Forefathers who served with a clear conscience which means something which had not been polluted but protected. Verse 5: Spiritual Legacy 1. Grandmother 2. Mother 3. Timothy. This shows us three generations a double dose or double portion because he is receiving both spiritual and natural dimensions. Paul was reminding Timothy to rekindle that which had been transferred into him in order it break the timidity within his life a timidity that could potentially stop him from rising.
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4. Paul as he is showing us four generations of spiritual legacy. You must become aware or conscious of what is being transferred into you and where the source of supply is coming from as all these things will determine who you will ultimately become. The store house principle must have fathers; fathers who can heal the nation for many people talk about Malachi and the Tithe saying if you do not tithe you will be cursed. The context was that God was saying by not tithing God would affect the social and economic cycle of a nation and if the store house does not have fathers then the land will be cursed because it’s the fathers who bring healing and provisions to the sons by turning their hearts towards them. Remember you have two spheres of streams flowing to you both the natural and the spiritual. Learn to work out what God is working in. Paul said to Timothy stir it up rekindle work with because it’s not what you hear but what you can become with what you hear and receive that counts for this we call working your own salvation out. Philippians 2:12‐13 Work out what God is working in. Whatever goes in has to be worked out as whatever you receive is your source. If you work it out then God will give you the power to will and to do his will so much so that you no longer become a hearer but a doer. Only that which has been put inside of you will help you to rise because if nothing has been received or worked out you are left to your natural personality and gifting. Today within the management systems of the world; certain personality test are carried out upon employees in order to ascertain strengths and weaknesses of individuals in the hope that self realisation will hit them thus improving people’s performance levels. The personality test only tells you what you have become and doesn’t tell you what you will become for the personality test just reveals the environment that has trained and influenced you that’s all. The personality test shows you the box or the area of containment that is upon your life. Sanguine, Penguin, Melancholic, Choleric colic is all a mixture of the things we do not like. Jesus says, follow me and I will make you, make you what? Fishes of men: in other words the fisher of men is your assignment and if you follow you will be given power to prevail and finish your assignment for that is what you are becoming. Cephus was a fisherman but became Peter a rock on which the church would be built. If you chose what you have become and refuse to move into that which you should become you have a natural man rather than a supernatural person. If you are shaped by the natural the natural will push you into natural positions. If you are senior leader and you are shaped naturally by natural surroundings and circumstances this will cause both you and the church all kinds of problems for many pastors should get out of the church and get a job in society rather than work in the natural church. Many think they can naturally talk and encourage people from their natural personality and these are pastors for many do not flow function on the grace calling and supernatural empowerment of the Holy Ghost. There is nothing natural about the work of the ministry for it is supernatural in every sense hence why many men can not
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prevail in their environments. Learn to break every dimension of timidity whether it be health, wealth preaching prayer break whatever the limitation you have. Externally you can be contained but internally you can be set free. The reference point cannot be your revelation or anointing for it must come from the word of the Lord spoken and received and worked out from the inside. Love is both why what and how I am doing what I am doing as love is a motivational dynamic in its nature. I love because he first loved me and hence why it has to become a motivational dynamic. If I use what he has given me and I work it out and you do the same we call it either a natural or supernatural relationship. The motivation of his love in me draws me to you so his will, will be worked out in me and because of this I do not expect your response to be the same motivational dynamic. The sound mind is our protection so that we can keep consistent in the flow so that no type of resistance can destroy us. If you do not have a sound mind then you will not be able to discern the various attacks of the enemy. 1st the primary source is that which you receive for that which you receive will bring to you both a sound mind and love for once these two dynamics attach themselves to you a spiritual joining then takes place. 3rd session 2 Timothy 3:1‐17
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Paul said if you follow me and I become your leader and if you continue to follow me in the things that you have learned things will come to your life. Ten rules Paul sets for Timothy 1. You must follow your father’s doctrine: A doctrine is a belief system that is established upon core kingdom values which are divine and are none negotiable absolutes leading to life and godliness. Whenever you hear the word doctrines it is referring to either men and demons but when you hear the word doctrine this is accurate as there is only one doctrine. 1 Timothy 6:1‐2 teach and preach these principles or doctrine. 1 Timothy 4:1 Some will fall away from the truth as these are doctrines of demons. Titus 1:9 Holding fast in accordance with teaching doctrine so that people can hold on to it. Titus 2:1 Titus 1:6. Sound doctrine & setting an example in sound doctrine. The more unchangeable absolutes and convictions you develop the stronger you become. 2. You must follow my conduct. Behavioural systems which deals with a life style and as we know life styles reveal how you behave both to your wife and to your people as well as behave towards holy things. Behavioural patterns reveal the core values built on the inside of people. If you follow your father’s doctrine you will follow your fathers know how’s. 1 Timothy 3: 14‐15 in case I am delayed you should know how to conduct yourself in the household of God. Know how to behave as a leader and learn to be a compassionate leader. In order for this to happen you must first become connected to truth. Things have to be written on the inside of your heart. When people do not have patterns inscribed on the inside of their hearts they become labelled as lawless people.
3. You must have the same Purpose in mind. This means the same objectives and ultimate goal of God upon your life. Paul was telling Timothy you must choose to have the same purpose in mind and in your heart. You must know why you are hear so you can finish Gods assignment upon your life for don’t allow people to be mesmerised by your truth because the purpose of the truth is to reveal the purpose of God for people’s lives. Matthew 16:22 The disciples completely missed the moment as Peter did not know what to say but he opened up his mouth just like so many of today’s leaders. The moment you put many leaders on the spot putting a microphone into their hands they say inappropriate things and unspiritual things.
4. You must learn to draw the same aspect of faith
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Faith is having Gods word in your heart that will regulate your lifestyle remembering that the just shall live by faith. Faith is not hitting a crises button meaning every time you have a problem you try and activate faith by panic and energy but faith is a life style as it is guided by a life style. Everything that comes to us is going to come to us via Gods word for God is not building for himself but is building according to his purpose his will and his word. Faith is not a single action but a life style bringing everything to total obedience to Christ because every movement should be according to the word. Acts 16:6‐8 the Holy Ghost was in charge for the only thing that could stop Paul was the Holy Ghost as well as Paul’s own inner man but no devils were mentioned. Paul became an unstoppable force for he could speak where God said spoke and do that which God said to do for this type of functional life style is called living and walking in faith. It was this type of life style that Paul was telling Timothy to not only emulate but follow as a pattern for his entire life.
5. You must follow my Patience Patience means not reacting to changeable environments but by focus we must consistently follow the purpose by making the right decisions resisting anything that would divert us. Patience means little but often for we must get closer to the purpose of God by being determined to get back to alignment with God. Patience is a hallmark of a mature character. Most young guys today in the ministry want to become a rising start only latter for them to become a fallen star. Farmers use fertiliser in order to speed the crops up so they can produce but when you do this you damage the soil. This happens in the church for when leaders use modern day fertiliser; methods and marketing gimmicks leave the ground destroyed.
6. You must follow after my love The genuineness of Paul s life s agenda: Love is to obey the commandments and to love what he loves. Love is on the giving side as well as receiving side. Love is to honour and it is able to give and forgive to prefer and elevate the lives of others. Love is not based on how much we get to speak or how much coffee we get to drink for we must ask, ‘is our love set on the affections of our father’s heart. True love wants to lift you up so that you can come to the same place in order for you to enter into that which your father has also entered into. The breakthroughs that you come into should be the same breakthroughs that your people come into for once your love has been accurately been discerned and entered into.
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7. You must follow my perseverance
This means taking all the pressure with a clear purpose in mind in other words you are prepared to suffer the price so that purpose can be fulfilled. Many believers have never come to this place as they want short cut sessions in how to get easy success. 8. You must understand and enter into my persecution. Persecution is what others will do to you in order to stop you finishing your course. Some persecutions do not always come with pain but rather come with pleasure so as to slow you down preventing you from finishing your course. People do this to pervert you motives. The wicked sometimes get inside the church and when they do they prosper and compromise the assignment of the house and because of this they are not found living righteously in the house though they look on the outside they are prospering. If by showing you these things you can feel a sense of resentment towards God you are in trouble remember never eat food from the kings table.
9. You must follow and experience my sufferings Every one of us will have different types of sufferings though we do not all suffer the same things we all however must suffer for the sake of the gospel for it by these sufferings that we gain our portion in our fathers inheritance. Paul was trying to teach Timothy that in your sufferings don’t fight back in the natural way for these type of sufferings are a perfectly natural phenomenon and one that goes with this type of life. Some of us go through life with little but we must be prepared to take it. Some of the little that we have God may tell us to give away. Some operate and function based on their abundance of supply but we must learn to function on obedience. There are seasons where you a base and abound for these are the sufferings of God for your life. Sometimes people who leave your church latter attack you even after you have laboured with them and whatever was in your heart is highlighted but there attack should bring these things to an end in you so that you are free. These attacks are sufferings for many pastors as they attack them in their emotions and mind shaking their very confidence leaving room for them to doubt their calling. Sometimes it’s your children that you suffer through but it is these sufferings that God uses so that we can help others. When we do help others there must not be pain of the journey shared but rather the joy and the victory of the journey. Sometimes we become immune to people’s feelings but faith allows you to feel and discover that you are a real person. Our message has to be real
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and our message becomes real by our sufferings. Always remember just because you suffer does not mean that you can stop others from suffering but you can stand in the gap by understanding them in a human way. No matter what faith you have you cannot remove the sufferings of Christ upon your life.
10.You must follow my legacy that I have for you This is the pattern and model of life style. There is a lot of difference between evil men and imposters and the man of God for God said Timothy follow my legacy Philippians 3:17‐18. Paul said I carry these dimensions in my life so if you follow and observe these patterns your life will also produce a legacy. Philippians 1:21‐25 Paul is saying if I want to go on I can because I have spare time simply because Paul had finished the course before he died. Paul said I could have gone home but for your sake I decided to remain for you. If you live this pattern you will know Christ, gain Christ and enter into Christ, living for him. In order for you to get this as a pattern it has to be first observed and lived. See and observe the pattern and you will enter into it for what you personally come into others will come into later. If I have a key for the door and I can get other keys cut this helps others to enter but first the subsequent keys that is cut has to be cut from pattern to a pattern. The bible says knock and the door will be opened but why are you knocking if you have been given keys to the kingdom? 1 2 3 4
If you knock you do not have a key If you have a key you can enter any time you want If you have the key you have authority to keep things outside of your own territory. With keys there are no limitations upon your life
Matthew 19:1‐8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. In the beginning God gave the standard and eventually the leaders reduced the standard giving the people what they wanted. God chooses a high standard and then leaders chose a lower standard. If you preach the high standard which is Moses the church circus will continue without you hence this is the pattern in most of the predominant mega church structures. The leaders have reduced patterns for the sake of their people so when the apostolic comes in and raises the standard all types of people kick off. You as a leader must never reduce the original standards for the people or you will be finished. People say why go to Muar when you can simply learn all this at home of which I say, ‘I go to Muar in order to return to my primary source of life and to fix my heart in understanding a more accurate patterned life. Look at Gideon’s church growth original pattern 1 All those who fear go home 2 All those who are married go home
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3 Take them to the river to see if they have alertness watch them whilst they drink and if they are not alert then send them home because they do not have a battle front mentality.
Big churches like the one Gideon gathered are not built for battle. God says, ‘I will show you how to win the war and why because I am here for I am the X factor God not Simon Cowell. Do something right and doors will open? The devil is not destroyed by history but destroyed by your revelation of the word that comes from your mouth. For in the Moses generation the leaders lowered the standard but for our generation we must raise it once again so we can form the Christ into the hearts of his church.
Retaining the same standard 2 Timothy 1:13 A part of me is in you and a part of God is within us and we together are a part of each other thus making us together connected in life and in legacy. Paul said that when I laid my hands upon you Timothy not only was the gift of my life placed upon him but the gift of legacy as well as this is what Paul was carrying. Paul was saying you and I are one for we have to pursue the same standard together. You must retain the same standard of the same words and love that is in Christ Jesus. We are not looking for disconnected people but people who carry the same standard words and love as the senior pastor. Our people must be teaching walking and speaking that which they have received and that which comes from Christ Jesus hence why we need wisdom to build. That which has been entrusted to us is the spirit of power and of a sound mind. The dimensions of faith that comes from your mother and from your grandmother. The dimensions that come from the natural relationships that God brings into your life. You must watch how they talk and present themselves for it takes more than personality to finish this race for it takes patterns. Sons and daughters in order to receive accurate patterns must observe how the gifts operate within him and how through watching see how he ministers to the church and how he prays over them and for them.
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The dimension of faith which is in you that which you have retained and now walk and work out. When you are in your mother’s womb her blood stream protects you but now you are out of the womb you have to develop your own protection strength and height no matter how strong your mother or father is. You have to receive, nurture and protect the gift of God that has been transferred from God in to you. God is looking for an original not a copy but this original comes from the laying on of a fathers hands. 1. The dimension of the full Gospel 2 Timothy 1:9. Galatians 1:6‐7. This gospel should never change learn to stay with the original to the end. These dimensions are that Christ is our firm foundation for through this message the fullness of Christ comes to us and through this gospel we live move and have our being. Denominations have changed their message and then wonder why they have lost both the things that they once enjoyed. When you reject the pattern you reject Christ himself the one who is your own foundation. 2 Timothy 1 2. Through Jesus the purpose has been revealed. We no longer have to try and find our purpose for people get confused with results and purpose. There is one purpose with four aspects to it. The overall purpose is that the kingdoms of this world should become the kingdoms of our Lord and Christ and he shall reign forever and ever 1st aspect of the churches purpose is to reconcile man back to God. Shutting down hell so that sin and hell no longer operate within the heart of man. The 2nd aspect of the churches purpose is to advance the purpose of the kingdom of God upon the earth. The 3rd aspect of the churches purpose is to connect with God and with the heavens. The 4th aspect of the churches purpose is to reveal the son of God so that the works of the devil can be brought to an end. Remember that a ministry is only a vehicle given in order to fulfil the purpose of God. There must be no ground within you for if you give Satan ground he will move in like a travelling gypsy for he will claim full squatter’s rights. 3. The grace has been granted as a divine enablement from Jesus. Whatever God requires as his purposes has already been granted whether that be a gift, wisdom or sanctification for all has been granted and given from heaven. Ephesians 3:7‐12: First God has to work on the inside of your heart and with this kind of power the grace will then enable you to become a minister. The more grace you receive the deeper God has to work within your heart. Whatever God wants done first make sure it is done from the inside of you so that everything that is built is built into him and flowing out of him. When the purpose has been revealed the grace will then be made available. Two
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aspects of grace, 1st Aspect is when through grace Christ is revealed so that Salvation can be obtained. 2nd Aspect of grace is for the labouring and fulfilment of our primary assignment. Ephesians 3:19‐21 because there is no breaking through on the inside of a life there can be no breaking forth on the outside of a life. Whatever you want to break free in God, God has to go internally down into your heart so that he can deal with it so that it can come forth both clear and clean. That which has not begun in you cannot come forth from without of you for without this you cannot have a season called now. Verse 21: When God is allowed to work on the inside of you all glory can go to him as he is the one working in you to will and to his good purpose for when this happens your life can become a model for others to follow. Whatever God starts now he has to bring to completion meaning the work is complete and finished. 4 Through Jesus the power of death has been abolished. The purpose of death is to shut you away from God and from knowing intimacy with him in life, for only intimacy and sacrifice will enable you to do his will here upon this earth. The bible says they overcame him by the word of the Lord and through the testimony of their words for they did not love their life unto death. Hebrews 2:14‐15. When the power of death becomes powerless then the enemy has no more power over you. We are no longer to have a spirit of slavery but enter into the spirit of son ship. The worst thing that we perceive can happen to us is for Satan to physically kill us but this cannot separate us from the love of God. Death where is your power comes the cry but remember the grave cannot hold us down hence why we do not need to be afraid. Jesus said, ‘behold once I was dead but now I am alive for I have the keys of life and death in my hands. 5 Through Jesus eternal, life has been brought to us from heaven for this is called the God life. The life that God lives on the other side; is now being lived on this side of the earth rather than in heaven. I John 1:1‐4 That which was from the beginning that which we have seen heard touched and proclaim. This is the indestructible divine life and this life and eternal life has now manifested for once it was with the father but now is being brought forth on this side of heaven. It is not a life that can die but is however a life without mixture making it a God nature life. This life that we live is not like a none believer becoming a Christian for this life started on the other side not here for it didn’t start with you but with him. This new life did not start in flesh and blood for Christ is not trying to modify your life for you are dead in Christ for the ‘I’ has gone for he is giving you His life. Life without sin and above flesh and blood a life filled with victory meaning we do not have to die to start eternity but it has
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started now. We are citizens of a heavenly kingdom our joy resources happiness and fulfilment comes from there. We are born of him and are returning back to him for our starting point is not from the flesh for we are bringing our fathers world down to the earth. We are colonising the earth by planting the kingdom of God here upon planet earth. We carry that which is not from the earth but from heaven. That which is carried is better known as treasure in earthen vessels. 6 The resurrection power will renew your soul and restore your body through Jesus. Romans 8:10‐14 God is working overtime on your mind and your body for he does not want your mind and your body to be consumed by the things of this world. Though our body is going down our spirit is going higher hence why there is a spiritual war over our lives with both the flesh and the spirit. But means there is another option meaning if the Holy Ghost dwells in you he will quicken your mortal body setting it free reversing time moving you further away from the grave prolonging your days here upon the earth. If you are becoming stronger and stronger you are living further and further away from your appointment with death by the increasing of your health and strength. Caleb became stronger and stronger though his physical body was getting older and older but why because he had a different sprit showing himself full of wisdom maturity and impact all because he carried a greater dimension of God upon his life. Most old people build and think on semi retirement they dress old because they think old this is not God. Romans 8:22‐23 Redemption of our body gets your body back and gets your soul back gets your will back and your emotions back from the hand of the enemy because there is a groaning in our hearts. Take back your body so that you health can prosper and your soul can prosper. Day Two (continuation of principles) Learning to stand where the light shines. Most of us polarise around the old reformers both pastors and leaders alike but many refuse to go all the way back to Peter James and John in the New Testament. Martin Luther the Anabaptist Calvin and Augustine all these are not the reference point to fight against Paul in the New Testament is the reference point as he developed the original patterns given to us. You cannot polarise around people who are learning what you are learning when we should be polarising around the one who spoke and brought unchangeable truth
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to us. You cannot be changing your truth every couple of years like many of today’s charismatic preachers do. If you polonaise around the apostolic taking Paul’s apostolic patterns then the truth remains constant and consistent. When we talk about Peter Jams and John we are not talking about these guys as personalities but talking as the truth that they wrote and revealed to us for this truth is what we must return to. The original and the full truth is in the New Testament church. A lot of things were lost in the dark ages such as the church gifts and power that were previously taught and demonstrated in scripture but what God spoke was never lost and must not be forsaken. The same Holy Spirit that gave it to men is still speaking so we who are present can bypass the dark ages removing the confusion preventing us from taking doctrinal side thus dividing the church. Denominations will either get tighter and tighter strangling the life of its people or demonic powers will break through altogether. When you read the old reformers you pick up their contentions but when you pick up the spirit of Peter James and John and Paul though you know of their struggles you don’t pick up their contentions for when this truth was given it was freely given to you and to me without prejudice or contention. Peter s alignment whilst on the rooftop of Cornelius house Peter used his culture then he used his preference then he used historical content when using Moses as is reference point. Peter was saying we agree with the past and ignore the present. Finally he used his head and he came into alignment with God. Peter said I am a Jew and you are a Gentile saying I am in trouble for just being here as Jews do not associate with Gentiles but no one had asked him anything but then as he spoke God began to make clear the things in Peter’s heart. Peter wanted to polarise around his culture history and preference rather than migrating to that which is new. Apollo’s was another person who was faithful in what he knew preaching John’s baptism but he almost destroyed the Corinthian church by taking the church off Paul for Paul had to bring clarity to that which Apollo’s once taught. Apollo’s had not come into the new move hence why Priscilla and Aquila had to take this boy to one side and teach him the finer points of truth. When Jesus wrote in the sand whilst speaking to the elders of the town with the woman caught in adultery that there were two generations of people ready to throw stones, the leaders and then the younger or next generation for the next generation were influenced and were found following their forefathers. Jesus kept writing in order to make it clear to them that he was rewriting their future and by rewriting he was making it clear and plain to them that Moses was not the beginning but Jesus himself was real the beginning. We as leaders must keep writing until another generation can see what we are saying until it becomes clear to them because the younger generation are polarising around the old church forefathers and because of this many new things need to be rewritten and spoken from heaven. Remember the mental and religious stones that the religious leaders were
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carrying started with the forefathers as it came out of their contained hearts and minds. When religion is strong in the older generation the next generation walk in ignorance. 2 Through Jesus salvation wholeness completeness and perfection has been given to us Hebrews 9:23‐28 (The process of salvation) 3 First appearing was Jesus coming to the earth so as to put away sin The consummation of the ages bringing all the times of fulfilment into our life. Everything he did comes into reality in our life. Aion is the Greek word meaning speaking of all the ages coming together both the past and the present so that it can come to a finishing point but before this, things have to happen. Jesus appears once in order to put away sickness sin Satan and disease 4 Second appearing is him going into the heavens into the presence of God Almighty interceding speaking and talking to God the father on our behalf Now God is appearing in the holy of holies for us so that everything he did for us can be sanctioned by God. What is sanctioned is then released to us. Everything he paid and bought on Calvary’s cross can now be approved so that it can be released in time so that tomorrow when you have need it can be released meaning health wealth prosperity can all come to you because he is interceding today on my behalf. Everything has already been approved so that every provision we need will be released on time in time at the point of need. The Holy Spirit lets us know those things that have been secured by heaven for you. Our role is to stay in time and in tune with God so that which is sanctioned in heaven can be released and brought forth upon the earth for God has done all things well. The foundation of the earth is not as secure as your foundation with Christ as the earth can be shaken but our foundation with Christ will never be shaken nor will ever pass away. The blessings of Christ as the mediator of heaven & earth Hebrew 9:23-28 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
There is a better promise made secure A better foundation which is Christ himself behold I was dead but now I am alive A better empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Greater works shall you do. A better future and a better hope as a price was paid for us. A better measure of Christ given and revealed to us Better opportunities. Nations will open to us
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7. Better health. Instead of getting weaker you get stronger like the strength of an eagle. Your mind spirit and body gets stronger and stable along with more mature 8. A better protection. A wall of defence angelic presence, the blood of Christ guardian angels, the word of God and the Holy Spirit fills us. We are the only ones who have armour for not even Israel had this given to her. 9. Better training. We are not just trained to fight but to reign to be priestly and royal. We are not only trained to march but to rule govern take back and establish. 10. A better promises so that we can become a better supply to others rather than just receive for us for we are now becoming the provider for others for in you all the nations shall be blessed. 11. A better relationship. In the old Test they saw Gods acts but we now see and understand Gods ways through intimacy with him. We can see through doing the works of God, God as our father whilst looking into his face. 12. A better mediator. This means we have a better negotiator someone who can secure for us better things. Hebrews 8:9 Is their salvation just beyond forgiveness of sin? Absolutely yes!! This time when Jesus appears it is not for salvation of sin but he appears for those to see all those things outlined in the above for this is the execution of his will for he is the author and finisher of our faith. When he comes a second time everything would have been brought to total completion everything established and restored. Everything he has spoken has become a reality and then he will take us home. Let thy kingdom come let thy will be done as it is in heaven. Acts 3:21 He must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. 7 Through Jesus we have received a calling to finish and complete what he has begun. (Example) 1 We are called out of darkness into his glorious light into the kingdom of his Son 1 Peter 2:9 2 We are called for a holy vocation ‐ lifestyle walking in a manner that is worthy Ephesians 4:1‐7 3 We are called to a hope that cannot disappoint Ephesians 4:4, Ephesians 1:15‐17 & Colossians 1:26‐27 The hope is that as Christ is revealed he will become the embodiment of your life and soul so he can reveal himself to the nations of the world rather than your gift and anointing. Galatians 1:15=16
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But when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man. If Christ is not revealed in you, you have no right being there for its only Christ being revealed that people need to see. For you and I to preach the Christ there must be a revelation 4 We are called to a high calling Philippians 3:8‐12 5 We have been called to a heavenly calling Hebrews 3:1‐4 everything is wrapped up in Christ. Whatever is happening to Jesus is happening to us when Jesus is touching we are receiving this is our heavenly calling. Whilst Christ is in the heavens and we are on the earth everything that Christ partook through Christ we also are able to take a hold of. Christ has taken a hold of us but we have an inheritance in him causing me now to live a life that is both worthy and full of abundance. 6 We are called to be partakers of the eternal glory 1 Peter 5:9‐11 God will make us perfect and strengthen us so that we can be established in a place of dominion which simply means you have taken charge. Remember that if the devil is prowling around your life you haven’t taken charge. Circumstances must no longer take over your life for you have dominion simply meaning that you have gotten the enemy out of your territory. 7 We are called into his kingdom to inherit and posses it 1 Thessalonians 2:10‐13 we are called to advance and established be cleansed and empowered in the kingdom all through Jesus. 1 Kings 19: 19‐21 There is a legacy life behind Elijah 1 kings 17. Here is a man that comes out of the presence of God and not a bible school and his first assignment is to arrest the powers of the enemy shutting him down. When he spoke to the heavens regarding the rain not being opened on the earth this was him shutting down the works of the enemy. Jezebel was a demonic power and the area of Sidon was filled with witchcraft and demonic power. Her words hit Elijah and caused him to spin separating him from God his source which then resulted in him running away. Elijah knew how to call down rain and deal with the prophets of Ball but he didn’t know how to cut off the source of raw demonic power coming to him personally hence why he had to run to the mountain which for him was his source. His own words began to undue him. Elijah had won the war but he had no realised it God said to him go to Jehu and Hazeil and place the mantle upon them transfer it quickly on to the lives of others. It is not by confrontation but by succession the battle is won. The power is truly gone when you have pushed the enemy out with all your might and that you have finally submitted to God. You may have a connection but do you have a supply? You can be connected but have no legacy. If you draw from your fathers well you will have the same celebrations of your father.
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Drawing from the legacy of fathers Genesis 26:15‐18 When there is no water in the land you cannot sustain wildlife and if animals cannot be sustained people cannot be neither which causes people then to move on. When people do not have a place in which to settle they are termed as nomads and if you have no ware to settle you cannot have dominion hence why the enemy shuts down the water supply of God’s word within a given region. Every pastor must be able to own your own land or ground so you can have dominion. Never be at the mercy of your landlord. When you put your foot down you are making a statement in the land. These guys were saying you are becoming too powerful because he was self sustaining though they came as foreigners they were now at a place of sustainment all because of water. Draw from your fathers well for this legacy is the strongest. Connections are not for control but for consistent supply of resources. Verse 19 they were now digging other wells and from this contention then arose. Genesis 14‐17 The contamination of Egypt was in Lot and because of chapter 13 there is contention with Lots herdsmen which eventually caused God to say to Abraham separate yourself from Lot. God was saying follow me not your obligation. God sought Abraham out by saying to him you are connecting everywhere when you have need you go to Egypt rather than coming to me. God sends Melchizadek to intercept him whilst he was n his way to the meet the king of Sodom whilst in the valley of Shaveh as the king of Sodom saw Abraham as one of the kings. Abraham; God says I am not walking with you; you are walking with me because the captain doesn’t follow the soldiers to war. Melchizadek blesses him and Abraham realises he is no longer an heir of Mesopotamia but he is now Abram of God. Where are you starting from in God for in God we live move and have our being? Verse 18‐ 21 God delivers intercept and protects so that Abraham can get connected to heaven. Genesis 15:8 God is our very great reward do not be afraid. Question comes if I die the blessing is lost I need a son a legacy. Elizer is in my household but God says he isn’t going to be an heir for everything I have is going to flow through you for you must have a child of your own showing us that it’s only through son‐ship that resources flow. Abraham understood that what is yours is mine but what is mine cannot be transferred without me having my own sons to transfer into. I will not betray you and you will bring all my enemies into my hands because we have a covenant between us. Abraham messes up again Genesis 16: Hagar was an Egyptian made which was given to Abraham from Pharaoh showing us that it is so easy to carry the old ways of Egypt in our life. It was because of this that God withdrew from the scene but then didn’t speak with or to him for thirteen years. You cannot bring a sodomite or Egyptian or even a contemporary model when God isn’t in it. Even though God made covenant with Abraham, Abraham did
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not do his part as he still went his own way. You have to learn how to walk in covenant rather learning to claim it by faith for there is no faith involved this way. God begun to teach Abraham how you can keep your side of the covenant and Abraham started to ask God to show him this technology. God says this is my covenant saying every male shall be circumcised as this is a seal of the covenant and from this Isaac shall be born and she shall bare sons. There has to be a seal upon our lives to show God that we are prepared to pay the price to walk and keep the covenant with God. Now this covenant has began, anything God wants to do upon the earth he has to go through Abraham. Everything God wants to do in the city he has to go through you as the leader as you are the one he made covenant with. God says shall I hide what I am about to do from Abraham? I cannot hide it from Abraham because he is my partner here upon the earth. Now Abraham enters into a one to one committee decision and Abraham and he begins to negotiates with God about the 50 getting him down to 10 but there wasn’t even 10 righteous people. God didn’t judge because of wickedness but because there wasn’t enough righteous people in the city. If you take your stand in righteousness for your city then God will not judge it. God is looking for the righteous people not wicked people. Genesis 19:4 Lot was righteous but not an effective witness as he was already an elder in Sodom which was a bunch of rebel’s. Verse 14: His word did not carry weight at all. 2 Peter 2:6‐7
if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)—
If you walk with God then covenant is with you but if you walk on your own the enemy will pursue you in order to destroy you hence why we must connect to the legacy of our fathers (that’s if you have one) so we can stand strong. Always remember Israel was Gods people and he rejected them and we the Gentiles who were rejected were accepted through Christ. Evening session Isaiah chapters 59,60,61
Gods blueprint for national transformation When God took a hold of Israel there was no economic educational system and out of nothing God made them a nation in fact Israel national gross disposable product is higher than all the other Arab nations.
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How society comes into decline Isaiah 59 It starts with the withdrawal of God s presence from us. God withdraws because he sees things in his church which are inaccurate so because of this he withdraws from us. We have separated ourselves from him verse 2. When God separates from us we do not see his face his hands his presence or his ear for because of this he no longer responds to our prayers. Our internal life comes into corruption and into decline. Verse 3, 12, 13. When our sins have separated us from God the church comes into decline. The moment the church becomes corrupt the salt which is the church s light loses its saltiness. The church is the house of God and the highway of heaven which is a vehicle that God needs in order to bring city transformation. All the sewage flowing in the streets enters into the church and when it does the church comes into decline and the signs of decline for the church are that leadership problems and people conflict begins exploding in the house. The blessings and provisions which are ours are now cut off from us. Verse 9 ‐11 All the revelation and understanding that once flowed to you now is lost because you are no longer in your spiritual standing with God causing us to shift our ground. We cannot take the city because we have a programme for you do not go to war with a programme you go to war with a strategy. All the church has is desire the only strategy she has is one to one evangelism the only training programme she has is bible school and the only exaltation she has is her midweek programmes God help us. It’s because of this the church wonders why she is not a voice in the city. It takes a real life to become a real voice not a programme. Isaiah shows us that there is no clarity in our voice and then he continues to use the dove as an illustration as the dove is a bird that settles. Then in verse 16 there is no man and one and subsequently no God. Others around us also become corrupt. The rest of society becomes corrupt. Verse 4 no one pursues righteousness and no one speaks truth. Poisonous plots are involved simply meaning there are high levels or high profile levels of men within the city that through their sin try and cover up their own corruption and shame. If you try and destroy and expose this system by catching their eggs you get crushed and further more snakes breaks out. What these kind of systems say is that if you are not part of their system/thinking they will crush you with acts of violence all because we have separated ourselves from them. We become victims in a collapsing system verse 7 & 8. It is always the innocent people who begin to suffer. If you walk with these people you will never know or find rest so be careful not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly because their path is not
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straight hence why the innocent get victimised because they are in the system. We as leaders end up ministering to these people every Sunday as they have been hurt by the system. These people are kept healthy in the church but they never get to the stage of war so the pastor then sues all the fuel on Sunday to keep them running when they should be flying in the war. Verse 15 The greatest crises to hit the earth; is found in the church hence why we have to build strong. The insurance economic political arenas have all been shaken as wickedness runs a midst showing us that we can build accurately and if we do then we can stand strong in the midst of a collapsing society. The banking crises didn’t happen because of banking practices but because of the speculators. There must be such a clear prophetic clarity in the church to warn and train our people so that when crises comes, we have planned and strategized aiding the church to rise in the midst of collapse. Systemic poverty is that which is created on a national level. Truth is lacking and he who turns himself from evil makes himself a prey the Lord saw this and turned towards the earth. The Lord sees everything and he finds it displeasing in his sight. Every part and domain of society will collapse so the whole system does not operate on truth anymore. Verse 15‐21 God is getting himself dressed for battle. Lies and speculations are created by market forces as every aspect of society begins to collapse. God’s hands are no longer intervening because of this he is going to get dressed for battle and act on his own behalf. Transformation of society begins when God intervenes for the righteous for God must find righteous people, people who contend in the midst of the battle for the righteousness of God. When some people leave your church it proves to God that you will not change what you believe Transformation begins when God can find a man. The book of judges 6: God is looking at everyone but he is not looking for everyone. The eyes of the Lord run to a fro the earth looking for those whose hearts are perfectly fixed upon him. Gideon has not even gone to battle he is just beating wheat in the wine press as a mere famer boy only for God to say you are a mighty man of valour. Why would God tell a farmer boy a boy who had never been to war that he is a mighty man of valour?. Whilst In the wine press something in Gideon’s heart gets stronger and stronger. Instead of becoming internally frustrated and bitter Gideon gets internally strong. God said to Samuel regarding Saul stop crying for I have found a man but it was a boy not a man. Samuel said sir it’s a boy not a man but then God responded to Samuel by saying don’t you remember when you were in the temple Samuel as a little boy I saw the man in you yes you were my man even as a boy. When David was anointed but nothing happened but the bible says from that day, day after day he got
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stronger so much so that he slew a lion and a bear as he became a warrior on the inside. David was receiving things he didn’t know. We as people of God whilst under Isaac are receiving things We do not even know. It just takes certain situations and circumstances that show the anointing is on you and it can come to the surface. Transformation will come Tony; when he finds and fashions you as his man. Many people when they discover they have an anointing upon them manifest, but internally they are still carnal little boys. If God can find the man in the boy or the boy in the woman he will use them but we think God is looking for a boy within a man. When Jesus called his disciples they were young men 28‐30 for Jesus saw a man in the boy. The Corinthian church; however were immature but they were not lacking in gifts. The charismatic church is predominantly performance orientated whereas what they have never realised is that God is looking to make the man not polishing his gift. Isaiah 46:10‐11 God’s man of purpose. If you become Gods man a warrior rising then transformation will take you to the front lines of the battle field. Show yourself a man approved by God equipped by God so that everything God wants you to do you internally have the capacity to do it. The war internally has to be won so that you can do the work of your primary assignment. Transformation comes when God comes down in full manifestation verse 15 &19 his wrath is his energy. The head and arms of God are revealed along with the breastplate and helmet of righteousness revealed and lastly his spirit is revealed coming forth to us. His glory is going to break out as God comes in full gear. Transformation begins judgement. Isaiah 59:18‐19
When the nation bow and fears his sovereignty They may not know his true name but people do have a distant fear of God as people always ask questions when calamities come upon the earth whether it be tsunamis or earthquakes they ask questions and look to God for answers. When these things take place, people internally know there is a sovereign power which can protect them. People fear and tremble when these things happen, for perplexity and apprehension fills their hearts. Earthquakes can come and little damaged happen tsunamis can come and a nations geography be saved and why because there is a man of God upon the earth like Elijah who says by the sound of my voice neither dew or rain shall fall accept by the sound of my voice for this is what nations need for we must keep the works of the enemy out of our territory. Transformation of society will begin when God raises a distinct generation who chose to win by righteousness and by a transformed life. Verse 19 ‐20 God says I am going to meet this generation and I am going to meet them
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in Zion for this is my landing point. Those who will turn from unrighteousness those who want to walk with me I will meet them in Zion. Transformation of society comes when he executes his kingdom through those in Zion Verse 21 God is going to put this on our descendants until everything is turned around. I will take the spirit and the word upon them for it will not only be on the father but upon their sons until every generation is affected by the same spiritual dynamic for we must rise shine for our light has come. I will keep doing this until you rise and shine so that we become aligned with his purpose remembering that kings and kingdoms will see his glory. Light and revelation will break out for these two things shall cause the nations and their kings to come to us. We must meet with him in Zion putting his covenant upon us we must walk and work with him for this is our place of function. A child is born a son is given something is about to be born but it must be born on the inside of us personally. It is possible to fight spiritual battles without fighting spiritual warfare. When Rebecca had two boys in her womb they were called two nations for I am not a person I am a nation and in you shall all nations of the earth shall be blessed. If it is complete in you then you no longer have to fear the environment you are part of. Day Three If you compromise the convictions of the Holy Ghost you will begin to suffer for he who hears this truth of mine and acts upon it will not suffer. If we are to build a life upon the rock then it can only be done by living according not to my own opinions but to the total revealed truth living upon the inside of within my heart. Don’t procrastinate in your heart any longer but use what you receive today because today if you hear his word do not harden your heart. We are slow to believe because we do not think we need it now but why would God speak to us if we didn’t need it now. All we want to know is how to grow our churches and adding a few new members but we do not take truth beyond these things. He who hears these words of mine and acts upon them is a wise man. Please remember the
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wind and the rain will come but it’s where you are standing after these things have come that will reveal whether you hardened your heart when the word was initially spoken Whilst God is judging the Amorites he is building you educating you getting the ground ready for you as he will allow others to build so that you can obtain that which you didn’t build for God is thinking about you but you and I are thinking all the time how do we get out of this place. God says learn all the skills become a warrior so that God can use you. Whilst God is preparing you he is dealing with the enemy for whilst he is doing this your sons and daughters are also being dealt with so that a whole company of people can cross over and inherit the fullness of all that he has planned for you. Transformation begins when God works within a man so we must let God come in his righteousness and in his glory. We must let God move amongst us letting him speak freely on any aspect of our lives. Proverbs 21:8 A false witness will perish but the man who speaks the truth will last forever. If you want people to listen to the truth then keep listening to truth for if you do this God will always hold the door open for you to speak the truth to others for there are always others who are looking for truth. Lesson for pastors 1 Corinthians 2:1‐5 When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power Whenever you come before the people you must not come on your own or with your own words and skill but instead you must bring that which God is testifying for that which he is testifying makes you a true witness rather than a false witness. Let God speak whatever he wants to our thoughts minds our actions don’t close him down from moving freely. You have to be able to confidently say to the people that which I have heard that which I have seen and have touched I proclaim to you. If we do not learn to tarry with Jesus for one hour figuratively speaking that is we will not be able to overcome our hour of temptation. When Jesus said this to his disciples he was saying pay now or pay later prepare so you will not fail or be prepared to fail. Interesting note: Why is it that in every nation that the United Nations are working they are unable to keep the peace which they were initially set up to bring. Why does the nations rage say’s the bible. God has a plan and a sovereignty but God is shaking the nations for he is shaking the Babylonian systems letting the fury of the earth take its toile. Man fears what
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is happening and slowly he is realising that he has no control over what is happening upon the earth. Fires break out earthquakes, floods mud slide wiping out entire towns and regions and governments are powerless to act. These governments gave the permission to people to build on land that could never hold these structures and when disaster takes place those who gave this corrupt advice are not there to face the music. Terrorism and the likes of are causing people to fear and turn to God hence why the church must rise to become the light and purity of the nation. If you don’t take care of the rivers of society then you will face problems. Do not starve the rivers of Oxygen because if you do clouds will not gather and drought will appear but you say we have refreshing but if this is so why then are the nations found in rage? There is a drought in the spiritual realm but there will not be a famine in those who build according to the pattern. The core people of most nations are not being touched but instead those who are being touched are the refuge and asylum nations as these nations are finding themselves inn state of transition hence why Isaiah says in Isaiah 60: 9‐10 that the ships of Tarshish are being sent out by God but someone has to build with them. Why are the largest churches in the UK Black African churches? This is the year of acceleration as it is coming upon every nation says Papa for arise shine for your light has come. Isaiah 59:20‐21
The Redeemer will come to Zion, to those in Jacob who repent of their sins, ”declares the LORD. “As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the LORD. “My Spirit, who is on you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants from this time on and forever,” says the LORD
Being agents of change They become recipients of a new covenant. God makes a covenant with us to bring us into something fresh cutting off the old. Ask God to bring to you this kind of covenant with you for your ministry and your life. People who have never done things historically pray that God gives you this type of favour. If no one has ever built a church that is a powerful force then ask God to give you this favour do not stumble over the struggles and blunders of the past generation. Nehemiah 9:9‐38 Nehemiah confesses the sin of the past generation saying that our fathers repented and you turned to them then they rebelled to you again and you sent them away and now we are in Babylon and in captivity for our fathers broke the contract of covenant with you and we as your children are now suffering the consequences of our fathers actions.
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Verse 38: They were disassociating themselves from past blunders with anew desire for a new covenant to be made. You cannot just pray asking God to forgive the sins of the past but we have power to cut them off and enter into a new covenant for we are a new generation free from the old contract. We can say we are a new company of people start a fresh with us O lord for we are different. Isaiah 51:1 the same rock that Abraham came from we also come from for God is cut us from the same Rock and that Rock is connected to Abraham making us children of Abraham and children of faith. Verse 2: God can start afresh depending that you and I become willing to rise and make a new covenant with him. If nothing has happened in your city we can be the first for we must hold this type of relationship. You must write down this contract so you can remind yourself praying into that which you have agreed. Its one thing to stop it but you must avail yourself so that God can use you so that something fresh will happen. One Paul for Asia One Jesus to change time all we need is one David to bring down the philistines all we need is just one. Abraham as Abraham had to prove to God that he was determined for God withdrew from Abraham for 13 years before he would speak to him again. God said son you are going to have to stop fooling around and allow every aspect of your life to change every day of your life. Our personality is a lie and God sees through us and because of this we are up and down and whilst we are up and down nations are going to wreck and ruin. Nehemiah brought all the leaders together and said let God make a new covenant to live different and by doing this he secured a covenant.
The essence of the spirit of truth They received the revival of the spirit and of the word. These two dimensions must hit us both in word and in spirit. God said I will take the spirit that is on you and put my words into the hearts of others. There are so many people that God cannot put his spirit on because there are so many other spirits operating in and on them. When God sent the dove out of the Ark he couldn’t rest at first the Holy Spirit started with Samuel he worked with him then left, he then works with David and then leaves and this is the pattern all through the Old Test until the day of Pentecost comes and then he abides with us. If greed lust and covetousness gets in to our minds and hearts then how can the Spirit abide with us and give us new things for there can be no mixture at all. 2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?
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Don’t be everyone’s boy and nobody’s son 1. There is no bonding 2. There is no partnership 3. There is no fellowship 4. There is no harmony 5. There is no common ground 6. There is no agreement 7. There are no results 8. There is no God and father 9. There is no son‐ship and identity 10. There is no habitation John 16:8‐11 When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned
When the Holy Spirit comes he is only going to do a few things such as convict you of your sin and your unrighteousness. Because he is going to the father you must accept and enter everything he has done for God wants to use us to destroy the works of the evil one and hence why god has to come upon us. John 16:13‐16 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. “In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me.”
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. If you have the spirit of God in your life the word will begin to flow and the spirit will be clearly seen in your life for if there is no spiritual life you have gone deep into religion. Those who polarise around things of the spirit but they have no word dynamics in their life. These are not even spiritual manifestations and people become overwhelmed. Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit and did not stagger but only in the church people begin to stagger. He guides us into all truth not just in facts. If I have a toothache that is a fact but by his stripes I am healed one is a truth the other is a fact. There are many facts but only one truth. There was no bread that was a fact to feed the five thousand but because God was willing the truth separates us from the factual conditions. Whose report will you believe the doctor says you are sick but his report says I am free? Facts can limit and contain us but truth delivers and empowers us to go beyond the natural facts and why because Christ is
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living in us. The Holy Spirit helps us to lift our eyes upon the deliverer and away from our undertaker taking us to life and life more abundantly. Whatever he hears he will speak giving us present truth. Whatever God is speaking he will reveal it to us so the word is never stale. Man does not live by bread alone but by the proceeding word of God. Every time the word proceeds from the throne he will communicate it to you. Don’t just read the bible without him not hearing speak to you for did not our hearts burn as he spoke to us as we walked said the disciples when Jesus appeared to them on the Emmaus road. He will give us progressive truth by leading us deeper and deeper into truth. If he is teaching you about leadership or prayer he will lead you deeper and deeper so that you can know the full council of that truth and so that it can live and be revealed on the inside of you. When Ezekiel was asked to prophesy to a valley of dry bones he did so because the ingredients were already operational on the inside of his life. When in the book of Genesis God spoke as there was darkness upon the surface of the earth he could do this because the ingredient of light was operation on the inside of God’s life. In you not through you but in you talking about what is inside of me all the nations of the earth shall be blessed for what is in side you lies the ability that lies through Christ to bless all nations is not external skills but internal operational dynamics of the Holy Spirit working in you. This is why you have to come to Muar so that God can work and build into your life the necessary ingredients for bringing city transformation. God wasn’t just interested in bringing forth Isaac as a first born begotten son but entire nations so that Abraham could become a generational patriarch. You have all the ingredients you need for making something happen in the earth. We carry something that will stir generate and explode in the earth. If God isn’t speaking to you you have no way of knowing your heart is in trouble. Exodus 6:1‐3 God must speak further and further to us. When I was with Abraham Isaac and Jacob they only knew a certain aspect of my identity as I revealed myself to them but now I am revealing myself to you as ‘I AM’. This new level was never revealed to them for this is a new dimension a dimension that has to be revealed for your life at this time for this crowd in this place so that you can do the right things and get the right result. Don’t say I am a Baptist or Pentecostal for this shows people where you stopped as this was a 100 years revelation. People say i am a Charismatic then you stopped 50 years ago as all this is part of the old truth but we need progressive and all truth. He will disclose to us that which is to come. This level is called prophetic truth that which is going to happen in the future and in the days ahead for this is what will be revealed. God will reveal to us the next level of truth we need his plans and his will for us to make the necessary changes so we can stay ahead and as we receive this we can always enter into that which God is doing.
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He will reveal Jesus as he is as this is called revelation of the truth. This is what he is and what he will be. Revelation 1:1 This revelation that was given to him was to help John see who Jesus is for that which Jesus is doing both now and in the future is to be established as John is borrowing the eyes of Jesus so he can hear see and know and look into that which has already been seen. Revelation 1:4 ‐6 all that John says is that which he has seen and heard for everything he speaks is about the one who he knows and who he is. If you don’t see this all you talk about when reading revelation is the 666 antichrist. Everything we see in this book must be seen through the eyes of Jesus. Every time John speaks he mentions the one who is the lampstand and the one who walks through the church. In every church he describes himself as he is which is seeing him in the correct light and standing. John Jesus says, you only walked with me for three and half years that was one dimension of light but now you are seeing me through my eyes which; is multiple dimension. Jesus is saying you know me as the one who laid your head upon my breast but you have never seen this type of Jesus for not even the mount of transfiguration revealed this to you. John you knew me in the one who was but now you are seeing me in the light of the one who is to come. He will reveal every other spirit to you. He will reveal what is the spirit of man and what is a demonic spirit and what is the Holy Spirit. You must get to know the Holy Spirit so as you can discern the human spirit and all other spirits. The word goes out from the heavens which is one dimension the prophet speaks it on the earth which is two dimension and it is then established on the earth which is then instrumental for bring people out of captivity bringing them in restoration which is a third dimension all of this is done by the Holy Spirit bringing us into grater and deeper revelation of truth.
Evening session Ezra 1: Ezra and Nehemiah are classed as restoration books along with the book of Haggia which in its self is a book that returns the people back to their primary purpose. When you are a man set on destiny YOU MUST have access to power for wealth creation. Study Cyrus Isaiah 43 & 45. Tony Illustrate Wi‐Fi if your laptop is loaded with the relevant software and I transmit in the spirit as the main server you can logon to my frequency and begin downloading heaven at the speed it is flowing.
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Ezra 1:1‐5 Before they went into captivity Jeremiah had prophesied but other prophets also rose up and said they would only go into captivity for two years and Jeremiah responded by saying no we will go for seventy years but this captivity is for our protection because if we do not other nations will invade us and take us into captivity and we will be far worse off. So God used their captivity which was places built by the Ammonites and all the other Babylonian ‐ites and God used this for their education so when they came back they came back with skills and education in fullness so they could rebuild when they returned fulfilling Gods will and purpose. Daniel 9:2: prays remembering the prophecy of Jeremiah 70 years before they return. When Daniel saw this he got into Gods timetable all because of the proceeding word going out into the heavens. When God causes the proceeding word it has to happen. God s proceeding word places an expiatory date upon the works of the enemy. There is always a time period for the enemy to hold you but when the word goes out the devil is finished. The devils at Gennesseret said have you come to torment us speaking of Jesus. There is an expiatory date put on him for when Satan was created God put an expiatory date but if God doesn’t speak the enemy continues to move hence why we need the proceeding word and to know that our light shines forth. God s proceeding word protects and guides a destiny of a nation. It is not the policies of men that protect a nation but the proceeding word spoken out by God and over nations. Britain is protected by the proceeding word because she refuses to move toward Europe for when she does Europe moves as one which is not in Gods agenda. Isaiah prophesied 400 years before Mary produced Christ albeit by the proceeding word. The nation of Israel was guided all this time she was waiting for her saviour because this is destiny. Men who are wicked can divert a nation but God will guide her back towards her destiny. God will cause all things to work together for his will and purpose so get into his purpose because God willed it. As the prophetic word was released Jeremiah, Nehemiah Daniel and the disciples came to their position. Cyrus was nobody but he picked up in his spirit that something was happening and this will happen to people in our towns and cities when we send the word out. Cornelius was the same he wasn’t a Christian he was just praying and that Day God said; today your prayers are being answered. As Cornelius responded God sent him to connect with Peter for he was only giving alms flesh comes to flesh but sprits to spirit. A proceeding word will position men in high places. Look at Cyrus for 150 years Isaiah prophesied his name saying he will do everything that Is in my heart and Cyrus picked this up as the scrolls were left in the temple. It was the custom of the kings to read the scrolls and as they read it they said your name is written here 150 years ago. His
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response was that he realised his purpose so now he redefines why he was in power so I can help facilitate this move from Babylon back to Israel and over night the laws were rewritten and decreed by law that everyone was free to return which ultimately brought the people into freedom and this will take place in our nations. God is going to revoke existing laws so that new laws can be rewritten allowing the kingdom to come forth. When the proceeding word goes out it will inspire a people movement across the nation verse 3‐5 People began to move out returning back to Judah not only did God touch the hearts of the fathers but 49000 people moved out. This is why we must understand Gods time table for 2010 for the days of acceleration will take place because of the entire city where pastors and leaders are going to step into their destiny. Destiny is calling people to move from around the nations because people cannot stay in dead churches anymore and why because the laws have been revoked. People are coming back because they hear there is bread in Judah like Ruth, people are returning prodigals are returning. People will no longer go where their Job is but now they will move because of the church is on the move for this is where the destiny is. The proceeding word will release provision and resources to spread the revival. Let the man receive silver and Gold (land and houses will be ours tony) was the statement in Ezra 1 for as they left like Israel in the exodus silver and gold will be given as we make our journey of destiny. We will earn fresh support because we have to move towards the destiny of God and the resources will come from literally everywhere. Money is not the issue don’t let money distract you but stay on course of destiny for this is where we should be for without this, fear will enter our hearts. Abraham said, God you are my great proceeding reward and the bible says he grew so powerful that the king came to make peace with him though you came in as a foreigner now you are rising because of our course. Naomi and her two sons were lost as they went looking for resources because they left their destiny. Do not divert from the course of destiny to pursue needs for to think like this is a curse for God will never leave or forsake us for God will work overtime to get us into the things he wants us to enter. The proceeding word will produce cutting edge leaders. Because there is a stampede of new people we need a capable bunch of men who are able to lead the people into the move o we will lose them. Nehemiah, Zerubbabel are all leader and leaders who know where they are going. Strong leaders will became a guiding force empowering us to chart our course. Acts 7:17‐18 when knew leaders take over we need our own guys to rise so they can enter into that which God has spoken even though the enemy changes the circumstances and scenario in the hope he frightens the people so he can bring distraction. There is always another Pharaoh rising seeking to turn the people away from God by focusing them on their own needs. Our new leaders will say look up not down see what God is doing.
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No Politician can ever become a great government by running down the last governments weaknesses this will not work for a good man does not talk bad about people but a good man rises with strategies and showing people that his strategies are worth following. What British politics needs is a man that can prophesy the meaning of the seven cows just like Joseph did for Pharaoh for when you do this you will get the job for with wisdom you will take over. The proceeding word will give us strategies to rebuild ruined cities. What God has spoken will become clear and clearer to us of what he wants doing. Nehemiah did not buy bricks from Babylon he took the rubble and burnt bricks he took what was left over until it was re‐established showing us God will give us the devastated people and rebuild their lives raiding champions out of know bodies. This will happen because this word has gone out but as we see these people God will enable us to build touch and transform people one at a time. All the ancient ruins will be rebuilt so there is no reproach on us. Isaiah 55 8‐13, Isaiah 48: 3‐8, Isaiah 45:11‐13‐23 read these tonight Two types of leaders Eli represented the old and Samuel represented an emerging generation that was upon the earth. Samuel got so connected to this dimension so much so that when he spoke the word he made things happen unlike his forefather Eli who lost his leadership only to have his neck snap. Remember Elis sons and their behaviour all this monkey business happens because Eli’s generation was finished. Tony: remember the monkey generation and how it is in the house and Eli generation is allowing their monkey behaviour whilst on the platform.
4th Day Psalm 22:1 Every time Gods presence leaves us we have the power to bring him back by our words and by our language. What the Psalmist is saying I don’t seem to have the right words to bring you back for the Holy Ghost must give us words of utterance for the songs we sing must be the language of the spirit.
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The words I have are inadequate to bring Gods presence into my life and situation. I need to receive words of the spirit The words of the spirit coming forth from my mouth will bring answers to me verse 21, 25. The words being used are coming from God the Holy Spirit so that the words that are filling our mouth are coming from him. You will create the spiritual realm – environment for God to manifest. Whatever environment God needs to jump out of the environment into your environment for he needs something called words to do this. If your environment is one of sin God cannot came and walk with you. Remember God gives you the word so that he can manifest. God gives you the materials so that the environment can be set Gods government will be established when he manifests. God is established on the throne of his people. It’s quite possible that it’s our own words that got us in trouble in the first place. God has a throne in heaven and he wants one on the earth so his government can be established here by our words. With God all things become possible. When he manifest all things become possible. This is the pattern we teach the generations to come. Posterity will serve him generations will come to see that God can perform that which he says he can do verse 30. Surround yourself with the presence of God when you are surrounded by every evil. Many bulls have surrounded me says verse 12. God didn’t forsake you for he removed himself from you so that you could learn how to bring him back. Fish cannot swim without water and God cannot move without a key environment for him to move in. Christians don’t know how to change the environment they just expect God to come and change it for them but this is old thinking and ignorance talking. Your words have been created in me for when this happens I am surrounded by his presence even though evil surrounds me.
Isaiah 59 Template for city transformation continued Verse 20‐21 Vehicles of transformation spirit & word. Ezekiel 18:3‐13 The righteousness of a righteous man will protect him. Ezekiel 18:19‐22 this verse breaks all generational curses. They continue because you believe it. You think because your father died of a sickness you will also die which is a lie.
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The second reason why the generational curses come is because we live under the same condition and environment that our forefathers also lived in. If you live amongst the rubbish dump don’t complain when the flies attack you. This proverb must finish for even if the father suffers the son does not have to suffer because your righteousness will protect you. People find themselves a doctrine that enables and empowers them giving them reasons and excuses to live in rebellion and defeatist. 1 Samuel 3:1‐19 how the revival of the spirit and the word must come into the house. The priesthood of Eli caused the heavens to shut. The word did not come and visions were not there because the sons were taking for themselves the offerings. They took the ark of the Lord to war though they had no authority to do so because their lives were sinful. By doing this Samuel had no place in which to minister because this was his reason for being upon the earth as a prophet. God once spoke out of this temple but now he can no longer speak until he connects with a new password. Eli knew how to connect with God though God was not connected to him. How many churches today who previously once knew how to connect with God can no longer do so simply because the priesthood has changed. Samuel shows us that there was a revival of the spirit and the word hitting Samuel’s life. Verse 19 so Samuel grew •
Statements that will help you become established in the prophetic dimension
There must be a consistent flow of the revelation of God coming to us. This means God must be continually speaking to us through the prophetic making us prophetic flowing people. From Geneses to revelation is written and spoken in a prophetic flow both in tone and in sentiment. There must be an abundance of the word coming to you daily. God must be speaking and teaching you explaining the scriptures to you daily not just for a Sunday 1 Corinthians 14:7 anything that is prophetic must align its self through and to the word. None of your words must fail but they must have the power to prevail. The words must have grace to succeed. You must live in close relationship with God. You must learn how to minister to him drawing closer and closer to him You must create conducive environments for God s word to come through for you. You heart must be filled with passion you must hunger and thirsty for these dynamics really interest God. The more intense you are the more passionate you are.
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You must deliver the word as you receive it without compromise. Say it without seeing the social status of people. Paul said, for as I receive the word I gave it unto you. God doesn’t speak angrily when prophesying for though you can have strong thoughts always remember God doesn’t panic because God does not have an emotional condition. If you hear a prophet angrily bringing the word in this way it’s not God. When God says I am coming soon don’t press the panic button and think its tomorrow but remember soon can be 2000 years but it’s still soon. If you are a prophet time is very difficult to measure because the higher the mountain the nearer the sea because you are higher for it’s an illusion of the natural eye. This is why so many prophets play with time because they do not understand how to measure time. If you cannot read time then don’t do it but instead say ‘I see in the near future or ‘I see a time is coming. If you say something that God didn’t say it’s called an opinion. Your faith must rest in God rather on your own opinions or prophesies. You must have a strong spirit life in order to communicate the word of the spirit. Jeremiah 1:1‐3 The prophetic anointing flows well when its activated by a priestly grace. Learn how to pray and activate the spirit realm through strong worship and in tongues becoming very expressive. Most people have mental blocks and are useless in flowing in worship hence why the river is never allowed to flow out of them. If there is no flow, how can you have a flow but whatever don’t be a dessert tap who with just one splash and two little doo, doo’s and then you are finished. New session: Vessels or vehicles for city transformation continued:
The principle of showers of rain falling from heaven Isaiah 6:1‐9 God had to teach Isaiah how the word breaks out so he could be decommissioned. Uzziah when he became very prosperous thought he could go into the temple and offer incense as success hadn’t gotten into his head. He goes into the temple and eighty priests stood against him becoming angry and as he became angry leprosy came upon him. It was whilst he had this leprosy Isaiah would visit him. There is a whole generation of leaders who operated by violating the patterns by their success. When we do not have success we pray and cry out to God when we get it then we live in the flesh. The ones who have touched the old have to be re‐commissioned. We have seen the Pentecostal generation and the Charismatic generation with all its flaws incense and nonsense we have been contaminated and because of this we must hear the word of the Lord again like Isaiah and see the Lord as this is the beginning. All our patterns have been polarising around following people that have no patterns and then we wonder why we cannot use people. This generation is famous for carrying people patterns only then when they don’t work jump ship. Isaiah said in the year of Uzziah I saw the Lord but what was Isaiah’s starting point was it seeing Uzziah or was it the Lord?
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The serpent that started in the book of Genesis becomes the dragon in the book of revelation. The problem with this is that in the world the dragon is a mythological creature created by man and because of this we see the dragon as being something mythical and un‐harmful. Remember the same serpent found in Geneses is still found working in the church. Let’s take the issue of image as the cool 21st century church stinks of the work thinking and actions of the serpent and why because it deceives people in thinking that its patterns are what are needed for success. Isaiah saw the angels crying holy, holy, holy and when this revelation broke out the temple shook. God is about to break out of this temple a man made temple and fill the whole earth with his glory for God is not going to be confined any more. Isaiah when seeing God saw that ‘Lord you are stuck in your temple and I am stuck amongst my people, when really you can fill the whole earth. Isaiah says lets go and do this. For this to happen Isaiah had to disassociate himself from the old patterns for this pattern would now surround himself with people of unclean lips preaching words to them that they would never respond to. Now Isaiah surrounds himself with the father Son and Holy Ghost verse 8 as his view is no longer blocked. God says, ‘Isaiah see my patterns, see how I declare and operate and bring the word and spirit dimensions into the earth verse 8. Isaiah could have said, Lord you want results and I want results but you want me to speak with no results. God says my way is different learn my ways speak what you hear tell what you see and declare what I tell you for this is my plan. Lord there is no result keep speaking but no one is saying yes and amen but keep speaking for as you keep speaking God is doing something with what you are speaking removing everything that is not of him. Cities are devastated church has no numbers until the Lord has removed members far away why? Because God is going to speak to everything that is not in alignment for God is not looking everywhere but is looking for everyone but you are looking everywhere for everyone. Can darkness come out of light but light can come out of darkness for he can create anything for if God says your church will prosperous his word will create it by word but you and have to see this. Don’t speak to get results but in the spirit if you know the word in the spirit you speak and you have already got it. Pastors speak even if they’re wrong in order to keep people coming to church as long as I keep speaking the gossiper can come to church. Don’t be mad sad or bad when speaking the truth but you must keep speaking until everything is rebuilt again and the old is removed. Isaiah 55:10‐13 When waterfalls it gives life to the seed on the ground. My word is coming out and it will water the earth. It will discover the seed and germinate the seed and the seed will become a fruit the fruit will become a harvest. If you sow you will get a tree and from your tree you will produce fruit. If you sow one apple seed you get hundreds of apples. The seed will become bread and if you sow bread it is consumption as it is used but if you keep sowing seeds you have legacy of multiplication. Rain and snow fall waters the earth germinates the earth and evaporates going back to God
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finishing what it was already designed to do. By this cycle happening, it moves the earth into seasons. Whenever God speaks babies jump in the womb creating a cyclic season. When you obey the word it becomes a process in you and you go out with joy and then are led forth with peace. Whenever the word comes in you, you then go out. Mountains are resistant forces that men create hills and mountains and man but this time nothing can stop us now because of the word. Mountains and trees clap their hands because they understand that you have received you mandate from heaven. Ecclesiastes 8:5 he who keeps a royal command no trouble is going to come to you because of a royal backing. Isaiah 55:13 You are not going to have the wrong results. Instead of the thorn or the nettle rising, you through the word will be able to bring environmental change which will be a memorial to God city transformation albeit it started with showers of rain falling from heaven. The rain comes starts a process the rain germinates the seed the seed becomes a tree the tree produces fruit the fruit produces a harvest a harvest brings city transformation and city transformation creates a memorial before God. Isaiah 55:1‐5 Principles We have to hear accurately what God is saying (to nations). We need to develop resources of the word and of the spirit. This is for those who God will use to transform cities towns and nations. Water wine milk bread is words used here that which is satisfying descriptions of the type of food needed. Some people eat what is satisfying where as others eat what is good. Walk in covenant with the God of the nations. I will make an everlasting covenant with you as I did with David. Model evidence for the nations to follow. You cannot sell a message that does not work for you. This is why many do not have authority because they only speak what they know. Don’t trust many of those communicating the apostolic today because they do not have the evidence as evidence is proof. There are communicators and prophetic revelators if you have no message to produce you are barren. Don’t listen to a man with a message without asking him whether he has a model for anyone can have a message. Model city show people your real estate not your book shelf We must be leaders in the nations. If you are going to be a leader; be a commander which is a leader of leaders in the nations.
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Your entrance into a new nation is secure. Behold you will call a nation that you do not know. The sound of your voice opens up doors because you have resources and food for the nations. (Tony this makes sense of the dream centres prophetic word as open doors are making sense) New nations will have access to you. A nation that knows you will run to you hence why we make it available for everyone. If people connect to you and you stop them connecting with papa this is not good for Papa is the source and father.
More emphasis on the spirit and the word The word must not come into conflict with a cultural emphasis. Malaysian Iranian way for example there is only one way and that is apostolic as scriptural interpretations cannot be made in the light of culture for it has to be interpreted in the light of scripture. The word must not be in conflict with personal preferences. Personal preferences can be built upon prejudices. You like people with certain types of personalities especially if they don’t fit your profile for if they don’t we put them in a box. The word must not come into conflict with popular thought patterns. Peter walking on the water is a popular thought patter so much so that it is a common thought pattern within the faith movement and therefore it is used for certain outcomes. The popular thought pattern is that faith is always centred on material blessings rather than on the suffering and trials of our faith. The popular thought pattern is always lopsided and unbalanced. Peters walking on water is a classic example. Peters experience was not about wonder walking faith as the common thought suggests for the central meaning was never for him to get out of his corporate assignment for a personal experience which is nothing more than personal pleasures. Jesus took Peter out of the water and put him in the boat for he didn’t drown but sank as sinking gives you time to think so that when you get back into the boat we are baptised in water and repentant. You can imagine the disciples saying, wonder walking faith ‘hey, you should have stayed in the boat with us we knew you would sink. The word must not come into compromising standards or acceptable standards. The Pharisees asked, Why did Moses give a certificate of divorce? Was this the acceptable norm or standard? The acceptable way or doing church is to sing one song prayer an offering and then head for a crescendo message. The
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scripture should be higher. If we want our service to be of prayer then prayer it is, for we might even miss worship out but if we feel the need to miss it out then do it. The word of God must not come into contact with false doctrines by allowing alternative lifestyle. Adam and Eve or Adam and Steve this is a false doctrine for Christ is in us but we are not Christ meaning we are self appointed gods. The word of God must not come into contact with religious tradition. All manmade traditions must not be allowed to cloud the truth in order for people to feel closer to God. The more I do these things the better I feel these things are religious traditions. People who plead the blood do so as a religious tradition think of it this way, did they plead the blood on Tuesday when they prayed? Did they feel Jesus protection on Tuesday so why if Tuesday they felt heavens protection why then on Thursday do you need to splash it on you where did Jesus go and how did Satan get in? The word must never become interpreted in the light of inaccurate immature preachers. Because they are partly wrong they can bring you into total error. Take the scripture of give and it will be given unto you which is nothing about giving but on forgiveness but not money. It is because of the greed in people’s hearts minds and in their methods, methods for raising finance they use these thought patterns simply because of their immature inaccurate inward motivational patens. Anyone who has a problem with money meaning if your eyes are fixed on pounds or dollars your interpretations will then be inaccurate. A generation must receive the transfer and the legacy of their fathers so they can become agents and vehicles of transformational change in the world.
Continued thoughts on the spirit and the word •
A distinctive generation will receive the transfer of the dimensions of the spirit and legacy. A generation must receive the transfer and legacy of their fathers so they can become agents and vehicles of transformational change in the world. Deuteronomy 34:9-12 Joshua was filled with the dimensions of the spirit. He was filed with the spirit of wisdom so that in the transfer their will be a spirit of wisdom not just truth and knowledge but wisdom for wisdom is the power and ability to do that which you know and have
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received. Joshua needed wisdom so he could possess the land and deal with the 32 kings that lived in the land. He needed wisdom so he could accurately divide the inheritance for all the tribes showing us that it’s not empty hands on empty heads. •
When transfer takes place there is a new measure of stature in my life.
I am lifted to the next level as I have a new measure. Moses laid his hands on Joshua and the people listened to Joshua as they would listen to Moses as Joshua was given a new level of spiritual stature until the people could see no difference between Moses and Joshua. What Jonathan David does, we too as sons will also do. Peter we know and Paul we know showing that these guys were playing in the premier league of transformation. When stature comes God will measure up for you what you lack in stature. Zachious the small man climbed a tree so he could see for this is what stature does it allows you to see giving you spiritual height which is stature. When the transfer takes place there is a connection with the God of the fathers. Moses saw God face to face but soon Joshua will also see Gods face also. The first time he sees God is when he sees the priest cross over in the river of Jordon when it was empty and as the ark crossed over God work for them showing the same God that worked for Moses now works for Joshua. Remember Elijah and Elisha when Elijah was taken up the people said, ‘where is the God of Elijah? Three Key Strategic Elements of Transfer 1 The mantle legacy 2 The spirit 3 The same God (possess all these and you have true transference) John said: if you fellowship with us we are not alone but by connecting with us you connect with. Us 1st dimension The Christ 2nd dimension And his finished work 3rd dimension. Finish the assignment When the transfer takes place God will give you the power of strong leadership so as you can bring the people into rest. Moses displayed in the sight of Israel leadership as he led Israel out of Egypt as their leader. God will give you this stature so you can lead a whole company of people out
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across into the Promised Land. Jesus gave us his power life authority, spirit father’s name and strength not just his teachings but the bible says, that through his life. In his name they cast out demons showing us that they the disciples fully represented him in full measure though Jesus himself was not their physically everything of him was evidentially there because of what was sown into them.
Evening session 2 Kings 2:1‐25 Never assume your position is accurate.
If you want God to transfer things into your life you have to operate on accurate principles for God does not just throw anything he has out. Even though he would poor out his spirit on all flesh it doesn’t mean he pours it anywhere but rather he pours out on selected groups of people, people who gather in order to draw on him. Most denominations polarise around something that once moved and worked so much so that the move which originally came from within now has to come from without in order they will move out and get moving. The woman with the issue of blood was a woman who pressed into the new move and away from her issue in order she broke free from her old life old fears old inaccurate information moving instead towards Jesus. We have a great pride in what we have gathered in our heads such as the information we have accumulated but this woman when hearing Jesus had to recalculate and gravitate to something that she had never heard of before especially after twelve years of old behavioural patterns.
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The principles for transfer 2010 will be a year where God is going to bring to fulfilment those things we have believing for bringing them into reality. Prophesies will come into reality. Tony: be careful in your movements follow papa as he has the resources needed for transfer of legacy. Elijah said when I go up the transfer will take place. Heaven will not transfer into Elijah but transfer into Elisha the God of Elijah will become the God of Elisha for as this happens two distinct powers walk side by side. If the transfer is going to come to our lives we must not become distracted from the destiny which God has given us or we will move out of kilter. Don’t depart from strategic relationships as this is critical for transference to come. There will be followers but disconnected followers as followers can simply be just church members. There were prophets speaking to Elisha speaking to him as to what would happen but they were not connected to Elijah instead they were standing opposite to him. There are people who have information only but they are following a different standard. Elisha said; ‘I will not leave you but the other 50 had a different standard as to what he believed as they were all walking on the other side of the river. They say they are prophetic and apostolic as they even speak our language but there movements are different from ours. Our future is in our message. Elisha said concerning his life, ‘as long as God lives, ‘i cannot leave you but the 50 said, ‘if it happens cool but if not we can live with it but for us we cannot say this for this is our future for this is what we have been labouring for. Stay in the pathway leading to your destiny The grace to pursue destiny without destruction. The bible says Elijah tried to discourage him from following him but Elisha’s would not be shaken off. Its not a double anointing but its a double portion of his spirit. Pray for this enlargement a spirit of greater capacity an unquenchable desire for this, for this will bring for you the exact measure you push in for. What type of fullness are you looking for? Are you a cup or a tanker? Tony go back and tell the people to enlarge their capacity for God is wanting your horn to be filled with anointing so that the empty vessels can become carriers. When the prophets came looking for Elisha telling what they knew they said this is because they believed the God of Elisha is dangerous and as he is taken up he will be destroyed and God would consume him and disregard his body hence why they said can we look for him. They wanted people to think differently because this God is a dangerous God to follow and by fallowing him he will prove himself false.
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God is giving us grace to pioneer in new territories. God will give us the strategy to turn around the city and church there are men who want to stop you and will not stop you because what you carry is what you carry. Run Tony run with this message; renew boundaries and territories, Tony speak it in Manchester take it everywhere because God is giving us the city for now is not the time to stop get yourself maximum visibility. Put it on the web site u‐tube speak it everywhere speak it to the man of the city and to the people of the city. It’s time to receive new water new wine for this is the time we carry salt in order to preserve the climate of the city. Look for uncontaminated vessels this is a new jar of oil being given. Lord show me how to put salt in the city? Verse 23 the young generation came out sons in the house of bethel came out and basically said you can go to hell. God will deal with the religious generation and the second generation will be cut off. 42 was there number 42 is how long Jesus was here 42 is the length of time the Anti Christ will be here, This year we will see the collapse of the religious organisations as God is letting his people go. Day six Revelation 4:1‐5 First thing, John sees before the antichrist 666 rapture second coming John see the throne of the one that is coming forth. Worship is predominantly set and built around the platform but true worship is built around the throne. Whenever you see the throne you always see winged creatures. Cheri bums are winged creatures but they are stationed but seraphim’s are the one declaring the proceeding word. Angels have wings but not every angel has wings Michael is an arch angel but doesn’t have wings but then there are other angels who are sent out. If people see angels without any clothe on this is demonic angels as Gods angels are clothes there is no recession in heaven there are no homeless angels in fact the only angels that are homeless are demonic for they use human bodies because they have no place of their own. If the worship leaders level is at one level and the pastors level is at another level this means for three quarters of the meeting the church is at a lower level all because the pastor cannot sing. Remember there are two different instruments musical instruments and then there are living instruments, instruments that carry spiritual dynamics conducive for the throne. Things that are revealed to us are for our children and forever.
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Isaiah 60 Gods template pattern for national transformation Isaiah 59:21 and Isaiah 60 are correlated Isaiah 60 cannot happen with Isaiah 59 Matthew 16:28 see what is inside of me as it is breaking out for how the light breaks out should result in light and glory. Your mentality gender, preference cannot be allowed to shine forth when it has to be light shining forth. Jesus is not speaking about the second coming here but talking about the coming forth of the kingdom from the inside so much so that when this kingdom breaks out in you will see it coming forth. What kind of life and what kind of appearance when Jesus comes in his kingdom is what Jesus is saying but here this Kingdom will come in flesh and blood but when he comes in his full kingdom what will he look like. Tony ask yourself if you can see what you are in the spirit it will stop you living like in the flesh limiting our emotions. The report said we saw ourselves like grasshoppers in their sight showing us that we have to see ourselves in the spirit rather than seeing ourselves from what the mirror portrays. Matthew 17 mount transfiguration shows the disciples what kind of man he is in his kingdom showing that his face shines like the mid day Son. Gods glory presence Elijah and Moses were there also talking to him all of which was hidden in Christ. They saw glory a world an Elijah and a Moses they had never see all because of what he was carrying within him. If you understand this you can see what you carry on the inside of your life rather than gifts and anointing. In my fathers house meaning Christ is the fathers house hence why he could speak of himself when saying destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up talking about himself as the house in God which is a dimension walking amongst us whilst on the earth. Colossian 2:9 bodily form meaning the fullness of the Spirit and and God the father the Holy Spirit was all walking and functioning within side of Christ along with the priesthood and fruits of the spirit types and shadows were all inside of Christ. When they pierced his side everything came out of him blood his church water as everything he carried was glorious. Through the body of Christ all that was in Adam was transferred into Christ and through Christ he takes everything away what was once operational in Adam such as curse shame sickness and death putting it to an end by cancelling the written code. Through Adam through his soul brought hell and death but through Christ he brought heaven this is why we have to carefully discern his body so we know what his body was capable of carrying. The bible says present your body before Christ so that our body can become a crucible in which to carry the life light and glory of Christ the nature and character of God. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself truth life the church all that you are longing to see was on the other side and all this was in Christ so much so that Jesus says to Peter and the disciples have a look inside take a good look. Everyone now can receive that which you see. This is why you cannot let your body be full of sin with alcohol smoking drugs Hebrews 5:6‐7 explains how he brought a body forth by preparing it.
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Peter now sees something such as glory now lets contain it by building a church that can contain it but Jesus is saying this glory s not for a building but I want my glory to fill the whole earth with people not ministry carrying my nature power and glory. Jesus says I want a life to carry this not a ministry carry God not a ministry carry God and my father’s will and the fruits of the spirit for the world is looking for a man not a ministry. Are you not like carnal man when you have anger frustration rage functioning within you but hide it by a ministry but a life reveals what you are and actually carry? Pastors must learn to take themselves and their people to the mountain by your so called ministry? Peter have a good look because of you can see what I carry you will also see that everyone can see it and it can fill the whole earth. The glory knowledge life must all get out but Peter says I want to build something that will keep it in but Jesus says don’t do this I am going to the cross so I can give them a new body so that mankind can carry a new glory a new body. See Moses his patter didn’t allow people to touch me but this pattern will allow man to do this so that mans patter will be a replica of what I carry. Finally Peter gets an understanding Ah this glory I can see should not be shut down in a tabernacle it should be taken out the truth cannot be contained. When you shut it down you have ritual church a tabernacle that keeps everything inside but instead listen to my son and understand what he is saying and the value of what you are seeing. In you all the nations of the world will be blessed showing you that inside of you this body can be full so full that God can use what you have and it can overflow touching people’s lives so it can be taken to the ends of the world for this is what he shows us on the mountain for you won’t die until you see me in my glory. 2 Peter 1:16‐20 The reason why there is a dash is for Peter as he said in Matthew 17 transfiguration, listen to my son with whom knows what to do. Peter you are not the builder son is so listen to him. The church is going to be in the manifestation of my Son. Peter was saying I saw how it can happen in Jesus but now I have come to understand how it can happen in our lives for now I know how to make it work but we must pay attention to it. If you want to do well you must pay attention to whatever he has put inside of you the glory truth and light pay attention to it and then you will do well but not do well by ministry and results. The light of my life protects me as I walk guiding my life and footsteps stay faithful obedient to what god has given you. Whatever God has given you in this conference protect it and pay attention to this thing and you will do well like a lamp shining in the darkness what Christ has put inside of you is light. Don’t worry what has not been put inside of you but instead work with what has been put in so love it guard it labour with what you have prophesy fast pay attention use your life to this end. If you do this the morning star will break forth within you and come to fullness for this is what Peter says there is coming a new dawn arising for the new day is not outside but is inside as you work in the darkness with your light that has been given. A new song is not physical song but what takes place inside of you and that light which hits you becomes a new song. This stuff will be attacked the devil
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will attack you sending people and problems to you so that you internally will become distracted Luke 1:78 Zachariah prophesying. Tony once a week work with these materials of Papa pay attention and you will do well. Matthew 13:41‐43 the righteous are going to break out from what is breaking in taking it from an implosion to an explosion. Work with it until the morning star rises giving light to those sitting in darkness because this will give you maximum visibility. Isaiah 60: Please remember every planted revolves around the son. When you rise everything will realign themselves around the son as you labour with him hence why you must pay attention.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
• How things will align themselves The glory and the light will come to us Nations will come to us Kings will come to us People who live in darkness will come to us Sons and daughters will come. Sons will become begotten of the families who enter even though they come from afar. The abundance of the sea will turn to us. Everything that is hidden and covered up a whole new world will be revealed just like the underneath of the ocean. Different types of fish live under the ocean. The wealth of nations will come to us resources will flow to us.
Replaced everything will be redeemed so find your place so that everything that is displaced will find its place stand where you need to stand labour where you need to labour. Always remember fore doesn’t need no announcement get the fire of God. Book of recommendation: Watchmen knee Release of the spirit. The old writers heard God the new guys are reconstituting and repackaging old thoughts but very little is going from heaven. To remove the ‘I from within you allows the indestructible life come forth. When Christ comes in the sin nature has gone but what is left is habits break the habits Isaiah 60: God’s template for national transformation continued: Revelation 22: The river runs from the throne into the streets as everything is centred around God himself for his place cannot be substituted or replaced
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Breakdown of Isaiah 60
Our new position of stature means you receive a position of unhindered sight: Soon as light breaks out God gives you a new position of unhindered sight causing Darkness Mountains and Satan to be cast out because it’s a new position nothing can’t block your view. Verse 4 Lift up your eyes round about 3/30 degree its clear there is no darkness clouding you, see what comes from afar. Until verse one takes place you are operating from the wrong place this is why we struggle working hard trying various messages programmes all of which are unnecessary if you can get light breaking out. Charismatics don’t have any position of light all they have is gifts ministry. Most of them don’t have a message or position they only have a gift. God has to give us a position of stature. Hold the gun the right way it will shoot others but if you hold it another it shoots and kills you. A new position of stature means a new position of elevated governmental stature: Kings will come to your brightness. When kings recognise you are a minister of the Almighty God. A new position of stature means a position of power to influence nations: How many nations are operating within Isaac are 221 nations and more than a tenth of the world’s nations are represented in Muar. A position of stature means a position that becomes the centre of divine activity in order to co-ordinate the movements of God: This means everything happens around you so everything that happens in the city moves because of you. If there s going to be a move of God comes through you because you are the highway of God the wheel the hub so to speak. You are the centrifugal force to co‐ ordinate Godly movements Verse 4. Throne is the same people gather around and everything moves out sound, thunder, angels as heaven is the centrifugal force of divine movements and because of this the city lives proposes and be blessed because you are the source salt of the life. When people gather together around you it’s because of you. People begin walking through desserts to get to you just like the Magi did when following the star for a baby was born a king is born and now the star is there people move because of you the morning star A new position of favour: This means until you are thrilled and joyful until your face is radiant and full of glory and your heart is filled with excitement. A position of stature means to birth a whole new generation of sons and daughters: Bringing people forth after our own kind but God will make sure you are worth representing so he will take time on your life. Many ministries never rectify their deficiencies and because of this they reproduce a defective generation.
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A new position of stature means power to make wealth: The abundance of the sea will be tuned to you meaning there is no down turn in the kingdom and if the nation is offered to you we must not turn it down. The wealth of nations will be directed to you. The wealth of nations has an address, so it can be sent to you so they are coming. Light breaks out for this is the reason. The wealth from the Muslim nations will flow out to the right places Verse 6‐7 Camels from Mideon bearing their gifts which were sons if Ishmael. God will not allow the wealth of nations remain in the wrong places because it has to return to the true sons of Abraham when we take our position. Corrupt people will continue to be corrupt until righteous men take their stand. Once the light breaks out the camels begin to move so that wealth can be redistributed. Wealth will be released to those who are righteous and are building his house: and extending his kingdom. Those who truly want to build his kingdom but you must allow this light to break out. Verse 8 Doves air, Tarshish sea, Camels land showing us that the natural movements that can take place are supernatural as they are moved towards the house Wealth will come though those who are blessed and begotten: Your sons and you daughters will bring Gold from the nations. Money is coming from your sons and daughters as they get blessed but this comes from relationships as this is the only way Tony. Honour is the key when wealth is concerned. Son raising and not fund raisers is the order of the day as it is all done through relationship for if you raise sons wealth will be there. Resources will come from everywhere because God has glorified you: When Gods glory is upon you Verse 9 resources will come because he has approved your life. Where there is vision there is provision because he has glorified you. You must never shut down the gates of financial resources coming to you. You must have multi streams of income flowing. When you are asleep make money work for you keep your gates are open continually day and night so people can come to you everywhere and anytime. Resources will come to those who God has tested and tried. Verse 15. God wants to know that if he can test us and try us then he can trust you for if he cannot test you then he will never trust you and you must be able to win the test. The wisdom to manage wealth must be allotted to us so we can truly be trusted with the wealth of the nations, for if he cannot trust you what is the point of all that Isaiah says coming forth?
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What took place in the throne room hit and affected the upper room or putting it another way from the holy place to the appointed place out into the marketplace. Deuteronomy 8:18‐19 Everything we get and comes to us comes because of our covenantal father both from our heavenly and spiritual father. The father has seeds and with these seeds they are sown into our lives developing us so we can realign allowing us to enter into all that is available. The father’s seeds that he sows into his sons; breaks the power of poverty in his sons lives.
Attributes needed to gain wealth
We need wisdom to be able to tap the opportunities that God is sending our way. Trade routes coming to us need wisdom so it can be tapped. Wealth doesn’t move everywhere it moves in certain directions. Human trafficking moves in certain routes drugs and everything else. The major routes where the long haul lorry drivers drove is where Aids was prominent. F you sit in the seat of scoffers We need wisdom to connect with wealth routes. Sometimes we know but we do not have the connections to make it happen. We know there is money in oil training and so but if you don’t know how to connect we are in trouble Wisdom to discern avenues and opportunities: Not every opportunity is God not every open door is God some open doors can be traps where the hangman’s noose is waiting for you so discern which is God and which is good. Don’t have subscriptions for everything no which door through accurate discernment which you should enter ask what does God want you to get involved in ask him to show you his hand ask does it make good money. Whenever you talk about money do not mix apples with oranges. Business is for prophet not for Gods glory for there are many things designed for Gods glory business is for money. There is no such thing as a Christian business you pull a pound out of your pocket it has the Queens head on it. If you create a business and get the staff praying and fasting ask yourself are you starting a church or a business. Too many Christians have no business sense and end up with nonsense all because they have a religious mentality. Wisdom to distribute resources toward his house. The way people connect to the house or the primary source people will not prosper the way they should verse7. The house of God must be brought so that the house can be built Isaiah 60: 13 & Malachi 3:10‐ 13 not just you’re Tithe but your wife’s tithe. By connecting and tithing into the store house is done so as you can do the works of the fathers will. Whatever you receive is food grace courage love affection whatever you need to keep you in Gods will is called food (Gods store house God was speaking this to restructure Israel’s social economic system) not just a friend or someone who comes to the church and preach. If you give these resources into the house you feed the man of God and he feeds you. People say that they are only after my money
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well the devil also is after your money as he wants to kill steal and destroy you but God wants to empower you and bless you How do we test this? Whenever there is a surge of power in the house then its working if there is no power then this system set up is wrong. God’s operational programme is windows not only Bill gates has windows God created windows operating system long before ill Gates every invented. If you connect well at the source the results will flow out as God is pouring from the window rebuking the devourer. The vines will be protected for we are growing grapes outside in the field outside but the house is inside. The devourer is not in the house because he has rebuked the devourer and if you do this accurately outside in the field will also prosper. Outside the people will call you blessed and why because the world is also working outside and they can see that you have something they are also trying to achieve. Wisdom to multiply the resources through sons and daughters: People are the greatest investment not stocks or bonds. Find one person that you can work what you have and sow into them and they will sow into you building a future for this is the way of fathers as fathers create futures for their people. Wisdom to keep the gates open, for transfer multiple streams of income. Wisdom to upgrade and grow our wealth: Isaiah 60:16‐17 Good is saying I will upgrade your skills and resources. When you know how manage your finances accounts and in goings and outgoings Iron Silver will be upgraded wood becomes bronze a now you grow now in net worth. Verse 18: Why is this imbalance of terrorism sex and other things because the economic imbalance has tipped? If God can build you then you can build others.
Reformation of the church and transformation of the Cities Isaiah 61 Jeremiah 2:13 The first company of people do not drink which is an evil. The second company of people drinking are those who drink but do not care as they keep in vessels that are leaking they do not care and do not protect. Whatever God gives to you, you must not spoil it’s easy to be confused and contaminated. Drink from the fountain of living water being responsible for we do not know who will need it hence forth you must have water to spare. Isaiah 61:1-11
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One of the most powerful revelations that is coming to us is that the spirit of God and the spirit can and will live in us making it a reality seeing the same life manifestation coming p on the nature his passion coming upon us. God wants to express himself very freely in us so that all that Jesus has done can truly take place within us. Jesus doesn’t want just church but bring the good news that will change people’s lives. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted. Seeing a bruised reed made whole seeing people who are wounded inside brought to wholeness. Jesus wants us to remake, reform restore the broken hearted. Captives are those who have been held against their free will. We can help people use their will to make them free from captivity. You can resist the devil and he will flee from them. People are going to lay a hold of our words simply because we say so and they have seen the outcome of our life and the results upon our lives for this will then cause them to turn and trust both God and us but we must proclaim a new proclamation. The prisoners are those who are serving a sentence for the wrongs or consequences’ of their actions. God is using us to give them a judicial pardon. Proclaim the favourable year of the LORD. The prophetic word will be lay a hold of our day and the word will give us an understanding adjusting our footsteps so that we can have acceleration so we can do the right things in the right places with the right people. Its either the acceptable year of the lord or the day of vengeance. Vengeance means getting your own back but this is not the case but he is expecting fruit from our lives. Where ever there is no fruit there is vengeance and those who refuse to turn and bear fruit vengeance is theirs. If you are in mourning you can be turned into Joy which is a place where God is transforming people in Zion. God wants us to become the oak of righteousness the planting of the lord. If you were in ashes because you feel burnt out God is going to take you out fill you and make you a champion a miracle is about to happen in the house the debt is about to be cancelled a second generation is going to be saved and delivered from their forefathers sins the oil is going to flow in the house. A spirit of fainting is when life oozes out of you because of deficiency is side but the mantle of praise is going to wrap us around and give to us a protection stopping the enemy from taking things from our lives. The spirit of fainting but the spirit of grace shall come upon you so you no longer leak what God put in will grow in capacity. The planting of the LORD IS OUTSIDE WORKS NOT INSIDE MEANING God is taking us out so that our people can have apostolic invasion in the city. Plant them in the political arena and other arenas such as arts education becoming agents of change bringing transformation everywhere. The tower of Babel didn’t want to spread out they just wanted to gather and go higher and higher but this does not get or build the purpose of God. We do not want our
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purpose Tony you don’t have a purpose of your own our only purpose is to do the will of him who has called us. The purpose of the church is to find out what God did in Jesus what and where he begun in Jesus and finish it hence we are the finishing generation hence the need for Zion. The Oak of righteousness means we are going to get taller and taller strong and steady not be hidden or lost because we are here for a reason that he may be glorified. Tony this is for the Dream Centres mission seeing every vessel filled. The miracle is about to break out in side of the house the people are going to meet with God in the upper room. The only difference between the wise and foolish virgins is the amount of oil they had. We will be sent out to rebuild society collapsing companies and grace to rebuild. Raise up devastation means we will bring everything back to its original pattern society marriage finance has to go back to the original patterns. Ancient devastations will now be restored. We will repair and rebuild technologies are coming to us. What vales the forefathers had will be restored in a new generation for God is bringing back faces without races. We will be priest of God meaning a new way to approach him for he will show us how to take his presence and build him in the people connecting God the father to his people. Shutting down the gates of hell. Ministers of the Lord meaning we have the government of God which has the parliament of God behind you we are passing the bills of heaven as well as here on the earth all in the place of our ministry giving us power to execute things on the earth and in our territory. Verse 7: a double portion without shame no sorrow but gladness. Your entire portion comes as you position yourself in the spirit but how? Because of humiliation they will shout for joy possessing your portion in your land. When I go back to England I will have a double portion multiplying and enlarging because we have come into true Sonship whilst in Muar. I WILL BUILD AND MINISTER IN MY CITY LIKE PAPA builds and preaches in Muar. The same grace and portion that flows on him will come to me as I labour in the grace which has been opened to me. I will stand boldly as a minister. Verse 9: and 11 I want you blessed above all measure. Isaiah 60:1 it starts with one and comes to they are builders then in verse 9 it mentions offspring three dimension. That which; comes from God and the Christ comes to you and then to our offspring. Amongst the nations our people will see our descendents our kids are springing up everywhere Laura, Scott and Ben. Tony it starts with me then the people in Zion the church and they will rebuild the city then it goes to the offspring.
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2nd week: Session 1 Matthew 16:13‐20 The role of the church in City Transformation / Strategic Positioning for City Transformation The contemporary church is only interested living for its own people. Mathew 16:13‐21 John 4:1‐42 Perceptions of people keep changing public opinions keep changing hence why you cannot build church this way. One week it a blessing centre the other week it’s not important hence people relate to the church wrongly. Whatever people perceive the church to be is the reason why they attend. The other week it’s a need centre and if people do not have any needs they do not come if people just come for healing what happens when they don’t need healing? How you express your church to society is very important for people will work towards a perception. Verse 2: They saw Jesus as a healer Verse 14 They see him as a prophet Verse 15: They see him as a king Verse 9: The woman saw him in the light of a Jew if you knew who the gift of God is for she didn’t know for she had her own perception. She has been drawing natural water all her life but now the perceptions of her begin to change. Verse 15: She says sir; meaning her response to him was becoming more respected for she is beginning to open up to him albeit still with wrong perceptions. Remember this woman was communicating so many misconceptions. It’s like much of the church keeps digging deeper in to those areas such as continual evangelism. Alpha doesn’t work then we try the Emmaus course we dig deeper and find something else why because the perceptions of church leaders of what brings success and is successful keeps changing Cell church house church seeker friendly and the unfriendly then we have the purpose driven church everyone’s perception keeps changing. You dig as a pastor in a well and you find is rocks and when you dig rocks day in and day out they call this church chain gang prison sentence. You
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dig then you did and find a little water but you never really strike gold what you should be doing is digging from two things: dig from the proceeding word that is coming from heaven and dig from the grace that is upon your life this is called labouring with the grace. The prophetic is suppose to be a sharp piercing arrow presenting to them what is true and that is what is false but prophetic immature prophesiers are dangerous for they say when prophesying, ‘I feel you have been this but Jesus sees you this way which is vague and shallow and tantamount to nothing more than reading the soul of people. There are some shops you will buy bread from as bread is bread but if you want French or Chinese food you don’t just go anywhere. If you want to find and flow in the prophetic then you must find the right kind of house. She said sire, how are you going to draw this water? seeing him in the light of quest. John 4:11: Now she doesn’t know who he is because you are not an ordinary Jew are you? Are you greater than our father? Her perception is that he is not a Jew but he must be greater than this became her perception John 4: 11: She sees him in the light of father’s legacy. John 4:19: She sees him as a great need in her life seeing him greater than her great grandfather Jacob John 4:16‐19: She sees him as Father and as a husband people one who can change her life. The father is the first male she meets in her life the husband is the one who brings stability and brings accurate love. In church life pastors are happy with members and can therefore identify with her as she has six men in her life like you have six men in your church. Why was Jesus asking her about her husband’s? Because in this life you have to have accurate coverings in life and having a well in your life can really bring this about. When you have a connection to a pure well that runs deep accurate perceptions help you to draw the right kind of life which ultimately change lives. How many people say I have no pastor I just attend the church it’s just me and the lord. Jesus said before he gave anything to her he made sure she was accurately covered for if you don’t have anyone over your life what you are receiving could be dangerous. John 4:19: Sire she sees him as a prophet. Now he is not a Jew she is not a women of Samaria. Settle this matter so I know the direction I need to take in my life but God speaks to her in the light of him being her source. Jesus says the one you are referring to Am he. Now she sees him in the light of the messiah she can change her life leaving the water pot in day light she heads off to tell everyone. John 4:28: The greatest perception is not that you are a prophet, Jew but when it comes down to it people come to you is because you are a God like man. Some of you have gifts
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and power but your image is not like a God like man. if you are not behind the pulpit saying something you don’t know how to be at piece and complete. Do not try and project what you are not. You must address the church not as pastor but as a man asking his people to share one life not as a title. Jesus was not interested in the opinions of men. The moment you can speak to people helping them see hear and become like him church then begins. The problems of church history is that people have always been the same example same sins same lack of understanding even though you and I have greater revelation and understanding we still haven’t changed to the level of our revelation teaches. When people do not change internally we change the external and call it contemporary church which does nothing but excite the flesh. Cameras monkeys jumping on the plat form with lights and smoking jackets and smoke machines only to see the congregation throw bananas at them calling it exciting praise the monkeys think if we keep dancing the crowd will keep throwing Bananas at us and all you have is a different kind of zoo calling it contemporary church. In the interest of public safety please do not feed the monkeys. If you go into the monkey’s domain he has no power of constraint because in his world he lives by the law of the jungle but the church is not a jungle its Gods house a holy habitat, a place where God can live and be honoured. If you do not guard the house another spirit will enter into the house and then you have a house of Saul when it should be a house of David. The church builds so it can resources from its own interest but then it becomes a human interest for we use the people for the advancement of the church and when they do not fulfil the requirements or they cannot stay abreast of us and cannot keep up with us they are put aside to die which is like the worlds system. We do not want a human enterprise but instead we want to build a heavenly dimension. The church is structured for control with authoritarian control and then if you don’t obey, you are cursed by implying. Give people the freedom of choice man fell into sin with his free choice man chose his own path of darkness. The prodigal son left the father some left Paul, Peter and John and Jesus but they were free to go and want to go without our structure controlling them. Paul was not fighting a structure when he said send me John Mark back as he will be useful to me. Paul and Barnabas had a sharp disagreement over John which was Barnabas nephew always remember biblically nephews are a pain ask Abraham about Lot. st
The 1 purpose of the church: is to be connected to God in heaven in order to express the God of heaven. If this is not there it’s not church and it’s finished. If this doesn’t do this then it’s lost its godly nature now becoming flesh and blood in nature taking on human expression pattern and nature. The church has become very human centring around human life connecting to earthly things people denominations
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rituals meetings the whole church has no heavenly connection. They create the meeting and then expect God to bless it. The songs and arrangements ushers the message the ministers are there to serve and pray for you and care and visit you. The first point is that it should be connected to haven. Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you speaking to Peter but my father in heaven for the church is then mentioned as this is the first time Jesus speaks of the church whilst in his conversation with Peter. People are important as Jesus died for them but this is not the purpose of the church. Ministry is a tool to reach people to bring them into purpose healing them setting them free so they can fulfil the purpose. We must have ministry teaching and training but if this is all you are doing this is not bringing them into the true purpose. When pastors make their purpose for the church they make it for the people when this happens, a list is then developed such as.... • • •
Worship Fellowship Care groups
All these are functions but are not the purpose of heaven. Make disciples in the church. Breathing is not the purpose of your life but livings to do the fathers will is. Working eating and having fun is not the purposes of the church like so many suggest but if you could get these things another way you wouldn’t do it for these things cannot be your purpose. The first task is to make sure the church is connected to heaven and is expressing the thoughts and desires of heavens. Matthew 16:22 If God is speaking from heaven to the church then the people should speak to one another in the same language for if this takes place you then have a common purpose. Peter now in verse 22 changes his channel. Peter now speaks on behalf of God. Just because you commend a person once does not mean God has commended them forever Elders be aware! Peter is now trying to rewrite Jesus purpose as long as I am God Peter was saying this will not happen. Some people try to rewrite the purpose of the church because they think they are God just like Peter. Jesus quickly brings the house into purpose by saying; ‘get behind me Satan. The first time you spoke it was my father but now you have changed channels for now you are the devil. When people can do this it’s not a good accurate platform for church. Peter starts to open up his mouth again verse 4 Mark 9:6 Because he didn’t know what to say he said this. Church cannot exist of a ‘Because’ because I simply have to say something. How can we build church just because we have to say something? Whether it’s God or the devil let’s get these wheels going is the philosophy, don’t be like Peter who always thinks he has to have a word for every occasion.
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Let s look at the order here 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
God speaks to Peter Peter speaks for Jesus Heaven speaks to Peter listen to him the voice speaks from heaven Peter has just got to have a word Now Jesus speaks again.
Samuel said of Israel we want a king like all the other kings. Edomites were the only ones who had kings and chieftains which is an Ishmaelite nation which is a heathen pattern rather than living like Israelites. The platform for church must not even have a hint of this no human voice democracy the voice of congregational structure. If heaven and the devil are the only two people who know you and no ministries are knocking at your door with invitations you are blessed but soon as the invitation comes and heaven no longer knows and the devils no longer fear you tell me which position is better? Most pastors will transition to the first and call it ministering for the Lord and think they are blessed but this is not the purpose of the church and you have moved into flesh and blood. You have a call you have been confirmed by water and spirit but your movements and functional perceptions have changed. Build well in your life and in your personality and heaven will guide you. Itinerate ministry cannot become apostolic for all itinerate ministries do is preach bless and take offerings. They have no training base no sons and daughters and because of this many of those ministering are fatherless and have no legacy in them
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2nd part of strategic city transformation Acts 2:1‐4 What happened in the upper room was a direct result of the throne room as the upper room was connected to the throne room hence why the church cannot exist unless the church is at that place. Acts 2:32‐33 When Jesus poured himself out he poured himself out into the church as he was connected both too and with heaven. Church is one that is connected to heaven. We take are like a three pronged folk having church structures doctrines and a purpose but we must keep the purpose very simple and powerful. The church can be made into anything but once you change the nature you destroy the fathers house for though it’s my father’s house you be careful what how you build. Apostolic teaching is not new teaching but it is built according to Gods design and pattern. Build in such a way that God can take over of his own church. When God comes in and manifest fully the priest in the Old Test had to surrender themselves as their functions were all under the spotlight. We have to manifest heaven. Remember it was Jesus who said when praying; as it is in heaven so it is on earth. 2nd Purpose is the church is connected to heaven. The church operates under the authority of heaven verse 36 Jesus is the Lord of the house he is not the pastor but is the God of the house for he is both Lord and Christ of the house showing the pastor that he is not alone in his authority but he is under protective authority. We as pastors cannot short circuit the power by becoming the total authority for not even an apostle can do this. (Tony: remember the lesson of Bernard Jones who asked for 2000 dollars for every session he preached then asked for first class ticket for all his entourage and a first class hotel) 3rd Purpose is to operate and express that which is heavenly. That which I received from above is coming to you so we do not express natural things but heavenly things. We can use the natural gifts skills and talent but that which is received is that which is must be expressed
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4 Purpose is It operates the one who is in heaven. Our father who art is in heaven for our fellowship is with the one who cleanses us from our sins for he is the one who is the head of the body and we are to express him fully in his nature grace and victory so that everyone on the earth knows we are of him. Christ life is manifesting in the sons of God for it’s no longer I that live but Christ who lives in me. We can have different skills and gifts but the house must express him fully to full measure. th
5 Purpose is It operates with heavenly resources. Because the church is heavenly it must be built with heavenly materials. Isaiah 28:16 & 1 Peter 2:5 Combination of two scripture: See I lay in Zion a corner stone but then it says you are a holy stone that is being built by Christ. This stone is a costly precious stone and because of this the ingredients in our life must become spiritual dimensions of the spirit thus removing the natural functions. Men of the flesh produce fleshly works but when we minister to him the Christ we must minister to him both in spirit and in truth. His power spirit his joy and life must be present removing any form of the natural flesh allowing the righteousness peace and joy of heavens to express its self through the church rather than would hay and stubble. 1 Corinthians 3:12 If we want to advance and express ourselves we must not build on the natural. If the church is built on natural materials we will collapse. All we need is one pastor elder to build incorrectly and the whole moral decline begins to take place for we should not have Zig lag but Zion. As we go forward there will be pressures hence why it cannot be built by natural materials but by supernatural heavenly materials that are costly precious and heavenly. th
6 Purpose It operates heavenly reinforcements. Matthew 4:11: And the devil left him and behold angels came to minister to him. If the Devil doesn’t leave you alone he will become a nuisance for you must live in such a way that heaven can explode and reinforce your life. Your life must be able to push the enemy away and out of your territory rather than simply keep attracting him.
7th Purpose: The church operates and exists to reveal the kingdom of God on this earth.
Heavenly resources or reinforcement spoken in: Ephesians 3:1‐20 1: reinforcement is for The grace to do that which is needed. Paul said the stewardship of grace was given to him for you. People carry the grace that you need
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hence why you must accurately connect with the right people (man of God to you) who can give you the grace and that grace be sufficient grace. As you grow you need another source simply because you move from one level to the next level. Example was my life with Colin Carson as he once carried a grace to my life but I then upgraded and moved on and found a father who put a new nature in me shaping me for the future for when this happens we call it fathering hence papa’s influence and moulding upon my life as a begotten son. 2nd reinforcement is for Revelation. Paul said that the revelation was made known to me yet this revelation was hidden in past generations. We need a man of fresh revelation from a fresh generation. Many men are carrying revelation from a past generation. rd
3 reinforcement is for Insight. Paul said you will know my insight in the mystery as insight always means the spirit of understanding comes to you so that when you read the bible your mind enters into a new understand new knowledge wisdom, intelligence all these things are reinforcements. Me as a pastor and leader must also understand that which I personally enter into the people also enter and touch the same dimensions. Insight is not just for down loading information but for upgrading oneself. If you are a person who just wants to receive a call on his phone and are not bothered about the phones features then don’t buy an expensive phone. The kingdom life is no different if all you want is salvation when there are so many other spiritual technologies inheritance and kingdom life available to you then why not die quickly and go to heaven. The kingdom life and power is wasted on many because there are so many features and advantages but you don’t know how to use them to yours and the kingdoms advantage rendering you powerless. Because you don’t know which buttons to press and keys fit which locks you cannot connect to people and people don’t want to connect with you rendering you irrelevant. If we do not share the same kingdom insight we lock both ourselves and people outside and they cannot enter. We need to understand the correct operational dynamics. th
4 reinforcement is To know how to become partakers and participators. We must be able heirs and fellow partakers. Those who are not heirs of the promise become frustrated in their Christianity. If we give people insight the people can come inside and become a partaker and a participator. The manifold wisdom must be made known along with making the eternal purpose of heaven known as Ephesians 3:9‐10 says, now; through the church the manifold wisdom should be made known so that demonic powers become frozen in the heavenly places. Christ did it on the earth through his death we now must do it both in the heavenlies through the church. th
5 reinforcement is To birth the divine nature and dimensions of God the father in your heart. Every family on earth must derive its name. To birth something fresh of the Holy Ghost in your life can only be done when people connect to a father for he is ‘the someone’ who can shape and form the life. Paul said I bow my knee so
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that I can form the nature of Christ and establish the Christ. The Evangelist can lead man to Christ but it takes the apostle to form the Christ in man. It’s not done by a teacher for anyone can have a teacher but only a father can form and shape the Christ dimension both in power and prayer within you. th
6 reinforcement is Connecting to the right group of people/family of saints. If you do not do this you can never comprehend the love of God because it has dimensions breadth width length and feeling as these are dimensions. Love is something that you can hold and it’s not superficial. What is not possible to touch, you can touch with the right company of people so that all things are held in common. If you have stingy people we cannot share all things. Most of the Caesars in Rome were killed by their own council members hence why Jesus had three then nine and then seventy. Paul said, together with all saints meaning the right company of people have to be gathered. th
7 reinforcement is The power of God working within us. Now unto him who is able to do; for we want a God who is able to do verse 20
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The dangers of contemporary church st
1 The contemporary model of church concentrates on...
Encouraging the people, through soft talk and pep talk. There is No confrontational truth as it is not there so now all you do is comfort them. You cannot tell them to stop smoking but instead you just tell them to smoke less. Evasions meaning you no longer tell your team to stop sinning. Ephesians 4:28: Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labour, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. The power to transform lives: If you do not have transformed lives then you give the devil an opportunity. 1. He is no longer a thief he has a changed nature. Don’t tell the thief to stop stealing when his nature is still a thief on the inside for the moment he sees it he will see it. 2. He stops stealing in other words he has no evil behaviour. 3. He starts working. Thief’s have no desire to work for it his work. Thief starts working showing a social metamorphosis. 4. He learns a skill or trade performing with his own hands what is good. 5. He is now profitable so that he will have something. 6. He now has surplus he has something but not only something but something to share. 7. He is a giver and a provider. nd
thing of contemporary church
Focuses on entertainment We are interested in the interest of the people. Do the people really enjoy Disneyland they can enjoy themselves? We have caves for those who live in darkness, we have the food court, and we have the zoo night club smoking worship and a monkey generation creating the music. They enjoy house fellowship and the church now becomes a food court.
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The emphasis is, have a good meeting, make a good presentation, slick announcements and publicity, ‘wasn’t the children wonderful? send your children next week so they can be on the platform. A few people really push in but the majority are just attending. rd
3 thing of a contemporary church Excitement: People are interested in excitement all the services are hyped up. The preacher doesn’t speak English anymore he says holeeee spirit rather than Holy Spirit in order to keep everyone excited. People do not know the difference only God knows the difference. Jeremiah 5:26‐31 26 'For among My people are found wicked men; They lie in wait as one who sets snares; They set a trap; They catch men. 27 As a cage is full of birds, So their houses are full of deceit. Therefore they have become great and grown rich. 28 They have grown fat, they are sleek; Yes, they surpass the deeds of the wicked; They do not plead the cause, The cause of the fatherless; Yet they prosper, And the right of the needy they do not defend. 29 Shall I not punish them for these things?' says the Lord. 'Shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?' th
4 thing of a contemporary church Contemporary church exist s to enrich people s lives. They go to church so they can go to work and do better they go to church so they can learn better parenting skills and the like which is them making use of the church. They go to church to be counselled so they can have counselling. They go to receive prayer so they can have a better life so they can become better. We are not saying all these things are bad but it’s not for the better of the church but for their betterment. When they receive all these things they work or give more they feel the church is there for them to bless and enrich their lives. Everything exists for them and the moment they don’t feel they are benefiting they leave. th
5 thing of contemporary church The contemporary church is established on people looking for an experience. The people just want more and more experiences. They want more experience because they want to feel him more so they can become more inward approved for whatever they are doing in life they never feel accepted and approved and now they need to hear God tell them they are worth something and how people love this so. th
6 thing of contemporary church
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Explanation so as to know more and more about the scriptures. At first thought you think coming to church to know more about God and his word sounds wonderful. People in the contemporary church want to go to church to be edified so they can understand more only for them to become more and more ignorant and disobedient with what they know..
The real church Genesis 28:10‐16 When Jacob went to sleep in that place it was a normal place and when he awoke he realised that the church was the Gate Way of heaven. Something internally is happening when you move from usual church to church unusual which is moving the natural church into the language of the revival of the spirit which makes it no longer a regular place but instead a place where God now moves lives and has His being. The Gate Way is vertical and not a horizontal Gate for it is just vertical not like the one in the contemporary church. If you live as a contemporary church the people will never know that there is a ladder and that God is transecting on the other side whilst they gather in the normal place. When Adam was a sleep another race came out of him which was the female race. When Jesus allowed things to come from him there came a bride; but the church she cannot birth things if she will not allow the Christ to come forth. The church gathering together is not called church for when they meet it’s nothing more than just a meeting no power no transecting with God. Paul and Silas together singing whilst in prison sang a hymn showed how to people can be in one place and through a vertical connection brought heaven down to earth through usual unusual worship. Paul and Silas through their worship connected to what was on the other side of the ladder and by this what was on the other side exploded from the other side on to their side. A supernatural dimension must be allowed to break out and when this happens we have moved from usual church to church unusual which is a church with a difference. How many times do we gather the people to sing songs but God himself is not there and all we have done is gather to physically sing about God? Because Christ was not there it could be a birthday party for all we know for in many contemporary usual church sister so and so will get up and sing her song and we will not know its Christian but it will sure sound lovely. When this happens we have found the usual church rather than how awesome is this place. Psalm 84: 1‐4 Everything that is inside the place of his dwelling will become beautiful. The physical place which s Gods dwelling place must become beautiful our lives and our soul will long and our hearts will begin to yearn for more and more then we rise to sing. When we have finished singing we have to go home but the swallow gets to stay for this is referring to the sons of
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Korah. The birds will build their nest in your presence which is a temporary experience but then you will have to leave. All this experience is for something to happen in you but the contemporary church stops there for they do not know what God wants them to do. Psalm 84: 5 To put strength into you putting all our trust and desires into him so all our self is in him. The quality of the real church is that through realignment the people put all they have in him rather than just living for their job in factories and in their careers but now instead they put it back into God. Every time we assemble, we diss‐attach ourselves from where we have been towards attaching to the one that we have gathered for. Psalm 84:5‐7 we are to build the highway of Zion inside those connecting people to the church unusual. The physical presence of the church is left so that the people throughout the week know how to connect with Zion rather than waiting for a Sunday to connect them. If you have no highway to Zion all you have is a Sunday service which is church usual. The church is there to train you in the ways of Zion but what happens if there is a persecution what will the people do and where will they go? Verse 6: With this type of technology you can turn a weeping valley into a flowing river but only if we have church un-usual. We will pass through valleys such as school, ministry, and factory where ever they go God will empower them to turn it around. Verse 6: God will crown their works with his measure of blessing They will go from strength to strength. Strength will not be depleted. From Sunday to Sunday the contemporary people are weak in their faith and actions but in church unusual our people connect at the point where they last left off the previous week as they are going from strength to strength. People in the contemporary church go from strength to breakdown all in a week simply because they lack structure whereas in the church unusual the people go from strength to strength. Everyone appears before Zion meaning we will never abort the journey but we will arrive before the throne. Verse 7: No good thing will be held from us. Gold, Glory & Girls. In the church unusual we get Grace Glory and Good things. The church must be church unusual a place where Zion is fixed in people’s hearts for there is a voice that says, walk in this way there is a highway with no human interest.
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New session Operational dynamics of the church for she has power to prevail over the enemy No 1: Through Jesus Christ living, he destroyed all the works of the evil one 1 John 3:8 He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was made manifest, that He might destroy the works of the Devil. Don’t make plans to use this power on your own become a steward and not an owner? When you ask God for something, you better tell him why for don’t let selfish ambition cross or enter your heart. Jesus was not hitting everybody with the power he was only doing that which he saw the father doing he had n selfish agenda. If you ask God for power or finance without knowing the purpose people will push it into the wrong avenues. If you are Gods postmen you need an address to deliver what God has given you. God has the right to test you and try you before he can trust you for the moment you give God this kind of permission he will take you down this path. Jesus lived thirty three years as a perfect man where ever he was directed he released. To be a follower is not easy for you must be led by god even though Jesus was led by the Holy Ghost whilst taking the form of a man though he was equal with God. You shut down the works of the enemy by shutting down the works of the flesh the enemy has no territory to work through thus shutting down Satan’s operations. Jesus said the devil had nothing on me and this is because Jesus had learned to walk in obedience shutting the power of the flesh down. Galatians 5:16‐22 One fruit not fruits of the spirit one fruit but many characteristics. What kind of rules of engagement will you live? The way you live and think must not fuel the works of the enemy thus shutting down the territory. How to shut down the works of the enemy in the church 1 John 4:1‐6 Verse 1: The counterfeit came from inside the house they were once accurate but because they were never from God started from inside the church going out into the world.
Test every spirit. The words from people’s mouth reveal the nature of the spirit for words are spirit. Use truth to expose the lies. When people pick a fight with you, you have to test every spirit for man has a spirit and lives in a soul. When people are communicating bad things they are communicating spirits not just opinions for when this happens you must accurately discern. The truth must go into them to change them internally rather than trying to resolve internal fractions. Whatever the people say must be hit by truth for the people wanted to do one thing in the book of Haggai but Truth brought them back into alignment.
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The moment people understand covenant they back off from their words and they realign themselves internally.
The spirit will contaminate their nature making them become false. If they keep speaking critically a nature will be birthed inside them for out of the heart the mouth speaks for some do not speak from their heart but from their critical nature. The opinion that comes out of people’s heads can just be an opinion a wrong but singular opinion but it’s not a nature just an opinion but the one that constantly sows from his/her mouths becomes a nature. Isaiah 14:12‐17 For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.' Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, To the lowest depths of the Pit. “Those who see you will gaze at you, And consider you, saying: 'Is this the man who made the earth tremble, Who shook kingdoms, Who made the world as a wilderness. And destroyed its cities, Who did not open the house of his prisoners?'
Satan in this context was constantly confessing that which was in his heart and this made him fall from grace and become a devil. Numbers 14:26‐27 How long will I be with a grumbling generation saying as I have heard you saying I will do but what I say what they say in my haring I will do. If you keep saying he wrong things God will give you what is in your heart rather than what he promised for you cancelling the promise of God because it has become a nature.
Satan will entice them and take them out because of their own false words. The word of God comes from heaven to the senior pastor out to the people but you never let the people become a voice. This was the problem in Samuel’s day when they wanted their own way for their voice became an obstruction so God allowed their own words to become the nose for them. Don’t bring people into the church without testing the spirit inside of them because the devil has spent time working and forming their nature hence why the pastor must keep speaking the truth to them. Don’t be mesmerised by their support remember the devil said I will give you the kingdoms of the world if you bow down and worship me for the devil knows he can trade for external soul. If you are a nation don’t Satan to sow things into your heart for if he does he will kill steal and destroy those that can come from your loins. Jesus said you can do many things but I never knew you. Remember the tower of Pizza it leans but the higher you go it leans further away remember how deviant people can become the higher they go.
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This spirit of error will not allow you to believe that the God in you will become God through you in reality. Every spirit that does not confess Christ is a devil. Jesus came in the flesh so this is not what the scripture is saying but the devil will not allow you to believe that Christ can come through you. Satan has by sin tried to make sure nothing can come forth. The physical power of death in your sinful body was designed so that Christ cannot come forth in flesh for he doesn’t mind Christ living in your spirit hence why Christ came and defeated Satan in the flesh. Satan will tell you that you are like your father, substances will be taken, tell you negative because he is anti‐Christ because it’s Christ in you the hope of Glory. The emotions the body and soul must all be shut down so that Christ’s love hits you it flows through clean emotions it can flow to others. If you are set up wrongly love comes out corrupt. Whatever you touch you transfer anger strife jealousy and then you touch others you cannot hide what you have been touching. You cannot touch things and expect when you are ministering under the anointing you still transfer wrong things destroying the people you most love. Living a holy life is not an option it’s absolute necessary. The flesh is at war with Christ and because of this will shut him down from coming forth and this is the spirit of error it’s not an opinion but a spirit because it stops Christ coming forth. A spirit by any other name is still a devil.
These people connect easily with the worlds system and its kind. Good people with ministries easily become carnal simply because they accept the worlds system aiding people to become more and more indulgent. When they first start living as a missionary they were careful but because prosperity comes and they indulge themselves. The only way you defeat the works of the enemy is by living by the spirit. Those who are true will listen to God and listen to us. The bible says he who knows God listens to us but he who does not know God does not listen to us. Those who operate in error are operating on a different frequency. Anyone who needs a counselling carries a spirit of error because if they had been living and listening to God they would not be in error. 1st piece of Wisdom for counselling Ask people: Will you obey everything that is going to be said to you during this counselling? Remember pain is a very good teacher when God’s presence leaves they will scream and when they scream you can say Ok you’re ready. 2nd piece of wisdom for counselling tell them. You must be the one doing that which I say. Don’t let them make you responsible for their success they must be responsible for their valley of indecision. When people change slowly you can see the spirit of error changing and coming off their life but it’s done by choices but you must have the courage to speak it.
You have overcome the spirit of error and the anti Christ if the greater one lives in you.
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Look for signs in people signs of change before confronting it. Discover for yourself the blind spots of your own life so that you can bring your own spirit of error into realignment remembering that after all the prodigal son had experienced he came to his senses and the end of his ways and so must you and I. If you cannot be changed
1 John 3:19‐22 How you can protect yourself Every time you see conscience it’s a function of your spirit for it’s the place where approval and disapproval of your spirit actions through the light f God shines forth. The light reveals your reactions motives and attitudes by use of the light of God given to you. If you have been given light and then you walk through a bad decision walk out of the light your conscience must speak and when it does your conscience heart and spirit speaks which is the light of God inside of you. The spirit of the man is the candle of a man so God uses your spirit through the light of his word to search out things that are not accurate. The moment you walk out of His light darkness will have its consequences and Gods blood cannot cleanse you. If your conscience speaks you cannot lie but if you continue to ignore it then your conscience is seared leaving a scar and whenever there is a scar through disobedience it will permanently leave you scared in that area. Remember once this happens it moves through the body moving where ever the blood flows. Let’s say after two years God speaks to me after fighting me fighting my conscience I repent and go back to the truth. Your conscience is forgiven but your own conscience will take time to trust you because you have been fighting. When you say Lord I will give you my all your conscience ahha I have heard this before and you respond I bind you Satan but it wasn’t the accuser it was your conscience. Our heart has to convict us because our conscience was dead and ignored. It’s light that swallows up death.
No 2: Through His death He destroyed the power of the devil. The first point through Christ living Christ destroys all the works of the devil but here through Christ death he destroys the power of the devil. Hebrews 2:14‐15 Isaiah 61:1 & Colossians 1:4 A body I have prepared for you for God to live in, 2 Corinthians 5: Whilst Christ died on the cross God the father and the Holy Spirit had to leave Jesus because he had to become a sin offering on his own not a sinners offering but a sin offering. Genesis 3:20‐22 garments of skin the first shedding of blood. The church waits for the enemy to destroy our works then we start our prayer meetings always being one step behind the devil but what Jesus says is that the reason why I gave you keys is that you move and then he comes against you but then because of whom we are we
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then have the power to prevail over the works of the enemy. Time never changed anyone decisions change people.
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What you do in secret destroys other people’s lives because you are the mountain rain that flows to the people. Hebrews 2:8 Because people were afraid to die losing their life they had no power to overcome the enemy. Genesis 3:19 this was the first animal that was sacrificed prophetically showing a picture of what would take place. Genesis 3:22 Man has not become anything like them but soon as they sinned they lost the power of life. The scripture should read behold one of us should become like men knowing good and evil going to the realm of flesh and blood so that he might begin to eat from the tree of life forever. One of the godhead had to go down and become like men going to the flesh realm so that we can restore the plans that we originally had for man. Jesus was that Man and they decided in heaven after Jesus presented himself before the father and said I will go for them and become the sin offering to bring man back to the tree of life and it wasn’t an afterthought. Isaiah, Jeremiah and Hosea all revealed the Christ but in the last days he is speaking through his son in the fullness. Once Jesus finished his work on the cross and Jesus had returned back to the father Jesus left the earth and God and the Holy Spirit now came to ensure that all the kingdoms of our Lord and of our Christ will be subject to you as you are my Son sat at my right hand. The father is looking for a replacement on the earth and the church was chosen to replace Jesus to become his body his choice instrument so that the three of them can subject every sin and every enemy of Christ Jesus as the church now becomes a working partners working with God the father and the Holy Spirit. Remember the bride and the spirit both say come LORD Jesus. Jesus is not our thief coming in the night he is our Lord and our Christ as he is now revealed to us as our Saviour not as a thief who will take us by surprise.
The devil had the power to use the human body to transfer his wickedness. God said to Adam the day you sin is the day you die. Adam died in one day on the day he sinned he lived his thousand years as one day is like a thousand years. Sin then came faster and faster into the soul of man speeding up the process of death and the body became the vehicle for satanic power to work its power. This is why we must bring our bodies to CHRIST making our reasonable sacrifice. Any hatred bitterness sin or illegal substances will give power to the enemy remember Satan cannot manifest himself unless he uses the work of the flesh hence demons move from one body to another body looking for a place where they can rest. 2 Timothy 2:24‐26 The devil does not keep you captive so that you can do the will of Christ. Satan tries to hold you captive through your body and life style to hold your body and by
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doing this you do his will. Area such as food drink attitudes sex and so on are all powers he uses to trap human bodies remember death deals with the body. 2 Corinthians 10:3‐6. Every day we must not allow the enemy to take over bodies and minds through our attitudes and untendered thoughts. The devil can only read your mind if he is your teacher for how can he read your mind if your heart is in light? The mind is not the devils workshop as some suggest unless you are being fashioned by him. •
Three areas of our mind: Remember all these are all in the mind and not in the heavenlies for they are mental. If you de‐programme the soul you will win every time
Strongholds: Impregnable thought patterns that will not allow you to change. You cannot think there is life outside of it. Food, wholesome relationship, culture, race. Remember all these things are in your head and it’s not that the devil is in control but its inside your own head stored up as a mental thought pattern. Reconfigure a person’s thought pattern and they will be released by their strongholds because it’s not a cosmic power that is holding you its mental power. People need to sit in a place where the knowledge and revelation of Christ is being taught bringing people to the other side because we have been given the keys of the kingdom. No fasting just move those thoughts out of your mind. Joshua wasn’t in bondage when standing at the walls of Jericho he was just waiting for a new word to move him through revelation meaning he needed the right word showing us that when the right word comes something breaks open for you. Speculations: To think on things that are not established on facts or established on truth. Thoughts such as; ‘pastor doesn’t like me, but did you ask him? Is it a fact? No, because there are no facts or truth involved but now you establish your whole foundation on speculation? Stock markets work on speculation not facts actual value and real value iare two different things. Something can be five pounds but worth fifty pence. It’s always the funds of others that are fuelling the market not the company it’s self. When people get anxious speculation becomes the prophesy that we give to the devil. Remember that which we fear comes upon our lives’. You look for signs to convince your imaginary speculative thoughts. Your emotions are reading and creating this nonsense rather than the word and the light of Christ. And the lofty things that are stored up: Whatever God is saying another voice rises from within and refuses to accept the truth the substituting truth for a lie shutting down accurate operational dynamics. In other words there is a resistance against the knowledge of God. If you are hearing and allowing your mind to change then you have captured the essence of a renewed mind. If you can separate truth from lofty ides then you now know that your mind is healthy because you can distinguish now from strongholds, speculations and loft imaginations.
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2 Thessalonians 2:9 Delusions are given over to them because they have no love for the truth. God will give you over to delusions and deceptions for if you hear the word and do not do it you deceive yourself and if others then listen to you, you then deceive others and you are not set free and remain in bondage.
A Passive Will A Passive will is the entrance point for satanic powers to manifest. Procrastination is an inactive act of a passive will and is therefore a soulish response to a higher spiritual challenge. Those who want to cruise along in their spiritual walk doing nothing open up the door for satanic doors to unnecessarily pester them. Make up your mind and things begin to happen but when you didn’t make up your mind things attack you. Today if you hear his voice do not harden your heart which is a direct challenge to a passive will challenging you to respond proactively to a spiritual challenge. Philippians 2:12‐13 God is working in our hearts to align our will with his will and when we align our will with his will we discover the power to do his good pleasure but without his will we have no power. Power and grace only comes to you when you align your will. God works in our hearts to do a few things to work and to do his will. Daniel determines din his mind that he would not contaminate his mind or eyes pre‐determine his own will aligning it to the will of God. The greatest power anyone has as born again believe is the power to chose choosing the power of life and health is ours to chose. The devil does not have a choice because he has given himself over to sin but we do have the right to chose whether we sin or not as sin is the highest power and if you subject yourself to sin then you have sub come to a higher power. Sin works in Satan to destroy him sin actually removes Satan from his position making him lower. Sin came upon man making him lower and lower reducing mans glory and health separating him from Christ but we cannot see the affect that sin is having on Satan because he is invisible creation. We can see the result of sin upon believers because we are flesh and blood but nevertheless physical or invisible sin is working. The we have been lower through sin we are being redeemed taking us higher and higher but one is going up because of redemption and Satan is going lower because of sins degeneration hence why we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling because its sin that no longer working in you removing you from the luxury of excuses. It is because of this that we must now subject ourselves to his good pleasure. 1 Peter 5:6‐9: Humble yourself submit to his will and then the devil will flee from you James 4:6 He gives us greater grace but we must resist the proud but if you draw near to God then God will draw near to you. Resist the devil! Once you are connected to heaven you have power to submit to Satan. Many believers have no power when they were given power to push the enemy out of their territory because
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they have no submission. Authority only works when it is subjected to authority for you must never settle for ministerial authority only for to do this is called functioning authority only. Always remember the centurion said to Jesus that he was a man under the submitted authority of Roman empires authority. Submit to one another says the scripture meaning the place for gaining this is in the local church and saints within the house. Spirit Soul & Body through the use of the Will. Romans 8:5: The mind set on the flesh is death because its not set on God and therefore cannot please God. We mustn’t only set your mind on the spirit but you must also use your will. You actively must engage both your mind and your will. Romans 7:22‐23: I see a different law operating in my members. Paul was saying in his body mind and soul and will. In verse 5, it’s the mind. In verse 22, it’s the spirit and in verse 23, it’s my body. If I waver in my mind I have no right to receive anything from GOD HENCE WHY I MUST ACTIVIATE MY WILL BODY AND MIND TO WORK WITH GOD John 7:17 If anyone chooses to do God’s will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own. If you chose Gods you will have revelation and knowledge. Acts 1:1: If you are willing to listen to the father you will know the teaching of Jesus. If you debate and refuse to Gods will then you become like Balaam refusing to go and do his will saying no but went his own way. God finally sent an angel to speak to him. Balaam was very accurate in his prophesy towards Jesus but what was in his heart was wrong for the spirit was wrong within him hence the bible warns us about Balaam. 2 Peter 2:10‐ 22: The flesh is corrupt and full of daring and self will. People who do not fear when they speak of pastors and other men of God who have stature in the spirit men who have been given as God’s gift to the church but those with self will and daring will challenge these men and the bible calls this as wicked. You chose the desire of your own heart so be very careful which desire you ask for, for God will allow these things because you want it but if you want what he has never revealed to you, you are in trouble but if you chose the will that has been revealed through his word and spirit he will give you power to do his will. Remember the heart if not touched and inspired by God can get you in a heap of trouble. The day you stop honouring those above you, you lose things in the spirit realm. Chose God and chose his will.
The devil breaks down our power through the inter personal breakdowns of relationships Job 1:6‐12 God said have you considered my servant Job and Satan said yes I have but I cannot touch and cannot get near him because of you. I can see that he labours with you but if Satan had power then why couldn’t he touch Job. Never listen to Satan but on this
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occasion it’s good to listen to his words. Satan never tells the truth for there is no truth in him but on this occasion talking to God he told the truth. Satan now has to change his preach by suggesting a trick by hurting him. Anyone who can do this is a devil but in verse 12 showing all that he has in your power meaning God has power and from that power he gives it to Satan to do God’s will. Job 2:1 A second parliamentary meeting as earth’s representative taking over the constituency. God says since the last parliamentary meeting I haven’t seen you for Satan had been roaming around the earth. Even though God took his hands off Job and because he holds fast to the integrity of his heat I cannot win showing us it wasn’t property that could make a man fall but that which is inside of a human heart. It’s what a man holds on the inside of his heart that counts. Unless God gives Satan power or you and I give power all his strategies cease for someone has to give him power for him to do what he says. Job 2:9 Job’s wife is now used to speak to Job because Satan has no power and she challenges Job in his hearts of integrity curse God and die. Job did what Adam could not do Job discerned the works of the enemy where Adam couldn’t. Remember the devil breaks our power through interpersonal relationships. Who is the one who has greatest freedom of access t you? Who are the people who can gain access to you in personal areas for they can carry the enemies’ tools? Now because Satan couldn’t win he speaks now through Job’s friends as they come to him to counsel him. These guys were religious. If you surround yourself with people like this with rituals and observe you for seven days but say nothing you will curse yourself for having friends like this. When Job finally opened his mouth he didn’t curse God but he did curse his own life for being born showing us that if you surround yourself with the wrong people they will encourage you to make wrong confessions about your own life. Job didn’t cherish his hurts like most people who ministering to you for if you do this you will never become a soldier getting out onto the battle field of life. Don’t people keep nursing you get free and enjoy the journey don’t carry the X‐ray around with you for everyone to see and then call it ministry. Mother Terrisa’s call was to nurse those who were dying so that they could die with dignity for she was a nurse nut I am not a nurse I am a soldier I don’t want to help people die better I want them to live stronger. Never follow the instruction of a demon possessed person because everything that comes from their mouth is a lie The greatest power we can ever have in friendship is covenant hence why the wrong relationships will become a cess pit for the enemy to work and create havoc. The reason why hell comes out in church if we have wrong relationships then we cannot shut the devil out. You must recognise the devil when he is seeking to operate through interpersonal relationships. When we have relationships in trouble people say: ‘But we have known each other for a long time: Satan has known you for longer ‘Well we have been good friends and have grown together: Well Jobs wife had grown with him but she had the wrong spirit and therefore encouraged him to speak inappropriately.
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We must use the people closest to us to protect us because the enemy will seek away in. Notice in Ezekiel the wheel within a wheel is interconnected within a circle of protection. All those closest to you must be spiritual people who understand and protect and speak on your behalf for if they can destroy you they will be able to destroy the whole thing. Satan does this by breaking down the links already established and built on the inside of the house for they and Satan knows the best route to your heart, mind and soul.
Interpersonal relationships 2nd purpose of the church is to shut down the powers of hell. We are talking about the areas of opportunity the enemy works thorough such as Body, mind, will and interpersonal relationships. Integrity is being unchangeable in character and remaining unchangeable in unchangeable times meaning you are consistent and unchangeable in unchangeable times without lowering or changing your standards. Some don’t bend at five hundred whereas others bend at five thousand but we cannot bend we must consistently follow the convictions of our heart never dropping the standards of our heart and this is what the devil knew must happen in order to get Job to change using his wife and then his friends. Through Job’s surrounding himself with these guys he prolonged his sufferings for another 40 chapters. Why do people love to scratch simply because through scratching you gain some pleasure? People do stupid things only to repent even though you tell and tell them for them only to turn and say you were right what was they doing they were scratching trying to gain pleasure until that which they were scratching became painful. Matthew 13:19 in the parable of the sower the seed is the word of the kingdom and in the parable of the wheat and tears are the seed of the sons of God. There is coming an end of the sin age and the age of righteousness must begin to rise hence why arise shine your light has come. There must be a sin age that comes to an end in your life thoughts actions words must all come to an end by the daily action of dying to self. Remember the sons of the world and the sons of the kingdom are dwelling in the kingdom of Our Father for in this kingdom we have both wheat and tears. Matthew 13:47 The kingdom of heaven is speaking about how the kingdom is dragged and what comes out of the water the good and the bad are separated and the bad are thrown away just like the wheat and tears just like the parable of the pearl of great price which says a similar thing. All ways remember in the kingdom you have mixture but God is separating them moving them out of the kingdom. The sons of the kingdom are going to be sons of the father not just citizens when you become a son you have inheritance and qualification in the kingdom and once qualified in the kingdom we inherit and then we exercise dominion and
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expand the kingdom gaining territories of the father causing us to rule and reign together with him fully representing. The process is.... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
See the kingdom Enter the kingdom Cleansed in the kingdom Inherit the kingdom Dominion in the kingdom expanding and extending the kingdom Return the kingdom back to God so he will reign forever and ever bringing every power unto him so his footstool can see all his enemies bow. We are the ambassador’s of Christ here upon the earth.
Rapture is not being caught out but caught up. Why would you leave your inheritance to run away as your inheritance is given her on the earth? You cannot be a fiddler on the roof playing a harp on the clouds when I have to stay and labour and learn how to get my thinking accurate. Every time God judges the world the wicked are taken out and the righteous remain for you have to look at a consistent God rather than looking at the unchanging doctrines of man. In the days of Noah the wicked were taken out where as the righteous stayed on the earth and you want rapture. True rapture means we are taken up to our accurate spiritual place as Paul was taken up to his spiritual place when he was caught up in the heavens when speaking saying there was man who was caught up in the spirit. God says to man; rule the earth have dominion and expand the kingdom if this is not so why would you want to run away. The earth is our father’s territory; so why would we want to be lazy waiting for him to return. Please remember only the wicked are taken out and the righteous will remain. We must have consistency in scripture when all things collapse because people are being caught up and out we who are rising through the life of the spirit shine brighter and brighter Israel shows us this picture. Though systems collapse we are not collapsing we are caught up by God for there was a man called up to the throne and his name was Paul. Cancel your appointment with death and instead live in such a way that you pour out your life and extending your life for many more years. Areas that destroy interpersonal relationships A) The power of self. Self preservation: This is the ability of man to take care of himself alone. If he doesn’t have he will protect himself which is instinctively him rising up to the point of survival. Abraham Maslow theory.
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Self acquisition: This is the ability of man to acquire the necessity of self support. If a man needs eat he will kill if he needs land he will till the land. You can get what you want by joining a company of people albeit through the power of self. Self sustenance: How to prolong your life such as eating right foods. Whatever you need to sustain your life and own journey. Self propagation: to produce more of the same. To become fruitful and multiply birds of a feather flock together if birds are angry they flock together so they can produce the same nature and likeness to get what they want. People in the church do this when they go and connect together what they want. Self assertion: To assert one’s self dominate one’s own self and one’s self opinions. Men who subdue and have dominion over others this is how Hierarchy starts. Self approval: To fight rejection because they live for self approval. They do everything possible to make them self feel good in order to give themselves approval. They want others to approve their gift talent and intelligence. Man has a human being has all these things working and built into him? This is how politics work to get results you develop certain programmed behaviour which is all centred around control and approval and performance which is nothing more than self. Self expectation: My own expectation this is where you expect people to perform for you leaving you with unspoken expectations. If people do not meet them you drop them and stop honouring them. Because you have given yourself to a person your own self expectation will cause you to drop them and become disappointing. Your own expectation is your fantasy of what how you want and expect others to perform. (Phil be careful of this trap!) Kids will tell lies in order to get what they want. All this self work is detached from God. Most Christians in the church use the same strength and connive manipulating in order to get what they want but are not actually spiritual at all but rather carnal within their internal nature. Even self righteousness derives from self. Do you know why you behave the way you do? God wants you to die to self and we are trying to glorify ourselves so let God take it out of your life. When the pastor has the same greed as the people the same lust in his heart the same need for approval they are just men posing in the role of a minister. Most of the church is filled with glorification of self. If you tell someone they are proud they think that you have caught them out if this happens tell them that they better know what is in their own heart for if they can discover what is inside of their own heart they can personally deal with it bringing it to an end. God may appear at times like he is hard with people but the pastor must never take this sword and use it as a principled sword because of you do your finished and you will find that you are not God. If you destroy the people then you had power to take them half way only now to kill them preventing them from entering or completing their journey. You
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will find that even stiff necked people are still Gods to deal with not yours. If the pastor changes side meaning if he becomes the judgment of GOD then God will change sides and protect the people because only he can be God to his people not the pastor. The pastor is there to connect the people to the God of the heavens through his lifestyle teachings and examples. Philippians 3:2: Watch out for those dogs, those men who do evil, those mutilators of the flesh. Not only beware of the dogs but beware of their owners. God not only calls people in Philippians dogs but he also calls false prophets dogs for Paul says do not put confidence in your flesh. Even Paul said if anyone has reasons to put their confidence in his flesh it could have be him as he had race, profession attainment both as an apostle and as a Pharisee but he refused to put any confidence in his own flesh and therefore neither should we. (Tony remember this in your ministry gift) 1 Corinthians 3:1 men of the flesh infants, for you are fleshly and walking like mere men. This was a powerful church they had knowledge and grace as their testimony suggest 1 Corinthians 1:1‐9 yet they had the power and struggle of the flesh in their midst. Side note: People who come from other churches must be told to go back and leave with honour and blessing but don’t you go to their pastor and discuss the issue or they will hate you and blame you send the people back as religion is always to do with the individual. The issue because James 4:4‐5 what is the source of your quarrels which is still self. B) The spirit of lawlessness and the principles thereof The Law is equal for everyone: We are not talking about the Ten Commandments but the law and statutes of God. For the pastor and the members such as tithe is for everyone prayer worship and forgiveness. When we say Law we are referring to the operational principles that guide run and rule our lives by following the principles and statutes of God’s word. Where there is no law there is no government: Gods government comes with laws and principles that cannot be changed and that which cannot be changed or violated we call law. Gravity is called a law, the law of diminish and return is a law that if you violate you are in trouble just like the law of momentum and Inertia and the law of action and reaction these are laws that speak of the rules of engagement. Where there are proper rules in a relationship there is peace and safe boundaries rather than strife created by cross boundaries. Our emotions must be governed by law I cannot have my mind going everywhere my eyes must be fixed by principles and boundaries I must have traffic a light system operating in my
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life such as red stop, amber hold back, green is Ok. Sexual love cannot be shared unless with your wife. Affections care and concern, is a green light. Potential alone does not make a man great but what makes a man great is the law and statutes that he allows to govern his life his life, church and family. There must be certain governmental aspects operating in your life because if you get angry and hit the table without restraint the power to become bitter will arise. If this kind of behaviour arises it is a clear sign of lawlessness being operational. Where there is a sniff of a sign Satan is there as he is the master of lawlessness. Remember we are not referring to the Ten Commandments but the law and statutes of God. Law brings us into accountability and responsibility: You cannot use your gift or ministry to do what you want. Be‐careful of itinerate ministry because they do not operate from the church life but operate from an office. Where there is no law satanic domain draws near to us: Where ever law does not manifest in us the spirit of lawlessness looms large. If you want great power you must submit to a higher authority to cover you. Side note: Does Colin see Elijah as a higher authority? If he doesn’t then he cannot be a man under authority. A Sergeant cannot become a captain for he must submit himself to the Captain as he is a higher authority. Greater authority is not what they say about themselves but if you look at a person’s life you can see authority, authority to build and not destroy. Where there is no law Satan gets closer. When there is no law there is no protection for both the leader above and those below: If there is no law from the senior pastor he is not protected and nor are his members and this will leave the door open for lawlessness to operate within their midst. When there is no law even a man and his wife will clash. Remember even the car with all its horse power has to obey rules it cannot become lawless for if you violate this law you put those who travel with you in danger. You cannot suggest to the congregation just sit down if you want or those who want to stand and worship for to do this is lawlessness. We cannot follow our feelings because feeling change we must follow the laws and statutes of God. If you set the laws and statutes in the house then everyone has a standard in which to connect relate and operate. Where there is no law, boundaries can and will be shifted: Government is the first thing a pastor, family man must learn so that you are not all over the place. The first thing we should teach our children government put it into their life don’t just put restrictions but government. Teach them what why and how to do this so when you leave the house they know how to function. Govern your thinking patterns through setting yourself the helmet of salvation. Put government in your finance, relationships, relaxation and care of what you eat and so on but do not shift the boundary for without boundaries people fall.
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Where there is no law there is no fear of God: The first thing God did when he took them out of their oppressive situation he took them to worship and offered them law for if there is no law they will be in trouble. For if the Israelites come out of Egyptian law they are so now so free that they have no governing principles. We know the law initially killed Israel but here was putting governing principles to keep them safe. You always hear when speaking about the patriarchs that they obeyed the law of God holding themselves accountable either in God’s presence or absence this distinguishes them from other people. 2 Thessalonians 2:7‐12 The Holy spirit is restraining so that the spirit of lawlessness run amuck but the spirit of the lawless one is always trying to come forth. God sent upon them a deluding influence so they could carry their practices. We must become the revealers’ in the house so that others can be warned when lawlessness tries to come forth. Law makes justice peace grace and mercy very clear and sets clear boundaries for accurate function. •
How offense and disunity happens and how you can deal with it.
Why is it that the management gurus take one verse from our bible and make loads of money but we have the bible with all the scriptural answers and we live poor? People may have the heart of saint but possess the brain of a devil. Matthew 15:12‐20: Offenses occur when, we hold a different standard of the interpretation of the truth: They misinterpreted the truth for personal gain in Matthew for to do this opens up the avenue for strife. Verse 9: They teach as doctrine the precepts of man they create the standard by your interpretation rather than standard being on the truth of God’s word. If you and me weight and see the truth in the same light we are not in quarrel. Offense occurs when we do not want to face the truth or the outcome of truth: Matthew 3:7‐10. Don’t say you are children of Abraham explain things away for you cannot hide behind Abraham for out of these stones God can raise up an accurate perception. Take tithing as many people explain it away saying its Old Test mentioned once. It’s also mentioned once that God created man and the heavens and the earth but we do not dismiss it or explain it away. Tithing was before the law as Abraham gave to Melchizadek. These Pharisees were trying to explain the truth away because they did not want to face the truth. John was strong when he called the Pharisees and Sadducees a brood of vipers and they didn’t take offence because they knew the truth and were open to it but others became offended. Offence occurs when your heart accommodates unlawful things. Luke 16:11‐14. If you work in a company where the accountant is cheating and the standard bearers are looking at the standard bearer working but everyone else is connecting somewhere else you don’t
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have to connect to their practices but instead you must connect with heaven so that your supply is good. What you have in your heart can determine what you hear and when you address people they become angry. Offence occurs when you are hurting in specific area of truth that you have no breakthrough in even though you are sincere: When someone begins to speak you are offended though you are sincere. If you talk about tithing and you are hurting in the area of finance then this becomes an offence in this area. Take forgiveness and you have received a bad rap and now you teach them on forgiveness they because they are hurting in this area become offended. If you raise the standard people think you are picking on them but it’s untrue. Bad relationships with father’s sons and daughters where evidently there is hurt, they instantly think the pastor is picking on you when you don’t work for him. As a pastor you must seal people in truth. Truth does set people free so we must help and understand people who are hurting when truth is being spoken. Why does offence occur, because you think that someone is out to victimise you, and because of this, either you or them feel offended simply because we feel weak in this area: If that is what you think thinking that someone is taken advantage of we people because of their fragility in their hearts minds and souls go crazy because we do not want to feel dominated or taken over. People; if they think like this will rise and push off truth reacting to truth and why because they have been oppressed in this area. As a pastor you must not react to them just teach and teach them until the truth sets them free and if they leave they leave. Why does offense occur because you don’t think objectively but subjectively: When you make a statement that you must consider everyone when eating that is a objective lesson but if you say to yourself he is thinking of me because he saw you going to the toilet you instantly think subjectively when it was a clear objective lesson. If this happens you are all the time thinking like a victim. Truth is the subject. Why does offense occur because people do not have adequate information or adequate information about the matter: How many times does this happen it’s normally because either they are ignorant or they feel fearful. If you are not wise in dealing with this kind of offense you can have serious problems. You have to help restore the one who is in trouble. Galatians 6:1‐4. When people are coming to us in a violent manner we must provide a spirit that will protect them because you cannot give fire combustible materials only a fool fuels the fire when really we should be starving it by giving it no verbal oxygen. •
Why disunity & Discord occurs.
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It comes from those who do not see corporate destiny together: these people who do not see sow discord and disunity because they do not see that we should be together as a team and because they don’t, they hit us with discord throwing their rubbish when it’s not their house. When people have a house or car of their own they do not throw rubbish freely so be careful of this behaviour. They have no interest and because of this there is no reason to protect you. If you have a hammer and hit your own foot you feel the pain you wouldn’t do this because your foot is part of you so if anyone does this and wilfully hurts and attacks you and the house they evidentially not part of you or the house. Disunity comes from a spirit of competition: People don’t seem to contribute to progress and though they want the best they will not pay the price for it. They are all the time pushing themselves to the front without making any contribution The spirit of disunity comes from those who use their gifts for themselves: They use the gifts as a prostitute projecting themselves to get their own way. Gifts skills and talents are used to further their own agenda. Corinthians he who edifies the body Disunity comes from listening to different contrary Doctrines: If people are propagating different doctrines disunity appears. Different people were pushing themselves in the church like Apollo’s. Paul didn’t want to cause further agitation when addressing him by using Cephas and by doing this he can bring an end to disunity. Paul said I did not come to you in a spirit of eloquence meaning Apollo’s was like this using his eloquent ways to confuse the people. Paul said I have become a father to you in the spirit so Apollo’s was pulling even the Son ship away from Paul. Apollo’s had friends in the church which were undermining Paul. Every time we read about Apollo’s and Paul there is contention Disunity comes from those who reject Gods appointed authority in the house; We have to receive this authority for by rejecting appointed authority we create disunity hence why God has given the church appointed leadership it’s not voted God appoints them by sent men divinely given as gifts to the church. Disunity comes from a vindictive spirit that has previously been hurt before: Its always looking for an opportunity to pay back good measure running over to you. Pay back causes disunity because of this and their hurts their vindictiveness causes disunity. Wicked people set traps for you because they feel by doing this somehow you feel like them. Disunity comes from the Spirit of familiarity: People become so familiar with you because they have known you they treat you differently. Absalom was so familiar with his father’s kingdom and because David was away fighting wars and running the issues of the kingdom Absalom found a way of being familiar in his father’s kingdom by bringing people to himself. When people become familiar they first put their hands on his shoulder and it gets more and more familiar until the honour in their eyes fade because of familiarity. Even Peter tried to reduce Jesus to a teacher simply because of his familiarity. There are not only people like
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that, but people are like that. Honour guards and protects the relationship and shuts discord and familiarity out of every relationship and it guards the house ultimately from satanic closure. You must identify both your enemy and the gates of the enemy in your life such as relationships and your church life so that you can pick up serpents and destroy them. 3rd Day of 2nd week: Interpersonal relationships highlight the enemy’s activity albeit through the power of self hence why the power of self must be brought and made subject to the will of God so that Satan has no ground or legal territory within us. Dealing with betrayal: Luke 22:1‐6 Judas betrayed Jesus. The crowd were afraid of Jesus because they saw him as a popular person and because of this they looked for other ways to betray him rather than betraying him up front. 1 Samuel 19:19‐24. There was a mantle of Samuel that protected David as David had spent ten years with Samuel as this was his mentoring school program for ten years. David was continually connected to Samuel teaching him Psalms, the presence of God and how to hear from God. The first desire of Samuel was to bring the ark of God back and David also when he became Israel’s king sought an opportunity to bring back the ark of God for what was in the fathers heart was also in the sons heart. Ways and How s to overcome betrayal: Your influence can prevent a frontal betrayal, Because of who you are and because of your popularity before the people, people may not attack or betray you from a frontal attack but they will look for other ways. 1. When the spirit of betrayal comes, the spirit of God will subdue all opposition because of the stature you carry in the spirit. 2. When the spirit of betrayal comes after because of your stature in the spirit you will expose all evil spirits so they can be dismantled. 3. When the spirit of betrayal comes your stature will shut down all the plans of the enemy Saul withdrew his plans and went home and no longer pursued him Those who hate us do not always have an opportunity to betray us but they are looking for one: This will with the spirit of stature protect us as the enemy must not have any opportunity for advancement so the people must protect the pastor. Those who are closest to us have every opportunity to execute betrayal: These are the only people who can carry out betrayal for they get many opportunities. You cannot
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surround yourself with people who you are suspicious of. All these things have and do operate in interpersonal relationships. Satanic influence accelerates satanic betrayal: People look for an opportunity given the opportunity but because the door is closed the demonic activity cannot accelerated. Whenever there is offence and un‐forgiveness it will move towards betrayal we only after look at the life of Judah’s as he advanced his steps towards Christ. There are always those who work with people who hate us and betray us: Betrayers need friends for if they do not have any friends they cannot accelerate and betrayal. People betray others when they have a common interest when parties work together collaborate and conspired we call it partners in crime. Judas went to the high priest to look for a way to betray Christ for every betrayal has friends. Judas only collaborated with the high priest because the Pharisees wanted Jesus out of the way and Judas wanted a revolution for after this took place their partnership was instantly dissolved. Jesus knew that his betrayal was coming and from which direction it would come but he never created a counselling surgery to bless heal and help him and neither must we where there is a clear spirit of betrayal operating in the midst. Don’t pat or stroke it take it seriously and kick it out for its a devil not your friend. There are always those who benefit from betraying us: verse 5: After people betray you people get a new position. They say its justice but they were preparing to sacrifice and betray just to gain leverage and prove themselves right There are those who plan to extensively betray us: If you look at betrayal it has gone on for years it’s not something new that happens over night it’s called pre‐meditative betrayal through an offence that was created and entered into peopl’s hearts many years ago. There strategy was to separate Jesus from the crowd and we will get him by the left gate for the other disciples will not know. Very often the pastor is the last one to know and those who know stand by and let it happen when this happens those who stand and watch rather than protect are also guilty. The bible says mother will betray mother and daughter and father son but not for us but the church must live a life so connected that betrayal can only operate in the false church but not in the true church for in the true church people lay down their lives for one another. When people look for these opportunities to attack and destroy the church they are nothing more than demonic forces. What you have an opportunity to arrest will later come back looking for you. The only thing that will destroy the spirit of lawlessness is the power of forgiveness. Matthew 6:11‐15
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If people hurt you in the area of the soul you allow bitterness to enter you, you kill yourself and give room for devils to operate. You must have the power of forgiveness to push this type of thought and activity out of your territory and why? because we are bringing the spirit of lawlessness operating within us to an end. The spirit of unforgieveness is the refusal to let go of what is in the memory: We must ask God to change our memories. We retain things in our minds about people things they have done and said becoming our food chewing on it. You keep thinking about it rewinding and replaying the video for you must ask the Holy Spirit to delete it because if the mind wants to retain it your emotions will feed on it. You are bringing yourself into bondage as it comes from your own memory not the devil. Think on something else and by doing this it never becomes a stronghold in my mind because you want to live in the spirit of forgiveness. The spirit of unforgieveness is the refusal to give up the leverage and advantage we have on others: This is where unforgieveness grows because we feel inwardly we then feel we are right thus giving others no ground and by this you now think you have rights, rights to hold people down and keep the advantage. If you let go and forgive them then you have to drop the case and forgive. Unforgieveness brings the mutation of cells because unforgieveness can cause the blood to go thicker pupils dilate, waist toxins from the body begin to slow down. All the excessive emotions become enlarged causing the stiffening on your joints and heart as now your blood pressure goes up. Don’t stand with people like this clearly tell them, ‘brother, ‘sister you are wrong you are a danger to yourself and everyone else around you sought it out. Some eat and eat when they are depressed others do not eat which is all because of emotional turmoil operating inside of them. People don’t forgive because they have not received forgiveness or understand the forgiveness of God in that area of your own life. Remember the story of the man who owed money from the landlord in the bible only to be shown mercy. He later finds a man who owes him five dollars and he becomes unmerciful to him and why because he had no understanding of the forgiveness that had operate upon his life. You must have a clear mental picture of how the grace love and mercy of God has operated upon your own life so much so that you can forgive others when they come at you. You must love forgiveness and cherish it seeking ways to ensure it’s a priority. The reason why people do not forgive is because you/they think it is unforgivable and therefore they are unworthy to be forgiven: What people have done according to your conclusion is unforgivable. Every one of us are not worthy but he did it for us his blood has cleansed us and we have been made worthy especially what we did to his nature and to the heart of GOD. The reason why people do not forgive is they do not believe that you/they have the power to forgive: You say it is only God that can forgive many people push it to God but you
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are wrong because you have got the power to forgive and why because God commands us to forgive. God could not command what he has not empowered us to do for to do this would cause frustration. The reason why there is unforgieveness is because You/they refuse to trust that God will be just and that he will vindicate: When this happens you take up the case on your own because you think God is too slow on the case. If unforgieveness exists it will develop the nature of satanic forces which become a tool and avenue for further betrayal. Matthew 6:11‐12.
Through his resurrection God destroys the presence of the enemy. Matthew 8: 28 When Jesus came hell was having a hell of time for his presence shut the power down and we as carriers of his presence must shut devils out of our territory because we are the ones carrying them into the house. Whenever a demon manifest’s shut it down and don’t stop the service but keep ministering to the people but don’t stop because the rest of those who are not oppressed still need ministering just tell the ushers to take them outside. Smith Wigglesworth tells the story of Satan waking him up at the side of his bed and as Smith awoke he just looked at Satan and said, ‘oh, it’s only you and then went back to sleep.
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Lester Summerol tells the story of two demons coming into his room and as he awoke they had moved his bed and they ran and as they ran he shouted to them come back and rearrange my room back the way it was and they came and did it and then left. There are men whose lives no how to shut down powers and open up ancient pathways in the spirit.
When God touches your life the history of your life is broken. John 4:1‐7 & Joshua 24:32‐33 a cross reference Geneses 34:19‐31 Jacob’s daughter is rapped and the two brothers Simeon and Levi devise a plan and plot revenge for their sister Dinah being rapped. Now Jesus comes in John 4:1‐7 now reversing the whole story by saving the men of the city rather than destroying the men like Genesis speaks. One woman rapped all the men destroyed this is called history but now through touching one women setting her free she now goes in to the city and all the men come and get touched and saved. If God cannot touch you, you can be the instrumental in seeing the entire history of a city turn around. Now the woman was saved touched healed and delivered the city comes in to a new history.
Joshua 11:22 No Anakites were left in Israelite territory; only in Gaza, Gath and Ashdod did any survive. So Joshua took the entire land, just as the LORD had directed Moses, and he gave it as an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal divisions. Then the land had rest from war. Gaza means strong place: Samson fell in Gaza it’s a place of defeat. A strong man fell in a place of defeat Gath means to defy: Goliath fell in Gath for he came to defy the army and name of the Lord. This means to defy. Ashdod means defilement. The ark of God fell in Ashdod. Acts 8:26 When God begins to shut down the power of the enemy so that he can restore all things.
Acts 8:5‐7 Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Christ there. When the crowds heard Philip and saw the miraculous signs he did, they all paid close attention to what he said. With shrieks, evil spirits came out of many, and many paralytics and cripples were healed. Ac 8:8 So there was great joy in that city.
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Acts 8:14 Aztosh is the old Ashdod this is where the ark of God was taken. Gath, Gazza and Ashdod were all covered by a man covered with the spirit. Only the eyes of the spirit can a man see that God is and has shut down pathways by the spirit. Some nations towns and regions cannot be entered or be taken because ancient pathways have been blocked by demonic powers but unless the Philips of this world go and shut these things down by the spirit shutting powers down. If you, ‘Tony, by physically being their moving by the life and the spirit in Droylsden can just be physically and spiritually present can reopen ancient pathways of the spirit. The devil deceives you by sight meaning you see all the temples in a city or you see that you are to small and as you are in their sight so are we goes the saying of the spies in Joshua. You dismantle powers by being who you are by being physically present passing through. Jesus cancelled every decree that the enemy has ever made and now he wants to enforce this through you by positioning you and me in the spirit so that ancient pathways can be reopened. The resurrection power must live in you so it doesn’t matter how many years the enemy has been operating does no longer matter because by living righteously we move devils out. People cannot see both the power and operations of God because they view things from their fallen perspective rather than view things from God’s perspective. When people enter the tabernacle they only ever see from the standpoint of entering but if you are inside of the temple coming out you are already in his presence rather than trying to get in from the outer court. You are seeing from the view of fallen men locked outside. You have to see things from inside out rather from outside in. In the New Test we are seated in heavenly places where we rule and reign with him. We are not displaced people but positioned people. I don’t care what Luther Calvin said because they are no longer my reference point but I see clearer when I stand on the mountain and see things from a higher position showing you what is to come. There is a certain height that you must come into hence why going to S.O.P is a new mountain for this is where the pattern is made clear. Moses was told don’t change the pattern that I have shown you when you go back down because men will want you to build from their position and perspective so keep to what I have showed you when I took you up high. We are not building a relevant contemporary church environment because we don’t like the environment that we are in, for we are rebuilding the environment so that we can take it back over.
When you start to move you move powers out your territory through impregnable works done both by and through impregnable men. Acts 16:1‐3: When you start to move you must raise another generation
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Acts 16: 4: As you go travel raise the next generation first sign of an impregnable man. When you go you must affect the region by shutting down accurate doctrines Acts 16:10: As you go, you must begin opening regions and territories. No spirits could stop Paul so team up with guys who know whose and which message they are receiving for where ever there is a work of the enemy shut it down pushing back the powers of the enemy. Acts 16:11‐16: As you go into the city find a strategic man which are strategic entrance points who we can connect and join power and strength so that we can use their household as an entrance point to the city so look for a man of peace. Look for a person who the Lord has and can open up their heart to God and his plan for the city and region. Bring people together may be in a house and share with them what God is doing in the region. Gather ten pastors into your territory and begin to work with them so that you become unstoppable. Find those who are not fighting this move. Paul went to Troas eventually going to Philippi for this was the entrance point to where Paul would touch Lydia. Every city needs a Lydia and a Cornelius so they can be a channel or instrument for the power to move through becoming partners into the nations of the world. Blessing people sole is just a pain in the backside what we need and want partners for those who just bless us are not necessarily partners for partners push each other into and out to the battle field. Types of people to connect with 1. Look for sons of peace: Peoples who’s hearts are opened to you. Lydia opened up her heart so she could build him a chamber. Tony, remember the Shunamite woman who built Elijah a chamber and her life marriage and family was impacted. Come see a man who changed my life was the woman of Samaria’s comment. 2. Look for a strategic entrance point 3. You must not only connect with people but dismantle demonic powers in the air and on the ground. Don’t bring people to yourself or you will bring people under subjection representing yourself. 4. You must take and gather others with you. Paul took Timothy and Silas Afternoon Session: Acts 16:16‐18 You must dismantle demonic powers: When Paul moved through the regions Paul gathered momentum picking up Silas and Timothy but Barnabas took the wrong person John Mark and subsequently he faded and was never heard of. Some times when you look at the church you could think to yourself whether God has backed the wrong horse because the church seems like she just wont jump the hurdles
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that she faces but the problem is not the church but the Jockey for the Jokey is the man in the base and how he positions himself in the vehicle called church will determine how the horse responds to him. Sons are not gathered or bought they are begotten by the spirit for this is what the Holy Ghost is joining by through and in the spirit. Acts 16:19 When the owners saw that the power of the evil one had been obstructed demonic powers attacked albeit through one woman being delivered. The masses saw that the avenue for profit had been taken away. Notice the order The crowd rose up: The marketplace Chief magistrate Jailor Prison. All these powers rose to fight Paul. The woman who got delivered was only the beginning for this spirit was running through the whole city of Philippi. You hit the right spirit all the others will be ready to fall but you have to dismantle the power at headquarters. The prison was not the real power for there was one power in the street and another in the jail. This was Silas baptism for this was the first trip he had accompanied Paul on no Hilton but Prison Hilton. Silas waited so long for Paul to act. At five O clock it was stil day light Silas asks Paul what is our strategy what are we going to do Paul respond nothing its not time when the time comes we will know what to do. This goes on for hours until it gets dark and Silas keeps asking Paul, what are we going to do and Paul keeps responding nothing when the time comes we will know what to do. It’s dark Silas is asleep and Paul says Silas wake up, what, what Paul I have been asking you what we are going to do lets sing a song, what, it’s twelve o clock. Heaven opened up the power of God came down. The next day the same people who put him in prison let them go. In the spirit the power or people that attack you today have no problem with you tomorrow. The chief magistrate released them and Paul said you beat us publically and we will stay here until they come to take us out. This is the first time the magistrate had entered the prison of which he had sent so many people. They pleaded with Paul because they were dangerous all because Paul started to move even though the hornets’ nest was made unrest. That power is broken when you and heaven connect. The power of the Holy Spirit can challenge and dismantle any spirit driven power residing in flesh. There is another dimension we must learn and that is how we can connect with heaven at the right time so that heaven can break out upon all the power within the region. The power that resides in flesh is different power that lies in the air and it is through connecting with heaven, heaven breaks out and drives hell out of our territory. When you carry this kind of connection city transformation breaks out. When the woman with the spirit was cast out
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Through his indestructible life Christ destroyed all the seed meaning his works power of the devil where God said to Abraham in you shall all seed of the earth be blessed. Genesis says, that the seed of the serpent shall be bruised. Matthew 13: 38 Tares the good and the bad for the bad tares are people which the enemy has sown into the kingdom albeit through seeds. God plants seeds so he can express his life and nature yet so does Satan for when he sows he leaves contention in our minds and bodies. There is a battle that must be engaged. You are either a carrier of Gods seed or the enemy’s seed you must choose. When the fruit fly hits the fruit it flies away but its sting remains in the fruit and that which remains turns into maggots. When Satan plants seed it is for food for thought by thoughts you will feed on your negative thought and behavioural life. The devil has already left you now in temptation you must rise and push his seed out for the only seed we should be entertaining is the one from the Holy Ghost coming on the inside of you. You cannot destroy the enemy until you realise that through his seed you have the indestructible life. Healing does not happen because of counselling it’s because of the life that is coming from the inside. People are born again when the saviour comes into your heart so deliverance is not casting out demons only but bringing the Saviour inside of you. Casting out is casting out for casting out alone is leaving people empty but true deliverance is who you bring in on the inside because whoever you bring in is now the government and habitation the order and occupation cleansing and sanctification all of which must be done so that the seven other spirits will not come back in. When this happens it’s no longer a waterless house but a holy habitation for God. So many people are confusing the body of Christ with teaching on deliverance for one says, ‘cough in the other says, ‘cough out for we have majored on the casting out but not putting and bringing the deliverer in. When this happens the indestructible life within us can swallow up the enemy and his works within us and from within others. Romans 8:1‐4 Various laws mentioned • The law of Moses: The law of Moses could not take out the sin nature which was inside of men only restrict his nature. But what the law could not do God did in by sending the Christ so he could become sin for us so that it could be removed on our behalf. The just requirement now through Christ can now be made and that law is that man must be ‘Born Again’. No longer restriction, but removal of sins nature from you so that when you receive Christ you receive him with no sin nature as it is now removed. To those who received him he gave them power to receive him and become the true sons of God becoming like him John 12. The gospel is not touching us in our state meaning Jesus comes to you where you are but the gospel is about you coming to his life and sate. The gospel is to those that receive him we become we start from this starting point not from that old doctrinal rubbish that we are miserable low worm life that Jesus sees us and comes to us to make us better. If Jesus came to carry what we once were carrying, why are we now found carrying what he came to take away? You say I am hurting yet it’s no longer that i live but Christ living in me. It’s the ‘I life that is a seed for the enemy to feed upon but we must feed on the seed/life of Christ we rise to where he has started. Jesus is the apostle of our faith and in him we are wonderfully made so how can we not live this kind of life.
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• The law of Life: • The law of sin and sin and death: Book recommendation. Kenneth West: word studies in Greek.
Evening session
Religious error is demonic as it is created by demons. The curse that it sends out to people is very dangerous and creates hell on earth and hell in those who propagate it. The bible tells us to warn and expose people who do this as they are called Dogs, Wolves, Evil doers and so on. The best way to expose a liar is to raise the standard. All the teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees were exposed when Jesus raised the standard. The moment you teach people like we are commanded to do teaching at a higher level will hit everyone who is in error and when it does they will attack you. Always remember that everyone would agree that error is bad for the church but what people do not know is when they are listening and sitting under error and that is what makes error demonic deception that people think they are safe. Dealing with Romans 8: The indestructible life of Christ will swallow up the seeds of the enemy. Romans 8:1-9: The tragedy of the carnal mind The tragedy of the carnal mind is that it is set on the things of the flesh: Everything is interpreted from the flesh such as progress as it is interpreted in the light of the flesh. Power and love and the corruption thereof it’s never whole but through the eyes of the flesh because the flesh wants to project it’s self. Remember the mind set on the flesh is death. When a man says I am close to his spiritual daughters the mind thinks impure thoughts going to the flesh. Inaccuracy and error are too different things within a scriptural context that is. One can evolve through ignorance or through a lack of understanding whereas the other is created by devils. The tragedy of the carnal mind is that it brings death to the life of the spirit: The things that God has spoken to you on the inside of your spirit that if you have a carnal mind will be cut off. The tragedy of the carnal mind is that it is hostile towards God: If you operate in a carnal mind it will argue and contend but remember those who do this set their knowledge above God. Those who have this think they are right and you are wrong somehow elevating them above you. The tragedy of the carnal mind is that it wars against our members creating internal conflict: This is why grieving takes place in the heart. Romans 7:22‐23. If you have two
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laws and let them collide it’s dangerous and destructive and this is what Romans tell us. Emotions are never at peace and rest because of inner conflicts. The tragedy of the carnal mind is that it does not subject it’s self to the laws of God: You have to force and submit your own mind for the mind will never willingly submit hence why James 4:7 says resist and summit to God. Thoughts of anger and frustration are all the time coming in a cycle and you have to excursive your will. Don’t allow your passive will to take a hold of bring everything into subject making it captive and obedience to the will of God. The tragedy of the carnal mind is that it can never please God. If you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil is still wrong and evil because the measure of the fruit is consistent to the root of the root hence why we cannot please God. The tragedy of the carnal mind speculates and does not respond to truth. 2 Corinthians 3:3‐6. All the while you are changing your mind such as what if I come to Manchester and do not like the weather? What if I arrive at the airport and I don’t know where to go this is the carnal mind at work. The tragedy of the carnal mind establishes a stronghold in our thinking patterns so as to dominate certain areas of your life: Finance other times its personality you as a person such as who you are in Christ and no matter what you do you always feel that you are not accepted. Some people have a persecution mentality no matter how much you try to include them in the circle they always feel outside this leads to a victim mentality and isolated thoughts destroy people it’s carnal. Do you know why God had to keep Joseph for fourteen years in Egypt Genesis 37:2 Everything that God spoke to Abraham Isaac and Jacob God was being fulfilled in Joseph’s life bringing every word to fulfilment spoken of in Genesis. Joseph had power to receive revelation and because of this at 17 years of age this boy was set on course to destiny as God had given him a vision dream and revelation. I am sure as God took him away he would have longed for his parents had not the Holy Spirit would have been scarred in his spirit but he did nothing. Why God began to work on Joseph: Potiphar’s house Genesis 39:4‐9 & Genesis 40:14‐15 so far we have heard ‘I and ‘me so God said ‘i and ‘me is still alive so God allows him another two years in prison. After two years the ‘i and ‘me had gone. Genesis 41:16 it is not in ‘me God will give a favourable answer. Because the ‘I and ‘me is so strong God said I cannot get you out or use you. Until you say it is not in me then God will keep you captive in prison. Never say I don’t have any self left for God will tell you. The tragedy of the carnal mind is that it is conformed to the world’s patterns and philosophies: Do not be conformed to this world but be renewed by the renewing of your mind Romans 12:2. Thoughts such as lets be practical, church is different today. Remember the needs and sin of man has never changed all that is changed is his environment hence why we must bring transformational change not social church life
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change. The tragedy of the carnal mind is that we accept the thinking patterns of the world, management, political constitutions are argued and enforced. Those who are doing the work have the right to change and decide not those attending. The tragedy of the carnal mind is that it cannot prove the will and purposes of God. Romans 12:2. You can only approve and prove the will of God as being perfect and acceptable by a renewed mind. God does not have the perfect, permissible will for God only has one will it’s not economy class and business class just one class. The renewed mind can prove the will of God and can prove his will destiny and purpose for all it’s all in him. Politics in the upper room Acts 1:21‐25 It looks like four people’s names in the hat Matthias had three chances and failed. Who is this guy justice or Barsabbas you must know whose will it is in the midst of apparent confusion so you can take and make accurate decisions. The tragedy of the carnal mind is that it will try and promote wrong perceptions and evaluations of self: The fallen mind will promote wrong perceptions of self because in Genesis 3:7 they made themselves loin coverings they made the rag company. Self perceptions found in Genesis 3: 1) The wrong perception of Salvation: I need to do something to preserve and protect myself. 2) Wrong perception of my position: I cannot rule as a prince I must now hide under the bush as a slave. 3) Wrong perception to his presence: I hear the Lord walking and they hid which is a wrong response to the presence of God 4) Wrong perception to the conditions of the environment: verse 11. Who told you that you were naked and because of this Adam then got himself into the affairs of the wrong things. There were other trees that Adam could have eaten from but someone told him. When you wrongly partake someone must tell you. 5) Wrong perception of the woman: He didn’t say she was flesh of my flesh but of the flesh. Adam went to sleep and awoke married which was a wrong perception of his personal responsibility 6) The wrong perception of Satan’s power: who told you that you should listen for I have already told you that you should not eat from the tree of good and evil and Adam said, ‘not me it was the woman and Eve said, ‘it’s not me it’s the serpent and then the serpent said, ‘not me I have no hands so God cast them all out for no one took responsibility. The tragedy of the carnal mind is that it destroys the life of faith: Romans 12:3. When your perception is wrong then your faith cannot be established and this is the tragedy of the carnal mind.
A) The law of the spirit of life
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It is life and it is the only way to live: The only way to live is by the law of the spirit of life The law of the spirit cannot operate without the spirit of Christ in us: The story of Christ’s death resurrection and reappearance. Tony: remember to get yourself a copy of the power and purpose of Pentecost series. 7 Dimensions of Christ revealed. Jesus had his own spirit which is the spirit of Christ but also had the Holy spirit but when he died he said, father into your hands I commend my spirit he was meaning that his sacrifice had to be offered and accepted before the father before Jesus could enter Paradise. When the sacrifice had been acknowledge as a legitimate atonement for the broken covenant destroyed by Adam had been destroyed. Jesus says father I need to go to Paradise so he takes his spirit into Paradise and not the spirit of the Holy Ghost revealing himself to all the Old Test saints is spirit of Christ because many of them had met him as the same spirit had been revealed to them whilst in the Old Test throughout their individual lives. Ezekiel says, ‘this is the one, Isaiah says, ‘yes ‘I have seen him also. Now we must remember that whilst this journey was taking place Jesus body was in the tomb guarded by two angels. We must remember the word that God said when saying you will not leave this earth until you see me and my seed speaking to his disciples. All of Paradise was quote and unquote in one second got Born Again. Some people say that Jesus went into Ghenna which is not really true for Ghenna is not a physical place but a place where they use to stone people for idolatry. Jesus then leaves paradise and as he passes through on his journey there is weeping and gnashing of teeth seeing them, he passes them because they have already received their punishment. After this he passes into Hades. We know Paradise is higher than Hades because in the story of the rich man and Lazarus we hear the man in Hades looked up. Abel had the first season ticket and was the first full subscripted member of paradise. As Jesus passed out of Hades he heads for Tartarus which is a place of fallen angels spoken concerning the days of Noah. Now people always say that the Giants of Annek had sexual relations with the angels which are untrue. Angels cannot have sexual relations with human as angels cannot take on the form of a human body but they look for a body to possess. What the demonic angelic seeks to do is by possessing a human life they can pollute a human foetus cross streaming DNA making it deformed. There are certain circuses around the world where they parade such human foetus around so people can see these weird human beings. We know there are children around the world with special powers people bending spoons and doing all kind of things I am not talking about a circus acrobatic trick but strange phenomena. These kind of things are the result of spiritual powers possessing people and polluting and cross streaming DNA.
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Remember the prophecy that was given which was the seed of the woman was going to bruise and destroy the seed of the serpent Satan. The giants disrobed and the Anamkins sons of Annek disrobed themselves and lived in human bodies and when they did come together they genetically re‐engineered weird demonic powers. THIS IS WHY JESUS had to go down into hell to remind them that he was the one that would bruise the head of the serpent. Angelic beings cannot have sexual relations with humans. After Tartarus Jesus goes to the bottomless pit which is where there is accompany of angels kept in prison and these were those demons we heard of and others spoken of in revelations 9. These are demons are released to torment people in the last days showing us that if some are locked up they cannot be one third angels on the loose. Jesus kicked the door open and all he could hear was demons saying it cannot be possible we crucified you. If there is away lets negotiate Jesus says I am here for one thing and one thing only the keys of life and death the very keys that were given to Adam. The constituency the power of life and death was given to Satan when Adam lost his constituency. Satan had power to kill at will but now Jesus comes for this but we only see the cross but this is what was happening in the spirit for i the spirit it was sealed. It is in the spirit that he proclaimed in Tartarus and in the bottomless pit. IT was in the spirit that he revealed and took the keys and gave them to Abraham saying let the people go and tell the father I am finishing my assignment. Jesus assignment was not just to die on a cross but go to Tartarus, Paradise and to the bottomless pit. Romans 6:4. Whenever the glory appeared the Old Test saints bowed down and worshipped. 1Timothy 3:16 Jesus was vindicated in the spirit and glorified and resurrected was all done in the spirit. Now lest remember his body was in the tomb of Joseph for three days and three nights. Because his body had no sin it could not decay but he became our sin offering but he was no sinner. This resurrected spirit arose vindicated spirit righteous spirit and this mortal body became a mortal body which Christ touched his own body causing him to stand as a spirit resurrection. When he comes out of the tomb he arose in a physical body. Mary sees him asking him are you the Gardner clung on to him. Jesus said I haven’t finished my assignment I have not yet ascended before my father. Jesus gets up to heaven and presents himself as the great high priest going inside seeing everyone waiting to see if he can be accepted redeemed on the day of atonement. When what ever is done is accepted it is accepted and Jesus goes to the holy of holy at the mercy seat because sin began their as sin began in heaven but now he seals and cleanses the heaven thus preventing Satan from heaven. The blood line prevents Satan from entering and hence why God never speaks now to Satan he only speaks to Jesus. Jesus now receives the promise of the father telling him tell the disciples that through Jesus the spirit that is on him will be poured out on all body. When Jesus arose he was physical bone body not flesh and blood because that was poured out. Jesus now reveals himself to Peter. Jesus now takes the disciples to Galilee. The Catholics have what is termed as seven stations from birth to the cross John 20:20
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John 20:20‐23 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”
The text should read concerning the Holy Spirit receive what you need to receive the Holy Spirit. Jesus breathed on them and said receive what you need, meaning before you receive you need to receive something else. Silver and gold have I NONE BUT WHAT IT MEANS SILVER AND GOLD PRODUCES NOTHING it does not thing for you but such as I have does and will change your life so you have to be careful translations confuse. Jesus is now on the shores and breathes upon them but what did he breathe, Holy ghost is in heaven and the father was in heaven but he breathed his own spirit a resurrected vindicated righteous spirit and when he breathed and touched them they became new creation as it had been touched and recreated them in the image of the father. Ezekiel 36 says I will give them a new spirit. John had a sin nature hence why Jesus said the flesh is weak but the spirit is willing. The moment Jesus breathed ‘they meaning all the disciples became born again. Jesus now creates them in his own image and likeness hence why people can see when Jesus had been with Peter. John testifies coming baptising but Jesus said he who you see the spirit descending as sons and you cannot become a son until you are recreated becoming sons in his likeness becoming many brethren all in our spirit. It is because of this model working in me I can conform into his image and likeness becoming a trace copy of Christ himself becoming a new creation. Peters soul mind and body is still the same internally they are different so they could now carry the spirit of Jesus by the use of the Holy Spirit remaining and descending upon us. When he does this, this is heavens way of acknowledging and validating us as son’s true sons of God. Romans 8:9‐11 Describes two spirits one is Christ the other is yours and mine and if you don’t have him you are not born again. If the Holy Ghost dwells in you meaning if the Ghost comes to me I speak in tongues but this is just an initial evidence but the Holy Spirit must live on the inside of me with full expression. Dwelling means I must be able to come out rather than being put under house arrest and only when we pray in tongues we bring him out. Once we know what we want to do we shut the Holy Spirit down and put him under house arrest when he wants to pass though your body as a temple so he can touch our hearts minds and bodies. If the Holy Spirit is not in you, you have empty hands on empty heads. If you have the Spirit he can quicken your mortal body and he can communicate with you and if he dwells with you then he dwells in me. I am not only physically here on earth but I am spiritually joined with Jesus in the heavenly realm putting me in tow dimensions. The testimony of Jesus is prophesy so if am hearing him then we are joined together in the spirit but though in the physical place. My revelation of him is now that he has given me a indestructible life everything he has comes to me every spiritual blessing is mine because I am in him in the spirit. I must learn how to
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connect so I can be his body a body who’s connected to him in both the spirit and in body. You cannot get up there until you put an end to the flesh. You do not speak on his behalf not on gifts or talent so that when people hear you they hear Him because if you do not have him you are a natural man doing a natural work. I command you Satan does not come from the heavens but instead he is down not up in heaven. You can tell where people’s heads are by the way they pray. Whatever Christ is we are for we are operating from his standpoint. You must have more than a human life for even the Buddhists have life for we must have life and have it more abundantly for this is ours but it does not come from the natural life for Christ in him we are complete made whole. Only Christ cam make me complete even though I do not have knowledge and wisdom for he is my wisdom and give me knowledge through the spirit of life and the life of his word he is my comforter and helper a present help in times of need but all this must be done in the spirit for that is where our true sufficiency comes from. Those who don’t know Jesus worship him from a far off but we rise and worship from the second veil causing the veil to become thinner and thinner so we can see him as he is. He pulls his hands out and he pulls us in so we can see him. Paul said he was caught up in the spirit. We are so far away from God its pitiful. Day 4 of the 2nd week 1st session If you are going to fulfil who he is us you then you have to fully represent him in every way refusing to represent yourself. Abner said, who’s son is this and the response came I am the Son of Jesse the Bethlemite the one who can bring you into circumcision covenant and secure you in the covenant he carries not just give you teaching. The one who can bring you into maturity destiny for someone has to take you in to their hands and commend you to God and to his grace that is a father. A father is someone who can share with you what he carries on route to a course making you a partaker of the same inheritance. 1 Timothy 2 says study the scripture so that you can be proved by God. The life in the spirit has to key points: Receptive point and distributional point. What this means is that with the life of the spirit there is a receiving from the light and life of the spirit though we are here in our physical place we are fully there for I represent him on the earth through my physical body but he through his life and his life in me fully represents me before the throne room. Most preachers do not have a life in the spirit all they are interested in the distributional point we call it preaching and teaching but there is no life and no full representation. Satan was created as Gods disco mirror in other wards God is the light and when ever God shone his light Lucifer would through his mirrored life would reflect God’s glory. Now because God stopped shining his light through Lucifer he no longer has any light of God shining through him. Now through his jealousy he tries to stop the mortal bodied
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man doing what he was originally created to do. What he did through his angelic creation but now through his wicked and deceitfulness we in our mortal body can reflect the same light that he once shone. This is the law of the spirit of life B) The law of the spirit sets us free from the law of sin and death: Before you are born again your soul and nature and body connects and programmes itself according to the sin nature as the sin nature is the headquarters. Remember God said to Cain, Cain sin is crouching at your door and you must master it. When you become born again but now your spirit has been recreated in the likeness and nature of Christ himself which now makes this inner man live by the proceeding word that comes from the mouth of God rather than him living on natural bread and why because he has been recreated from flesh to spirit. We partake of Gods divine nature by feeding on God’s word. We must remember the mind and the will are still the same if you like coffee before you are born again you still like coffee but what is different is that you have Christ nature in your heart. The Christ nature is to bring the flesh and habits to death and the Holy Spirit now brings the knowledge of Christ into your spirit which is your inner man which is the passage way through the Spirit. When the Spirit speaks he will reveal to you and I our habits and those things that set themselves up against the knowledge and will of God bringing our mind into renewal so we do not inaccurately live like slaves. Habits and strongholds can be changed through inner dynamics of God operating more and more. THE IMPRESHIBALBE AND IMMORTAL life will begin to take over our flesh life. God starts on the inside until we are fully redeemed. You have to yield your inner members of your life from the inside by surrendering your inner life presenting yourself to God which is YOUR reasonable sacrifice. If you stop sin working in your life you reduce death for if you keep working in the sin arena you reap from that arena. Don’t take wages from sin and death but escape the corruption of the world through the lust of your flesh.
C) The Law of the flesh can operate automatically because God made it work through Jesus.
There was a time when sin could not be removed it could not be condemned in the flesh. In the Old Test Israel followed them through the flesh it could not be dealt with. Now through Christ it could be shut down and dealt with once and for all. 4000 years sin was lurking around but now when Jesus came through peace righteousness and joy could shut down the operations of Satan killing sickness and death releasing wholeness. Now you can be free.
D) The law of the spirit removes the sin nature form our spirit removing the sin nature from our mind soul and body.
E) The law of the spirit is activated by our mind as it sets its self on the things of the spirit:
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If my mind is not set on what is happening in the spirit cannot walk in the spirit. Whatever I am receiving in the spirit cannot be manifested. If my mind is not set on the things of the spirit for without this there is no walk and manifestation of the spirit hence why think on these things both pure and holy set your affections on things above. If your mind is not set on these things you cannot walk in that which you have connected to and are receiving until your mind is set. If there is no screen on your computer whatever you type you cannot see and if you cannot see it you cannot correct it and if you never re‐correct it the information is lost. When you set your mind the pattern that you set your mid to takes shape hence why we must set our minds on the things of the spirit. You must when setting your mind on the spirit not become dogmatic, arrogant and critical but teachable for you must handle information wisdom and knowledge in a spiritual way this way you become spiritually minded not fleshly minded. The more you develop the more you are focused so you then have concentration of forces as it is called in war. As your mind is fixed and disciplined so our soul prospers becoming nothing we once previously looked like. Illustration: When accidents happen it is because attention in the mind went walkies for your vehicle was going one way but your mind was and is going somewhere else and when we do this in the spirit with our lives our flesh vehicle gets in trouble.
F) The law of the spirit will renew your mind with the ways and workings of God. Your mind will become trained to obey when you set your mind on the ways and workings of God.
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4th day 2nd week 2nd session Romans 12: God speak to the Son the Son speaks to the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost speaks to our mind. Our problem is, we interpret things through the soul rather than through our renewed mind and spirit man. Whatever we have understood and learned before we now simply attach to the old rather than us becoming new and renewed. Whatever we learn we add to what they have already become for they change clothes on the same old body but you represent yourself by the old walk. If you are receiving from the life of the spirit that which is being lived in you makes you become something new every day changing your personality and temperament according to the Spirit changing you entire personality. Most of us follow God and ask God to help us remaining in our state rather than follow God from a life in the spirit. I am not interested whether I am or have become a pastor, prophet as these are only watering stations on route to the ultimate race. Most people conform to their positions staying there for the only position you need is to be a son. Whatever you can do in your father’s house do it as a son not as a position because if you cannot do this you are an orphan. As the Lord God lives before I stand is a permanent address as the permanent address is that of the spirit. Don’t be fatherless and orphaned be connected to a father. Don’t go and live your way and get him to bless you but instead build according to what he is saying and doing.
G) The law of the spirit allows you to function in the realm of spirit and in the heavenly realms which is a whole new level of function. In this realm you are not limited for it does not depend upon the natural for in this realm the code word is guidance. In the natural sphere you feel harassed by other power feeling target and victimised. When you live in this spirit realm the power of the enemy IS broken. Ephesians 6:12: Levels of obstruction and hierarchies where Satan operates as Lord of both. Sin Satan
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Rulers Powers Demons World forces & Spiritual forces. World forces: are anything that affects the earth disease and earthquakes United Nations, IMF, EU. Market forces and trading stock market and Babylon global empire, Communism, demonic powers use these things to control the earth. Spiritual forces: cults institutional religion anything to do with worship, idolatry, saucer, churches spiritual men, all these are touched by spiritual forces. All these things are used to plunge the world into further darkness moving the world away from the light and glory away from God. 2 Corinthians 4: Our gospel is not perishing but is shining forth. Ephesian 6:13: You will be able to stand on the day of evil Verse 13: The place where another generation can come forth from your loins Verse 14: The place where truth comes from Verse 15: It mentions shoes simply because in the Old Test they came as slaves but we carry and present this message now as true sons. How lovely are the feet of him who brings good news? You cannot present a message until you fully represent a proper relationship. It’s our relationships that help us define the message for Jesus said I only speak that which I hear and have received from the father. If Jesus can do this why can’t church members do this? Verse 16: Whatever the enemy throws at you, you can distinguish it. Verse 16: What doesn’t touch your heart and your head is a problem. The attacks are coming to your heart and head so put on your breastplate and helmet. Verse 18: You can pray, preach, teach, prophesy and declare through the proceeding word of God. 1 Corinthians chapters 3, 4, 5 are chapters teaching us how to move from one place of glory to another seeing the veil removed. 2 Corinthians 3:17‐18 We have with unveiled face (open face hearts and minds) no beholding (operating in the realm of the spirit) 2Corinthians 3:18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever‐increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. Hell will continue to go down and the wicked will become more and more wicked, but none of the things such as sin and wickedness should be found in the church for these should not even be mentioned amongst us meaning it shouldn’t even become an issue for us. 2 Corinthians 4:1 Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. What is this ministry? It is the ministry of the spirit it’s not preaching for that which we have freely received we then can enter into for this is the ministry of the spirit that which we have received. Not only do we have Christ and the spirit in us and the ministry we have the life flowing through us announcing everything in us as an open book. If there is a certain
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thinking pattern behavioral habit must be shut down because it can bring shame and we do not want his name to be brought down. Declare to your flesh name it and challenge your flesh. The surgeon must know which one to cut off so must you. 2Corinthians 4:16‐18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. so we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:2‐4 Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. When you speak this life and ministry God will speak and validate for you when you speak that which you speak is of God, so those who are responding and not perishing will receive it as the voice of God Almighty what an amazing thing for a pastor to know that God is speaking for him as he the preacher is speaking on his behalf. The glory that came upon Moses was a fading glory though he received it, it didn’t change him for Moses never became like God but we who with unveiled faces have seen him and are becoming changed like him for this is ours through the life found in the spirit. We are not using God; God is changing us into his own likeness and into his own image. 2 Corinthians 2:3‐4 Paul’s letter brought approval of his own life and that life which was fully operating by the life of the spirit. His letter gave people chance and opportunity to change their ways. 1 Challenge 2 Time 3 Opportunity The face and the glory of Christ is interlinked. 2 Corinthians 4:7‐12: But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all‐surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed;
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perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. or we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you. it is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.” With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak We who are alive are always given over to death meaning that which Christ died and was crucified for is in you being brought to death showing us that every time death works in us life breaks out of us. This death in us is going to bring life in others thus affecting others spreading where ever this grace dimension can flow. We believe the experience of salvation and that which we believe we speak. Let the dying of Jesus Christ live in your body and it will begin to spread everywhere for it will ultimately through our submission of the heart mind and soul spread for us the life and light of the Spirit. Our affliction is not in physically dying but internally we have this treasure in on the inside of us. This is our heavenly dimension 2 Corinthians 5:1‐4 Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.
We want a soul that is uncontaminated and whilst we are here in this earthly body we want to be clothed eternal. We are groaning in the spirit because we want the eternal things to eternalise us from sin sickness and disease this is why the Spirit is groaning for. The spirit is not groaning so we can die and go to heaven. The brain is not so strong and the body is weak and the spirit groans wanting us to be more sufficient of more life. The flesh life doesn’t match up to the life of the spirit and when we do this we shout oh, Lord put this new dimension on us so that which is mortal will be swallowed up by life all this is whilst we are in this tent. Our burden is not that God cannot do things but we feel that we have physical limitations upon us. We carry this treasure and that which is mortal will be swallowed up. 2 Corinthians 5:5‐6 Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord.
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Romans 8:
H) The law and life of the spirit will quicken your mortal body with resurrection life. Romans 8:9‐11 Your spirit is a live and is filled with righteousness but your body is dead going to the grave with your three score and ten now verse 11 Christ will give us life to our mortal body in resurrection power will flow and resurrect things in you such as gray matter memory cells restoring that old ageing process. Remember Sarah became more and more beautiful as God was regenerating her by his word and promise within her own loins. Ask the Holy Ghost to quicken your mind, health and anything that you personally feel is decaying. Don’t wait for things to get sick before you believe ask him to help you. Ask the Lord not just to give you a healing but divine health as divine health shuts it down completely. Ask the spirit to grant to you resurrection power and ask him to give you graphic pictures of a vindicated spirit, a righteous spirit. How does this resurrection power flow through you and touch you through your spirit as he takes it from Jesus and then gives it to you. Verse 12: So then brethren we are not under obligation to live by the flesh but by the spirit for if we live by the flesh we will die meaning things will always happen as death is the normal process ‘but if means conditional and there is AN ALTERNAIVE, but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of your own body that which is going through your mind heart and attitudes and mouth the Holy spirit will cut off and extend to you, life. If you do these things you will live.
I) if you walk by the law of the spirit of life it will help you discern God life from the life of the flesh. If you walk and live like this you know which is spirit life and flesh life and when this happens you also notice it in others. You can see that which is soulish and carnal in others so you can help them. If you cannot chose your will
J) The law of the spirit of life will establish the Holy Spirit as your leader. Our body is got to be led by a leader and the Spirit is our leader.
K) When you walk under the law of the spirit of life it breaks the spirit of slavery away from your soul and releases the spirit of adoption over your life. Verse 15: For you have not received a spirit of slavery because this is going backward but if you follow the spirit you enter into adaption of which we cry Abba father. The Holy Spirit speaks to us about what is happening on the inside of our spirit as he now forms the Christ
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within us making us like the Son’s nature. The spirit will and teach us that we not only an heir but spiritual heir bringing us into our identity of wo we really are. As slaves you have no identity but now as children of the living God royalty the spirit shows us that we are no joined to him
L) THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT LIFE will bring forth the deposit of God within us so we can live out the nature within us. We don’t have to try to become a child of God we are children of God.
M) The law of the spirit of life gives us power to suffer so that the final result will be the Son of God manifesting himself in the Sons of God. It’s more than knowing but knowing how the process works. Verse 17: We are not suffering for our glory but we suffer for the Christ in us for when he breaks out we break out for our lives are hidden in Christ. Verse 18: Where is the glory? It is in us but we must be able to see the glory on the inside so our eyes must be opened for when this takes place you then become willing to suffer. If you could see what it is producing in you, you would be prepared to pay the price. You cannot consider if you cannot compare for whatever you compare and consider should end with a Godly life spirit result. Through his exaltation he destroys the works of the enemy. First presentation of the church in Matthew 16 shuts down the power of hell advancing his kingdom.
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Day 5 of 2nd week session one Technologies for creating conducive environments for breakthrough Whenever Gods presence enters into the house you must lay a hold of both the word and the spirit for to lay a hold of these two dynamics is to lay a hold of him. • • • •
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You must have the intensity of spirit: something that pulsates on the inside The depth of content of God’s word: You must have a lot of vocabulary and revelation that you can draw from. You have got have the sharpness of mind: You have got to organise your head so that your brain doesn’t get in the way and is therefore yielded to the spirit flow. You must be able to work with the spirit world: Whatever God is doing you must be able to flow with him. If you work and work with the atmosphere until something breaks open something will happen. Take the temperature. Work with the spirit of the people to release their spirit: You must bring your spirit and soul into a place of release and excitement. Ask the Holy Ghost when you work in an atmosphere Lord what have you put and built into the atmosphere because that which has been built you must work with. Set your mind on the final purpose of the day: If you don’t do this you will drift. You start and finish it must be in the same line of purpose. People can cool down and you become distracted so you must start and finish all in the same strength.
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Dealing with other spirits that are either present or will manifest along the way: If you don’t deal with this accurately and you hit it the spirit can hit back and by hitting the people they resist and you and then you get a spirit of opposition coming to you. Some of the people in amen corner can possibly be the ones sending the wrong spirit out. Remember the woman who followed Paul she also was shouting amen but she was a devil. You need to train your physical energy to push and train your voice to last and project strong vocal tones or you will be finished. Lear to understand the ebb and flow of the spirit: Know when you are at your strongest and then how to keep the ebb flowing out.
If your church does not respond to that which you are declaring you must begin to write things down writing books or write things down so you can begin praying those things through, because if you do noting with it you will become like a machine gun in that, that which doesn’t get fired can end up in a kickback. When pastors get no feedback they become frustrated and hurt the people. Jesus was and is exalted above every Domain of the devil. Satan does not have a kingdom he only has a domain a sphere of influence for only God has a kingdom. Acts 2:20‐37 God raised him from the dead and exalted him to the right hand of the father and because of this certain things begun to take place. At his exaltation all his works on the earth were approved by God. Not only did God attest his works on the cross, his ascension and that which was approved was exalted. This deals with all his works both in the past present and future. The pre‐existent work of Christ: This deals with Christ the eternal son before time begun. What Jesus was doing as Christ the eternal Son. Christ work in the Old Test: The Phe‐ophony Christ appearing as the angel of the Lord receiving worship as he is the only angel that could receive this. Christ in type and shadow symbolic forms. The incarnate work of Christ: Christ as the only begotten son: Refers to 33 years he came here full of grace and full of truth. The finished work of Christ: This is Christ; the crucified son Isaiah calls him the suffering servant.
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The unseen work of Christ: 3 days and 3 nights Christ the resurrected Son. When Christ cleansed the heavens. The ongoing work of Christ at the throne: This is Christ the exalted Son The final work of Christ: This is through the church this reveals Christ as the reigning son. At his exaltation Christ received a name higher that every other name and that name have been given to the church to use and represent. At this name every name should bow and every tongue confesses. For as many as them that would call on his name sin, sickness and powers come into alignment. This name was given to those at Antioch God doesn’t call us Christians God calls us Sons. Jesus is crowned and rewarded by this name and now the church stands and functions by that name and every power recognises this name and now it is ours to us. Powers in any nation or any domain will bow At His exaltation he received the promise of the Holy Spirit which is the promise of the father: The promise of the father will unlock any and all promises of the bible for this is the master key to unlock all and any other promises both now and throughout time. We as the church have the engagement ring promising us he will return and by his return all things that were promised will be fulfilled. He has all authority and he sent that power to us for all power is in God the Holy Ghost making him unstoppable. He has all authority because of his position and power and we to have our position. Because of his position he receives full exaltation. Even at his exaltation he receives the Spirit and then he pours him out to us. At his exaltation he becomes the first born of a new creation making us the church of the first born. Anyone who preaches to you another gospel any other than the one we have received let him be cursed. Romans 8 & Hebrews 12:23 Says; we are part of the firstborn church. At His exaltation He received a pledge from the father. The father made the son a personal pledge, sit at my right hand until I make sure that all your enemies bow at your footstool. If the father makes this kind of pledge what do you think will take place? This isn’t God pledging to man this is God pledging to God the Son. At His exaltation that God swore to him that he would be a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek. Psalm 110:1‐7 The Lord said to my Lord. Whatever; God has promised he will use the church to execute the pledge that he gave to
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the son. God has to choose a vehicle to make this a reality a church for this assignment. The church is no designed to gather people but designed for a purpose. Your purpose is not to have teaching, worshiping church just so it can become a large contemporary expression as this is all to do with us as it is relevant to people but it is not relevant to us. Building this kind of church is reducing the church and its power. God needs a vehicle which is called Zion church unusual something which is different than contemporary but something that God has chosen as a holy habitation with a sceptre from Zion ruling and reigning. Zion is set in the midst of its enemies if Zion was in heaven why would Zion have enemies for heaven doesn’t have any enemies. God is enthroned amongst us here his people upon the earth. Verse 7: Is a position of humility to bow down and drink from the brook that reminded David of Bethlehem. Philippians 2:5‐11 God highly exalted him. When Christ was highly exalted his kingdom without end began: The increase of his government there shall be no end. The Christ came forth the church the church was given the message of the gospel of the kingdom. Revelation 10:10‐12 These devils are not going to be in the heavenlies not heaven because he sealed the heavens. The devils are far below and when there is a war in the spiritual realm the church will rise with power to finish when this happens the church will defeat these powers and Satan will be cast down to the earth. Revelation 11:15: This was the beginning of his kingdom. Jesus came to speak about his kingdom but they rejected it and were therefore taken away as they rejected the announcer of it. Acts 1:3‐6 Is it at this time you are restoring the kingdom? Jesus said I am going to deputise you and you are beginning this kingdom and coronation is going to take place in the heavens and then it will hit the church and then from there it will go to the four corners of the earth and tell Israel. Ephesians 3:9‐12 Now through the church the manifold wisdom should be made known. Now the kingdom is not about his love but his government and his governmental kingdom has a will plan and purpose. The kingdom is re‐commissioning people. The book of Acts went beyond love and acceptance this is the gospel according to Matthew, Mark and John but Acts is about the kingdom and taking back territories.
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Day 5 2nd week session 3 Extending the kingdom of GOD Matthew 16:16‐20 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Then he warned his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Christ. When we talk about expanding the kingdom we are not referring to in house programmes but the very gospel of the kingdom is more than salvation and healing but taking it further. Because the message has not come to maturity our people have no transitioned towards fulfilling Gods ultimate plan taking over every area of domain, taking and bringing education, politics business and finance under the rule and government. Now Jesus says I have given you the keys of the kingdom as keys are given to the mature. If you don’t have a key you knock and wait for open doors but if you have the key you have free movement and access and your life is obstruction free. When you have keys we can go in and enter the enemy’s house and plunder his assets. Different domains of the enemy Colossians 1:13 He has transferred us from the kingdom of darkness. Satan has no kingdom only Jesus so when referring to Satanic darkness just say the domain of darkness.
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Acts 26:18 Eight domains of the earthly kingdoms and their systems 1. Government: Operational Law such as governance, military, legislation, executive and judicial courts judges and lawyers. National and local community development and politics 2. Economics: Ethics and principles of finance, micro economy, macro economy big corporations, loans and wages, workers employers, managers owners inheritance what is being left behind and set aside. Marketing and sales, sales and service, research and development of products. 3. Family: Husbands, sons daughters, widowers orphans, relationships, marriage education, sexual conduct extended family, community living, 4. Education: Teaching training learning, mind development, thoughts reasoning, remembering wisdom instructors, mentors, disciples. 5. Science & Technology: Medical health, surgical, nature hygiene, environment climate signs aspects of environmental change, ecology 6. Communication: Media electronic, mass communication books TV Satellite, speech, preaching, language, scrolls 7. Arts & Entertainment: Celebrative. Music, design, sports, fashion, music, culture, crafts, colour, models, architecture, drama, literature, sculpture, 8. Spiritual domain: Prayer, worship, devotion to God, purpose of God, destiny, continued favour of God, presence of God, church, kingdom of God, false expression of church such as cults. Aspects of human life or the different domains within human life: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Moral personal aspect: Wholeness of a person. Spiritual aspect: The God ward inward life style The economic aspect: Multiply manage gather and distribute resources Social aspect: Relationships and emotional connections in dealing with people and each other. 5. Physical aspect: Hygiene health, personal appearance 6. Political aspect: Philosophy of life, core values of life, cultural influences to thinking patterns what drives and moves you? 7. Historical aspect: Heritage legacy inheritance roots genealogy
Domains that are in this world and how to affect it without limitation and hindrance Acts 16:16‐24 Penetration into the marketplace:
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The economies of the earth are spirit driven: They have the spirit of poverty and greed. Mark 6:21 If you just go into the arena of these devils you are going to get hurt if you don’t know how dismantle them for gift or talent must never take you where character cannot keep you. If you are going to go into the business world then you must know your rights so you can make your defence before authorities: We must have proper legal standing before the authorities. Know the difference between what is tax avoidance and tax evasion. Don’t just do business with tongue and mouth do it with paper as paper is contract? The bible say’s ‘that wicked people do not pay so if you are taking a brother to court that will not pay he is regarded as a wicked person. If we do not put things on paper and legalise it we will forget and when we forget we will be in trouble If you are going to do business, you must have the wisdom for cross cultural transactions. Acts 16: 20 &21. Jews. The problem here was they were feeling like they were forcing a cross cultural battle on them. The crowd, (Jews) tried to cross a Roman culture with a Jewish culture so as to trap Paul and Silas movements. If you do business with Malaysian Chinese and Chinese, Chinese as they are two different people as both have two different ways of doing business. Asian people when conducting business with people will ask how your family is doing giving you the impression that they know your father because this is part of the sell getting you to think we are now friends. In the west they do business without asking about your family as family is separate. It is this business cross cultural circus that you must understand. We don’t need everything in the secular society to be Christian we just need it to be godly. The power of influencing the crowds: Verse 22 the crowds rose up against them. When crowds begin to rise up and move they sway the market and their forces. You have to use marketing tools media in order to move the crowd towards your way of thinking. Whenever you go into the marketplace whether school, business; always wear something upbeat for the one you represent. Mark 1:45 Because of the crowd Jesus could not enter into the city all because of one man publically proclaiming his healing. We must learn to market what we carry because if you don’t how will people know what you carry or that you exist. If you send the wrong message you will move the crowd differently for this was Paul’s problem as he let the girl being delivered what he carried it provoked the crowd rather than move them. Be aware of the feeding frenzy scenario that is when you feed the crowd on something you can literally have them eating out of your hands creating positive traffic jams. You must win, impress, communicate and reach them for once this happens momentum is created. You must have grace to govern and power to prevail in every situation. You must believe God for the miraculous. Every time Paul was put in prison he knew how to come out. If you
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need workers and train people in productivity then you must have this technology so that we can do business effectively with no blockades. Whatever the limitation you must have grace to govern power to prevail. Personality barriers find out how to speak and communicate so you can keep things moving. You must begin to find others that can strengthen you in this area. Acts 17:6‐9 Jason. There must always be someone who can stand with you people who can really help you so that there is a smooth movement in what you are doing. If you want to go into the marketplace there must be spiritual authority that covers you. Marketplace invasion is an apostolic mandate hence why you need protection. Apostolic invasion is not bringing money into the church but marketplace invasion must have covering and authority. We don’t need to know about business to give covering but we must be able to give sanction provide guide and position people in their assignment out in the marketplace.
Mark 6:14‐33 Ten aspects on the political arena
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Building in the spirit Mark 1:14‐45 & Mark 2:1‐12 Various dynamics of interactions: One dynamic: When heaven interacts and invades with you. Transmission level Two dynamics: When you reach and touch the heavens. The power of the human will and desire are exercised Third dynamic: When you and heaven move in the power of the spirit. Response & Partnership taking it outside When David came to the battle field to face Goliath something rose up inside him to push back that which was annoying him and defiling that which was operating on the inside of him. Human interaction Divine interaction Your reaction to what is happening inside of you.
Two message thoughts are: The miracle is in the house Mark 1:33 & The City is at the door this the mandate of the church. Warning! However you are living stop it and get this mandate on your life and your church. The domains of the whole earth are available to us to reach. Redesign the house Mark 2 teaches us the principle that Christ is in the house and that the society/city is at the door waiting to be engaged.
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The process of activating God s grace upon my life 1 Chronicles 14:2‐17
One of the keys to activating Gods grace upon our lives is to know that this is for his kingdom and for his people and not for you. We become choice instruments for the sake of others. Live for Gods kingdom becoming a useful instrument for him. Never promote yourself and don’t let the church become the guinea pigs for the sake of your immaturity. •
To activate GODS anointing and grace upon your life is to remember that this grace will be challenged.
The grace cannot be activated if you are not willing to take the challenge and every attack that comes our way. You are not anointed if you don’t take challenges for if you are cruising along you don’t carry or need grace. The moment grace hits your life you are empowered to deal with both Goliath the lion and the bear. Don’t go backward push your faith forward pushing fear out of your territory. •
To activate the grace upon your life never depend on familiarity just fresh directions.
The first time David asked his enemies attacked him but the second time he went he enquired from God, God told him to go a different way. Learn to stay consistent with God for by doing this you prevent yourself from becoming familiar. Don’t just do things because you announce things find out what God wants and if you have to change then change. Don’t keep leading the same way; don’t allow your leading to become familiar because if you do then your people become familiar with your ways and words and then they will use them as excuses for not doing what you asked them. Verse 16‐17 This was Samuels grace that came upon him as Samuels grace was a governing anointing. 1 Samuel 7:13‐14. As long as Samuel was there the Philistines could not infiltrate Israel’s territory albeit it was just one territory. David however had a different geographical boundary has his boundary had been enlarged as his influence was now allowing him to go beyond Israel’s territory so that he could spread out to the nations of the earth. •
To activate the grace upon your life is your ability to work with the grace given to you so that you can enlarge your capacity and influence.
Whatever God gives you, you must work with in order to increase it so that your influence can go further and further. You cannot just do what you want to do simply because you have gift or desire but you need grace as grace is the currency of the spirit for without grace you cannot expend or expand.
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The spirit increased upon David’s life daily. It must do this God must keep enlarging you increasing you from the internal and on the day of challenge it will rise and bring peace. •
1 Chronicle 15:1 If you are going to activate the grace of God you must concentrate on building both your physical family and spiritual house.
Never sell your house for church missions for God told David build both houses. Don’t build one at the expense of the other don’t work and walk on in balance. Remember the man who had died and his children were almost ready to be sold to the debtors. When ZigLag burned down they had to divert course. Your health wealth marriage home me and my house will serve him. •
Verse 15: 11‐12 If you are going to activate the grace of God upon your life don’t carry unnecessary burden and pressure to do it yourself.
Learn to draw strength from others and not from yourself. Develop partners and other levels of workers. David was so desirous in bringing the ark back but forgot procedure. •
If you want to activate the grace of God keep the atmosphere of the house saturated by the intensity of the spirit through strong worship prayer.
David begun to set all the singers and Levites in position so the atmosphere is always charged. Get regular worship out get strong worship into the atmosphere.
Remember the miracle is in the house and the river is ready to flow in and out of the temple.
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5th day 2nd week 6th session The broadness of thinking If you look at the book of Nehemiah you can see Nehemiah as either Politician or architect and builder. Most pastors read Nehemiah just to gain inspiration for a few verses to re‐ enforce their message when speaking on the power of Vision if they truly had vision they would see and understand Nehemiah had vision to take the city infiltrating every domain work of the enemy. If God gave you the city what would you do? If he gave you a building what would you do? It’s no use asking God for something you won’t use. The moment it comes to you does it become a burden to you or a resource to you? The moment you think about a tree you must think ground, water, roots nutrients stem sap branches and seasons all of these are all in the just one word called tree. Mosaic thinking: which is thinking in patterns or multiplication thinking bringing then the same result from one multiplication thought? Matrix thinking: It is thinking highways seeing all the entrances and exits of thinking. Linear thinking: One way thinking Lateral Thinking: Seeing one building but from many angels. Possibility thinking: From one act the possibilities can bring multiplication of possibilities Negative thinking: Thoughts based of circumstances thoughts prejudice and opinions resulting in negative conclusions. Legacy thinking: That which continues in others after your physical absence. Luke 16:9 Every domain has to be influenced until it comes under authority of God
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Finance: Luke 16:9 Concepts of using resources.
Use money to make friends. Don’t make friends to get money, consolidate relationships. •
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Connect with friends to secure the future for these are your partners in destiny. Not everyone will go with you into your future but you can make friends but understand you won’t finish with every friend that you make. Verse 10: Develop trust in the hearts of others through faithful and fruitful stewardship. Trust develops when you take that which you put into people lives seeing those becoming responsible owners. Develop righteousness in your heart through accurate dealings with people. You give people duties to see how sincere and righteous they are and God gives us activity to test us also. There must not be any hidden patterns of behaviour for righteousness brings things out into the open. If after all the friends you have created there is n righteousness you are a poor man. Verse 11: The proper use of money in the wicked unrighteous system qualifies you to handle abundance. Though the factory has hanky panky goings on you being righteous can use resources righteously. Verse 12: If you are faithful in the use of that which is another’s, God will give you the grace to own it as your own. This is the accurate translation of this verse which is God will give you ownership of what you serve. The charismatic translation says I have served another man’s vision now I can start my own for they do not see their father’s vision as theirs. If you keep on serving your father, your father’s inheritance will one day become yours. When you interpret self in your own creed you miss the whole issue of identity. Though what is yours is in the house you must see that unless you stay under the father it cannot come to you. Timothy, Silas carried that which was Paul’s both in his teaching and his life style. The prodigal son said; ‘give me my portion not the entire estate for his estate was in the father’s house. The robe that was placed on him along with the ring placed on his finger was his father’s because that which the father carries is more than enough for the sons. If you take away what is your father and house is very serious indeed as it is called sin. If you want long life then honour your father and mother. Use everything given to you with honour for those who entrusted into you. You will receive possession of the grace of what you serve. Verse 14: You must be a master over money to become a servant of God. No man can serve both man and money says Luke but if your God is God then money is just a tool. Verse 15: What you have in your heart can distort what you hear. If your heart is bitter then what ever you hear can be tainted.
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Learn to value what God values and learn to stand on that ground before men. Remember the opinions of men change but holiness, godliness righteousness never changes. Your evaluation system your life will stand if you stand on core values.
2nd session Mark 6:14‐32: The domain of Politics. Tony the two areas of the church you must work towards getting off your shoulders is the administration and the pastoral for these two monkeys’ are killers. Once these two monkeys’ are off your shoulders you can give yourself to prayer and ministry of the word. Your role is to prepare the people and the Holy Ghost job is to set the people apart for the work. It might not be our role to do everything but it is our role to train our people to be everything. Politicians must know what the people are saying around them as this is them having their own intelligence. Jesus said; who do you say the son of man is? Politicians are feeling the grass roots what is being said on the ground. King Herod heard what was being spoken on the ground. Pastors must know what their people are saying what are hoof beats of the horsemen for this is simply intelligence gathering. Politicians must have a mind of their own and not become influenced by common opinion. When Herod heard what others were saying he kept saying. Verse 14: Some were saying Verse 15: Others were saying Verse 16: He kept saying You have to keep saying what you believe and do not deviate away from the truth. Your voice must make a clear pathway for you by you keep saying what you are saying. Political areas will rise up to torment you in the future. Past errors of your life will manifest too torment you in the future in other words you will reap what you so. People will look for the cobweb in your cupboard so make sure you are squeaky clean. It’s how you live now no shadier dealings. Herod kept saying; ‘John who I have beheaded has arisen meaning that Herod feared the consequences of his dealings of the past coming to him.
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Verse 17: Politicians must represent justice peace and righteousness. All the Police were corrupted by Herod bypassing the judicial system all because John raised the standard by saying that Herod marrying his brother’s wife whilst he was still alive was wrong. There were no justice parliaments lawyers just sentence. Sometimes politicians can influence economies by giving favouritism or showing nepotism to their families. Politicians must have purity so much so that their hearts and minds do not negatively influence politics. Verse 18‐23: A politician must have a clean life style healthy marriage and a godly home. The danger and schemes of political families can spill into society. The husband is a politician and the wife collects tithe from everyone. John would sit with Herod and Herod knew that John was a godly man but Herodias she sleeps with Herod and the woman who shares the pillar of Herodias using him to get what she wants so her daughter can get what she wants. Verse 21: Politicians must be built on accurate spiritual foundations because the political arena is covered with sorcery. Why was their two different days mention birthday and special day? These are done so because of sorcery meaning that on a bad day politicians would not go to specific days or they would different entrances. Politicians must be connected to a governing grace for you cannot just be a pastor but he himself must be connected to an apostolic father who can cover and help you reach a greater level of government and operations. Remember that in every area of demonic domains crystals and other forms of demonic are there remember betrayal and murder for there are no friends and marriages of convenience meaning political partnerships. Your window must always be facing Jerusalem for if they shut you down from heaven you are finished. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Centurions Leaders 10 Captains ministers State leaders Presidents
Verse 21: Politicians must develop a network of support so their ground of influence is never shaken. You must have your own loyal people. Herod had all his own ground support with him they call these people ground leaders or leading men meaning they have a group of people behind them such as commandments and captains. Politicians need strategy a network for their own support. Verse 22: Politicians must understand that they are stewards of their government and not run their constituency as their own little private kingdom. It’s not your kingdom or territory Herod didn’t have a kingdom because it belonged to Cesar as it was owned by Rome. If Cesar heard this he would have been dead. Politicians believe that everything they do they own and have total power over. We must fight for constituency for the people and
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represent the constituency accurately for the people. When you go to parliament you represent the people and get the best for them carrying the needs of the people to the Parliament. We don’t have politicians we have Mafia and bully’s thinking it’s their own kingdom. Verse 24: In the political arena never over promise and under deliver always say I will try my best. If you over promise and under deliver someone’s head will role as politicians always have a way of sacrificing someone’s head when they under deliver. To please some you kill others this is demonic though they are sad you must remember good and bad live in the same tree. Remember the same man who kills and deceives is the same man that will cut the balloons of a children’s hospital! Most politicians know how to run a meeting along with gatherings speaking on various issues but they have very little experience on constitutional life. Verse 26: Politicians must have the ability to discern the request so things do not lean towards evil intentions. People ask certain things to get things or to have certain happen against other people so they can benefit. So many people wait on the politician to get their own agenda be careful to protect your family because if you do not you create a dynasty and hierarchy of evil. The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and of our Christ and He will reign forever and ever.
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3rd session The reformation of the education system. Psalm 78:9 Verse 9 is our assignment There is a way to teach and tell or a way through which we must communicate information. I will open my mouth is a parable. In education you must find the right way of communicating It must be taught accurately without error. I will utter dark saying of old. Things that have been lost are now brought out becoming clearer and clearer as it is explained. Give them knowledge transfer without error. Verse 3: The teachers who teach must be mature and be experts in the stuff they are teaching. They must be experts in their field. These people must able to transfer what they know. We must not hide information or any information that they need. Give the best at the earliest age. We must train them from the beginning setting them on course. The curriculums that you develop must be something that becomes a foundational base for the next generation. Don’t do something that only is good for one generation for keep swapping and changing is not good. Set the pace in such a way that what we start cannot be undone. Many curriculums are taken from outside from other streams only then to find that they don’t work for you. Whatever you borrow you must rewrite for your ends. The content of what is taught must develop the character of God in men and the ways of God in men thus becoming relevant together. His strength his wondrous way... We must make the parents part of the education system. Parents are the teachers at home and therefore are the monitors for when this happens parents and teachers create a partnership. That the generation to come will teach them to their children. Don’t give parents the management authority to run a school but get them to manage the child’s development in the home not in the school for to do this speeds up the acceleration of the child’s learning.
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Verse 7: Godly education is the foundation for a great future. The spiritual dynamics in each child life becomes the foundational base for each child’s future blessings. They will never be able to be law abiding without knowing a God who is righteous. The purpose of Godly education is to produce a greater and better generation that their forefathers. The children should rise on the accomplishments of their fathers and go to the next level. If a child ends up as their fathers then something is wrong for each generation should go further than their father for our children should be standing on the shoulders of giants. If you bought your house at 28 teach your child to buy his house at 21 for to do this is creating a better future. Verse 9: God’s educational system is to help bring and help children fulfil God’s destiny in their life. We tailor the educational system to help them do this so there is a perpetual growth and path steering a child’s course. The education system is the only system that approves your children to go out into society. The leper that Jesus sent back to be checked after he healed him did so because that was the only system in which the man could be approved. Daniel 1:1‐7: Recognising the Babylonian system They say that the Babylonian system was a system that was birthed on philosophy and therefore sought to remove God from being God thus acknowledging that their height and achievements were done without God though acknowledging this is what God wants for them. The Babylonian system separates the people from their land. They took them as captives, slaves and exiles they were vulnerable and put them in vulnerable conditions. The Babylonian system will separate us from our core values systems children become more and more independent from their families and separated from their father’s houses. When the children were born they grew together and as they get older and go to school and work they grow apart divide and conquer. Take the best out of the family to serve our system. If you can get man away from God so he can think for himself that’s the Babylonians system. They changed their names to conceal their roots and linage. Train up the child in the way he should go but in the Babylonian system they are detrained and they talk about things and of things that disregard their roots. The Babylonians system taught literature and the language of the Chaldeans. The Babylonians will change the content of your conversations so what do you have to talk about Hebrew is Gone Bible is gone all you can now talk about is their world which; is a, none Christian culture.
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They clothe us in Babylonian garments so that our promotion is only in the system and what the system approves. The system can only give you certificates and robes and now pastors are wearing them bishop’s apostle’s clergy and so on. If the system says you are smart or not smart they approve you but your children are smart depending on whether the system says it or not. The Babylonian system regulated their diet. They did this because they wanted their children to be regulated in a certain way and in a certain form. They understood to become a champion you need to have a certain body diet using it to maximum. Food education is education as it helps children’s concentration and therefore enhances better retention rate. The Babylonian system cannot be prolonged it must be intensified. In other words it cannot be for years and years never coming out. It should be intensified so that people study over a period of time and then come and go out to work. The Babylonians took the best to serve the highest. They took the cream of society to serve the highest and because of this the casualty rate for the others is very high. The Babylonian system will have the best brains running the system taking the best for the highest for the wrong purpose.
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Building in the spirit:
cclesiastes 3: 9‐11: What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Inconsistency is immaturity. God has set eternity into our hearts. Tony let God really set eternity into your heart meaning from time past he has set my clock so I would know the seasons of God for my life. Because Gods eternal time clock is set in our hearts it protects you from missing your time. It keeps you and steers you for your movements and keeps your internal works clear. Remember the dog catching the Frisbee the dog is locked on to the Frisbee your spirit and your mind must be locked to lay a hold of that which is coming to you. Sometimes your spirit is strong but your mind is weak other times it’s the other way around but get them both strong and you can rise whereas other times if you don’t connect your finished. Mark 1:14‐15 & 33‐34 The city is at the door fear is breaking out and confusion is upon people’s lives. Time has already been fulfilled what we call church is going to become a city. The size of the church is going to be enlarged in order to accumulate that which is coming through the door. As people come in they bring skills and talents. The house is in the city but it’s all one because the lord is both and in both. God is watching the watchmen to arise. You must build accurately you must build the pillar principles into the right people. There will be sphere of influence it could be five miles ten who knows but all those who fall under that geographical boundary of your church it’s your city and it will go wider and wider as the LORD gives your boundaries increase. •
We must build strategic men around you Verse 20 so that the house is built strong. Not yes men but men who can hold that which is about to happen men who are not ashamed of the chains you carry. Those who are not afraid of the grace and spirit 128
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you carry. Those who are not ashamed that you show love in a different way than that expected . To establish a strong word ministry Verse 28 Jesus ministry was one of authority. The crowds had never seen anyone with such authority.
Verse 32: We must never refuse to minister to the needs of the people and that they are wholesome people. Don’t forget the ministry is both to men and to God. Jesus ministered to men and then he withdrew in order to minister to God and when he ministered to God he refuelled himself. All these things will cause the city to come to the door. We must have ministry where we have times of intimacy with God times of prayer worship. Verse 45: You must have a grace to inspire people movements so that they can market the move so that people can know what God is doing. Get the word out let people know what God is doing in your midst and in your church so that people can come and get connected. People haven’t seen Jesus they don’t know what he is doing they haven’t seen him in full flow so let them know. Let them know that he is living amongst you. Tony; invite Tameside to building in the spirit evenings. God is going to be manifesting and doing things like he has never done before. There is a difference between a house and a home the scripture says Jesus was at home meaning for us at dream centre Jesus is going to be at home in the tabernacle dwelling place, place where he can rest hence why we must prepare a place for him. The Lord whom you speak will appear in the temple. When Jesus is in the home his word will become clearer and clearer and other voices will be drowned out philosophy, humanism, confusion deception will all be drowned out so that people can clearly hear his word in the temple. He will shake the heavens for he will give us that which is a kingdom and that which cannot be shaken. •
God is going to give increase as people or devils will not stop people coming to church as people are going to come from everywhere. People coming from 4 corners of the globe quickly slowly they are coming. Those who once walked away from us there children which is the 2nd generation will come just Isaiah said. Not everyone who comes in has need for this is not that day not my faith but they are going to have their own faith i don’t have to sustain them they will be able to stand on their own faith for something is rising upon those who are entering into the home. Those who are coming are not coming to see but to activate something. Faith in the people will increase in the people holiness faith lifestyle is operational. The way God is moving in the house is, he will reprimand the scribes already in the house because there people who have stop moving in faith they are more interested
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in procedure rather than on what God is doing by his spirit. Don’t speak against what God is doing but keep moving along with what and how he is doing things. Tony: don’t let your mind and your fears resist him. Let God change the procedure if he wants to it’s his home don’t say this is the only way. The city is at the door, the miracle is in the house and the river is flowing from the throne, every vessel is going to be filled until we are full showing us that oil is also in the house.
The city is going to turn. God is putting a message into your mouth like a john the Baptist you don’t have to go into the city for the people will be drawn to this message as this message will be strong and clear. Tony: prophesy that the gates of the city will open. Get ready
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Sunday service Connecting accurately to the supply of Gods power. 2 Kings 4:8: In accurate connection to the power supply will cause short circuit. You cannot just connect at any point or your internal workings will explode. This woman connected outside with a man of God on the earth she looked outside her home and saw this man working outside. So many of see the supply working outside of our houses outside of our lives God is moving out side but not inside. It is because of this people sit in the church when he is moving in others and outside but they do not know how to draw the power on the inside of their own life. We need to see the connection working on the inside of our lives children family so that which happens in others can happen in our own life. God can do it again and he can do it in my life! If the breakthrough is happening somewhere and all you can do is look from a distance then something in us has not change so as to connect with this supply. Precedence is setting th pace and that is what this woman did she saw observed and felt in the spirit and moved towards the supply bringing in him feeding him and letting him stay allowing him to attach himself to the house as all these are progressive stages that we must think. She builds him an upper room but then she says this isn’t enough for now she wants him to stay, She is no longer wants him to stay but she wants to be made fruitful by what she wants to carry for she wants to carry life. God does it in other people’s lives rather than our lives because they are not ready. The move mustn’t just come outside of the house but through the right connections bring him in to the house. The woman had a womb that was opened and a blessing began to increase upon her life. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
See it Desire it Want it Work towards it Guard and protect it
So that it doesn’t just happen externally but on the inside of your life and your eyes will see it and your heart will long for it and your mind will strategise it. If you connect accurately God will change your internal house and family Tony your whole family all this is first stage only.
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Verse 18: The young boy was the reason for the interaction between her and the move of God. The boy dies and was grieved in her heart she brings the boy to the man and through a divine interaction the boy arose. 1st stage: You have to see and bring the God into the house. You have to sharpness and tenacity to pull and lay a hold of it. Look at the electricity inside of the house its flowing and we are enjoying it it’s not harmful . 2nd stage: That which came though the interaction a child was born and dies and now is raised again. When God gives you something the enemy comes to kill it but you must be able to re‐ connect in order to bring life back into it. (Tony: Ben Scott Laura) God will revive everything he started with you the fires can be relit. The devil will challenge but you must re‐connect. What God has given to you cannot be lost but can be stolen until you re‐connect and pick up again for that’s where your breakthrough. This woman was blessed once and then went back to the same place of interaction connection and blessing to have her hope restored. Tony: You have had one miracle from this story before go back and re‐connect to God for your kids and for the house. God will supernaturally revive the flame but everyday rekindle it again. When you are losing your strength rekindle it again until the flow appears. If you connect accurately you can re‐plug your power supply in again. 1Kings 17:24 Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the LORD from your mouth is the truth.” This woman realised that what happened was because of what was in the mouth of Elijah. If you want this power then go back to the word that God put into your mouth for it is this same word that stoked up the fires of heaven to fall. It was this word that will do and has previously started fires in past. ‘Start the fire, ignite the flame. Surely I know that you are a man of God because of the word that you carry in your mouth. This is why you must connect accurately until God changes your life. These two stories of Shunamite and Zerapath are similar. She said it all started with the word it brought something in by the word and it revived that which was lost by the word. Keep listening to the tapes and Papas notes keep pushing Tony until your sons are re‐ birthed. One attitude said I didn’t ask you gave it me and now it’s gone it’s your fault The second woman said now I know when the flour and the oil did not run it was because of the word. Now my child is dead my child has risen because of the word and now I know the
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power in you is also the power of the word. The Shunamite woman didn’t know this but Zerapath knew the oil food and child was the result of the word. Two prophetic words given by papa 1. Divine health will come to your body: This year though medicine slows down the decline of the human body the word being kept spoken out by you will come to you 2. Wealth will return for it is coming to you for the financial decline will not come to you 3. The miracle is in the house. The miracle will come to you and your sons and your daughter’s children and congregation. will be in the house touching husband’s wife’s children and why because you believe. Get connected draw and push this year you are not visitors but members Tony Ben was saved because of the word and he will be reconnected by the word. I will protect you in the financial crises and give you will always have your portion for you will always have yours for what is yours is yours and will always come to you.
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1st Day of the 3rd week 1st session The Chronicles of Muaria (Joke) Captains log star date 2009, it’s been long very long and I want to go home. Morale is low and I fear mutiny is inevitable. The Australians are jumping like kangaroos and Filipino families are selling at a phenomenal rate buy one get one free kind of thing. Papa is still preaching and probably will keep preaching until they turn off the lights or either a new dawn arises. I don’t know if this reality is really real or whether I am stuck in a Malaysian 3rd world solo system called Muar. They tell me that my release date is tomorrow and that the worm hole will open but I am not sure if that’s my inner conscience dreaming or whether it’s the final call for me to board my Emirates flight. Captain Higg: Hope to see you on the other side of the worm hole.
Revelation 12:1‐1: The spiritual and physical position of the last day church. This is the church clothed with the glory of the father standing on the foundation of the finished work of Jesus and submitted to the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit. The marriage supper of the lamb had taken place and the woman was coming forth. It is because of the relationship that the church has with the father and the Son that the finished work of the church cries out to give birth to the church producing many sons of God. Verse 3‐4 This is a mystical creature. Deception is taking place and for it is this creature that stands before the woman to devour the child. The same devil that was cast out of heaven is still standing before the woman who is giving birth. The same devil of old which was cast out of heaven is still standing ready to destroy but what he doesn’t see is that he cannot stop that which God is raising. He can see but is powerless to stop that which is destined to come forth. Satan cannot prevent the conception of the church nor can he stop the rising of the church. The woman bares the child and now here God who is in his temple will also rise powerfully upon us so we can be established on the finished work of Calvary with a finishing
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generation. This woman is bringing forth this seed as it is this seed that must finish her calling. Verse 5‐6 She woman gives birth to a Son. The literal translation says, ‘they should nourish her for 1,260 days. She is going to give birth to a male child but this child is not one single baby but a company of people who are connected directly intimately to her/Christ and have become the fellowship of the Holy Spirit for they are the result of a fresh move of God. This child will have its genealogy not from earth but when it is mature it will be caught up in the spirit ruling and reigning in the nations of the earth. God is raising a generation of rulers for their place of operation is directly from the heavens to the earth. This company of people’s mode of operation is from the heavens to the earth not the other way around making them ultimately a kingdom of priest as in the order of Melchizadek a people who will see the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and Christ. The bible says that when this generation is born the male child/church will protect the earth. The wilderness mentioned in verse 6 is a place of seclusion which God himself has created and because of this generation all the attacks of the enemy will be protected and preserved because they have a governing grace upon them suitable for protecting, nourishing and equipping her for 3 and a half years 1,260 days. We cannot challenge the enemy until we have found our place in the womb of God. You can be in the womb or Holy array means alive but hidden until revealed. Verse 7‐9 There is war in heaven. Why was there no place for Satan anymore because we have found our place becoming stronger and stronger It doesn’t matter how strong the strong man is you must become stronger for the strong man will always be strong but the day you become stronger you can plunder his house. This male child is raised and has found her place in the heavens and on the earth for when this happens war is created in the heavens and subsequently all the angelic host are thrown down. Originally Satan was thrown out of heaven to the 3rd heaven the heavenlies and here he is now thrown out of the heavenlies to the earth so that God can judge satanic powers like God judges men. Today you can only bind satanic powers not judge them but when the man of sin is cast to the earth the earth will be plunged into trouble. Verse 10 ‐12 There is war in the heavenlies because the male child has found her place and in the heavenly places are being ruled and satanic forces are cast out and the church moves into her fullness. If you are living in the spirit you will see the devil being cast out and confined to a human body being confined to the same earthly restrictions and time bounds. The devil is concerned about time because he knows his time is short hence why the enemy said, ‘have you come to torment us has our time come! Verse 13‐14: The church is still on the earth but the male child is caught up to the throne. The male child is caught up to the throne being protected.
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Verse 14: The male child will not be affected as she is given to wings. The water of the word means deception doctrines which is Satan’s final attempt to sweep the church away with the flood for it’s the same sweeping away that verse 4 mentions when sweeping away with his tail. Doctrines are the food given by Satan given from his own mouth given trying to sweep away the woman child with deception. Verse 16: The dragon opens up its mouth but God will protect his church even though floods are released. Verse 17: Satan is enraged and seeks to make an attack on the rest of the child those who are connected to the throne.
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2nd session 3rd week
The fullness of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ Why the gospel must become clear to us: Galatians 1:6‐9 There is a gospel that is contrary to the gospel that was originally preached taught and given. The revelation that we received came and comes to us by revelation. Paul knew there were others who were coming and perverting the gospel. Verse 15‐18: Whatever God was revealing to him he consolidated before he spoke it to others. Christ in me is the centrality and mystery revealed revealing Christ himself in the sons of God. Galatians 2:2 He submitted the gospel that he received to reputable people so that others could check him out thus preventing him from running a race in vain. His revelation was totally put under the spot light so that it could be cleansed. Verse 4‐6: The revelation that you have must not be submitted to those who are false but must be protected from becoming false and corrupted hence why your revelation must be submitted to a reputable source. Verse 7 People must recognise the truth that has been given to us and that we must have the grace to model and live it. You can carry truth but do you have grace to model it to others. John 1:14 whatever you are teaching you can also give people the grace so that others can also live in the same truth. If you do not live & model what you teach all you can do is teach what you have not modelled. Verse 16: When the word becomes flesh in you from that fullness others to can also receive the same grace meaning that you must live out that which God is doing. Verse 17: Grace not only is given through Christ it also comes to us. When Moses spoke the people had no power to do that which was spoken hence why it was called Law. When you speak and give power to do that which is spoken it is called grace. When so called apostolic
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figures teach people in seminars without displaying grace to do they have become teachers of the law? Many of them teach with information rather than teach from grace dimensions. Verse 18 And He has explained him. If we are coming forth from Christ we must not only explain but you must live in that place where he is coming forth. Galatians 2:9 They recognised the grace that was on me. Peter James and John also had the same grace upon them. Galatians 2:14 We must be strait forward about the truth of the gospel. Verse 20‐21: The centrality of the mystery Galatians 3:2 We have received the measure of the spirit meaning you can begin in the spirit only then to proceed to perfect Gods work in the flesh. Don’t pick up the law feast, food and elementary doctrines of the earth keep in the spirit. Galatians 4:3 We so easily connect with elementary things of the world but we must not get easily mixed up with the things of the earth. Galatians 3:5 & 3‐7 So foreseeing that God would justified the gentiles by faith he said that in you all the nations of the earth will be touched for this is the gospel that will be revealed to you but not only this something will be deposited into your life so much so that in you all the nations of the earth will be blessed. The promise to Abraham is the promise of the Holy Spirit rather than thinking it was just land and property and finance but the promise of the master key unlocking all other promises is the Holy Ghost and we too can receive this. Verse 3‐14. Verse 19: Who is the seed? Christ, for he was the one receiving the promise. Chapter 4 talks about our maturity as sons of God and us coming to our full rich inheritance.
Nine dimensions or different segments of the gospel that was delivered to us. The gospel of salvation: This deals with, Healing forgiveness and deliverance and physical needs. Most of the church only knows and understands this and preaches just one ninth of the gospel. Some only preach salvation and going to heaven and then try and build the church. This deals with your physical life that’s all. Every week people who are sad and bad go to church in order to receive joy that’s all for them there is nothing else. The gospel of a victorious life: This deal’s with overcoming issues such as sin and sickness satanic force along with work pressure and hindrances not mention obstacles and breaking mental limitations marriage pressure and peer pressure and such other offenses. This deals
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with your spiritual life not physical life. Again a lot of declaration songs are sung with what we believe and know but we only have two ninths of the gospel and it doesn’t go beyond this until they leave the earth and yet the fearful thing is some only have one dimension. Physical needs are earthly not spiritual. Anything that makes you an over comer or more than a conquers fits in but this still in its self is insufficient. The gospel of prosperity and success: This has to do with wealth and possessions and material blessing better jobs extra cash better life styles and higher standards of living. This includes cars houses living in the right neighbourhoods or as they say ‘gated neighbourhood your own private Hollywood. This deals with your material life. People like this because it is a rewarding gospel cars houses and cash good measure running over which is greed in the creed gambling. Work hard with God and he will give to you because you deserve this. Doctrines develop such as Christ loves me and he really wants me to have the best of everything because we deserve it. This is Self indulgence. They think because they sacrifice their time for church or prayer and bible teaching this is God rewarding them for their dedication hence why the faith gospel creates interest. You are pleased blessed for you know his greatness and his goodness but you are only a thirty fold Christian. If this is all we can have we can only hit 30 percent of what God has for us. Missionaries lay their lives down for even less than this. Paul says we must leave these elementary levels and press on to our high calling. Most pastors cannot preach above this line. Most churches can enter these stages. Always remember that money truly reveals who you are. 2nd Level The gospel of body‐life and corporate destiny. This deals with corporate church life and emphasis is on cell groups and praying together participating with each other, community living and building together not to mention dealing with sacrificial life style living. When people move from the first three they struggle because in the first three levels they are saved but they are in the church but not really part of it. Is God pleased with everyone no because these people only live on level one. This aspect deals with corporate list style and body life. People now have to move from individual life style to corporate life style. Now the people come to church but this is their life but in the other category they might come but the wife stays at home and the tape is taken home but they say we are with you pastor but they come in parts but are partly with you. First their head second their body but their hearts and feet are going in different directions. The gospel of the high calling in Christ: This is personal ministry and grace. This talks about your talents anointing and personal contribution to the body, the grace that you carry to bless others. Your personal achievement how high you can personally go in your spiritual life and thereby become a blessing to others. God gives you gifts to edify the body. This has to do with your personal level of achievement life. When you have a great high calling you have to take the personal life and take it to the corporate life. If you are not involved in body life
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you cannot see the need to become part of body life. If you become part of corporate destiny you have to stop people living the way they live because you want them to become part of a body life but people see this as dictatorship because I was free now you are telling me when to come what I have to do giving me responsibility and we really pay you pastor to do this. All these categories have paid staff members and are heavily financed all for the sake of a few church meetings. These systems are mans way of him choosing to do it which is nothing more than an organisational way rather of doing things not necessarily a God way. We need a worship pastor for one service a week when we could use the finances in other ways? The gospel of the stature of leadership: This dimension of the gospel deals with peak performance that can be done by everyone and its power to influence others to maturity. You assemble others around the structure of your life, you push others to the next level, people are learning from you and your life style. You are becoming a pillar in the house and a pioneer that can lead. This deals with the aspect of the exemplary life. Not only are you involved with body and corporate life but now you become a model and a leader in the house for others to live by. All these levels are just level two. Summary of this category: People are pleased you resource others to greatness and you are a blessing. At this level you are a sixty fold Christian. These two levels only bring those already in the house to the next level where as in the first level all you are doing is bringing people to the first level of their personal life. 3rd Level The Gospel of the Kingdom: This deals with the advancement of Gods government over your life and how to establish and execute his will upon the earth how to bring judgement on satanic works that oppose the will of God. Touching and impacting others for the furtherance o nth kingdom influencing different domains on the earth such as education, politics arts science and so on. Impacting new territories in order to establish God’s government. Our primary assignment of the church is to advance God’s kingdom upon the earth extension and expansion Matthew 6:33. This will redefine the individual and the corporate. but this deals with the aspect of the divine as God has a need to extend his kingdom government on the earth. This aspect deals with kingdom life style. This is so difficult to teach because people stay inside of the church becoming comfortable me myself and I must be blessed hence why the church becomes a place to polarise all our activity around which is not kingdom. We must touch every area or domain of society so the church must be the starting point as you are commissioned and sent into your assignment so we become an instrument to touch and infiltrate every domain. The church is the place of training and equipping but our assignment is outside of the church. The gospel in the grace of God: This allows you to operate in the same way and measure of Christ: You learn to live out the life of Christ and thereby you live the life of
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Christ. You find the favour of God and the supernatural grace to reveal the Christ in you. You live and talk like him you express like him and produce results like him all without effort like him simply because Christ the author of faith lives in you. Whatever is his nature now emanates through you. You become unstoppable and are able to finish your course and assignment. Jesus said on the cross, ‘it is finished, but many of us have never found the day of beginnings. You see supernatural protection and supernatural provisions and power and workings of God. If you live like this you see Christ manifest more and more through you but if you live the selfish life Christ never manifest’s himself through you beyond that of blessing. The life I now live the life on the inside will manifest for the natural life consisting cars houses which is simply blessing only. People must see how much of Christ is in you, a along with his life rather in not how much money, ministry revelation you have. The woman said’ come see a man, It comes down to whether people can see a man demonstrating humility love compassion strength and wisdom. 2 Corinthians 8:9 rich with his poverty. This ability to empty yourself so you can live full is the life we must have. People must go up higher with your life not be informed more. This level is a chosen place it’s a chosen kingdom life style for this is the gospel should be preached first but we preach it last as the ultimate desire of Christ is produce Christ like people. The woman with the Alibatser jar teaches that whatever she has done will be remembered for she shows us how to be a true worshiper and a choice vessel in the hands of God. God gives you ministries talents so that you will bow and worship becoming a true worshipper rather than just exercising illegal authority over people. The gospel of the glory of Christ: Christ life and kingdom life until all things and all creation is filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. The son of God will be made manifest in our life. All creation wanted to escape the corruption to slavery so that they could enter into the freedom and gospel of the glory of Christ, God wants us to glory and manifest his life upon the earth the glory with which God gave to Jesus the eternal glory the glory which was with him in the beginning is the same glory that he has given to us. Remember one level will accelerate the other. John 1:14 full of grace and truth for this is the manner. Its not only kingdom life and Christ life but the eternal life the life which was with him from the beginning as the only begotten father John 1: 18. That which was invisible and beyond mans understanding here it is manifesting as we receive it first in the spirit and as the flesh is swallowed up by the imperishable gospel. This aspect deals with the divine life that was in the heavens. Summary: God is pleased you are his representative and you reveal his greatness and you become a 100 fold Christian. Remember 7,8,9 are all interlinked as suddenly at the right time the grace of God hits you and you become what you must become. Paul said, I am what I am by the will of God. The new you have to get use to the new you.
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Romans 8:18: You cannot consider if you cannot compare. If you cannot see both you cannot consider hence God has to reveal things to you. Jesus came to reveal himself clarify and identify those who wanted to do the will of his father. There is a life of God within you hence why creation waits for you to be revealed as the sons of God meaning the sun birds and sky are waiting. Speak to the ground meaning tree in Tameside Romans 8:18‐20 because all of creation is waiting to escape the corruption of the earth. When it’s cut off things enter into that which we carry. The early church was and is the first fruits where the last day church is the fullness of the harvest. Verse 36: Earth creation groaning and now we ourselves are groaning and the Holy Spirit is also groaning. God’s purpose is that we become conformed to the image and likeness of Jesus. Nothing can stop this from coming forth, what things can stop us if God be for us, which he is, ‘then God will cause all things to work together conforming us in every angle of our lives. This is not a gospel that gets you saved and blessed but conforms you to the likeness and image of Christ. 1 John 3:2‐4: Now we are children but it has not appeared what we will become but one thing we do know is that when he appears we shall be like him. One thing we do know is that we will become children. Children who says; ‘bone of my bone flesh of my flesh you are the one that was taken out from the side of Jesus conforming us to the likeness and image of Christ for everyone who has this hope purifies himself. Jesus is the expression of God and we are the expression of Jesus here on this earth. The first five years you are saved and protected but you are not perfected Second level you are blessed you have gifts and church life but the Christ life has not yet come forth The third level is the divine Christ and his kingdom must propel us towards our primary assignment. Last session of the school: In the days ahead life will become easier for you as pastor because you have found the tools which are critical because to have no tools will cut and limit your supplies in the here and now as well as in the future because the doors and pathways in the spirit have been opened for us and to us. What must I do as I leave Muar?
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Treasure what you have received as this is the seed of your future. In other words if you lose this you will lose what God has for you in your future. What is your greatest lack when I return home? To find companions in your territory and stay connected to them and to your primary source. Remember that success is not a sol project. If it is in the church build it into the house and if it is in the nation then build with those who are in the nation but whatever you do, ‘build! The right to relate There is no constitutional rule or right in any denomination that prevents, holds or stops people from relationally connecting with people of their own choosing. When they do prevent you they do it by attacking someone’s character or doctrine. Doctrinal plumb line errors Faith: Faith is never used to get things but used to connect with God and please him for without faith it is impossible to please him. When this focus shifts it becomes self centred and self serving and self indulgent making it very dangerous. Israel: Israel are Gods people they are his 1st born but God also has others begotten so if you have first born you also have others who are born thus not making the others inferior children. You cannot reject all the other nations and give Israel primary position. Features such as feast, dance, Passover though it’s theirs we have other things to celebrate we already have our own pass over lamb. Go to Acts 14 and 15 to see those who always keep going to Jerusalem always seem to mess up this doctrine. Whatever truth we bring from Israel it must not have cultural backings. Deliverance and inner healing: Your bases for this are on the finished work of Christ not on Psychiatry or counselling methodologies of psychiatry. Don’t lie on the couch just hang on the cross for if you would have died to self you wouldn’t need counselling. When the church becomes weak it has no power to set people free looking to worldly methods to help them out. Knowing God and having Intimacy with him. You cannot use natural relationship principles with God because God is not human especially the sexual aspects of human relationship. A lot of error will arise from this for pastors are going to act like father God touching his people so they can know him as father. If you see this run for your life for if anyone wants to know this do not promote this as the way. Be aware for the signs of this will be rape, molestation manifesting inside the church. It’s already hidden in the church but as not yet been uncovered but it will. When this happened in one church the elders rebuked the pastor for being caught and they said; there is a way of doing this without being caught.
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Those who love the truth are set apart for truth but those who love evil are also set apart for this. When individual men mentor women, you know there is a spirit of lust ready to disgrace the house. If you are to become a father there must be a mother also for if there is no father or mother then there should be no mentoring at all. Contemporary life style church and its benefits: Church growth marketing principles such as mega church. End Times: Some people are already there is no second coming because Matthew 24 promises are already fulfilled and that it is our role to rule and reign and by this they remove the blessed hope. The 2nd coming is true and therefore do not let those eradicate this from our doctrine. That you must bless those who are blessed of the Lord: The pastor says, I am the blessed of the Lord and therefore the people of the church must now pay a tithe to them personally. You have to bless them so they can continue to be blessed and fly around in their leer jet but remember; if you are a church member then your tithe must go into the store house and not anywhere else. If you are a church member then your tithe must go to the church for that is your store house. If I am a father Tony: my sons must tithe into the house but never to me personally. Mixture and self indulgence through the use of the flesh in worship: Spirit and in truth must come with no love for the flesh to be lifted honoured or singled out. God backs up truth with his name and nature don’t use his name but your flesh is seeking to be seen heard and appreciated. 2 Kings 9:1-13 Jehu is made King God is calling a whole generation into the inner room because of what will take place. National grace is being given so you can execute Gods plan in the city •
God is giving a Jehu anointing because it is a mandate to execute the anointing of our forefathers.
Whatever was prophesied in and over you will be brought to pass for whatever was said to Elijah and Elisha received came to pass. Everything that was spoken by our forefathers will come upon you rife so you can carry out the assignment of our forefathers. Jehu Azeil and one other all finished their assignment because we are the company of people who believe and carry that which was and is our father’s desire. We are to become the continuation •
Not only will it be a mandate to finish our assignment but God will give to us a new elevated spiritual position. A new spiritual level and measure of his grace a new
Malaysia 2009 Jonathan David School of the Prophets
stand in the spirit world. We will never be in a place where we will be frustrated. You can do new things because you now have a new position that you never had before so I can run and am rising. When you go home you will be given a raise in other words you will be elevated above your brothers going from level to another. Tony people will see that you no longer walk on one level but now a new level will stop people contending with you because you have a new level of grace upon your life. The scripture says you will lead from the table leading to the throne. From the table of your brother’s to the inner throne so that God can give us a ministry of execution for this is what ‘I Tony must have for Tameside and for further afield. A Jehu will bring you an accurate partnership. Proverbs 17: watchmen. Those who were against you will shift loyalties and be with you and ride behind you. God is giving you true loyal friends. 2 Kings 10:15‐17 God will give you people who not only ride with you but people who will ride along side you. Recobites were connected to Recca. Don’t drink wine and live in a certain way setting the patterns for his children for the future. Recobites were known for their loyalty to their forefathers and now Reca is connected to Elijah which is a symbol of those who are accurately connected to their forefathers. These guys came from nowhere to ride with Elijah until everything is executed accurately. Don’t represent yourself but love those who have imparted trained and put their life into you meaning represent Papa and God as your father fully and accurately. Those who come into the house will fully stand with you so you can fully finish what is in your heart.
2 Kings 9:30‐33: When Jehu stands and speaks it breaks the bondage of others by the sound of your voice. Jezebel’s power is pushed back and broken by the responding of your voice. Five minutes ago nothing could happen to Jezebel but the moment you speak people break free and the spirit of reformation will break loose on you causing people to respond to the spirit of Elisha and Elijah. You will be given the ability to rise and throw Jezebel down. None of Samuel’s word fell to the ground and none of yours will either. You don’t have to be in the domain of Jezebel in the palace but when you speak your word goes inside where you physically cannot go. Compound anointing comes with the backing of past generations such as Peter, James and John. Grace to govern and power to prevail is yours
Malaysia 2009 Jonathan David School of the Prophets