2 minute read
Welcome from our Mayor
Isaac RegIonal councIl acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land wIthIn the Isaac RegIon, and we RecognIse theIR connectIon to land, sea and communIty. councIl also RecognIses those whose ongoIng effoRts to pRotect and pRomote aboRIgInal and toRRes stRaIt IslandeR cultuRes wIll leave a lasting legacy foR futuRe eldeRs and leadeRs.
02 Welcome from our Mayor 04 Spotlight on Isaac 06 Diverse and resilient industries with global connections 08 World class workforce and labour markets 10 Enabled infrastructure supporting regional growth 12 Strategic regional planning and building business futres
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All information presented in this document is provided in good faith with every effort made to ensure its accuracy. However, as Isaac’s communities continue to evolve; information is likely to date over time. Isaac Regional Council recommends residents to check its website for the most up to date information on its towns and communities.
Now is the time to make Isaac your next investment and lifestyle opportunity.
We build, power and feed communities, and recognise the unprecedented demand for our region to keep pace with an everchanging world.
During COVID-19, the Isaac region kept the Queensland and Australian economies going thanks to our resource and agricultural industries.
The resource sector drives our economy with mining activities – renewables, coal, petroleum and gas – contributing to Isaac’s $11.92 billion total gross regional product.
We’re the largest global exporter of metallurgical coal. It accounts for 72% of Queensland’s, 65% of Australia’s, and 34% of the world’s metallurgical coal production.
We have significant growth potential, with $16.2 billion in proposed resource industry projects – with renewables on the rise.
Tourism and agriculture – beef, sheep, grains, broadacre cropping, sugar cane, aquaculture and fishing – further highlights our diversity.
We’re building positive and socially sustainable futures for our 17 unique communities as part of our continued economic success.
We’re leading, creating and connecting our people through our virtual platform Speak Up Isaac.
We embrace innovation as a transformational region through mining rehabilitation, bioeconomies and exporting Isaac’s knowledge and skills.
Come visit us and learn about how the future is brighter in the Isaac region.