Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
John 4:1‐6: Destroying the power of the past within the environment The first thing worship should when putting the right dimensions into people should be to begin changing the environment for by doing this you begin breaking the history of the past off people thus creating for them a new history. Jesus when entering Sychar meets a woman asking her for a drink. The first thing Jesus does is to begin cutting off the past of this woman addressing an historical issue regarding the rape of Dinah as previously outlined in Geneses 33:18‐20 & Joshua 24:32‐32. Jacob historically had bought this piece of land. When Jesus sought to touch an entire environment he looks for a person as was the issue with this woman. Jesus dealt not only with this woman’s history but dealt with her religious cultural belief system not to mention her sexual attachment so as to bring about a heavenly alignment. The water that he gave to this woman was a well springing up inside of her all of which produced eternal life within her. When people enter into worship the heavens are not always reached simply because people wrestle with their own internal struggles; for it is the struggles of people’s past, culture, present sin and religious traditional mindset thinking patterns which prevents people from entering into the spirit. All these dimensions were operating in this woman’s life when Jesus encountered her. Whatever was going on in this woman was all brought to an end through the dimensions of the Holy Spirit, dimensions such as... Her past was cut off: What the devil had previously began Jesus cuts it off thus changing her history. Her cultural perspective was challenged as she was entering into new truth. – You Samaritans worship what you don’t know but we Jews worship what we do know’ for by him saying this, Jesus unveiled to her both himself as Saviour and also his heavenly father. He challenged her present state‐ The man you now have is not your husband He opened up the heavens to her: He gave her a new revelation of who she could now begin to connect with.
The purpose of worship around the throne is... To bring in a new day: A time of redefining is taking place, a time of change and urgency because heaven is looking for an entrance point into the earth. Jesus when entering in to Samaria took a detour because he knew that something was about to break out for a new day albeit this move would start through a woman. It’s a new day because God is seeking worshippers, worshippers who pulsate with heavens passion. For though God’s eyes run to and throw the earth, God isn’t looking for everyone he is looking for those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
To bring forth a new people: Not only is He, wanting a new day but a new people. God is looking for a new company of people such as sons and daughters those who have come to know him as their father. Many worship what they do not know but we must worship what we do know. This group of people found worshipping him know God as their father for they know how to present worship to him as true sons. No longer is our worship going to be presented to him by mere salvation only but be presented to him via true Son ship. If you are going to meet God then you have to come to him by key requirements. We no longer worship by ignorance but worship through our knowledge of the new birth a birth which has brought us into a father and son relationship a relationship which is personal.
To see a new generation arise: Acts 7:17 This generation chosen is not a generation that can be won by music or stage performance but is chosen by a clear calling. You cannot use the trapping of the theatre or cinema in order to hold people in a church God relationship but many do. Many churches are using the music, arts and technology hoping these things will hold people but sooner or later you must face God and face a relationship of obedience or disobedience. Often when these scaffoldings are removed people’s lack of substance is exposed for its not good enough to have a church life and no God life. Men and women are often a product of their environment and this is a fact hence why we need a different environment in the house of God.
To bring in a new order of worship accurate for touching heaven: There is a new way of approaching God but it is not established on the patterns of our fathers thinking in that Jesus when speaking to the Samaritan woman had to readdress the woman’s predecessors thinking in relation to how they should worship. Jesus corrected this inaccurate thinking patter by saying to her ‘you Samaritans say, ‘but? ‘you worship what you don’t know yet they claimed they were connected to the same forefather. People think because they are Christians they know worship but they do not know or understand the patterns for touching the throne. People attitudes when approaching worship 1. Those who worship that which they do not know: There are those who sing about him but do not know him. You worship what you don’t know but we worship what we do know said Jesus to the Samaritan woman. 2. Those who worship from a religious traditional and historical concept: These people sing about what Jesus did but have no concept of what he is doing now today. 3. Those who sing and focus on the natural things of the earth: These are informed worshipers rather than transformed worshipers. They sing from that which they naturally see and appreciate limiting their perspective to the natural realm. 4. Those who use worship him in order to gain things (selfish seekers) These are those who know and have tasted of his goodness and because they know of Gods
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
goodness toward them they approach him with an ulterior agenda. They never have an understanding of the bigger picture as everything learned and received is interpreted for their personal gain. Those who cry a carry a sound of Abba father within them but struggle in making him Lord and total authority over their life. Those who though they come to Him knowing him such as Peter when saying ‘thou art, the son, the living, and the God, for though they know him they lack the necessary submission. These people are dangerous as you cannot do anything with an un‐submitted man be aware they are time wasters. Those who have seen heard touched and proclaim him for these are the unveiled ones. These are people who have learned the key spiritual technologies needed for opening up the heavens over them. They know how to please and draw him down into their midst. Those who worship from the throne rather from a platform as the throne is the base of all operations not the platform. Your status before man does not impress the throne room. Spiritual technologies unlock key pathways in the spirit for this is what gives a person true stature before God. Those who change in his presence and are then changed into his likeness. There are those who fully represent him on the earth. These people have built the Christ the one the living and the God into their lives hearts and minds. For these people the heavens are only a call away whereas for most believers they need a church service in order for them to touch heaven.
We don’t want or need traditional worship but we do need a fresh relational way of living and of touching the throne. A clear and fresh conscience is now ours in the throne room as this is the new dynamic order of worship for the old order could never cleanse you from your past but now we can become righteous in his sight. Isaiah taught us that even though you feel like a man with unclean lips this new order allows us to worship him from the throne which for us is a fresh and living way. The old order says, you must feel good to approach God which is nothing more than religion and tradition. The dimensions around the throne will bring Gods presence near as we worship him: The presence of God will respond to the condition of our hearts. You never have to worry about God at all for if your heart pulsates for him he will come. Where ever there is a cry or fire the Holy Ghost will come to you. Remember the phrase from Jesus with regards to the woman touching the hem of his garments in the crowd due to her illness. Jesus said, ‘who touched me? Peter replied, ‘who touched you, ‘what do you mean Lord It’s a crowd. Jesus said; this was no ordinary touch Peter for that was a touch of faith. Do you know that kind of touch Peter? Peter says the charismatic’s haven’t taught me this type of touch yet Lord, well Peter, you better get to know it for you are going to need it where you’re going for if I am to build my church through you, you
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009 better get to know it. God isn’t going too far away but when we worship that which we know we rudely begin to be awakened by the breath of God upon our face. There is no school or lessons in which a bird can enrol in order they learn to sing and why because a bird was made to naturally sing showing us they naturally use that which has been given to them to bless and enrich the world and so should we.
The dimensions around the throne will bring to us a fresh revelation of God. There will always be an aspect of God that you do not know but what you don’t know will be brought to you. Isaiah 6 Holy, Holy, Holy is what is sung every time the angels cry they see a new facet of God a new measure is released to them. We will not only know God as the creator of the universe but now we will know him as father. Moses generations knew him as creator but never a father. The angels teach us about heaven for their language and content are used for though they know him they don’t know God as their father and Saviour for this is our revelation hence why angels long to look into that which we say and have entered into. Why is man so mindful that you made him lower than the angels is the question they ask. Angels say, hey God, these guys don’t know your throne like we do, they really do not know your throne like we do. We sit and function around your presence but they have to make an appointment every Sunday to get where we are. We are surely better than they are and God says to them, you guys better know your place and position for remember what happened to the last guy who wanted what I carry? You are created to do my will but you can never know what they know.
The dimension around the throne will bring a new perspective of operation: We worship him who really is at the throne as we see him from his perspective. He is sovereign and everything is governed by the throne. Nothing escapes the attention of the one on the throne. Judgement of the earth is regulated by what takes place at the throne. The cross no longer becomes the centrality as the cross is where we first saw the light but now at the throne the light becomes clearer.
The dimensions around the throne are breaking out because the kingdom is breaking out. His government and ruler ship all breaks out when he receives true worship. At the throne he receives all power dominion as it is him who is both Lord and Christ. When worship is established around the throne a new level of dominion takes place.
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
New session Revelation 1:1 & verse 10‐ I was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day
Three dimensions of being in the spirit When we are in the spirit God allows us to see dimension such as Verse 19 things of the Past Things that are taking place‐ in the Present Things that will take place – In the future Revelation 4:6 & Revelation 15:2 Speaking of the sea of glass. In chapter four it was empty but by chapter fifteen its’ full with those coming through the tribulation showing us that when you are in the spirit you can see in many and various dimension.
In the spirit world there are no time restrictions. He who is and is the one to come for God is time and when he moves he is on time showing us that God is not controlled by or governed by time. In the presence of God time is suspended hence why when you are around the throne time stands still as it doesn’t seem to impose upon your body or mind. Moses was on the mountain for forty days and forty nights without food or sleep showing us that in the presence of God even your physical body along with its fleshly desires are suspended.
When we are in the spirit we see him as he is as He is being revealed to us. When we see him we don’t get the full revelation only the revelation that he desires to be revealed to us. When we are in the spirit we see in part yet as we stay in the spirit there will be other times where more and more revelation will come to us. When more and more revelations comes we call it video download say like that of YouTube as YouTube allows you to download videos in ten minute slots.
When we are in the spirit our experiences is as real as when you are in person. Revelation 1:1 & Hebrews 6. You can feel it. All your mind body and spirit is all intact your soul is intact your emotions are intact. New age teaches this differently in that they say; when we are in the spirit our spirit leaves our body. This is inaccurate for our whole body is caught up in the spirit not just our mind or our soul for we are caught up wholly and fully intact. 2 Corinthians 12 Paul says the whole man was caught up for he felt it was so real that he said ‘I was caught up in the spirit not just caught up in an experience but his whole body was caught up. The more you live in the spirit your flesh and the pleasures of the flesh life begin to fade as your body now craves and desires dimensional food. You cannot say that you have a ministry of prayer then be overweight. You cannot enter the dimensions of the spirit realm and be alive in the flesh on the other side.
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
When you are in the spirit there are different dimensions of the spirit world: John says he was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day but now in chapter two and three he sees different dimensions as he sees the candle stick which is Jesus as well as seeing what Jesus was doing. There are dimensions in the spirit that allows you to be here on the earth yet allows you to cross over into the heavenly world. There are dimensions that allows you to feel see and touch things you naturally cannot feel see and touch although you are physically still on the earth. In the spirit dimension you can be very sensitive to what God is doing but with sensitivity there must also be discernment. Prophetic seeing should not just see but must learn to discern. A person can say you have desires but another level sees that which is in your heart is not of God.
When you are in the spirit the revelations of God become clearer and clearer so that you can respond accurately and clearly with him. In our daily life we know very little of the Jesus we say we know and live with hence why we must learn more about him simply by learning to entering into new spirit dimension. You cannot live with little substance on the other side for to go their frequently takes substance. Séances around the world are fascinated with knowing what is on the other side so much so they will do anything to touch it. Only recently on British television a séance programme was on TV in order to connect with the spirit of the recently deceased Michael Jackson in 2009. We who know that we can enter the other side for we know that if the one speaking to us is not the Holy Spirit then the one speaking is the deceiver himself. The spirit leads us into all truth hence why we can cross over into the throne room. Peter was allowed to see into the other side when seeing Jesus on the mount of transfiguration. When you enter and things are revealed new instructions come to you such as don’t weep, don’t bow, ‘take your shoes off, for if you take familiarity on to the other side you are in trouble for it will save you if you understand this.
When we are in the spirit there is a difference between sight and vision. Sight is what you see but vision is what he gives to you and wants you to see. As you are praying in the spirit you may see waterfalls and a dove these are not a message, for you are just passing through albeit whilst using your sight. On the journey you see sights but vision must carry a language of the spirit. When you see bridges waterfalls and hear the fluttering of wings this is just to let you know where you are but once this dimension and reality is over you must hear in order to see the vision. When you are driving your eyes are seeing many things but your vision must be focused so you stay accurately connected to the road. Remember in Isaiah 6 Isaiah saw the door shake as well as see the post of the temple shake along with the foundations as all this did not distract him from seeing the vision of his own lips being unclean and from this he receives a message to go and preach his message till everyone is lost and there is a stump left in the land.
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
When we are in the spirit you must fine tune your spirit in order to pick up detail and accuracy. What we are hearing to date is preparation for the greater dimensions to come. Your spirit man has to become more and more clearer so much so that from one look you see many dimensions. You must have and develop the power of observation in its purest form. In your walk with God you must be developed internally for as you develop internally you will learn to eventually pick up inaccuracies and false doctrine. You cannot pick up a little here and a little there for this is dangerous as it is dangerous doctrines that are created by devils but instilled and spoken by man. The greatest example of this was Peter when saying thou art the Lord, ‘the Christ and ‘the Son of God only then (Mark 9:6) for him to say Lord you shall never die. Peter heard and saw a dimension of the spirit but he didn’t stop to pick up the whole revelation When you are in the spirit dimension God has to give you the ability to discern the things that are and are not of Him. Human spirit, demonic spirit, angelic spirit and Holy Spirit You must have the ability to know the right spirit source. Paul said, ‘even if another angel comes to you and preaches another gospel don’t entertain it. When you are in the spirit the duration of time and prophetic timing is difficult to measure. If I am on the mountain looking to the sea I can say its five miles away and be inaccurate. If I go up higher the sea looks closer and closer. When prophetically giving an utterance don’t say in five years or six years time just say, ‘sometime in the future. You must be able to develop the spirit clarity whereby you hear without guess work. When you are in the spirit previous negative emotional feelings can surface showing us that the soul has leftovers from previous bad experiences. It is these emotions alive within us which can cause us to read things inaccurately. All these negative emotions come about by bad experiences and they can prejudice us clouding us from seeing clearly if not careful. If your spirit is hurt and wounded then what you pick up can be disastrous. When your soul is incomplete your spirit will project your soul as your soul is connected to your spirit. If a fly lands on the projector the image is magnified but the fly is small but what gets magnified it is because of that which landed inside of you. Your soul is always trying to project things on to others. When you are in the spirit you must handle sin consciousness and self consciousness accurately by overriding it with a God consciousness. Whenever you step in to the spirit, ask yourself what potentially is able to hold you back? Both a satanic consciousness and a people consciousness can hold you back. When you worry about flesh you completely ignore the sin consciousness. The God who is above you is sovereign so ask the Holy Ghost to bring you into place of inner peace. The moment you turn to self interest fixing your thoughts onto yourself rather than onto God you are in trouble. You cannot turn your mind to self interest and call it God for if you do this you will open the door for satanic movement. Peter shows us how self interest will try to bring devil
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
movements into our midst. Matthew 16 Blessed are you Bar‐Jonah meaning when you are connected to God you are safe. The next chapter verse 17 Peter then speaks for ‘himself showing us that Peter separated himself from his God consciousness as Peter operated on three different channels, God self and Satan. When you are in the spirit you may be either provoked by other spirits or even inspired by them. Paul said when you all gather together and my spirit gathers with you showing us that either God can gather in our midst or other spirits can also gather for when we gather remember other spirits of a different nature want to join with us. Just because you are in the spirit doesn’t mean you will not enter into deception and error. You don’t enter error by what God is showing you but enter by being enticed by another spirit. Remember as your flesh begins turning towards lust and other flesh appealing thoughts doors open for spirits to enter this a door is open for them to cross over. When you are in the spirit your own sprit will be made perfect making us better and better. Zion is a place where the spirits of man are made perfect and are perfected in his presence. When you enter the spirit realm, the Holy Spirit must be given room to perfect and remodel himself in and through you. When I am in the spirit I can either be caught up in the holy place or in the Holy of Holies. In the holy place I meet the presence of God whereas in the Holy of Holies I meet the person of God. We can either be in the Holy of Holies or in the presence of God. We must seek to experience all things so we can be accurately tuned to that which is holy righteous and true. If you don’t have the word of God both in your heart and mind and then you step into the spirit realm you are in trouble. This is why musicians today are in trouble because ninety nine percent of them don’t have or carry a word within their hearts and mind for they use songs when trying to enter into spirit dimensions but never word. The revival that must take place is the revival of the spirit and of the word for not one or the other but both.
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
New Session Revelation 1 & chapter 2 John meets the one walking amongst the candle stick John sees the one walking with the candle stick relating with God the father. God is not only there but is living there with the Holy Spirit. In that place the book with name of the saints written in it as everything centres on and around the throne. The one who he saw is the one walking amongst the church. Revelation 4 and 5 are chapters that Centre around the throne as everything that is worth seeing is functioning around the throne. Worship must not be centre around skills for it was Abraham that said we must go up yonder to worship. Jacob didn’t carry the song books nor did Abraham carry his guitar though they were going to worship for the only thing that was carried was firewood and a spirit ready for self sacrifice but there was definitely no music. Take musical instruments away and you find out what worship you really have in the church. Abrahams worship was from the heart of a covenanted man rather than from the songbook. The only hill that Abraham saw was not Hillsong but the hill of the lord as he ascended it in order to worship. 4.5 12, 14,15, 19 to 22 all these are chapters of Revelation that need studying before the other chapters as the other are always interpreted in the light of present day troubles and traditional teachings and all these do are confuse and pollute people. Revelation 4:1‐11 This was the revelation of the churches which are dispensations of time mentioned. (read also Revelation 3). Though What John was seeing was that which was to take place upon the earth; what he now sees is that which takes place in the throne room albeit by seeing the one who is the head of the church. If you look at the natural church you would be dissatisfied but if you can look at the one who is at the centre of the church you become very hopeful. It is so easy to see the natural condition of the church and think this is our lot but if we see from the perspective of the one who is looking for a bride then the church is powerful for the one who sees the church possess the power to become. After John walks amongst the candlestick he begins to see the true state of the church. John’s natural interpretation of what the natural church Looked like In revelation Questions that every church must ask.
1. Every church has a specific message and dimension given to it 2. Every church in the book of revelation had its own level of faith 3. Every church needed to understand the revelation of God given as this is a key to overcoming the spirit of the age in our era. If God is your father then you are to become his sons for its only when you become a true son in Christ that you truly become protected.
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
4. Each and every church needs to evaluate their own spiritual state by knowing its own condition thus working out its own salvation. 5. Every church must receive counsel wisdom and provision in order for it to be faithful in its generation. Remember where you fell put it right and then I will come to you giving you the right to eat from the tree of life so don’t grow weary. Whatever is right stay on course and don’t move. 6. Every church needed to discover the reason for its own spiritual state. I know your deeds but I have this against you says the spirit of God as a spiritual decline had been highlighted. 7. Every church must have prophetic promises. To him who overcomes I will give says revelation. John sees the state of the seven churches for when he sees this it is easy for ones hope to become dashed. We must remember this is not the future state of the church that John is seeing but the present state of the seven churches. Jesus has to take John out so that he can begin to see everything from heavens perspective rather from an earthly perspective. Seeing the heavenly bride coming down from Jerusalem is the centrality of the focus here for we must see it from the thrones perspective rather than from an earthly perspective. You must see both the present and the future state as to see just the natural church is only one dimension but we must remember that there is something higher stronger and more powerful hence why we must go higher. If everything is earthly we will not go higher. If every need is met by the natural church then we will never need a supernatural encounter. We must see that the church did not first start on the earth but in heaven as this is where we must see our purpose and function in order we polarise around the right things.
Acts 2:32‐41 Doctrine verses experience: This is the beginning of the gospel as Peter begins describing to the crowd that heaven could not explode until it first found a human body to manifest through and the one that it did manifest through was the one the religious system crucified. God is looking for a human body to flow through and one that has no limitations. You crucified this man but God raised him back to life says Peter. No matter what man might try and do the life in you must swallow up the death functioning within you. Peter said,’ This was the man given through the foreknowledge of God for the grave was removed even though you had other plans for neither man; nor death could stop him from his assignment for this was the revelation that Peter threw out at them on the day of Pentecost. Not only has he died and rose up again but now he is sat at the right hand of God giving him a position of ruling and reigning with his father. The people were asking why tongues were breaking out. Notice Peter was not part of the Charismatic move when
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
explaining the use of tongues for the first thing that Peter did was to link them to the purpose of the church through accurate doctrine. He receives a name higher than every other name as now he is honoured. At this name every name under and above heaven has to bow. Powers principalities and rulers all have to cease at the name meaning not even his personhood but they just bow at the sound of his name. He received a promise of the Holy Spirit the same spirit was to give to all those who are called by his name and are born of his nature. The same spirit that was on Jesus is the same one that would be given to us. The father makes a pledge to the son: sit at my right hand until I make all your enemies a footstool. God says; you have finished your work sit here now and God himself will now go down to make all those who are the enemies of Christ his footstool. The church that broke out had no musicians no church building no technologies but they had the power of the Holy Ghost they had the word and the spirit for they had revival and why because God had broken out amongst them. Let all of Israel know for certain: They could have stoned him by saying this Lord is Lord of both Jew and Gentile thus shutting down all his operations. Peter by saying ‘no Jew, wiped out the entire Jewish nations operations and religious practices reducing the Jew and his traditions saying if you want to be a Jew then God will no longer accept you as a Jew but the Jew must now understand the plan has gone from one race towards the globalisation of many nations. Seeing the church of the first born from a heavenly perspective.
John’s Eight fold heavenly vision (Revelation 4) Casa: meaning the seat of a judge. Thronos: Greek a seat of a ruler power or authority. Cronos meaning, his ruler‐ship. Psalm 89:14, 97:2, Proverbs 20:28 The sealed book was open and now John gets a glimpse of what was being written. Nothing in revelation can happen without the throne. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
He saw the heavenly door: Behold I saw a door opening in heaven He heard a heavenly trumpet He saw the heavenly one upon the throne He observed the heavenly elders: 4 and 20 =24 He also saw the heavenly creatures. Verse 8 these are the creatures who led in worship as they moved and spoke for as they did worship began. Lion, calf, eagle, Ox
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
and the face of man. Revelation 1:18 all the creatures displayed order as all movements need divine order 6. He saw the worship of the first born church 7. He saw the lamb and the throne 8. He saw the books that were sealed; books that no one could open accept the lamb. Four dimensions of God 1. God is a spirit who is a person who is sat upon a throne 2. God is light for this is the glory that we see when worshiping him for as we see him, there is a parallel with that of the gem stone which in this case was jasper as it is clear. 3. God is a consuming fire which is his nature that we personally know and have inherited. Sardis is a fiery red stone speaking and symbolising the blood and how it atones for us and how the fire purifies us. 4. God is love for this is the expression that we feel. Emerald is a token of his love. If you see the throne it is not a hierarchal system for it has power to reproduce its self as it reproduces its self in the sons of God. Everyone in God can have a corporate connected life as well as an individual life of their own because the kingdom is not hierarchal. Even though we have an individual life our life can never outshine his throne. Verse 6: before flashing lights and thunder the sea of glass speaks of our positioning as this is where we are brought in. Revelation is not a type or shadow as revelation is our finishing point. It takes revelation five for the seals to be opened.
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
New Session
Church unusual and the dimensions which allow us to interact with heaven There are dimensions of church still to be held on the other side and this we call heaven. Lucy walks through the wardrobe in the film Chronicles of Narnia and meets Thomas for Lucy the wardrobe was simply a place a portal which allowed her to pass through to the other side. Genesis 28: 10‐17 A certain place as it is described is a place or a portal that must be opened in order for the heavens to touch the earth. The other side as it is often termed by séances and various other magic practioners is a fascination that everyone wants to know more about before death occurs. The reason why the ladder drops from the heavens to the earth is not for angels as angels do not need ladders the ladder is there for us to climb and ascend so as we can see the other side. When you climb the ladder you begin to experience different things but that which you see is only just one part of the experience hence why we must not get caught up in experiences. Remember the ladder has runs on it showing us for every run embarked upon you see things differently and from a different perceptive as you make the journey of coming up. Jacob said after transecting with God ‘if you bless me I will get back to you for you are the God of my father and Grandfather but you are not my God yet. Jacob thought to himself; ‘I like the experience that you gave me for all those angels running up and down the ladder is really cool, God and all the angelic creatures even Steven Spielberg couldn’t design those but when I get back we will cut a deal but, by the way how awesome is this place definitely one of my most to visit places. Stereo typical thinking when it comes to understanding the power of a certain meeting place. 1. 2. 3. 4.
This is a Common place‐reveals a person’s inner sense of pride This is a Boring place‐ A person’s wrong attitude This is a Place called Know where‐ A persons inner frustration and impatience This is an Unusual place –surprised and optimistic
Most churches don’t climb the ladder and subsequently they never are able to pass through to the other side nor are they able to open up the portal and enter into something new. Many use the platform to perform rather than connect people to the other side and those that do enter tend to get caught up in the watching of appearing angels as they ascend and descend as this is typical of Charismania. Always remember angels don’t need ladders the ladder was for Jacob not for the angels. Jacob was just like many believers when saying to God, if you bless me and make my way good then I will try and make it to church. Even
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
Jacob’s wife was a swindler and a liar as she had been trained by Jacob. She stole her father’s idols and then hid them so she could go and worship all this was the natural. There is a ladder to climb and the heavens to encounter but we refuse to climb and enter into all that our father has for us and because of this the place we function and labour in never becomes a certain awesome place a place of encounter for us. Genesis helps Jacob understand that this uncertain place is a place called church unusual a place where pathways for transecting with God are opened. Jabok is the second stage of Jacob transecting with God and him coming to faith. Genesis 44:26 Judah speaks on behalf of his father. Rachel was the love of Jacob’s heart even though he had two wives. Now at Jabok the same angel that was on the other side of his experience is now found dealing with him. Before Jacobs angelic experience his brother Esau was at war with him hence why Jacob was on the run. Soon as Jacob meets the angel and wrestles with him he is instantly changed so much so that he now wants to go out in order to deal with his brother putting things right. Esau hugs him and lets him go even though there was hatred between them both. All the weapons of our warfare work for us to push even our enemies away from our midst when we climb the ladder and come to the place called change. Don’t fill your time with singing songs but use your songs with the time that you have to build and touch the other side. Our services must be able to have one song and we all corporately enter in that’s how it should be rather than us wasting all our time jumping and sweating only to touch nothing. (This is the dream centres practice and behaviour not a trial) Worship is much more than just expressing self but instead is a time for climbing and transecting with the God on the other side. If angels act in certain honourable ways such as bowing and crying Holy, Holy how can we continue having Sunday service the way we do? There are many Jacobs found in the church but the word of the Lord to them is that ‘Jacob, ‘it is time you changed for you must transect with God differently for you cannot continue to operate any other way. Bethel was so important for Jacob, for him being at Bethel was the way that he learned to transect with God when meeting him face to face. There has to be a place of completeness and wholeness in all our lives. Geneses 35:6‐10 God brings Jacob back to Bethel because Bethel is the place a reminder of the way we must now operate. Jacob say’s to his own household; ‘put away your idols and let us go to Bethel showing us that Jacob had power to influence his entire household. When you operate from Bethel you align accurately to a place of transecting with God for me and my household will serve the Lord. When you accurately align your family all the idols that are in your family’s life comes to an end. Elisha asked of Gehazi where did you go and he replied ‘your servant went nowhere. Many Charismatic leaders spend all their time going to the place called nowhere.
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
When people do or will not transect with God you have no power to hold the presence or hold the people. Ice breakers do not hold people neither does cell church or seeker friendly nothing like this holds people for people who refuse to transect with God cannot be held. There is a time called ‘Now’ when you are able to touch and open up the portal and that time for us is now. Even in the midst of the Pharisee Mark 6:19 Luke 8:46 Power was going out of Jesus. God on that specific day that you interact with him allows you though it can be a certain word, a song, chorus a certain drum beat for as you respond through these mediums you begin to interact with him face to face hence why your response is absolutely critical when you are in worship. When you break out with him he will help you go to the other side. We must gather our people to the other side changing their mentalities so that they can transect with God. If people come expecting and nothing happens then this is your fault but if our people don’t come with any expectations you as a leader must change these mentalities so that we always come ready to transect with God. Responsibility verses Authority Illustrate the leader with that of flying a kite. When you are young you thought to fly a kite all you had to do was run and when it took off you thought you were the one flying the kite when you get older you become smarter for now you know that running alone doesn’t fly the kite but through the running the wind must carry the kite. There are multitudes of people in church running around creating hot air services and the church kite still refuses to fly. When a worship service has energy but does not have nor know how to create a spiritual current the only option is for more and more energy tol be created. Most song leaders will sing four songs in the attempt to create and catch a thermal air pocket of the spirit which for many the only thermal air pocket experienced is the hot air created by singing and speaking. We sing and participate we listen to speakers and take notes but we corporately together don’t seem to able to leave the runway. If a congregation does not take off by us worshiping then the pastor must then take the reins not the worship leader and push and pull the dynamics of the spirit so as the church can begin to ascend higher and higher towards the heavens. ‘Pastors, your co‐pilots are not the worship leaders as your worship leaders are merely nothing more than flight stewards as they assistand serve you with their ministry of helps. The senior pastor is the one pulling the strings as he works and walks in the spirit. Elders Deacons men and women trained and full of the word and the ways of the spirit these are your co‐pilot because these people will join and give their best effort and strength when the plane looks destined for failure. Worship leaders on their best day can only seem to function as long as they feel good inside themselves so their leading is dependent upon how they feel rather than there is a flight schedule to keep and a destination to arrive at. Unfortunately the problem with most worship and senior pastors is
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the concept of holding the reins is interpreted as being an issue of authority rather than the taking of responsibility which is nothing more than Charismatic nonsense. When you are the one speaking you have to carry your own internal technology to surf and fly the currents of the wind because people are depending on you, and if you are the captain then it’s your response to your ability that gets people to their destination and not your authority. Acts 16: 16‐20 This lady was saying good things but Paul picked upon these things but didn’t act until the right time. If you pick something up you have to know how to act at the right time for when he was annoyed he became agitated in his internal spirit for when he did he then cast it out. The moment he cast this devil out war in the heavenlies broke out against him. When you hit it right in the spirit realm a chain reaction begins then taking place. The moment Paul broke out he was thrown into prison and from that place God begins to break out on his behalf. The office Clerk the magistrate the crowds all became involved which were all each in themselves part of what is termed as ‘cause and effect. The demon possessed girl and her deliverance was the cause the effect however was that trade and profit was affected by here deliverance. Illustrate Paul was found doing the right thing at the right moment. Silas says to Paul during the day time, Paul we should be doing something, who do we know that can help us? Paul says it is not the right time yet. 4Pm and Silas says, Paul; are you hungry? Do you think they do Pizza delivery in this place? We should be doing something and Paul says ‘no, it’s not time yet. 11PM comes and Silas is in a deep sleep just like many of church people are and Paul say’s ‘Silas, wake up, ‘Silas what, what happened who moved shoot it. Paul says, ‘I think it’s time to do something, ‘I know, ‘let’s sing a hymn. Silas says, sing, why didn’t we sing a hymn at 6PM? It’s so dark I can’t read my mind we can’t sing any way we have no words. Paul says,’ ahh’ I will teach you lesson number one Silas about the apostolic you don’t need formulated words to touch heaven it’s what you carry on the inside that counts not what lies on the external. Whatever you can carry will open up for you a portal for whether it is a song, a fresh word from the Holy Spirit as it is these things which are then able to touch people. Look where the flow comes from when using worship look to instruments such as keyboard and drums as you can feel the rhythm more easily rather than just guitars which have a tendency to cloud out the melody so easily. Psalm 84:1‐12 Say’s how lovely is your dwelling place oh God? The Psalmist says where ever the house of God dwells blessing breaks out. In this Psalms everything that is connected to the physical place becomes outrageously blessed. In this place there is a desire, heart and flesh that all sings for joy as singing songs seriously help us to build an atmosphere. It’s not fare says the sons o Korah for the birds can stay but we have to leave for the birds can raise their young at your alter but we have to leave for if we can stay in his presence leaving time to one side then we too will become blessed. No matter how good and how marvellous the word and the presence is, we think we can only have church once a week which is a
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religious church mentality. This thought says that you cannot bring people to church twice because people say that we have a life and if he the pastor calls us twice a week then he is too controlling. God only gets one chance to make a home run. The church is left singing during the move of God rain, rain go away come back another day. If you go to church you get something that you normally don’t get at home which is sad as people unplug themselves from God and connect themselves to their jobs and careers. How pleasant is the man whose strength is in you showing us that we must plug ourselves and our strength back into God so that his pathways become highways for us in the spirit. We need a Holy Ghost GPS system built on the inside of our hearts guiding us back towards him. The sons of Korah said we must push into him in order to build a highway into our hearts. If you can build these types of dimension on the inside of your inner temple you can pass through the valley of Baca which is a valley of weeping. Because you have faith, strength and word you can turn you’re weeping valley into a spring of life all because you have Zion passing through your life. Strength passes through your expressions as well as pass through your thinking patterns all because you have Zion passing through your life for after all you must appear before him in Zion. Some people say, pastor, my heart is with you oh yes then why are your feet going in another direction? If your wife would say this to you by going to your neighbour’s husband instead of your home you would be in trouble! Psalm 110:1‐7 Gods government doesn’t pass through you’re church if people just want a Sunday service. Zion has to be built in such away where his Son who art in the heavens can stretch forth his hands and begin ruling and reigning through those reaching out to him. The power of Christ must rule within the midst of both his church and within the enemies’ territory. The reasons why we cannot get our people to change is because the power of God has not yet broken over them for always remember, that on the day of his power church people will willingly begin offer themselves. First God has to speak from the heavens secondly Jesus has to work and reign in the lives of his people and when these two things happen people willingly begin to offer themselves to both God and the pastor. Zechariah 1:14‐18 & Zechariah 2:1‐6 One angel said don’t measure whereas the other one says measure and why because we are in habiting a city without walls a city with no more boundaries or limitations. God is going to give us a new strength in order to become a city without walls. Zechariah 1:18 Jerusalem, Israel and Judah meaning praise and power. God is sending skilled craftsmen so that the power of the horns become broken. The year 2010 will see this happen for the day of scattering and measuring walls is over for God is giving us the power to increase. illustrate of snakes and ladders for further consideration. Ladders are only useful when climbed for the experience of Jacob was not just for him to see like so many Charismatic’s believers today think but were instead given for him to climb. Many Charismatic’s when
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seeing angelic host would have camped right there and wrote a book then do a world preaching tour. Charismatic’s love the heavens being opened up seeing angelic host performing in their services but saying that the experience was suppose to see Jacob climb so he could go higher into that which was being opened up for him. When Satan said I will ascend like God he was seeking to cross streams in order for him to stop you going higher hence why for every ladder you climb there is a potential snake waiting to kill steal and destroy your life. Satan kills when it is easy he steals when he is given an opportunity and he destroys when you are careless for these are the reasons why snakes stop you ascending either the ladder or the hill of the Lord which in essence will prevent you from seeing the other side. You must always be submitted to those who are leading. Your gifting must be submitted to those who are leading. Have you considered my servant Job came the question for every time I go said Satan to Jobs house you are there protecting him. Every time I try and penetrate him you shield him showing us that submission brings protection. Satan kills, steals and destroys. Satan kills when you make things easy for him he steals when you give him an opportunity and he destroys when you live carelessly. Careless‐Easy‐Opportunity in this game of snakes and ladders you can use the thought of submission and obedience as the very shield that shields a believer from a snake attack.
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Session Five
The purpose of the church and how worship fits into it Matthew 16:13‐19 In Matthew the book presents the king and the kingdom but here we see the mention of the church as it is the first time the builder is introducing the church. The church did not come from the Pilgrim Fathers or from the dark ages like some suggest but it came from the throne room of heaven as its original concept plan and predetermined will was formed in him for in him he holds all things together Colossians 1:17.
1st purpose of the church is to connect to heaven in order to represent the one from heaven well. We are not connected to the guitar or the drums as these are simply superficial. Jesus asked who do people say that I am and who do you say that I am. What Jesus was interested in was whether Peter could connect to heaven and bring the words of heaven down to earth to the people in order to declare the kingdom of God. If you can do this then you are truly connected. Jesus said after Peter responded to his question, the father me and you Peter and the Holy Ghost are all connected in the same flow. That which you write sing and play must all be connected in the some flow for upon this rock, things are shaped honed and developed. When Jesus was on the earth Jesus didn’t know all things such as say the timing of the last day return showing on some issues he is in the dark just like you and me. God through the Holy Spirit was revealing things to Jesus in time and on time. When God works with the pastor the pastor doesn’t know all things hence why he must connect with heaven in order to represent the one from heaven well. When the pastor or worship leader can connect to the heavens, the heavens begin revealing things to him by revelation and process all of which begins unfolding in his time and on time. The moment you can connect with heaven and represent the heavens speaking out heavens language; you have discovered the purpose of the church. Most people are just connected to the natural abilities of a man but Jesus said to Peter concerning Peters revelation of him ‘at last Peter, you have connected congratulations now we can begin to build and do our fathers business together!
2nd purpose of the church is that it is designed to operate by and under the authority of heaven. When you operate like this it is no longer your authority but heaven its self backing you as you are commissioned in other words you personally have been given heavens commission to do the will of heaven and of your father here upon the earth.
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3rd Purpose of the church is that you begin to express the one who is in heaven 4th purpose of the church is that you begin to operate under the resources of heaven. It’s no longer your talent flowing through you but the feel and the expression that you project into the spirit realm as to do this is heavens resource comes to you. It is Gods great excuse to flow things from heaven through you and for the meeting and for the other things you do for him.
5th The purpose of the church is that it must operate with heavenly reinforcements in other words there must be an undergirding of the Holy Spirit flowing though the church. God’s supernatural power must carry both you your house and ministry for your voice must be led by a spiritual strength a strength that comes from the spirit that is lifting you. I as Tony am not able to read music but I do have the spirit of worship flowing through me for David’s wife despised David for the way he worshipped God but she herself did not have a spirit of worship upon her life a life unfortunately that got her in trouble. David functioned with the resources of heaven undergirding him by the grace of GOD.
6th purpose of the church is that it must express the kingdom of heaven. There must be government submission co‐ordination righteousness peace joy in the Holy Ghost. You as a musician must submit totally unequivocally to the pastor’s authority. Even if the pastor starts in the wrong key you must change to suit his leading you don’t rebel to suit your own way for if rules and systems were created by men then why can’t a man change the rule or system in mid flow? If I am a pastor and I want to change the musician’s practices whilst in mid flow then it must be done. If it is the last line of a song that I want to change but the musicians tell you, you cannot do this you have to go back to the chorus or to the bridge just say to them ‘rubbish’ and why, because this part of the song declares strength to the atmosphere. The musician’s role is to follow and create a run way for the meeting to take off that is all. There is an old fear and thought that many pastors have when approaching music and that is because they don’t understand music then they can have no part in it which is a lie. Another lie that pastors often say to themselves is ‘did I build this or was it God both these two fears breed confusion in the heart of God’s man. When you go to IKEA to buy a wardrobe or other furniture all the ingredients are in the box every screw wood, glue and nails but you then are the one who must build according to the makers instructions. If you want to buy ready assembled furniture then don’t call it church just call it what it is ‘a seeker
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friendly assembled church. We are looking to a God whose city and architect is a builder for the city he is building is Zion as he is a master architect
7th purpose of the church is, it is to be buoyant in the spirit world. Anything that is connected to heaven must be free in the spirit realm for this is why all musicians must carry a healthy soul as it is a soul that lives in a healthy body. Our musicians must be buoyant as this is a prerequisite for all musicians. We don’t want musicians lending us by their talent we want buoyant self controlled people in their emotions.
How to handle contrary spirits (opposite spirits that seek to destroy both you and the life in the atmosphere) 1. You must have a healthy mind. When there are snipers trying to shoot you from the church with their eyes when you are on the stage you must have a healthy mind. Or you will be under minded. 2. You have to know who you are in Christ. This brings you both a God confidence and an inner peace. 3. Your conscience must be clear meaning you must have done everything to the best of your spiritual knowledge covering all your bases. 4. You have to develop the spirit of humility there is also a possibility that you could be wrong so show yourself to be a person who is willing to learn. 5. You must always be submitted to those who are leading. Your gifting must be submitted to those who are leading. Have you considered my servant Job came the question for every time I go said Satan to Jobs house you are there protecting him. Every time I try and penetrate him you shield him showing us that submission brings protection. Satan kills, steals and destroys. Satan kills when you make things easy for him he steals when you give him an opportunity and he destroys when you live carelessly. Careless‐Easy‐Opportunity 6. Always operate in the opposite sprit when a contrary spirits is trying to flow. If you know a spirit is flowing, then learn to respond in another spirit a spirit which will confuse and overthrow the sprits trying to operate. Remember: man is a spirit with a soul living in a body. Remember also that wicked spirits live in people and possess an amazing ability to push you out of your position in God for just look at Jezebel and Hitler as they both possessed an evil spirit that pushed people and undermined them. If death is coming to you just begin to pray releasing life over both yourself and those who are seeking to destroy you as in Job 2. The more we can feel the more an attack can gather pace towards us hence why we must be inwardly stable. 7 Protect yourself from wrong reactions whilst on the platform. We cannot react we must hold ourselves together inwardly so that when we do address any wrongs we deal with it with a controlled strength. If you are sensitive to people’s sprits you must learn not to react but instead learn to deal with them in a controlled manner
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because if you project flesh and blood to spirits they will feed on that which you offer them. You must deal with this spiritual activity within people because if you do not arrest such behaviour people will then go into decline and you will inwardly become frustrated. You must learn to function with a clear conscience meaning that some people project the wrong spirit towards you as a pastor and you cannot change them. For to them they see you as the pastor your life and ministry as one inward challenge to them so when they get the opportunity to project a familiar spirit contrary to the spirit operating within you the pastor they will seek to hit hard. Carol will tell you I hate with a passion religious thinking and behaviour and I hate injustice and immature behaviour and unstable emotions found in people as I always want to go to war in order to correct it but if I do not handle myself I will feed the enemy on the wrong food. Even though I am a musician I cannot have the emotions of a musician and why because I am a human with a soul that lives in a body a body that must be controlled. I cannot release some of people in the dream centre as I dare not take them with me when I travel because their emotional outburst will kill me us and others then I will after kill them.
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Session Six Matthew 16:13‐19 continued.... When shutting down the powers of hell you shut them down by shutting down.... Every limitation: meaning whether it is mental technological geographical cultural & political whatever the limitations they must be broken. Limitations are used to keep us in when we are purposed to break free. All satanic forces: meaning oppression depression obsession suppression. The enemy will work his plan out in stages to bring everything down to his level. Ephesians 2:1‐3 The prince of the air designs a course in order to destroy the sons of God in order we do the devils will subjecting us to a certain pattern of behaviour but we must break this over and off our lives. When Jesus wanted to feed the 5000 Peter said we are geographically financially and physically out of time. Andrew said; ‘here comes a boy carrying five loaves and two fishes showing us all that Jesus needs is something to work with. Jesus had to work through the disciples and their shallow thinking patterns as they had become his obstacle for him working. The disciples had taken a look in the natural looking at the region and became limited in their opinions and thinking patterns. Whenever both God and the devil want to do things thought patterns can either become the gate way to freedom or slavery. 1 Corinthians 3:1‐4 these guys were walking as mere men which were flesh and blood and because of this the devil fed upon the flesh thus inviting satanic forces into the church. The church has the disease H1 & 1 which is Chicken Pots they tell you that when you carry the disease you will contaminate people if you come into contact with them so isolation is the immediate course of action. When people bring bitterness and jealousy into our midst we should isolate them as they will contaminate us with their spiritual activity and pass it on to us. When we stand as worship leaders we must be prone to the dimensions of the spirit so we can push out devils from our territory. False doctrines: The gates of hell or the source of hell set up the doctrines of demons through false messages Galatians 1:6‐10. People were disserting Paul by following another gospel so now Paul has to reconnect them. From Sunday to Sunday people’s minds are plagued with incorrect doctrines thoughts and philosophies; causing them to withdraw for when this happens this is a clear assault on people’s lives. Many worship leaders want to serve you cocktail worship little bit of this and that which any talented unspiritual can do. What we need is worshipers; people who both know and understand how the realm of the spirit works as well know how to work in such dimensions. 2 Corinthians 11:3‐4 If our people from week to week carry a different gospel this is a clear sign of satanic resources hitting the church. We must carry a clear message so clear that it hits and cleanses our people’s lives. You can sing like an angel but you are really a devil in
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disguise said Elvis teaching us wisdom from his words. Fill people’s minds and heal their minds until people’s minds are free but you must do this from the word not a song. Anxiety worries and all the cares of this world: these kinds of things dishonour reducing and ignoring the character and nature of God. We are people who worship the father in spirit and in truth. We worship the father and redeemer of man a God who is loving; kind and full of mercy for this must become part of our time together so that people can see that God is gracious and steadfast towards them for our songs must represent him in his fullness. Satan is in control and he wants you to become a victim of the confusion of his move. Hell will rise to change your situation so as you think God is no longer in charge by sending turmoil confusion and the likes thereof towards your life. When we lead worship we must show people that God is sovereign and that it is a real God who is sitting on the throne and we rule and reign with him. Babylon collapses and God is still sitting on the throne. John sees the natural scene of the church but God is still sitting on the throne ruling and reigning. The sources of hell will try to begin shutting down the reality of the new created life within you by causing other different laws to operate within you. You become angry and another law works within your members of your body Romans 7:32‐36. If you are happy in your inner man then another law will work against you organising other movements. When we enter into worship we do not wait for mood but instead we use our will saying to ourselves ‘I will praise the Lord. People’s emotions are affected by their moods but if you change people’s environments by using your personal will then we bring people into a new move rather than keep them in an old mood. This is a major issue of song leaders as they only move as long as their moods are in good health hence why we must develop train and empower worshipers to function by their will and choice as this is the greatest part of our salvation. Every time you make a personal choice you become more powerful than God and the devil but remember I said you were greater not more powerful as you are only greater at that particular moment as you are free to choose. Hell knows how to bring different contradictions hence we must shut hell down from operating from within us. You cannot love God with your lips but your hearts be far away. When hell begins to invade, you must remember that Satan raises and uses other human lives to work through in order to destroy the nature and character of the church. This is why we have to shut down the gates of hell so that we cannot be targeted on a personal level. Satan doesn’t turn up to you face to face for he uses others to stair you down and affect you internally. Remember all the Cesar’s of Rome were killed not by more powerful invading armies conquering Rome’s headquarters but were killed by their own people. The gates of hell operate through interpersonal relationship. Friends and wives and those close to you are used to speak to you in order to shut you down but you must learn how to shut the devil out when he speaking to you. Remember in 1 Kings 4:17 the Shunamite woman who was in debt was in debt because of a spiritual mans contradiction he was a
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spiritual man as he was former son of the prophets but his contradiction was though he was spiritual, his finances were in a contradictory position. Most worshippers do not see that there role which is to build the church with the pastor but instead they just see their role as mere contribution but this is more than a contribution for they are helping the pastor build both local house and its people. Musicians see their role as being one of crowd and platform all of which they think is there for them to contribute and express their talent. Don’t let duty and responsibility be the reason why people connect to the worship team but instead look for those who will co‐labour and build with you as their pastor. Never allow musicians to see themselves as being detached from building the house.
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Session Seven: Matthew 16 continued... Matthew 8:28‐33 When God moves in with the fathers business Jesus moves in to do the fathers business. The one who oppresses is now himself oppressed as faith frightens fear. Through his living he destroyed all the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8 Satan could not get Jesus to live apart from his father for he lived as one without sin. Galatians 5:19‐21 the deeds of the flesh are evident. God is going to offer the kingdom for our inheritance but for those who are saved are saved but those who come into son ship enter into their rightful inheritance Romans 8:14‐15. Satan can only work through the work of the flesh. The first temptation of the flesh according to the Garden of Eden was food as the enemy knew that if he can get the body he has you. Satan challenged Jesus by asking him to turn the stones into bread. Sex, needs clothing are all entrance points along with how you look and feel what you wear are all things that cause and create physical vehicles for spirits to pass through. This is why you have to present your body as a living physical sacrifice for Jesus himself had to offer himself as a sacrifice to his father. Romans 8:3 The law could not condemn sin just expose it for the law was neutral but sin is a nature as it comes from someone who carries a nature but then that nature needs a body which was Adam. God cannot condemn sin in the flesh because when this happens you die because in the Old Test if a thief stole and sinned they cut off their hands. Everything that Adams body brought in through sin Jesus body through his death took away. You have to shut down the deeds of your body so that heaven can pass through your life. Jesus came with a life of fasting showing us that man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God for Jesus shut down the wants needs and lust of the flesh. All our efforts is getting the works of the devil off our back by shutting down the works and power of the flesh for when we do this Satan has no entrance point in which to work. Through his death he destroyed all the power of the devil. Hebrews 2:14‐16. Satan once had the power of death but now Jesus takes away Satan’s power to bring death making him powerless. Jesus pushed Satan away from the presence of God thus limiting him in his works. Death has no power to hold us for there is a life in us that swallows up death all because there is a life on the inside. The power of the devil was death but now Jesus holds the keys of life and death showing us that you cannot die until God decides and not the devil. If you think of the truth that says, Jesus made a public display of the enemy a chicken whose legs and head is cut off portrays this truth well. A chicken when it is decapitated loses its head and it loses its ability to move for this is what Jesus did to Satan through his life through his death and through his indestructible life and resurrection.
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Through his resurrection he destroys all the presence of the devil. When Jesus rose again the resurrection power caused the devil to leave. Luke 4:1 Jesus was filed with the power of the spirit verse 14. You can be full and led by the spirit and that which is full and led becomes powerful. Many believers want to be filled but they don’t want to be led and because of this their fullness makes them fat and slothful but all that food must empower you to become strong. Once Jesus fills you and the spirit begins to lead you your emotional state should and must become stronger as this is the fruit that which is going in to you making a significant difference in you. So many people fill themselves with so many things that weighs them down. Isaiah 55:10 Every time the rain falls down it has a purpose which is starting a cycle of germinating the seed so that the seed becomes something. Whatever God speaks it starts a process for this word never returns empty without it accomplishing what its purpose was designed to do. The trees of the field that are supposed to resist you but now they cheer you according to Isaiah for this is resurrection power as the whole environment begins to change. Instead of the thorn bush the cypress grows which is power to change your stature. Through his indestructible life in us he destroyed all the seed of the enemy. Whatever left over seed the enemy had, has now been destroyed through the indestructible life. In every garden there are left over seeds many seeds have been dropped by the birds and many seeds have been carried to your life by other people now creating in you certain thoughts. Some of you want to be gladiators but you are the only gladiator that trips up over ants showing us that though you are strong and powerful it’s the small things in life that easily trip you up. Seeds planted in you produce worms and worms create unhealthy bacteria hence why Satan plants seeds into our hearts. Further notes on what Jesus accomplished can be found by looking at the SOP notes 2009
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Session Eight Side comments made not relating to previous topics Even heavenly worship is led by order for if the four living creatures don’t begin to lead then worship doesn’t start. It is led by those who see the revelation and by those who are led by the revelation that fully represent him well. The four living creature represent him in so many ways revealing his totality and identity as they are the heavenly model. Though they are not him they represent him as they are the manifestation of him in the throne room. They had four faces an eagle, lion, Ox and the face as the face of a man for Jesus was all these four but each one of these creatures fully represent him in all their dimensions and peculiarities. You cannot reduce worship to songs for heaven is much more than songs. When heaven sings ministering angels begin working the atmosphere for when we the church replicate this dimension on the earth then we have heavenly worship. People say we had angels in our service whereas some claim to have seen or heard angels but this is not the same as angels ministering in the actual service. We must not attract attention to angels for to do this is wrong. When you open up the heavens the portal opens up to us so that the will of the father is done in heaven as it is done on the earth for this is the pattern. Let thy kingdom come let thy will be done in heaven as it is done on earth so the question has to be who is doing the will of heaven in heaven? When God speaks the word it is done for the one who speaks it has already established it in the heavens but our power is to unlock that which has already been done for this is our ability given to us by God. Revelation we see different songs being sung such as the song of the creator and redeemer The song of the saints Revelation 6: and Revelation 19:11 speaking of the white horse who is faithful and true. God is going to bring a revival of the word and of the spirit before the plagues break out. A translator in the bible interpreted the white horse in a different way as it depicts him as being satanic where as white always speaks of Christ as white speaks of him who is pure. The translator mixes the two words Conquering and conqueror which are two different functions. You just cannot be redeemed only but instead you have to be recreated into the image and into the likeness of Christ as both of these is a process in themselves. Once you have the relationship you have to develop it by intimacy and if we sin we can be restored. If we sin fellowship is broken but relationship is not broken. It is our fellowship that then develops into intimacy. The blood works for us in order to keep us in what is termed as being unbroken fellowship because our relationship is legal. Man and wife can have a legal relationship but not enjoy intimate fellowship which then becomes an empty shell within a marriage.
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Many believers have a relationship based on and through the covenant made at Calvary but they have no fellowship with the father from day to day. When people can understand this then we can build replica worship patterns in every home city and nation for what is fixed in the heavens must be modelled on the earth for if we build it according to the pattern he will come down but there must be an alter first. Worship whether personal or corporate should connect us to God so that our fellowship with him becomes complete 2 Corinthians 6:14‐18. Come out from the midst meaning come away from anything which is wrong and unclean says Paul in Corinthians so as your fellowship be restored. God has to first become our God before he becomes your father for a father welcomes you so that you can go to the next level which is a level of coming into son ship. A list of issues that break our fellowship and bonding with Christ 2 Corinthians 6:14‐18. 1. No bonding V10 2. No partnership 3. No fellowship 4. No harmony 5. No common ground V 15 6. No agreement V16 7. No results 8. No God and father v 18 9. No son ship and identity V18 10. No habitation and no presence v19 Now if life and fellowship can be broken and the bond of inner peace be broken we must therefore find the technology for remaining in fellowship. Matthew 13:37‐43 A mixture in the kingdom. Tares and wheat which is a mixture of both in the kingdom age. In the time of the kingdom the kingdom should manifest. Lawlessness is found manifesting in many believers lives and subsequently they cannot inherit the kingdom. We must get rid of the tares in our life so we can inherit that which Christ has already laid a hold of. The end of the age is not the end of the world for when God gets all this mixture out of the kingdom the age of righteousness begins to shine and break forth for they will shine forth in the kingdom of their father Verse 38. You can be a citizen of the kingdom but not be a son of your father. In Thailand everyone is called a son of the kingdom but they are not legitimate true sons of the king. 1. Leaven is a picture of sin and it has power to influence. Matthew 13 2. Then we have the field and the treasure for you cannot have the treasure without buying the field. Matthew 13:44 3. The parable of the dragnet which takes out the wicked from the righteous. Matthew 13:47‐50.
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Sanctification is then a process that makes me holy by the indwelling choice of my mind and my inner man for holiness is not religious but a conscious decision and choice to live like him in both his nature and character. When I want this mixture taking out of me sanctification is the word and process in which my will through the power of choice changes me and this is done by and through the power of sanctification. When we come to the age of righteousness lawlessness is broken off of us. Unless the age of sin comes to an end in your life the age of righteousness and kingdom power can never come. You cannot have church and your heart be full of bitterness for if you have this mixture one has to go for only the true sons enter and inherit the kingdom. In order for TARES to be burned off God uses people who through the power of a righteous man can burn it off of you. The different types of seeds which are satanic forces try to live on the inside of our lives and subsequently they need removing so that the age of righteousness can begin to shine forth from within us. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
The seed of self and selfishness The seed of discord and disunity The seed of offense The seed of unforgiveness The seed of betrayal The seed of Satan The seed of lawlessness
God has to remove all these seeds out of our hearts for in the book of Geneses God had to send Joseph to Egypt in order to get all these type of seeds out of him even though he was a man full of vision. He learned to hold that which was working for him but he had issues of contention working on the inside of his heart. He knew how to manipulate the power of self. Jacob loved Joseph and why because Jacob saw himself through him and why because it works based on the power of seed. The parallel of Jacob and Joseph is amazing as self is deeply ingrained into both of these two characters. He saw contention rise early though his childhood seeing his mother Lea and Rachel fighting for then he saw fighting conflicts with his brothers even his father said to him give me a report of your brothers. Jacob going to prison was good for him so that the ‘me’ that was in Joseph would die for prison was good for him. The ‘me’ has to become the ‘me’ built in God for to do this kills the power of self and its seed from out of my life. The seed of the enemy can only operate when you have a carnal mind for this is the operational platform it seeks. Romans 8:1 In Christ means that if we are in Christ we will not have internal laws working on the inside of our hearts but instead we work freely hence why there is no condemnation. There is now no condemnation means there are no more barriers in our lives because there is a new law operating in us through Jesus Christ which is the law of the spirit setting us free. When you look at the law of gravity a greater law can overpower it by a greater power it’s called the airplane. Impetus Inertia and Momentum are all laws that need to be understood
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in order for the law of movement and gravity to be overcome. Force and movement and lift all work and are based on laws but righteousness grace truth and empowerment will set you free for if you do not live by this law you are pulled back shut down from further kingdom advancement and movement. Sin has to be shut down in the human body just as it was in his Son Jesus in order for this new law to kick in. When the law came in the law could never abolish sin it just restricted and exposed. Only a son made in the likeness of human flesh one who demonstrates all the fullness must show the power of shutting down the flesh by walking clean pure and holy albeit in a human body. It is by a human body working in him that brought the right and just requirements so that by them the God requirements could be fulfilled and justified that which was required. Everything that comes from heaven and happens to you must pass though you so that it has a body of its own a body that has been fully prepared for him. You have to configure that which God has said and done through your life. Heaven cannot come down unless it is first carried through a body and though a life. Colossians 1:19 & Colossians 2:9 Isaiah 61 God dwelt inside of Jesus at the waters of Baptism with his spirit and this we call the incarnate deity. God had to wait to get a body John 3:34 so he could reside in Christ in full measure. If God wants to act like the creator and healer he can do this albeit through our body. God shows us though these scriptures that God when wanting to manifest can only do it through the human body this is called the amazing incarnate body.
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Remember: the picture of a car. The car is symbolic of the church but when the car breaks the sudden stoppage cause the passengers to leave the vehicle. The vehicle is built for impact and stress but despite this it stays in control and focused. When the driver is driving the vehicle and people in the back are telling us where to go and how to drive it’s easy to become distracted and when you are distracted you can easily get hit by someone pulling out on us for as soon as the church has a bump those sat in the back suddenly shoot forward and exit the church car. The church should not be a two wheeled church but a true prophetic apostolic church must have and become a four wheeled driven vehicle. A four wheeled vehicle can drive in difficult terrains hills valleys snow even drive through rising waters. The lesson of the bus driver everyday he has one thing to do one purpose to fulfil and that is take his bus out on the designated route which is his primary assignment. He drives his bus and some people get on and some people get off this is the nature of those travelling on his bus. When he stops you never see the driver crying in sadness for those getting off. He smiles when people get on and cries when they get off for if he did this he would never drive the bus. Those getting off want to delay him on his journey and those who want to ride to the end are angry at those who stop them reaching the place called finish drive the bus for this is your primary assignment.
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
Session Nine Romans 8:4‐7 During Jesus forty days and nights which was immediately after his resurrection Jesus appeared for a period in order to speak to the disciples about the kingdom. John 20:19‐21 Jesus was on his own the father was not in him nor the spirit at this time showing us all the power was in his human soul. Jesus spirit needed God the first Adam when in the garden was a life giving soul but Christ was a life giving spirit and we receive new life when we are in the spirit for when we are in the spirit we give life to our mind soul and body. John 10:10. ‘Life and life more abundantly. Jesus said into your hands I commend my spirit so the spirit of Jesus was left up in heaven. 1 Peter 1:10‐12 what was operating in the Old Test Patriarchs was the spirit of Christ and now they were prophesying about the one that was in them. Jesus in a moment was called the everlasting father and not the father as there is only one father for out of Jesus comes a whole generation. When these guys were prophesying the spirit of Christ was indicating to them this is not about just anyone but this about the Christ. When Jesus goes down into Paradise he meets all these patriarchs and though they hadn’t met them personally the spirit on them knows him. When we read about these guys the spirit that is in us indicates to us that we know how them as the spirit witnesses with what they are saying. Remember what Peter said regarding Joel in that he said at Pentecost this is that which Joel prophesied about as God poured out his spirit upon all flesh. Recreation is not done by age but by spirit dimensions this is why we must raise a generation so we can put that which we carry into them raising another generation by touching and building and breathing upon them for when we do this their mind will catch up later. Society works cerebrally in its thinking and philosophy but spirit dimensions are not cerebral. Many of our church members are not going to change and they will die in their ignorance and religiosity but if they can give us their children we can bring a whole generation across. To them that received him he gave them the power to become like him for Jesus is the fullness of God manifested in the flesh and breathed upon us. This is why we can know the past present and future for we not only have the spirit of Christ but we have the mind of Christ making us far beyond even our own understanding. We not only know what is being said but our life points to that which was once previously spoken of by the prophets. We know and have entered into more than the prophets because we have the spirit and mind of Christ they only had the mind of God. John 16:9 The Holy Spirit is our internal processing unit once I have been reconfigured and recreated in my spirit man. That which is being said and that which has been put into me he makes it known to me. The issue is me remaining in him by walking living moving and have my being in him meaning Christ for this is where life is revealed. Before it can show up on the external screen things have to be revealed on the inside for truth remains on the inside. When I understand all the internal programmes given to me by the CSP Calvary software package I
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through the Holy Spirit has to reveal to me the programmes that speak about his life nature character and wisdom. Knowing the dimensions of Christ Life and life abundant dwelling inside of you st
1 dimension Life 1. Christ in me and I in Christ is the first dimension: for apart from him there is no life. 2. The Christ that is up in heaven is ruling and reigning but your enemies laugh at you showing you there is another dimension to be lived. 3. The power to speak and be it which is another dimension 4. We carry the written code that cancels the law of sin and death. My cultural thoughts and limitations along with other evidential works of the flesh are all cancelled through the code. 5. The seed is to reproduce his image and likeness in your behaviour 6. The power to go into the heavens touching him whilst remaining on the earth through possessing the spirit of Christ. In your spirit you have been to the holy of holies. 7. We carry within us his potential wisdom knowledge nature and character 8. The power to have the law fulfilled a law that once could never be abolished or fulfilled. 9. We carry within us the tree of life but as we trust in him we feed on him rather than feeding our own understanding. Trust in the life inside of you and not in your own thinking. 10. The power to stand on a sure foundation the foundation that the patriarchs spoke about and knew themselves. 11. Advance the kingdom on the earth. nd
Life more Abundantly: he who has the son has life 1. The Holy Spirit dwells in us in an unlimited life. 2. The Holy Spirit guides and governs us when he dwells in us. 3. When I am in the spirit I am one with Jesus for he who is joined with him is one with him as this is a dimension of Christ. You cannot live a contained life reducing the life of Christ down to your culture, experiences personality or internal fears thus capturing the life of Christ within us. We can push this off us because we can defeat the law of sin and death for no longer this law holds you this is a dimension of Christ. For where he is we also are with him from this place life abundance begins.
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3rd dynamic: Life eternal In the spirit we are allowed to minister to him God can be touched because you are living in him. When you worship you go through and by the Shekinah glory which opens up for you the veil as we are caught up into his presence. When we are caught up it is to hear things that are not spoken by ordinary people things that we are not or previously could not have heard as we go all the way to the council table. As we enter we enter in to a life that is free for us to enter. 1. Person of God is behind the veil 2. The Holy Spirit is behind the veil 3. Jesus is behind the veil as all three are in physical tangible and spiritual form as they teach us how to minister to the father & son by the spirit of truth. Remember the light of Christ never bends on substance because everything must be transparent for there is no law of refraction in heaven for light and life does not bend to and for nothing. Being caught up into his presence ministering to him exposes us so that we are transparent before him so that our worship can be seen for what it is this way heaven can see whether it is in spirit and whether you worship him in truth.
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
Session 10: Christ the Ox Christ the Lamb Christ the Sovereign one Christ the man Christ the living one all creation speaks of Jesus; Gods greatest move. Side note on Marriage, we do not marry to settle down but we marry to join strength. We do not marry hoping that which I lack she will bring to my life this is inaccurate and will lead to disappointment and frustration. The purpose of marriage is to join strength together whereas the benefit of marriage will be to receive things you didn’t enter with. Romans 8:2‐11 continued from the previous session. For the law of the spirit of life to function you must carry the spirit of Christ within you For the law of the spirit of life to function the Holy Spirit s life must function within us. In your life soul and body but you have to shut down the operation of the law of sin and of death by shutting down the carnal mind. Te first thing you have to do when you are born again is to pull your mind back and give it over to the Holy Spirit this is called shutting down the carnal mind and renewing the spirit mind What is this carnal mind? The carnal mind is set on the things of the flesh. This means the interest of men and not the interest of God for the carnal mind brings death Matthew 16:22‐23. Get behind me Satan you are a stumbling block because he set his mind on men’s interest rather than Gods interest. When you speak to people in a room there are two crowds one is totally sold out to God and the other crowd is for God but their carnal mind is also interested and is not fully set on the things of God so that when you speak you have to speak to both crowds the honourable ones and dishonourable ones which is embarrassing to the preacher. It’s not fair when you have to address everyone where there are a few who are not in and up to the same standard. When this happens when you minister truth people can become offended because you have to address the entire crowd. To be able to speak freely without thinking what will the people say is not easy hence why the carnal mind is much easier to develop For the law of the spirit to function I must understand that the carnal mind brings death to the life of the spirit of Christ alive within me therefore must be shut down. All the software life that is built into you is easy for Satan to attack hence why it has to be shut down. If you are a worshiper you cannot allow your carnal life to cross with your life in Christ because of you do this you will bring the wrong spirit into the house and the wrong spirit will also operate within you. Think of vegetables the body doesn’t like it but it is not
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about like it is about health and sustainability. Life isn’t doing what you like but doing what is right For the law of the spirit to function: The carnal mind must be seen as hostile towards God. There is enmity between of God and enmity between the seed of the serpent. Genesis the seed will bruise the head of the enemy. Whenever the seed comes to you in spirit dimension your mind reacts because of things previously sown showing you that you have a carnal mind. You have to come to the place where you say not my will but yours be done for when you come to this point you have spirituality. If you struggle for ten years with carnality and then come to the point where you finally killed it don’t give testimony as this is not celebratory for it is a testimony of rebellion and as we know rebellion shouldn’t be celebrate just learnt from. The carnal mind wars against the other members of my body creating internal conflict. This is why you become sick and lose your peace Romans 7:22‐23. In your spirit you love God but in your soul you hate your brother and because of this you have no peace with man and you have war with God. When you live like this you lose your sleep and when you lose your sleep it hits your body and when this happens you become sick all because your spirit is at war with your members. The carnal mind will not subject its self to the laws of God this is why you have to bring it down by force. You must make every thought captive and not become a captive to that which is attacking you. You must hold the thought captive so it doesn’t make you captive for to do this is pulling down strongholds 2 Corinthians 10:3‐8. If you want to be built up you have to pull down pull down every speculation and stronghold things that are inside of the carnal mind and why because it will not subject its self. The carnal mind can never please God. If you live with a renewed mind you will please God for this is my son in him I will please this was said before Jesus had a visual performance. Some mornings musicians do not play well as the drummers sticks create wings and fly out of his hands strings snap on guitars these things do not rely on performance but we do this because we love him and not because we perform for him as he will not change his feelings towards him. You think by trying harder and then never feeling the best was not good enough is because the carnal mind is speaking. The spiritual mind brings internal peace rather than the carnal mind which brings inner frustration. Remember sharks have a ministry of smelling blood and why because they are programmed by God as it is their sonar radar so that blood becomes their food. The carnal mind operates by speculation rather than by responding to the truth. Did God say’ came the question; well, it could happen I don’t know? The carnal mind questions in order to undermine rather than to learn. The carnal mind is programmed by the devil for one purpose and one purpose only and that is for destruction. How many times as a pastor if I do not make comments people think live and believe
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speculating I don’t care. You thinking this when actually they are not this is speculation based on a carnal mind this is the fruit of the carnal mind. The stock market works on speculation for the economy is stirred by speculation and this is why Babylon is satanic because it is carnally driven by spirits. Remember the carnal mind is filled with anxiety and uncertainty and when this enters you and me it brings with it all kinds of internal confusion. The carnal mind when it breaks rules schemes away of how to get its self out of trouble including lying. See a child how its carnal mind works when it gets caught it hasn’t even been to university and took a course in psychology. The carnal mind is established around strongholds in our thinking patterns. Certain areas in our thinking patterns are called sacred cows for these are the sensitive taboo areas. If you touch these areas the inner man yells and becomes internally violent aggressive and agitated. Some people are sensitive when we talk about finance justice or family life for strong authority to these people means oppression and subjection for if fly off the handle in these areas its proof the carnal mind is operating. If you talk about these things this is clear proof that the carnal mind has an internal mind because anything that is mentioned is seen as someone attacking us. You call it sensitive or objective but subjective they are not even opinionated but it’s a stronghold. Your father use to put his finger in your face and then the pastor one day says with his finger ‘we need to push into the presence of God and your carnal mind instantly says ‘ha, ha, ‘there is your father, ‘see how he is controlling you just like your father did. The carnal mind is conformed in its thinking patterns to worldly patterns and philosophy. Many of us use preachers and good men’s comments thinking they are good philosophy and then you use it but they do not measure up to the scriptures making philosophy stronger and above scripture. If you trigger one philosophy all the demons of hell like a stack of cards will fall. The philosophies of this world always operate in contradictions so beware of using them. If you keep pushing human rights people will pick up their own rights and when they do this they operate by spirit driven demons. The carnal mind cannot discern Gods will and purpose Romans 12:8 The carnal mind will destroy the life of faith within me. Romans 12: If you don’t think sound minded you will never feel faith in its measure because lies fear and doubt will be there. Your mind will create this type of doubt for Jesus said; why do you use your fear to shut down your faith. You need sound judgement as this will allow faith to rise. When you operate in the carnal mind you have wrong perceptions and these perceptions cause you to develop a wrong evaluation of life and lifestyle. Wrong perceptions of man found in Genesis 3:7‐15.
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A wrong perception of Self: I am naked I have sinned and no good I can’t stand before him I am afraid. I need to seek out my own salvation. I must have lion covering rather than have gods covering. I just want a prophetic father I don’t need a father. Bale me out is not covering this is insurance. A wrong perception of self preservation: I need to do something for myself, you understand don’t you, this is what people with self preservation say. When Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent they both were looking after themselves. My heart is with you, you understand don’t you pastor as they are heading off to do something that they know that doesn’t match up with our values and way of living. People say, pastor my heart is clean I cannot come on Sunday but you know I will listen to your message don’t you. What they are doing is for their preservation not yours. A wrong perception of our position: Adams perception was to think I cannot rule as a prince in this place for I must hide in a bush because I am a slave to sin. A wrong perception of the presence of God: Adam thought that God was coming to kill him because they violated the presence of God. When People enter troubles the first place they withdraw from is the presence of God and why because of the wrong perceptions. When you have had a though and inwardly you feel guilty your guilt says you cannot enter the presence of God for God will not welcome you this is a wrong perception coming from the carnal mind. A wrong perception of the conditions in the environment: When people see things changing they make alternative changes on their own. People look at then make their own evaluation of what is taking place and then they create from their own perception they make a judgement or a decision. When people interpret what they think is happening, the changes that you are making for their benefit causes them to move in an opposite direction. A wrong perception of the woman: He now sees that he was better off alone so now the wrong perception brings separation all because of God’s plan. It was the woman that you gave to me became Adam’s complaint. Wrong perceptions can bring isolation or separation for this is what both Adam and Eve by their wrong perception was about to do. The Perception of Satan: He is the one creating all the problems. How many believers blame Satan for their problems? It wasn’t me that did this it was another power that made me do it becomes our cry. We often say, ‘sorry it wasn’t my hand that hit you there was another power. If pastor hadn’t of said or done this I wouldn’t have responded in this way.
Come to the Throne: Dr Jonathan David 2009
Session Eleven When John was in the spirit he could hear and cry showing us that the spirit world is very real. For those who connect with the spirit find it very easy to go to the other side so much so that I have been told from a very reliable source that when you have crossed over to the other side in the spirit you have to consciously pull yourself to remain on the earth. Remember in the spirit ‘knowledge’ is given to you by sight for what you look at you either understand or you learn from. 2 Corinthians 10:2‐6 three areas mentioned here: 1. Stronghold 2. Speculations 3. Lofty things: meaning things that rise up against the knowledge of God. The carnal mind has to be arrested so that the life of God can break forth for this warfare is inside of our minds. If these things are not there yes to Gods will is obvious but if they are there you will never develop the mind of Christ. You have the spirit of Christ and now you must develop the mind of Christ. Your spirit is given to you by the sovereign works of God but your mind has to be developed as you give yourself to God. When people keep continually doing things that they know is wrong things that they said yes to it is a stronghold for its only by acting upon it that it is destroyed. Why do people react on the inside to an outside problem because the problem is alive on the inside? 2 Thessalonians 2:9‐12 I pray that we become lovers of the truth so much so that we are prepared to hurt ourselves. They loved not their lives unto death. The truth that you have comes at a cost for when you break thorough into new love you are willing to hurt yourself in order to protect the truth. When you abandon truth you are then given over to the delusions of your own carnal mind. 2 Timothy 3: 1‐6 speaks about lovers of self, lovers of money, lovers of gossip and violence and self and religion always learning but never come to the place of truth. A lover of knowledge but their folly is clear to all but you however follow after my teaching which is holding and following having a love for the truth. If you have a thought and entertain anything which is not true this is how speculation begins. If a man is speaking to a young girl your mind speculates wrongly on a wrong perception. When we have wrong perceptions or delusions the only thing that turns it around is the knowledge of God knowledge that comes from about for when we do this we are taking the thought captive. The faster you can tap into the knowledge of God the more you can pull down lofty thoughts speculations and strongholds.
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1 Corinthians 2:9‐13 We have the mind of Christ in Romans 8 e have the spirit of Christ and the last step is to have the body of Christ but you must believe. You have already allowed your spirit to be recreated by the spirit of Christ then why not allow our mind to be renewed. We are to have his mind we must find out what is in his mind for to understand this we will desire it such as.
The mind of Christ will carry... Things which; are beyond flesh and blood. You don’t receive by concluding but by receiving through revelation Things which the father reveals to you: Eyes have not seen nor has it entered into the heart of man but the father has revealed it to you in Christ all the things the father is saying will be revealed to you. Things that the Holy Spirit will reveal to us on time as well as in time when we are ready. Ephesians 3:5. Things that were not ready to be revealed are revealed now for us when we are ready or when maturity kicks in. When we need access in order to enter wisdom and open doors are revealed and opened on time and in time for in that day Jesus said do not worry what to say for I will give it to you. Things which; are in the depth of Gods hearts. Things that are hidden in Gods heart access will be given to enter and know for god will not hide anything from you. Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do and the answer returned no I will reveal to him that which I am about to do. Things which; are in his thoughts on any given issue. Things such as ‘his mind and ‘perception of a matter. What is God thinking? What is his way his view are all released to us. This is why we can walk into the mind of Christ because when the mind and the spirit agree it then shall be done. Things which; are freely given to us by God. The mind of God has access to this. Things are being released in the spirit the question is whose mind can capture it. We cannot have access to things if we do not have the mind of God on the matter. Things which are of the realm and dimensions of the Spirit. Verse 14 the natural man does not accept things that are not of God. Anything that is being spoken by God you can pick it up irrespective of who the vehicle being used. All of creation is declaring the goodness of God and the heavens declare his glory who is declaring this glory those who have the mind of Christ. The wind and the waves the hills birds and mountains speak and
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when I tony enter into this real I will understand the groaning of creation as it groans for the manifestation of God. If it groans someone must be able to hear it. Things which; God is declaring and being spoken in heaven. Verse 6: The spirit of prophesy is the testimony of Jesus. This is the role of heaven to revel to us the thoughts and expressed will to us his servants. Things which; have their origin in God. Ho has known the mind of the lord which is different from the mind of Christ. God doesn’t need anyone to help him think for the mind of God declares whereas the mind of Christ reveals and takes Gods words as being complete it does not attack it just conforms to that which has been settled and sealed. Things which; transfer Gods wisdom to us so that we can execute his purpose upon the earth. Think on these things verse 7: 2 Corinthians 4:10‐11 this scripture is telling us that we can have the body of Christ We have the mid of Christ the life of Christ and the body of Christ.